#one day left to vote!
lexosaurus · 4 months
DAY SIX of the DP Side Hoes Week 2024 VOTING form has finished, and with that we only have one more day of voting! Since yesterday's Top Ten, there has been a heated battle for the top! Our current Top Ten is as follows:
Jack Fenton
Super Danny
Jazz Fenton
Ember McLain
Fun Danny
All day, Cujo and Nocturn have been duking out for the #1 spot, but early this evening, Cujo once again pulled ahead! Dani and Jack have also been in fierce competition for 3rd, and Dani is currently ahead (but not by much!). Jazz has also slowly been closing the gap between her and the rest of the competition, and finally overtook Frostbite for the 7th seat. But with the few votes in between her and her competitors, only time will tell if she'll be able to maintain that threshold.
Below 10th, we also have other characters clawing their way to the top including Amorpho, Dan, Dash Baxter, Johnny 13, and others who are fighting below. The campaign for Pookie has placed them from the bottom few to somewhere in the middle of the pack, so while they still have a long shot for the top, their comeback is admirable at the very least.
I also wanted to take a moment to highlight this response from the poll:
"the average person dies once a year" wrong. Danny Fenton, who dies multiple times a day, is an outlier and should not have been counted
We here at the DP Side Hoes 2024 stand on the side of unbiased, ethical research and thus we fully agree with this PSA and feel that it's our duty to spread it to you all.
**Since tomorrow is THE LAST DAY TO VOTE, I will not be publishing a Top 10 list tomorrow night. Instead, Bones and I will watch you all suffer until the calendar is released next week!**
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aprito · 6 months
The way that Sakura is inspired after cherry blossoms with both her name and appearance, and the cherry blossoms symbolise the transience and impermanence of life due to their short life spans. Sasori fights against a girl who represents the fleeting nature of life which completely contrasts his obsession with immortality and skurhliexbkjgfswgblpeq
LOVE that Sakura clowns on Sasori's fuckass stupid beliefs not only with her skill set but also with her entire existence. He was untouchable until he wasn't, he was smart until he wasn't, he was apathetic until he wasn't in the span of like, an hour. The best part being that the thing that ultimatively makes her so strong (her humanity and affection and care towards Chiyo) is the one thing he can't have and would absolutely lose if he were to turn her into one of his liveless bum bitch puppets.
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She really is the ultimate troll. We love her.
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bunnihearted · 4 months
i just hate hate hate society so much!!! i have no idea how im supposed to find a way to live and participate in it. i cant stand a single thing abt it. i hate everyone and everything. and the thing lazy ppl dont wanna admit is that WE are society. we create society, we allow the state to do what it does. we choose this. how am i supposed to "love my neighbor" when they are prtially responsible for what this society is???? there is nothing good abt this. it is a cruel and vicious system built on abusing and taking advantage of the vulnerable and the poor. there are no real rules; rules only apply to the ones at the bottom of the hiearchy while the rich and the powerful get away with anything. nothing is fair or just. rules and laws are only there to keep the poor and vulnerable ones down. if you have nothing you will most likely spend your entire life like that, because there is no playing far in this society. nothing is easy. even if it's hard and you fight for it you'll probably not end up going anywhere. the entire thing is rigged. and everyone chooses to just go with it. we have chosen this. and it sucks and i hate everyone and everything because life is so fucking unnecessarily hard and unfair and if you're born with nothing you'll never have anything. even if you try to play by the rules they've set. the rules are against you. and if you break the rules you're immediately punished. life is nothing but an unjust imprisonment.
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sysig · 7 months
Happy birthday!!! I hope you're having a great day!!
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I am! Thank you :D
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kdsburneraccount · 3 months
various sports rpf
nfl shipping bracket
toxic old man yaoi
Realness 🙏 hopefully one day I will be perceived as a sports rpf historian (maybe like ten years from now) (will tumblr still be a thing in ten years? idk but maybe)
The NFL shipping bracket has been an interesting experience!! Pleasantly surprised by some of the voter turnout, and I hope that people have looked at some of the ships and been intrigued by them existing 🫡
Would not consider myself the main expert of toxic old man yaoi but I am honored that that is what comes to mind 👍 I dunno if I like it extremely toxic (gasp) but definitely a big supporter of weird emotionally codependent dynamics that involve being weird and possessive and I guess that’s kinda toxic so
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These two bands tied in the previous poll, so they're butting heads again for ONE DAY ONLY(!!!) to determine who will be advancing to the next round of the Loser's Bracket. Vote for your favorite!!!
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rustchild · 3 months
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yuwuta · 4 months
ur valentine's event is so cute and creative it made me giggle 🤭 but i'm still too nervous to pick 🫣
don't be nervous, i promise they're all good options 😚😚
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manonamora-if · 2 years
Whatever the outcome of the IF Comp, my mom, who was always so against video games when I was a kid (and still after that) and never played/read any IF before this summer, absolutely adored the game and even mellowed her gaming stance. This is one of my biggest win!
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i've been delaying this as much as possible but it's finally time to check out the programs of each political party for the upcoming elections
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xoxoemynn · 1 year
wrapping up day 1 of a 2 day virtual all staff retreat and I am trying to rally for trivia at 7pm I'm so tired and have no brain left please send help.
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aroacehanzawa · 1 year
gonna kms what is this dystopia
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rotshop · 11 months
no sorry i do have more to say on this actually. this layout is so indistinguishable from twitter that i genuinely cannot see the appeal in using this site anymore because. erm. well. i have twitter right there. i can just use that if i want to. in fact i would probably like it MORE there because at least thats familiar and not some massive frankensteined overhaul of a layout that's stayed relatively the same for years upon years. yes obviously there are differences in management, but i dont like staff here either. like you all fucking remember that massive wave of bots. mobile has been a warzone. the desktop version is held together with tape and twigs.
also the excuse that this is 'to help twitter users adjust !!' is ummm bullshit and also a lie an also bullshit. like first of all that is the most condescending shit ever. every single site you use is going to take some time to learn and grow familiar with, that's just how your brain works, that makes sense. so now just totally cutting that step out is a little bit 'oh i know this is so so so so so hard for you so im going to make it unbearably easy'. do you get what im saying. also if it was just to help twitter users adjust you wouldn't make it a mandatory change for people who didn't use twitter to adapt to as well. you're literally just shifting your audience. you cant have your cake and eat it too.
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legobiwan · 2 years
This is your daily reminder to all eligible Americans to get out and FUCKING VOTE RIGHT THE FUCK NOW (or on Tuesday, depending on where you live). No, this won't be settled by 5pm next Wednesday (and expect at the very least a massive amount of caterwauling about fraud from the right, if not outright violence), but let's make it absolutely uncontestable as we can. Please please please vote.
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suprsingr · 1 year
I have never in all my life had so many emotions about a tumblr poll but oh my GOD I'm so happy Garak won, lmao. That was so tense.
#remember in the early days when he was winning by a huge margin (as is proper)#and then the memesters and inexplicable union people and actual weird purist homophobes caught wind of it#and lost their gd minds#right up until the very end there were people like “BUT IT WOULD BE FUNNY” and ''BUT M*LES HAD THAT ONE UNION EPISODE''#dude garak is not something very many people on here feel comfortable joking about#for like a thousand reasons#I adore the m*les meme but that wasn't an appropriate place for one#and you want to support the strike? whole reason garak had ziyal the teenager thrown at him and was essentially replaced by m*les#(even when it made no narrative sense)#was because of evil producers and executives. you know. the people we're PICKETING AGAINST?#out here in the real world? not the fictional ferengi one?#and wtf was all that stuff about him being a working class hero? earning his money? he lives in a MONEYLESS UTOPIAN SOCIETY WHAT DO YOU MEA#HE COULD HAVE BEEN A CELLO PLAYER BUT HE JOINED STARFLEET CUZ HE WANTED TO FIGHT. HE WORKS FOR FUNSIES. HE'S A MILITARY MAN.#he's in starfleet even though it actively makes his family's lives worse. AND his own. i'm so confused what people meant by that.#m*les just likes to suffer okay it runs in his family#if you cared about the working class and unions you a) Would Support Garak and b) Would Have Voted Rom Into The Finals#do NOT act like this was about unions. one person said it was and the rest of you glommed on even tho it made no sense.#and had little to nothing to do w/ whether or not he's the best star trek character. it was just left field and weird and it hurt my brain#then there was the homophobia. the borderline racism. the weird morality arguments that idek how to respond to.#and that's coming from someone extremely self-righteous and annoying about it. garak's my guy#tldr i like m*les ok. ds9 convinced me of his worth. to be clear i do think he's a good character#but no one was voting for him for any reason but weird random shit?? or hateful shit??#and that was just exhausting. like i'm sorry but that hurt me#i'm just so glad it's over and justice prevailed#my goodness#where's my fainting couch#/rant
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uniformbravo · 2 years
7 days is NOT enough time to read the first chapter or so of 220 webcomics
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