#olympia graffiti
chickfrommarz · 17 days
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Interesting things downtown
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radicalgraff · 4 months
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Palestine solidarity graffiti seen in Evergreen state college, Olympia, Washington
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‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’
...The song title, meanwhile, retains its own paradoxical context. Not mentioned within the lyrics, the phrase dates back to the previous year, when during a night of drinking at Kurt’s apartment in Olympia, Washington, his friend Kathleen Hanna penned the immortal line ‘Kurt smells like Teen Spirit’ on his wall. It was a tongue-in-cheek reference to a can of deodorant spotted in the grocery store earlier by Hanna and her Bikini Kill bandmate Tobi Vail, an ex-girlfriend of Kurt’s. “I mean, who names a deodorant Teen Spirit?” Hanna said. “What does teen spirit smell like? Like a locker room? Like pot mixed with sweat? Like the smell when you throw up in your hair at a party?”
Despite its playful teasing, Kurt, who was unaware of the name’s origins, interpreted the graffiti another way. “I took that as a compliment,” he said, choosing it a year later to evoke the rebellious energy that fuelled his ode to the alienated.
original article with more info here
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turbobyakuren · 1 year
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All of the Champions from the Greece story of MagiMonsters in their human forms (and in proportions most minimal!)
Below the readmore, short introductory paragraphs for each of them!
Olympia Komninou, Griffon MagiMonster! Champion of Athena. Student in archaeology at the University of Athens. Passionate and cheerful, she seeks to learn more about herself through the many challenges she'll have to face. She loves hanging out and eating out. She has the ability to store an unlimited amount of weapons in her amulet.
Iris Griva, Cyclops MagiMonster! Champion of Hephaestus. Works full time as a disciple of Hephaestus in his workshop. Takes metalworking seriously. She doesn't really understand jokes or innuendo and tends to take expressions too literally. She is a good fighter despite being a support type of MagiMonster. She has the ability to create weapons from any material and can analyze power levels of any being or object with her single eye.
Eurydice Diamantopoulou, Siren MagiMonster! Champion of Apollo. She used to be a famous singer until she lost her voice in an accident. After an encounter with Apollo, she recovered the use of her voice but can only sing, not talk. In spite of her speech mutism, her prima donna attitude makes her hard to tolerate. She has the ability to charm and entrance any being with her appearance and voice and can predict the near or distant future with no distinction as to when the events will occur.
Iphigenia Elaphiaia, Ceryneian Hind MagiMonster! Champion of Artemis. A nymph, leader of Artemis' huntress. Formerly human, she allegedly used to be a veterinarian until she was turned into a nymph by Artemis' wrath. She lost all hopes of returning to a normal life. She has endless stamina and can travel long distances without ever being caught, but cannot fight unless she is touched by moonlight.
Myrto Dimopoulou, Satyr MagiMonster! Champion of Dionysus. An artist who performs a very complicated series of stories through theatre plays, bathroom graffitis, hidden mixtapes, etc. She loves the arts and thinks of art as the most fundamental aspect of life. Her positive outlook on life and zany attitude is often mocked and shunned, but under that goofy vibe, she is a force not to be messed with. She has the ability to create wine that can produce various effects, can entrance beings with "drunken illusions" that makes them believe they're part of a theatre play's story. She can also increase the effect of a ritual and provoke madness through it.
Ophelia Papadopoulou, Harpy MagiMonster! Champion of Hermes. A teenage runaway girl who serves the messenger god Hermes, her caretaker, with whom she agreed on a pact granting her a iota of his incredible speed for the sake of doing cool tricks, but he cursed her to have no sense of directions. Oops! She's a cheerful hothead who often acts impulsively. She has the ability of flight and can generate whirlwinds and storm winds. She also can snatch one item from someone without being noticed at all.
Myrina Çelik, Erymanthian Boar MagiMonster! Champion of Aphrodite. A martial artist and fitness model, managed by Aphrodite. She's quiet and always focused on the tasks she has to perform, and in fighting she acts on pure instinct. In spite of her intimidating gaze and her reputation as a quick-tempered warrior, she is surprisingly chill, friendly and supportive. She has the ability to resist the first 100 hits in a battle, can deal a devastating blow on her fifth consecutive strike and can destroy anything on her way when she charges with her shield.
Hesione Marinou, Cetus MagiMonster! Champion of Poseidon. A priestess of Poseidon who was raised as a sacrifice to the Cetus, but was spared after she proved her worth to the sea god. Motherly, devoted and of pacifist nature, she will always aid people facing the dangers of the tumultuous sea. If Poseidon asks her to do something, she will do as he asks without any hesitation out of sheer devotion. Despite claiming that she is satisfied with this puzzling situation, she secretly wishes of a human life. In addition to aquatic powers and super-strength, she has the ability to grow in size. Her powers strengthen considerably if she is in a body of water.
Vera Aggelatou, Pegasus MagiMonster! Despite not being a Champion, Poseidon took her under his wing, as her strength easily equals a champion. She is methodical and serious, focused entirely on whatever objective she needs to accomplish and on bettering herself. Originally fated to become the Griffon MagiMonster, her life turned upside down when Olympia unknowingly and unwillingly took her place. If Olympia can use any type of weapons possible, Vera chose to only use a single weapon type to fight with: the katana sword. She has the ability of flight, can infuse her weapon with lightning and can reflect attacks with a special type of parry.
Hyakinthi Kehaya, Scylla MagiMonster! One of the two Champions of Hera. Disgraced heir of a fashion empire, she became a warrior for Hera after a series of strange events where she proved her worth. She has a good sense of initiatives and a charismatic personality, but comes across as rather self-centered when she insists on taking the lead. She and Nia are a couple with an amazing synergy, blessed by Hera. She can only become a MagiMonster on land. She has the ability to create land on water bodies and alter water currents at will.
Nia, Charybdis MagiMonster! One of the two Champions of Hera. Her real name is Ourania Dellaporta and she was the heiress of a wealthy family, but her hatred for materialism led her to commit transgressions and leave civilization to become a witch on a strange island. Anti-social and careless, she can be cruel if pushed to the extremes. Her creative use of hydromancy makes her a powerful ally. She and Hyakinthi are a couple with an amazing synergy, blessed by Hera. She can only become a MagiMonster underwater. She has the ability to create whirlpools and to alter water currents at will.
Alcmene Alexaki, Nemean Lion MagiMonster! Champion of Zeus. Current titleholder of the Divine Victory. An olympic wrestler who always seeks to push the limits of her physical performances, no matter what. This causes her to perform incredible athletic feats, at the cost of her own health. She barely cares if she hurts herself. She's a woman of few words and it's almost impossible to be friends with her. But she cares. She cares a lot. She has an indestructible skin and the ability to cut through any armor.
Chrysantha Alpha, Mu, and Omega, Cerberus MagiMonster! Champion of Hades and Persephone. A shade whose soul split in three halves (nicknamed "heads") upon her mysterious death. Each head guards one of the domains of the Underworld: Alpha, kind but plain, guards Asphodel Meadows, Mu, serious and stricts, guards Tartarus and Omega, boisterous and reckless, guards Elysium Fields. She has the ability to be impassible when guarding a given place and to analyze where a soul will end up in the Underworld. Each head has a unique ability: Alpha can summon shades to fight, Mu can bind and inflict punishments when she witnesses a "crime" and Omega can summon the strength of heroic shades.
Chrysaorus the Knight of Seasons, Kykhreides MagiMonster! Champion of Demeter. A seemingly immortal dragon knight in charge of enforcing the Sacred Law. Never talks. Obeys Demeter no matter what. Her power set changes depending on the season. She has the ability to change an area's season for the duration of a battle. She also has the ability to give special properties to fruits and vegetables.
Pandora, Titan MagiMonster! Champion of Hestia. Crafted by the gods, she is nicknamed the original woman. For her wrongdoings, she has been unfairly punished: she has been made immortan and she carries the powers of the Titans. Locked in the basement of a Neko Maid Cafe in Athens, she slumbers for a century when she uses her powers beyond a certain limit. She possesses tremendous destructive powers capable of causing catastrophes and natural disasters. The only things that holds her back from completely destroying the world is her humanity.
Aínigma, Chimera MagiMonster! Not a Champion, but her strength equals one. She claims not being affiliated to any goddess and simply does as she wishes. Due to the very nature of her powers, no one knows who she really is. She has the ability to shapeshift into any animal she wants and to be an amalgamation of three different animals. She also has the ability to conceal her true identity.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The pro-abortion radical group dubbed "Jane’s Revenge" that’s claimed responsibility for various arson attacks and vandalism since the leak of a draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade published a new letter Tuesday declaring "open season" on pro-life pregnancy crisis centers. 
The letter spoke of a supposed 30-day deadline for all pro-life groups to cease operations and condemned those "who impersonate healthcare providers in order to harm the vulnerable."
"We were unsurprised to see thirty days come and thirty days pass with no sign of consilience or even bare-minimum self-reflection from you," the letter dated June 14 reads. "History may not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes, and we’ve already seen such stanzas where medical autonomy is stripped away, humanity is increasingly criminalized, and merely surviving becomes largely untenable."
It then warns to pro-life groups "your thirty days expired yesterday." 
"We offered an honourable way out," it says. "You could have walked away. Now the leash is off. And we will make it as hard as possible for your campaign of oppression to continue."
The letter described how "easy and fun it is to attack" and vowed to take "increasingly drastic measures against oppressive infrastructures" following the expiration of the supposed deadline, saying this time "those measures may not come in the form of something so easily cleaned up as fire and graffiti."
"From here forward, any anti-choice group who closes their doors, and stops operating will no longer be a target. But until you do, it’s open season, and we know where your operations are," the letter, disseminated to email subscribers and in the form of an "Abolition Media" blog post, reads. 
The group appeals to anyone "with the urge to paint, to burn, to cut, to jam" to commit violence. 
"The infrastructure of the enslavers will not survive. We will never stop, back down, slow down, or retreat. We did not want this; but it is upon us, and so we must deal with it proportionally. We exist in confluence and solidarity with all others in the struggle for complete liberation," it says. "Our recourse now is to defend ourselves and to build robust, caring communities of mutual aid, so that we may heal ourselves without the need of the medical industry or any other intermediary. Through attacking, we find joy, courage, and strip the veneer of impenetrability held by these violent institutions."
According to the letter, Jane’s Revenge is "not one group but many," and has disseminated "communiqués from the various cells" in locations mostly based in the Pacific Northwest. 
The letter claimed responsibility for various attacks already seen in the cities of Portland, Eugene and Gresham in Oregon, as well as in Olympia, Lynwood and Vancouver in Washington state. In Maryland, the group claims to have carried out actions in Reisterstown and Frederick. 
Other locations named are Madison, Wisconsin; Ft. Collins, Colorado; Des Moines, Iowa; Asheville, North Carolina; Buffalo, New York; Hollywood, Florida; Denton, Texas; and Washington, D.C. 
The Washington Examiner has documented incidents of arson or vandalism or both targeting at least 13 anti-abortion centers across the country since the leak of a draft opinion in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. In several of the attacks, mostly lodged at Christian faith-based pregnancy crisis centers, the building are tagged with renditions of the messages "Jane’s Revenge" or "If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you."
According to the newspaper, few of the incidents have resulted in any arrests. 
The Des Moines Register reported that vandals accused of breaking windows at the Christian Agape Pregnancy Center in Des Moines, Iowa, tagged the message "God loves abortions," and afterward a message online signed Jane’s Revenge claimed responsibility and encouraged attacks on churches. 
In a letter sent June 7, Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kansas, supported by 15 other GOP senators, appealed to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland for information about how the Department of Justice is addressing "this disturbing trend of harassment, intimidation, and violence against religious and other pro-life organizations and individuals in the aftermath" of the leaked draft opinion. 
"We are dismayed that the open and public urgency with which the Department of Justice undertook efforts in the name of public safety last year is not being replicated currently to protect religious and other pro-life organizations and individuals," the letter says, claiming the DOJ "wasted no time" in publics responding to threats of violence against educations and school administrators related to COVID-19 back-to-school policies. 
In its most recent terrorism bulletin also issued on June 7, Department of Homeland Security warned of a "heightened threat environment" in the coming months, noting "individuals who advocate both for and against abortion have, on public forums, encouraged violence, including against government, religious, and reproductive healthcare personnel and facilities, as well as those with opposing ideologies.
Last week, a California man was arrested after showing up outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh with a gun, ammunition, a tactical knife, zip ties and various burglary tools. The affidavit says the suspect dialed 911 and admitted to intending to assassinate the conservative justice to "give his life purpose" following to the leak of the draft decision on abortion rights. 
How to get labeled a terrorist organization with just a letter.
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seattleru · 2 months
Новости Сиэтла - 25-03-2024
Дроны скоро могут помочь Западной Австралии очистить граффити вдоль автомагистралей штата.
В Сиэтле граффити стало серьезной проблемой, поскольку штат тратит все больше средств на уборку, сумма достигла 1,4 миллиона долларов за последний двухлетний бюджетный цикл. Департамент транспорта отметил увеличение количества граффити на различных сооружениях, включая мосты, эстакады и строительные площадки. Это привело к проблемам в поддержании и сохранении инфраструктуры из-за нехватки финансирования. Сенатор Марко Лииас подчеркнул необходимость инновационных решений, таких как использование дронов для быстрой и эффективной борьбы с граффити.
В июне планируется запустить новую пилотную программу, охватывающую регион Пьюджет-Саунд и северный коридор вдоль магистрали 5 в Спокане. Программа нацелена на значительное продвижение в решении проблемы вандализма граффити и на поощрение уважения к общественным пространствам. И хотя первоначальный проект закона предлагал использовать платные дороги и камеры на рабочих площадках для выявления вандалов, итоговая программа не обязывает этого, но поощряет изучение таких вариантов. Кроме того, Департамент транспорта рассматривает возможность создания официальных общественных пространств для художников-граффитистов в качестве потенциального долгосрочного решения.
В целом, предпринимаются усилия по решению проблемы граффити в Сиэтле путем сочетания технологических инноваций, привлечения общественности и стратегического планирования для поддержания архитектурной привлекательности города и целостности инфраструктуры.
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Источник: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/drones-could-help-wa-clean-up-graffiti-along-state-highways/
После предполагаемого поджога занятия возобновились в зале джиу-джитсу «Олимпия».
В Сиэтле тренажерный зал, основанный Оуэнсом, стал центром сообщества за последние два десятилетия. В зале тренируется разнообразная группа людей, включая ветеранов боевых действий, полицейских и молодежь, которые ищут позитивное направление. Этика Оуэнса сосредоточена на помощи людям в преодолении трудностей через джиу-джитсу и поддержку сообщества.
Один из участников, Кларк, был принят в зал и поддержан Оуэнсом, когда не мог позволить себе оплатить занятия. Однако поведение Кларка вызывало беспокойство, что привело к инциденту, когда его нашли с канистрой бензина. Несмотря на это, Оуэнс решил поддержать Кларка, вместо того чтобы обратиться к правоохранительным органам.
Ситуация обострилась, когда в зале произошел пожар, и улики указывали на Кларка как на поджигателя. Видеозапись с камер наблюдения показала, что человек, соответствующий описанию Кларка, проник в здание и поджег огонь. Кларка арестовали, и его представляет государственный защитник, который утверждает его невиновность.
После пожара члены сообщества, такие как Крийя Харт, тренировавшаяся в зале девять лет, считают его своим вторым домом. Несмотря на трудности, они настроены восстановить зал и продолжить поддерживать друг друга в пути к личностному росту и благополучию.
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Источник: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/after-alleged-arson-class-is-back-in-session-at-olympia-jujitsu-gym/
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Day 5! Today we went to the ancient ruin of Nemea. We learned that Nemea was more of a religious complex than a city, though it did have supporting infrastructure for those that tended the temples. Primarily, though, Nemea was the site of games every four years involving city states from all over Greece in honor of Zeus. 
Our tour guide, Ilias, started by guiding us through the museum of artifacts found during the excavation of the site. We learned that this was one of four Panhellenic stadiums in ancient Greece (Olympia, Corinth, Delphi, and Nemea). Every four years it would host 30 to 40 thousand Greeks who would have to stay in tents outside the stadium. 
Ilias went on to explain that during the archeological dig they found coins from many major city states and that’s how they can determine which ones were present at the games. The excavation was primarily undertaken by Stephen Miller from UC Berkeley, as well as Greek archeologists. The original complex consisted of several guest houses, the houses of those that worked within the temple, treasuries to store offerings for Zeus, a complex bathhouse, a temple to Zeus, and a stadium. During the 6th century BC, at the height of the Byzantine empire, Christians built a basilica on top of the former guest houses with stones from the temple for Zeus. Barbarians from the north then raided the area and it fell into ruin and actually became a marsh. Then in the late 19th century, the marsh was drained and the site was rediscovered and several excavation projects began.
We then toured that actual dig site and got to see everything we had just learned about. Then Ilias took us to the stadium. To walk from the complex from the stadium, the patrons had to walk past an old locker room (from which a few columns still remain) and through a tunnel. One patron carved his name into the stone to create what amounts to 2,000 year old graffiti. We ended our tour within the stadium, which had a basin with water for the patrons and a packed sand track. Some students raced each other while some enjoyed the breathtaking countryside of Greece, either way, all the students found the experience enriching and interesting. We were very grateful to Ilias, our tour guide, for his wisdom about the site, to Silvia, our trip planner and cultural expert, for her joy and enthusiasm, and to our professors for their continued care and dedication to making the trip run smoothly! 
-Daniel Sieminski
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riotgrrrl200 · 2 years
History of Bikini Kill 
Another incredibly influential band to shape the Riot Grrrl movement was Bikini Kill. Forming in 1990, the band consisted of three women and one man: Kathleen Hanna (lead singer), Billy Karren (guitarist), Kathi Wilcox (bassist), and Tobi Vail (drummer). Bikini Kill started in Olympia, Washington and was a reaction to the male-dominated punk scene. As previously mentioned, they were able to greatly influence and help the Riot Grrrl movement gain popularity. They were the first ones to coin the term “girl power” before having that term stolen from pop bands like the Spice Girls. The saying was originally the title of a zine written by the Bikini Kill band members that was a way of giving women a voice. The zine was titled, Bikini Kill #2: Girl Power and was published in 1991. Though it may be off topic, another interesting thing about Bikini Kill is that the members were friends with the members of Nirvana before they had formed the grunge band. In fact, Kurt Cobain’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” came from graffiti that Kathleen Hanna wrote on his bedroom wall when she was drunk. 
The band quickly gained popularity when they moved to Washington D.C. and they have reported that they felt as though the people who lived in D.C. understood their message. Bikini Kills music often focuses on themes of rape, empowerment, equality, and domestic violence. This type of music was an expression of the pain and suffering that women and other marginalized groups frequently face. The people of D.C. openly embraced this punk music and instead of being faced with heckling and harassment from listeners, the people in the crowd (including many men) danced and became fans of the band very quickly. 
Kathleen Hanna drew on many personal experiences in order to write her songs. The experiences included but were not limited to those of domestic violence and rape. She disclosed that one of the reasons why she wanted to be in a band was that she was able to create a safe space for people with similar experiences or people who resonated with any of the themes that are discussed in her music and need somewhere to feel accepted, without judgment. 
Zines, also known as fanzines, were also frequently used to reach out to the public. Kathleen Hanna and her friends would print out lots of copies of “Riot Grrrl” in hopes that one day it could become an actual magazine which would discus themes of feminism and music. Riot Grrrl eventually became much more than just a zine, instead it became a full blown movement and had activist groups. There would be meetings where the members would talk about empowerment, safety, support and organization within the punk music scene. Soon, the fanzines were distributed throughout the country and the meetings spread through pen pals as well as people making their own fanzines.
While the fame the band was getting was great for the cause, it also became dangerous. The band members were frequently receiving death threats as well as hearing about real murders in close proximity to where the members lived. In order to publish the zines, they needed an address and that ended up being the home in which many of the members lived. This would mean that they received many letters that threatened them and told them horrible things about what some people wanted to do to them. Hanna stated that the more letters and hate mail they received, meant that the band was on the right track and their message was getting out to the public. The hate letters mostly came from men who were very fragile in their masculinity and could not handle the idea of powerful women making a difference while challenging their sexist and misogynist ideals. 
The impact that Bikini Kill was able to have was massive and was able to stir up the Olympia area so much that they essentially needed to go on tour to get out of town. Hanna stated that she felt that her shows had so many women that loved the songs and knew every word yet also had men who absolutely hated all of the band and would harass them at their performances. In addition to the band being able to give women a voice was very impactful but perhaps what was even more important was the fact that women all over the country were starting bands of their own. Eventually the band did end due to the immense amount of pressure that the band members were under. Each of the band members moved on and got different jobs in different fields except for Kathleen Hanna, who is still performing in her new band, Le Tigre. Bikini Kill was able to do so many positive things for many different groups who have faced discrimination but mostly the band helped women. By fighting for women’s voices, Bikini Kill was able to show thousands of women that they are allowed to be angry and they can voice their opinions. While this may have infuriated many close-minded individuals, their music was able to open many peoples eyes to the idea of independence and girl power. 
References: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/bikini-kill-was-a-girl-punk-group-ahead-of-its-time/2012/11/18/3fdc61bc-31d8-11e2-bfd5-e202b6d7b501_story.html
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brn1029 · 2 years
On this date in music history…man oh man,was it ever a day that many of us will never forget,for many many reasons…
October 20th
2018 - Tom Petty
On what would have been Tom Petty's 68th birthday, the city of Gainesville renamed the former Northeast Park, a park where a young Petty had often visited, as Tom Petty Park.
2014 - John Holt
John Holt, reggae singer and songwriter who first found fame as a member of the Paragons, died aged 67. Holt penned 'The Tide Is High' made famous by Blondie.
2014 - George Harrison
The childhood home of former Beatle George Harrison sold at an auction at The Cavern Club for £156,000, ($250,000). The three-bedroom mid-terrace home was where The Quarrymen held some of their first rehearsals before the band evolved into the The Beatles in 1960.
2011 - Bob Dylan
US photographer Barry Feinstein, best known for taking enduring pictures of musicians such as Bob Dylan and George Harrison died aged 80. Feinstein was responsible for capturing more than 500 record sleeves, including Harrison's All Things Must Pass album and the cover photograph for Dylan's album The Times They Are A-Changin. The Rolling Stones sleeve for Beggars Banquet shot in a graffiti-covered toilet, was also Feinstein's work.
2003 - Cheryl Tweedy
A jury found Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Tweedy guilty of assaulting a nightclub worker. The singer was sentenced to complete 120 hours of unpaid community service and was ordered to pay her victim £500 compensation, plus £3,000 of prosecution costs. The singer had denied attacking toilet attendant Sophie Among ok-a, saying she only punched her in self-defence. The charges stemmed from an incident at the Drink nightclub in Guildford, Surrey, on 11 January.
1983 - Merle Travis
American country and western singer, songwriter, Merle Travis died of a heart attack aged 65. Acknowledged as one of the most influential American guitarist's of the twentieth century. Wrote 'Sixteen Tons' 1955 US No.1 for Ernie Ford. He appeared in the 1953 movie From Here to Eternity singing ‘Reenlistment Blues’.
1977 - Ronnie Van Zant
Ronnie Van Zant, Steve Gaines and Cassie Gaines from Lynyrd Skynyrd were all killed along with manager Dean Kilpatrick when their rented plane ran out of fuel and crashed into a densely wooded thicket in the middle of a swamp in Gillsburg, Mississippi. The crash seriously injured the rest of the band and crew who were due to play at Louisiana University that evening.
1976 - Led Zeppelin
The Led Zeppelin film 'The Song Remains The Same', premiered in New York City. The charity night raised $25,000 for the save the children fund.
1969 - The Who
The Who played the first of six nights at New York's Filmore East performing a two-hour show featuring the songs from 'Tommy.'
1964 - The Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones played their first live concert in France when they appeared at the Paris Olympia.
1962 - Boris Pickett
Bobby 'Boris' Pickett and the Crypt Kickers started a two week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with 'Monster Mash', it became a No.3 in the UK eleven years later in 1973. The song had been Banned by The BBC in the UK, deemed offensive.
(…and THATS why we left!)
1960 - Roy Orbison
Roy Orbison had his first UK No.1 single with 'Only The Lonely' and his first of 33 hits. The song was turned down by The Everly Brothers and Elvis Presley so Orbison decided to record the song himself.
1955 - Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley and Bill Haley and his Comets both appeared at Brooklyn High School auditorium, Cleveland.
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mew-f-0 · 4 years
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Chalkin around downtown
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radicalgraff · 1 year
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Graffiti in Olympia, Washington in solidarity with the struggle to defend the Atlanta Forest from being cleared to make way for a massive police training facility dubbed 'Cop City'.
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olygraffiti · 2 years
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"Love" written on a sidewalk. #love #graffiti #olywa #olympia #streetart #streetartphotography #urbanart #urbanexploration (at Olympia, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXrvMmOPcUJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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neoluxmagazine · 7 years
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Olympia (USA)
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thatheathen · 5 years
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queergraffiti · 6 years
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“queers r gay”
found in a bathroom at a bar in Olympia, Washington, USA
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y-d-i-w · 6 years
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Olympia - “It won’t be the torches that are burning next time” - paint on backer board on commercial building - #olympia #graffiti #graff #graffito #veggjakrot #граффити #duvaryazısı #grafite #gurafiti #art #painting #tag #streetart #urbanart
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