#okey now I sleep
cashmoneychiyo · 1 year
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Thank y’all for enjoying a very entertaining and chaotic chapter, 90% of that chaos coming from Ribbons alone
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can never say no to NozaMikoChiyo shenanigans, and am also very intrigued by those NozaChiyo crumbs indeed!!
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twas a very fun and educational(?) chapter on figurines too!! may there one day be a new GSNK figurine based on this chapter, maybe one that can be a useful body model for the final OP (head optional)!!
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glitzybunny · 1 year
Thinking about Jerma Meat Grinder monologue
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skunkes · 1 year
okay i did wanna post a timelapse before sleeps so here's a quick smunker (the cropped doodles are there for moral support + so i could gauge size and such since i had to make this on a new canvas to record!)
i know its not da same as traditional, full length speedpaint/timelapse but i hope someone gets anything out of these quick ones ^_^
also full before i edit its colors lol
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ink-ghoul · 1 year
Villagers are running an anarcho-socialist society with common and available contraceptives. We know it's an anarchist society because they don't exhibit any heirarchy but also do not install any figure of power (golems) unless there is a clear need (Villagers will summon a golem only if they are convinced that there is a threat present). They also do not exchange any currency amongst themselves, and support their group by distributing the food the farmers produce to those that have none. They do use emeralds to exchange goods with the player, but it's pretty clear they are also highly suspicious of them, and do not consider the player part of their in-group. Villagers are only willing to produce an offspring if the socio-economical conditions for their prosperity is met. That means food be abundant (they have their inventory filled with vegetables), and living quarters are provided (there are spare beds in the village). I do not know if the fuc*gets also shot*
whatever happens between the sheets it's none of our bussiness 🤝, love wins and it's all that matters, thank you for enlightening us with your knowledge, it's been nice.. *passes out from the bloodloss caused by the gunshot wounds*
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cowcowwow · 10 months
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dualisume · 6 months
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|| I would lie if i said that Furina is an angel && innocent -- & didn't do anything wrong in her entire life , when in fact yo girl committed a lot of crimes . && it's not a crime of stealing or killing, but the crime of turning a blind eye towards her nation's other problems -- it's true that furina is forced to play the role of an archon , and she is clueless about everything , but at the end of the day she is a ruler, the biggest foundation of Fontaine --- && it means that she should rule over all problems && struggles of the nation however it was pointed out that furina is only there for the theatrics of trials && extravagant events -- && she leaves the other important stuff for Neuvilette to handle . WHO is AS CLUELESS as she is when it comes to human things. It is notable that Fontaine is the nation of justice but we didn't see anyone out side fontaine get judged by furina or the oratrice ( until childe happened) , && it wouldn't be famous with that title if crimes aren't rampant in the society , && Furina being only interested on breaking the prophecy -- && awaiting for the most magnificent Trial that focalors had promised , she had turned a blind eye to the crimes && problems going on in her nation , why would she do that you ask? Well it is because, if there's no crime, then there is no one to put in trial , therefore the trial she was waiting for wont happen if there's no criminals. && due to this Ignorance && focus on the prophecy, Furina had failed to see the growing problem within her nation. Namely.
- The increasing number of orphans in fontaine. - The Black markets where orphans are being sold. - The seemingly slow progress of Aquabusses - which there are only few that are really working ones && others are ruins. - Existence of the underground area in fontaine city, which is obviously the place where the ' poor ' lives . - The Culprit of the serial disappearances of young women which took so long to finish ( Traveler has to be there for it to be solve like wut?) - The rejection of Gards when solving problems ( This is why Spina de Rosa exists for poor people) - The meropide having their own ruler & rules set ( I don't see this as a problem but furina's lack of association with what is going on with the criminals after trial made the Fortress of Meropide break makes her clueless on whats going on down there )
All in all this won't happen if Furina is a good ruler && isn't ignoring this -- but then again , I claim that Furina is never a GOOD RULER , she is only a GOOD IMAGE that people of fontaine wanted to see && wanted for teyvat to see , that they have a God who is unlike any other , God that is strong , omnipitent & is in there for them to worship & Criticize . God that is created for the sake of pleasure & leisure only cause she is A GOD OF WHAT PEOPLE THINKS OF A GOD, an IDOL . But this doesn't mean furina didn't tried to fix things-- on her own ways of fixing things --- this is where the Fontaine Child Service Welfare came to place, the charities , the dinner parties, the all kind of social events, which she uses to help the orphans --- but then again there is only few things she can only do, && this is why she is always says the line ' I wish I could have done more ' cause she knows that she have her lacking -- & she knew that she has sins , mistakes that she made.
&& she isn't ignorant of this mistakes -- && actually take responsibility for those mistakes , we see this acknowledgment in poisson && althrough out her character quest && this is why i love her so muchhhh .....
Cause just like focalors said she is the perfect human, && a perfect human doesn't equate to someone who is an angel , & an innocent person, -- who didn't do anything wrong in their entire life , who suffered for others for 500 years . A perfect human focalor was talking about is the furina who had experienced goodness, evilness, -- being able to choose what is right or wrong , being unaware of the sins & crimes she made, being helpful without knowing , being able to be ignorant for the sake of other important things. Having Flaws, Being Petty. BEING NOT PERFECT -- cause humans are not perfect -- , and it is why furina is the perfect human cause she is not perfect to begin with..
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desperatepleasures · 7 months
um i still can't draw but I started sketching out the colors/design for my fursona and I love her
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kavehater · 8 days
Good morning everyone I might be momentarily free of the shackles on the girl who shall not be named :D
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keeps-ache · 8 months
now i cOULD go to bed righ t now. OR i could start writing at 3 a.m., as is the usual ritual
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irndad · 1 year
hi im back! okey so def can see spencer still wanting to hug and snuggle with you even when fighting or mad at each other. he even gets genuinely ??? confused ??? when you try to sleep on the couch instead of in bed at night. he holds you and either reader or him is like "i know we are snuggling right now but i am still super pissed off at you." lol i can just see it. he may be petty when mad but he wont stop trying to touch you bc its a biological need of his and no argument is more important than needing you 🥺
enjoy this I did it very fast!!!! ily
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He knows he’s not easy to be with sometimes. She would never say it, but it’s true. He doesn’t always get the jokes, sometimes pushes things too far and without even knowing it the ground gets pulled out from under him. 
And sleep- Sleep is so complicated. The memory of the first time she slept in his bed is etched into a place he could never erase. Spencer had always had trouble sleeping, either fear or alertness plaguing him into the late hours of the night. He used to lie awake, the kind of exhausted that feels like it’s seeping out of your bones, while constantly facts he’d unwittingly memorized about how sleep deprivation can cause brain damage. 
But then she’d come into his life. All soft words and gentle disposition, and there really is something magic about the way that everything just dissipates when her warm, soft body curves into his own. He’s slept well almost every night since. 
Except today, she isn’t coming to bed. 
It’s his fault, and he knows it. He wasn’t being fair. She hadn’t seen him for two weeks (and he hadn’t slept nearly enough without the weight of her form beside him since the last time he saw her) and she’d said that she wanted to be prioritized more. 
“I haven’t seen you in weeks, Spence!”
His head was killing him. Was it actually possible, for a headache to kill you? Her voice is audibly upset, and it’s alarming how he could be the cause of it. 
“Please,” he had said through labored effort, “Can we talk about this later?” 
“When would you like to talk about it? Because I don’t ever know if you’re leaving-“
“Do you even know what it is that I do?  That it’s not a choice for me to go? I have to do this. I can’t pick and choose and honestly, I don’t want to. If you don’t get that, we’re not doing what I thought we were doing.”
It sounds foreign, his own voice. And it’s after he’s said it that the sick taste reaches his throat because oh, that means the end. Her lovely face is unreadable for a brief moment, before something like grief splays over her expression.
It’s silent for a beat, and Spencer wishes he could swallow the words back up, rewind his life like a battered VHS tape where he’s not so stupid to mess up the one thing that’s ever brought him peace.
“You’re not yourself, Spencer. I’m gonna give you a minute.”
A minute, it turns out, is hours in the living room. She hadn’t left, thank fucking god, but she hadn’t come back. Of course she hadn’t. She wasn’t the one who needed to apologize. 
He’s just so tired. 
He thinks of her so-sweet voice, the curve of cheek- the junction of her neck and shoulder, and how much he would like to have her pressed against him. He pads out into the living room like a nervous puppy, and sees her sleeping on the olive green couch she had picked out. Her hair was splayed across the arm of the sofa, and her head laid on a throw pillow, their fuzziest blanket draped across her form. 
His first thought is how low he’s dropped, that he’s jealous of a blanket. 
His second his that she is not coming to bed. He sits beside her gingerly, and the scent of her body wash lingers in the air. 
“Are you planning on coming to bed?”
“I didn’t think you’d want me to.” He can tell she wants to sound cold, but the truth is much worse; she sounds guarded. 
“I always want you to.” It’s the most honest thing he’s said today, and it’s just not fair, how much he revolves around her. How he has waited 14 days, 13 hours and 34 minutes to hold her again and managed to ruin it within the first 20 minutes of having seen her again. He grabs her hand, soft and pliant against his in a way that almost makes his heart leap. “Please? Come to bed?”
Her gaze softens, the warmth and light that guides him back in her eyes, and he hopes his relief isn’t too visible. It’s then that she drinks him in. It feels too revealing like she can see right through him. His clothes are old. He’d rushed off the jet to see her, and the half moon circles under his eyes only lend to the unimpressive picture of himself. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” she breathes, touching the side of his face. He instantly leans into it, the contact more than he’d be willing to give up to save his dignity. “Come here.”
She wraps her arms around him, and he pulls her into his lap, squeezing her tight to his chest, like she might disappear. 
“I’m still mad at you,” she says, looking at him with such affection it betrays her words.
“That’s okay,” he says into her collarbone, “As long as I still have you.”
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joybabyjune · 3 months
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Pairing: Frank Castle x fem!reader (Matt Murdock has a tiny role too)
Summery: You’ve been casually sleeping with Frank for a while now, but you decide you need something more stable and go on a date with Matt (who you don’t know is Daredevil). Frank shows up on your date to show you who you belong to (maybe in a public bathroom 🙊) and to show Matt to back off 😈.
Warnings: Explicit (minors dni!!!), semi public, unprotected piv, oral (m receiving), little bit of praise kink (good girl, attagirl), little bit of degradation kink (slut, whore), dirty talk, tiny bit of exhibition kink, sort of cuckolding Matt. Think that’s it, feel free to let me know if I missed anything!
Author’s note: This idea was stuck in my head for so long and I finally finished it! I hope you guys like it. I would love to hear what you guys think, so reading notes will make me happy! And if you really like it, please reblog so others can enjoy as well. You’ll make my day and it’s completely freeee.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language ✌🏼
You’re sipping on your second beer while you chat and laugh with Matt. After working together for over a year now, he finally asked you out.
Matt is a good guy. He’s everything you should want in a man. Reliable, kind, not a murderer on the run for law enforcement that most people think is dead... You mentally kick yourself for thinking about Frank while on a date with Matt. There’s no future with Frank. You shouldn’t want him. You need someone more stable in your life, someone like Matt.
“You okey?” Matt asks sensing your mind is elsewhere.
“Eh.. Yeah, yeah, I’m sorry. You were saying?” You ask, shaking your head as if you’re shaking the thoughts of Frank from your brain.
“That this new client is really gonna make a difference for Nelson and Murdock..” He continues talking, but your mind drifts again while you look around the cozy, dark bar at all the people who decided to get drinks tonight. There’s a few couples, a group of co workers who look like came straight from their office jobs, a few middle aged men at the bar that you feel safe to assume are regulars and then your heart stops for a second as you see him.
Frank Castle is sitting at a table by the window, sipping on a beer. Your eyes widen when you make eye contact and he nods at you as a way of saying hello. You wave back almost nervously. How is he out here in public?
“Want another beer?” Matt asks, bringing your attention back to him.
“Eh, y-yeah, thanks.” You say. You’re so glad that your date is blind and didn’t see your interaction with the criminal he told you to watch out for.
What you don’t know is that Matt has already sensed Frank from the moment he entered the bar. He has been noticing his smell on you for the past months as well and it doesn’t sit right with him. It’s part of the reason he asked you out tonight, to get your attention away from the other man.
You grab your phone while Matt orders your drinks and hold it up to Frank to show that you’re gonna text him.
You: What are you doing here? What if anyone recognizes you?
Frank: Don’t you worry about me, sweetheart.
Frank: Saw you go in here with that lawyer guy..
You frown at your phone. Is he.. Jealous? It’s the first time you’re on a date since you started seeing him, but you didn’t think he would mind. It’s all been pretty casual between the two of you.
Frank: Looks like a date..
You look at him and he raises his eyebrows to urge you to answer him.
You: It is.. Matt is a good guy. He would be good for me. Reliable, available..
You look at him and see him scoff as he reads your text. You know it was a low blow. The only reason Frank is away most of the time, is to make the city a saver place.
Frank: Yeah? That what you want? A good Christian boy?
You: Yes.
You lie and Frank knows it. You should want a guy like Matt. Matt you could bring to Thanksgiving dinner with your parents and your mom would, for once, not be disappointed in you.. But you and Frank both know you like the danger and excitement of your little arrangement way too much. For months now, Frank comes to your apartment on a regular basis. You have amazingly intense and kinky sex and have the best conversations while eating takeout afterwards. Sometimes he stays the night and sometimes he leaves while you fall asleep, but either way you’re left alone until the next time he has a night to spare.
Frank: So full of shit.
Matt comes back with your drinks before you can write a reply, but you scowl at Frank.
“Thanks.” You say taking the drink from him and smiling extra brightly, to convince Frank you’re having fun.
“Sorry it took so long, was very busy at the bar.” He says, holding his glass up to toast with you.
“Oh don’t worry about it.” You say as you touch his glass with yours before you glance at your phone.
Frank: Did you let him fuck you?
You: Not yet..
You look over at him and he scoffs again as he reads your message
Frank: Think he can fuck you like I can?
You gasp when you read it and you see Matt frown. “Something wrong?” He asks.
“N-no.. Just need to go to the bathroom for a second.” You say. “Excuse me.”
You don’t go to the bathroom. You walk straight to Frank and sit down next to him. “What the hell, Frank.” You hiss.
He just looks at you. “Tell me.” He finally urges. “Think he’ll fuck you like I can? Cause I don’t think he can.”
“Oh please.” You scoff. “Think very highly of yourself, Castle. I think Matt will manage just fine.”
He laughs dryly. “Just fine, huh.” He says. “Think I do just fine? Well I remember that differently, sweetheart. I remember you begging, crying out my name, barely being able to walk..”
“Stop that, Frank.” You hiss through your teeth. “I’m trying to give this thing with Matt a chance. I need something more serious in my life than just some good dick every once in a while, okey.”
“Oh now I’m just some good dick, hm.” He chuckles through his nose and looks to the side before looking at you again and licking his lips. He places his hand on your bare thigh, right at the edge of your dress. “You look good. Got all dressed up for your little date, huh.”
Your breath hitches at his touch. And your stupid body reacts instantly to his. “Y-yes..” You say.
“Got something pretty underneath it too?” He asks, fingers toying with the hem of your dress.
You swallow thickly. “No..” You say honestly.
“No?” He asks in disbelieve, knowing what you have in your collection.
“No, I’m not wearing anything.” You say smiling teasingly. “Felt like doing something risky for my date.” You like to make him jealous. It feels good to know that he wants you and doesn’t want another man to touch you.
He growls a little. “You gonna let him get under this dress tonight?” He asks.
“I might..” You say.
He grips your thigh tightly and leans in so his mouth is at your ear. “Let me remind you first..” He says. “Of what you’ll be missing if you do that.” His lips connect to your neck and he slides the tip of his tongue over your pulse.
“Frank..” You whimper, you brain clouding over. Why does he have to have this effect on you?
“Bathroom.” He rasps. “Now.”
Your eyes widen and you look at Matt. He looks unfazed as he drinks his beer, his back towards you. You know this bathroom. It’s beat down, broken lights and mirrors, graffiti everywhere and it has multiple stalls, so there’s no way you can get away with this without anyone noticing. “I can’t, Frank..” You sigh.
“I said. Now.” He says. You almost moan at his demand and get up. “Attagirl..” He says as you walk toward the bathroom, your feet moving on their own accord.
You can sense him following you closely. He pushes you into the bathroom and slams you with your back against the door to barricade it before crashing his lips on yours.
He lifts you up and you wrap your legs around him. Your dress hitches up to your hips and you moan in his mouth as he rolls his hips into your, basically bare, core. “Hmhmm.” He hums and he breaks the kiss. “That’s what you need, huh?”
“Frankie..” You whine a little, but you know he’s right. “But-“
“Shh shh shh.. No buts.” He says and lifts your dress up more so it bundles at your waist. You feel your naked folds against the rough material of his jeans and you moan loudly. He snakes one hand between your bodies and slides his fingers through your soaking slit. “Fuck..” He mutters to himself. “That for me or for lawyer guy out there?”
“Y-you, Frank.. You..” You say, your voice breathy, as he starts rubbing circles on your clit.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” He grunts. “Pretending to be a good girl, but you’re just a little slut for me..”
“Frankie..” You moan, sounding desperate, but you know he’s right. “Please..”
“Hm? What’s that?” He rasps against your throat. As he presses on your clit harder.
“Oh fuck..” You pant. “Frank, p-please.. Need more..”
“Oh yeah? That slutty hole needs to be filled?” He asks. “Why don’t I get Murdock to do that for you, huh? ‘M sure he can help you out.”
“N-no!” You gasp and grab onto his shoulders desperately.. “Need you, Frank.. Need your cock.. P-please!”
He growls and mutters something under his breath while unbuttoning his pants. You can barely hear it but it sounds like. “Hear that, Red.” You frown but get pulled out of your thoughts by Frank slamming his cock inside you without warning.
“Oh my.. Fuck!!” You cry out, fingers digging into his shoulders. You keep forgetting how big he is.
He growls loudly. “That’s it, take it..” He says as he starts thrusting right away, not giving you any time to get used to the intrusion. “Tight fucking pussy.. So wet for me.”
There’s a knock on the bathroom door that you can barely register. “Taken!” Frank rasps loudly, giving you a particularly hard thrust that makes you cry out loudly.
“Y-you’re so bad..” You whine. “T-they can hear us.” You add in a whisper.
“Let them..” He says. “Let them hear what a whore you are for this cock. That you let me steal you away from your date and fuck you in a public bathroom.. ‘S because you belong to me, hmm?”
“Frankie..” You whine.
“Right?” He growls through gritted teeth.
He’s never been this harsh, but you’ve also never been this aroused and you can feel your orgasm building up fast. When you don’t answer him, he pulls out. “Nooo, don’t stop!”
“Say it..” He growls and rubs the head of his cock against your clit.
“Ohhh.. I-I’m yours, Frankie! P-please!” You moan.
“That’s right. Mine.” He growls as he sinks back inside you.
Your eyes roll back in your head and he starts fucking you with deep, hard strokes. “I-I’m gonna cum..” You pant into his shoulder. “Please don’t stop..”
“Good girl, cum on my fucking cock.” He rasps, never losing his rhythm.
You cry out when you explode around him and immediately know that no man can ever top this. You’re addicted to Frank Castle, even with all the hassle that comes with him. “Fuckkkk!”
“That’s it, attagirl.. Can feel you squeezing me..” Frank talks you through it.
“Oh my god..” You pant as you come down from your high.
“Think I’ll send you back to your date with me dripping down your legs, hm, how ‘bout that?”
“Noo! Please don’t!” You chuckle.
“No?” He asks shaking his head with a smirk on his face. “Better get on your knees then.” He adds and he pulls out.
He lets you down and you quickly get on your knees. You don’t care about how dirty the floor is, you need this right now.
His cock, wet from your juices, glistens in the dimmed lighting as he holds it in front of your face. He’s rock hard, the veins are pulsing and his balls look heavy. He’s definitely close.
You ‘open up’ when he tells you to and he slides in as deep as he can until you gag. “That’s it.. Attagirl..” He mutters and he slowly starts thrusting into your welcoming mouth, one of his hands resting comfortably on the back of your head, the other pushing the door closed above you. “Look at me..” He orders and your eyes shoot up to his. “Gonna make sure that if that fucker tries to kiss you, that he knows you belong to another man. Cause this fucking mouth’s mine too, hear me?” He growls, speeding up his thrusts and making you gag again.
You make some sounds to agree with him, not being able to talk. “Fuck.. Gonna give you my cum.. Fill up that pretty mouth..” He groans loudly and his hips stutter while you feel his load land on the back of your tongue.
You gently suck his softening cock to get every last drop before letting him slip out and swallowing the proof.
“Fuck you..” You sigh as you rest your head back against the door.
He chuckles silently. “That good, hm?”
“Shut up..” You smile lazily.
“Still think he can give it to you like that?” He asks as he tucks himself back into his pants.
“No.. Don’t think anyone can, Frank..” You say honestly. “And I hate you for it. You ruined me..”
“Should have warned you for that.” He says smiling down at you smugly. “Gonna get up?”
“‘F you give me a hand.” You say and he helps you get up on your shaking legs.
“Fucking Frank.” You curse as you look in the mirror. Your hair is messy, your makeup messed up and your dress is all wrinkled.
He chuckles. “Go end this date, I’ll be waiting in your room for round two.” He says slapping your ass and leaving you in the bathroom to freshen up.
“Thank you for your patience.” You hear him say to someone on the other side of the door.
Your eyes widen and you pull your dress down just quick enough for two women around your age to walk in.
“‘M s-sorry..” You mutter without looking at them. They don’t say anything, just disappear into the stalls.
You quickly try to salvage what you can and hurry back to your table.
“I-I’m sorry, Matt.” You say sitting down.
“You okey? You were gone for a while.” He asks.
“Ehm.. N-no, I don’t feel so well. Think it’s best if I go home.” You say as you put on your jacket and grab your purse.
“You sure?” He asks, frowning a little, and you get the feeling the question is about more than just you going home.
“Yes, I’m sorry.”
“Shall I walk with you?”
“No, that’s okey. I’ll eh, I’ll see you tomorrow at the office.”
“Alright.” He says looking a little disappointed.
“Bye.” You say, hugging him and hurrying home.
To Frank, once again.
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sanspuppet · 6 months
Hi!! What do you think of NOT SHY hard dom Yeosang, like one night he just flips a switch and shows you who he truly is behind closed doors, and is SUPER confident and commanding w the deep voice of his..
I mean most of the time ppl make him out as kind of shy-ish or brief during sex but what if he's really not like that.. and he's fed up w the sweet boy image, bc even mythical angel men crack at some point..
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W/T: smut, unprotected sex (don’t), fingering, established relationship, pet names (baby)
omg i highly agree with you T-T, also thanks for the sweet words, lov you too <33
duh okey so i just read your ask again and noticed a couple details… and now i fear it doesn’t perfectly suit to your thought… im soso sorry if it doesn’t but i still tried my best “-“
“Yeosang has been a teasing all day”, you think to yourself while showering. The way he touched you… the way he spoke to you with that fucking tone he knew would drive you crazy… the way his tight undershirt exposed his toned biceps… but it was unintentional, right? You can feel your core soaking wet, and it surely isn’t because of the water drops falling over your body.
You internally yelp, hearing someone knocking on the door, the deep voice of Yeosang coming from the other side:
“Babe, how long it’ll take?”
Your mind is taken away from your thoughts, bringing you back to reality as you stutter to reply him. You turn off the showerhead, letting him to hear you better: “n-not much, almost done.” you reassure him, leaving hesitantly the shower to dry yourself.
“Okey, please come to our bedroom right after you finish.” You nod, putting on slowly your underwear.
Minutes after, you exit the bathroom, still nervous about the effect he had on you the entire day. Laying next to him this night, will be a fucking torture, seeing his gorgeous face while sleeping like a baby, but the intentions you’d have for him not as innocent.
And now, you see Yeosang’s bare back as you enter the bedroom. He throws his undershirt on the chair next to the nightstand, turning around to look at you, his stare diving into yours. Your breath gets heavy when he tilts his head, wanting you to come closer.
“Lay down, baby” Yeosang indicates the bed, his confident voice making you genuinely obey him, bouncing on the mattress as you throw yourself on it. You gulp, when your eyes catch the figure of his body stripping. His clothes falling quickly on the floor, as he positions himself in front of you. Your mouth hangs open when you get to see his boner standing between your legs, asking to yourself if you could ever take it all the way in.
“You okay with this, darling? Want you so bad right now.” he questions. You don’t think twice before nodding, though this situation got you off guard, you’re surely not going to complain.
Yeosang smirks, his hands grip the sides of your panties, dragging them down your legs. He moves then apart your knees, so he could get a better view of your already dripping cunt. “Fuck, so pretty for me.”
You can’t even pay attention to what he’s saying, your mind’s already full with the sight of his hard dick, ready to dive into you. You feel Yeosang’s hand raising your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with him. He presses his lips on yours, bringing you back to his face. “Eyes here baby, want you to look at me when i’ll fuck you, got it?” You blink a couple times, your heartbeat accelerates as you feel his other hand sliding beneath your nightgown, your breaths getting sharper when he brings it slowly up your chest, reaching your breast. Yeosang reveals a satisfied groan, feeling your softness under his touch. Either way, you’re kinda surprised finding out that new side of him, that side that you drooled for the past two years of engagement, still you’re in disbelief about how you could have resisted all this time. As if he could read your mind, he searches for your lips again, sucking and biting on them to get a better taste of your sweet yet addicting arousal.
“God, i’ve waited so much for doing this”
The temptation between you two grows stronger than ever, his hand lands on every inch of your body, trying to catch your softness under his grip. Suddenly you feel two fingers stimulating your sensitive corner, the unexpected friction causes your muscles to tense under the weight of Yeosang’s body. You roll your eyes back, biting your lower lip to hold back any reaction. He’s looking at you with disapproval in his eyes, attacking your consumed lips another time, getting you to let out whimpers between your devouring kisses.
“gotta prepare your tight cunt for later, don’t you think?”
Yeosang inserts two finger inside your sobbing entrance without any hesitation, making sure to hit every sweet spot, rubbing his fingertips against your aroused corners. You can feel his warm breath against your neck, your hands are caressing his naked back, trailing down his spine, your soft touch out of tune with his decisive way to pump your pussy with his slender fingers, sends him goosebumps, wanting you to loose yourself on him.
“Fuck… I’m going to add another one”
Without even waiting for you to articulate any word, he slides into you his ring finger, a low pitched groan escaping his mouth, loving the feeling of your hot, creamy walls sucking his fingers, wet ropes already dripping out of your pussy, with him stimulating your sweet spot simultaneously. You can’t help but keep whining his name into his ear, holding yourself on his shoulder, your nails leaving scratches over his light skin. You feel the heat in your stomach growing, your body more sensitive than ever before, trembling and spasming as he pushed his fingers deeply into your cunt.
“Fuck fuck fuck, Yeo- c-close, don’t stop-“
you keep babbling, feeling your mind getting quickly foggy, focusing on nothing but the immense pleasure his touch is giving you.
“Yeah baby, cum on my fingers.” he chuckles at your desperate state, speeding his pace as you start moaning louder. “All wet and ready to be fucked” he leans over you ear, whispering: “You’ll clench like this over my cock too, won’t you?” his words booming inside your head make you instinctively tensing your lower muscles, squeezing his fingers buried into your pussy. “Yeah just like that”
You can feel it, the pleasure turning into pure arousal, your legs are shaking uncontrollably, to your amazement, the orgasm reached you faster than it has ever did, your juices spreading all around his wrinkling fingers, dripping out of your overstimulated sex.
“Mmmh fuck! it feels so good… Yeo…” you whimper finally, breathing in deeply trying to regain yourself, and get off of your high. Yeosang sits with a proud smirk between your legs, caressing your inner thighs, fighting not to concentrate too much on how hard, almost hurting, his cock is, needy to dive into your heavenly pussy as soon as it could.
“Just imagine how good you’ll be all filled with my cum.”
You nod mindlessly, in fact, despite you’re still not over your previous orgasm and too sensitive to be fucked again already, you want more, you need more from him.
“Yes, please… want you inside-“ you fight to articulate such a simple phrase, yet you feel distraught by how his suave fingers dived into you.
Yeosang doesn’t respond, he slightly smirk, chuckling joyfully, surprised by your slutty side he has never found out till tonight. He grabs forcefully your ass, lifting it up at the angle where he could fuck you better, kneeling in front of your soaking cunt, his cockhead slams against your clit, having you letting out another frustrated moan, impatient to feel his warm member worshiping you to its limit. Lewd, squelching sounds fill the air inside your bedroom, as he starts pounding you, the sound of his pelvis slamming against your thigh gap give him the ecstasy to act rougher, to slide into you faster. Not that it would be hard, feeling your wet folds embracing his length so fucking well, even you are amazed by the flow between you two. Yeosang’s mind go numb as he feels for the first time the closest possible to you, he fucking loves it, he doesn’t want to stop. the opportunity to finally mark you as his, lets his possessive self getting frisky, pumping you like a man who had fucked hundreds of time would do. Groaning, exasperating, hissing the shit out of his lungs, he feels amazing and he wants to demonstrate it.
“Fuuck- my balls prepared a big load for you, my cum will leak out of your pussy for days until i’ll breed you fully again.” his previous sharp thrusts are getting now sloppy, his precum keeps releasing, your mind had lost any coherent thoughts from minutes ago. Yeosang stares at the way your tits bounce every time his cockhead kisses harshly your deepest spot, the view drives unconsciously his body towards his orgasm.
“Mmm yeah so tight and warm, fuck i love it”
he trows his head back, loosing his pace as he feels overwhelmed by the pleasure, all he can do is rolling his hips back and forth, accompanying the both of you over the edge. You don’t even realize that you’re jabbering quietly, your mind feels dizzy and only what you can think about is how good it feels to be full with your boyfriend’s cock:
“p-please… inside… cum- fuck…”
Yeosang surely loves to see you like this, he promises to himself that he’ll fuck you dumb at least every three days. He keeps to bury his dick inside your cunt, till you feel ropes of hot cum shooting into you, and it doesn’t stop, his cock releases his seeds until Yeosang could see it trying to leak out of the small gap between your inner walls and his cock still buried in them. You finally let out your last moan before the second chanting orgasm hits your lower abdomen, you arch your back by the irresistible stimulation, feeling how Yeosang’s length twitched inside with you.
“How do you feel, baby?”
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moondustpugh · 13 days
Okey, I just saw your re-post of the music video of expresso by Sabrina Carpenter. And it occurred to me (bc you do a great job basing fics on songs) that you should write a fic of Joe head over heals for reader based on the song of expresso. Just giving you and idea, if you don't want to is totally Okey ❤️
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Joe's thinking about you every night. Is it that sweet? You guess so.
Author's Note: To celebrate 300 followers, here's a little gift. Thank you all for the love! Currently, I have been obsessed with this song and Sabrina. So, I'm so glad that you requested this! Thank you for this! Enjoy! :)
Disclaimer: 18+, smut
Wordcount: 2.1K
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It was midnight. 
Joe had been tossing and turning for about an hour already, and he couldn’t seem to sleep at all. He took a deep breath and turned his body so that he was laying on his back and gazed up at the ceiling. The light from the lamp post outside slightly reflected through the crack of his window curtains. The night was quiet, and his mind kept pondering about the thought of you. 
“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” Joe whispered through your bare skin as he left repeated kisses on your bare back. 
You giggled softly, looking over your shoulder. You were laying on your stomach, and Joe had moved himself closer to you. His fingers gently tugging on the duvet to expose your bare back, his lips finding your soft skin. He planted soft kisses all over your back, his long lashes tickled your skin as his fingers stroked your back softly. 
“I can’t get enough of you, I swear.” Joe murmured. 
Chuckling softly, you turned your body to face him. Joe hovered over you as you pulled the duvet closer to your chest. He grinned happily as he leaned down and kissed you softly. His hands slowly slid the duvet away from your naked body and his hands roamed your sides. A small moan escaped your lips as he parted from the kiss and trailed his lips down and traced the line of your jaw. Then, his lips found your neck as he sucked on the skin lightly, making you moan again in his ear. 
“God, I love that sound.” He murmured through the kiss. 
“Hmm…” Smiling through the kiss, you curled your fingers through his hair and pulled him down close to you. 
Joe pressed his face on your chest, planting a soft kiss on it. If anyone would ask him, he would prefer to stay in your arms forever. He could happily stay here and just indulge in every part of you. However, that was not how life works. So now, he was laying in his bed alone and couldn’t sleep at night because all he could think about was you. All he could think about was your soft skin under his touch. The sounds you would make in his ear, and your soft lips on his skin and his lips. 
God, he was so head over heels. 
He didn’t even realize it until now. You were running in his mind 24/7 and when he tried to push the thought of you away, he only missed you even more. Grabbing his phone from the bedside table, he saw that it was 12:30 am already. Pursing his lips, he opened up his messages and stared at the screen for a moment. 
Still awake?
He sent the message and waited. After a few minutes, he saw the three bubbles popping up on the screen. A smile immediately tugged on his lips. 
You were working late because you had some reports that still needed to finish. Your mind has been somewhere else, and you have been trying so hard not to stress too much about your work. Though, here you were up late and finishing up reports for work. When your phone vibrated next to you on your desk, and you saw Joe’s name appear on your screen, you immediately grinned happily. You needed a little distraction after a long day.
Still working. Why are you still awake?
The text message that you sent to Joe sent a warm feeling in his stomach as he smiled at your text. 
Can’t sleep. I can’t stop thinking about you. 
Biting your lower lip, you grinned at his message. You couldn’t help but think how the last two months that you have been seeing Joe, you have been so happy. You didn’t even care about the fact that your friends kept telling you to be careful because he was an actor. That he might just immediately change his mind and find someone else. Though, that wasn’t what it was at all. 
From the way he kept calling you every night, you didn’t have the time to feel insecure at all. He kept telling you that he was always thinking about you, and he couldn’t even sleep because he only wanted to be next to you. 
He was too sweet. 
You couldn’t relate to the desperation that your friends would act when it came to their boyfriends. 
Aww! :( Want me to come over? 
You bit your nails, grinning cheekily as you waited for him to answer. Joe, who immediately sat up on his bed, reached over to turn his lamp on. He stared at your text and then shifted his eyes towards his clock on his bedside table. 
Yes, please. 
He stared at the text for a moment before deleting it. What the fuck was wrong with him? Why was he acting like a 16 year old boy? At his big age too. He couldn’t help but chuckle at himself for acting so stupid over you. Rubbing his forehead softly, he stared at his screen and didn’t know what to reply to your text. He never acted like this before, not even with his exes. He didn’t know what it was that he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about you. He couldn’t sleep because of you. He kept thinking about how beautiful you were. He kept thinking how smart you were and such a hard worker. He couldn’t really describe it, but he was just so deep in his feelings for you since you two had started seeing each other. He was feeling so drunk of you like he had drunk ten espresso shots every night before bed. 
It’s okay. It’s late. Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow?
He typed the text message and sent it to you. He was right though. It was literally past midnight, and he was bothering you because he couldn’t sleep. 
What an idiot. 
Exhaling a sharp breath, he set his phone down on his bedside table and gazed up at the ceiling again. After a few minutes of silence and no reply, he figured you had fallen asleep. His mind wandered back again at the thought of you. 
“Don’t be cheeky.” Joe laughed, pressing his face on your neck.
You had told him a dirty joke, and he couldn’t stop laughing. The way he was literally hooked with your humor all the time. The one little joke made him all flushed and flustered that he was hiding his face from you.
“That’s not fair. Don’t hide your cute face from me.” You grinned, lifting his head and cupping his face between your hands.
Joe’s chocolate button eyes sparkled as he gazed down at you with a loving smile. You loved seeing him like this, and you certainly love the fact that you could make him act like this. 
Sighing, Joe closed his eyes and pushed the memory away. 
He needed to sleep. 
This was getting ridiculous. 
Pulling the duvet closer to him, Joe settled himself comfortably in his bed and closed his eyes. He forced himself to really sleep and as soon as he started drifting off, he felt the mattress of the empty side of his bed dip. For a moment, he thought he was just dreaming. Then, familiar arms wrapped around his torso, and he knew exactly who it was even if his eyes were closed. 
He was thanking his little stars that he gave you that spare key for his flat.
“It’s late.” He murmured, holding in his smile as he pulled you closer to his body. 
You let out a soft approving hum, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. Even in the dark, you could see his beautiful facial features as you softly stroked his cheek with your fingers. 
“You can’t sleep lately.” You whispered. “I’m worried about that.”
“It’s your fault, you know.” Joe teased.
You laughed softly, moving yourself on top of him, straddling his hips. 
“Yea?” You trailed kisses on the line of his jaw and then down his neck. 
Joe had to bite his lower lip to stop himself from moaning. He swore if he was dreaming right now, he would hate his brain in the morning for giving this much of a vivid dream about you. He was already folding for you, and his brain was now betraying him even more? 
This was so foul of his dreams to do to him. 
“Yes.” Joe gasped the word as you ran your hands down his bare chest. “I think I’ve gone mad.”
You smiled through his skin as his fingers curled around the strands of your hair as you kissed his bare chest. You loved that you could wrap him up around your finger, and he would just fold under every kiss you left on his skin. You never had anyone act like this over you, and you were enjoying every minute of it. 
He was adorable like this. 
“Hm…” You smiled, grinding against his hard member that was between your legs. “I can help you lose your mind even more.”
Joe’s fingers immediately curled at the back of your head, pulling you down for a hungry kiss. Smiling, you giggled softly through the kiss as he tugged on your shirt and pulled it over your head. Soon, he was tugging on your pants too and it joined the rest of your clothes on the floor. 
You reached your hand down to grab his member, wrapping your fingers around it and slowly slid himself inside of you. Both of you gasped softly as you helped him thrust inside of you. His lips were sloppily kissing you, his tongue licking your bottom lip. 
“Shit…” Joe groaned softly as he trailed kisses down your neck. 
Your hands found his headboard as your pace quickened, and it only made Joe moan louder as he found his lips on your nipple, sucking on it softly. 
“Ah—Joe.” You arched your back as he moved deeper inside of you. 
He could hear your voice sounding distorted and far away as he continued to suck your nipple and then trailed his lips up on your neck, sucking the skin softly there. He wasn’t the kind of man that loved to leave a love mark, but he couldn’t help but leave one on your neck and then on your chest. You moaned softly as you leaned down and buried your face on his neck, feeling your walls tightened around him. 
“Love, you’re so tight.” He moaned. 
You kissed him hungrily as he thrusted faster inside of you, your legs trembling and feeling the pleasure build up in your stomach. Joe had forgotten everything around him. He had forgotten what time it was. He had forgotten about the fact that this all started because he couldn’t sleep because he couldn’t stop thinking about you. 
You were here. 
You were really here. 
You were in his arms, and you were making him forget his name. He could feel the pleasure build up in his stomach as he flipped the both of you over, and he was hovering over you. He thrusted deeper and faster inside of you, your toes were curling and your nails were scratching down his bare back. 
“Come for me.” You whispered in his ear, making Joe tremble from the way your voice sounded in his ear. 
He usually was the one who was able to make his exes feel like this but with you, he was weak. He would do anything for you. He never felt this way about anyone before. With shaky hands, he reeled you in his arms and pressed your body against his flushed one. 
“Right there, baby.” You moaned in his ear. “Don’t stop.”
You gasped, your nails digging into his skin deeper as pleasure crashed over the both of you. Stars exploding at the back of your eyes as you screamed his name. Both of your bodies shuddered, both panting together as Joe collapsed his heavy body against yours. 
“Holy shit.” Joe cursed under his breath, still panting. “You’re literally amazing.” 
You smiled, trying to catch your breath. You stroked his curly hair away from his sweaty forehead and planted a soft kiss there. 
“Now, you could sleep.” You joked, making Joe scoff at your little comment. 
“No.” He whispered, pressing his face on your neck and nibbled on the skin lightly. “We’re gonna be up all night.”
You grinned widely, flipping the both of you over so you were on top of him again. 
“Hmm… Don’t challenge me.” You smiled deviously under the dark. 
“You’re the one who’s been keeping me up all night, so don’t challenge me.” Joe retorted back. 
You laughed softly, kissing him hungrily again and grabbing the duvet from behind you. Covering the both of you with the sheet, Joe tangled his fingers through your hair as you both blissfully enjoyed each other’s flushed bodies against each other. 
Time had frozen, and Joe didn’t care if he needed to be up early tomorrow morning. You were literally the espresso shot that could keep him up all day and night. 
Somehow, that was enough for him. 
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @browneyes8288 @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf
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selfloverrrrrr · 4 days
Gojo and geto nonconing their darling together ? <3
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Help Us...?
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Warnings : smut , heavy smut, unprotected sex, Noncon, Kidnapping, physically and emotional abuse, biting, torture, size difference, threesom....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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The Toji incident happened. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru went on a mission to save the star plasma vessel Riko Amanai. But they weren't successful. Riko got killed by Toji Fushiguro. Geto and Gojo almost got killed by him too. But Gojo learnt reverse course technique at time and revive himself and killed Toji. But they couldn't save Riko.
The two strongest sorcerer came back to the jujutsu high again. I heard that they are having mental breakdown after the incident happened. I talked with Shoko she also told me that they were really having mental breakdown.
I knew both of them loves to eat sweet. Especially Gojo. So I thought I should make something sweet and give it to them to cheer them up. I made a cake. Chocolate cake. And then headed to their droom room.
It was late night. It got late to make the cake. I was wearing my mini night dress. Because I'll go to sleep after giving the sweet to Gojo and Geto. I went to their door. They both were roommates too. I knocked on the door. "Coming..." I heard Gojo's voice and wait for him to come.
After a while he opened the door. "Oh...y/n!... You here at this time?" He asked. Then his eyes scanned my whole body. But I ignored it. "Yes.... I heard you two are sad after the thing happened... So I made this cake for you two" I said and handed him the cake.
"oh... Thanks... thank you so much y/n... we'll eat it tonight." He said. "It's okey.... Friends should help each other.... And if you need any help do tell me... I'll love to give you two any kind of help you want... don't even think twice... okey?" I said with a smile. Gojo paused for a second. I don't know what came in his mind. He smirked at me. "Any kind of help?" He asked. "Yes" I replied. "What if we need your help right now to cheer us up?" He asked. "I'd love to do that!" I replied with excitement.
Gojo told me to come inside. I went inside and he closed the door behind. I saw Geto laying on the bed. He looked at me when I entered. "Oh y/n.... you here at this time?" He asked. But before I could reply Gojo replied from my behind. "She came here to help us.... the special help Suguru" Gojo said with a smirk. Geto smirked back. "Oh I see.... come here y/n" Geto said. I went there and sit infront of him. Gojo sit behind me on the bed.
"you wanna help us?" Geto asked. He brings my hand to his face and kissed it. I felt kinda uncomfortable. "Yes but-" before I could complete my sentence Gojo caressed my inner thigh under my short night dress and slide his hand inside my pantie and started rubbing my clit. I was about to stop him but Geto grabbed my another hand. "Uh uh uh.... Didn't you said you wanna help us?" Geto said. Gojo started rubbing his crotch on my ass. "Gojo stoppp" I screamed. He started rubbing my clit more roughly. "But baby... your pussy is telling me not to stop... Suguru, she's wet as fuck" Gojo said and ripped off my pantie.
I tried to close my legs but Gojo grabbed both of my thighs and spread them. "Spread those legs wide, slut" Gojo whispered in my ear. Geto looked at my exposed pussy. I looked away with shame. I don't know why are they doing this to me. "Damnn... We should fuck her then, Satoru" Geto said. "Ofcourse" Gojo said with a smirk.
Then there was I, on my fours. All of our clothes were on the floor. I'm begging them to stop the humiliation. Geto thrusting his dick in my mouth and Gojo in my pussy from back. I squeezed my eyes. Tears flowing down. My mouth was wide open. Geto's dick inside my mouth taking the whole length in slowly. It was too big. Geto's breath hitched. He threw his head back mouth wide open. He pulled my hair telling me to suck hard. I slowly sucked his dick and his legs shook. He bobbed my head up and down. His tip was poking the back of my throat. He grabbed my hair and started bobbing my head up and down faster. "Oh god...oh god.... don't...ahhhh... don't stop!!!!" Geto moaned out loudly. He was bobbing my head up and down faster and faster. He suddenly felt that Geto was close. In a few minutes he came inside my mouth. He grabbed my chin "Swallow it y/n" geto said squeezing my mouth which made me swallow. I squeezed my eyes shut and swallowed Geto's cum.
On the other hand Gojo was thrusting too roughly. He was slamming his whole dick inside me. I scremed. I was throughig my legs with pain and begging him to stop. And he was liking it so much. His thurst became harder and harder. I clenched around him tightly and he moaned loudly " ughhhhhh....ahhh s-so...ahhhh....so f-fucking tight, Suguru this pussy might be the death of me!!!" he started rubbing my clit with his thumb and I squeezed the bedsheet to control myself. With a few more thurst I came. He was still thursting roughly. I felt his cock pulsing inside me. " Slut should fucking take what I'm giving her." He whimpered. Within a minute he came inside me I could feel his seed inside me. He pulled out.
Geto pulled me made me sit on his lap. He touched my right boob with his hand and pinched the nipple. I whimpered. "She can take both of us together Suguru" Gojo said. "Can she?" Geto asked with a smirk. "Ofcourse she can she said she'll do anything to help us" Gojo smirking back at Geto. "No no no....not again... please please please... not again" I cried out. Gojo's smirk widened and he crashed his mouth on my boob sucking hurshly. I moaned loudly.
They both lined up with me. Fear grabbed me by my neck. " Gojo no no no... P-please no...Geto please s-stop" I begged but they didn't even listen to me and slammed their whole dick inside me in one slide. I scremed. They didn't even give me time to adjust his size and started thursting in and out roughly. It was too much...they both were big and thick....it was giving too much pain. I was throughig my legs with pain and begging them to stop. And they were liking it so much. Their thurst became harder and harder. I clenched around them tightly and he moaned loudly " ughhhhhh....ahhh s-so...ahhhh.... f-fuck...it's so tight " Geto moaned. "Told you " Gojo said between moans and started rubbing my clit with his thumb and I bite his shoulder scratched his back to control myself. With a few more thurst I came. They were still thursting roughly. I felt their cock pulsing inside me. I tried to push him away with all of my strength. They both moaned loudly. Within a minute they came inside me I could feel their seed inside me. My vision blurred out.
"I don't wanna pull out" Geto said. "Neither me" Gojo replied. "Let's sleep like this... this felt so good...she did helped us great " Geto said. "I bet" Gojo replied with a smirk.
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Give me your requests guys....
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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pinkthrone445 · 2 months
-Let it burn to the ground-
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:love, hurt, confort, funny
Warnings:Mention about past trauma, fires, future smut(?)
Summary:Melissa lets the fire of love consume her when she meets the new chief of the fire station.
Melissa Schemmenti, a woman who has had many things in life, including different experiences in love, had her first love in college, was married, was cheated on, divorced, was in a relationship again, broke up since they didn't have the same goals, and now she was having an affair with the fire captain... It was casual, with no feelings, just sex. She just wanted him for that, she even wanted to avoid talking about personal things and get him out of her house as soon as possible, but when he started staying overnight and eating breakfast with her and Jacob, the fire captain started to get the wrong idea.
Melissa didn't want a relationship with him, it was just casual, but he wanted to share more and more things about his life even though she didn't want to hear it.
One night, while they were together, the redhead wanted to undress him as quickly as possible before he started talking, she had even thought about buying a gag for him. But while she tried to undo his pants, he kept letting out sighs, so she stopped to ask what was wrong, even if she didn't really cared, she wanted the sings to stop, because she knew they wouldn't have sex if he didn't talked about what was bothering him first.
-"Okay, talk, what is going on with you? Why are you complaining so much?" - The redhead asked, crossing her arms and sitting on the bed looking at him
-"I'm tired of my work" - he confessed and the redhead rolled her eyes getting up of bed again
-"Okey, now that you got that out of your chest, can we have sex?"-The woman asked, raising an eyebrow, and he looked at her with a frown
-"I didn't even started talking about it, aren't you going to ask why I'm tired of my job when I used to love it?" - he asked a little offended by her lack of interest
-"Yeah yeah, go ahead, tell me please, I'm dying to know, why you are mad at your job" - The redhead said sarcastically, putting on her dressing gown and sitting up on the bed again
-"I got a new fire chief for the district, an asshole chief that is babysitting my station because the district got a few complains about us... I don't like it when there's someone watching my every step and checking what I'm doing wrong... On top of that the chief has a shitty humor, I think they need someone to have sex with, although I don't think anyone wants to touch them even with a 3-meter pole..."-Melissa listened to him complain for a long time, her desire to have sex had disappeared and now she was bored and upset, she didn't want a relationship, it was something casual, and what was happening was not casual at all-"They thinks that because has a badge of honor and a higher title they can command us however they wants, a couple of scars don't make others respect you, it's so annoying, that's why no one has touched them for years probably"-This time he rolled his eyes and Mel sighed looking at him
-"Do you feel better now that you've got that off your chest?" - The redhead asked and he nodded-"Good, you can go home now" - She said curtly and he looked at her confused
-"What? Why?" - he asked
-"Tomorrow I have to be at school early..."-Mel replied
-"Since when is that a problem? I can stay overnight..."-He offered, but she refused, getting out of bed, lifting the clothes that were on the floor and giving them to him
-"It's a problem since we said this would be a casual thing and you're making yourself very comfortable in my house, staying in my bed to sleep, leaving your toothbrush, eating Jacob's cereal, wanting to have deep talks... That wasn't our deal, I need you to go"-Melissa practically pushed him out of the room, insisting until she managed to get him to leave.
For a few days they didn't even talk by text, until one afternoon after school he was outside the doors waiting. The redhead approached confused and annoyed
-"What are you doing here? I don't want to see you yet..." - She whispered in an annoyed tone and he rolled his eyes
-"Get off your horse, princess. I'm not here for you, my stupid boss send me to get their son..."-He replied in an annoyed tone pointing at one kid that was waiting by the door with Barbara. Mel narrowed her eyes looking at the little guy, he was definitely a new kid at school since she hadn't seen him before.
When Barbra gave the signal that they could get out, the little boy ran to the fireman and stood next to him looking at him
-"Hi. My mom told me that you would come for me because she had to stay at the station cleaning..."-Commented the little boy. Actually, his mother had meant that she had to stay at the station cleaning the mess that Captain Robinson had made, but she couldn't tell that to the kid.
Mel frowned listening to the little guy
-"You didn't told me your new boss was a woman" - she whispered to the firefighter
-"Yeah, 'Cause if I'd told you she was a woman when I was complaining, you would've thought I didn't like her just because she was a woman and no because she is an actually asshole that has me running errands instead of giving me actual job" - He muttered, looking at the redhead annoyed. The little boy frowned
-"You're going to have to put money in the jar... You said something bad" - The boy said, adjusting his backpack annoyed.
-"What jar?" - Mel asked and the boy turned his attention to her
-"His mother put a jar in the station for us to put money in when we are aggressive or bad-mouthing co-workers, she said it would help make us a team..."-The firefighter commented annoyed and the redhead laughed at him
-"If it doesn't work like she wanted, at least she'll make extra quick money with you and your big mouth" - Melissa commented, laughing and patting the man's back, which rolled his eyes
-"Come on boy, your mother is waiting for you and I don't want her to take points away from me for being late again" - He muttered through his breath in annoyance and the little guy started following him
-"Goodbye Miss Schemmenti" - The little boy waved his hand before leaving
-"Goodbye little one, say hi to your mother, tell her that I like her very much even though I don't know her" - The redhead shouted before going back to the entrance of the school.
A couple of weeks passed and it was the day when Barbara's class would present who were the heroes for each children. Since Mel's class was in gym and she was free, she decided to stop by her work wife's class to listen to the kids.
Several children introduced their "heroes," some talked about their favorite heroe from a movie o cartoon, others about a soccer player, others about their pets, and some about their parents, who some of them were present.
Last of all, Barbara called the boy Melissa had met a few weeks ago
-"Cris... Come here please, it's your turn" - Barbara called the little boy to the front, who stood up carrying a fireman's helmet that was almost as big as his body, The little boy put his helmet on Barbara's desk playing with his little hands
-"My mom was supposed to come..."-He whispered in a shy tone
-"Hi, excuse me" - Mel felt a sexy but soft voice behind her and as she turned she saw a woman with a beautiful smile, wearing a blue T-shirt and firefighter pants with red suspenders. You passed by her side but the redhead stood in the place staring at you dumbfounded, lost enough to really listen to what you had asked her. Immediately Melissa thought you were the most beautiful and perfect woman she had ever seen, she had to admit that she had a weakness for women in uniform, but you were something else. Dumbfounded, she watched as you approached the little boy and knelt beside him hugging him
-"I'm here my baby" - You whispered and the boy hugged you with a lot of emotion
-"You came!"-The little guy hung on to you like a little koala and you stand up with him in your arms
-"I promise I would... And I never break a promise..."-You whispered and kissed his forehead making him smile-"Now I think you've got a presentation to give little gentleman" - You whispered and he nodded letting you lower him to the ground to present, you knelt next to him again to be at his level. Your son started talking excitedly mentioning the reasons why you were his hero, among them he mentioned your job as a firefighter chief and supervisor, your job as mom and you knowledge about medicine. Then he showed his classmates the helmet and they made you do push-ups with some kids on your back to show your strength.
Your son was very excited, being in a new school and feeling included was something that made him happy, and thanks to you being there it was possible. And even though you were tired of exercising, you were more than happy and was worth the effort to see him happy.
The kids took turns climbing on you excitedly, while others tried on your helmet and some parents took pictures. While you were only focusing your eyes on your son, the redhead was focusing on you, almost literally salivating for you. The way you smiled made it seem like you weren't making an effort, even though the sweat that collected on your forehead gave you away. Melissa had her eyes fixed on the way your arm muscles twitched and your bright smile shined. Her mouth had literally filled with saliva about to drool for you, but may the earth swallow her if she let others see her like that for you or anyone.
The redhead swallowed and cleared her throat when the kids decided they had enough and let you get up. Barbara congratulated your son on his presentation and let the class leave.
Your little one ran to get his backpack and came back to you jumping up and down, you picked him up smiling and placed your helmet on his head, walking to the exit, which was blocked by the same redhead from before
-"Excuse me..."-You whispered sweetly, but she didn't move, just like when you arrived
-"Miss Schementti!!" - Your son screamed, snapping the redhead out of her trance
-"Oh! I'm so sorry..."-she whispered, looking at you
-"It's okay, I'm sorry for my son, he is very exited that I came to school, that's hard for him to contain his emotion..."-You whispered and your son laughed mischievously but very cute
-"I get it... I would get very exited too if I see you come... I mean if I see you visit me at school" - The redhead blushed as she heard her own words-"I'm sorry, firefighters get me exited too..."-she whispered and you laughed tenderly at how cute she looked blushing
-"That's sweet..."-You whispered looking at her
-"I'm Melissa by the way... I teach third grade... I hope to have your children one day" - The redhead blushed again at how bad that sounded and you couldn't help but laugh again
-"You sure do... I'm (Y/N), it's a pleasure..."-You replied by reaching out your hand to shake hers, when you did the redhead was surprised with how soft your hands were despite the strength you had-"I have to go home to bath this little prince, but I hope to see you again sometime Miss Schementti" - You whispered close to her ear making her shiver before you went down the hall with your son in your arms, while Mel followed you down the hall, she realized that her favorite sound in the world was hearing her name coming out of your mouth.
The days began to pass and you couldn't stop spinning in the redhead's head, either on the nights she was at home she thought about how your muscles tensed under your t-shirt, or in broad daylight she remembered your sweet voice and beautiful smile. She needed to see you again and her head couldn't stop thinking of a plan to get it done.
As fate would have it, the perfect opportunity presented itself when Janine mentioned that they would do a fire drill in conjunction with the firefighters since the last time there was an accident, they were not well organized. Melissa was sure that you would be in that drill since your son was going to that school.
On the day of the drill Mel decided to spend more time than usual on her appearance, she spent more time putting together her curls and styling her hair, applied more makeup and perfume than usual, chose her best outfit and put on her best bra, the one that most settled her breasts and made them look well lifted. As she left the house, Jacob couldn't help but notice the change and comment on it
-"Wow, you look amazing... What is going on? Does it have anything to do with the fire captain that used to come home?" - He asked curiously, but Melissa laughed in denial
-"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not interested in him anymore..."-she responded by starting the car
-"Then it's for someone else..." - The young man was quickly able to draw the correct deduction since he had spent a lot of time with the redhead lately and had gotten to know her well-"I'm sure is a firefighter, you've always liked people in uniform and it's no coincidence that today you dressed up better on the day of the drill... Am I going on the right path?"-He inquired but she didn't say anything, concentrating on driving-"Come on you know I'm an excellent wingman, if you tell me I can help you..."-He commented in a knowing tone, the redhead just gave him a quick glance trying not to show her true interest. The truth is that she could do it alone, but she could use help to find out if you had a partner or if the father of your child was still around.
-"That's fine, but if you do anything to embarrass me, remember that you live in my house and that I could easily get you into a fatal" accident", you understand?"-she whispered in a threatening tone, and his housemate nodded excitedly, paying no attention to the threat
-"Tell me who it is and what can I do to help" - He smiled and clapped his hands with a grin from ear to ear
-"It's the fire chief and supervisor, the parent on Barbara's class... I need to know if they are single, that's all..."-She whispered a little embarrassedly with her eyes fixed on the road
-"But the fire chief is a wom... I knew you were bi! My gaydar is never wrong" - He whispered more to himself than to the redhead-"Consider it done" - It was the last thing they talked about in the car before they got to school.
Melissa spent most of her class hours training her students for the drill, the teachers weren't supposed to tell the students, but the redhead wanted to do everything right to see if you noticed her and praise her even a little.
When the redhead heard the sirens outside the school, her heart jumped with excitement and joy, she ran excitedly to the windows just to see you get out of the truck with all your uniform on, your gazes met momentarily when you were looking for the window of your son's classroom, the redhead smiled and you smiled back waving at her from a distance before entering the school.
Seconds later, Jacob appeared at the door of Melissa's classroom, breathing heavily from running, trying to keep his composure, he approached the redhead who was waiting for him excitedly
-"My" friend" from the fire station told me that she was married, but her husband passed away a couple of years ago and that no one has seen her with anyone or found out that she is in a relationship... My work here is done, I need to get back to my class before the drill starts"-He commented as fast as he could before running off again
-"Thank you!" - The redhead screamed excitedly and decided to put perfume back on and check her appearance on her mirror.
When everything was ready, the drill began and with it the control of the students and the entire building. Every time you passed by Melissa's side, her perfume blocked your senses and left your judgment clouded for a few seconds until you recomposed your posture, you loved perfumes like that. One of your weaknesses was when someone smelled good.
Surprisingly, the redhead's classroom was the most organized and several times you used it as an example of how to behave in a real fire. After all the control of the facilities and the drill was over, you greeted your son before he went back to school and decided to visit the redhead for her good preparation and behavior.
When you got to her classroom, she was sitting at her desk checking some assignments and wearing her glasses while her kids where focusing doing homework. Softly you knocked on the door getting her attention. Mel got up carefully and walked to the door smiling
-"Hi chief" - She whispered in a deducible tone and a tender smile-"Can I help with something?" - Asked
-"Hi miss Schementti... No, I just wanted to come and congratulate you personally on how well you and your class behaved in the drill..."-You whispered holding your helmet in your hands, taking a big but sneaky breath to feel her perfume, which the redhead noticed and couldn't help but smile
-"Thank you... I take the safety of my students very seriously... Thanks for noticing" - She whispered a little nervously about your presence and leaned into the doorframe looking at you
-"I'm glad to hear that... This is for you" - You handed her a pin that said "you're the only smoking hot thing I'll let it be out of control", laughing a little-"They where from the pride parade that we did last month, sorry. But I wanted to give you something for your good preparation... And this is for your students" - You handed her stickers of firefighters smiling a little embarrassed as she watched the pin smiling-"Since I've done everything I needed to do, I'll go drive the truck now... I hope to see you again sometime... Have a nice afternoon Schementti..."-You muttered making a couple of excessive gestures with your hands because of your nerves for the silly pin
-"Thanks for the pin and the visit... Do you want to see each other again outside of school soon? Maybe to grab a coffee or a bite to eat?..."-The redhead asked confidently, taking you by surprise
-"Oh yes... Sure, I'd like to go for something to eat...maybe tomorrow? It's my day off..."-You replied smiling and she nodded excitedly
-"I'll ask Janine for your number and I'll call you to work out the details... See you tomorrow chief" - Melissa commented, and when you went to the truck, she did a little dance of victory for getting a chance to go out with you.
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darkchocoboo · 1 year
El Jefe| Javier Peña
 summary: You work for Javier in Bogotá on Cali case.  And he offers you a couch to “sleep”. 
tw: penetration, p in v sex, oral (f! receiving), little context mostly smut
(I can’t write smut)
( and I'm planning to write p2)
SMUT! Minors DNI! 
Part 2
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You were focused on the board in front of you like your life depends on it. Your hips on the side of the table. You were standing there like that for over an hour to solve the puzzle you've been working on since you were sent to Colombia. The air was thick and hot. Your white formal shirt buttons were already half open. Sweat sliding between your breast. You were so focused that you didn't even hear Peña walking in. His lighters little sound snapped you into the real world.
"Working late Agent?" You hummed between your lips while massaging your noses bridge.
"If you gonna say something Peña, believe me I'm not in the mood for a fight." You were expecting a mocking reply but instead he handed you a whiskey on the rocks. 
"Wow, who are you?"
"Just relax a little," he said while closing the distance and taking of his vest. "Everybody needs a break."
You took a sip from amber colored drink burning feeling washing over your throat.
"Everybody left. Go to your home, sleep agent." He murmured as he sipped his drink.
"Jokes on you Boss. I don't have a home. Yet." You sat down to the chair next to you. Kicking of your heels you forgot you were wearing.
"I didn't have time to rent. I was just staying at an hotel. But they kinda kicked me out for being an agent or a gringo, you choose." His hands slipped to his neck. Scrunched his face.
"You know I have a spare couch."
"OH you nasty man trying to take me home. Jokes aside. I can't accept your offer. No." You got up walking past so close to him that your hips almost touched his front. "I have to work on this anyways," you said under your breath.
He was an attractive man. Known as a womanizer. Just being with him in the same room made your skin hot. Maybe it was the smell. Maybe it was because you were in a vulnerable time in your life. You were afraid you would fell into his trap.
"I can't let you stay here all night without sleep, Agent. No. Let's go get some food and sleep. Tomorrow morning we can search for a house. Okey. C'mon." His cigarette was hanging from his fingers losely.  You massaged your nose bridge. After short seconds you were in his car nibbling on the food he got you.  You moaned low.
"That's some good shit."
Your low moaning twitched something inside him. He was watching you with a side eye while driving to his place. Your legs in your mini skirt was glistening with light coat of sweat. Bogotá was indeed hot that time of the year. Your hair was in a lose bun low on back your neck. Leaving your neck open. White shirt on you was tight, just like the skirt. Your make up was smudged a little after the day you had at the office, your under eye bags showing. They were dark because the lack of your sleep.
You were working with/for Peña for over a month now. When you walked in to Peña's room the first day you started he thought you were just there for the money but he saw how focused you were over the time. You were focused on the job. That definitely catch Peńa's attention. Longer he watched you work, longer he wondered about different things about you. Your interests, your drink of choice, your favorite music, the color of your underwear.
"Done checking me out Peña?" He snapped in the reality with your words.
"You missed two red lights." He sighed.
"Just tired." He took a sharp turn. Killed the engine.
"That's us." Walked into the building. Keys clinging at the door to his apartment. His apartment was neat. Well decorated. You didn't expected a place like this. He walked to the couch. Dropping his body like a bag.
"Make yourself at home sugar."
You went to the bathroom to change. When you walked in to the living room you saw him in his white t-shirt that was clearly too small for him. His little beer belly was showing and the fabric around his biceps was looking like it was gonna explode if he makes a wrong move. You wish he would. He looked at your side and checked you out like it was his first time seeing you. In your spagetti stap top an your little short that made his cock throbe under his clothes.
"Beer?" He handed you a cold one while he sat next to you in the couch.
Your bodies so close that you felt his heat washing you. He smelled like cigarettes and fresh woods that made your head spin. You took a sip from the bottle. The way your lips touched the bottle made him ache.
His hands walked to your cheeks, his thumb brushing your cheekbone. He got closer and closer to you in seconds. His handsome face stopping so close to yours, breaths lacking your face.
"So, cariño, " The way he speaks, tone of his voice... You slowly turned your body to him. Eyes slightly shut with the atmosphere around you two. "What'u gonna do about house?" You couldn't put words together, just let out a sigh and shake your head in unknown.
"I don't wanna think about it right now." Your lips touching with every word you say. Next thing you know is his lips on yours. Passion was the only word to describe it. Like he was burning internally. Hand run down on your shoulder. Grabbed hard like he’s never gonna let you go.  Other on your waist, cold from his fingers gave your exposed skin goosebumps. You moaned into his mouth while the kiss got deeper. You grabbed his hair in need. Pulling his dark curls.
Something inside you was constantly whispering that what you’re doing was wrong. Fucking your boss. But the other side, it was crazy for his touch and needed him between your legs, inside you. Wrecking you to a mess. It was wrong but it felt hella fine. You did nothing to stop.
His lips traced an invisible line to your boobs. Ripping the top to leave you naked. He flicked your nipple with his rough tongue. Your nails digging into his scalp more. Moans coming out of your mouth like it was a sacred song. Filling his ears and making him want you more. He left your skin for a moment, looked into your eyes between his long lashes with eyes that hazed from desire.
Your head falled back. Breathing heavily. He got up, undressed in matter of seconds. His hard cock was thick. Thickest you saw in your entire life to be honest. You stared at it for to long apparently he let out a chuckle.
“You like what u saw baby? Want it?” An approving moan filled the room. He got onto his knees.
“Not yet.”  His hand grabbed the waist of your shorts and took it off in a fluid motion. Your lace panties following it to the floor.
His lips were exploring your inner thighs. Taking deep breaths inhaling your intoxicating smell.
“Javier, please.” His teeth digging in to your skin, leaving marks.
Your hands found his hair one more time pressing him into your core.
“Good girl. All wet for me.” His trigger finger find your core parting it.
“S’good, corazon. You look beautiful.” His hot breath hitting your exposed and sensitive core with every word he says.  Next, it was his tongue, sending shivers up to your body.
“Javi,” He smiled against your skin. His tongue giving you kitten licks, his soft lips pressing your nub and pulling it.  A finger went in. And then another followed it. Feeling his fingers inside made you ache for him more. Long fingers brushing your deep spots you never new existed. Clit throbing under his tongue made his mouth water. Wet sounds coming from your core and his finger was filling the room.
Air was thick and smelled like both of you. Stray curls got stuck on his forehead with sweat.
A knot in your belly was getting tighter with every move his tongue did.
“Javier, I’m,” His fingers got faster when you moaned.
“Yeah, baby. Tell me what u want.”
“I’m gonna, gonna cum, please.” His fingers didn’t leave your insides, never slowed down. He leaned to you. Lips touching.
“Cum baby. Cum on my fingers.” His thumb massaged yor nub.   You could taste yourself on his lips when you licked his lips with hunger. Your climax getting closer and closer. Your walls tightening around them fingers.  
You bit his bottom lip when your high hit you. Your thights started to shake as you clasped his hands between yor legs. In want to feel him deeper in your core. Room started to rotate with the feeling. Juices coming out of you left wet spots on his couch. Your breaths mixing together as you tried to help yourself come together. You looked at him with watery eyes, your mascara runing down on your cheeks.
His hard cock hitting your belly lit another fire inside you.
Legs hugging his waist as you pulled him for a kiss. He used that to grab you from your ass and started to carry you to his bedroom. Never breaking the kiss.
“S’wet Agent. Only if I knew,” You didn’t let him talk, covering his lips with yours. Leaving wet kisses and kitten licks as he sat on the bed.  
Dim light from the street light was hitting his face. His skin was glistening with sweat, eyes nearly shut with the feeling of your wet pussy on his lap.
“Beautiful,” you said unconsciously under your breath. He smiled across your lips.
“Yeah.” You started grinding to his lap, hips rotating slowly. He groaned as you kept moving. He reached out to his bedside table for a condom. Gave it to you as he falled back.
               You stroke him, his precum spreading all over, your juices from earlier as well.
“You’re doing so well baby.” He whimpered as your hand kept stroking his cock.
“¿Sí, jefe?” Javier’s cock twitched under your touch.
“Don’t call me boss like it doesn’t turn you on.” You felt his climax raising under your hand.  Your hand stopped, you put on the condom as you lined him on your entrance. He groaned.
“Corazón-mmh.” You slowly sank on his length as his groans got louder, turning into moans.
The feeling of him streching your walls was something else. Made the knot in your belly thighter. Burning so good that your head spins.  
“Javi~” you kept moaning his name as you jumped on him.
“Yeah baby, like that.” His hands on your waist slapped your as, burning feeling washed over your body. His fingers left a red mark on your ass.  Squeezing where he hit you. Hard enough to mark you.
He raised from the bed and hugged you, chest to chest. His lips kissing your thin skin, wanting to get under your skin.
“Javi” He turned our back to bed, hovering over you on his arms. His eyes burning with desire.
He moved his hips as lips find yours. Pumping into you as his pace got faster.
“Javier, please.”
“Yeah, baby. So good. Doin’ so well.” He kept chewing on your skin. Like he wanted to mark you, like he wants everybody to know you were his.
You felt your end growing inside your lower belly as his thrusts got sloppy and out of rhythm.
“YN, baby. I’m,”
“Yeah, Javi, me too. Keep going. Right there.” His groans got louder as you walls were thightening around him. His forehead fell over yours. His hot breath hitting your face.
“Baby” He didn’t let your words to end by kissing your lips as he cums inside you. Your walls milking the last drop of his cum as you came with him.
“S’good, Agent. S’good for me.” He fell on top of you as his weight crushing you to bed. Leaving small kisses all over your face.  
“Let’s sleep Agent. We have work to do tomorrow.”
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