#ok to rb if you see this btw
reveriecorridor · 9 months
i've been mulling it over in my head for a while but i guess i'll post on here and hope someone sees it lol
i've been thinking of making a single neocities for a coherent/easily accessible archive for everything dragalia lost we can possibly get our hands on (characters, minis, story in easy to read script, etc.) but the problem is i have very minimal (if non-existant) coding knowledge so... would anyone be interested in helping out?
the scope of what i'm thinking is kind of way too big for one person alone to tackle so. interest check pspspsps
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anakinthetrashking · 5 months
Having thoughts, TLDR; explaining that Practicing Gratitude is just about learning to notice good things and retraining your brains focus area would be more helpful than simply saying "be grateful!"
I think a lot of the issue people have with being told to try like, gratitude journaling is that when people suggest it they never seem to give a good explanation?? Added to the fact that "self-care" and therapy terminology have been monetized, social media focuses on people's sanitized life highlight reels, and hashtag blessed out-of-touch influencers, and the frankly irritating Pinterest Perfect quotes and journals. I mean. There's just a ton to sort through there.
And like I've tried the gratitude thing!! And I know it's backed up by research!! But when you're in the depths and someone says something about being grateful, it is SO hard not to hear all the echos of "be grateful it's not worse", and the past shame of being cast in the light of "so ungrateful" when you're just having feelings and being upset about something, ya know?
But it finally clicked for me when I stopped using gratefulness language?? Because I also feel like that can be limiting, at least for me. The POINT of the whole exercise is to train your brain to notice good things around you, because obvs ur gonna be in a bad mood if all you notice is the bad!
Obvs it's taken a lot of work in a lot of areas to be at the point where I am, that life feels worth living more than not! But like, the more little good things you notice, the more it feels worth living. But like the gratitude language like I said just doesn't work for me lol
Especially like, the other day driving through the neighborhood I saw a woman going for a run, and she looked like she was struggling but also so determined!! And that was something that made me feel !!!!!! Like life is worth living and trying for!!
She's someone I've never met and may never see again, but seeing her living her life and trying made me want to keep trying too!
So for me trying to put that into a sentence for gratitude, it just takes the joy out I guess haha. "I'm grateful random neighbor was jogging"?? "I'm grateful I saw my neighbor jogging"???? It doesn't quite translate for me. But I could see it and focus on that feeling of fondness for a stranger, and inspiration to keep trying and that not everything is terrible all the time. Consciously focusing on something like that and letting it take up a big part of your day the way something bad might usually can feel really weird at first, but it's so nice once you lean into it??
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the-converse-high-top · 2 months
this is going to sound really fucked up but i just need to say it i think.
I never realized that people could actually care. I always thought that the depictions of friendship in movies and TV shows were over-the-top portrayals, and weren't things that actually happened. This was then exacerbated by the fact that my entire life I always wanted people to just Know How I Was Feeling like they do on TV and I found out that that's Not How It Works. I always thought I was naive for caring so much about my friends and for doing nice things for them out of the blue, and I always resented myself for resenting my parents for not doing more for me as a child.
So when I got to uni, and my friends started caring about me and asking if I was ok when I looked sad and doing nice things for me, I didn't know what to do with myself. It was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me in a long time. When I was staying with a friend, and she said that she left the window open in the room I was going to be staying in because I liked it to be cold when i sleep, I bluescreened. I didn't know how to respond. It is quite literally one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for me. No one had ever paid that much attention to the things I liked. Every year on my birthday it was either a gamble if I would get something I actually wanted from my parents (spoiler alert: I was often disappointed) or I would just have to straight up tell them what I wanted. I got accustomed to the latter, and now I don't mind, but receiving two gifts from friends about languages this year made me realize that I could have it so much better.
And don't even get me started on online friends. I sort of thought that everyone was lying about them? Or that it was something unattainable, and reserved only for God's Chosen Favorites or something. But no, there are little people in my phone who care about me. They legitimately care about me as much as I care about them. I've been nervous to ask them about their well-being because I'm still nervous about being naive and getting a wake-up call that no one cares again, but after being told that they were worried about me when I overslept, I think i should know that I'm in the clear. And that's not even including all the times they tell me to go to bed when it's late, and when they ping me about things I may enjoy or things I was involved in.
All this is to say I guess that I'm touched that people remember my existence. It makes me feel good to be wanted. I will be eternally grateful to both my irl and online friends who made me realize that just because my parents or my friends from home didn't care enough to remember what I like or to go out of their way to do nice things for me, it doesn't mean that no one will. I need to step up and do more for you guys. I trained myself to push down my desire to help and check in with people because I thought I was betting on something that I'd never get in return, but now I know I can.
Thank you all, and I love you 💚
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goldden-sunrise · 7 months
lmao honestly i dont really care and i cant do much about it but @ proshipper who "rewrote" my post you are an adult you have better things to do than steal posts of a teenager on the internet. i dont really care about mine tbh but i saw they did another one where they called the original writing "clumsy :)" and genuinely No if you think its bad write something yourself rather than just changing a few words in something someone else came up with.
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pierswife · 9 months
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Cigarettes are bad for your health
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bardicbird · 11 months
i don’t like the post going around that’s like “u need to eat vegetables even if ur autistic and it’s hard i promise u can find a way to prepare them that works!!!” it just feels . Bad. No hate to the person who made it bc that advice does work for some people, but when you’re specifically including autistic ppl who are more likely to deal with ARFID (like me) that sort of advice can come off as really patronizing and rude. eating disorders are not rational, and it typically doesn’t matter how the food is prepared . Some people just can’t eat certain things and instead of being like “you can do it i promise push your boundaries!!” I would instead recommend supplements to get the vitamins you need. also like—nobody *has* to be healthy. Like obviously if you are able to get the nutrients you need you should but in the case of people who *can’t* they are not lesser or just not trying hard enough; they are ppl who deserve respect and autonomy over their own choices. Idk just rubbed me the wrong way.
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angeltannis · 1 month
You guys ever have blorbos you lost in the divorce. Like your ex was really into them so now you can’t ever think about the character without being reminded of the ex
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kingzephy · 2 years
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WIP of somethin i started workin on
alt version under the cut (tw blood)
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crescentfool · 3 months
EATING your ryoji tag today, I’m almost to Dec 31 in reload so I’m Going Through It rn and your art collection is keeping me alive 🌕
WOAH!! thank you for visiting my ryoji tag... i am glad that the things i've reblogged and created of him over the years can help you in these trying times! congratulations on almost reaching dec 31st! i've yet to reach that point in reload but i am... looking respectfully for when i get there in-game... 🥺 have fun with the rest of the game, and thank you for the message!
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transsweet · 2 years
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so requiem was really fucking fun
spamton is @/dizordlizord
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honey-creek · 2 years
please im begging y’all to tag emetoph*bia i know it’s stan’s thing but please im withering away over here
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turtle-trash · 2 years
Ik that it’s basically my pinned post but reminder that the turtles are TEENAGERS. If I see anyone else who forgets that I might just break the no human s.kulls rule for my s.kull collection
[added dni bc. Of course I did why wouldn’t I]
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kirbyofthestars · 2 years
honest to fucking god i have zero patience anymore if you make passive aggressive comments on art of interracial ships about “ew hets” or them being incompatible or better off platonic/familial i’m just gonna assume you’re racist and block you.
like. the thing is. i don’t see or receive these comments on any other kind of romantic art. i wonder why. (/sarcasm)
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pennypalblorkposts · 2 years
i think its interesting that december has a unique error page when all other ones for wrong urls lead to just the gif of the dog sleeping and music in the back (im assuming so at least because i entered sans spam ham and spamton into it and it led to the same thing.)
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antonblastdeluxe · 1 year
Just an fyi I will block you without second thought if I see you defend Mcpig and/or claim he was ‘cancelled’. Holding a white guy accountable for gross stuff he was clearly never held accountable for at the time isn’t cancelling, you fucking weirdos.
One of these days you’re going to blindly defend a content creator and lose a friend or worse over it. Is it worth it? Is it worth enjoying a piece of media ‘uncritically’? You can enjoy your media, the absolute least you can do is not defend some random loser who will never care about you defending him.
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puppyeared · 2 years
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