#ok this is a little bit hilarious
lokicharms · 2 years
Watching the Marvel: Assembled She-Hulk episode and Charlie Cox just said he had to remind the writers and directors that Matt Murdock is blind and thus, would not have to look at things or people the way it was written in the script 😭
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butchfalin · 7 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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shitty-kinda-doodles · 3 months
Zilla is the Flotsam and Jetsam to Velvette's Ursula lol.
Lmaooo kind of? In a song where they manipulate an innocent person she would be for sure
#ask#hazbin hotel#velvette#oc#ive been thinking of their dynamic lately actually but i'll hide my ramblings here in the tags for the poor souls that don't care at all#so the funny thing about them is that they dont need each other at all#they have their own thing in different rings and theyre fine with it#but they do have a blast when they hang out#which is kinda torturous for them specifically bc theyre so self centered and controlling and selfish#that admitting that they JUST LIKE someone with no ulterior reason is humiliating#and any excuse they can make to see each other is flimsy at best#like 'hey help me get more souls and you can throw darts at them later' they can do that on their own. they dont need the other to do that#i imagine they try not to bring up it to preserve their own egos#in a more playful moment zilla would be like oohh you like meee and velvette would deny deny deny#in a more serious moment they both have rock hard evidence that the other likes her too and they both know it#if one ego goes down the other does too#this would be like...the first stages of liking each other i think#and when they get together theyd be like 'ok i have soft mushy feelings for this one person but that aside#im still the greatest overlord/murderous mastermind whatever'#until theyre defeated by the good guys i guess#what can i say i think evil friends to lovers to losers is hilarious#soooorry if you read this long ass thing#im hyperfixated and i have so many zillete thought and so much zilla lore in my pocket#i needed to puke a little bit out
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crehador · 6 months
parting thoughts on boukensha ni naritai to miyako ni deteitta musume ga s-rank ni natteta
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i liked this! some aspects more than others. the premise was adorable, and the father-daughter relationship between bel and ange was cute as hell, but i wish we got to see more of it or at least more plot revolving around it
because the more, i guess... adventure/magic/politics parts of the plot just didn't land as much for me. i get that that's the genre so of course there has to be a Plot, and not just cute/funny moments of ange trying to get home and things getting in her way, but i think it would've been more compelling to me if the Plot circled the family element too
there was so much potential! like if bel had decided to return to adventuring earlier in the series, i feel like we could've had some great adventures of him traveling with ange and her party. and that not only keeps the family dynamic at the forefront, it would've presented the opportunity to delve more into how bel's disability might affect his return to adventuring
it does seem like bel traveling with ange is where the series will go next, but this doesn't really feel like a show that would get a second season. so if i want to find out i guess it's off to the light novels for me
but overall! kind of meh as a fantasy/adventure, but with some really cute and meaningful moments throughout. final ep especially was quite good!
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starzwithapen · 6 months
To make the timeline of events + ages line up for our trollsonas IM THE OLDER SIBLING TO MY ALTER THIS TIME . I WIN !!!
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raposarealm · 2 years
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Oh!! A new model! Usually a new unique model indicates another potential magical girl added to the roster, like what we saw with Mitsune or even Kagome before her. It’s exciting to see some new cast, especially if this indicates either a potential Arc 3 being set in the present, or a replacement for an Arc 3, or even a supplement to it! (Remember that the instances we’ve seen of characters with new unique models becoming magical girls usually ended up being a major part of the main story!)
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Shioya Harumi, eh? She seems like a very polite yet skiddish kiddo so far. In the previous lines, she panicked when Mito got to her while introducing everyone. So far, we’ve seen a couple of normal (generic) NPCs, a fifth grade boy NPC, Natsuki, Mitama, Kanagi, Mito, who’s been introducing everyone, and the person introduced before Harumi here...
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HUH??????? A DUDE WITH A FACE?????
My god, that’s the third unique male model we’ve seen, after Tonker’s dad and Tasuke. Huh, speaking of which, those latter two did end up becoming very important in late Arc 2, and they were both family members of main character magical girls...
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Oh, he has a name too!!! “Izumi Sougetsu”...
WAITWAITWAIT IT’S NAGITAN’S BROTHER!!! Holy shite, we finally have a name for him! Wow, he’s got the exact opposite appearance to Nagitan, looks like he stuck his finger in an electrical socket. What a mood, mate. 
He mentions here that he’s a 3rd year middle schooler at Daito Academy, which is odd, I seem to remember Nagitan’s brother being older than her? 
I gotta go read through some parts of Chapter 10 again, but I could’ve sworn he was one of the ones who helped to snap Mitama and Nagitan out of their depresso funk, which, if I’m right there, means he’s already story relevant!! 
Oh, also, looks like Sougetsu here has his own set of emotes, too. I wasn’t able to catch it well in the screenshot, but he starts showing up in event episode 2, so there should be plenty of scenes with him during the event.
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dilfsuzanneyk · 10 months
i'm having stupid silly thoughts and plans about wizard al yankovic no one is going to be safe once i find the time to actually act on these
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delusioner · 1 year
tp putting me through the wringer by not letting me pass these two levels with perfect. baby i need those 2 clothing items to get 100% on this story pls pls pls (cries a little bit)
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cherry-shipping · 1 year
GYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE I HAD A CUTE DREAM W SANS >:D!!!!!!!! it was in like two parts the first was us just meeting and hitting it off right away which was fun and the other part was. nevermind im too embarrassed to not say it in the tags The tags r my safe cringe space The tags r like my house i live down there
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fen-dwxller · 1 year
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continued from here ! // @nevragod
while magic was no doubt wild and dangerous, there was always a sense of beauty to it. the elf would never admit it, but there was an elegant nature to the way his markings glowed, akin to the staff the other so happens to wave around.
it was beautiful, until it began to feel as though his nerves were being lit on fire as his body and soul became intertwined with the fade.
at least, that's how he thought it worked.
❝ it isn't an unteachable skill. perhaps one day, i may show you. ❞ if they ever find the time, that is. these days, the errands never end. but he always had time for the other. always.
he found his eyes lingering for a moment on her cheek, specks of blood on pale skin. his hands ached to reach over, but they kept locked at his sides. you fool. why would you think she'd ever want anything to do with you, elf?
❝ the dwarf's head is twice the size as yours. i choose to refrain. ❞
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thegoldielocks28 · 2 years
2 for Hiromi and Boris :)
Everyone was surprised when Hiromi announced that she and Boris were together. Many of their fellow bladers saw them as polar opposites. In style, personality and even morals. Their relationship was questioned by many, especially by fans and even a few of their friends who claimed they only were looking out for them. Even so, it was clear that what was growing between them was sincere. 
Hiromi was the one who suggested they should start living together after just a few months of dating. The start of their relationship was all good as they were in the same country, living close but once the tournament was over and they had to part the distance between Japan and Russia made them prone to argue. Really badly. To the point of breaking up out of frustration just to make up and get back together a few days later. It made them both upset, and if they were going to try being together for real they would rather take this step sooner than later. 
If it won't work out they´ll know soon and break up, knowing they tried it all. 
Boris has now lived in Japan with Hiromi for a month by now and things have gone quite well. Better than expected even. Being able to sort out their differences in person saved them from a lot of lingering negative feelings. Both learning the other´s habits, growing more considerate, helping out with different things. 
They´re renting a small apartment in central Tokyo not too far from the Kinomya dojo or Hiromi´s parents´home. The hardest part for Boris is going from being used to living in a shared house in Russia where he was constantly surrounded by his brothers to living with Hiromi in a new country, where he struggles with some culture and language. Yet, since money isn't really a problem after years as a pro blader, he suggested they should think about a place in Russia as well and he was happy when Hiromi agreed. 
Boris observes his reflection in the mirror with a slight frown on his face. His often wild lilac hair is combed quite neatly, the small scar where his lip ring usually is stands out and instead of his usual dark worn out clothes he's wearing a white ironed shirt together with a pair of nicer pants. Boris thinks it's a completely different person looking back at him in the reflection of the mirror. He touches his lower lip, it feels strange not to have his piercing there. Naked, almost. 
“Boris, we´re already late…” Hiromi´s voice can be heard from the bathroom.
Any other day, he´d be the one scrolling on his phone while waiting for her to get ready. As Hiromi picked between this and that, did her make up, and spent time on her hair. He has learned to be patient. 
But not today. 
The Japanese woman pokes her head out and looks Boris over. It's clear she's liking what she sees. “You look great!”
“I look like …” Boris makes a face. “An office worker.” He adds, as if working in an office is the worst thing there is.
“Now, what's wrong with that?” 
“It looks like I got a damn stick up my arse!” His voice grows louder.  
Hiromi sighs, the woman was always one to easily get annoyed when things don't go smoothly. Being together with Boris has taught her another type of patience than what she used with Takao and the Chief. He is all worth it to her, though. Emerging from the bathroom, Hiromi is dressed in a modest summer dress in white and yellow. Brown shoulder length hair secured in a neat, but cute, little pig-tail. Boris can't help but enjoy the sight of her, knowing she is his and has been for a while now. 
“We're just meeting my parents..--” She tries to soothe him but Boris interrupts her. 
To Hiromi, her parents are her security. It's the place where she grew up and became who she is. They´re people who she is in touch with daily. She knows that even if they never would have thought their daughter would want to get serious with a foregin man, a foreign man with somewhat of a troubled past, they wouldn't oppose unless Boris is treating her badly. Can´t make her happy. The only thing they're concerned about is that the two of them are getting serious without meeting them, without a promise of an engagement. They´re a bit traditional like that, and Hiromi knows that Boris is different. 
If he feels this badly over using quite simple plain clothes and fixing his hair Hiromi can only imagine his grumpy face if they ever get married. Boris dressed in a suit. Yet, she does believe he'd do it for her. Just as she has opened her mind to things she never would have done unless Boris was in her life. 
“Ain't such a small thing to me.” Boris counters, facing her, and his troubled expression does things to her. “My team is my family, the parents that gave me life are people I don't remember.” He continues, his accent gets a bit thicker. 
Hiromi moves closer to Boris, her hands touching him, slowly moving up his chest until she can wrap her arms around him in a light hug. Even like this, short as she is, Boris needs to hold onto her so she can keep her balance. It´s then clear to her that her man is nervous and uneasy because this is all new, and he wants to make a good impression on her parents. 
“They will like you.” Hiromi says gently. “This is just the first meeting, you can be more relaxed next time. They just want to know who you are.” 
“Fuck…” Boris curses, but his expression gets a little better. “You mean I should gradually show my wicked side…? Starting with this?” 
Hiromi chuckles, mouthing a “yeah”. He leans forward so their foreheads touch while they embrace. An insecure smile growing on his lips. 
Hiromi knows Boris is stubborn, headstrong, and confident in so many ways but dating and living with him is slowly teaching her about his more vulnerable sides. He has a past that haunts him to this day. No family of his own, abused and used by an adult he should have been able to trust. Trained to not feel certain emotions. 
Maybe one day, she can be some security to him. 
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Another thing about the sun and moon show: blood moon is a rhyming, homicidal little freak and I love that for him
I want to put him in a terrarium and study him <3
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infini-tree · 2 years
paws of destiny is lowkey a next generation-esque series that puts a quartet of kid characters on center stage, while po is relegated to the mentor role... with mixed results. the show really wants the kid characters to be the protagonists, which is fine on paper! discounting the stock complaints of “why aren’t [certain movie-canon characters] here”, they have interesting enough defining characteristics and dynamics for a set of Kid Appeal Characters... even if making one of the kid characters in said spotlight be relegated to Fat Jokes which is. not great, but unfortunately expected considering how the pandas as a whole were characterized in the third movie
however, po is the titular kung fu panda, so they can’t shake him off the series! he’s relegated to taking a supporting role as a result of his mentor role to these kids, only ever stepping up to deal massive blows the panda kids can’t which is a weird thing to do to your Main Character And Face Of The Franchise
in my opinion, po’s inclusion is contentious due to the whole issue of the show making a non-committal wiggly hand gesture to the question of Who’s The Protagonist Here
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springcatalyst · 7 months
this movie is permanently implanted in my retinas. it's not even that good
#LMAO#like its definitely a fun movie. but it's blatantly just a quick star wars ripoff#but for some fucking reason i decided to splice myself an original audio only version#the power of hating out of sync dialogue i guess#ive mostly got it done. theres some quirks in the video and audio that i still need to fix#but rn I'm just working on subtitles. gotta rewrite them all to fit my timing#and the English subtitles from the Japanese version dont always actually match what theyre saying#so I'm fixing that#i sat down at like 6 today and was like ok! editing subtitles real quick!#this shouldnt take long!#little did i know. it is 11pm and im not even halfway thru#bro i WISH i could tell u how many hours ive sunk into this silly goofy project by now#let's see i watched the movie Monday. pretty much immediately downloaded the 2 versions#ive been working on it at least a bit every day... probably around 20 hours?? at least?? considering how i spend my time??#so it's safe to say this movie is part of my brain matter now#theres parts that were tricky to get the audio right. that i had to check over and over#that i know like. exactly the diction of the lines. it's kinda hilarious#watching it again as i write the captions like lol. that's that line. the cadence of it lives in my brain forever#anyway anyway. having a normal one#i literally didn't even like the movie much when i watched it like it was fine#but by nature of spending so much time with it it is now like an old friend to me#those are my pals in the silly costumes flying the silly spaceships. so true maia. or whatever
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When I complain that there’s no cute guys you have to understand there is cute guys but there’s just no guys that I think are cute. Am I making sense are you writing this down
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courseclear · 1 year
nintendo: oh wow, in tears of the kingdom there’s a creepy corpse and a strange woman carved into stone !!
nintendo, a month before the game comes out: this is them lol. here they are.
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