#oh well i'm sure i've gained useful knowledge from the attempt
beneathsilverstars · 1 month
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Drew some family portraits to figure out how I want to draw everyone!! I was so brave and basically kept them in canon greyscale even though coloring is my favorite thing in the world 😤
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thefirstknife · 11 months
I'm not sure how exactly Destiny 2 is translated (if and how it is consulted with the writing team) but I thought that you might find it interesting that in Polish version "the Veil" was translated as "Całun" which is actually a kind of cloth that is covering on a corpse or a cofin. I think that it's pretty interesting, the way it recontextualizes it
That's interesting. Took a bit of digging and it seems the best English translation for that would be "shroud." This is similar to the veil, but it's more connected to burials. The word "veil" has always been interesting to me because it can be used in so much context that's related to both something mysterious but also a lot of funerary symbology. Like the funeral veil and stuff you just mentioned. And with the translation like this that's even more related, I do wonder. It's especially interesting with how the Veil seems to bring death to those that get too close and to those that try to understand it, which makes the funeral/death symbology fit, as well as being paired with an attempt to gain more knowledge. The Veil hides many secrets and attempting to see them can result in death.
The name "Veil" is super interesting to me in general. A lot of the stuff about the Veil is being used in the context of revealing information and mysteries, especially with the iconic name of "Unveiling;" the term implies a veil being removed and information being revealed. One of my favourite possible explanations for why the name was chosen (and also for the veiled woman statues) is the mythological and esoteric concept of the Veil of Isis. As soon as you click, you will see a modern rendition of this concept as a statue:
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That's quite the image, considering what the veiled statues look like in Destiny. And yes, the boobs are an important part for the allegory; Isis (or sometimes Artemis) represents nature so breasts are an important part of showing how all of nature nourishes everything. The veil on this concept represents how the mysteries and truths about the natural world are obscured; we are not ready to know them so they are hidden. A lot of depictions of this in the time of the Enlightenment showed the figure's veil being removed, representing the rise of science uncovering (unveiling, revealing) the mysteries of nature.
With what we know about what happened to the Witness, this is very interesting. The Witness' species sought the Veil and by studying it, they understood Darkness and that revealed a whole new perspective for them. It essentially unveiled the mysteries of nature and they ascended, becoming something else with the newfound knowledge. Also important for the symbology of death, because using this infomation resulted in mass sacrifice of the species to attain this altered form that is the Witness. This is also when the cutscene shows the veiled statue being carved into pieces, perhaps a different way of presenting this same concept of lifting the veil of mystery and revealing something new. As a matter of fact, I keep using the word "reveal" so it would also be interesting to point out that it comes from Latin "revelare" which combines "re" and "velum" which means "veil."
And at the end, this wiki article also mentions:
The "Parting of the Veil", "Piercing of the Veil", "Rending of the Veil" or "Lifting of the Veil" refers, in the Western mystery tradition and contemporary witchcraft, to opening the "veil" of matter, thus gaining entry to a state of spiritual awareness in which the mysteries of nature are revealed.
Oh, Parting of the Veil? That's what the quest where we get Veil Logs is called.
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Just an additional dive into some stuff I've been thinking about a lot. I'm super interested in seeing if we get some more information about the terminology being used, maybe some additional hints and pointers. Different translations definitely help and add to the possible reasons behind the name as well as provide additional points for analysis. Super interesting. Would like to know if there's other translations that somehow differ from the main one and possibly expand on the meaning.
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tamabbyboi · 3 years
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~Shouto Todoroki~
Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x reader
Fairytale: Cinderella (Try to guess what fairytales the other characters will be!! I already have them figured out so it'll be cool to see what you guys think!!)
~Fairytale Phenomenon masterlist
~Main masterlist
A/N: HI IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! I'm a lot less busy than I have been so hopefully I'll have more time to write! This was kinda difficult to write due to the circumstance of the plot, you'll see why but I'm super proud of this!!
Word Count: 4.2k (the longest thing I've ever written!!)
Warnings: cursing, reader is female leaning, wears dresses, and mentioned as being a maiden however they/them pronouns are used. Slight manga spoilers?? I used a currently manga-only character (Chitose Kizuki, most likely will be animated this season) as the evil stepmother because I didn't want to do that to anyone else, however the only spoiler is her existence and appearance.
Thank you so much to @granddecoffee and @melancholymetropolis for beta-ing!!!!
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"Oh! It's starting! You got lucky, this time it's Cinderella! And you get to play Cinderella themself! I'm sure you're familiar with the tale. Make sure not to break character or the story gets reset!"
"What?! That's it you're just gonna-"
"I'll leave you to it then! Have fun!"
The quirk wielder's form faded along with the dark abyss around you, taking you through flashbacks of a Cinderella childhood. Though you couldn't control your actions, you watched through the eyes of your character.
In the beginning you watched from the point of view of a child, looking upward toward two adults you assumed to be your parents in this fairytale world. They showed themselves to be incredibly caring parents, and you felt a warm feeling in their presence, despite not really knowing them.
As the story goes, you saw your fairytale mother fall ill and pass away, left with the view of a grief stricken father attempting his best for his child. A father that remarried because he believed it to be what was best, even though his following death only made things worse.
Still not in control, the body you were watching from gradually grew older as scenes of mistreatment from the stepmother, named Chitose Kizuki, occured. She had light blue skin and lavender hair, her eyes were a brilliant emerald green with blackened scleras. She was beautiful, but even without knowledge of the storyline you were about to face, anyone could tell she was no good.
Your new stepsisters mistreated you as well, though you could tell it was from the coaxing of their mother and not necessarily of their own accord. What surprised you, was that these were the first two faces you recognized so far. Your so-called evil stepsisters were none other than your own classmates and friends:
Uraraka and Tsu.
Well what the fuck? Why are two of the nicest people I've ever met the villains?
You noted that you were not permitted to call members of your stepfamily by name; you were only to refer to them as stepmother or stepsister, and you observed as your body completed the harsh regimen of chores that awaited you.
Goddammit, I'm stuck doing housework? Why couldn't I have gotten put in Sleeping Beauty or something? A 100 year nap sounds SO nice.
As you gained control of your body you realized that now, acting out the rest of the story was up to you. All you had to do was stay in character. Would it really be that hard?
"Y/N-ieeeeeeeee," you heard the high pitched voice of your stepmother call.
Your eye twitched. Yeah. It's gonna be hard not to snap.
You commenced with the housework assigned to you, and time passed by as if you were in a movie montage.
I wish I could put this little time and effort into chores in real life.
After the montage, you heard the doorbell ring. You figured it was your duty to get the door, and it's not like you didn't know what it was. You opened the door, expecting a random palace worker there to invite your family to the ball.
What you did not expect was another one of your classmates and friends, Tenya Iida himself.
You supposed it made sense for the fastest man around to be delivering things for the palace. Though quirks seemed not to exist in this reality, you were sure that the quirks of those you knew in your real life would transfer to the skills of their fairytale selves.
Iida gave the exact spiel you were expecting, telling you to extend an invitation that was now in your hand to every eligible maiden in your house. The invitation itself was a nicely decorated scroll, with beautiful lettering.
The way he spoke was comfortingly familiar in this alternate reality, though you couldn't risk breaking character by acting suspicious.
Once your friend left, you went to read the scroll, but before you could unroll it it was snatched from your hand by your stepmother.
"The prince is holding a ball, girls!" Uraraka and Tsu came barreling into the front room, squealing with joy and asking a million questions.
"When is it?"
"What will we wear? I only have two suitable gowns!"
"Will the Prince fall in love with me?"
Jesus CHRIST this is not how they act in real life!
"Girls!" Your stepmother shushed as you observed silently. "We only have a few days to prepare, Y/N will make us the dresses we need,"
I will what?
"And rest assured, the prince will fall in love with one of you! And then the three of us will live happily ever after! Y/N, go into town for materials and get started on our gowns right away." She placed a bit of money into your hand.
Knowing how the story goes, you knew better than to ask to go to the ball. But the story seemed to be on pause, as if waiting for something.
Really? Now I have to beg?
"Stepmother, shall I make a dress for myself?"
She and her two daughters looked at you incredulously and scoffed. You couldn't say you weren't expecting this, but for the sake of not starting over, you pretended to have a genuine reaction to what happened next.
"You can go if you manage to make yourself something in time. It did say every maiden in the land is to attend." She had a look on her face that told of her true intentions, and you were sure that you'd be extremely suspicious had you not known what she would eventually do.
And with that you were transported into town, almost like a scene change in a movie.
This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
You looked around for a shop where you could purchase the materials you needed, however your search was cut short when you walked right into a hooded figure.
"I am so sorry I should have been wat-"
"It's alright, miss. Are you okay?" You heard the familiar voice and looked up to find that sure enough, a head of read and white hair was revealed to be under the hood.
Todoroki's here too?
You felt a wave of disappointment. If Todoroki was a random townsperson this meant that he wasn't your prince. That you didn't get to be with the one you have feelings for, even in a fairytale. When the fairytale quirk user spoke of your "little crush" you immediately knew they were talking about Todoroki. But if he wasn't the prince, then who was?
While you were wallowing in your missed opportunity to romance Todoroki, the man himself was staring at you blankly. You realized you still hadn't responded.
"I'm fine! Again I'm so sorry for bumping into you-"
"It really is alright, miss..." He looked at you expectantly.
"Y/N L/N, but you can just call me Y/N."
"Shouto Todoroki," he began
Yeah, wow, shocker, didn't know that.
"But you can just call me Shouto."
You gave him a warm smile despite your internal freak out and shook his outstretched hand.
"I'm looking for a fabric store, do you happen to know where I could find one?" you asked, figuring this was his role in this reality.
"No, I don't come here very often, sorry. I can help you find one though, if you'd like the assistance?"
You, of course, accepted, and you and Todoroki were off. As you made your way around the town together, you found yourself in another montage.  Soon enough, you were talking and laughing. While you weren’t fully experiencing what was going on, a warm, joyous feeling filled your entire being. You just felt happy.
It took you a while to find a store, and Todoroki announced that he must take his leave, saying he’d spent too much time away from home and there were people worrying about him. Though by the look on his face you could tell he didn’t want to go. Knowing his rocky relationship with his father, you weren’t surprised, though you had hoped he’d be able to catch a break from the man in a fairytale world.
“When can I see you again?” His words made your heart flutter.
“Um... I don’t know when I’ll be in town next. I have to make dresses for my stepfamily for the ball and-”
“Oh! That’s it! The ball! I’ll see you there, alright?” He looked so excited, and you could only nod enthusiastically, knowing how the story goes. Todoroki walked away, leaving you in front of the shop a moment longer, stuck in your thoughts.
Does this mean he is the prince? Isn’t this how some of the Cinderella stories go?
Before you could step foot into the shop you took so long to find you were suddenly transported to your room, or rather the attic, eith a pile of fabric. You were launched right into another montage, this time including you sewing, a skill you didn’t know you possessed in this capacity.
Really? All that for nothing?
The dresses you created were beautiful. Uraraka's was a light pink color, with white lace detail and trim. Tsu's was an elegant gown with a large skirt, in a stunning emerald green. Your stepmother's was a light lavender that matched her hair.
The most beautiful of all was yours, a brilliant (f/c) with a stunning style that you knew would flatter your body type.
It's such a shame this is gonna get torn to shreds. At least I get to wear it for like,, five minutes.
After dressing your stepfamily you slipped into your own gown, making sure to take a moment to study yourself in the mirror. You looked gorgeous.
You said a mental goodbye to the stunning dress before heading downstairs to ‘go to the ball’; but it’s not like you didn’t know what was really about to happen.
As you descended the stairs you could hear the soft gasps of your stepfamily, all three of them in awe of the garment on your body.
Oh great. It’s gonna be worse than I thought, isn’t it?
"What do you think you're doing?" Tsu and Uraraka were still staring in awe as your stepmother questioned you.
"You said I could go to the ball if I made myself a dress. Here it is." You gestured to the garment on your body.
"No, that won't do; it's all ragged and torn!" She replied without hesitation.
"What do you mean?"
"It's all torn, isn't it girls?" She gestured wildly to her daughters, trying to get them to get the hint.
Are they purposefully ignoring that, or are they just stupid...?
"No, mother I don't see a problem with it at all!" Tsu was the first to speak.
"In fact, it's the most beautiful dress I've ever seen!" Uraraka said her piece.
"Now why would you go and make a dress more beautiful than ours for yourself, hmm?"
You held back your tongue. This woman had the audacity-
She ripped the dress. She ripped it. Tore it. The absolutely gorgeous piece of art that you wore. Ruined.
RIP most beautiful thing I've ever worn. It shall be missed.
Uraraka and Tsu looked just as betrayed as you felt. It seemed that neither of them wanted the glorious dress to be destroyed either. They shot you twin apologetic looks.
"Well, now that that's taken care of we'll be off girls." Your stepmother motioned for her daughters to follow her to the door, but before she could go through it she turned to say one more thing. "Oh, and make sure to clean the fabric scraps you left on the floor."
Uraraka and Tsu both turned to you and mouthed sorry, you gave them a slight smile and a nod back, letting them know you would be fine. You knew what happened next, after all.
You entered the back garden, making sure to really play up the sadness for the sake of not breaking character, though some of the sadness was very real. That was a really pretty dress.
As you sat on the ground, resting your arms on the edge of the fountain, you saw a poof of purple smoke appear next to you: your fairy godmother you assumed. You had been wondering who it would end up being since the beginning, and looking up you were faced with...
Pro-hero and UA teacher Midnight stood there in all her glory. You looked at her in awe. She was wearing a glittering, form fitting, deep purple gown that complimented her dark hair well. She had her signature weapon in place of a wand.
"Oh dear, what happened to that beautiful dress?"
"Uh- it got torn," you responded dumbly, too distracted by the fact that she was your fairy godmother to properly gather your thoughts.
"I can see that," she chuckled, "Why don't you let me spruce that up a bit for ya?" She didn't wait for a response before waving her 'wand' and releasing a cloud of gas to surround you, fading away to reveal a new gown. A gown that, to be expected from Midnight, showed a tad too much skin for a royal ball.
I'm not saying I don't look great right now, but I probably shouldn't wear this to this kind of event.
"Um, this is a little revealing-"
"What do you mean? There's no such things as too revealing!"
"I'm going to a royal ball..."
"Ah... right."
The gas enveloped you once more and left you with a jaw-dropping gown fit for royalty. It was f/c and f/style. It was somehow even more gorgeous than the one that your stepmother tore. And of course, the look wouldn't be complete without the iconic glass slippers.
Midnight waved her arms in excitement "Oh you look absolutely stunning! You're sure to snag the prince in that get-up!"
Though you knew that would happen, you tried to stay in character. "Oh I'm not there to woo the prince. I merely wish to see someone I met a few days ago, that's all."
"Well whatever you do, you'll need a way to get there." She began searching the area. "Let's see... this pumpkin could make a good carriage! And what's this, some mic? They'll be horses and footmen soon- a little magic should do the trick!"
The same gas that dressed you surrounded some of the garden, and as it cleared, a carriage with two horses and two footmen became visible.
Midnight turned to you with a wide smile. "Have fun! But not too much fun, if you know what I mean!"
Oh my god
"Oh! One more thing!"
Let me guess, it all wears off at midnight?
"The magic wears off at midnight, so be careful!"
Wow, didn't see that one coming.
"I will! Thank you so much!" You stepped into the carriage and as it rode off, you saw Midnight disappear in a cloud of gas herself.
You then suddenly arrived at the palace. Your footmen opened the door to your carriage and helped you step out and onto the path to the doors. You were late so there weren't many people around, only palace guards.
The guards nodded to you and opened the doors. You entered the castle, and, after being guided there, you stepped into the ballroom. The moment you entered, the murmuring throughout the grand space silenced for a split second. All eyes in the room were on you.
Well damn, I really do clean up, don't I???
As you descended the staircase, you watched as a head of red and white hair raced through the crowd to meet you at the bottom. He held out his hand for you to take.
"Could I interest you in a dance?"
Oh my god he IS the prince. This is going to be a lot more enjoyable than I thought.
"Why of course." You took his hand and he led you to the dance floor. He smiled softly at you as you danced, another thing you didn't actually know how to do. This fairytale world sure was full of surprises.
"I'm glad you're here. I hadn't seen you so I lost a bit of hope," he whispered.
"I'm so sorry about that! I had a... wardrobe malfunction!" you frantically apologized.
"Don't worry about it. What matters is that you made it at all." He smiled softly and your heart warmed.
As the song died down Todoroki began to pull you through the crowd. "Let's go to the garden. We can talk more there."
You felt another montage come on, quite like sewing montage and the one with Todoroki earlier. The two of you talking about anything and everything, laughing so hard you doubled over where you sat, and getting into serious topics that had you both reaching out to the other to comfort them.
There was a lull in the montage and you were hit with a question that caught you off guard.
"I know this sounds crazy, but if I asked you to marry me, would you say yes?"
Oh Todoroki, my beloved you have no idea.
"It's just that my dad wants me to find someone to marry and if I don't he'll choose someone for me. And even though we've only met a few times, I feel like we understand each other. The only person I've ever felt this way around is you."
God damnit. I get this kind of romance then I'm going to have to go back to my pining in the real world where he doesn't feel that way about me at all. At least I get to enjoy this while it lasts.
"I feel the same. You make me feel like no one else can." You said with complete sincerity, conveying what you were too scared to in the real world. "So to answer your question-" Before you could finish you were forced to take off running.
Bells had started ringing. It was midnight.
oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh SHIT.
"I'm so sorry! I really have to go!" You shouted as you ran.
Shouto followed behind you, calling your name and begging you to come back. It broke your heart to run from him, it really did. But even though you had to, you at least had the advantage of knowing everything would turn out fine.
As expected, while you hurried out of the palace one of your glass slippers fell off. You abandoned it, leaving Todoroki with a way to track you down.
As you hastily boarded your carriage and yelled for it to take off, you looked back once more to see a crestfallen prince holding your shoe.
I'm sorry Shouto, I really am.
The carriage began to fade around you, you stepped out of it and awaited the full breakdown of the magic. Sure enough, in front of you stood a pumpkin and a few mice that quickly scurried off. Your beautiful gown turned back into the shredded one you'd worn previously, and all that remained was, of course, your single glass slipper.
You were more thankful than ever for the movie-like teleportation- it brought you directly to your attic rather than making you walk all the way home. You changed into your 'regular clothes' and quickly went downstairs to clean the mess your stepmother made earlier. 
Just as you finished, your stepfamily got home. You rushed upstairs to pretend you were asleep, but could hear their faint chatter. They seemed to be talking about how they didn't get the prince's attention all night, but neither Uraraka nor Tsu were very mad about that. It was their mother that was complaining.
After a few minutes, you heard footsteps approach the entrance to your attic room. You used your best acting skills to make it seem as if you were asleep, but your stepsisters saw right through it.
"Y/N? You're awake, aren't you?" Tsu asked.
You opened your eyes and sat up. "What are you two doing up here?"
They looked at each other for a moment before Uraraka responded "We just wanted to apologize for earlier. And thank you for our dresses."
Aww, see? They could never be evil.
"Mother has always been so cruel to you, and I don't know why. It isn't right. I'm sorry we never did anything about it; it was wrong of us." Tsu bowed her head, and Uraraka followed her lead.
"No it's okay! You don't have to apologize for it, it's not like it's your fault! And don't feel bad for not doing anything. If you had she might have treated you guys badly too. You were only protecting yourselves."
The three of you talked a bit more before going to bed, and you were happy to see the stepsister redemption. You'd always liked those versions of Cinderella better anyways.
Of course, going to bed didn't mean you'd sleep. Not in this fairytale world, it didn't. You traveled immediately to the next day. You were doing your morning chores in the living room when your stepmother stormed in, fuming with anger.
"Care to tell me what this is?" She shoved a piece of paper in your face. It had the royal seal on it and announced that the prince was in search of a Y/N L/N that he danced with at the ball. It said any information on their whereabouts would be rewarded, and that he'd be searching for them nonetheless, going door to door.
You weren't able to come up with a response. Not one in character, anyways. You thought about saying something that would possibly send you back to the beginning, but you'd come this far and being put into a romantic situation with Todoroki made you want to go back to real life and confess as soon as possible. Who knew getting put into a weird fairytale-coma would be what it took for you to tell him how you felt?
Your stepmother grew impatient with your lack of response and grabbed your arm, dragging you up the stairs.
"How dare you defy me and go to that ball? What did you even wear after I shredded that monstrosity of yours? And now you're stealing away the prince's affections from my daughters?" She continued to interrogate you as you neared your attic. You still didn't respond. "You witch! You won't even talk to your mother?"
That's it. This bitch is annoying me. Time to give Cinderella a backbone.
"You are not my mother. You treat me like a slave. And if anyone's a witch here it's you!"
She looked horrified as she shoved you through the attic entrance and locked it. "Prince Todoroki can search for you wherever he wants, but he sure as hell won't find you here."
That's what you think. But I know how the story goes.
Not too long after you heard her footsteps fade away, you could faintly hear your stepmother tell Todoroki and his guards that you weren't there. You grew worried at the situation- you didn't know how to get out of this.
But your worry faded when you heard Tsu tell the guards that their mother was lying and that Y/N was, in fact, upstairs. Despite your stepmother’s protests, Tsu began to describe what had been done to you your whole life. As she spoke, you heard footsteps hurriedly approach.
The door unlocked and swung open, revealing Uraraka on the other side with a wide grin on her face. "I managed to snag these while mother was freaking out." She held up a ring of keys.
You tackled her in a hug. "Thank you! Thank you so much! How can I ever repay you?"
"Go and live your happily ever after. That's all Tsu and I want to see. Oh, and invite us to the wedding!"
I guess this is kinda like living a happily ever after, huh?
You chuckled. "Of course."
You ran down the stairs and saw that Midoriya and Bakugou had your stepmother restrained while Tsu stood smiling and chatting with Tokoyami and Ojiro, the other guards.
Todoroki stood by himself, obviously waiting for you. And as soon as he heard you descend the stairs he turned toward you and the happiest smile you'd ever seen spread across his face.
GOD I am in love with this man.
You ran to him and the two of you embraced, your arms around his neck and his around your waist. You pulled back slightly and rested your forehead on his, both of you smiling so wide it seemed as if your faces weren't wide enough.
"Hi." Your smile somehow grew wider.
"Hi." And so did his.
And then you pressed your lips to his, kissing for the first time and beginning the happily ever after of this augmented reality.
In that moment, you guiltily wished you could stay there forever. Inside a literal fairytale, living your happily ever after with Shouto Todoroki. But as the scene faded out and you could no longer feel his touch you knew you'd have to find that happily ever after back in the real world, and you couldn't be more excited to do that.
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IMPORTANT!!! If you filled out the taglist form and Shinsou wasn't on there and you want to be tagged in his then you can edit your response/ submit another one, sorry I forgot to add him originally!
Taglist form
Tags: @bnhareblogs @iwantsleep-7 @marvel-love-posts @bakukags @cicadawithacamera @luluwiie
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part 4 (?) ive lost count already but unsurprisingly ive grown even more attached to him
using this as the cover image because i made him a playlist. cause im awful
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no legit this is gonna need a read more because it's SO LONG SHIHEWIESHEFSHIEWHF
Had three mental breakdowns this week and realized i do in fact kin sherlock motherfucking holmes. this does not bode well for anything in my life mentally I've diagnosed him with so many things
Oh boy lol you want the list I think hes autistic (undisputed honestly) plus also adhd but on top of that there's the manic depression and uhhh the bpd lmao I dont even think that's it those are just. the obvious ones
But yeah man's a fucking mess and a shit person but in the same way as me so 👍
Some highlights I thought were very funny:
watson: we are in fact going to be waltzing into a place where people are Shooting People you do not have your gun. this is a problem
sherlock: don't worry watson I have my trusty stick!
watson: visible pain
This clearly happens like every day or so with them
but yeah there were some really honestly sweet scenes with them at the apartment and why am i getting soft over the crusty man being gay
have you considered tho. have you considered them
have you considered sherlock, who usually only plays absolute garbage on his violin serenading watson to sleep when he was tired and in pain and watson being so fucking in love with the man and waxing poetic about falling asleep to his music and waking up to see him fallen asleep on the couch next to him and oh my god them
They're just really sweet together for such a completely dysfunctional couple so much of the time lol I just. Sherlock being like.
Sherlock half of the time: watson you're fucking stupid. no i won't take care of my personal needs stfu. watson get a goddamn life. watson shut up. watson no one cares about your goddamn opinion. no i need to disturb you in the middle of the night it's for science. hey watson mind if i manipulate mansplain malewife
They're... they certainly are.
The main highlight of this part was I have now gotten to see him have a great time watching his homo homie get married
Its so fucking funny.......
I was prepared for a funny reaction by yuumori sherlock's face when he said it lol but. Damn i was really not prepared tbh
watson: I'm engaged!
sherlock: *pained groaning*
watson: do you... not like her?
watson: yeah... yeah... fair, I feel really bad because you did this whole case and I got a girlfriend out of it and all you got was me leaving you alone fuck man im sorry what are you gonna do without me
sherlock, highly sarcastic: dont worry watson I've always got my handy cocaine! *pulls it out and gets high in front of watson just as he's about to leave*
watson: *in fucking agony*
sherlock: good for you!
I'd like to apologize to watson on sherlock's behalf lmao. man is being a bit too codependent on main
The last thing about sign of four I do need to address is yeah, there's the Horrific Amounts Of Racism in that one and the whiplash hearing it is just ridiculous because they seem to be so knowledgeable in all other areas and fairly... politically correct, taking sherlock's original misogyny as a purposeful character flaw, but then they just mention someone indigenous once and suddenly its all parrotting racist propaganda and just... really awful shit. There's no way I'm gonna speak for the group that just got absolutely hate crimed here but anyone can tell the author just has no clue what he's fucking talking about and it's physically painful.
And I don't know, it's just so bad it seems out of character? Doyle's making these motherfuckers say shit that honestly, Sherlock would know better about. And especially Watson. Come on, you cannot tell me watson is mentally capable of being prejudiced against someone. Please do not make him that way.
I'm not sure how to handle it specifically, or what's the proper way I should handle something like that in a media I otherwise like. Is it ok to say Doyle was clearly a piece of shit on the matter and separate those characters from his bias or is that insensitive?
I don't know, I was Not a fan of it and I'm glad to see they've at least finally shut up about the guy
But anyway yeah, uhhhh onto the short stories because I'm trying to read those before I get to the final problem
Scandal in Bohemia was a fucking ride, first of all, before we even get to Sherlock's girlboss arc we have to discuss how gay the whole situation was and how Doyle's attempt at making them less gay failed spectacularly
Like he's all "ah yes I need to marry off watson and uhhh make sherlock ummmm interact with a woman so they dont look gay" but he does it SO BADLY that it makes them look EVEN GAYER
cause i mean, even the conversation they had about watson getting married back in sign of four was gay af, but how Doyle handled things afterward was in no way straighter.
Cause you know, the man kind of wrote himself into a corner with the fact of Watson narrating these stories. So Watson has to be around to witness them, and to witness Sherlock's own thought process rather privately, so he has to be around sherlock at night, a lot. But trying to come up with a reason for that happening just... it didn't occur to Doyle. He just went. Ah yes this makes sense. And it's Watson just like Sleeping Over At Sherlock's like every other goddamn day and every time his wife leaves town and having them basically still live that cute domestic home life but they have absolutely no excuses for doing it anymore. It's quite funny
Like it was gay already the way they interacted when they officially lived together but it was like, a necessity for them. Now it's not, Watson just comes over because he goddamn wants to, and it's hilarious to me.
Watson walks in on no fucking notice after a full year and Sherlock is just. In the middle of some experiment obviously but hes like
Sherlock, carrying around unidenfiable chemical mixtures: W A T S O N you look good you look good! i see you've gained seven pounds!!
watson: uh. thanks??? Hey lol *awkwardly waves* Uh um Wanted to Uhm sEe you
watson: :) ok :) *turns to camera* and we were back to the old days
sherlock: makes a deduction
watson: wowwwwwwwwwwww !! so true bestie !!
sherlock: !!!!!!!!! :))) !!!!! :))) uh fuck im supposed to be smooth Its Elementary Lol
watson: *turns to camera* when i stroke his ego like this and compliment him he blushes like a girl like i just complimented his dress so i do it more because he likes it. this is a homie trait
watson: well i should probably get going! my wife will notice that i am gone my dear buddy bro homie!
sherlock: NO DONT LEAVE IM LOST WITHOUT YOU (pretty much a direct quote lol) your. wife doesn't. get back home until monday. I know this because I am smart and definitely have not been stalking you.
watson: alright :)))))
So yeah they're right back where they were before pretty much and there's a case bc of course there is
And honestly I think this short story specifically was so insane mostly just because of how absolutely fast it all went. Yuumori kind of made me believe the original Irene Adler was more of an important character than she really is? And I think that's. Honestly so funny. Motherfucker shows up for ten pages, girlbosses her way around town, and changes sherlock's entire opinion of the female gender while still keeping him gay?
AND THEY HAVE LIKE O N E INTERACTION?? God, the power this woman(?) has. Watson looks at her once like. damb shawty 😳 and she's like "no<3" and he's like FUCK
Like yeah it's pretty much just the king walking up like "help girl the whore is blackmailing me" and sherlock being like "ok lol this will be easy" and then it proceeded to not in fact be easy or even possible
sherlock like... posed as a dead body and tried to get her to give up the location of the photo but she out-acted him and skipped the town the next day after doing the 'good night mr. sherlock holmes' thing with sherlock completely tricked
and she just. sends a letter like "dear sherlock holmes. you're a fucking idiot and i think it's funny that you lost. nice job tho mad respect" and sherlock just SHORT CIRCUITS
the king comes back a bit later like "hey Dude where's my Photo" and sherlock's like oh yeah uhhhhhhhhhhh about that and the king is like HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN THAT GODDAMN HARD i would have dated someone more noble if she wasn't so pretty i swear im on a whole different level from her
and then. GIRLBOSSIFIED SHERLOCK HOLMES RESPONDS "from what I have seen of the lady, she seems indeed to be on a very different level from your majesty" ABSEHHESHEFHHFES ROASTED
and the dude just LEAVES
After that I read a few more of the short stories and well the highlights I got from that pretty much were these conversations
Watson: sherlock. honey. have you. eaten anything today
Sherlock: *having one of his Moment Moments at three in the goddamn mornig* GRRRR CRIME ISNT WHAT IT USED TO BE
Sherlock: no one's original anymore fucking copycats
Watson: so you want the criminals to make things harder for you specifically.
Sherlock, exasperated: yes!
I love them your honor.
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voidlitmoon · 5 years
Finding Our Stars - Bonus Mini Chapter
Ok @sugarglider9603, here is chapter one!
Alright I want to make something clear.. I chose Pecha because of Picani, please accept my reference :)
Also READERS PLEASE NOTE the Bonus Chapter links will be available ONLY ON THE MASTER POST, this includes the minific of MJ and and Iris that I've posted before, I have adjusted the links so it is no longer the Part 2 link on part one and (now) part three, Part 2 link is now Shine Freely My Friends. If want to read these extras later on, check out the Master post link, you can also find Pokeside art from me as well :D
Ao3 link
Ao3 series link
Chapter 2
Master Post
Words: 1,447
Summery: 'They seemed to be in a room with many other brown Eevee eggs, some still as rocks while others shook a bit, one on the other not to far away having a few cracks of its own. They lay in nest of blankets, the warm sun shining through a window straight onto his egg shell pieces. The Eevee squinted, he could see perfectly fine, but the light bothered his eyes, most likely since he basically stared straight at it as he entered the world.
The human opened a door to what seemed to be a large shed or small barn, for they exited onto a sprawling green field, trees sprouting here and there. Berry bushed lay at their bases, Oran, Sitrus, Logan, Pecha, Cheri, and many others spread between.
But what was fascinating were the brown pokemon currently turning to watch the human.
The Eevee's eyes widened as Eevees like himself stared back, brown eyes curiously inspecting him.'
A world were they were wanted to be one thing, but then ignored as extras when not. Where when every other of there kind around them kept separate, two connected like puzzle pieces. All was normal for several months
Until a new Eevee hatch.
And without realizing, Sleep and Pecha connected to a much bigger puzzle on a journey to find their little dark Star
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Chapter One
what.. was that? 'Light' his mind supplied. The creature pushed a paw to the egg's shell, lightning bolts shooting along.
"C'mon c'mon c'mon" a voice? Someone was talking outside wherever he was, instinct kicking in. The creature kicked the shell's inside, pushing.
The light grew brighter and brighter as more fell through the splits, causing the pokemon to blink, the light bothering his eyes.
Almost out.
Just a bit more.
The egg split open, the Eevee inside tumbled out.
"Ugggh, another normal" the voice muttered, making the Eevee look up.
The figure above him reached out a hand, patting him head "sorry bud, you not the one. Let's go put you with the others" the Eevee blinked, shaking his fur as he stood and chirped a confused ok.
The human picked him up, letting the Eevee look around.
They seemed to be in a room with many other brown Eevee eggs, some still as rocks while others shook a bit, one on the other not to far away having a few cracks of its own. They lay in nest of blankets, the warm sun shining through a window straight onto his egg shell pieces. The Eevee squinted, he could see perfectly fine, but the light bothered his eyes, most likely since he basically stared straight at it as he entered the world.
The human opened a door to what seemed to be a large shed or small barn, for they exited onto a sprawling green field, trees sprouting here and there. Berry bushed lay at their bases, Oran, Sitrus, Logan, Pecha, Cheri, and many others spread between.
But what was fascinating were the brown pokemon currently turning to watch the human.
The Eevee's eyes widened as Eevees like himself stared back, brown eyes curiously inspecting him.
"There's another one hatching right now" the human announced to the crowd, setting the newly hatched Eevee down. No Eevee made a move toward the human, just continuing their business when they walked back inside.
Eevee blinked, confusion filling him "excuse me" he squeaked to a nearby Eevee. She stop confused "what's going on?" He asked, curiosity filling his mind.
"That's Manti" she explained, shaking out her fur "they/them pronouns. Apparently they're breeding for shiny grey colored Eevees, when ever they come out with one it's brought over to their house instead of staying with us" Eevee stared at the large house she pointed at before walking away.
He jumped a few minutes later as the door opened again, 'Manti' sighing as another brown Eevee lay in his arms. He set the squinting Eevee down next to the other before walking away.
"What going on?" The squinting Eevee asked, confused. The older Eevee explained as the walked over to a shaded spot, apologising with his small knowledge.
"That's so weird" the younger mumbled softly, starting a tad scared out at the other pokemon. They ended up curling together near a Peacha Berry bush under a red apple tree, the younger enjoying the sweet tasting berries. The taste was ok with the older, but maybe a bit too sweet.
"Hey" the younger looked up "it's ok to be scared, we're new to all this" the older snuggled closer "we'll stick together."
The younger hummed "it might be possible Manti could name us, or give us to someone else to name, but do you wanna give each other nicknames? Might be easier since we're both Eevees" he giggled.
"Hmm ok, how about Sleep for me, since that's all I want to do right now" the older joked, causing the younger to laughed. "All right then Sleep, what's mine?" Sleep felt his cheeks heat up slightly, but couldn't help but let out a small laugh "how about Peacha, since your so sweet?" He suggested, giving a grin as the younger gave a very noticeable blush and froze. Sleep felt sudden fear, what if he took offense, what if he didn't like it, what if-
The younger smiled, tucking his head under the older's chin "I love it" Peacha whispered.
Sleep watched sleepily as Manti entered the Hatchery. It had been several months since Sleep and Peacha hatched, only one shiny grey Eevee had appeared. Manti seemed very happy, the two being close enough to hear them mutter "finally a Jolteon" before walking off. Apparently the human had been attempting for a long time to gain every shiny Eevee and Eeveelution, already having the normal furs.
It had been quite a while since the last shiny though, Manti gaining more and more annoyed.
"FOR ARCEUS SAKE" a scream raged from the Hatchery, startling Peacha from sleep. Manti exited, clearly upset but just let out an sign, setting the Eevee down before walking away. Sleep looked curiously at the new Eevee.
Even for a newly hatched, the Eevee was very small. It crouched in the setting sun's lights, darker than normal furred slightly spiked in fear. Poor Eevee must have been terrified having a scream be the first noise he heard. Anger at Manti bubbled in Sleep for a moment before Pecha stood up, bounding over to the curled up Eevee.
"Hey" Pecha whispered and Sleep wandered up behind "are you ok?" The Eevee glanced up, brilliantly rich violet eyes stared. Sleep blinked. Manti really must have not gotten a good look at this Eevee, otherwise it probably would have never left his sight.
"I- I" the dark Eevee mumbled, shrinking down. Pecha blinked "oh no it's ok, Manti's not mad specifically at you" he comforted.
Sleep gently nudged the Eevee up, the small one following them. After that day the two hatched, the Pecha bush under the rich red apple tree had become their sleeping spot. There was a large radius of open grass between that tree and other objects, giving the two, now three privacy.
The two calmed the Eevee down, explaining the situation as they curled him between the two.
"So, Manti is a shiny breeder?" The Eevee mumbled tiredly as the others nodded. The violet eyes were locked on the sky as stars started shining brightly, calming the Eevee even more.
"Do you.. do you want me to leave you guys alone?" He whispered asked.
"No!" Pecha cried, snuggling up closer. The Eevee blinked "but your so close, I don't want to interfere."
Sleep shook his head "we choose who we want to be around" he looked up at the stars alongside the Eevee "and to prove that I, the amazing Sleep, with give you a nickname" Pecha swatted him with his tail "of course, only if you want one."
The Eevee looked over and hesitated "are.. are you sure?" Sleep nodded.
"Alright.." Sleep and Pecha snuggled the small one closer "how about Star, dark one?" Sleep mumbled sleepily, glancing one last time at the sky the violet eyes were still latched onto.
The dark one thought for a moment, before nodding.
"I.. I like it" Star mumbled, smiling.
Manti walked out, fresh air shifting around them. Footfall behind them made the breeder turn, smiling as an old friend walked out.
"So I heard you were looking for an Eevee. I just had a special looking Eevee born about two weeks ago, bright purple eyes. It's not a shiny so it's useless to me, but a dragon evolution would look cool with those eyes.
When Sleep and Pecha woke up, their little Star was gone.
Sleep comforted Pecha as the younger cried. "Don't worry, we'll find him" Pecha just shook his head.
"Manti took him while we slept, he probably gave him off to a trainer" he mumbled between tears. It was probably true, occasionally humans would come by and take one of the 'extra' Eevees along with them.
Sleep growled "we will find him" the tone causing Pecha to look up as Sleep stood up, making his way to the fence.
"But we can't leave!" Pecha exclaimed, eyes wide. "Yes we can" Sleep argued calmly, hopping through the boards "just no one has. Listen, Manti doesn't care about us, we might have been split anyways because they gave us to two separate trainer" Pecha hesitated, remembering the sad truth.
"I'm leaving to find our Star, whether your coming or not" Pecha finally looked up, determined. He hopped through the fence, tucking his head under Sleep's chin and nuzzling the Eevee's chest "like you can get rid of me that easily" Pecha purred.
the two split, glancing one last time at the Eevee farm, seeing other Eevees watch them with shocked faces as the turned away.
"Now" Pecha growled, walking into the forest, the unknown "let's get our Star back."
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coolkat122 · 5 years
Spider-Keith (Voltron AU Reader Insert) Part 1
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"Would you stop staring?" Keith asked sounding annoyed at my lack of a response and staring in shock after showing me that he had mother-trucking Ceiling crawling abilities! Probably not as cool sounding as it looks (plus I'm sure he can climb other things too!)
"What else am I supposed to do? You are sticking to the ceiling! That's not normal" He frowned as he climbed back down to stand in front of me glaring down at me.
"Because of you and I want you to fix it" I blinked from confusion...
"What do you mean because of me? What did I do?" I don't recall doing anything that would make my best friend gain the ability to climb shit you wouldn't normally be able to climb.
"Do you not remember the spider you bought over to my place?".... My brows frowned.
"You mean Kevin?"  I've brought over a LOT of spiders to his house just so I could show off the little cuties I was able to get my hands on but Kevin was my most recent so I figured that's who he meant.
"Who else!" He raised his voice, "Somehow he got out and into my bed and bit me, and next thing I know I'm like this" As he gestured his arms to his body I looked over to my left wall that was covered in random fandom poster of various shows I watch before shifting them back to his angry form.
"Uhh, I don't think that's possible... in comics sure  but I don't think a spider's bite can give someone the ability to climb things in reality" That's just not how things work if it were I would have cat powers from all the times my cat scratched or nip me but I don't.
"Then how do you explain this?" He waited to hear what I would say but I don't know what I could? It had to have been something else like maybe he ate something maybe the government is testing something and they used it on...him... for... okay maybe not that one.
That one was nice sounding before I thought it out more and now it just sounds stupid but not as stupid as a spider granting power bite.
"I don't know" I shrugged," but I doubt it's from a spider bite..." Right?
"Where did you get Kevin?"
"From my house, I found him crawling around on the wall and I caught him" I also noticed that he had strange color patterns and didn't look like any spider I've seen before so I tried looking him up but found nothing.
So I kinda thought that maybe I might have discovered a new species went over to Keith's house to show it off and then I lost him somehow...
"Your house? Are you sure?" I nodded before rolling my eyes.
"Yes I'm sure" How would I forget that? His frown deepen as he started pacing so I decided to re-ask my first question when he first showed up.
"So where are your glasses?" He raised his brow , sighing.
"(Y/n) seriously not important"  
"Yeah it is, you're blind as fuck without them and you don't like contacts so how did you ride your bike here and not die?" He shrugged still not as hung up about as me.
"I don't care, maybe it's another side effect from the bite but that's not what's important, what's important is how do I go back to normal?" Why is he asking me? How in the hell would I know? I'm not some science chick that knows how to take away spider crawling better eye-sight sciences.
"Okay hold on a sec" I went reaching under my bed where my comic/manga storage cases were and fished out a few to see what I could use.
Just how was this going to help? fudge if I know but if he wants to believe a spider bite did this then we need comic and manga knowledge to help us out here since it's basically the same logic behind it all right?
"What are you doing?" Keith not looking amused at all at my sudden comic reading but I literally can't think of any other way to help without consulting an adult which he is 100% against for some reason cause he doesn't want them to 'freak out'.
"I'm trying to find a clue any clue that could help me help you but honestly all these are telling me is that your uncle needs to die and you need to suit up....problem is your uncle is already six feet under so I got nothing" Bad joke I know it's a real bad joke to be making right now especially since my friend is probably not in the mood but I didn't know what else to say.....
"...... you aren't taking this seriously" Keith did his signature scowl he always does when I'm not taking something serious enough or something along the lines.
"I'm sorry... I just" I sighed as I sat the comic down (thanks a lot comic for offering nothing useful!), "I just don't know how to help you and I'm still finding it reaaaaaally hard to believe that Kevin's bite could do something like this but I know you wouldn't lie about this so either I'm wrong and Kevin is some kind of special power granting spider species or it really was something else" 
"But what? What could have done this?" I tried to think about anything that could have possibly do this but all I keep going back to is the government theory.
"....I'm sorry" I snapped my head up confused as to why Keith was apologizing all of a sudden? What does he have to be sorry for?
"I came here acting kind of like a douche and dropped all of this on you and..... I don't know expected you to have answers for some reason when honestly I just wanted to talk to someone about this... and now it's stressing you out" He sighed as he slumped against my wall sliding down it till he was sitting on my floor (which apparently not sure if he noticed but there was a sock under him...one of mines I tossed off when it got too hot when I was sleeping). 
"Keith it's fine, besides isn't that kind of our thing? You put up with my lame attempts at humor or more like my lame attempts with anything really and I put up with your titude" Case and point another lame attempt at trying anything from yours truly. 
I'm honestly glad he's my friend, my best friend to be exact (and kind of my only friend) so if he needs my help with this then I want to do it so goddamn much I just need to think how can I be of help?
"Well what should we do to fix this? If we can't tell the adults just how do you want to go about this then?" Keith still sitting on my floor sighed as he shrugged.
"I don't know... we literally  have nothing to go on except for me thinking that the cause is the bite since I was fine before I got bite and now I'm not and you don't know where the spider came from, you only know that you found it crawling around your house.... that's not a lot.. that's hardly anything" I could tell that he was getting upset over our lack of knowledge on this situation and I get that.
I would be too and I kinda am already. "Okay we gotta Sherlock Holmes this and just go with what we do know and what we know is.....the spider was in my house...maybe that's something? Wait no we know that the spider is at your house at least it was when it bite you so let's go look for it there" With nothing better planned Keith agreed so we hopped on our bikes and rode our butts over to his place.
His parents were at work so we had nothing to worry about there as we got to searching.... but there was a tiny problem his house was kinda trashed in a sense since I was last here to be more specific his room was, it was like a hurricane came through which is just weird...
"Well how did you think I found out about this" He gestured his left hand to his right referring to how sticky (that's what I'm calling) it gets so he can climb things.
"I didn't think you trashed your room upon discovering it" Aw he even broke the stupid picture frame I made him when we were like five (going on six for him)....
"Can we start looking" I nodded still slightly broken hearted about the frame as we got to searching  high and low for the little bugger and as luck would have it we actually found it sadly though it was dead.
"Is that a good or bad thing?... I mean it's kinda sad for me cause I like spiders so seeing his dead little body is not the best but it was possibly the reason you are like this and anything that messes with my friends are scum but at the same time I'm not sure if we needed it alive?" And I'm rambling Keith please be a friend and shut me up...pls?
"I....don't know probably good..might make easier to study" I hummed as I nodded my head before asking the question that was running through my head when he said 'study'.
"Uh-huh sooooo then you know how exactly we need to study it and what to look out for?" Keith shook his head as he placed it's dead body carefully into my spider cage that I originally had it in.
"No, I thought you might since you were, you know the spider expert" I now shook my head as I did a kind of a huff ish type thing while crossing my arms.
"I'm an expert compared to you but I'm not like some spider wizard, I only know what I looked up which is just some trivia here and there along with whatever peaked my interest about them" I like spiders I do but not enough to be like well a spider expert on them (yeah that was the best I could think of).
"We could take it to someone who probably does know what to do?" Keith shook his head at my suggestion in disagreement.
"That would mean I'd have to tell them in order for them to know what to look for anyway" Damn it!
"Okay well then let's hold onto until we figure it out cause I have no other ideas" Maybe paying attention in science class would have came in handy.... 
"Sounds good" With the Kevin's body in our possession we then tried to figure what to do next? I tried to think of what I could do or what Keith could do to help with his situation.
"Oh Keith wait a sec" He stopped what he was doing as I went back to his room to grab his glasses and handed it to him, he looked at them confusingly.
"I don't need them anymore, my eyesight is fine now" 
"I just think maybe it would be weird if all of a sudden you don't need these when just yesterday you were blinder than Stevie Wonders" 
"With my new eyesight these will make me blinder than Stevie wonders so no" He pushed them back but I still kept insisting upon it.
It's going to raise questions and yes he could lie about having contacts but what if they want proof or something? It might be a bit troublesome to go through idk maybe no one will care?
"Will find some way around it like maybe get you some fake but realistic looking ones? I don't know"  He sighed in defeat placing them on his face like I wanted but he looked really uncomfortable which just made me feel weird about it so I took them off.
"Yeah nevermind, it will be a dead giveaway with the faces you keep making might as well not wear them and go with the contacts story or something" 
"There's no way my Mom's going to believe that though"  Uh shoot...... she is a tough one to fool.
"Okay then let's get some clear lens"  We went to a store I was checking out and tried to find ones that would pass for his old ones I found some that looked like his but a different color....
"We could paint them?" I nodded my head.
"That works" I was the one to buy them because and you probably won't believe this but one of our classmates was working here part time why is that a problem? He might be suspicious as to why Keith was buying fake glasses so I did it instead should be no questions why I was doing it.... right?
"Hey I know you!" The tall male exclaimed cheerfully as he recognized me and I just awkwardly nodded my head not really sure if I should say anything but I did anyway.
"Yep" Was yep the right thing to say or did I make this weird? Nah it's fine....
Awkward silence great, greaaaaaat, but what would be super great is if he would just ring me up already but it looks like the machine is having problems which is... just... super. 
"Hey Hunk are you on break yet?" GREAT ANOTHER CLASSMATE! I happily cheered in my head for this gracious reunion outside of class with not one but two classmates! And one of them is the self-proclaim rival of what exactly I don't know.... I mean one time Keith tried out for the swim team back in like middle school almost got on the team but decided it wasn't for him so Lance got put on instead. 
So you would think their rivalry would stop there but nope for some reason that neither I nor Keith understand Lance just keeps pushing for something that's not there to begin with.
I mean is it really a rivalry if the other person has zero interest?  
"What's Keith's girlfriend doing here?" G-girlfriend!? He thinks Keith and I are ewwww god no! 
"Whoa hold it! I'm not Keith's girlfriend!" Lance taken back a little before replying back.
"Uh okay...it's just that you guys are always together and you were even there to cheer him on in tryouts back in middle school so I just kinda assumed" 
"You and Hunk hang out all the time and you two aren't dating....unless you are..?" They quickly jumped in replying back that they weren't.
"What no we're not!" I raised my hands as I backed off though I really wasn't up on it in the fast place I just didn't want to assume like a certain someone (we all know who I'm talking about).
"Okay...." I turned back to Hunk, "is the register working now?" 
"Huh? Who right yeah I got it working" I paid for the glasses and left as fast as I could as not to get dragged into a conversation. 
Keith and I went back to his place and got to fixing up those glasses and voila a perfect look-alike, damn I'm good and now no one will know the wiser. 
"Are we good now?" 
"Wha, Keith yes you act like this was a pain?" 
"It kinda was though" I personally feel attacked right now and unappreciated. 
"Well you didn't have to go through the trouble of human contact and fixing these things up like your old ones so you don't know true pain" I was in that store longer than I would have liked. 
....."Are your wrist okay?" I asked after seeing him rub them for like the sixth time today and it's kinda worrying cause he has this pained look but he fights it so I won't notice unfortunately for him I did.
"Yeah their fine, don't worry" Don't worry? Why do people say that? Like do they honestly think that the person they say it to will be like "oh sure if you say so, I mean you don't look fine but you said don't worry so it be cool" like what the heck! No!
If that person cares about you a stupid don't worry isn't going to make them magically stop worrying ESPECIALLY IF YOU SHOW NOTHING BUT THINGS FOR THEM TO WORRY ABOUT! Case and point; you constantly rubbing your wrist like your in pain and that's where it's originating from.
I bite my lip as I could feel myself just fuming and working up all the stuff I want to say but I just don't know how but as my crap ass luck would have it my MOM CALLED! And you are required by child law to answer any and all calls from your Mother less you face her wrath when you get home.
I sighed as I bought the phone to my ear and answered the stupid call. "Yes Mom?" Dang it she wants me home looks like I have to lecture Keith later.
"I gotta go..." He nodded seeming totally fine that I was going home and I'm not sure if this should have but it kind of bothered me (stupid right?), why should it bother me? I mean like this isn't the first time I went home cause ya know I live there obviously I would have to go back eventually.
But I...actually I really don't know what I wanted him to do so how can I expect him to do it? Doesn't matter, I grabbed my bag and Kevin's home and left. 
While Keith did whatever, when I got home Mom had dinner ready and told me to go wash up, like the good dau wait no like the great daughter that I am I went to do just as I was told before eating the dinner my Mother so lovingly slaved over a hot stove to make.
But right after I was finished I went searching up everything I could about spiders some more and tried even harder to find Kevin but to no such luck....
I was getting pretty desperate so I went on a very trustworthy nerd blog I followed because why the heck not nerds are smart and I was hoping to perhaps absorb some of that nerdy-smarty intelliagence (And I totally didn't follow it because the dude's profile pic is like the cutest looking spider I've EVER SEEN!) and after that weird ass sentence I just made I'm sure you can see that I really need it.
(ThatWeirdGirlInTheBackground122): Hey sorry to bother you but um how well would you say you know spiders? Like on a scale of 1-10? 10 obviously being the highest and the most anyone can know about Spiders?
(TheManWithABlogAboutSpiders): Uh....a 9...maybe? I feel like there's always something to learn so I am going with a 9...
(ThatWeirdGirlInTheBackground122):.....yeah that's good
(ThatWeirdGirlInTheBackground122): So listen I have a question and it would be greaaaaat if you can answer it oh and thanks for actually replying back on your pm really awesome of you to do so *Thumbs up emoji*
(TheManWithABlogAboutSpiders): No problem, so what's your question?
Don't Forget to Heart, Comment and Follow if you haven't already. I would love to hear your thoughts on all of my stories.
99% sure Keith was so out of character
And I regret not showing more Lance and Hunk and having better moments with them but I WILL TRY TO FIX THAT IN PART 2! 
Shameless self-promotion:
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davidwindsor97 · 4 years
For a while, I've been an asset to the U.S. Government. Since then they have continually asked what it is I want for my service. Since I am apart of a group of Missionaries that doesn't believe in payment due to service it has become complex to perceive what it is I do want. It comes the time to put into detail what it is I desire:
I want to reclaim my real full name, David Windsor. Of course, I want my blood to accept me. But at the moment it is irrelevant. I have an obligation to a people I can seriously relate to. People who if I was in the same position would gladly do the same. Maybe some of them wouldn't but why should that make the difference?
My circumstances have really been unnecessarily shameful. All I've wanted is to explore my identity and yet people offer secrecy. What I've noticed is in every branch of this United States Government there are those of advocacy and heresy. No sector of the organization feels solely the same for me. To consider such a thing would put everyone in the same bubble of thought. Such a form of segregation is something the Enemy holds in high regard. Which is why I shall remain intentionally ignorant of such practices.
I had the money and the means to get to Israel. But some fools froze my accounts impulsively and just plain extemporaneously as if I am some sort of terror threat. When I risk my life for there sakes they decide to paint me as an enemy. The kind of enemy destined for execution by there spiteful hands. What is logic? Simply put I am a Christian who is not swayed by their sinful indulgences.
I don't want a new identity or a new life. I want to accept the identity I've always had and enjoyed the life of which so many fools attempted to control. If my enemies face me like men instead of hiding like children and grow courage in the midst of numbers then I'll be ready. Why fear the wrath of man when I know the wrath of God is exact? Nothing could be swifter. So when I see these Barbie spies hiding every time I call them out I laugh. Because it reminds me of Adam and Eve. Didn't they try and hide from there mistakes? I too have tried to hide from my sins. The sin of deception, of arrogance, of selfishness, of lust, and there's probably more that I'm just not ready to accept. But that is the point, isn't it? We are all sinful people trying to make amends for our mistakes. But the only true way to do such a thing is to accept Christ as your savior. No government could give you a better chance than the Holy Trinity.
Another aspect that just bothers me is there constant attempt to find a code in everything I do. I was looking out this pleasant window expressing part of the Houston downtown area and people act as if I'm scouting out a sniper. My survival is based on a number of factors. But when God tells you you are safe their's no reason to doubt it. Relaxation is something I'm fond of. You just add anxiety when you anticipate something that isn't there.
They've made silent offers to go to school in the states. But frankly, this school system sucks. Elementary, Middle, High, and a bit of college. What did I learn? Absolutely nothing. Every useful skill I learned when I left the states or experienced extremities in the states. A school setting makes me want to regurgitate. Ergo, I would rather throw up than set foot in a ridiculous system. The education I required no money but all commitment. Sure some skills I acquired through favors and some coin. But the most important lessons were learned through earned respect. There's no way a school teacher respects every student. But when you first earn that mentor's respect thereby gaining the important lessons that are when you gain more than any college could give you.
That's not to say you can't gain a wealth of knowledge from any known education system. I've just learned more from the unknown ones.
I'll most likely come back to the U.S. to eventually pursue the arts. But that is not my main objective. I don't have scores to settle but relationships to build. No matter the high or the low that is all that matters. Perhaps the U.S will offer some resources for my journey other than the mud some of them (not all of them) have thrown on my face. But I really am fine either way. Here I can anticipate being treated like I have leprosy. So if I get nothing it would be by no means surprising. Plus they have the audacity to act as if they saved me. When really they're like a dad who decided to stop by after 22 years of abandonment while the mother (the Missionaries and other great heroes) has been protecting and guiding me from day one. And this mama bear hasn't taken any breaks. Even when a lot of them have. I have no doubt some of them relished the thought of my enemies killing me. But I am untouchable by God's grace not by any pitiful physical "mercy".
I am just so sick of feeling like I'm in a prison of misunderstanding. Despite my continual transparency. I'm transparent, not translucent.
There have been times where if they would have told me we're protecting you I would have to ask: how can you protect me from yourself?
Because if I didn't have my license and social a lot of them would have killed me by now. Does that mean they represent the entirety of the U.S. Government? Hell no! People like that are just examples of a load of cowards who can't accept how wrong they are because they're too busy bolstering up their egos. Honestly, I'm surprised they still have a job. How can you rely on someone who's more interested in saving their own asses then the guy next to them?
Oh, and do these pricks get pissed when I call them out on their bullocks. Then they try to act as they care about me. If I was a corpse on the street you would take a selfie, you sick demented morons! But have I, throughout this entire process, had a reason to anticipate death? By Gods Grace: no.
Their mistake is a heavy reliance on fear. I am referring to the cowards of course. Such people are a form of the slaver. They wish to keep their informants in fear so they can do anything they can to take advantage of them. To make the person bend over as they relish in their sadistic pleasures. Such people are the inevitable viruses of any system. Just because a car is dirty doesn't mean it can't be cleaned. Yes, I've given a wealth of information and exposed a wealth of criminals. But that doesn't mean I'm for free. Money has never been an object of concern for me. I've thrived with or without it. Its freedom I will continually seek. No amount of money, no occupation could be worth more than that to me.
Why should anyone fear my expression? Has it ever been a crime to express oneself honestly? Since I don't fear who I am I've officially accepted that cameras will follow me in some way. It seems my reputation has finally landed in the states. But at this point I quite like it. Just as long as personal space is constant. After all, I don't want to be treated like a slave again. A lot of people have called me a weirdo or just been confused by my actions as if I have to fit a certain mold. But I realized when I read the biographies of celebrities they were treated the same way. So I guess I could look at it as a good sign. I do think the photos and videos of me would be fun to watch in certain cases and just a plain invasion of privacy in others.
Despite these neanderthal's, I know a lot of them to care about me. But sympathy or apathy doesn't change that I need to go to Israel. Do I give a damn if my enemies know my destination or not? Of course not and I shouldn't have to mention why. There fear their of overt caution is just evidence of the fact that they have very little understanding of what they're dealing with. But the Missionaries do. And whether they help us or not makes no difference. We will still pursue the mission objective. As we always have and always will.
Yes, the Missionaries could get me there in a matter of days. But the relationship between the U.S and the Creed of Christians (Missionaries) needs to have a solid structure. Its clear to me now the whole purpose of coming back to the US to spill the beans was so I could be free to go where I please. Which thanks to my training is exactly where I'm supposed to go. I definitely can't dispute if it wasn't for the scrutiny of law enforcement and the constant surveillance (for a time) I wouldn't have had the chance to tear away from the fake family. So yeah that tearing away from that toxic mold couldn't have happened without them. It has been freaking cool working with them. Especially when I drove to LA. It was so composed. Every maneuver was a different thrill. And watching my enemies flee in fear wouldn't have been so satisfactory if it wasn't for my exposure induced by there surveillance. Recently the cowards tried to drug me which I can't help but laugh at. If my calculations are correct this is the second time they've attempted this. Even the Russians stopped drugging me because I learned how to fight through it. When it comes to any drugs as long as you physically exert yourself it is plausible to shatter that barrier between you and your capability.
One of the big mistakes some of them have made is thinking I am in some way going to be some sort of Edward Snowden ergo a boy who thinks he could run the country better by pointing out the flaws but totally ignoring his own hypocrisy by sleeping with a Judas of a Government. Look everyone can agree mistakes were made on both sides. As long as we remain transparent and not look for ways to annoy each other we really shouldn't have any problems. Yeah, I've been pissed off at the stupidity that has come my way, but that doesn't change the warm hearts I've come across as well.
Wither they be military, investigative, or a mixture of the two it's not hard to see that the people advocating for me within the U.S. Government and abroad are by no means few in number. This is why it is of the utmost importance for us to work together to put a stop to these extremists by any means necessary.
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Hi, love your blog!! (Don't usually reblog because my blog isn't really for anime, but I love seeing you on my dash!) Just wanted to let you know that I've got all the people I'm working with today (as in, I don't know any of these people and will never see them again) (we're setting up tables) to scream "THE POWER OF YOUTH!!" every time we lift a table. The best part? All of them are literal grandmas. I hope Gai is proud of me.
Hey! Firstly, thanks so much, that’s really sweet of you to say. I’m glad to hear that!
Secondly, (and more importantly) OH MY GOD THAT IS AMAZING! That’s on my bucket list now. I can just imagine how hilarious and amazing that would be to watch/be apart of. Gai is so sooo proud of you, in fact, I can hear him now…
“YYYYYYOSH! It is one thing to hear that a group of Lovely Lotus Blossoms are Working Hard Together—despite being total strangers—to complete a most Youthful Mission, but”—Gai’s voice warbles as Tears of Youth start pouring from his eyes—“to hear”—he chokes up a bit—“that they employed”—his voice gains strength, and he practically booms out—“THE POWER OF YOUTH”—Gai is rapidly striking various poses, unable to choose which is most Youthful, tears still streaming down his cheeks—“TO MOTIVATE ONE ANOTHER, AND TO CELEBRATE AND DEMONSTRATE THAT EVEN GRANDMOTHERS CAN STILL BE IN THE PEAK OF THE SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH, IS THE MOST DAZZLING, SPECTACULAR, AND YOUTHFUL DEMONSTRATION I HAVE EVER HEARD OF! YOSH!!!” Gai finally settles on his Good Gai Pose, one hand on his hip, the other brandishing a thumbs-up like a trophy, while behind him blooms a glorious sunset over a beach, complete with fireworks in the shape of lotus flowers and the word ‘YOUTH’ exploding in the illusion’s sky. Gai turns swiftly towards Lee, who is similarity moved by the news and inflamed with passion from Gai’s speech. “LEE! TAKE NOTE!!”
Lee rapidly scrambles to pull out his notebook and pen, finding them with ease despite the excited trembling affecting his entire body. With the items in his hands, Lee snaps his feet together and pumps out an almost violent salute, bellowing, “YES, GAI-SENSEI!!!” before slamming his pen onto a clean page and scribbling down both the story and Gai-sensei’s reaction—a small drawing of Gai’s chosen genjutsu being outlined to be coloured in later. Gai’s arm juts out, looping around his youthful student’s shoulders and jerking the boy into his side to check that Lee’s notes are appropriate.
“LEE! As always, your Youthful Enthusiasm Alights my Heart with enough Passion to Pump Out One-Thousand Push-Ups right Here and Now.” Gai’s words cause Lee’s pen to pause as a wide grin splits his face, a red flush blooming on his cheeks all the way up to his ears and down his neck to disappear under his Green Jumpsuit. “However,” Gai continues, a tad somber, “you have Missed the Point of our Youthful Muse’s Actions.”
Lee’s elation has dimmed—his posture slumping slightly—but not his enthusiasm. Always the eager student, and never deterred when being corrected, Lee’s back snaps straight, his body fully turned to face his sensei, hands (still clutching his notebook and pen) balled under his chin. Bowing his head, Lee’s voice is contrite despite his volume as he utters a most heartfelt apology, tacking on the familiar plea, “PLEASE TEACH ME, GAI-SENSEI!!!”
Gai, with a proud smirk on his face for his student’s excellent work ethic and unbreakable determination, affects his Lecturing Pose: one finger pointed skywards, the other hand on his hip, his head titled high and his eyes closed thoughtfully (it was hard working that one out in the mirror—not even Gai can see through closed eyes, despite how much he’s tried—but Lee’s continued, reverent response to this Pose is always reassuring). “Our Most Youthful Muse’s actions were the Perfect Demonstration of the Springtime of Youth in Action, that is Certain.” Gai’s Lecturing Voice is still booming, but manages to be soft on the edges. “However, taking note of that will only help you in one situation. What’s most Important, is to understand the Lesson—as my Hip and Too Cool Rival would say—Underneath the Underneath.” Gai pauses dramatically, and all that can be heard is the frantic scribble of Lee’s pen.
“You see,” Gai continues, “Life is known for throwing us into Unexpected Situations—that is doubly so, for the life of a ninja—but how we react in those Situations is what defines who we are as people. Our Youthful Muse was faced with a Worthy Mission, to be sure, but surrounded by unknowns. Instead of letting that be intimidating, our Muse found a way to not only Transform said Mission into an Exciting Challenge, but also managed to Create New Bonds and inspire the Power of Youth in all who were present. Our Muse is a Shining Example of how the Springtime of Youth is not merely a phase, or a Way of Life, but a State of Mind. It is the Will to take on anything with Passion and Hard Work, to make the Most of any Situation! It can Bloom in us all, regardless of our age, or how Tough a Challenge!”
Gai takes a moment to peek out from one eye to check on his student. Tears of Youth are streaming down Lee’s face, so overwhelmed is he by Gai’s passionate words of wisdom. Despite those tears, Lee is still diligently taking notes—even if they were more like messy scribbles, due to the excitement still causing shudders to overtake his body, and his blurred vision. Gai feels the Pride that is always present whenever he looks at his students Bloom once more, the intensity of the feeling almost overwhelming him—almost, because Konoha’s Noble Green Beast was never overwhelmed, simply Challenging his Limits.
Content with his student, Gai is ready to present the moral of his lesson.
“It is this same Ethos that manages to Enflame even my Cool Blooded Eternal Rival—and my own Youthful Self, of course—allowing us to make any Task or Mission a Worthy Rival Challenge! From Janken to Drink—ah, ahem—Eating Contests, to Races and Spars! Our Muse has seen what only the most Sage Lotuses can See: that Life is merely a series of Worthy Challenges set before us. And, by using the Power of Youth, not only will our Springtime be ever Blossoming, but our Friends, Comrades, and even strangers, will be Swept Up in the Fragrant Flowers of our Youthful Spirits, setting Fire to the Blood and Bringing People from all walks of Life Together in the most Beautiful Display of Harmony!” Gai is crying again, and Lee, so overwhelmed with emotion, can no longer focus on his writing.
“GAI-SENSEI!” Lee calls, one arm covering his eyes in an attempt to stop the stream of tears.
“LEE!” Gai’s arms spread open.
“GAI-SENSEI!” Lee launches himself into Gai’s arms.
“LEE!” The pair embrace, squishing their faces together, their tears mingling, a sunset blooming behind them, cherry blossoms billowing delicately in the illusion’s wind.
“And that, Lee, my wonderful student,” Gai adds, his voice nasally from crying, “is the Pinnacle of what it means to Celebrate the Springtime of Youth.”
“T-thank you, for the Lesson, Gai-sensei!” Lee sputters through his tears.
Gai puffs up with pride once more, content in the knowledge that not only is his youthful student well on the path to Eternal Youth, but that others—even those he has never met—are taking these lessons to heart, and spreading the Joy and Energy of the Springtime of Youth with the world.
Yeah, I think he’s proud 😜
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