#oh to just sketch and not worry about coloring 😌
kylominis ¡ 26 days
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medicalunprofessional ¡ 4 months
I just saw that insane Sasha Nein art you did, where he’s smoking and his mom is in it. I have to say that was some of the COOLEST ART I HAVE EVER SEEN ON THIS SITE, EVER. And I saw that you said you draw on your phone?!?! I’m actually begging you to tell me what app you use pLEASE (also I have always wanted to know how to render but I don’t even know how to start is there any in progress shots you can show so I have something to go on ;U; ty)
GYAHHHHH THANKSS YOUI wwhhh… I had written more in response to this but… Tumblr crashed and deleted it so… Im trying to remember all the points i went over haha… But… Yes… I do draw on the phone with my fingers. The key? Ibispaint… Its really good. You just gotta believe in yourself…. Its rlly not that hard :)
But… On rendering, i feel like everyone renders differently… It really depends on yout artstyle… But i will gladly go over my process (again(thanks tumblr)). Ill be using a different piece as an example (the one of sasha? I didnt render that in my normal way. Just kinda Drew Shapes) -
So i always.. sketch it out. Roughly. Get the details down, yes, but this part will pretty much be invisible, so it doesnt have to be perfect. (yees there was gonna be red string but i didnt like it so. Goodbye red strintg.. Sorry boyd) In this piece (and some others) i redid the sketch a few times to get everything placed and sized how i like it…
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After this..? I just put in the colors under the sketch. Here, id like to get them relatively like how i want them to be (though sometimes ill just put in a single color and choose the colors WHILE im rendering)… Its Good To Keep Them Messy I Think
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And then… I put all the layers into a folder and render it all on a new layer…. Its that simple… Some people will do it on a bunch of layers to keep all the different elements separate, but i feel its confusing and youll get tripped up in all the layers… I simply use one. Sometimes ill make a new layer if im not feeling confident about a detail, but, usually, its just one. The colors i laid down? im simply colorpicking those and making them more defined, usually blockier.. And dont worry! Its easy to move things around, having to repaint some stuff isnt as bad as you think (ESPECIALLY if you dont use lineart. I hate lineart sometimes😌)
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And its done after i get alll the details i want in (sometimes, you dont need to detail everything. Focus on whats important! If you like..). Well, the drawing part is, atleast. I usually run it over with some special brushes i made to make it look more scratched up and dirty. Then i do some chromatic abberation shenanigans! And some noise. Then… Its done :)
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Though… if there is one thing i must say…… You can wiggle around the hue and saturation a little while rendering it makes it more interesting and flavorful… You can wiggle it around ALOT to make things look holographic…. Oh! and keep it simple… And also desaturating colors a lot combined with the context of other colors around them can do some crazy stuff… I can make orange look like green 🕴️ (Okay that was . More than one thing. And?)
But really..:: Do what YOU want. Its your art :) I cant tell you what to do! Do all of these things. Do none of these things. Just do what YOU want to. Nothing I or ANYONE says dictates what you must do or what is correct in your expressions.
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angst-and-stupidity ¡ 2 years
😌 for Abi and/or Sakiko?
aaaa this is so nice, i loved writing this
Prompt: Comfort My Characters
Characters: Abilene (POV), Sakiko
“Hey, good morning,” Sakiko murmurs as she sits next to me on the floor, leaning her head on my shoulder. Her voice is gravely, it always is in the morning. I look up from my sketchbook and press my forehead against hers. “What are you drawing so early?”
“Oh, I’m designing my own tarot cards,” I lift up my sketchbook to show her. The one I’m working on, which is also the first one, is The Fool. I’ve already finished the border. “It’s going to be Green, from the Prithmia manga, since the Fool is typically told to be traveling through the cards.”
“I see, and I suspect there’s a theme with this deck?” Sakiko jests, tracing her delicate finger over the card’s outline. “I bet there’d be a market for it, since there’s such an overlap of Prithmia fans with witches.”
“You think so?” I hum, going back to my scribbles. “It’s just a rough draft, I’ll finish and color it on my computer.”
“You’re such a busybody,” she sighs with a smile, standing up and picking up her hairbrush. She started to pace and brush in a light, airy motion, as if the air beneath her bare feet felt called to carry her. “I don’t know where you find the time.”
“Well, I’ve been blessed with the ability to stay up for hours on end.” I sketch out the frame of Green’s head. Does his hair swoop to the left or the right? I can never seem to tell the difference. “And once you do things for long enough they get quicker.”
She sighs. “Maybe, but I still worry, I wish you’d take care of yourself.”
“Bunny, I promise I’m okay,” I give her a clever look. “座ってください (suwatte kudasai), please sit down.”
She tsks. “You’re Japanese is getting better, I didn’t expect you to use it against me. Do you mind?” She holds up her brush and gatherers a clump of my hair in her hands.
“No, I don’t, thank you. But I have no clue where this notion that I don’t take care of myself comes from. Does his hair look right, or does it swoop the other way?” I hold up my drawing pad. She starts to brush.
“It’s because you stayed up until 3 o’clock and are awake at 7 o’clock.”
“I think it goes the other way,” I mumble.
“It goes left.”
“Which way is left?” I blush.
“The way it is.”
“ありがとう (arigatou).”
“As long as you’re not pushing yourself too hard I guess it’s not a big deal,” Sakiko relents, running the brush smoothly so my hair didn’t tug against my scalp. I can’t stand when it does.
“What about you? You’re awake as well, and I doubt you’ve made yourself breakfast. Yet you’re already worried about me.” I turn to face her with a coy smile. She blushes at the accusation and hides her face behind the brush. I pull her into a hug. “We can make it together, I’d just like to finish this card first.”
“I love it when you brush my hair.” I resume sketching, and Sakiko uncovers her face.
“You’re gentle, it’s just…nice.”
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