#oh andrew john hozier-byrne we’re really in it now
little-fandom-dump · 2 months
fun hozier fact! andrew is physically incapable of making a song that’s doesn’t stir emotions in the soft, small animal that’s made a burrow of my soul
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aint-nodenying · 5 years
album talk
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summary: y/n tlaks about her album, but she can’t help but talk about her boyfriend.
word count: 2,186
to request or ask me anything, ask here: x
requests are: open
and my masterlist is here: x
You waved to all of the camera crew, walking into the interview set and sitting on your designated chair. Placing your Starbucks tea onto the ground next to the chair, you smoothed out your skirt before jumping onto the tall chair. You played on your phone a little bit before hearing the door open, indicating someone coming into the room. You put your phone under your leg before smiling warmly at the stranger and standing to shake her hand.
“Hello, Y/N! I’m Amanda with E! News and I’m here to interview you today, how have you been?” the woman asked before turning her head to watch her footing to her chair. You smiled enthusiastically back before clapping happily.
“I’m so, so great today! How’re you doing? I’m Y/N L/N, nice to meet you.” the woman giggled nervously before tucking her hair behind her hair.
“I know who you are, I love your music so much. Your new album is so fantastic,” she breathed out. You blushed before slapping your hands onto your cheeks to cover the warmth. 
“You’re a right babe, aren’t you? Just here to make my cheeks burn off.” the cameraman cleared his throat, grabbing both of your attentions and gave the all-clear to begin the interview. You both adjusted yourselves one last time before starting.
“Hi there, I’m Amanda Hoffman here with Y/N L/N to talk about her new album, Snap Back. How are you doing today, Y/N?” you smiled before clasping your hands together to hang over your knees loosely.
“I’m doing so good, how are you?” you swung your legs back and forth, completely relaxed.
“I’m doing great, thank you. Anyways, your new album, Snap Back is a huge hit in forty-three countries, and at number one on Billboard Top 40’s, your new song, Bad Ideas. How do you feel?” you sucked in air through your teeth before nodding slowly.
“You know, it all feels a bit surreal. I mean in no way have I ever expected me to be this successful, especially with a song that I’ve had half-written for the past three years. But yeah, it feels great, I’m proud of me, my family is proud, all of the loved ones are just overjoyed, really.” Amanda gleamed with pride at your words and glanced down at her questions.
“Yes, obviously we know who it’s written about, and you said that it’s been written since 2016? Is that when-” you nodded interrupting her.
“Yeah, when I met Tom? Yeah, when I first starting seeing Tom - Tom Holland, by the way, for anyone who didn’t know - when I started seeing him romantically, hell even before then, I just knew that he was it for me so I just started writing. But I’ll admit, life did get a little chaotic, what with his new movies and with me helping other artists with their music, so I had to put the song aside for a while, but I just got into the groove again a couple of months again so I just finished it along with a couple of other songs.”
“Yes, so could you tell us about the other songs as well?” you nodded and leaned down to grasp your drink in your hands before rattling off the songs.
“Yeah, the first song is obviously Bad Ideas, it’s about me being so in love with my boyfriend that it might seem a bit disrespectful to others, it’s that disgusting. It‘s just a song really about all of my feelings towards him and how I just love him so much that I’d really do things that would embarrass me or him just to show him my feelings,” you take a sip out of your cup before placing it on your knee.
“The second song isn’t me singing, it’s actually my dear friend, Andrew John Hozier-Byrne, and it’s called To Noise Making - and in parentheses, Sing. I was backing him in vocals but I helped him write it. It’s just basically about how singing is just a safe place for us, about how it’s kind of medicine in our worst times, and how we encourage you, ‘hey, even if you can’t sing, it’s bound to make you feel better - just sing.’” Amanda nodded, leaning on her arm chair causing it to creak obnoxiously.
“And how was it to work with Hozier?” you shrugged, taking another sip of your drink, clearing your throat.
“I mean, I really love him, he’s one of my best friends and he thinks of lyrics so gracefully, and much different than how most artists come up with lyrics. It’s really amazing to see him work and to work with him.” you nodded before furrowing your brows and fluttering your lips.
“Let’s see, third song, third song. Oh, yes, my third song was also not completely mine - my main goal with this album was to showcase talent so of course most of my songs were collaborations with artists, only about three out of seven songs were totally and completely mine. The third song was written with my beautiful babies, Little Mix. We wrote Joan of Arc together, and it’s really just a kind of feminist song and really body-positive. Honestly, when we heard it in its final cut for the first time, I bawled like a baby. It makes anyone feel good about themselves and it made me proud to listen to them, they’re really independent ladies who know their worth. That’s really rare nowadays, what with media corrupting beauty standards for our youth.” Amanda nodded passionately, and with a furrow in her brow, she smacked her knee.
“Yes, when I listened to that song, obviously it’s exciting and loud, but the lyrics just really make anyone feel like a powerful woman.” you nodded and waved your arms toward her as if to prove a point.
“Exactly, see that’s what we were aiming for. Anyways, the next song is a cover of the Elton John song, Don’t Go Breaking My Heart with the one and only, Taron Egerton. Obviously, it was for the movie Rocketman - which by the way, if you haven’t watched it, have you been living under a rock?” you directed towards the camera. “But let me just say that Tom and I have an apartment in London and in it I have a home studio. All of my collaborations were created in my apartment and honestly, Taron Egerton is the wildest man I have ever had the pleasure of being around. I love the man and he is a gift to this world. Also, the cover was for a movie, but I dedicate it to my boyfriend because I’m a sap and I love him.”
Amanda laughed before glancing back down at her notes. “And the last two songs?”
You nodded sagely, flipping your foot and resting it once more. “Ah yes, my heartbreak song. My one, Lie To Me, is about an old flame that I had a while ago, who cheated on me. Obviously, it was sad and I haven’t thought about it in a long time since I’ve been happy in a relationship, but I don’t think an album is complete without a variety of songs. So I had to dig up some old memories to make a bomb-ass song. 
And my last one is called Hey Look Ma, I Made It. It’s a song about my success in the music industry, and it’s just kind of a childish pride where you’re really proud of something you made so you immediately brag to your mum, and that’s what I wrote a song about. Although, if you listen to the lyrics, it shows a lot of phrases that suit a much older person, especially since I’m a twenty-three-year-old, but that’s because my dear friend Brenden Urie helped me with a few lyrics.” Amanda smiled happily and shuffled her cards. 
“Obviously, you had a busy year, but you work fast. You’ve been writing your album, but you also helped a ton of other artists write their songs as well, is that correct?” you nodded. “Could you name a few?”
Your eyebrows raised and you let out a hefty sigh. “Just this year?” you asked her. She nodded and you shrugged softly. “I mean, I helped a lot with Ariana Grande’s Sweetener album, I helped with some of Machine Gun Kelly’s music, some of Shawn Mendes, Some of Hozier, I’ve helped with quite a few, but songs that I’ve written for artists might be ones that the public may recognize. I wrote successful, sweetener, and R.E.M off of Ariana’s album, I wrote bad guy for Billie Eilish, Short Kings Anthem for blackbear and Cody and Noel - that was incredibly fun. Just to name a few.”
Amanda hissed as well, raising her eyebrows. “Well, you’ve certainly had a busy couple of years. I know that we’re running out of time, and I know that this is about your album, but can we talk about you and Tom Holland?” You sighed out of relief.
“Oh god, yes. You don’t know how many times a day I want to explode talking about him.” Amanda giggled, waving her arms.
“So you’ve been dating for three years,” you nod in response. “How is it still waking up to him every day?” you sigh sadly before uncrossing your legs to cross it the opposite way.
“Yeah, recently he’s been filming so I haven’t seen as much of him as I want to - although he’s here with me today - every day I see him, my heart still beats faster and I still get butterflies in my stomach, same as when we first kissed.” Amanda’s eyes widened and she slapped her hands onto her chair arms.
“Wait, Tom is here right now?” you nod and point towards the door.
“Yeah, he’s hiding outside. Do you want me to bring him in here?” Amanda nods savagely and you pull your phone from under your leg to text him to come into the room.
Minutes later, Tom enters the room in a baseball cap and a t-shirt. He walks towards you looking at his phone, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You lean up to kiss his cheek and wrap your arms around his middle.
“Hello, handsome. Find your way here alright?” He nodded, looking up from his phone for a minute to smirk at you and to press a quick peck to your lips. Amanda squealed in excitement and stuck out her hand.
“Hello, I’m Amanda, nice to meet you, I love you guys.” Tom smiles and takes her hand, shaking it gently.
“Hello, I’m Tom, it’s good to hear that,” he looks back at you. “Why am I here? Are we going to be spilling tea about our relationship? I hate her everyone, she makes my life a living hell. She refuses to do her laundry!” he yells into your mic that you’re hooked onto. You shake your head and smack his lightly.
“No, you div. We’re here to talk about how happy we are, so make it look like we’re happy. Besides. I may not do laundry but you don’t do the fucking dishes, so fuck off.” he giggles and wraps his other arm around your chest so he could hug you properly. You roll your eyes and allow your arms to go limp. Amanda claps her hands with glee but then pouts afterward.
“Unfortunately, my time here is finished so everyone, go listen to Snap Back, and go watch Avengers: Endgame in theatres! Again, this is Amanda Hoffman, and you’ve been watching with E! News.” She looked away from the camera and looked at you guys with a smile.
“It was a pleasure talking with you, Amanda. Unfortunately, I’ve gotta cut this interaction short so this man-child can go play FIFA with his friends and brothers.” Amanda shook her head frantically and waved her hands as if waving away a fly.
“Not a problem at all, Y/N. It was a real privilege to speak with you.” You glare at her and smack the air.
“Pish posh, don’t speak like I’m the Queen. It’s no privilege to talk to me no more than it is to talk to you,” you look away from here to look at the camera crew. “Anyways, thank you guys so much for what you do, I hope you all have a nice day.” 
You and Tom walk away to the hotel lobby to meet with Harrison and Harry, intertwined hands swinging back and forth between you.
“I heard how you talked about me in there. Are you going to apologize for being so disrespectful?” you shrug and smile slyly at him.
“Not really. What are you gonna do about it?” you ask him as you both slip into the elevator. He smirks and pulls you forcefully into him, one hand on your lower back and the other pulling on the hair at the nape of your neck to pull your head back. He trailed his nock along your throat, placing soft kisses on your collarbones.
“Don’t sass me, baby. Little girls who tease their daddies get in trouble.”
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