#of enjoying something abd everyone hating me for it because it wasn’t the ‘right’ thing to enjoy and I was already talking about it toomuch
Hello! I just wanted to tell you that your posts about aliens always make my day when I read them and I wanted to thank you for that :>
Thank you, this really means a lot to me!!!
#I’m v serious about that#my family hated any sign of my autism and tried to ‘nip it in the bud’ whenever something came up#one of those things was hyperfixations#any time I got into something they would immediately force me to give it up under the guise of ‘self control’ while the rest of my siblings#were allowed to have merch and talk about the things they liked#and if I didn’t give up what I liked I was demonized and constantly insulted for it#having that constantly happen as a kid has turned into feeling immense guilt every time I like something now#it’s easier with d*p posts because I’m not the only one filling up the tag so it doesn’t remind me of my childhood#of enjoying something abd everyone hating me for it because it wasn’t the ‘right’ thing to enjoy and I was already talking about it toomuch#still having hella difficultly doing a rewatch without feeling terrible#but with h*man al*en posts whenever I look in the tag I don’t see other people posting similar stuff#and especially with h*man v*lcan posts I filled up the tag soo much#that it just really makes me feel terrible which is why so many of my posts like that gave me apologizing somewhere in them for talking#about it#even tho I know if people don’t want to see them they can just block me and there’s nothing wrong with my posts#but still#anyways this really does mean a TON to me anon ty 🥺🥺🥺#♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️#I hope you have a great year!!!!#no fandom#anon#ask box#sorry about the sad childhood stuff I saw this ask as I was thinking about my childhood 😭#terrible timing#or great timing depending on how you see it#holy shit did they all call me a monster for exhibiting normal autistic signs#jesus christ.
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
Not sure if this would cause angst or just some funny shenanigans, but I’m curious…
Has Taka and Leon ever been on a date that just… went horribly wrong?
So yes. Yes there is one particular date that I can think of that went horribly wrong. And I think it's about time that a certain member of Leon's family turns up at this point...
So just before I continue, I want to clarify my opinion on Kanon. I don't know all that much about her, but the things that are BEYOND obvious is that she is young and that she is obsessed with her older cousin Leon. Obsessed to the point of stalking, manipulative behaviour and attempted assault.
Now as someone who has, unforunately, had an obsession with an ex of mine, I know how difficult it is to shake those feelings. They make you act in ridiculous ways and turn you into a person that you honestly are not. Thankfully I never hurt anyone physically nor did I stalk, but I was manipulative and controlling and became a person I am ashamed to remember today. And once that obsession fades (which it thankfully did for me), the guilt and the embarrassment is crippling and I live with it daily.
Now I'm not at all saying she is right in what she's doing - it's absolutely wrong. It is NOT an excuse to stalk, or harrass, or assault the 'object of your affection' in the slightest and I do not condone Kanon's behaviour or actions at all. But I would like to try and portray Kanon as a girl who cannot control her emotions and all the ways that it manifests - the two sides of obsession. I think it's important to show what obsession looks like as well as the affect it has on everyone around them - including the person they are obsessed with so if you aren't comfortable with obsessive behaviour or just with Kanon's character in general, please don't read this.
Okay. So enough on that. Here is the disaster date! Thank you for your ask and I hope you enjoy!!
• Leon hasn't told Taka about his cousin, Kanon.
• It isn't really an easy topic to bring up - how your cousin is obsessed with you.
• It'a always made Leon uncomfortable and he's tried to rebuff the attention in many different ways.
• He tried telling her that cousins shouldn't date - but she ignored it.
• He tried to steer her towards boys her own age, suggesting he help hook her up with someone - but she was adamant the HE was the only one for her.
• He tried grossing her out, not washing for a few days before she visited - but she took no notice.
• Eventually, in his 'asshole' phase, he took drastic measures.
• After years of torment and feeling uncomfortable, he announced to her, in front of his 'friends', that she was ugly and he only liked 'sexy' girls.
• He would NEVER consider dating her, not unless she threw a pitch at 100km - something he knew would be impossible.
• And until that day, she wasn't to talk to him anymore.
• A part of him felt guilty - she's his cousin after all, and the last thing he wants is to hurt her.
• But he's tired of it all, and he's already under so much social pressure, and he pretty much hates himself anyway - so he stood his ground and shut her down.
• Since then, he's barely thought about her.
• But about eight months into his relationship with Taka, he encounters her again.
• Because what Leon doesn't know is Kanon's obsession has only grown stronger.
• And because she's been blocked from his social media, she's resorted to a fake profile to follow him.
• And she happens to know that Leon will be on a date with someone in the city.
• And not just anyone. A date with A BOY.
• And she can't deal with that so she oh so conveniently happened to have caught two trains and a bus just to be in there too.
• So Leon and Taka are sat in their favourite cafe, enjoying each other's company.
• When Leon sees a familiar face on the other side of the street. Heading this way.
• 'Oh fuck.'
• Taka's super confused as his boyfriend ducks down, covering his face with his jacket, looking intensely uncomfortable.
• 'Are you okay?'
• 'My cousin's here.'
• 'Your cousin?'
• Glancing out the window, Leon sees that Kanon is heading straight for the cafe and tries to shrink further down under the table.
• Why is she here?! What is he supposed to do?! And what about Taka?! What will she do to him?!
• The cafe door jingles open and he KNOWS it's her so he grabs the menu and tries to cover his face...
• Not knowing that Kanon knows JUST who to look for and bounds right over with a big smile.
• 'Hi Lee!!'
• He pries his face away from the menu, barely able to look her in the eye as he smiles uncomfortably.
• 'H-hey, Kanon...'
• 'I'm just meeting a friend and she's a BIG fan of yours and wanted to see if I could introduce you...'
• 'S-sure...'
• 'And she told me you'd be here today so I thought we'd meet here! She said you'd be on a date! So...where is she?'
• The mood has DEFINITELY changed now. The glint in her eye at the mention of date was one of jealousy.
• 'C'mon, Lee! I wanna meet the girl that stole your heart! I bet she's SUUUUUPER sexy, right?'
• Her words are like knives, sickly sweet and dangerous...
• But Taka reads the situation and chimes in.
• 'He's meeting her later. He wanted a pep talk first so asked me here before he meets her.'
• LIES! Kanon KNOWS that filthy boy is LYING and the glare she sends his way is completely opposite to the personality she's shown so far.
• But in a flash, she smiles back at Leon and slides into the seat next to him.
• 'Great! Let's hang out then, Lee! It's been wayyyy too long!'
• Taka REALLY isn't comfortable with what's happening.
• This girl, who must still be about 15, is pressed up far too much to her cousin - touching his arm VERY inappropriately and with her face FAR too close to be innocent.
• And Leon looks terrified - pressed right up against the window to try and be as far as possible but is quite obviously trapped.
• 'I think Leon needs a bit of space...'
• 'No this is how we ALWAYS are! We're SUPER close, aren't we Lee?'
• 'Leon doesn't look comfortable.'
• 'I said we're close. I don't need to listen to you.'
• 'I really think you should back off a bit.'
• 'And I think you should go to HELL!'
• Aha. Here we go. The act has dropped and there's a possessive, dangerous look in her eye as she snarls towards Taka.
• 'What do YOU know about my Lee?'
• 'He's not 'your Lee'...'
• 'YES HE IS! HE'S MINE! And YOU can't have him!'
• Leon looks absolutely powerless as Kanon crushes herself against him - begging Taka to help him with tearful eyes as he shrinks into himself in shame.
• Yeah. Enough is enough.
• Taka stands up and grabs Leon by the hand - using his entire strength to pull him (and therefore Kanon) out of the stall and towards the door.
• The girl goes crazy, punching and kicking Taka in an attempt to stop him until she's held back by other concerned patrons of the cafe.
• Taka makes sure to push Leon out of the cafe before heading back abd he glares down at the girl in front of him.
• 'If you truly give a damn about Leon, then you will realise just what damage you've done today. You've humilated him in public, you have degraded him and you have shown a side to yourself that I'm sure you'll be ashamed of. Your feelings are obsessive and you need to get some help.'
• All the rage and emotion floods out of Kanon as she sees Leon sobbing outside, guilt and embarrassment taking over as she truly sees what she has become.
• Oh but Taka isn't done.
• With an ice cold looks, he offers one final warning.
• 'If you EVER pull this kind of shit again, I will not hesitate to involve the police. I don't care who you are or how young you are. I will NOT tolerate MY boyfriend being abused by anyone - especially his own family. So stay the fuck away from him.'
• Of course, the date is over so the rest of the day is spent comforting Leon in the solitude of Taka's dorm.
• Leon tells Taka everything right from the beginning and Taka vows to himself that he will keep Leon safe.
• And who knows? Maybe one day Kanon will realise what she's done and bridges can be built once again.
• But that's not for now.
• For now, Taka needs to remind this beautiful boy in his arms just how much he means to him in every single way he can.
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ashlynncoy-blog · 6 years
Misfire: Critical Condition Part XX
Due to some computer craziness, you’re getting the final chapter early. There’s something going on with my OneDrive not syncing properly and there’s every chance I’m going to lose the last several days worth of writing when I close Word to try and fix the issue.
When the question became, “risk losing the chapter forever and having to write/edit/rewrite it again” versus “or just post it now” NOW won.
So folx, here’s the final installment of Critical Condition. I’ll be back soon (for some values of soon) with the next multichapter, tentatively titled Repair and Recovery. And more Misfire-verse vignettes from the movies (Bail leading the mission to Jabba’s palace! Han asking Breha for her ring! Luke teaching Leia about The Force! Han and Leia on that first trip to Alderaan!) are coming, too.
Enjoy the last chapter. And if you do, PRETTY PLEASE leave me a comment <3
Han wasn’t sure whether to laugh or to groan at the sea of faces watching through Leia’s office windows as she crossed her private landing platform and joined him in his speeder.
“I wasn’t expecting an audience,” he said as she climbed onto the seat beside him.
“They’re curious,” she said. “I came to work a little dressed up, and then I canceled dinner with Threkin Horm, so…”
“Wait,” Han interrupted her, “The work dinner you canceled to come out with me tonight was with Horm?”
“It was,” she replied.
Han smiled at her and shook his head. Of all the New Republic officials who had championed Leia’s possible match with Isolder, Horm had perhaps been the loudest. Han hated the man. The fact that he was the person Leia had canceled on in order to make this dinner happen was deliciously good news.
“Stang, princess,” he said, “this night’s already getting’ good and we haven’t even left your office yet.” He turned and waved at the row of gawkers as he pulled the speeder off the platform and into the traffic lane. “And I’m glad you dressed up,” he added, “I got us a table at Ayrii.”
“Ayrii?” Leia repeated. That was an interesting development. A new-ish restaurant at the pinnacle of one of the Senate District’s highest spires, Ayrii had, in the months since the Hapans had first arrived with their proposals, become the most fashionable place for New Republic movers-and-shakers to see and be seen. And she was pretty sure Han’s ability to reserve a table on one day’s notice had everything to do with her canceled business dinner. They were normally booked up months in advance.
What she wasn’t sure about was whether he’d decided on Ayrii because he was determined for the two of them to be seen in public together as soon as possible or if it was more a grand gesture on his part to show he could fit into her world. Either way, she was happy she’d be able to have the sandfish with vegetables she’d been craving after all.
It was a short drive mostly upwards from Leia’s office to the restaurant’s receiving platform where the valet driods took over the pilot’s seat whie Han went around to help Leia out of the speeder.
“I really am glad you dressed up,” he said, taking a long look at the blush-colored jumpsuit with silver bugle beads cascading from the shoulders she’d chosen for the evening, “you look amazing.”
“You’re looking pretty good yourself,” Leia replied with a nod at his freshly pressed Class A’s as she took his arm and walked with him into the restaurant.
Ayrii was situated in the top floors of a spire tall enough to have an unobstructed view of the sun setting over the mountains in the distance. Tables were arranged in semi-circles facing the stories-tall windows and the service staff was trained to deliver all food abd beverage items from behind—never interrupting the diners’ views. The table Han had reserved for them was on the main level, just to the right of the center of the room. It was one of the restaurant’s better tables, and once upon a time Leia might have wondered if he’d dropped her name in order to get it. But the maitre’d’s obvious reverence to General Solo when they’d arrived was enough to remind her she was dining with one of the New Republic’s most decorated military officers. There was every chance he’d scored a choice table on his own merits entirely.
A repulsor-driven droid met them at the table with two generous flutes of crystal clear sparkling wine and Leia couldn’t help her smile as they clinked glasses and took a sip. Han had barely set his glass back down when his face suddenly went serious.
“Han?” Leia asked, “What is it?”
But he didn’t answer. He was up and gone before she’d finished the question, dashing into the center of the polished floor, flipping their table on its side as he went.
“Get down!” he shouted at everyone at once—but turning his head to direct the order mostly toward Leia.
It was then she saw what was happening. Han reached to the floor and snatched up a silvery orb that had tumbled into view.
A thermal detonator.
He grabbed the thing and, without the slightest pause, tossed it with all his might toward the sunset in the distance. The bomb flew through the open window, detonating just as it cleared the last row of tables.
Leia was barely aware of the explosion and its fallout, hearing the screams of her fellow patrons and of the chaos that was erupting on all sides of her. Her attention was solely focused on Han. It was a familiar feeling—covering him in a firefight—it felt like the old days, and it felt kind of good. Han was scanning the room for the source of the detonator when a blaster bolt barely missed his right boot.
Leia drew her blaster from its hidden holster above her boot and followed the shot’s trajectory upward. The shooter was easy to spot, he was the one being in the whole place, other than Han and Leia, who was not visibly panicking. She fired off two shots, taking the shooter down but drawing fire from an associate somewhere she hadn’t seen. His shot got the table in front of Leia; splinters flew toward her as Han fired off one in his direction, jumping back behind the table beside Leia for cover.
Han’s shot seemed to have done the trick. No further blasterfire erupted, but the chaos was enough without it. Tables were being overturned, dished shattering on the stone floors, beings shouting and running in all directions and a bevy of very confused serving droids buzzing about trying to repair the damage caused by the fracas.
“You brought your blaster to dinner?” Han asked, still scanning the crowd for signs of trouble.
“I’m the heir to the throne of Alderaan and a very high-profile official of the New Republic government,” Leia replied, her back to him, covering her side of the room in a posture she coulnd’t help but notice they’d fallen back into unconsciously. “And we’re still in a state of active warfare with the Empire. It was this” she said then, gesturing with her blaster in his direction, “or agree to a bodyguard.”
“Who probably wouldn’t’ve been as good as shot,” he said.
“And you’re one to talk!” she added, “seeing as you also brought a blaster to dinner.”
“Yeah,” Han allowed, obviously reaching, “Well…. I’m a General in the New Republic Military, and I was having dinner with the heir to the throne of Alderaan and a very high profile official of the New Republic government, and….”
Leia couldn’t help herself. She dropped her defensive posture and turned to face him, laughing harder than was probably proper.
Han looked back at her, smiling. Whatever had amused her, he was thankful for it. There had been a time when he’d have given anything to see that sparkle in her eyes again.
“We’re quite the pair—aren’t we, princess?” he asked, shaking his head at the absurdity of the situation. He’d tried to take her out for a nice dinner in an upscale place to try and set the tone for a possible new relationship, and it had taken a violent attack to get them back on the same page.
Leia turned to fully face him and took his hands.
“We’re a good team,” she replied, “always have been—ever since I ordered you into that garbage chute.”
Han shook his head and laughed. It seemed like a million years since that day on the Death Star. He was pretty sure he’d loved her even then. And he was more than certain he’d loved her a little more every day since—even through the months when he’d have given anything to have forgotten he’d ever met her.
“So what’s next?” he asked. “Where do we go from here?”
Leia’s eyes began to glisten.
“I didn’t have a chance to ask you,” she said, “how did it go today? Did the Falcon pass her spaceworthiness trials?”
“Yeah,” Han replied, “she can fly. Why? You wanna go somewhere?”
Leia’s lower lip was trembling and a tear fell to her cheek as she brought her hands to his face.
“What if I were to say,” she said, “start your engines, flyboy. Take me to Alderaan; we’ll elope in the palace garden and figure the rest out tomorrow.”
Han leaned in, reached around to pull her face to his and kissed her, hard.
“Not a chance, sweetheart,” he said when he leaned away.
Leia pulled back farther. There was a pit in her stomach and she couln’t think of anything to say. She’d been so sure he’d be on the same page. Having this moment between the two of them had felt like going back in time—she’d been sure he’d gone there with her.
“Han,” she began, trying her damndest to get a hold of the tremor in her voice. She couldn’t help but notice he was still smiling.
Han shook his head.
“Listen sweetheart,” he said, “after everything we’ve all gone through, there is no way we’re going to cheat your mother out of the chance to throw the royal wedding of her dreams. But if you want to go home right now and tell her to start drawing up the guest list….”
Leia leaned forward and kissed him again. Of all the sweet, unexpected things for him to have said, that might have been the sweetest and most unexpected. He’d joked before about wanting a big wedding, but she’d always thought he hadn’t been serious. But if what he wanted was a Royal wedding with all the pomp and circumstance, then that was the least she could give him. She pulled back from the kiss just enough to look him in the eye. She had to catch her breath before giving him her answer. She nodded her head and squeezed his hands as she answered,
“I do.”
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tohrusthoughts · 6 years
The problem with social media and game development is that in the beginning of all this.
People made games and design choices with a through abd through complete package. Yes. Developers made games so that people can enjoy them to the fullest. But it was done in the sense of a novel or a movie.
Once it came out. And experienced it was already out. There was no changing, there was no listening to fan feedback or social justice mediocrity. That was to be adjusted and adapted and made better in the sequel or the next game by the developer.
You can't please everyone, it isnt even fucking quantifiable to attempt it. But you could attempt to make the best product possible and see your intended story and character development through and through with the use of an interactive medium and a type of experience that is impossible to get with anything else.
Now. With the abillity to interact with developers and content creators on easily accesible platforms. The idea is that we can give them feedback on things were looking forward to or would like to see happen. What ideas are good, what ideas are bad.
The innate problem is how oppinionated human beings are. Every single individual believes that the way they see things is the only singular way to view an outlook over design. And some people can share this "singular outlook." Collaborate the notion with no challenging approach or alternative perspective. What they intially see and or think is the only way....cause they didn't like it.
This negative outlook will continously be reinforced either by lack of desire or more commonly by other people who are similiar minded and just go "Yeah thats right! Fuck this thing I don't like it."
Well let me be real with you for a second.
I don't care.
The developers shouldn't care.
No one. Should care that you don't like a design choice or a storypath that you disagree with or don't like.
The reason I state this is as entertainment goes. You're developing a product. Whether its niche or not it fits a specific style and audience. This is defined by genres.
People who like rpg's more often then not, don't like shooters or action games. (Or atleast not in the same way as you can like multiple genres). The point of mentioning this is that when formulating a product within a genre it follows a set of mediums and thoroughfares that fit into that genre as all of these things have been predefined at this point with tropes and junk.
And secondly(but technically more importantly) they follow the creator/developers vision. Their storylines, character concepts, gameplay types, etc. etc. Its their individual vision and ideas become realities.
You didnt make it.
You in fact didn't have anything to do with it.
At best you are exactly as intended a fan.
Fans when it comes down to the bare basics. Do not get to decide what a developer should and should not do with their vision. Whether you as the individul, as the fan, as a collective, or alone like it or hate it with every fiber of your being.
When it comes down to it. Truthfully. Even as a fan and something happens within a medium or a product you just, barebones morally disagree with. Stop supporting it. Move on.
What you shouldn't do. I want to say can't but thats never gonna be the case at this point....shouldn't do is harass, be vile, or hateful, send death threats or the worse style of harassment to people who
A. do enjoy these choices and can find some sense of joy or fun from the product.
Or worse B. do this to the developers.
Telling someone they should go die because of blah and blah is flat morally wrong and makes you a shit person and not worthy of an ear to listen to.
And No. you can't call blabbering like a child over your distaste as criticism.
Criticism is analytical, constructive in both postive and negative and has a purpose of creating a better product.
If social media worked like this towards developers and content creators it would be ok I like to think.
But its not. And we're not going to pretend it is.
I look at development in video games and anime as a hobby. I don't work in the industry but i throughoughly love watching creativity unfold.
And please believe me not all of it I find positive. In fact its a healthy middle of both. Somethings I get really excited about. "Oh thats really cool." Somethings its like...."Why?"
Investigate the reasoning and decisions, and decide for myself whether or not i wanna continue to support or be a fan.
Easy example. Any game that has lootbox styled orientation mechanics in anything. I will never buy. Something that has happened to many of franchise I have loved. But once it happened. It didn't matter that I was a fan. It dont agree with that concept as a gamer. I moved on.
And when talking about these games that has had this happened to them. I explain my choices. i won't support it and let others decide for themselves. But my money will never touch that product.
But this is where the real issue lies.
Fandoms as a collective tend to think products belong to fans.
But they don't.
The only people who can lay claim is the people that made it. Full stop.
Right now. Which is what started this rant few will fully read, are complaining about the redesign of Sheila from the Spyro trilogy remakes.
She went from a bald kangaroo to a kangaroo with red hair. And she looks more feminine.
Feminity is not a negative. Girls can be the typical style of feminine if they choose to be. They can also choose to be butch, androgyness, or anything else. None of those are negative character archetypes but its not we "want" so we make them negative....and thats not only the wrong way to look at it but wrong in general.
What I wanna describe it personally as they added visually a fully realizied characterization. Which is what they've been doing with every single redesign. From her to the dragons.
Hell all the dragons went from generic pallet swaps of the same model to fully fleshed out visually. None of them even remotely similiar to the original designs.....AT ALL!!!!
So why is this ok for them and not her?
She looks like she has a ridiculously tiny waist now and they're sexualizing her.
I don't get the sexulization argument. Cause i've looked at this same image. I am attracted to females. I like furry characters. I took one look at Sheila's redesign and went "oh hey thats a lot more vibrant visually contextulizes the character better. Why'd they change the eye color tho? The original i think was better."
Yes..that was it the eye color was the only thing worth noting that was upsetting in the slightest.
Annnnnd then I moved on. Still hyped for the game. It wasn't a huge deal, and even if it was. whats my options harass a developer....nah man don't buy it.
I didn't design it. Nor do I work.on the staff that is developing it.
My opinion on it regardless has no trinsical value one way or the other.
Cont.....one post up.
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dancingbpierces · 7 years
IILife’s A BetIIPurray
Tagged:Brittany Pierce and Chris Murray 
Featuring: Antonio and Ari Murray
When:Saturday afternoon
Where:Purray’s household
Details: Brittany and Chris have their wrestling match… Who will win?
Brittany: was getting dressed for her and Chris little match that they had agreed on. At first when she and Chris were talking about who could take who. It was all for teasing and for fun, then it turned serious when Chris laughed at her. Deep down she knew she would probably lose this. But she wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Besides she had a secret weapon that she was going to use and his name was Antonio. She pulled down the hem of her tank top, putting her hair up and a ponytail. Antonio bust into the room, wrapping his arms around her leg “Bee Bee!” He squeaked. Brittany moved so she could pick him up, placing him on her hip “Tonyyyyy” she giggled giving him big kisses. “Okay kiddo.. Aunt Bee Bee needs your help” she said going over to sit on the bed, putting him in his lap. “You know.. me and your daddy are in a bet.. and the best is.. who can take who…and aunt Bee Bee needs to win.. Can you help me do that?” She asked, trying not to laugh at his thinking expression. Antonio bit his bottom lip “I fight daddy?” He asked. Brittany snickered “No I fight daddy.. you just help me when I ask for you to help. I’ll blow you kisses. And that means you jump in.. okay?” She whispered. “Besides your sister likes to take his side a lot. So I need you on my team” she sighed. Antonio thought about it for a second “Okay! I help Bee..” he cheered. Brittany giggled, leaning over to kiss his cheek “yayyyyy! But shhhh can’t let daddy know okay.. ” she said getting up with Antonio in her arms, heading toward the living room, sitting Antonio on the couch.
Chris: felt like Rocky. He’d spent the day working out abd getting ready for his big fight with Brittany. He even had Ari lend a hand. “Daddy,” she asked, sticking more chewing gum into her mouth. “Isn’t fighting wrong?” Chris blew a bubble with his gum and did a few jumping jacks. “Hm? Yeah sure its bad. But this is just wrestling. And mommy is going to lose so it’s fine,” he said, watching her chew more gum. “Hey stop eating all my gum.”
Brittany: noticed that Chris and Arianna wasn’t in the room yet and decided to go away and make more room for them. “So Tony who you think is gonna win? Me or Daddy?” She asked as she pushed the love seat over, making a lot of space for them. Antonio scratched his head, thinking about who looked the toughest “ummm daddy?”. Brittany playfully scoffed, acting as if she was hurt “Tony! You’re suppose to be on my team” she said earning a pouty face from him. “awww it’s okay… You know I still love you” she said walking over to kneel in front of him. “Hey why don’t you go and get them. Tell Daddy I’m ready to kick his butt now.."she said kissing his cheek. Antonio giggled as he hopped off the couch running toward the room his dad was in "Daddy! Bee Bee ready to get your butt!” He shouted. 
Chris: helped Ari off the bed and turned around as Antonio came running into the room. “Get my butt?” he chuckled, picking up his youngest and carrying him into the living room. “What is she teaching you?” He placed Antonio down and cracked his neck. “You ready to lose Pierce?" 
Brittany: did her stretches as she was getting ready to go for a run. She raised up to see Chris and the kids to enter the room "I think the question is are YOU ready to lose?” She chuckled with a shrug “and I have to warn you I watched Karate kid last night. So.. I’m ready” she warned him with a straight face. “Tony remember what we talked about okay?” She winked, giggling when he winked back. 
Chris: smirked at Brittany. “Oh baby. Wax off and wax on is not about to save you,” he smiled. He glanced between Brittany and Tony and shook her head. “Hey none of that. You cant use my kid for whatever you have planned. Its illegal." 
Brittany: playfully rolled her eyes "oh yeah? Well we see about that buddy” she said trying to sound so tough. She looked at her boyfriend innocently, shrugging her shoulders “oh please! Don’t act like your not gonna use our daughter against me” she scoffed “and besides every time it’s you against me she always takes your side. So it’s only fair if I make sure Antonio is on mine” she stated. “And anyway if your sooooo sure your gonna win. You shouldn’t be worrying about what I have planned” she said patting his chest, a little hard. “And just so you know I have some really good ideas on what I want you to do, Mr. Murray” she said with a wink, tossing her hair over her shoulder. 
Chris: gasped dramatically. “She’s my coach thank you very much,” he pointed at Brittany. “You are trying to use my son against me and it’s unsportsmanlike behavior Pierce.” He glanced down as she patted his chest, causing him to take a step back. “Okay that’s it,” he said before lunging and grabbing Brittany by the waist to lift her off the ground. Brittany joined the chat 5 days ago Brittany joined the chat 5 days ago Brittany: laughed sarcastically “Yeah she’s your help you cheat coach” she said with a shrugged “And it’s fine. Just don’t cry when you lose” she said trying her best not to laugh “awwww so you ARE scared you’re gonna lose.” She sighed with a smile on her face. So far she was winning the talking the most crap and she was really enjoying it. She got ready to speak only to let out a squeal when’s Chris grabbed her “Hey this isn’t fair” she whined, kicking her feet in the hair. She tried to wiggle out of his grasp but he was to strong “damn him” she thought to herself. She was able to reach over to tickle his ticklish spot, in hopes he would let her go. 
Chris: shook his head. “Not everyone needs to cheat to win like you Bee,” he smirked. “Notice how youre talking shi– stuff, more than anything. Keep it up. It’ll be even better when I beat you.” He had her right where he wanted her. Honestly he just planned on holding her until she gave in but then she tickled him and he hit the floor in a fit it laughter. “Not fair!” He laughed. “Ref! Where’s the referee.” He sat up seeing Ari and Antonio trying to blow bubbles with their gum, completely ignoring them. “Fine. Its up to me.” He managed to keep from peeing himself and moved Brittany away from his ticklish spot before pinning her to the ground. “Give in Pierce and then after we put kids to bed we can really have it out,” he winked successively before kissing her lips quickly before the kids could see. 
Brittany: scoffed “Hey I never cheated in anything in my whole life..” she said hating the smirk he was throwing at her “Well it’s easy to talk crap when know your gonna win! Right Tony?” She asked turning to see the kids. She couldn’t help but laugh because they could really care less about what the silly things the grown ups were doing. She squealed as he dropped to the floor. “Hey! Whatever works babe” she giggled. She knew once he found his composure he was going to get her back, so she rolled over so she could crawl away from him. But she was to slow. She felt him roll her over to her back, pinning her to the ground “I don’t like you right now” she pouted, pretending like she was mad at him. She bit her bottom lip, feeling her face grow warm from his words. This was so like him she thought. “You’re such a bully” she whispered, returning the quick kiss. She tried to move her hands, but he wouldn’t let her go “you know if I could move my hands you would be in so much trouble Mr.” She said breathlessly, looking over toward the kids “Tony I could really use your help her” she sighed. Antonio looked over at his dad and Brittany and shrugged “Maybe later Bee Bee.. I wanna play with Ari” he mumbled with a mouth full of gum. Brittany groaned “Ari.. remember when I said women have to stick together?” She pointed out. 
Chris: rose an eyebrow and scoffed. “I’m the bully when for the last week all you’ve said to me is that you’re gonna beat me? I haven’t said one thing to you even though I knew I would win. Why? Because I’m not a sore winner,” he said, not letting hefenmi He didn’t plan on it until she gave in. He glanced over at the kids, seeing how preoccupied they were. Ari shook her head at her mother. “Daddy said you would try to use fem- femim-” she struggled with the word. “Feminism,” Chris helped earning a nod from Ari. “Yeah that. He said you’d use that to try to get me to help you but it was just a um… Daddy what did you say?” Chris looked down at his girlfriend with a smirk. “I said you’d try to use feminism to get her to help you but that it wouldn’t work because real feminism doesn’t call for women helping other women do something as morally repugnant as cheating,” he smiled. Ari stuck more gum in her mouth. “Yup. Sorry mommy. I’m a fenmimist.” Chris chuckled. “One day she’ll get it… Okay Bee you surrender yet?" 
Brittany: tucked her lips in trying not to laugh at Chris “All I did was doing was sending you a little warning Murray! And don’t act like you have done the same. You may have not said anything but you doing all your extra jumping jacks, explains a lot” she pointed out trying to get out of his grasp put failed again “ugh you know it’s against the rules to pin someone down!” She pouted. Brittany frowned when her daughter refuse to help her, don’t get her wrong she wasn’t shocked that Chris warned Ari about what she would do. But she was hoping her daughter would help her out. She locked eyes with Chris who was giving her a smirk “I don’t like you very much right now” she chuckled at her daughter’s words “It’s okay. Mommy still loves you.. but your dad on the other hand” she said squinting her eyes at him.She knew that she lost this one, but she wasn’t going to go down just yet, but she had to at least try again. Brittany looked down to see her knees were at the angle of where is dick was. She smiled up to him “nope! But you will” she said attempting to aim in between the legs, only to hear Antonio gasp”Bad Bee! Time out! ” he pointed at her.
Chris: shrugged a shoulder nonchalantly. "I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, still not letting her up. “On but you love it when I pin you down.” He was just about to say more when Tony screeched and called time out. “Wha–” he glanced down between his legs and gasped. “Bee! You would go as far as injure the master?” He was so hurt that he sat up, letting go of her arms and shielding his crotch.
Brittany: squinted her eyes at him “Don’t act so innocent mister” she said once again trying to fight his grasp but he wouldn’t budge. She felt her cheeks grow warm at his comment and tried hard not to blush from the thought “I-I.. well” she huffed getting flabbergasted. She was about to kick him but stopped at Antonio’s yelling at her. “I wasn’t go-” she sighed starting to feel bad. Antonio pointed at Brittany “Not nice. Bee” he said going back to play with his gum with his sister. Brittany sat up “ugh he gives me the same look you do when your mad at me” she said looking over to Chris who was guarding his manhood. “I’m sorry. I just got caught up with the bet. I really wanted to beat you” she confessed “can you forgive me?” She asked scooting closer to him. 
Chris: scooted away from Brittany and frowned. “Is beating me worth me not having a functioning dick?” he whisper yelled. Honestly he was laughing on the inside because he knew how competitive Brittany was, he just didn’t think it would go this far. “Because if so then we would both be disappointed… Why did you wanna beat me do bad? What is it you wanted me to do because I honestly would do whatever you asked. Baby you know I’m whipped." 
 Brittany: frowned when he moved away from her. She honestly wasn’t trying to hurt him, she just got into competitive mode and wasn’t thinking “Baby, I’m really am sorry” she whispered softly, glancing over at the kids, looking back at him. She sighed softly looking down at her hands “Honestly? Because a lot of people don’t see me has “Tough” or someone that can handle herself. I mean every time I leave dad’s house he always asking me if I have my pepper spray or have Caleb follow me home when he knows you won’t be here” she shrugged “so I figure if I could beat you. The strongest guy I know. Maybe people would stop trying me as this delicate flower that can handle her own. I mean I told dad about our bet and he was so sure you were going to win because I couldn’t heart a fly. And it bugged me” She said looking back up at him “I’m really sorry I wasn’t trying to hurt you. I would never purposely hurt you. I just got in my own head and I got really competitive”. 
Chris: frowned as Brittany explained why she was so competitive when it came to their bet. "Hey… Look I’ll admit, your dad coddles you a lot but he does it because he cares about you. He just wants you safe. And no one thinks you’re some dainty flower who can’t take care of herself. You’re strong Bee. It’s one of the reasons I love you so much. Don’t ever doubt that okay? Don’t ever doubt your strength. Just because I’m physically stronger doesn’t mean anything." 
Brittany: hated that what was suppose to be fun failed all because she got in her own head. She sighed as she listen to Chris words. The thought of her dad always babying her or making feel like she was six instead of twenty six really annoyed her “I get that. I do.” She said looking over at Ari “I mean I’m always worried that something is going to happen to Ari if you and I aren’t around. But I know our daughter. I know she is tough and she is strong. I try to give her a little space and not hover as if she isn’t capable of handling herself. I just don’t want to be treated like I need protection all the time or I can’t handle things because sooner or later Ari isn’t gonna want to look up to me. I mean look at Antonio. When he looks at you or Even with San he sees that he has strong parents and that if he is with you or with San he is going to be protected and that he doesn’t have to worry about anything.” She said honestly. She smiled sadly when Chris reminded her that he knows how strong she is “I know and I love you for not treating me as if I can’t protect myself. Again I’m sorry about earlier.” She whispered. 
Chris: stood up and frowned at how serious Brittany was being. He knew she didn’t wanted to be treated like she was this fragile person but he had no idea it was affecting how she viewed herself as a parent. "Kids go play in your rooms,” he said, hearing Ari groan before both children’s feet pitter against the floor as they ran to their rooms. Chris waited until they were gone before crawling over to Brittany and pulling her into his lap. “Baby. Ari knows that you can protect her. She knows that when she gets hurt, youre the one to come to because Daddy hates blood,” he chuckled. “She knows that when she has a good dream, youre the one she comes to and talks about it. And as much as Tony looks to me for protection, who does he call for when he has a bad dream? You can’t doubt yourself. And I think you should talk to your dad about how he treats you. You’re an adult. Its time he start treating you as such.” A thought crossed his mind and he pulled Brittany into his lap so that she could straddle him as he laid on the floor. “Hold my arms down,” He said, guiding her hands to his wrists. He stared up at her and smirked. “Use your legs to hold mine down.” He waited until she did as he asked and tried to get up but found he couldn’t. “See your strong,” he struggled to say. He honestly couldn’t get up and it was his own fault. “Today was leg day and I’m still sore… You win. You win the bet. And now I have to do whatever it is you want. And please say its sexual because you holding me down like this is getting me hard,” he laughed 
Brittany: felt her tears forming but held them at bay. The last thing she wanted to do was cry, glancing up to see the kids leave. She sighed, playing with her fingers as Chris pulled her into his lap. This had been something that had been bugging her for a while and she was trying to deal with it in her own way. Don’t get her wrong she knew she could talk to Chris about this or anything else, he is her best friend. But she just thought this would go away. But from what has happened early that wasn’t the case. She chuckled sadly when Chris reminded her how Ari always ran to her when things involving blood. Chris was one of the toughest guys she knew. But it made her laughed to know that at the sight of blood he would run away screaming. Hearing Chris words, she smiled even more. She knew that she was lucky to have him there for her, to remind her no matter what she was strong and Ari and Tonio would always look up to her. She nodded her head at his suggestion about talking to her dad. She always hated having serious conversations with him because mindlessly he always made her feel bad “okay… I’ll talk to him.. He isn’t going to like it but.. I’ll do it” she smiled. She was about to tell him thank you and kiss him. But before she could he was moving them so he could lay on the floor having her straddle him. She moved to where she could hold down both of his wrist, using her legs to hold down his legs. She giggled softly as he tried to get out of grasp, “Thanks for the reminder Murray” she smirked. Brittany bit her bottom lip not sure how to feel about the fact that he allowed her to win. But she did know that she had the best boyfriend in the world. She chuckled at his comment looking up as if she was thinking about what she wanted to do she leaned down to kiss his lips slowly “Actually it does involve something sexual and for being such an amazing boyfriend.. I think I allow you to tell me what you want” she whispered seductively “I do mean anything.” She said softly, she could feel his hard on. But she didn’t want him to notice she could. She shifted in his lap a bit with a grin on her face “BBBBut you’re gonna have to wait for it” she sing “the kids are still up” she pointed out hearing the kids laughter in the rooms. 
Chris: returned the kiss before smirking up at his girlfriend and licking his lips. “Oh no no no, you won fair and square. I couldn’t get up if I wanted to. I’m all yours doing whatever you want. Name a time and place.” He winced when she moved in his lap, his dick twitching. “Don’t start something you can’t finish,” he said glancing down the hall. “Fine. But as soon as we put them to bed…" 
Brittany: giggled when he assured her that she won “okay fine but I promise it will be something that we both can enjoy” she promised. She could feel more of him when she moved, and she knew if she didn’t stop they might end up doing something anyways.“Trust me I can finish it baby. Just don’t want to scare the kids” she chuckled, nodding her head “I will make it worth the worth the wait okay?!” she said giving him a kiss before releasing him. “I need to go cook dinner and you should probably go check on the kids since they have a mouthful gum and is probably sticking it under the bed or something …” she she giggled at the thought as she got up from the floor, heading toward the kitchen. 
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hazuki-no-yume · 7 years
not to be That Guy and i know you don't want anyone being negative here but the english vocaloid community as a whole is just fucking awful and i can't help but feel like everyone was in the wrong here, youtaites for being obnoxious (as always) and the subbing team even moreso for being so damn passive aggressive about it. they (hny & cero) have been the source of all recent "drama" so to say they can do no wrong is just plain naive. also it's hazuki not hazumi...
Well, first off I’m sorry that I keep typoing Hazuki as Hazumi! I’m running on miniscules hours of sleep here, and it’s pretty late where I’m at. @o@
And I never said they did no wrong! Not at all. Passive aggressiveness has no excuse, I’m just saying that I understand where they’re coming from and that I can relate. Cero should’ve definitely taken it up to Rachie in private and this should’ve been handled in an adult-like circumstance. As someone said while talking to Juby, “things that can be handled as adults usually aren’t if it means no bloodshed; people want others to be more wrong than they are”, and that’s something I’d find true of every fandom and not just the Western Vocaloid/YoutubeLoid culture.
The main thing that is key that’s bothering me about the whole thing and that makes me sympathize with HnY and Cero more than youtaites is that this has been a neverending conflict. To bring some insight as to who’s running this blog for now, I’ve been in the Vocaloid fandom ever since Hatsune Miku released back in 2007. I remember sitting in my friend’s big leather computer chair and listening to Miku for the first time abd my first instinct was “can I make an OC out of her b/c her design is amazing” LMAO but that’s besides the point! I’ve been around when people were translating and people were trying to do covers, I grew up with artists like Rockleetist and Mikutan and TBOE and like, this has always, always been a problem.
Juby and Rachie reference it both, that “back in the old days” people never really seeked to reference or give credit to those who translate for others? Which is understandable to a fault; it was like, 2007 or 2010, people were young back in the day, we were all bumbling around and just enjoying music and whatnot. But to use this as an explanation as to why you’d continue doing it, in 2017, when it’s so much easier to keep track of notes and of who you reference and this and that, is horrible. The fact that Rachie deliberately says “I did use HnY’s translation but I didn’t credit them because they’re awful” is really really gut-wrenching to me? Because she chooses to do that? She wasn’t forced by HnY or Cero or anyone to adapt their translation into her works, especially works that are monetized.
That’s the big thing here, that people choose this and that, but when repercussions flow up they want to be the victim. Back in the day, yeah, we were young and stupid and just starting to get the community on its feet, sure. But the past shouldn’t excuse the present day, not when we have each other to network and bring music to our side of the world! And overall it’s just this overarching problem that the fandom ITSELF needs to recognize, too! That not everything is hit and run; someone slaved over the translation, someone slaved over the artwork, someone slaved over the singing and tuning and everything, you know?
It brings to mind what happened to Wowaka. He was an amazing producer who inevitably stopped because his success wasn’t attributed to him but to Hatsune Miku, the vocal synthesizer he was using. It got to the point that he flat out stopped because the fandom (young as we were) thought Miku was the one who made the songs, not Wowaka. Thankfully he continued to make music, just not as a Vocaloid producer.
I’m sorry, I rambled a lot there! @o@ I hope what I was trying to say was clear enough. ; w; Full stop, I don’t condone any drama or hate either party is bringing. No one is right in this situation, not at all. I’m just more overly frustrated and upset because this all loops back to one problem that shouldn’t be a problem, you know?
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