#of course nick asked that
beck404 · 2 years
this is the most Nick and Charlie thing that’s ever happened
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wolfawaycamp · 18 days
emma and nick wake up in the woods the morning after turning and sort out what happened the night before, specifically what happened at the campfire
(preferably abi is still alive)
🐼Admittedly, I snagged this one to practice writing Nick's POV, but I'm also so emo for Furblygbank already so we're kind of killing two birds with one stone. Thanks for the ask, anon :)
The rising sun’s golden hue was almost blinding to Nick’s bleary eyes. He’d just woken up in the middle of the woods in his underwear and needed a second to regain his grip on reality. The last thing he remembered was…red. Like, an entire red room. Before that, he was in the poolhouse, and Abi —
Did he kill Abi?
“Hello? Anyone in there?”
Nick blinked and squinted at the person pestering him. Emma was leaning over him with her hand outstretched, and she was soaked with blood. He refused her hand and scrambled to his feet, attempting to string his words together into a poor facsimile of a sentence. “What…where did…why are you bloody?”
Emma looked him up and down. “I could ask you the same question. Let me guess; you were also attacked by a big scary animal with glowing eyes and massive claws?”
“Yeah…right after you pashed me in front of Abi at the campfire and left to go have fun with Jacob.” Nick didn’t mean to sound bitter, especially since it seemed as though Emma had had an equally shitty night, but he’d admit that he was a bit…jealous. Of what? He didn’t know.
“Oh, come on.” Emma rolled her eyes. “Don’t act like you weren’t at least a little bit into it.”
Were they really doing this? Right now, when he was wrestling with the notion that he very well could have murdered his crush when he was — he didn’t know what had happened to him — transformed? Nick lowered his gaze toward the dew-laden grass embracing his bare feet. He would have thought it beautiful or poetic or something if he wasn’t currently having a mental breakdown. “Emma, I—I think I may have killed Abi.”
She stared at him with a tired expression. “Nick…” her voice trailed off. “...we should go try to find the others. I was with Jacob, but he—he turned into one of those things.” Great. It was spreading. “Do you have any idea where we are?”
Nick assessed their surroundings; they were near where he and Abi had collected sticks and watched the sunset not even a day ago. He could pinpoint the lodge from here. “Um…I think the lodge is this way. Yeah, definitely this way.” Nodding toward their destination, he began to tentatively walk in that direction.
Emma followed. “Hey, for the record, I think Abi might be okay.”
“I was sitting in the van trying to hide from these old guys with guns, and then I think I turned into one of whatever these things are, and I saw Abi. She was running away from me.” Emma winced. “And I think Dylan shot me.”
“Dylan? Are you sure it wasn’t a hallucination?” Nick couldn’t believe he was amused by that thought. Perhaps this god-awful night wasn’t as bad for the other counselors as it had been for him.
“You know, Nick, I’m not really sure any of what’s happened tonight was real, including this conversation, so no, I’m not,” Emma sighed. The exhaustion was setting in for both of them. Nick wondered what the chances were that they could take a quick power nap back at the lodge. Probably slim.
They trekked together in silence until Nick couldn’t take it. “Are we bad people?”
Emma shot him an offended glance. “I don’t think kissing someone on a dare makes you a bad person.”
Nick knew it wasn’t that black and white. That kiss was not just a kiss. “No, but choosing to kiss someone you know your best friend likes, and who also likes them back, and bragging about it afterward might.”
“It got you two to go and have a nice, romantic kiss in the moonlight, didn’t it?” Emma replied dismissively.
“N—no. No, Emma. We were attacked. I got bitten by that animal and then I told Abi I only liked her because she was stupid and easy to manipulate. She was nothing but kind to me and I—” Nick inhaled sharply. His eyes stung at the sudden recollection of those last moments. “Easy pickings. Right off the bone,” he’d growled before tossing her across the poolhouse. Who says that? Who does that?
“Hey, come back to me. I’m…I’m sorry.” Emma’s voice was soft. She placed a hand on his arm. “You’re right; kissing you was a dick move. You two were just so scared to make the first move that I thought I could fix it with a little drama. I’d say it backfired pretty spectacularly.”
Nick said nothing. At this rate, he’d be a sobbing mess by the time they reached the lodge.
Emma continued. “I don’t know what happened between you two, but I do know that Abi’s got a big heart and she likes you a lot. She won’t hold a grudge against you for something out of your control. Me, on the other hand…I’m not so sure after all of this. I think I’ve burned that bridge.”
I think we both have, Nick thought as the lodge came into view. Maybe it would have been better for him to have killed Abi. He wasn’t prepared to face her yet. He probably would never be.
Right as they reached the bottom steps, the front door opened. Abi stood in the doorway, blood and sweat matting her already dark red hair and the remnants of a nasty bite still visible on her shoulder. “Oh my god.” She rushed down the stairs toward them.
“Abi…” Nick started, but the air was knocked out of him before he could pull an apology out of his arse. She wrapped him in a tight embrace.
“You’re okay. I thought I’d killed you,” her voice buzzed in his chest.
Nick had no idea how to respond to that. Wasn’t he supposed to be the rabid monster who was killing people? “L—likewise.”
Abi lifted her head and looked at Emma. “You too. Come here.” She reached out her arm and pulled Emma close.
“Abs, we’re not exactly clean right now,” Emma said in a nervous huff of laughter. “You don’t have to—”
“Oh, shut it. I’ll take bloody friends over werewolves any day.”
Werewolves? Was that what he was? Fucking hell.
The three of them held onto each other in silence. They’d survived the night. Maybe there was still hope for their fractured bond to do the same.
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kurjakani · 1 year
not at all surprised you enjoy nicholas dickolas valentine fallout actually. he’s very kanicore. love that for you
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tristansarchive · 10 months
It's the way you move I knew I would stay with you After just one touch The way you move has got me stuck Stuck
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theokusgallery · 5 months
Why did you make this AU?
Short answer: I love unethical men.
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I totally agree that Art Is Dead is a Jupe song but what about All Eyes On Me ... get on out of your seats ... we're going to go where everybody knows ... get inside ... aaaaa 🛸
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fuck dude it sure is!!!
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incesthemes · 2 months
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this is a fun line. i think they play with jack's innocence in interesting ways and i appreciate that effort. i also like how this mirrors the previous episode but with higher stakes. jack is unstable and not quite so obedient as everyone wants him to be (including him, it seems), and it's driving him to extremes that he doesn't quite know how to come down from. and i'm definitely not sold on the idea that jack's soul is completely gone, unless of course they've rewritten how soullessness works yet again, so these extremes leading to rejection from people he wants the approval of is clearly hurting him. he wants so badly to justify his actions, and he naively thinks that "fixing" the messes he makes will erase the hurt caused. and that's a cool direction to take his character and embed his innocence into a more complex character. he's struggling with more nuanced perspectives and seeing everything in black or white, which is of course subconsciously reinforced by his home environment. it's not wholly innate, and it's certainly not wholly a result of his soul burning off. great, consistent character building 😊 i've been enjoying jack a lot this season
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hychlorions · 10 months
hey i think this nick person sounds swagalicious 9000 to the max, the way you bounce of eachother and have sick takes about klapollo with such gigajamming takes wow what a guy!
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daydreamerdrew · 4 months
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Tales of Suspense (1959) #92
#I like the perspective that Captain America is the one that’s really alive because he has a purpose#whereas Steve is a ‘hollow shell’ because he lacks a ‘real life’ or purpose#the specification that Steve lacks of wife really stands out#I think because I’m used to that being left as just being referred to vaguely as ‘loved ones’ or similar#though the order of the sentence- ‘/other/ men have friends- wives- /loved ones!/- really puts the emphasis on the general term#referring to Steve’s all-encompassing lack#at first I thought maybe Steve’s account here was unreliable#and that he does have people who would spend time with him- as shown in the previously posted panels#but it really doesn’t seem that even now that they spend time together outside of Avengers work and training#of course during the first team I was really struck by how much the Avengers didn’t come across as friends#which was compounded by that they strictly maintained their secret identities and weren’t allowed to ask each other personal questions#with Steve standing out because they all knew who he was while he didn’t know who they were#they’re not maintaining that for this team but they’re still not hanging out outside of being Avengers#also the phrasing that Sharon is ‘like my first love- as though she had been- reborn’ is making me think for the first time#beyond the physical similarities#because at first Steve really did not know her so that’s all he had to go by#but now they’ve interacted a little bit more#so he could be thinking (or imagining) that their demeanors are similar too#and the end of this story Nick talks about how he knows how much Steve cares about Sharon#while jokingly referring to her as Steve’s ‘girl friend’#that Steve talks around referring to her by name is awkward but it’s because he doesn’t know it#that Nick talks around it is weird because he has to know it so it’s like he’s purposely keeping that knowledge from Steve#though he’s using Steve’s feelings for Sharon to recruit him for a mission to help her#marvel#steve rogers#my posts#comic panels
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werezombie · 1 year
I love that you somehow got the most nick-aesthetic pokemon sgdhfg
me and my 2 best friends (not clickbait)
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wqxianwriting · 10 months
I sent a request about poly Nick/Charlie and a f!reader. I think it was about them trying to cheer Nick up? Just wanted to ask if that was appropriate or if I should edit it.
Yeah! The request is appropriate and just fine, you don’t have to change it if you don’t want to, I’m still writing it aha… If you have specific things you want to happen you can send those in but no worries if not, nothing is wrong with the ask :)
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solo-silenzio · 10 months
Have you finished heartstopper? My heart is full I love them all so much 🥹🧡 I love how we got to see more in deep the different journeys in the group
I knoooow! Isaac, Tao, Elle, Darcy, Tara, I loved all of their journeys this season 💖 (god I even loved the teachers)
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theokusgallery · 4 months
Idk if this has ever been asked: but do you think Arsenic does any kind of normal exercise?
Sunny looks like even thinking of exercise will just cause him to melt. But Nick? He's a bit silly. Does he do running or any kind of physical outlet like that? Does it make him more intimidating? Or is his body type just TALL?
Sunny's stronger than you think ! ...but no, he doesn't exercise. He likes having fun with sports but exercising for the sake of exercising would kill him dead
Nick certainly has a genetic advantage in that his natural body type is "tall". But he's also the kind of guy to mindlessly exercise to clear his head? Like yeah, he'll go for a run if he's stressed. Or a fight to the death depending on the source of stress
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thegoldenelite · 1 year
The number of times I've watched bte 348 is ridiculous, but i can't stop watching it...
#it's like c ocomelon to m e#the part that really kills m e tho is when k enny a pologizes to h angman. wondering if h angman could ever forgive him#because i know for a fact that k enny doesn't forgive himself for what he did.#it's part of the reason why he took so long to make up with h angman. he was anger too but also#the guilt. he did the same thing with i bushi. he couldn't talk about him for very long without wanting to change the subject#but also he couldn't face i bushi (in the hallway) bc of the guilt he felt for betraying him#(as well as other thing of course but i'm focusing on the guilt)#like we know k enny STILL hasn't forgiven himself for that. When h angman betrayed the b uck#(grabbed nick's leg so the b ucks would lose their chance to c hallenge for the tag belts)#k enny was asked what he thought about it and he said something like: this is something h angman will have to#live with for the rest of his l ife.#this implies k enny STILL feels remorse for stopping i bushi from winning the i wgp belt 5 years later(8 now). Even tho i bushi forgave him#well before their reunion at new y ear's d ash#what i'm saying is that he did so much to h angman. i can understand why this reunion took so long. how could k enny face him after that.#probably in that time believing he didn't deserve h angman back in his lifetoo. As well as his forgiveness/etc(again did the same w i bushi#i could see k enny never fully forgiving himself for the things he did to h angman :(. (he did sign a contract in h angman's b lood)#he also didn't forgive h angman which is so v alid too. their tag run is s ad/tough to watch. k enny trying everything to make#their tag t eam work cause he c ares about h angman and tag t eams but h angman just not being there for it. oof#the thing that surprised me tho was that k enny a pologized first. i thought it would be a while till either did but no.#i believe k enny learned from the past. a pologize now. talk it out. and work on the r elationship TOGETHER. that's g rowth :').#oh man didn't mean to r ant about k enny's guilt and how he's done this all before do you still think im h-#no but i l ove over a nalyzing w restling m en lol. this ep was full of interesting#i nteractions. i know we were all focused on the nod but this ep delivered on so much more than that.#rin posting#i thinks it's why i couldn't be mad at k enny not mentioning h angman throughout this feud. it would just be too p ainful for him to do so#he l oves/c ares about his ex s too much. a ctually#does any of this make sense. shrugs.#anyway lol.
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ruvviks · 2 years
hand over the detes abt vito's college years my liege 🔫🔫🔫
on it boss >:) for the people who missed it, here is the original post and here is the first ask i answered about it!
warnings >> alcohol, drugs, nsfw, smoking mention, transphobia mention
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when vitali starts college he's moved out of the house and most of his childhood he kinda felt trapped, which is basically what his entire college experience is centered around LMAO because now that he's no longer stuck at home he can do. whatever he wants. and he goes a little bit far in that sometimes!!!
vitali's first year is centered around him going to. so many parties. and he just works his way through so so so many guys LMFAO it's mostly one night stands and those who DO stay longer are all. not very good </3 his first boyfriend (at college. he's had more in the past. yeah LMAO) was a cunt who ended up stealing and breaking his phone (which is how vitali lost contact with mikhail. yea. good times. no vitali never finds out about it. haha xoxo) and his second boyfriend is nick. there's a lot going on there bear with me
so vitali and nick meet at the start of the year already but so far they've only danced together at parties or just. seen each other at school. vitali IS interested in him though because nick is. well. pretty and handsome. but also he kinda seems like a bit of a douchebag and it turns out he is a huge fucking cunt so yeah that's great <3 they get together after vitali loses contact with mikhail and at first it all goes well but they kinda make each other worse ://
nick basically just wants to bang all the time and vitali is fine with that but it's not. good for him since it's kinda become an addiction at that point </3 their relationship is closed and vitali gets very restless which makes nick Panik and chase the one thing he knows vitali likes (le sex) even MORE than he already was and. well. it's an endless cycle as you can see. they start having insanely petty arguments to the point it reminds vitali of his parents and he breaks up with nick
soon after that vitali picks up sex work because he is desperately in need of money (he left home so he lost his safety net. wink wink reference in the first broker chapter wink wink) and well. he's doing the work already anyway but for Free so might as well start charging people money for it LMFAO but then nick comes crawling back and he's very hostile towards vitali still?? even though vitali left that part of their relationship behind him so he's a bit pissed about that. starts charging nick money too hoping it will scare him away but nick is a stubborn bitch and keeps coming back smh
then. third boyfriend. he's a sweetheart but vitali is just kinda using him to forget nick :// of course nick catches wind of this and will forever hold it against vitali and the boyfriend's friends ALSO catch wind of it and vitali kind of ends up in a physical fight which he loses </3 but he's fine with it because he feels like he deserved that
and that's just his first year <3 HGFDHGJFDG during his summer vacation he goes on vacation with some random people who invited him and it's just. a month of him continuously getting high and drunk to try and forget about mikhail :( he feels horrible for making mistake after mistake but at the same time just keeps making them. which makes him feel worse which makes him make more mistakes and so on you know how it goes
the one good thing to come out of the vacation is that he ends up with two boyfriends!! they're all dating each other and it's actually a very nice and stable relationship, they're a bit inexperienced with trans bodies but are more than willing to learn so everything is looking good for vitali for a while :) until during the start of year 2 nick comes back again and gets into a fight with vitali and he tells him he's just using his boyfriends as distraction like he did before. it's not the case but vitali feels so bad about it that he breaks up with them because he believes they deserve better than him :| i'm killing nick rn
and then vitali has top surgery <3 stays with jackie for a bit and up to that point jackie HAS in fact showed his face at some parties on occasion despite not going to that school and he and vitali HAVE made out on occasion. but vitali wants to stop doing that because he doesn't want jackie to end up like either mikhail or nick :(( but they do remain friends so that's good :)
i won't go into great detail for the remainder of the years but long story short: continuous ups and downs and most of the downs are because of nick. he does actually become nice for a little bit on occasions (after vitali's top surgery and after his leg surgery) but he mostly just keeps coming back with trouble and vitali keeps spiraling as a result
vitali joins a book club at some point! it goes pretty well for him until he starts dating one of the guys and he turns out to be a transphobe and after that, even though the club throws the guy out and is supportive of vitali he decides to leave anyway because it just doesn't feel right anymore :// after that there's one more guy he starts dating but the guy is a massive dick so it. doesn't last long LMFAO
and then in vitali's fourth year nick has an internship for the first semester and he didn't tell vitali about it :/ which causes vitali to just cut him out of his life because he's been looking for an opportunity to do either that OR fix their relationship because, as i said in the other ask, vitali really just. wants to fix things if they can still be fixed. and he believes a lot of things are still fixable, but it doesn't really work out if he's the only one pulling his weight in it all :(
vitali's wild party life has also been moving with his ups and downs. he stopped doing drugs pretty early on but kept drinking and eventually picked up smoking again after his leg surgery in year 3 (but the fake cigs then of course LOL) and he kept going to parties. kept getting into fights. sometimes more and sometimes less but it's always just kinda Been There
but after his breakdown in year 4 he doesn't do that shit anymore <3 becomes a lot more serious and focused on finishing school because he wants to do things RIGHT this time, and it's a bit weird for nick when he comes back and vitali suddenly has short hair and barely speaks to him anymore but. it's probably for the better
tl;dr vitali's college life was very busy and filled with people but at the end of it all he's still just. alone. jackie was kinda sorta there all along but other than that, everyone he cared about in college isn't there anymore :/ it's kinda sad to think about the fact vitali is terrified of ending up alone but at the same time HE is the one to walk away in most situations because he believes the other people deserve better. shaking him
and all of this ties in with the other ask i answered, because this is just to like. show how unbalanced vitali's life was during those years LMAO it was all going very fast and he was secretly struggling to keep up with it all, but mostly because he was just. doing so many things all the time. but he felt like he had missed out before and now just really wanted to catch up. and in all of that he kinda lost himself a little bit :(
i have more details because i wrote a whole timeline but i just wanted to grab the most important stuff from that to spare you all the 4k words version SHFDJGHJ but yeah that's vitali's college years!! stark contrast with how he is now which makes everything in the broker chapter even more :)))) hahaha :)))))) it's all really just about anger and control huh. anyway <3
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pretty-face-breaker · 2 years
nick is homophobic. yes i know he's gay i don't care he's homophobic
Yes, Nick tortures a gay man for fun. Therefore, he is homophobic. Questions? 🤨🤨🤨
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