#ocs: singe brandt
scientistservant · 5 months
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A Simge
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auxiliarydetective · 8 months
Who is going through the Horrors™? Poll number 6
Oh boy, number six, a third of the devil's number!
This time, you shall be voting on...
Day Twenty: The Trees Have Eyes (Location: The Woods/Forest)
Shadows of the trees cast illusions, the cracking of sticks cause hairs on the back of your neck stand. The wind howls which sounds of a voice, and the birds no longer sing. The woods are creepy, desolate, and you find yourself lost in the sea of their trunks. What happens when your ocs are stuck in the woods?
INFO for those not versed in the world of One Piece: The Seducing Woods are literally alive. Imagine Wonderland but worse. The flowers are alive, the trees are alive, everything is alive, and it's trying to kill you. Also, there's a witch.
@daughter-of-melpomene @starcrossedjedis @thehedgehogat221b @come-along-pond
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mercurygray · 2 years
@shoshiwrites started this really lovely 'the war ended and we went camping to be together again after the unit broke up' AU and I wanted to hum a few bars. Her OC Jo Brandt appears here by kind permission of the author.
It was quiet, on the beach - Marj took a deep breath and dug her bare toes into the sand a little deeper, hugging her sweater around her shoulders and poking the dying embers of the fire with a stick. There was something beautiful about the quiet - the sound of birds starting to fill the air, swallows dipping and diving over the lake looking for bugs, cicadas singing in the trees and grasshoppers along the shore. It reminded her of home, a little, and not the apartment she shared with Jo and the others. How long's it been since you were near a lake? Last time you went north would have been, what, 40? Or was it 41. You and Dave and Frankie and -
Marj shivered. Yeah, and him too. It would be getting colder, soon, but she wasn't quite ready to go inside yet - not while Jo and Joe were down by the shore skipping rocks and trading secrets.
You can joke all you want about being the responsible one but someone's got to chaperone.
Someone cleared his throat behind her, and she turned away from the fire for a moment. It was the broad-shouldered one, the one they all only called his last name out of habit. Lipton.
"This seat taken?"
She moved over a little on the log to make room. "All yours."
He sat down and made himself comfortable for a moment, staring at the fire and then out at the shore, a half-drunk bottle of beer loose in his hand. "So how did you two meet?" He asked, nodding to Jo as she tucked a stray strand of dark hair behind her ear.
What to say? The truth seemed like a good choice. Lipton seemed like a man who could tell when you were lying. "I was in England, for nine months, with a WAC company - Jo covered my unit, and we got along really well, and we kept up, afterwards, and ran into each other before I was shipped back to the states. I'd…had some changes, in my life, and knew I wasn't going home, at least straight after, and she had a roommate moving out to get married, so…I came home with her and started looking for work."
Lipton nodded. He had one of those easy, placid faces, kind and serious all at once. "That fits. The WACs, I mean - now that you've said it, you just…you fit, with it. The way you stand." It was a compliment, the way he said it - there was a measure of…admiration, in his voice, and not an empty one. Marj allowed herself a little smile. He looked at her, his eyes observant. "Why didn't you say?"
A good question."I don't…usually mention it, around…guys who served. I was just doing a job, same as everyone else. But not everyone sees it that way." It was the truth, even if she didn't like it. And why should she bring it up? Most of these guys wanted to leave their wars behind them. "And you? How'd you end up with these jokers?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Fifty dollars of extra jump pay," Lipton said with a rueful smile. "We all volunteered, and it turns out we all got along really well. Joe and Bill were real close, before…" he ran a hand over his knee. "And Bill and Babe grew up three blocks away from each other, so after the business with Babe's fiance, they decided we needed to get out of town for a bit. I'm between semesters, so Don and I hopped a couple of trains and got in the car so we could drive out here."
"They seem like a real nice bunch."
"Best group of guys I could have found, anywhere. You miss your unit?"
The smile appeared without thinking. "Every day. Got me through some of the worst times of my life." She meant that, but there was something…self conscious, about saying it aloud. "Nothing like what you've seen, I'm sure."
"I don't know," LIpton said with a generous smile. "What's the worst?"
Remember what you just said about lying, Marjorie Gordon. "Getting dumped by letter from two thousand miles away."
Lipton scoffed. "We have that in common, then." He raised his beer bottle as if to toast, and she raised her hand to return his salute. Now, just who the hell would have dumped you, Carwood Lipton? You're about the nicest person I think I've ever met. "Here, you're cold." He shrugged off his jacket and draped it around her shoulders, the canvas soft from years of use. It smelled like him, aftershave and woodsmoke and comfort, and Marj wilted, a little, under the weight of it, the warmth of the gesture. God, he's really just...like that, isn't he? When was the last time someone had done something like that for her? Come on, girl, you're allowed to get nice things, she thought to herself, watching Jo and Joe again by the shore, the rock skipping mostly forgotten. They fit together, nicely, swaying in a kind of half-dance near the water's edge in a way that made Marj's heart ache a little. And you're allowed to want them, too.
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widowswineapologist · 2 years
Any general info about your codz ocs? (Ex: jobs they may have had before the apocalypse, what they like, ect)
A/N: ripped these from my notes, which is why they sound a bit awkward. They exist in an AU of sorts I made so they can actually have some sort of influence in the storyline! They originally exist in a separate dimension but get reborn in the Ultimis dimension later in the storyline. They were also tricked by the Shadowman.
- Full name: Bianka Von Brandt.
- Group 935 scientist.
- Austrian.
- Personality: Very self assured to the point of being near condescending to others, hence why she tends to clash a lot with her crew. Generally has the proper goals in mind which is why most of her crew tend to get along with her regardless.
- Gets along with: Annette, Imogen
- Doesn't get along with: Annette, Camille, Imogen (hate-love relationship)
- Favorite perk: Deadshot Daiquiri/Quick Revive.
- Preferred weapon type: SMGs and wonder weapons.
- Least favorite weapon type: LMGs.
- Least favorite perk: Widow's Wine.
- How they feel towards zombies: Anger and confusion for the current state they're in. Blames Maxis and Group 935 for the outbreaks.
- One small fact: Has an appreciation for the arts. Can name off all sorts of musicians, artists, writers, and etc.
- Full name: Annette Alarie.
- French Resistance Fighter.
- French (obv.)
- Personality: Confident, bossy, and strategic. A leader type. Tends to clash with those who oppose her command. Is lucky enough to be able to have a laugh every once in a while, which is why she gets along with Imogen.
- Gets along with: Bianka, Imogen
- Doesn't get along with: Bianka, Camille
- Favorite perk: Mule Kick/Double Tap
- Preferred weapon type: Shotguns and snipers.
- Least favorite weapon type: Secondaries and SMGs.
- Least favorite perk: Deadshot Daiquiri
- How they feel towards zombies: Guilt. Feels awful about killing people that were once human, but knowing that they can never be cured comforts her slightly.
- One small fact: Likes singing. Sings the perk jingles occasionally.
- Full name: Camille Bellamy.
- SOE agent.
- British.
- Personality: Cold. Tends to respond very bluntly to others and doesn't enjoy show offs, hence her dislike for Bianka. Also strategic and is excellent at following and GIVING orders. Is described as a "total downer" by Annette on multiple occasions.
- Gets along with: Imogen, Annette
- Doesn't get along with: Bianka, Annette
- Favorite perk: Widow's Wine/Juggernog
- Preferred weapon type: LMGs.
- Least favorite weapon type: SMGs.
- Least favorite perk: Quick revive
- How they feel towards zombies: Hasn't had time to actually think about it as she's constantly in survival mode.
- One small fact: Has a fear of dogs. Incredibly noticeable during the dog rounds.
- Full name: Imogen Ellington.
- SOE agent.
- Australian.
- Personality: Charismatic and quite cocky. Tends to act as the comic relief for her crew to boost their morale, but Camille mentions back in their training days Imogen used to be quiet and extremely attentive.
- Gets along with: Annette, Bianka, Camille
- Doesn't get along with: Bianka
- Favorite perk: Stamin-up/Electric Cherry
- Preferred weapon type: Assault rifles and wonder weapons.
- Least favorite weapon type: LMGs.
- Least favorite perk: Mule Kick
- How they feel towards zombies: Honestly scared shitless. Responds to fear with violence so it's incredibly kept on the down low but every once in a while has a little freak out.
- One small fact: Has a past in thievery. Tends to be brought up when she doesn't have enough points for something.
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goofatron · 3 years
OC Personality Sheet
Tagged by: @skullharvester​ and @coraptedata​  Tagging: Anyone really lol
Trelane Powers
Alias: Trey, Lanny, Powergirl,
Gender: Female
Race: Black-White Biracial
Nationality: American
Age: 19 (in AU); 46 (in 2021)
DOB: May 12th 1975
Species: Human
Zodiac: Taurus; Rabbit (Chinese)
Abilities/Talents: Speaks like a million languages, can jerry rig even the most hopeless machines into working again, in tune with nature (speaks for the trees and all that), excellent marksmanship with her rifle (gift from her late father)
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: A free spirit (doesn't actually follow any religious code)
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility/ justice / kindness / patience
Languages: English, Spanish (mainly Mexican variant), French, Japanese, German, Chinese Mandarin, Italian, and Korean.
Family: Robert (Bob, Bobby) Powers (father; deceased); Olivia Jones (mother; left at birth); Louie and Joyce Mitchell (foster family after father was murdered)
Friends: Erick Rothstein; Donovan Ross
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese / stocky
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue-gray / green / black / other (cursed with heterochromia)
Skin: pale / fair (but tanned) / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: 5'5" / ~167cm
Weight: 120lbs. / ~54kg
Scars: One giant scar going down her back from left shoulder blade to right hip - a single swipe from a large grizzly bear she and her dad ran into on their property in Alaska. She still has the paw from the bear who nearly killed her and loves to brag about it.
Facial Features: Oval face, freckles all over, soft-Nubian nose, average-thick brows, big lips = big smiles :)
Tattoos: none (though Erick keeps pestering her about it)
Dogs or Cats? Dogs for all eternity. She has 2: a golden retriever named, Emily; a german shepard named, Vengeance. They’re the same age but she rescued them at different times.  
Birds or Nugs? birds cus she doesnt know wtf a nug even is???
Snakes or Spiders? snakes though she doesnt mind spiders as long as they stay in their spaces.
Coffee or Tea? bean water 
Ice Cream or Cake? ice cream. she likes to bite through it to freak out her friends.
Fruits or Vegetables? vegetables, as she grew up learning how to farm. Fruits can be too sugary for her if they’re from a Super Market. 
Sandwich or Soup? Soups, as they’re hearty and good for the soul <3
Magic or Melee? Why is ranged not a choice?? >:I
Sword or Bow? oh there it is! Bow if she had to choose, but if it ever were an option: Gun. Always Gun. Gunbow perhaps?
Summer or Winter? Evolved with the capabilities to survive Alaskan winters in shorts and a tank top in a cabin with no internal heating system.
Spring or Autumn? Spring brings out new life and that means new meat to hunt!
The Past or The Future? Preferably the future. She doesn't like to look back because for her, it’s more bad memories than good. 
Erick Rothstein 
Alias: just Erick. don't call him ‘Rick’. 
Gender: Male
Race: White
Nationality:  German-American immigrant
Age: 18 in AU; 45 in 2021
DOB: September 11th 1975
Species: Human
Zodiac: Virgo; Rabbit (Chinese)
Abilities/Talents: Beautiful singing voice; voice actor; bendable; double-jointed
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: Agnostic if anything
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility/ justice / kindness / patience
Languages: English, German, Spanish (as far as high school Spanish goes)
Family: Conrad Rothstein (Father; Incarcerated); Fernanda Brandt (Mother; Incarcerated); Alvaro/Louie Rothstein Mitchell(Paternal Uncle; Disowned runaway); Joyce Mitchell (Aunt by marriage); Kimberly Mitchell (Cousin); Chad Mitchell (Cousin)
Friends: Trelane Powers; Donovan Ross
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese / stocky
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other (ginger)
Eyes: brown / blue-gray / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: 5'10" / ~155cm
Weight: 155lbs. / ~70kg
Scars: Do mental scars count? He does have scars on his back and legs all from a leather strap used by his parents. A few scars where his left kidney used to be when he got stabbed in the 90s after exiting a gay bar.
Facial Features: Oval and firm face, still got baby fat in some areas even in his 30s (lol), traditional Germanic pointed nose™
Tattoos: none (but he does want to get matching ones w/ Trey)
Dogs or Cats? Cats 100% as he is deathly afraid of dogs as they were used to torment him as a child. He does make an exception for both of Trey’s dogs, Emily and Vengeance however. 
Birds or Nugs? tf is a nug?? Birds, he guesses.
Snakes or Spiders? Neither (same reason as dogs)
Coffee or Tea? coffee 80% of the time. He’ll save tea for when he’s sick and on really chilly nights.
Ice Cream or Cake? Cake. His teeth are far too sensitive for ice cream unless it’s in the form of ice cream bars.
Fruits or Vegetables? he’ll consume fruit for days. hates green vegetables, only likes the colorful ones.
Sandwich or Soup? both. likes small sandwiches to dip into hot soup. gooood shit.
Magic or Melee? if he can use magic to fashion himself a guitar out of existance, he’s sure to win the battle through sonnets.
Sword or Bow? Why the violence? :c Why cant we all sing together? (he’s a bard at heart if it wasn't clear enough)
Summer or Winter? Summer is nice and warm; winter is numb and cold :c
Spring or Autumn? Spring! Though he does love the color changes that Autumn brings. Not so much the beginning of chilled air though.
The Past or The Future? Past? what past? there is not passst hahaha only the future with friends and new family :’) 
Donovan Ross
Alias: Donny, Don, D-man, Ross (school faculty)
Gender: Male
Race: Black
Nationality:  American
Age: 21 in AU; 47 in 2021
DOB: August 1st 1973
Species: Human
Zodiac: Leo; Ox (Chinese)
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: Christianity 
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility/ justice / kindness / patience
Languages: English
Family: James Ross (Father); Roberta Wilson (Mother); Trixie Ross (Sister)
Friends: Trelane Powers; Donovan Ross; Elaina Heckathorne (Girlfriend)
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese / stocky
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other 
Eyes: brown / blue-gray / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair (but tanned) / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: 6'2" / ~188cm
Weight: 164lbs. / ~74kg
Facial Features: baby fat all through childhood, then chiseled features with a square jaw in adult hood. Wide and slightly bulbous nose.
Tattoos: None
Dogs or Cats? Dogs, but only small or medium sized.
Birds or Nugs? uh, birds? the heck are nugs?
Snakes or Spiders? Neither!
Coffee or Tea? gotta be decafe, but either works
Ice Cream or Cake? why isnt pie an option? :c
Fruits or Vegetables? Veggies. He has to be careful w/ fruits cus he’s allergic to most citrus fruits and bananas.
Sandwich or Soup? A nice, big, fat sandwich to fill ‘er up B)
Magic or Melee? Magic. As big and athletic he seems, he’s more into using his brains than brawn.
Sword or Bow? Short sword if nothing else, maybe even a dagger as he can just pull it out quickly for some fast jabbing action.
Summer or Winter? despite being born in the dead of summer, he’s a wintery boy
Spring or Autumn? Autumn for the same reason as a lot of people. Loves the changes in both color and the air.
The Past or The Future? He always looks forward to a brighter future, but is fond of looking back on his past. He’s made some really good memories with the people he’s met. :) 
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hawkieloki23 · 3 years
Name of fic: Mission: Impossible Widows
Pairing: William Brandt x female OC (Emilia/Emily)
Plot: Behind the Syndicate, there was an undercover organisation called the Widows, put together by Solomon Lane. During the events of Fallout and after Rogue Nation, Lane called out the group to take down the IMF. Emilia Kazakov was part of them but managed to escape. So she helped William Brandt, who was on a separate mission from the others, to stop them before it was too late.
Cast list:
Natalie Portman as Emilia Kazakov/Emily Lucas
Jeremy Renner as William Brandt
Vanessa Kirby as Alanna Mitsopolis/White Widow
Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt
Simon Pegg as Benji Dunn
Sean Harris as Solomon Lane
Rebecca Ferguson as Ilsa Faust
Ving Rhames as Luther Stickwell
Henry Cavill as August Walker/John Lark
Hayley Atwell as Cassandra Greenwood
Chris Evans as Bobby Sharp
Warnings: Strong language, mentions of abuse, suicide and murder, moderate violence.
Author’s note: None of the gifs are mine. Credit to the owners. Spoilers to Rogue Nation and Fallout.
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Chapter 3
Taipei, Taiwan.
Brandt, Emilia and Cassie’s plan was coming to life. Bobby Sharp was going to be at a music venue. And Emilia was going to act like a rockstar, whilst Brandt and Cassie were her ‘entourage’.
They were backstage in Emilia’s dressing room, getting ready.
“Are you sure I need to wear a mask?” Emilia asked, looking over to the mask maker that Brandt brought with him. “I don’t need one, do I?”
“We don’t need Sharp to know who you are, just in case he recognises you.” Brandt replied. “That is true. But are you sure that machine works? It is very old-fashioned.”
Just then, there was an error with the machine as it beeped and whizzed, smoking coming out of it.
“We have to go without, Brandt.” Cassie said, looking at the machine and back at Will. “Fuck. Just... change your hairstyle and wear a lot of makeup.” “Got it.” Emilia went into the bathroom.
After a few minutes, she emerged from said bathroom. Her hair was cut short and slicked back, with a bit of quiff. She also had a lot of makeup on, mostly eye-shadow around her eyes.
“That will do. Now get out there.” Brandt nodded at her, both him and Cassie following her to the stage.
When the small crowd applauded, she appeared on stage. She wore a black leather jacket with a white tank top, skull pattern on it. Dark leggings with diamonds going down the legs, and black leather boots.
“Once I had a love and it was a gas Soon turned out had a heart of glass Seemed like the real thing, only to find Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind.”
She began to sing and in an instant, the crowd goes wild and they cheered and jumped around.
Brandt was looking at the crowd from backstage and had his eyes on Sharp.
Sharp had long brown shaggy hair with clear and dark blue eyes, topped with a full beard.
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Brandt noticed that Sharp had an eye on Emilia. He wasn’t sure if the feeling inside him was jealousy or something else completely. Or if it was the fact that Sharp knew it as Emilia. They didn’t know if it was Sharp or Walker who kidnapped her.
After her performance, Emilia quickly noticed that Sharp moved from his seat in the back. Cassie noticed it as well.
“I’ll find him.” She left backstage to find Sharp as soon as possible. Emilia walked off stage and into the dressing room to remove everything and put on a red dress and black heels.
Brandt was waiting outside for her and she emerged from inside. They quickly out of the back but some guards caught them. But Emilia pushed Will to a wall and was quite close to him.
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“Well, this is awkward.” Emilia whispered to him, facing him. “Your... hands aren’t touching my waist, right?”
She raised her eyebrow at him. He smirked at her.
“Well --” “Shh!”
Emilia quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in to kiss him out of nowhere. No tongues. Just lips. Brandt was surprised as his hands stopped touching Emilia’s waist. He then slowly put them back gently and kissed back.
She pulled away.
“Sorry. There was someone behind us being sneaky and creepy.” She whispered quietly, She then moved near his ear and said, “By the way, I kinda liked that kiss. Ethan was right.”
She stepped back with a smirk on her face, wiping away his.
Their pagers beeped with a message from Cassie saying she managed to get Sharp.
“What do you mean Ethan was right?” Will shouted to Emilia in Mandarin as she walked away, not giving away his cover.
Emilia just chuckled, her long red dress flowing down to her feet.
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Back at the warehouse, the team had Sharp in handcuffs, attached onto a chair.
“Emilia, I thought it was you. I’ve been meaning to find you.” Sharp said, in a Russian accent and smirking at her. “You mean Lane has been meaning to find me? You and Walker are just ticking time bombs just waiting for Lane to betray you.” Emilia replied.
As Cassie and Brandt looked at Sharp, Emilia went and picked up a shotgun from the variety of weapons that were on the table.
“I know who you all are. MI5 and IMF. You cannot stop him. He is always one step ahead of you. He cannot be--” “Give me a good enough reason why I shouldn’t shoot you in the head right now.” Emilia interrupted his ‘great’ monologue.
They all kept a straight face as she held the gun in her right hand. “Fuck you.” Sharp replied, smirking once again, mostly at Emilia.
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Brandt sighed as he said, “Can I just punch him please?” “Please do. He’s getting on my nerve.” Cassie added, her British accent shining through.
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Emilia sighed and nodded at Brandt as she let Will punch him.
Brandt punched him in the face, Sharp wincing at the impact.
“You’re too late. Lane already has all 3 plutonium bombs and Hunt’s life is going to be ruined forever. Especially his relationship with his wife, Ju--”
Brandt got really angry and punched his face yet again.
“Don’t say her name! You’re disgraceful and despicable!” He shouted at him.
Both Cassie and Emilia was in shock as Sharp became unconscious by Brandt’s punch to the face.
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“What the fuck did you do?” Emilia exploded at Will, putting the shotgun down and moved quite close to him. “Em, there must be a reasonable explanation for that--” Cassie tried to reassure Emilia but she was too fumed. “Shut up Cassie! He stopped him from giving viable information to us!” Emilia scolded.
Brandt sighed and sat down, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“Please explain yourself, Brandt.” Cassie criticized.
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@optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @yavanna80 @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @donutloverxo @archerybitch68 @averyrogers83
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bisexualterror · 5 years
So you know I love Nova, but I just realized I don’t know a lot about your other ocs. Could you tell me about some of them?
i’d love to!!! this is going to be a long post, bear with me, i’ve been sitting on these ocs for a while.
i’m hoping by next year i’ll have at least two of my other stories out.
we’ll start with the marvel oc i made after i made nova -
alexsandra king, she’s half-mutant, half something mysterious that i cannot discuss without spoiling the whole plot. 
alex is inspired by nova in some ways, mostly in her back story in which she wakes up in a fictional world, in a different year, and well, body.
she can’t feel psychical pain, which is partly why she spends most of the first chapter thinking she’s dreaming. though alex can’t feel pain, she can sense other people’s pain, control it, siphon it and give it to someone else, etc. 
she gives off this kind of unintentional mean girl aura, but she’s super sweet, mischievous, loves to dance and sing, but she also has a lot of insecurities that stem from growing up in such a large family. 
she thinks she wants a quiet life but my girl is a full-on adrenaline junkie - free running, knife-wielding, speeding, jumping from high places, etc -, she often ends up running headfirst into saving people because she can’t turn a blind eye to people who are suffering when she has the power to help. 
fc would be lesley ann brandt 
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next up is noor hargreeves, who is an umbrella academy oc. 
noor can manipulate light, turn invisible, make it tangible, create illusions, etc. it’s easier for her to manipulate the light that touches her skin, but on a really good day she can store it inside of her and use it later, kind of like a battery. 
she used to love her powers and the idea of being a superhero and wanted to continue saving people, but when her brother ben died on a mission she was in charge of, she kind.. stops existing. it wasn’t her fault, of course, good ol reginald didn’t give her enough information about the mission but she does the classic hero thing and blames herself for not being good enough to be a hero. 
so after moving out the mansion, she job hops a lot, her most recent job is being a flight attendant so she isn’t home a lot, she doesn’t talk to the rest of her siblings very much or anyone at all. her best friends are her betta fish, nemo and lucifer. 
she has a lot of little hobbies, glass blowing, cd collecting, boxing, disappearing from people’s lives when they get too close.
when she gets back home for her abusive dad’s funeral, she kind of sees an opportunity - has an awakening of sorts. like oh, shit, me and my family have fallen apart, but now that our abuser is gone, maybe, we could like be an actual family???hahah, just kidding. uLEsss??? 
i picture her to be aiysha hart. 
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since i rambled a lot, i’ll just tell you about just one more, which is my newest addition, my first HP OC: marsilia “mars” zabini
i was super curious about mrs. zabini, so you see, i had to make an oc zabini just so i could write her. makes sense right? no, i didn’t think so either.
mars is blaise’s younger half-sister and … mars be scary. 
don’t get me wrong, she’s not evil incarnate, she’s super talented, driven, and very much a social butterfly who likes to befriend everyone. she loves studying magic, and really loves animals so much she acts like a gryff when she sees a dangerous animal she thinks is cute.
but she’s also the most slytherin to ever slither and while she’s not the most powerful character in the story, she could and would ruin a person’s life if she thought they were in her way, even if it wasn’t intentional.
she loves her family and friends but she also uses them a lot to get what she wants, which is to be at the top of the food chain/be powerful enough to shape the world she wants to see; a world with less of the whole… sexist, speciest, blood supprotity in charge thing.
think nova, but more spoiled, proper etiquette and ambitions, fewer good influences in her childhood, and even fewer morals.
i picture her to look like ryan destiny, a little younger in her earlier years of course.
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i love you and thanks for the question, i am so sorry i rambled.
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If someone tells me that any of my OCs are trans/autistic/literally anything else that they aren’t, I’m gonna deck them in the face lmfao
Singe Brandt isn’t a costume for you kinnies to wear okay c:
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scientistservant · 6 months
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Singe Brandt, main protagonist of my webcomic/graphic novel!
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scientistservant · 3 months
I had a very interesting dream last night about my oc, Singe Brandt. There was this cartoon that had two episodes, each an hour long. I can’t remember what it was about at all, but I know it wasn’t a kids show. One of my friends dm’d me saying Singe appears at the very end of the second episode, because the creator of the show saw my webcomic and thought Singe was really cool??
Anyway, my friend couldn’t link to the site the show was on for some reason, so in the dream I had to manually type in the site address. I ended up watching both episodes even though I could’ve just skipped to the end where Singe comes in.
I honestly can’t remember what the show was about, or who the characters were, or even what they looked like. All I remember was the first episode was really boring, but the second episode was a little bit better.
There’s multiple flashes of light, like fireworks, and Singe appears. I think it happened during a battle, and the flashing lights interrupt everyone. Anyway, Singe emerges from the light, and he looks pretty good in the show’s art style. From what I can remember, he spoke, but I don’t know what he said, but I thought his voice fit him really well.
In the dream I was super fucking hyped, and I told my roommates to get in my room and watch the end of the show with me. I didn’t tell them Singe made an appearance, to surprise them, and as soon as the firework-like lights flashed again I woke up.
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scientistservant · 6 months
Me, age 18, first creating this universe my alien hedgehog fella can live in: Singe has fire powers and lives in a cool futuristic city and his mom has a diner with hover-skate waitresses and there’s a cop who hates Singe because Singe is an asshole punk and asshole punks are cool!!!
Me now: Singe is a punk that loves his mom, Dana, who used to work for this shady mega-corporation, TechCore, that makes everything and runs this wasteland of a planet with giving the inhabitants everything and anything they could need (clothing, food, light, entertainment, technology). Dana’s hands are burnt because of a terrible accident caused by Singe when he was really young, and despite her injuries she finds comfort in this dystopian society because they can get easy meals and everything is convenient. Kerk is a peace-keeper cop who doesn’t really need to do anything because Venari are nice and friendly to themselves and outsiders, and really only gets after Singe because it secretly gives him something to do when not looking after his young daughter at home. Kerk gives off this mean demeanour to Singe only because it gets the punk riled up and causes trouble, which Singe reacts to properly with rudeness and a “come get me” attitude. The two complete each other without them knowing, especially because the only reason Singe does the things he does is because no one tells him anything; He’s wondered why he’s never seen his dad yet his mom has secrets she doesn’t want her son knowing because she’s terrified of what TechCore could do, and TechCore has secrets themselves which they don’t want getting out so they hide it all with “proper, clean” entertainment and keeping society quiet with all the cool stuff they can get.
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scientistservant · 4 days
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Working on a special little something with Singe. Really excited for this opportunity!
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