#oc: janet spindle
magicallymalted · 1 year
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THE VAULTIES - Day 4 | Greatest Angst Moment: Janet Spindle's Death.
When I cry, do you hear in color or black and white, bird?— Blackbird by Lisa O'Neill
I'm aware there are others, perhaps more sad than Janet's death, but whenever I think of an angsty moment with my characters I'm drawn back to her, particularly for the circumstances leading up to the event of her murder, and the at-large inconsequential effect it had thereafter.
She knew what she was getting into by going undercover with the death eaters and the risks that followed, not to mention having all evidence of her involvement with the Order being scratched from the record for her protection as well as their own, but her attachment to Barty Crouch Jr. certainly complicated things beyond the inherent dangers of her work. 
Mulciber II had always been suspicious of her, but his anger tended to get the better of him due to her interference with him and Mary Macdonald. On a particularly chilly and snowy day in November, 1980, he caught her en route to Mary's home and confronted her, in the heat of the moment strangling her to death in the lake. With no actual substantial proof that she was in cahoots with the Order beyond an offhand comment from Barty, he never admitted to the murder, letting her be considered missing for a time. When her body was finally recovered, the fact that she bore the Dark Mark made the papers decry her a death eater. The Order never stepped in to clarify her deeds out of safety for their own mission, and she was likewise condemned by the death eaters. Her work would only live on in the memories of those closest to her, and to the rest, she was simply a failed follower of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...
-> hosted by @hphmmatthewluther fancast: Tom Sturridge as Mulciber II
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potionboy3 · 2 years
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Libby Clifford & Janet Spindle |  Best friends | marauders era | 
And though I can't recall your face I still got love for you Your braids like a pattern Love you to the moon and to Saturn
Janet belongs to @magicallymalted
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gaygryffindorgal · 3 years
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► basics;
Full Name: Bessilyn Edwina Quinn
Nickname: Bessie
Birthday: June 4th, 1960 (gemini)
Pronouns: she/her
Sexual Orientation: lesbian
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Pureblood
Nationality: English
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► magical info;
Wand: Blackthorn and phoenix feather
Patronus: Incorporeal
Patronus Memory: A day at the beach with both her brothers before Stephen’s death.
Boggart: Something terrible happening to Camron
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?): Expensive perfume, and dried flowers
Amortentia: (What do they smell?): tba
Specialized/Favourite Spells: The disarming spell, the stunning spell
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Herbology: O
History of Magic: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Alchemy: O
► background;
Place of Birth: St Mungo’s, London
Home: The Quinn Manor, Cornwall, England
Bessie was born into a wealthy family and she had a comfortable childhood. The Quinns had old money and she never lacked anything. Her idyllic family life was only shattered after the death of Stephen when she was thirteen.
► physical;
Faceclaim: Lucy Boynton
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blond
Height: 5 ft 4 in (165.0 cm)
► relatives;
Twin Brother: Camron Quinn
Bessie and Camron have always been close, though recently they’ve been moving in different circles. As children they were inseparable, always playing together, teaming up to play games against their older brother. They’re each others’ most trusted person, but they have noticed that they’ve grown apart somewhat.
Older Brother: Stephen Quinn Junior
Bessie idolized Stephen when she was a child and his death when she was thirteen hit her hard. It was as if her childhood came abruptly to an end when her brilliant, talented, and unbeatable brother was suddenly dead.
Father: Stephen Quinn Senior
Mother: Gwendoline Quinn (née Greengrass)
► relationships;
Allegiances: Slytherin House
Best friend: tba
Close canon friends:
OC Friends: (hmu if you want your marauder’s era ocs to be friends with Bessie)
Olly Enfield by @potionboy3​
Janet Spindle @magicallymalted​
Love Interest: Delphine Vixen by @endlessly-cursed
Pets: tba
► personality;
Positive Attributes: ambitious, intelligent, witty, focused, proud, decisive
Negative Attributes: spiteful, envious, controlling, conceited
► misc;
Hobbies: Fashion, photography
Favourite Subject: Potions, Herbology
Professions: tba
template (x)
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magicallymalted · 1 year
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THE VAULTIES - Day 1 | Best Song You've Vibed to When Creating
Ok so I'm a big fan of character playlists, thus each and every one of my OC's has a very special curated set of songs that I've listened to when creating each of them. With that in mind, it's super hard to pick just one, but for the sake of keeping this list not as long as my whole roster, I've tried really hard to narrow down a favorite from each list that ended up being put on rotation way too long.
That being said, all of my character playlists are currently posted to my pinned masterlist post, but feel free to check out my Spotify in general for, well...everything. -> hosted by @hphmmatthewluther
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magicallymalted · 2 years
Marauders' Era Character Sheet - Janet Spindle
I am living in a constant state of fear but if that's what it takes, then so be it.
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࿐ General ࿐
Full Name: Janet Spindle
Nicknames: January (by Barty)
Birthdate: January 28, 1962
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Personality Type (MBTI): ISFJ (The Defender)
Blood Status: Half-blood
Nationality: American / Scottish
Ethnic Background: Caucasian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Residence: Boston, MA | St Andrews, Scotland
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࿐ Physical Appearance ࿐
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blueish Green
Height: 5'5"
Weight: (136lbs)
Body Type: Mesomorph
Skin Tone: Pale
Faceclaim(s): Alycia Debnam Carey
࿐ Background ࿐
Hometown: Boston, MA Less than an hour away from Salem, Janet grew up primarily living in an apartment within the heart of Boston up until her parents' divorce and subsequent move to a cottage across the water in St Andrews.
࿐ Family ࿐
Mother: Hannah Spindle née Thierry
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Hannah Thierry met Eric Spindle when she was studying abroad for a year in Scotland. Right off the bat, she was quite taken with his eccentric and otherworldly nature, but it would later be this very thing that attracted her to him in the first place that would cause their eventual divorce when Janet was 12 years old. Although Hannah got Lyse in the custody agreement, Janet went off with her father which didn't help the already shaky relationship that she held with her mother. Obstinate, passive-aggressive, and too unwilling to give into the magical side of the family, she and Janet never really saw eye to eye, even if Hannah's intentions were initially well-meaning.
Father: Eric Spindle
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The Spindles were always known for being quite creative and trying new things, whether they bore fruit or were tossed away. Their greatest claim to fame happened to be an invention of Eric's grandfather— Mr. Spindle's Lick "O" Rish Spiders. Eric himself was something of an inventive person and greatly loved experimenting with potion ingredients. Shortly before he decided to settle down and take over the manufacturing side of the family enterprise, he met Hannah Thierry. After dating for quite some years they married and put down roots back in her home in America and it wasn't until then that Eric explained to her that he was, in fact, a wizard. She didn't seem to take it as poorly as he thought she would, but the true challenges arrived later when it came to deciding how to parents their kids. Eric was adamant that Janet (and eventually Lyse) would go to Hogwarts for their education, a notion that Hannah simply couldn't wrap their mind around. By the time that they divorced, Janet had already completed her first year at Hogwarts and was fully prepared to go back for the rest of the seven years, and Eric was glad to be able to give that to her.
Sister: Lyse Spindle
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Janet and Lyse always had a peculiar relationship. Janet would often write to Lyse or call her over the phone since they would rarely see each other given the split custody agreement. Since starting at Hogwarts, holidays were a cherished time that she could spend with everyone together, and she always looked forward to seeing Lyse get older. When the letters stopped coming shortly after Janet graduated, Lyse never quite understood why...
࿐ Hogwarts/Magic ࿐
Wood: Rowan
Core: Dragon Heartstring
Length: 12"
Flexibility: Pliant
House: Ravenclaw
Best Class: Potions
Worst Class: Divination
Special Abilities: Legilimens
Boggart: The betrayal of those closest to her
Riddikulus: Her friends and family's clothes change into that of the characters from the Rocky Horror Picture Show
Patronus: Salamander
Patronus Memory: Brewing her first potion with Mary and Libby
Amortentia (what she smells like): old books, vinyl, maple syrup, roasted chestnuts
Amortentia (what she smells): Fresh linens, chocolate chip cookies, cigarette smoke, absinthe
Quidditch: No
Prefect: No
Clubs: Slug Club
OWL Classes (taken independently):
Transfiguration - Outstanding
Charms - Exceeds Expectations
Herbology - Acceptable
Potions - Outstanding
History of Magic - Acceptable
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Outstanding
Divination - Dreadful
NEWT Classes:  
Transfiguration - Exceeds Expectations
Charms - Exceeds Expectations
Herbology - Acceptable
Potions - Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Outstanding
࿐ Career ࿐
11-17: Hogwarts Student 17-Death: Potioneer, Member of the Order of the Phoenix
Personality & Attitude: An intrepid and self-effacing individual, Janet likes when things go well for good people and is very clued in to trying to raise up the best in people where she can. While kind and considerate, her frequent need to go internal combined with her deep sense of mental exploration can create an impression of aloofness until people actually approach her or, on the rare occurrence, she approaches someone else. Janet tries to see the best in people and this can ultimately lead to a level of disappointment when they don't live up to her standards or expectations. Yet, it is not a sense of naïveté that this results from, merely an intrinsic desire to look at things through multiple layers — albeit, occasionally to the point of getting lost in the depths.
Priorities: Her friends and family
Strengths: Insightful, passionate, resilient, curious, loyal, confident, tactful
Weaknesses: Lacking in self-preservation, reserved, expects too much, bad at reading red flags
Favorites: Halloween, Spindle's Lick'O'Rish Spiders, banana bread, chestnuts, swimming
Colors: Burgundy, black, green
Weather: balmy, arid, and slightly overcast
Hobbies: Reading, listening to music, spending time with friends/family, potion brewing
࿐ Relationships ࿐
If you'd like to set up a relation with Janet, feel free to reach out to discuss something!
Best Friend(s): Libby Fairfax (@potionboy3) Mary MacDonald
Friends: Emmeline Vance Marlene Mckinnon Remus Lupin Delphine Vixen (@endlessly-cursed) Bessie Quinn (@gaygryffindorgal) Cameron Quinn (@gaygryffindorgal) Olly Enfield (@potionboy3)
Enemies: Mulciber II
Rivals:  Sirius Black Regulus Black
It's Complicated: Barty Crouch Jr.
࿐ Misc & Trivia ࿐
When the Rocky Horror Picture Show came out in 1975 she watched it religiously, and left behind copy for Lyse
She held unrequited romantic love for Mary Macdonald
She frequently fed information to Frank and Alice Longbottom during the FWW up until they were placed in hiding
She was drowned by Mulciber II in 1980
She never saw Lyse again after graduating
She is simultaneously the worst/best class partner, as she'll easily take control of assignments
She has recognizably narrow handwriting
If given the chance, she is actually quite fair at Divination — she simply couldn't focus during that particular OWL
She doesn't enjoy flying but likes watching Quidditch
Halloween in the Spindle household isn't just a holiday, it's an experience
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magicallymalted · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Janet Spindle ~
1/28/1962 – 11/23/1980
gifs | 1 / 2 / 3
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magicallymalted · 2 years
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Musical!au: Janet Spindle as Veronica Sawyer in Heathers
🎼 We're not "special", we're not "different," we don't choose who lives or dies 🎶
Janet Spindle, a brainy teenage misfit hustles her way into the most powerful and ruthless clique at Westerberg High: the Death Eaters. But before she can get comfortable atop the high school food chain, Janet falls in love with the dangerous new kid, Barty Crouch Jr...
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magicallymalted · 2 years
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Janet Spindle & Barty Crouch Jr
The hardest part of it all— the thing that people didn't understand — was that there were times when he was actually quite sweet. It wasn't always fits of unhinged violence in his thoughts and actions, and the more serious delusions didn't truly come until after the dark mark was branded onto his skin. And hers. The paranoia was quick to follow Barty's bitter feelings toward the world as if he was owed a certain kindness that was not granted to him in his youth. After Janet was killed, that feeling went away. He no longer thought he was owed. He simply felt angry.
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magicallymalted · 2 years
💋 & 📙For Rocky, 💛 for Janet, 🔥 for Lewis Faden (I can't write the bro names without the last name, they're one of these names like Robert Downey Jr or Sarah Jessica Parker or Hilary Duff 😂😂😂)
Ahaha! As everyone should! The Fadens are notorious, their name gives them POWER (probably the wrong kind of power).
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💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
The real question is how isn't he affectionate with anyone he's close to? Hugs are an absolute must — if you deny his hug he'll probably just jump to immediately thinking you hate him or there's something wrong. Otherwise, expect an arm around the shoulder, back pats, hand-holding (more of a romance and family thing, sorry friends), etc. Whether his affection takes on a more physical or emotional form tends to depend on however he feels like expressing himself in any given moment, though his body does tend to react faster than his mind, even if he has more control over his words.
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
...Did someone say dinosaurs? While more commonly displayed as a point of interest when he was younger, he does still find the subject of fossils (cough cough "Rocky") and prehistoric life to be quite fascinating. Those inclinations aside, Jr's also a bit of a muggle film buff and loves talking about (and watching) movies — he also likes to cook for fun. As for anything else he finds engaging... anything out of Rosa's mouth.
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💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control?
Less in control than she'd care to justify, but more in control than she's willing to admit. The strong emotions that Janet feels for others are enough to get her to act on things, and likely she'll only later try to justify it with logic -- even if it doesn't particularly work. Janet likes feeling in control of things and so it scares her deeply when she believes things are out of her grasp. It is most often when deep down she recognizes that she is not in control of her emotions (and by extension, her actions) that she feels herself start to get defensive as she tries to logic her way out of feelings that don't make sense, especially with everything that relates to Barty.
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🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff! Oh boy, surely a list for such a hedonist would be too extensive, but we'll certainly try.
Likes: Spectacle, the color red, freedom, using magic, pasta (but more so wining and dining in general), illusions, games, reading (whoa, where did that come from?), dramatics, getting one up on people, night time, velvet, fog, parties, fun... Dislikes: Law, tradition, the drab and mundane, polarization of values, losing, green (he absolutely hated his house robes), physical violence (doesn't mean he won't resort to it though), meat (fish is okay), politics, social stigma
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magicallymalted · 2 years
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Janet Spindle of Bear Island | House Mormont | GoT!au
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magicallymalted · 2 years
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Lyse and Janet Spindle
American Half-bloods | Sisters | Ravenclaws | Children of ingenuity
'What is left for us here when the battle is over and the dust has settled? There's nothing but tragedy and darkness in every direction.'
'There's a home worth holding onto.'
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magicallymalted · 2 years
😞 - You know I have to pick Janet after I have declared her to be my girl, even though I don't want to hear a bad word against her but also like give me the tea 😂😂
Lol of course! ❤️😂
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Janet's red flag is that she is terrible at dealing with red flags. Does she see them? Yes. Does she recognize that they're bad? Double yes. But connecting the dots and booking it in the other direction (if needed) is an area in which she falls short. While not necessarily forgiving of other people's shortcomings, she's willing to stick it out in a bad situation a lot longer than she probably should just to see what comes of it. It's a behavior summed up into 'I've seen this somewhere before, but I'm not entirely convinced that this isn't something I can simply handle on my own.' Which sucks.
Dammit, Janet.
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magicallymalted · 2 years
Jayne // She/her // US (EST) // ISFJ // Ravenclaw // Lover of History // Wizarding World Career Coach // FFXIV Fanatic
Hi there! Welcome to my blog. To start I suppose, I’m still getting into the swing of RPing on Tumblr. I’ve been RPing in general on various platforms for about 6+ years now, starting off on the grapevine through minor RP sites, dipping my toe into InsaneJournal and Discord, and also just enjoying writing between friends! 
Feel free to send me a note for anything in particular. I'm always open to getting my OC’s interacting in any form that I can, as well as helping OC’s find their perfect career path! My asks/dms are always open to anyone who wishes to send, well, anything really!
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Birthday Masterlist
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❧ Roderick McKenzie | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
❧ Astraea McKenzie | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
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❧ Sabine Bellerose | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
❧ Noelle Brenton | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
❧ John, Castor, and Lewis Faden | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
❧ Deaglán Herrity | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag ⤷ Lineage Challenge
❧ Nancy Maxwell | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
❧ Joel Mayfair | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
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❧ Lyubomir Vulchanov | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
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❧ Janet Spindle | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
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❧ Lyse Spindle | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
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❧ Avalon Cole | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
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❧ Roger Jr. Weasley | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
❧ Gwendolyn Montague | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag  ⤷ MA Girl Gang
❧ Han Family | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag ⤷ Marco | Gemma | Extended Masterlist
❧ Jaouen Medlocke | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
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Minor OC’s 
❧ (HPMA) Devil’s Snare: Vanille Sparks, Circe Brattleby, Ethan Warshaw, Genevieve Cadfellow, Locan Vance | Pinterest | Spotify
❧ (FBAWTFT) May Lécuyer | Pinterest | Spotify | Tag
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magicallymalted · 2 years
🧡📙🌸 💗 for the incredibles Gwen and Lyse, please?
You got it!
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🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!).
Get out of here! What kind of question is that? She doesn't have a favorite person....unless she can name seven. 👀
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
Bees! Art! Music! Gwen could talk for hours about any of these, but she is also open to leaning into whatever anyone wants to talk about with open ears. She knows a little bit about Arthurian legends from her dad, and can give you some hot tips on Transfiguration if you ask nicely, but she will absolutely NEVER give up her candle-making secrets, and her special marmalade recipe remains under tight lips.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
Gwen's voice is a little raspy with a bit of a silvery quality. Her laugh can fluctuate between a noiseless oscillation of her shoulders to all-out bellowing than may sound more like a deer call than a laugh. Given the tonal values of her voice and her interest in music, one might think that she is a good singer, but...this isn't really the case. Granted, she's not horrible, but she definitely won't be winning any awards at karaoke night. And of course she has an accent! Everyone does, her's just happens to be West Country.
💗 What would your OC say is their best feature? Why? What do their friends / family / lover(s) / people they know think is their best feature and why?
Gwen would definitely say her best feature is her hair ~ she loves letting it go wild but also enjoys styling it in various creative ways. She thinks it's a particular characteristic of herself that makes her stand out a bit without being too loud, and she likes that. As far as friends and family, they may opt instead for her smile, that while always genuine still bears a bit of a cheshire sense of mischief in those upturned corners...
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🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!). At first, it was most definitely her sister, Janet. Growing up, Lyse held her in very high regard and almost idolized her. After all, she was one of the most honorable, kindest, and creative people that Lyse ever met. As one might imagine then, it was absolutely devastating when Lyse went to Hogwarts to hear the mutters that poor missing Janet Spindle was supposedly a death eater.
Later on, this place is just barely replaced by Jacob, for whom she has a great deal of admiration. She loves being able to go to battle for someone, and feel as though someone would do the same for her.
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
Lyse could sustain a very lengthy conversation (of like five monopoly games) about Quidditch and Quodpot. She also loves discussing all things horror and/or leaping into a rant about how much disco is the worst genre of music. Those aside, Lyse is also very intrigued by new ideas. Her Ravenclaw side favors those that speak with an inventive sense of discovery or ingenuity, and she loves bouncing off of that vibe.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
Lyse's voice is lower than one might expect for someone so small and seemingly dainty. A mellow alto, it can quickly become an amalgam of sharp venom if instigated. Her laugh, on the other hand, is more subtle, eliciting from her throat in small chirps. She doesn't sing often enough for anyone to be the judge of her voice, but she will opt for a more fun scream-sing when goofing around. Her accent is a bizarre mixture of primarily Bostonian, but the St. Andrews part of her upbringing also sometimes rubs off on certain words.
💗 What would your OC say is their best feature? Why? What do their friends / family / lover(s) / people they know think is their best feature and why?
She would likely say that her best feature is her eyes — simply because she likes the color. As far as what others think, she'll leave that up to them...
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magicallymalted · 2 years
OC Birthday Masterlist
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January 28th - Janet Spindle
February 3rd - Gemma Han
February 12th - Gwendolyn Montague
February 25th - Roderick McKenzie
March 17th - Deaglán Herrity
March 22nd - May Lécuyer
April 30th - Avalon Cole
May 20th - Lyubomir Vulchanov
June 24th - Sabine Bellerose
July 1st - Astraea McKenzie
July 13th - Joel Mayfair
August 10th - Nancy Maxwell
September 19th - Marco Han
October 8th - Lyse Spindle
December 3rd - Noelle Brenton
December 16th - Roger Jr. Weasley
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