#oc: giuseppina
bidonicart · 7 months
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Hope you enjoy this little vignette about my OCs I've been tinkering with for half the summer! You can also find it as a free pdf on itch.io or gumroad.
Where else to find me
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poppy-glitters · 1 year
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JOJO OCs Fake Screenshots.
OCs: Coda, Giuseppina, and Julieta
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faeflan · 4 years
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Water / Ground
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clamorybus · 3 years
i'm gonna be oc posting, the mother here is Peppa and the daughter here is Melma
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okay SO Giuseppina "Peppa" Occhi is in the abomination coven, and was the abomination teacher at hexside for a few years. She loved her work and her students, and got along well with her colleagues. She and Bump kinda had an "office spouse" type of relationship that sorta grew serious, but was cut off when she quit teaching to go back to college and change careers
The reason she changed careers was (indirectly) because of Eda, who was a student at the time
Eda has summoned abominations to start a food fight because lillith's lunch money was stolen. Pretty average day. But the abominations quickly grew sentient and rebelled. While they were stopped, it threw Peppa for a loop and she sorta had a moral crisis. Was their sentience purely animalistic? Were they capable of abstract thought? Could they problem solve? Philosophize? Feel?
She pondered and fretted over it for weeks to the point she couldn't do her job anymore, and quit. Her questions evolved into possibilities, and she elected to go back to college for science, or whatever they have in the boiling isles.
Peppa's thesis was: If abominations were capable of growing sentient, perhaps they could grow sapient. Perhaps they could eventually become indistinguishable from witchlings.
So, after she finished her formal studies, she worked. Every abomination she created she treated with absolute love for as long as it stable. Every abomination that crumbled felt like losing her child. But still, she worked. For 20 years she toiled and experimented. Until eventually, Melma was born.
While Melma couldn't physically age on her own and thus needed recalibrations, she was otherwise like many other children, if a bit quiet. One major problem was Peppa was still incapable of creating a functioning bile sack so Melma could use magic. Still, she loved her daughter dearly.
But her research isn't yet complete; Melma's ability to socialize and function outside of the home needed to be studied. So she was enrolled at Hexside. She was placed in the Potions track since it was easier to get by in without a bile sack.
As far as any of her classmates could tell, Melma was just a sheltered girl who was home schooled most of her life. She doesn't have much in the way of friends, but everyday she's getting better at "blending in" with the other kids. Her mother couldn't be more proud.
Inspirations: Pinocchio, Frankenstein, My Life as a Teenage Robot, my autism now that i think about it
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julictcapulet · 3 years
for the hate meme: the rpc and (we talked about this last night) the great gatsby 👀
the rpc: the hypocrisyyy!!!!!!!! at this point, i’m super detached from the rpc like i literally only talk to the people i write with and they are simply *chef’s kiss*, but from what i’ve seen there’s a lot of posts that people make saying to be accepting of what people want to write, or like, not to judge anyone, but then you’ll see someone (me lol) have an enemies to lovers ship and they’ll attack your inbox being like “bUt ItS tOxIc” like fam, it’s not real, you know that right? if we’re all in agreement that consuming violent media isn’t all that bad, what’s the difference if we write it? also the obsession with fcs......real talk, half the time i forget my own muse’s fcs bc like half the time, i have a distinct vision of how they look and whoever the fc is just sort of ends up being like a,,,,basic outline of their appearance? idk maybe it’s bc i mostly write on discord and even when i write on tumblr i don’t use gifs but some people get so weird about fcs. and finally, taken directly from one of the most iconic messages i’ve ever sent you:
idk why i'm feeling annoyed rn but one thing that gets me in the rpc is when people will like adamantly refuse to play fcs that are poc bc their excuse is they don't know why everything has to be centered around race or someone's culture but then they make one ariana grande fc and they're like hi this is my oc giuseppina rigatoni she wants to fuck the italian flag
the great gatsby: if people would stop romanticizing the fuck out of this book i would love it because everything about it is for me. a tragic romance (no i’m not talking about daisy/gatsby i’m talking about nick/gatsby you cowards) the aesthetic the filthy rich people doing all sorts of terrible things to each other and themselves. but everyone paints gatsby to be this romantic hero who deserves the world (spoiler alert: he doesn’t, he’s a criminal who believes he’s entitled to someone’s love even though they haven’t been together in years) and they look at daisy as this tragic, innocent heroine (spoiler alert: she’s not, daisy is lowkey a certified piece of shit, she barely loved gatsby and it showed, she takes advantage of people around her and then hides behind her money, and she allows people to take responsibility for her horrible actions bc she doesn’t want to) if people would study the great gatsby the way it was actually written instead of throwing rose petals at it until it choked, i would like it more, but studying it in english class really just left a bad taste in my mouth.
send me literally anything and ill tell you something i hate about it
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stuff-of-pi · 5 years
Guiseppina Isabella Dora 'Beans' Minaudo
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Name: Giuseppina Dora Isabella Minaudo
Nicknames: Giuseppina’s excellence in her less friendly techniques to get information from targets has earned her the nickname ‘Beans’ as she tends to make people ‘spill them’. As an avid fan of puns, Giuseppina absolutely loves her nickname. Her brothers and her few very close friends will tend to call her Jo. Only Antonio dares to call her Jo Jo.
Age / Birthday / Birthplace: 19 / December 25th / Xitta, Trapani, Sicilia, Italy
Role: Giuseppina is quite the wild card. She belongs to the Minaudo crime family of the Sicilian/Italian mafia. She’s extremely charming and cunning and she is also a surprisingly very good dancer. Sometimes she’ll be sent into speakeasies where targets are known to linger so that she can pick up on information. If she can’t get information via flirting, she can sure as hell get it through other... less friendly techniques.
((Read more for details on her appearance, personality traits, fears, backstory, and family.))
She’s 5′1″. Someone called her shortcake once and she punched him in the face. She hates being reminded of how small she is.
Wherever she is, she’s always seen with a bold red lip. She says it goes well with the scar.
She has a short scar next to her mouth that goes down her chin.
She wears five fingers on each hand. Each ring comes from a member of her family. 
Personality Traits
Trusts easily - beware though; once that trust is broken, there is no gaining it back
Flirty - she loves flirting with anything that moves; it’s her favorite game
Fiercely loyal/protective - family is everything to her and she will do anything to ensure that they are kept safe
Excitable - sometimes she lets her excitement for a job get ahead of her and it can go very poorly
Betrayal: The deaths of her brother Nicola and his lover Annalise sometimes still keeps her up at night. To know that the person you love and trust most could be the reason for your demise.
Bees/wasps: Her brother, Antonio, was stung by a bee and she swears his face was swollen for a week. No thank you.
Her uncle, Saverio, had been in NYC for years and beckoned for his younger brother Salvatore to come over with his family. Saverio had started what would become the Minaudo crime family, a prominent part of the Sicilian/Italian mafia, and had guaranteed a better life for his brother and his family who previously had been shoemakers in Xitta. Salvatore left with his four oldest sons and left Antonio to look after Giuseppina and their mother Josephine. Josephine suddenly died from an unknown cancer shortly after Salvatore left. Antonio was left to care for a baby Giuseppina for a few months before Salvatore was able to arrange for them to come over to America.
Salvatore contributed to the crime family via his expertise in shoemaking. He would make special shoes that held compartments for various weapons and other useful devices.
Her father gave her her first ring. A big ugly gold ring with leaves and an equally ugly purple stone. Giuseppina did not wish to wear it at first. And then her father told her that it belonged to her mother. Ever since then, she wears it on her left ring finger.
When she was six or seven, one of her brothers, Nicola, fell in love with a girl, Annalise, from an opposing crime family, though he thought she was just a bookshop keeper. Nicola would often take Giuseppina to go see the girl he loved. One of these visits, Nicola was wearing a ring that had just been stolen from Annalise’s family. Annalise immediately recognized the ring and subsequently found out who Nicola was. She betrayed Nicola to her own family who then instructed her to kill him. The next time Nicola and Beans came to visit Annalise, she shot him because she had no other choice. Annalise explained to Beans that she had made a mistake and shouldn’t have told her family but because she did she wanted to be the one to kill Nicola. She then kissed Beans on the forehead, kissed Nicola, and shot herself. Weeks before, Nicola had given Annalise a promise ring. And though Annalise betrayed Nicola, Beans still desperately loved this girl who loved her brother. Beans took Nicola’s and Annalise’s rings. She now wears them on a chain around her neck to honor them.
Ever since this traumatic event, Beans has been deathly afraid of betrayal and has likewise furiously studied weapons. She personally leans towards knives as her specialty but as she’s gained more rings she has always become proficient in her makeshift brass knuckles.
The scar on her chin comes from her first job when she was 15. She was sent in to seduce a target who then took her up to his hotel room. Because she was still a greenie and not very subtle with her tactics, the target caught onto who she was and tied her to a chair. He brought out a knife and knicked her chin as a warning. Well, Beans might not have been very good at the art of seduction quite yet, but she was one hell of a weapons expert. She got her information, just not the way she was expecting to.
Uncle: Saverio Minaudo (55) - head of the Minaudo family though he himself is not married and has no children. He loves to spoil his nephews but especially his niece
Father: Salvatore Minaudo (52) - he makes shoes for the frontage shop in addition to inventions made to aid the family in their crime, though Salvatore likes to think of them as a Robinhood crime family.
Mother: Josephine Dora Maria Minaudo (deceased)
Francesco Minaudo (31) - huge foodie. He always bakes torta setteveli (a very chocolatey traditional Sicilian dessert) for Giuseppina’s birthday. Other than feeding the family, he helps Salvatore with his inventions. 
Nicola Minaudo (deceased) - was very close to Giuseppina. He loved to read and often read bedtime stories to Giuseppina. He wasn’t very social so he kept to the strategy part of putting jobs together.
Vincenzo Minaudo (26) - was very close to Nicola. Very quiet and observant, knows people and their patterns very well so he’s in charge of organizing and strategizing for jobs.
Giovanni Minaudo (24) - runs the family’s front store, the cobbler shop. Giovanni suggested they stick to their roots for the most realistic appearance. He also handles and manages the money.
Antonio Minaudo (23) - loud and obnoxious and very close to Giuseppina. He is also a major flirt and delights in getting information using various methods. He also knows how to manipulate people just the right way. Often works with Giuseppina and taught her what she knows.
((If you liked my v long character info on Beans, be sure to check out @son-0f-a-snitch OC Jack ‘Apollo’ Colombo, and @asktheboywholived OC Mason ‘Trigger’ Knoll, and @askwhathasthiscometo OC Johnny ‘The Twig’ Morris))
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Shipwreck, voyage
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them
several!! mmm off the top of my head there’s aurora, a gang leader in the post-apocalypse future where bio-terrorism wiped like 80% of the world’s population. she gets into fights and likes messing with old analog technology since the power/internet/etc grid is obviously Down
voyage: what are your favorite names?
alexander, aurora, giovanna, enoch, seraphina, johannes, giuseppina, crow
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faeflan · 4 years
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Sapphire Fitted Mail 
Based on these items:
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faeflan · 4 years
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faeflan · 4 years
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Bird circlet cyber angel thing
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faeflan · 4 years
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An experimental design, some sort of fusion between one of my old maplestory character and my OC Giuseppina.
The maplestory character:
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