#oc: cosima clayborne
xoteajays · 1 year
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cosima clayborne / patchwork + the big 3
“ these vigilantes, these heroes, these villains, they could be anybody and often, it’s who you’d least expect behind the mask. ”
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xoteajays · 1 year
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my ocs + outfit study
flora dean (stranger things)  /  haru yamane (alice in borderland)  /  cosima clayborne (dceu)  /  jasmine lin (the umbrella academy)  /  milly chase (buffy the vampire slayer)
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xoteajays · 1 year
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cosima clayborne (dc / the batman 2022)
cosima clayborne never intended to become some vigilante type, but living in a city like gotham, it was almost fated. she gets lucky in the form of befriending selina kyle, working alongside her to pay her bills that were quickly stacking up. it's a shame her assistant job didn’t fully pay the bills, but it at least gets her introduced to bruce wayne during an art show.
patchwork, at most, is an irritant more than any real dastardly criminal problem in gotham. to give credit to her skills where it’s due though, her colour-shifting, borderline invisible suit is a masterwork. the batman is sure he can lure her to the heroic side, but she seems more interested in him than any of that.
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xoteajays · 1 year
i actually do wanna ask you about cosima clayborne/patchwork and the big 3 sooooooooo bad!! what can you share 👀
yesss cos and the big 3!!!
okay, so at this point in time, i don’t think the big 3 know each other’s secret identities. i think they know each other as heroes and as civilians, but have not connected the dots yet. (well maybe bruce has). i'm breaking this into three parts.
first cos + bruce aka patchwork + batman
cosima and bruce meet at an art show that cos’ bosses are attending. bruce has been forced to attend by alfred because bruce’s been locked up in his mansion too long. cosima’s bosses are mingling while cos stroll the show, looking at art pieces. she and bruce end up looking at the same piece but don’t talk to each other until one of cos’ bosses who knows bruce cuts in. when he eventually leaves, cos and bruce get to talking - well bruce talks, cos writes because bruce doesn’t know sign language (yet). later in the night, cosima accidentally runs into someone because she was trying to lip-read while they walked and gets champagne on her dress. bruce offers her his handkerchief to help her soak it up. he doesn’t end up getting it back from her and she shows up at his mansion a few days later to return it. she ends up meeting alfred instead and he invites her inside to wait (because bruce needs friends and alfred knows it). i also hc that alfred knows sign language. all three eventually get closer and bruce quickly learns sign and cos is very impressed.
batman and patchwork are only minorly antagonistic with each other. she’s not committing totally villainous actions like joker or riddler, but she is constantly breaking into museums and causing trouble for the gcpd. she also works with catwoman a lot (because cos needs to pay her many many bills). he’s very impressed by her suit’s fabric because of its cloaking capabilities, but just like how he can’t sway her to the ‘heroic’ side, he can’t convince her to work with lucius fox despite the money offered. she is also, very much, flirting with him all the time under the assumption he doesn't know sign or that she's deaf; he eventually shows that he does understand her but it's like a while after she's been sign-flirting with him.
now cos + clark / patch + superman
clark gets sent to gotham for a story with cosima’s company but her bosses don’t want to do the interview/‘are too busy’ and pawn it off on cosima who knows the company really well. it’s a bit of a slow process because clark doesn’t know sign language but cosima is used to it by this point and has an ipad she uses at work to ‘speak’. clark insists that by their next interview, he’ll know sign. he’s a bit slower than bruce, but he does figure it out between gotham visits. he really puts her name on the map with the interview and asks to see her own work when he’s looking at the company’s pieces. he knows he can’t put it in with the interview, but he compliments her work anyway. he’s not often in gotham, but he does always go and visit her when he is.
like clark, superman isn’t often in gotham, he knows it’s batman’s terf. when he is in gotham, he does sometimes offer a helping hand (even tho batman doesn't want it). he runs into patchwork once. it’s an awkward ‘fight’ since her suit’s vibration sensors can’t notice him sneaking up on her since he’s flying and also she can’t hear him speaking but he’s not catching onto that. she makes her escape before he can get her taken in.
finally the ladies. cos + diana / patch + wonder woman
diana heads to gotham to appraise some art pieces they’d recently gotten in at the museum and she meets cos there, because even when cos isn’t breaking into the museum as patch, she does like visiting it. they get to talking about art in the greek section of the gotham museum and diana is the only one of the big 3 that actually knows and is fluent in sign prior to meeting cos. i like to headcanon that she kept up with the development of sign language over the years, but sometimes accidentally uses signs specific to themyscira and sometimes cos points it out and diana says it’s an ‘old greek dialect’ but cos can see it’s something deeper than that but also doesn't push the subjects. anyway, they’re coffee and art friends. the hottest of besties.
wonder woman actually catches patch in the act of a crime but let’s her get away with it because patchwork is stealing back a piece of native art that she plans to return to it’s rightful owners. diana knows the pain of seeing stolen heritage up in a museum and just lets her go. besides, gotham is batman’s terf and he obviously isn’t dealing with her so if wonder woman’s going to kick anybody’s ass in gotham it’s going to be one of those bastards actually hurting people.
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also i do think it’d be funny if they were all dating each other.
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xoteajays · 1 year
cosima clayborne and wonderwoman + role swap
the f*ckin' big brain energy of this ask, thank you!
okay, so from y.ara flor existing, we know there are amazons in other locations than themyscira, so in the same vein, cosima is hailing from a native american / themyscira-separated tribe. she’s got that amazonian physiology and skills; obviously i’m not removing her being deaf though. amusingly, i think she’d still use the last name clayborne since .... y’know ........ the diana-born-from-clay backstory. also because i don't think 'princess' is necessarily a title in native culture and the whole 'i.ndian princess/c.herokee princess' thing is yikes, so yeah. she wouldn't be cosima prince. if not fully 'clayborne', maybe just cosima clay.
in the vein of the first wonder woman movie, i can see cosima entering the war effort and having a connection with chief, but i don’t think i’d ship her and steve t.revor. i can see her still being affected by his death though and, after the war, going to travel the world. i think she’d still study fashion but on a wider scale, though it’s probably not until the 2000s that she actually starts her brand. she quickly grows in popularity, probably still meets bruce wayne at an art show in gotham though she's probably a little more confident. also probably wearing a 'hidden sword' dress a la diana's blue gown.
she’d probably still go by wonder woman, i can’t think of a reason why she wouldn’t. you can't tell me she wouldn't be so hot in the wonder woman suit.
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diana i view as the child of a single mother in greece. since her surname 'prince' came from steve cutting her off (at least in the dceu), i think she'd have a different surname in this au; maybe diana vasiliou, vasiliou coming from the word 'basileios' meaning 'royalty'. she’s still got a lot of classic diana personality, but she doesn’t the superhuman power or immortality behind it. she’s just human and pissed off about the state of the world she has to live in. i think she’s the kinda girl that’s always ready to kick someone’s ass, probably took some self defense classes. absolutely a vigilante-in-the-night defender-of-women type.
i think she eventually moves to america, though maybe not gotham initially, she goes over to go to college and end up racking up debt. in the same way that cosima goes after museums and collectors that bought/stole native work, diana as a borderline vigilante/kind-of villain does the same but for greek artifacts. i do think that diana and selina would hook up in this au ngl. 
i don’t think she’d go by patchwork, since that alias came specifically from cosima’s design-work on her suit, i think maybe she’d go by statuette or effigy or iustitia/justitia/dike. something like that. it'd be a very grey-white suit, reminiscent of greek marble statues, her hair done similarly to those same statues, maybe even wearing a wrapped-mask in the fashion of the statue of justice.
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send me an oc + canon character and i'll tell you about a role swap au.
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xoteajays · 1 year
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xoteajays · 1 year
okay, first poll done! top three winners were kori bato (pjo), cosima clayborne (the batman 2022), and jude winchester (spn)!! from the second poll, aes moodboards won out, so those are queued up for tomorrow morning (4-6am utc+10).
if anyone has any questions or wants early oc deets about these three winners, feel free to shoot through an ask!
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