#oc: Sirass
sleepyfan-blog · 23 days
Author’s Note: this is Mer-Sirass’ debut! I hope you enjoy it! Next
Tagged: @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel @egrets-not-regrets
Warnings: none, please ask me to tag if something bothers you
Summary: Sirass and his human study some clownfish
Ancient Terra was filled with all sorts of fascinating things. Despite how primitive the technologies that humanity had created in the third millennium, the natural spaces on Terra were many and vast. Sirass had initially believed that he'd landed on a low-tech pleasure world. Yes, there were scents of pollutants in the air and water, and there was mild habitat destruction... But the natural beauty of Ancient Terra could not be overstated. 
For example, Sirass and his beloved bonded had been studying sea anenome and the fish that lived in harmony with the largely sedentary marine invertebrate. He had initially believed the creature to be some sort of plant, and had been pleasantly surprised to find out that it was an animal of some kind. The symbiotic relationship that it had with the brightly colored fish that lived between it's many tendrils was fascinating to study. The iron warrior could see why his bonded had chosen to devote their life to studying the creatures that lived within the oceans and seas of their homeworld. 
That and his human's chosen field of study was the reason why the two of them had met. He'd gotten caught up in a massive net by an industrial fisher and had been thrashing around, trying to pull himself free of the fucking thing when his bonded human had swam over in the protective equipment that allowed them to breathe. They'd seem to think that he'd been some sort of dolphin - and by his primarily grey tones, he didn't blame her. His thankful rumble in their native tongue when his human had freed him - along with his bold black and yellow striping on his fins had brought them up short. They'd signed at him, asking him to surface with them. He'd agreed and that was the first of many conversations that the two of them had shared.
The small orange and white striped fish didn't seem to care - or even notice - Sirass' watchful gaze as it meandered around its' home. Several dozen much smaller clownfish poked their tiny heads out from the top of the sea anemone as it's tendrils waved along with the gentle ocean currents. He lightly poked his human from their intense perusal of the wider coral reef - some sort of sickness had been plaguing the ecosystem, which his human and their colleagues were desperately trying to figure out the cause of, or at least a way to treat the ailing coral reef. If the coral died, it would likely mean the collapse of the entire ecosysem in the area, and it would take years if not decades to bring back the underwater ecosystem to a fraction of what it was.
Sirass had his suspicions as to what was going on, but had not voiced them, yet. He would patrol this area later, when his human and their friends had left. 
After all, not all astartes were friendly with humans on ancient terra, even if most were neutral. Sirass didn't want to possibly put them in danger. 
His human cooed silently over the baby clownfish before counting and writing down their numbers, gesturing for another human to come over as they began tagging the clownfish babies.
Sirass was happy to help catch any escapees who managed to evade the much clumsier baseline humans.
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egrets-not-regrets · 25 days
Guesthouse of the (Lost) Astartes: To Render Aid (2)
Erriox and Lenora provide aid to a lost chaos space marine and his young bonded human. Malaran and Ben are on a mission.
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Dialogue spoken in the Gothic language are bolded and italicized.
Author's Note: Part 1 is here, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.
I lied, this story has more than two parts to it. Good god, this story has grown monstrously. Every time I wanted to push to the ending, I end up adding more characters to it. I don't know how it happens or why it happens. Just to give a note from last chapter:
This story focuses on the relationship of a chaos space marine who is intensely bonded to his human and touches upon the issue with Black Templars bonding with humans.
Also, Erriox is a responsible space marine and does responsible things. And no, he definitely does not do it for his bonded human's approval.
Thank you @squishyowl and @saradika-graphics for making the fic dividers! Also thanks @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Sirass.
OCs: Lenora; Erriox (Iron Warrior); Ben; Malaran Blackspike (Black Legion); Sirass (@sleepyfan-blog's Iron Warrior)
Tagged: @kit-williams, @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @shadowfirecat, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan,
@sleepyfan-blog, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @bispecsual
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Following the the end of part 1:
Their heartfelt moment was unfortunately cut short when Erriox asked his Black Legion cousin, “How did you end up here?”
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“We are looking for his mother. We were ambushed by ferals and were looking for shelter from the storm when you found us.” Malaran answered. Both Erriox and Lenora knew that wasn’t the whole story.
Lenora asked the teen, feeling a little guilty taking advantage of Malaran’s lack of understanding of the English language, “Ben, if you don’t mind me asking: could you tell us, how did you guys get here? Did he kidnap you or something? You don’t have to answer if you don’t feel comfortable.”
The boy shook his head, “No! No, Orca didn’t kidnap me!” He then had a look of determination, “He helped me escape my dad and we’re gonna find my mom. Besides, that asshole wanted to kill Orca.” His voice lowered into a growl.
Lenora found that worrying, though some element was missing, “Find your mom? And your dad wanted to kill Orca? I mean, he’s not exactly easy to kill, unless your dad is also a space marine.” She’s heard of cases of families not tolerating one of their own bonding with a chaos space marine and would try to get rid of the marine by any means, most often occurring with those who were deeply religious. Though she’s only heard and read about them, the endings of those situations were rarely happy. 
“That asshole is my dad’s Black Templar. He hurt Orca. He drove my mom away, because she apparently bonded with a chaos space marine too and now they won’t even let me see her. My dad divorced my mom, because my grandma and them said she was evil. They said she’s a whore who consorts with demons.” Ben’s voice started to break, “That’s so stupid! They hate my mom and were just looking for an excuse to get rid of her! And now they want to get rid of Orca! Orca saved me! My dad and his family and that stupid asshole. I hate them! I hate my family! I want my mom!” Ben spat as he hid his face in Malaran’s chest. Malaran felt tears soak into his skin as he purred and rubbed his youngling’s back, trying to soothe his distress. 
He may not understand much of the local language, but he understood Ben enough. Ben often talked about his mother (“mom” as he put it)  and always with a sad voice. He had seen her pictures, smelt her faint scent when he was in the home and on the little cherished momento that Ben always carried with him. Malaran knew what Ben wanted, and he will fulfil it for him. He’s also watched how harshly his youngling was treated after they found out he was bonded to him. All the more reason to evade the Black Templar, despite wanting to test his mettle against him again. He admitted, it was a thrilling fight, but it was just not worth losing his bonded human over. 
“You’re so young, do you understand that it looks like Orca kidnapped you?” Lenora asked worriedly, though Ben’s answer was as she expected. 
“I don’t care. Orca’s helping me! I asked him to!”
What are the chances that everyone in the immediate family bonded with a space marine? That is so incredibly rare, but the circumstances and combination could not be worse. Lenora grimaced as she started to understand what was going on. Black Templar space marines were well-known for their zealotry and intolerance to anything chaos. Added with the fact that this may be one of the cases where the family is trying to get rid of the bonded chaos marines so as to not tarnish their family name, it was obvious why Ben ran away from home. Erriox noticed her troubled expression and snuck his hand behind her back, subtly giving a reassuring squeeze on her hip.
He turned to Malaran, “You are being hunted.”
“…yes. We managed to escape since the Black Templar went on a mission at the time.” The chaos space marine was hesitant to admit it, but he needed help. They needed help to find Ben’s mother and evade the zealout Astartes. At this point, he wasn’t even sure where to go from here.  
“I’m surprised you haven’t encountered the Templar’s battle-brothers.” 
“No, this one seemed to be a lone wolf for some reason.” Malaran confirmed. 
Lenora and Erriox exchanged glances. Hers, full of worry and unease. It would only be a matter of time if the Templar rallied for help or the Templar came to find them himself. Erriox frowned, “What is it you wish to do? It will not be long before the Black Templar looks for you here and the youngling should seek extra medical attention. Your best option is to go to the hospital. Being exposed to such prolonged cold could cause your human to become ill, even if he doesn’t look like it currently.”
“I cannot, they will take Ben away from me. We need to keep moving to at find his mother.”
 Lenora was about to argue when Erriox stopped her, “Do you know who the mother is bonded to? All we know is that he is a chaos marine.”
“Unfortunately not. Ben brought me to where his mother used to wait for him at school. Her scent was only a trace as she had not returned for some time and there are scents of multiple marines already covering hers.” Malaran thought for a moment then continued, “Of those who were touched by chaos, there were Night Lord, Death Guard, Ultramarine, and one of your brothers.” Erriox's brows rose with the mention of ‘Ultramarine’, he certainly wasn’t aware that Ultramarines could even become corrupted by chaos, but that was a question for another day. If one of his legion brothers is a possibility, he may be able to find out more information from the legion base. 
Erriox asked the teen, “Ben, what is your mother’s name?”
Lenora passed a box of tissues to Ben, who gratefully took it. He wiped his tears and blew his nose, crumpling the used tissues in his hand, replying, “Amelia Plover.” 
Thinking along the same lines, she asked him, “Is that your dad’s last name or your mum’s?” just in case either surname would be used. 
“Plover is my mom’s last name. My dad’s last name is Richter.” 
With that, Erriox put on his helm and hailed one of his brothers from the legion base over vox, “Brother Sirass, could you look up the list of bonded humans and see if Amelia Plover or Amelia Richter is among them? Filter for our chaos battle-brothers.”
“Searching now. Why do you ask?”
“I have a child searching for their parent who may bonded to one of our chaos battle-brothers.” Erriox replied. He heard a snort over the line, “Helping a lost child?”
“Don’t laugh, Sirass. I know you’d do the same in my situation.”
“Fine. I found them. There’s an Amelia Plover who is bonded to Brother Alcyon. Makes sense as to why he started living off-base the last six Terran months. Did he know that his bonded had a child?” His battle-brother asked. Malaran gave Ben a squeeze when he heard that. 
Erriox shrugged, “Likely, but your guess is as good as mine. We will make our way to the base soon and should be there within five hours.”
“Five?” Came the questioning tone, “Isn’t the base just over a two hour run for you?”
“We should arrive earlier, but we’re preparing to deal with the possibility of Black Templars hunting us along the way. Notify the Warsmith of our situation. Give me a moment.” Erriox took off his helm and told the rest of the group, “Prepare yourselves. We will be heading to the Steelix Fortress as soon as possible. If the Black Templar is hunting Ben and Malaran, then we should leave before this weather breaks. Lenora, you will need to drive Ben there. I will go with Malaran.”
Ben asked, hopeful, “Is my mom there?”
The Iron Warrior’s stern gaze turned to him, “It is a possibility, but don’t get too excited yet.”
Erriox didn’t like the thought of having Lenora driving through the snowstorm, let alone potentially having to outdrive a determined Astartes, but he knew she was familiar with the route and driving in such conditions. He was confident she should have no trouble. Other plans had left Lenora alone to wait, which meant leaving her vulnerable should the Black Templar come knocking. That was even worse. Both he and Malaran will be accompanying them along their drive anyways. This was for the best.
Lenora nodded, having a vague notion of what Erriox is planning, “Understood.” Driving through a snowstorm was not ideal, but she’s done it enough times that it was a familiar routine. She immediately went to gather a pack of extra supplies for Ben, seeing as he had little else outside of the clothes on his back and whatever was in his small backpack. 
Erriox put on his helm again, “My bonded and the child, Ben, will be arriving in her vehicle. I will be escorting the Black Legion Astartes, Malaran Blackspike. Call Brother Alcyon and tell him that we may possibly have his human’s child and they can meet us at the base.” He paused, “No, have Alcyon and his bonded meet us at the medical wing. Let the apothecary know that we will be bringing the child to have him seen to; he suffered mild to intermediate hypothermia and may need further medical attention.”
“Consider it done, brother. Alcyon will probably meet you to assist.” 
“Thanks, Sirass.”
Sirass’ voice came on again as Erriox was about to lift his helm, “Tell your bonded to bring more of those cookies she made last time.” 
“Maybe next time, but I will let her know.” Erriox chuckled and ended the vox call. He turned to the Black Legionnaire, “My bonded will drive Ben to the Iron Warrior base. You and I will travel alongside them starting from another route, we will try to throw off the trail for the Templar.” Malaran felt uneasy to part with Ben, but he did not argue. 
“If you want to throw off the trail…” Lenora returned, the bag of Ben’s supplies ready to go, “Erriox, I don’t know if this will help, but if you and Malaran carry Ben’s bag with his old clothes and shoes with you, there maybe a chance the Templar would follow his scent trail on you two for a while if we’re lucky. I have spare clothing that Ben can wear instead.”
“It is worth trying.” He replied as both Malaran and he donned on their armour again. His human gestured Ben to follow her to the bathroom and shortly returned with the boy cleaned and bundled up in her winter clothes and herself ready to leave. They gave Ben’s pack to them and Malaran wrapped it in his cape once more. 
“Do you have shoes I can wear?” Ben asked. 
Lenora started her truck before grabbing a pair of smaller rubber boots left behind by one of her coworkers from her closet. She passed them to him, “Here, wear these for now. They’re probably a bit too big for you, but we’ll go with what we got. Once you’re ready, wait at the door.” 
Once Ben put on the boots and shouldered the pack Lenora gave him, he did as she instructed. Lenora turned to the two fully armoured Astartes, “We’ll meet you at the base?” she asked.
Erriox lifted her hand to the mouthpiece of his helm, “Yes, we will be following you closely.” 
His human looked at him worriedly, her hand pressed onto the cold metal, thumb stroking his helm, “Be careful. Both of you.”
“You as well.” 
Malaran patted Ben’s head affectionately. Lenora turned to the teen, “Ben, you will hop on my back and we’ll piggyback to the truck. Once we get there, get in from the driver’s side and shuffle to the passenger seat. That way we only leave one set of tracks instead of two. You got it?”
The boy nodded, “Yes ma’am.” And clambered onto her back, “You ok carrying me?” 
Lenora snorted as they made their way towards her truck, “Bud, I’ve moved logs at least twice your weight.” 
The two Astartes watched as their humans drove off before closing the door.
“We should go our separate ways to the base, it is likely the Black Templar will follow me first. You should follow your human’s vehicle.” Malaran said. 
Erriox agreed and pinged the location of the base to the Black Legionnaire, “This is the base coordinates. Take the trail through the forest on the west side of the house. When you see an opening to a field, jump the fence and continue west.” He pinged another location to Malaran, “There are two trenches starting at this location that span 10 meters and are covered in snow. Face westsouthwest and cross that span in four steps, each spanning 2.5 meters, you will cross without falling in. By any luck, it will slow down the Black Templar. Keep west until you come across a road, then head southwest. It will take you to the main road leading to the base.”
Then he went into Lenora’s closet and grabbed a bunch of hand warmers. Opening them up, he stuffed them into the wrapped bundle Malaran held, “This should make it seem that you are carrying the child from afar.”
Malaran tilted his head, “You and your bonded. Why are you helping us so much?” Erriox replied, resolute in his self-imposed mission, “Your boy’s mother is bonded to my battle-brother. There is no way I will let one of ours be terrorised and kept away by some son of Dorn. She’s just being kind.”
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sleepyfan-blog · 17 days
Pattern Recognition
Author’s Note: this is the second part of mer-Sirass fic!  Previous.
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel 
Warnings: mention of illness and parasites (fish variety) 
Summary: Sirass figures out the cause of the sick reef.
Sirass glared down at his bonded, arms folded over his chest as he looks down at you “And why do you not want me to come with you while you are inspecting the sickened reef?”
You sigh and remind him “You can read through the data that we've recorded, collate it and find connections between different incidents much faster than any of the rest of our team. That and… The Reef and the fish and other sea life who depend on it are getting much sicker over the past several months. The number of parasites and sheer variety of them is unlike anything any of us have ever seen. I… I know that you have an incredible immune system and that your armor somehow helps you to survive the depths of space… But-” you reach out and lightly touch the grumpy Iron Warrior's hand with one of your own, squeezing gently “I worry about you. We don't know the source behind these sicknesses. I would feel awful if You came down with something while helping me with this issue.”
“What about you? I know that you've told me that aquatic diseases can't affect you, and that threatened aquatic parasites are unable to penetrate through your swimming gear, but I want to be there to protect you. Besides, despite my many excellent skills, data processing is best left to-” Sirass grumbled before he stopped talking mid-sentence, as a horrified expression appeared on his face.
He swum through the air as fast as he could, large form blurring for several moments as he picked up a damaged piece of diving equipment. His fingers shook a little as he inspected it, face pale and expression unreadable “Do you know how this happened?”
“Yes, Doctor Alenfil had to do an emergency evac to the surface a couple of hours ago after his equipment started malfunctioning out of nowhere. I saw him do the double check myself. He said he was mobbed by dark green creatures that burbled and cackled - two of them sparked electricity and they tried to bite him. Luckily he was able to scare them off by hitting them with his shark baton… Are you okay, Sirass?”
Sirass let out a series of probable-curse words in his native tongue. He darted over to the table and sketched out the rough shape of a strange looking little monster. It has many pointed teeth and three too many eyes for your taste, and small, thin tails “Did they look similar to this?” Heasked, tone urgent and eyes wide.
“I'll have to check with Parris, but from his description, yes.” You respond, alarmed by how distressed Sirass was. You take a snapshot of the picture and text your colleague, who was currently being treated for the bends, having had to go up to the surface to avoid drowning after his oxygen tank had been bitten through. Less than a minute later, you had your answer. It was a simple one word answer, which you passed onto Sirass. “Yes, that's what attacked him, why?”
“Fuck fuck fuck! This is far more dangerous than I first thought. You need to quarantine that reef and the surrounding lands for at least 8 miles in every direction. Fuck! Why didn't I see this sooner?” Sirass growls, swimming back and forth in the air in agitation. “... I'll need to contact the chapter masters. They're likely going to get the Salamanders involved.”
You blink in confusion, asking “we do have the Reef and the surrounding waters condoned off. Why eight miles specifically? What's going on? Who are the Salamanders? What is a chapter master? Sirass! Please talk to me.”
“Eight is a number sacred to the worshippers of decay and disease. I should have known weeks ago this was their doing. Chapter Masters lead the major pods. Like captain's, but on a much larger scale. Salamanders can and will set anything on fire. Which is what we'll need to do.. and where is that… Where is Pollux? He is a Son of Dorn, but will know the danger of the situation and help me in calling for the necessary people.”
“Hold on! No one is setting anything on fire! worshippers of what now?” You were delighted to get confirmation that the different pods of Astartes did in fact communicate with one another more than the occasional snarling hiss exchange with the bright yellow and black astartes who was partners with Doctor Smithson, another member of your conservation team. You still didn’T know who Dorn - nor Perturabo - was. Neither wanted to elaborate. “How would belief cause destruction?”
“... I will explain when I can, my heart. But this is too dangerous, too urgent to pause for explanations. That reef and all those afflicted animals will need to be killed and burnt. To avoid further contamination. As will all of the samples taken. The risk to everyone is too high, even if the samples are kept in lab conditions for study. This is no mere illness in the waters caused by simple waste, temperature or salinity changes. It's far worse. More sinister and deliberate.” Sirass warned before yellowing at the top of his lungs “POLLUX YOU UGLY YELLOW BASTARD! WE HAVE A MAJOR PROBLEM!”
Seconds later Pollux entered the room, scowling. So did most of the conservation team, all looking puzzled. The Imperial fist asked impatiently “What is it now, Iron Warrior?”
“Doctor Alenfil was nearly killed by a Nurgling when it bit through his air tank.” Sirass stated.
Pollux swore explosively in a dozen languages, as he started reaching for his helmet. “This is catastrophic! We should coordinate on who is calling which chapter master.”
“You speak with the Carrion-Worshippers, and I'll handle the Chaos-aligned.” Sirass suggested.
“He is not- you know what? I'm not getting into an argument with you over his holiness, not when we have a budding Garden of Blight on our hands.” Pollux hissed.  Both astartes swam off together, voices tense and unhappy.
The rest of the conservation team descend on you, and you answer their questions to the best of your abilities.
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 days
Author’s Note: Sirass part three! I hope you enjoy :D
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel@whorety-k 
Warnings: none
Summary: Sirass and Pollux go to the afflicted reef to scout how many fellow Astartes they’ll need to destroy the burgeoning garden of rot. What they find surprises them.
“We’re going to have to burn all of the samples the humans took of the diseased wildlife and plants.” Pollux muttered, swimming back and forth in agitation as he waited impatiently for Sirass to finish gearing up.
“I know that, you’ve left instructions and warning for the blue stylus pushers to handle that, right?” Sirass snapped, rolling his eyes beneath his helmet as he continued to check over his gear, wanting to be sure that none of it had any flaws before they went diving into a territory defiled by Nurgle’s Worshippers. “We’ll need to check the machinery as well.”
“... But the Plague-bastard’s curses and afflictions only affect the living. Metals rust and decay but don’t fall sick.” The Imperial Fist spluttered, eyes going wide under his helmet.
“Clearly you’ve never had the dubious misfortune of having to deal with Glitchlings.” Sirass huffed, shaking his head a little “... When were you brought from?”
“Mid M-32, why?” Pollux asked “What the fuck is a Glitchling?”
“My bastard Primarch decided to cut a deal with the Plaguefather for… I’m not sure why… Some time in the past as I know it, after you were brought here. The ritual he used to seal the deal fused Machine Plague and Warp Bullshith together to create Glitchlings. They’re Nurglings, but for machines instead of living creatures. They delight in the corruption of machines and twisting them into horrific monstrosities.” Sirass explained “I heard about it from some of my Chaos brothers in passing and the knowledge stuck with me.”
“Oh fuck that entirely. They aren’t going to be thrilled about having to purge the data.” Pollux sighed. “And don’t call the Ultramarines stylus pushers. They do far more than that and you know it. They’ll likely handle the data as well, and explaining why fire and destruction is the only safe path forward.”
“... True enough.” Sirass sighed, reassured that his gear was in perfect working order. “I’m ready to go.”
“Finally! Remember, this is a scouting mission, as neither of us can deal with a full Rot Garden, we don’t have the kit to do so. There are Salamanders inbound, but it’s going to-” Pollux stated.
“It’s going to take them a few days to get here. Yeah, I know. This isn’t the first shit-awful mission I’ve been on, and I doubt it’ll be the last.” Sirass finished, cutting off the Imperial Fist. “We need to have a rough estimate of how many Death Guard are making this fucking thing, and whether or not they’ve managed to corrupt any humans into worshipping their shit-ass deamon-god. I remember the briefing protocols for something like this, I don’t need to be reminded. Let’s get going.”
Pollux grumbled under his breath, and Sirass pretended not to hear the bitchy bastard as they swum swiftly over the deceptively beautiful waters, diving in.
“... Wasn’t the garden bigger, the last time we were here?” Pollux asked Sirass over vox, sounding as perplexed as Sirass felt.
“It was. I helped with the last survey of the afflicted reef two days ago. Something’s changed… I could almost taste the Chaos in the water, but that’s faded somewhat too…” Sirass murmured, scanning the area more closely. “The densest bit of fuckery is this way. I haven’t seen any signs of Death Guard here today, what about on your side, Pollux?”
“No signs of Death Guard on this side of the Garden, either. Maybe they’re deeper in, or off on a hunt?” Pollux offered. “I… Suppose we should push further into the territory.” It went without saying that they should touch nothing in this cursed place unless they absolutely had to.
The signs of decay and illness were still very much present in the plant and animal life, but it wasn’t nearly as dire as it had been a couple of days ago. Some of the fish were actually moving at close to their normal speeds, doing their usual behaviors. The numbers of parasites in the waters had gone down according to Sirass’ scanners, and the amount of chaos taint had plummeted precipitously, now that he knew to look for it, knew what the signs were.
This was true even as the two mer cautiously swum deeper into the garden. Signs of healthy life were beginning to appear, and the dead were no longer crawling or moving in a parody of life. Sirass stilled completely as he reached the middle of the garden, eyes widening beneath his visor “What… Who?... Why?”
Before him was the crawling vine-rose things that marked the heart of a plague garden. It’s tendrils should be glowing and pulsing, trying to reach for anything that wasn’t tainted by Nurgle in order to consume. The center mass of the foul creation should be undulating and hard to look at without nausea and pain ripping through his body and mind.
Instead, the thorn-covered vines were a dull grey color. Lifeless and unmoving. The center mass looked like it had been ripped or slashed apart by something large and pissed off. Clearly someone else had killed the heart of the this Rot Garden, which was what helped to perpetuate Nurgle’s curses and diseases. They hadn’t completed the job, and if left unattended, the Plague Heart would come back to life and start causing problems if it wasn’t thoroughly torched in Promethium-based flames and torn out, roots and all.
But it was an excellent start. 
“I have no idea who did this… I didn’t think there were many Astartes in this area, apart from the group who lives with the humans nearby. None of them reported in, attacking this and they really should have…” Pollux muttered to himself. “We should retreat from here. It may be dead for now, but it’s still dangerous… And the Death Guard could come back. They’ll get nasty as they’ll assume we did this.”
“Mh, let’s get going then.” Sirass agreed, nodding shortly. Agreeing with an Iron Fist felt very strange and vaguely wrong… But Pollux was correct in this instance. The two of them took turns flitting from cover to cover around the periphery of the slowly shrinking Garden of Rot for the four days it took for the Salamander Flamer squads to arrive. Not a single Death Guard, nor any cultists appeared in that time.
Once the Salamanders had arrived and began the task of purifying the area with flames and psykery, Sirass and Pollux left after being checked and cleared for corrosion. The Ultramarines attached to the humans’ ocean preservation group had indeed purged all of the Nurgle Shit from the area, including information and explained why.
Sirass’ human sprinted over to him as soon as he cleared the ocean water. You hesitated for a couple of moments asking “You’ve been through decontamination, right?”
“Yes, my love I have been. The area is being purged by experts.” He explains with a nod.
“Good… It’s going to be a lot of work to restore that area, but it’ll be worth it. I’m glad that… That you’re okay. The… The stories they told us about what those twisting-illnesses can do to a person were awful!” You shudder, running up to him and hugging him tightly.
Sirass smiles a little, holding you close. He nuzzles you lovingly as he takes off his helmet, attaching it to his belt and giving you several loving kisses all over your face “I apologize that you were frightened for and worried over me, love. But I am fine. If you’d like to thoroughly check me over once we get home, I won’t object~”
You blush at his tease but nod, going up on your tiptoes and giving him a loving kiss “Yes please.”
He grins as he scoops you up, swimming through the air towards your apartment.
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sleepyfan-blog · 1 month
Author’s note: The first part of Sirass’ story. Next
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel
Warnings: child kidnapping
Summary: Sirass as a child, helping his mom with her work before going out to play with his friends at a local park.
"Siri, how are you doing with the hole in Ms. Hespirax's dress?" Amama sked, a warm smile on her face as she looked over at where Sirass was carefully stitching a small patch of cloth to the hole that had torn open in one of their clients' favorite dresses.
"I'm about half-way done! I'm keeping the stitches small and even, just like you taught me!" He chirped in response, grinning proudly as he shows his mama his work. He'd been learning how to make and repair clothing as long as he could remember. His mother ran a small tailor's shop in Lochos. 
Mama paused her work on the very fancy dress that she'd been working on for weeks as she looked over his work. The smile on her face brightened and she ruffled his hair, messing up his curls "Good job, Sirass! Be sure to keep your stitches as small and even as you can, and to not snag extra cloth while repairing the damage."
Sirass nodded "Yes mama!" While his stitches weren't as neat and even as his mother's, the ten year old child was determined to help his mother as best as he could, and his repair of the dress was of good quality. He checked periodically to make sure he didn't accidentally sew one part of the dress to another, keeping one hand between the layers of fabric, which also helped to keep the patch in place as he sewed it into place.
Once he finished the last stitch and carefully tied off the extra thread with a knot and trimmed the trailing thread he walked over to where his mother was finishing up her own project and proudly showed it to her. "What do you think, mama? I've finished putting the patch in!"
Mama took the dress he'd been working on and carefully stressed the patch, running her fingers over the stitches. She gifted Sirass with another smile and a hair-ruffle "You did really well! Thank you for helping me patch up Ms. Hespirax's dress. You should go out and play with your friends - I can see them walking down the street to the nearby park. Please be sure to come home by sunset, alright?"
"Thanks mama! I will, mama!" Sirass promised with an eager grin as he ran out to go play with his friends. While there was something soothing about fixing up torn clothes, or helping his mama make new clothes, he very much liked running around and playing games with his friends a lot more. 
"Wait for me, Vasili, Sophia, Alfina, and Castian!" Sirass called out as he ran out the back door of his home, darting over to where the others were walking, waving at them excitedly.
His four very best friends slowed down, waving back energetically. Sophia spoke up first "Hi Siri! How are you today? I thought you were going to be doing stuff with your mama all day?"
"I finished the task that mama asked me to do early, so I'm able to play!" Sirass answered with a grin, bouncing a little on the balls of his feet. 
"That's great!" Vasili responds, a bright grin appearing on his face "My dad's been teaching me how to whittle! He says it's the first step on learning how to properly carve things into shape. I'm still not allowed near aby of the saws and bigger stuff he uses to make chairs and other stuff with. Says it's too dangerous."
" Considering your dad has lost three fingers, he probably knows what he's talking about." Alfina points out, poking Vasili in the side "My auntie's been showing me how to clean and bandage different kinds of wounds. I've been learning about burns for weeks. Fire can be really scary if you don't treat it with respect."
"Why would anyone mess around with fire, anyways?" Castian asks, his face scrunching up in confusion "I've only just started to be allowed nearby dad's forge, and none of my little siblings are allowed anywhere close. Dad says that you shouldn't be afraid of fire, but to respect it, like you would a guard dog. Don't taunt fire - or a guard dog - or you'll get burned or bitten."
"My aunt says it's because some people don't use the brains that they were born with. Or they drank too much wine." Alfina answered with a shrug. "Ooh, look! The flowers are blooming at the park! Last one there is a rotten egg!" with that playful taunt she broke out into a sprint, having given herself a head-start.
"HEY, THAT'S CHEATING!" Sirass shouted as he broke out into a run, the rest of his friends following suit. Usually when they played running games like this, the person starting did a brief count down, but ALfina really did enjoy winning however she could. 
Not that she did win the sprint to the park, despite her head start, as Sirass was the tallest of the five of them. Sure his feet were a little too big and he could be a little clumsy at times, but his long legs did give him an edge in running games like this.
He skidded to a halt as he reached the huge field of flowers - there were so many bright and vivid colors, and they smelled really nice! There were a few bumblebees sitting on a couple of the flowers, enjoying them too "Haha! I win!" Sirass called out, a victorious grin on his face.
Alfina pouted at him as she slowed down a little, having come in second place "Yeah yeah, you win again. It's not fair that you're so tall!"
"You gave yourself a head-start. You're just grumpy that I'm faster than you are." Sirass teased, sticking his tongue out at her a little.
Sophia didn't slow down enough before reaching the two of them and accidentally crashed into Alfina, her feet having slipped on the muddy ground "Watch out! Augh!" She flailed her arms, trying to regain her balance as she fell backwards.
Vasili wailed "Wait, hang on, don't fall on me!" As he had been running right behind her and tried to dodge around her, only to slip on the muddy ground and started to fall as well.
Sirass lunged to try and help keep his friends from falling to the ground when he abruptly found himself dangling several feet off of the ground, with a huge, metal-covered h and having scruffed the back of his neck. He squirmed a little in confusion and looked up over his shoulder, freezing in fear as the red-eyed visor of one of The Tyrants' Enhanced Soldiers seemed to glare down at him.
The soldier demanded "How old are you, boy?" When Sirass didn't respond initially, the huge mountain of a man shook him a little "Answer me, boy. You'll get into trouble if you don't."
"I... I'm ten, sir. Th-thank you for catching me? Please put me and my friend down, sir. We... We haven't done anything wrong." There were more of the massive, metal-clad soldiers, and each of his friends were being held by one of them.
"We've been ordered to acquire new recruits by our primarch. You and the other two boys are being given the honor of becoming Aspirants for the Iron legion. If you survive the trials, you will be given the honor of becoming an Astartes. Resistance is futile. Put down the girls, they will tell whoever your guardians are of your glorious purpose." The giant soldier holding Vasili ordered. Alfina and Sophia were put down, "You may leave now, children."
Both Sophia and Alfina ran off without so much as a backward glance. 
Sirass squirmed a little in the Astartes' grip "I... Please sir. It's just me and my mama... I don't... I don't want to be taken away from her."
"You dare defy the will of the Tyrant of Olympia? Bold, boy, but such defiance will cost you dearly. If you're so concerned about your mother's fate, perhaps we should pay her a visit?" The Astartes holding Sirass threatened.
His heart shot up into his mouth and he shook his head. He didn't know what might happen if his mother met with these terrifying soldiers, but they were so big and scary and he didn't want her to get hurt because of him "N-No...I... I don't... I'll be good."
"Good." The Astartes rumbled.
 With that, Sirass' life as he knew it was over.
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sleepyfan-blog · 2 months
Hello! This is my fic master list for stuff that I have posted on here recently.
Requests are open!
Fics are below the read more
Warhammer OCs
Displaced (Space Marine Husbandry Sentience)
Clinic Day (Space Marine Husbandry Sentience)
Window Conversation (SMHS)
Fostering Questions (SMHS)
Questions (SMHS)
Held Close (SMHS)
Black Templars With Bonds - written by @kit-williams (SMHS)
Sisterly Chat
Baby Primarchs Being Raised on Terra AU
Tiny Visions
First Ripple
Feeding Time
Midnight Blues
Celestial Seas AU
What is Big E?
Sea Dragon
Hagiel's Rescue
Pattern Recognition
Magical Mishap
Nearly Taken Root
Sea Glass
Patching Up
Cato Sicarius Mind Fleas Fic
Adult Conversation
Rotten Fate - Typhus x Perpetual! Reader
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