#oc mana
firaknight · 5 months
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Capping off my sketchbook with one huge page of OCs!!
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tactician-in-green · 1 year
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As tradition, I drew myself a fanart of Eliwood and Mana (my Mark OC)! 💙💚
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liquidstar · 6 months
Yes, Greece still exists, we didn't all die 2000 years ago. Yes, people speak Greek. You people are so fucking stupid for real. So many of you claim to love ancient shit but can't even acknowledge the actual living culture of the people whose mythology and classics you romanticize. You keep leaving annoying comments about how you just forget Greek people still exist, thinking you're being quirky because you love ancient stuff soooo much that you forgot about the people it came from. You think about it so little you don't even realize that an actual Greek person has to read this shit, making it clear how little you actually care about the culture beyond the romanticized (and westernized) mythology. Don't claim you love Greece, don't use our mythology anymore if you can't acknowledge that we're still around without making it about how little you think about us. It's mind boggling that you'd think a Greek person would read this and think you're anything but obnoxious. Explode.
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ruushes · 11 months
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tagged by @demandthedoodles for Wip "Wednesday" thank you sm for the tag!!! a billion hours ago i thought it would be fun to try a painting with campfire lighting. it was a simpler time
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brightgoat · 2 years
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A deflated poppupy, and two new scientists
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moog-enthusiast · 2 months
made an evangelion oc. sorry for being cringe. It Will Happen Again. Tsukiko beloved.
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aubadeatelier · 8 days
Happy 20th Anniversary D. Gray-man!
On 31 May 2004, an amazing journey began with Allen Walker making his way to the European Branch of the Black Order as a new exorcist.
And now, it is 31 May 2024, 20 years of a still on-going journey. A lot has happened and changed and yet, he keeps walking.
Happy Birthday, D. Gray-man! And thank you for everything you've brought to me and so many others!
This post contains the pieces I did for the D. Gray-man 20th Anniversary Zine. 1 Party Doodle and 2 Redraw Project pages. Please enjoy! To see the whole zine, please access the zine through the link below to the project tumblr!
✦ D. Gray-man 20th Anniversary Zine ✦
Please make sure to take a look at the whole zine! I had the greatest honor to work with more than 100+ amazing artists across the world. It would mean a lot to me and all those who worked on this zine to have our work seen together as one!
(PS. I asked a funny little question in the Party Doodle section of the zine!)
[Beyond this point are my pieces and some fun facts!]
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Party Doodle || A Celebration from 35 Years Ago featuring from bottom left, Mana D. Campbell, Nea D. Campbell, ???, Cross Marian, and Timcampy. ✦ I originally made this celebration doodle with the intention of just drawing Nea, ???, and Timcampy. But upon popular demand and the power of friendship (shoutout to Hana Hazel, Kanin, and Sabhamun), I ended up adding Cross Marian and Mana! And honestly, the additions were a great idea and really make the piece feel more lively and fun! (Also we need more Campbell brothers content damn it. I wanna see them happy!) ✦ Also, if any of your are up-to-date at this point, you know Chapter 251 coming out shook so many things including this piece that was already done when it released. But! I think it's fun to keep it as is as a relic of the pre-251 era. (Who knows? Maybe I'll make a fixed version!)
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Redraw Project Page 01 || Chapter 04. Page 119. ✦ The first redraw page I received for assignment! I ended up liking the page, because it felt to me an integral establishing page for the series' themes. I may have gotten a little overboard with how I wanted to interpret the page, but I thought originally I would not be doing a second page and thus, wanted to put a lot of effort. In D. Gray-man, Akuma are created when a person makes a deal with the Millennium Earl. More often than not, the person has no idea what this deal entails, only that they can bring their loved one back from the dead if they agree to it. But what happens when the person is aware or knows not to accept the Earl's deal? And we receive a heart-wrenching, but understandable answer. To have the knowledge of the Earl's tricks does not automatically save a person. The Earl preys on the vulnerable. He appears and makes his offer to those in the deepest pits of despair and grief. That is how he got Leo. He was just a kid who lost his mother. He may have known more about the Earl and Akuma, because of his friendship with Jean, but when you are grieving kid-- what do you do when someone promises you they'll bring back your mother who was taken from you so suddenly? It is difficult to say no. ✦ The books that frame the piece are meant to convey this emphasis of knowledge and study-- the days Jean and Leo spent reading through Jean's father's books and notes about the Earl and Akuma with intention to patrol their town and keep people safe. Ultimately, a book page is the last panel, showing a representation of Leo and the Earl at a grave as Leo becomes an example of a person who takes the Earl's deal and whose body is taken by an Akuma. ✦ The blue tones of Jean and the Akuma were on purpose made to contrast the warmer tones of Jean and Leo's days together. ✦ It was crazy getting to draw an Akuma's face. It was a challenge to try and draw kids, but I ended getting through it pretty well. ✦ There are a few silly easter eggs in the open books. I put a small anniversary message in one. And in the other, I tried to sketch Cornelia and the Campbell Estate with the lyrics of the 14th's song. A nod to some content in the later parts of the series.
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Redraw Project Page 02 || Chapter 01. Page 38. ✦ Originally, the plan was I only would do 1 redraw page and 1 doodle, but we needed fill-ins and I took a shot at it! ✦ When I found out it was a page from Chapter 1, I was ecstatic! I had originally wanted to do one from the chapter, but they were high in demand which was more than understandable. ✦ Unlike my first redraw page, I decided to be a little more simplistic with the layout. This layout is not too far off from that of the Katsura Hoshino's, but I made a few changes such as certain angles, drawing characters closer to emphasize faces. ✦ I am not the strongest with backgrounds and drawing buildings, but I ended up enjoying the challenge of it all. Thankfully, a lot of other artists in the project tackled the building and referenced the original page, the pages and sketches of the building or interior by other project artists, and the anime to ready myself to tackle it! ✦ The spirals of the Akuma bullet gave me trouble at first, but then I ended up enjoying it as I figured it out. ✦ This page was overall a big joy to play with as it challenged me with backgrounds, certain effects, and word bubbles.
And with that, this concludes the tour of my work on the D. Gray-man 20th Anniversary Zine. I have so much to say about this series and what it means to me, but I will try not to make this post horridly longer.
D. Gray-man is the series that made me fall in love with storytelling and art. It showed me something that filled an emptiness I felt. It gave me joy and company at a time where I felt unsure who I was and felt like an outcast. My resolution after this project is to continuously grow better at my stories and art. I hope to make something as meaningful to myself and others as D. Gray-man is.
Happy 20th Anniversary D. Gray-man! I hope and pray for more wonderful chapters and for there to be a lovely conclusion someday. For now, let us keep walking together!
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yourluckyoswald · 3 months
CoD incorrect quotes
[TF141 x F-0-Z]
Mana: I was arrested at 17 for being too cool
Dice: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence
Gaz: *Texting Laswell* I don't think I wanna play Pictionary with them anymore
Laswell: Why?
Gaz: Ghost keeps drawing himself murdering Graves, Soap takes forever to "perfect" his drawings, and Price can hardly draw a circle
Gaz: I want the Uno cards back
Laswell: You should've thought about that before you all started a brawl during your last Uno game
Gaz: You're smiling, whats got you in high spirits?
Oswald: I can't smile just because I want to?
Price: Soap tripped and fell again during physicals
Smokes: Dogs are sacred creatures made by God to protect their owners. Their purity and love in unmatched. They're such good boys
Soap: *Screaming in the background as Foz attacks him*
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omniscientoswald · 4 months
A visit to the UK
Gaz: Now, please try to speak normally and not try to do a "british accent"
Oswald: You go'i'mate
Mana: Woh bri'ish accent?
Gaz: That...that accent
Soap: Oh Pish Posh
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bakawitch · 2 months
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The soulmate au is back!
(Featuring @sesshy380 's Kat as the cat!)
Desher managed to catch and make friends with the mysterious cat! Presently, his #1 comfort thing in the entire royal estste because it is not tied to anything or anyone in the palace. It comes and goes as it pleases, which Desher is admittedly a little envious of.
Speaking of jealousy, Atem is not very fond of the cat for purely petty reasons. At this point in the au, he'd probably have developed a mild crush on Desher, and he'd probably want to spend more alone time together without the company of the cat.
And Mana is just kind of just stuck on the sidelines, trying to help her friends with the zero experience she has in soulmates XD
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petzdogz2speedrun · 25 days
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this is mana he's a sabertooth tiger with frosted tips
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commission me on animal jam i swear i’m normal (username sheep23454)
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cinnamuff · 3 months
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A group of some happy aliens~
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aspiritdrawings · 2 months
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Vkei Hatsune Miku art from november 2023🖤🩵
(I improved sm lmao what is that hand😭)
This was mostly inspired from one of Mana Sama's looks (i love that man)
Follow me on my Tiktok, Instagram, and Youtube too to support me and see more of my art!!
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zackojack2 · 2 months
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If you play star rail and notice a pattern
No I’m not drawing the High Cloud Quintet 💀
I find characters who fit my boys and girls and just draw them lol
Mana!sans belongs to me
IMBIBITOR LUNAE belongs to Hoyoverse
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melon-official · 11 months
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i wanted to put some updated portraits of my blorbos on artfight :]
(base by @dogtoling )
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