obxsummer · 3 years
Lifeline // JJ Maybank
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jj maybank x routledge!reader
warnings: SEASON 2 EPISODE 4 SPOILERS, gunshot wounds, blood, cursing, underage drinking, the works 
summary below the cut to prevent spoiling
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
summary: john b told you there was no doubt that jj would always be there for you. neither of them expected rafe to put your life on the line when he started shooting bullets five minutes later.
There was nothing but pure relief and exhaustion flowing through your system. What started as a simple trip to Charleston ended with Pope nearly getting kidnapped, but also the return of your brother, John B, and Sarah Cameron.
The moment you got the text from John B with the photo of himself and Sarah, you literally started crying in history class before booking out of there with Kie, JJ, and Pope fast on your heels mumbling their excuses. All of the teachers looked at you with pity, and they were no doubt surprised you showed up at all so they didn’t even blink an eye at your tears.
The boat ride back from Charleston was a lot of hugging, crying, and storytelling. You couldn’t find it in yourself to leave John B’s side. It was probably annoying to him, if you were honest, but you couldn’t care. All you could think about is the fact that your brother was alive, he was really sitting in front of you.
JJ’s idea to throw a party got a little out of hand, but you were too caught up in the emotions of the day to care. You, Kie, and Sarah were in the hot tub, already having downed a few drinks each as the boys went to retrieve more from the fridge.
“Ladies and gentlemen!” JJ shouted as he hopped over the side of the hot tub and handed you a beer. You laughed, knowing the traditional shotgun that was coming. Pope and John B situated themselves on the edge of the water before the countdown was on and all of you started chugging.
John B finished first and threw his hands in the air in celebration. “Yeah! Whoo!” His shout echoed around you, making the group laugh as JJ sprayed you all with another beer. Eventually, he settled into the water between you and Sarah with the smile permanently engraved on his face. “God, it’s so great to be back.”
“I’m so glad you’re home,” You said before you splashed him. “You’re a dick for making us wait that long to know if you were alive!”
Your brother held his hands up in defense. “Well sorry, it’s not like my phone worked after it had been drowned in the ocean.”
“Hey, hey, Pope!” Kiara interrupted your sibling spat as she addressed the boy across from you. “Give me some lyrics.”
JJ began to bop his head to the beat before covering his entire face with the empty Natty Light box. Pope made a concerned expression before spitting out a horrible verse. “I never made good grades in school. When I get out, I act like a fool. They say I come in the party and cause a commotion. I’m smooth, yeah they call me lotion.”
“Oh, my God, please stop!” You groaned with a smile on your face as Kiara changed the song to something more upbeat.
“Just like the good Lord intended,” JJ commented as he threw his arm around your shoulder. You shook your head at him before reaching for the blunt in his hand. JJ surrendered without any fight, his mind now distracted as Pope challenged him to a duel that really just ended with both of them lying on the dead grass laughing.
“I’m done!” Pope called out once JJ declared himself the winner. “I’m outta here.”
“How many beers did you have?” JJ joked as you pulled him off the ground. He flipped his hat backwards quickly in case Pope struck another move. “You want a round two?”
Pope shook his head and grabbed his t-shirt from a nearby chair as he started to walk towards the dock. “Yeah, I think I’ll take my losses.”
Kiara gave you a sly smile before standing up to follow him. You feigned shock as you looked up at the blond boy who had his arms around your shoulders. “Wow.”
“Way to be discreet!” JJ shouted. The relationship building between Kie and Pope was hard to describe, and was very weird at moments, but you and JJ kept an open mind and let them figure it out for themselves.
John B looked at the two of you, dumbfounded as Kie and Pope disappeared from view. “I leave, and this is what happens.”
You flipped him off. “Are you blaming us?” You asked as you reached up to steal JJ’s hat from his head before placing it on your own.
“Just a little bit. Uh-oh,” John B frowned as he looked into his empty beer can. “Your boy’s out. Beer time.”
“You guys are the ones that died, okay? That was…”
You stepped out of JJ’s hold to follow John B towards the cooler that had been brought out for the occasion. You had barely had a moment alone with him since they got back, which you didn’t mind because you knew everyone was excited to see him. You paused as you watched him take in the tree trunk that you guys had burned his name into along with his birthday and JJ’s classic “P4L”.
“JB?” You whispered as you walked closer to him. You could hear him sniffle as he glanced at you before looking back to the tree.
“It’s a cute art project,” He joked. “Killed Dad’s tree though.”
You let out a small laugh as tears formed in your eyes at the sight of your big brother upset. “Probably, yeah. Oops.” Glancing over, you could see a tear fall down his cheek and you knew you couldn’t hold it together much longer. Moving forward, you wrapped your arms around him tightly and pressed your face into his neck as you both cried. “I missed you so much, JB. I didn’t think I was ever gonna see you again.
You could feel his tears drop on your bare skin as he squeezed you even tighter. “I missed you too, kiddo.” The two of you stood there for a moment and let everything sink in. Emotions had never been handled since the moment John B left the dock on The Phantom. You had been so heartbroken and not even realized it. “What the hell is going on with you and JJ?” He asked once you both let go.
You glanced over your shoulder where said blond was arguing with Sarah over who was supposed to watch out for Kie and Pope. “Not even sure, to be honest. We’ve been hanging more, just grieving. Talking things out. I really like him, JB, but you know how this whole Pogue on Pogue thing is.”
Your brother nodded as he wiped any evidence of tears from his cheek. “Look, JJ’s reckless, and he’s irresponsible, but I know he would never let anything happen to you.”
Letting out a deep breath, you nodded in agreement. “Yeah, yeah I know.” You glanced over your shoulder as JJ yelled out to see both he and Sarah staring at the water. Upon a second look, you could see the lights of the HMS Pogue drifting away with Kie and Pope on board.
“Have a good time!” Sarah shouted as she laughed.
JJ walked over and smacked John B on the arm. “There he goes. He jacked your boat, dude.”
“Pope’s poking on The Pogue.”
“Ew!” You screeched at the wording of his statement. “Have some class, please, JB!” You shoved his shoulder lightly and John B went to reply when the sound of car doors interrupted the conversation.
“What was that?” You whispered as you inched closer to your brother and JJ. Sarah stood up from her seat to hover near the three of you as you all looked through the trees.
JJ shook his head slowly. “Your chicken?”
“I heard a car door,” Your brother agreed. When JJ started clucking like a chicken, you slapped your hand over his mouth. Your heart was racing in your chest. Nobody was supposed to know John B and Sarah were here. You’d been staying at Kie’s since your brother’s disappearance so they definitely weren’t looking for you.
When you heard feet in the grass, the four of you took off. John B doused the fire out with some water while JJ shut down the generator. Before you knew it, you were all clambering up the large tree and clinging to separate branches. You pressed your chest against the rough bark as you leaned against it, terrified of the chances of falling. JJ was right next to you, with John B to your left along with Sarah as you all watched to see who showed up.
Suddenly, Rafe and Barry broke through the tree line and made their way into your home. They could obviously tell someone had been here from the smoke near the fire, not to mention all of the string lights decorating the area were still on.
JJ’s fingers ghosted over your shoulder, a signal that he was close by in case you needed him. Taking a deep breath, you attempted to calm your nerves, but with the two psychopaths below you, you feared all of you would make it out of this easily. You knew what Rafe did to Sarah, how he shot her in Nassau. You didn’t know if there was anything to stop him from doing it again.
You flinched at the sound of glass breaking before Barry slammed the patio door open. “Yo! Anything?” Rafe called out.
Barry shook his head. “No, ain’t shit in there, bro.”
“No, nothing?” Rafe asked again. You caught the light just right to see the gun in his hand and your heart dropped.
“No, nothing, Rafe.”
You could tell Sarah’s brother was frustrated and angry as he continued to talk. “They were obviously just here based off the smoke, man.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Great observation, Boy Scout!” Barry commented back. He was clearly unamused with Rafe’s attitude.
“They’re not far, you know? They gotta be around here somewhere.”
You looked over at John B, panic in your eyes as you continued to hold onto the tree with all of your strength. There was no way after everything you both had been through, that you were going to lose to Barry and Rafe of all people.
John B pressed a finger to his lips as a message to keep quiet as Rafe screamed in anger below you. The first gunshot he fired off towards the tree made you jump. JJ gasped next to you as he dodged the second bullet which lodged itself in the bark near his head while Barry fought to calm Rafe down.
The third one, you felt. You could feel every inch of it cutting through your thigh, into the muscle and skin. JJ’s hand was over your mouth right when you went to scream. He had jumped branches, his arms pinning you in as he kept his fingers over your mouth while you cried silent tears. His eyes were panicked as you grabbed his arm with bloody fingers from where you touched your leg.
“Oh, my God,” You whimpered into his hand as you squeezed your eyes shut in shock. You could hear Barry and Rafe rustling beneath you as they continued to argue. JJ shook his head, his other hand moving to your left hip to keep you against the tree so you wouldn’t lose balance but could take the weight off your injury.
“I’ve got you, okay?” He whispered softly as you nodded. “I’m not gonna let you fall. Once we get you out of here, everything’s gonna be fine.” You let your head fall back against his shoulder before he removed his hand from your mouth, now going to put pressure on the wound in your leg. The bullet hadn’t buried itself, instead skimming deep enough through your skin but blood was spilling everywhere.
Once silence came from Barry and Rafe’s departure, your brother moved first. “Holy shit, Y/N.” John B moved around the branches to hover near you and JJ as close as possible. “What do we do?”
“Get her out of the tree,” Sarah directed as she already started climbing down. “Come on, hurry!”
John B jumped out first, his eyes scanning for the easiest way to move you around. “Okay, okay. JJ, you gotta move her to the right and help her sit. Then you can move down a branch and pick her up and I’ll grab her okay?”
“Stop!” You screamed as JJ started to pull you with him. “Shit, okay. It hurts. It hurts so much, why does it hurt so much? Please, I just want it to stop.”
“Y/N. Y/N, baby, look at me.” JJ’s beautiful eyes were full of tears when you made eye contact with him. “I know it hurts, okay, but I promised you I was going to get you out of here, and I don’t break promises. You gotta help me though. We’re gonna figure it out. You trust me?”
You nodded, squeezing his wrist tightly in your hand as you bit down on your lip. “I trust you, J.”
He gave an appreciative nod before adjusting his position slightly so you could lean on him a little. “You help me out here and I promise, as soon as we get you all fixed up, I’m taking you on a date, you hear me?”
“A date?” You laughed before hissing as you bent your good leg in order to sit down on the main trunk of the tree. “Shit, JJ, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you had feelings for me.”
His face popped in front of yours as he stepped onto the branch below you. “I am helplessly in love with you.”
You had dreamed many times of what it would sound like when JJ Maybank said he loved you, but you never imagined it would be like this. It wasn’t supposed to happen with a bullet wound and climbing out of a tree, but it still felt like everything you ever imagined it to.
“Okay, lovebirds, we have a bleeding leg to deal with let’s move this along!” John B was very clearly panicked as he stood with his arms outreached, ready to lift you down. JJ nodded and stood up to place one of your arms around his shoulders as the other wrapped around your waist.
“I’m gonna pick you up, okay? Ready?” You barely nodded before JJ was shifting your weight. You cried out, digging your cheek into his shoulder as he lifted you down to the lower branch and into your brother’s arms.
“Shit, bubs,” John B whispered as he set you down in one of the lawn chairs. “Okay, okay. The doctor in Nassau told me that Sarah's surgery wouldn’t have been so bad if the bullet didn’t get stuck. So since this is just a skim, do you think we could fix it here?”
“Fix it here?” JJ repeated. “John B, I love you man, I really do, but I’m not letting your sister bleed out here, okay? I’ll take her to the hospital. You guys stay here. Shut everything down and hide inside. I’ll come back as soon as possible, okay?”
Sarah was on her knees next to you as she surveyed the wound. She mustered a reassuring smile and grabbed your hand tightly in support before addressing the boys, “You guys, you have to put pressure on this.”
“Here, here.” John B was pulling his bandana off and handing it over before you could blink. You took a deep breath as Sarah tied the ratty piece of fabric around your leg as tight as possible. “Y/N? Talk to me.”
“Fucking hurts,” You hissed as you let your head fall back. “I’m really tired, JB. Can I just go to the hospital in the morning?” The adrenaline was wearing off fast and the pain in your leg was starting to consume you.
“No, no, no,” JJ’s hands were tapping your face instantly. “Y/N? Y/N, come on. Just open your eyes for me, babe.”
A goofy smile formed on your face as you blinked through pain-filled tears to look at him. “I love you too, J. Just in case you didn’t know.”
“Y/N Routledge, you close your eyes on me and you’re grounded forever!” John B choked out as he continued to put pressure on your leg. “You hear me? I just got you back, I’m not about to lose you.”
“JJ, if you’re taking her, you have to go now,” Sarah directed, “She’s gonna lose too much blood if we keep her here.”
The blond boy gave a teary nod and let go of your cheeks to place his arms around your body and scooped you up from the chair. He ignored your painful whines as best as possible while John B ran to open Luke’s truck door. Once you were situated, JJ was sprinting towards the driver’s seat.
John B waited near your open window, tears falling down his face as he clutched your hand tightly. “J.” He looked at his best friend. “You promise to take care of her for me?”
JJ didn’t hesitate. “With my life.”
And then the truck sped down the road.
John B didn’t sleep. He was up, tossing and turning, his thoughts plagued by the fact that he could lose you: the only blood family he had left. He knew the wound probably wasn’t life threatening, but the panic didn’t dissolve from the sight of your pain filled face and tears.
“John B?” JJ’s voice whispered through the house. John B was out of bed in a split second and probably woke Sarah up in the process but he couldn’t bring himself to think on it too much.
The crutches under your arms dug in a little too painfully as you hobbled in the house and flopped on the couch. John B was by your side instantly as Sarah shuffled out from the doorway of the bedroom still half asleep.
“Hey, hi,” Your brother spoke quietly as he brushed hair back from your forehead. “You okay?”
You nodded and shoved his hand away as you buried your head in the soft pillow. “M’fine. You worry too much. Miss Lana helped. She said just take it easy. Gave me some meds.”
John B nodded before looking to JJ for more of a coherent explanation. The blond boy pointed towards the large bandage wrapped around your thigh. “Gotta clean it and change it every so often. Miss Lana said she’d keep it under wraps and not to worry about paying her after everything that happened. She’ll be fine, she’s just gotta rest.”
You rolled your eyes and flipped him off. “Rest my ass. We can’t stay here, not when Rafe and Barry know you’re back. We gotta move. As soon as Kie and Pope come back, wake me up and we’re leaving. Until then, nobody talk to me, I’m taking a nap.”
John B smiled softly at your attitude. He couldn’t bring himself to criticize your behavior, the relief of both of you being home safely was enough to make up for all of it. “Same old Y/N.”
JJ leaned down to kiss your forehead before covering you with a comfy blanket, watching as you curled up and fell asleep almost instantly. “Same old Y/N for sure.”
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obxsummer · 3 years
Wake // The Pogues
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pogues x routledge!reader, hints at jj x reader
warnings: s2 ep 10 spoilers, gunshot wounds, cursing, blood
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
summary: after jj wakes up in a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean, it's clear to the pogues that one person isn't on board with them: you.
When your brother was freed from prison, you thought everything was done and over with. Life was supposed to go back to normal, or somewhat normal. You were supposed to surf with your friends, skip school, work a low-paying job, and just have fun until you all figured it out. It wasn’t supposed to turn into a mad dash for a golden cross, or for Sarah to be taken straight from your group by her step-mom. Most importantly, Ward Cameron was supposed to be dead.
Your friends were in charge of various tasks across the boat, but everything went to shit within five minutes. You were originally helping Pope steer the cross clear towards the side of the boat but when gunshots went off, it was clear to abort the mission. You watched Pope and Cleo bail into the side of the water with a few shouts. Taking off, you sprinted towards the edge of the boat with the intention to follow them until an arm wrapped around your neck, choking you to a stop.
“You don’t get to win every time!” Rafe shouted in your ear, his hand struggling to hold the rope that the cross was attached to. “Grab the rope, Y/N.”
You bit his arm in retaliation, causing him to lose his grip on you temporarily before he grabbed the rope with both hands. His feet swiped your ankles causing your body to collide with the harsh floor with a bang. You groaned, feeling your shoulder ache with the motion. “Asshole,” You grumbled as you struggled to get to your feet. Other crew members were latching onto the rope Rafe had been holding as they attempted to pull the cross back on board. You couldn’t even care at that point as your mind was set on finding your brother and friends before getting the hell out of here.
Clambering away from Rafe, you moved to the other side of the boat and pulled yourself up on the railing with a huff. Your shoes slipped on the metal as you made your way to the top to jump into the water beneath you. In your peripheral, you could see John B and your friends pulling Kie and JJ into the boat. “Guys!” You shouted to grab their attention as you stepped onto the other side of the railing closest to the water. The sound of your voice was overtaken by a loud bang. Pain embedded in your arm as the bullet entered your skin, Rafe the cause of the newest scar on your body. The force was enough to cause you to lose your balance and tumble into the raging ocean beneath you before darkness spread across your vision.
John B was freaking out. After pulling Pope and Cleo in the boat, he moved to find JJ and Kie in hopes that you would be with them. He could hear Kiara’s voice calling for help over the sound of water rushing in his ears.
“JJ!” The name echoed from every person in view at the sight of the unconscious boy in Kiara’s arms. Pope was the first to move, arms reaching for Kiara as John B pulled JJ’s limp body on the lifeboat.
“Shit,” John B mumbled at the sight of his best friend unconscious.
“JJ, wake up!” Kiara cried as she shook him slightly. “Please, wake up! J!”
The minutes felt like hours before JJ moved and started coughing up the water in his throat. Everyone let out a sigh of relief, giving encouraging comments as the blond looked around lazily. “Where’s Y/N?”
John B’s smile of relief disappeared at the question as a heavy feeling settled in his chest. He had been so caught up in the panic of JJ being hurt that he didn’t process you being in the boat. “She wasn’t with you?”
“No, she-”
The sound of a gunshot broke the sentence as everyone turned to see your form fall from the side of the boat at the noise. “Y/N!” John B’s voice cracked with the force of his scream before he yanked the boat in your direction. He wasn’t thinking before he dove in the water, his friends shouting in concern at him going back in the water but his mind was only on you.
John B’s hand circled your wrist once he found you in the murky water. His legs burned with each kick as he pushed the two of you back to the surface. John B adjusted you into Kiara and Pope’s hold as soon as he got close enough. “Don’t pull on her arm!” He warned before both of them adjusted their grip and moved you into the boat. John B grabbed Sarah’s waiting hand before climbing back in himself before his attention was on you.
“Oh, my God,” Sarah gasped behind him at the sight of your bleeding shoulder. John B was moving too quickly to take a second to process what the hell was going on. Cleo took over driving, steering the lifeboat further away from the large vessel behind them towards somewhere hopefully safer.
Kiara pulled off her t-shirt, ripping it into smaller pieces so Pope could adjust them and tie them tightly against your broken skin. “It’s a deep graze,” He observed as he sat back against the side of the boat. “There should be a first aid kit. It’ll get infected fast.”
John B was deaf to Pope’s directions as he cradled your head in his hands. “Y/N, wake up,” His voice wavered as tears formed in his eyes. “Wake up, you have to wake up for me, baby bird. Please.” The salty droplets escaped his eyes, a few landing on your bare skin as he cried. His hand gripped yours tightly as he squeezed. John B was tired of fearing death for every person he loved. He was tired of this cycle of concern and mourning and loss again and again.
“Y/N, please!” He tapped your cheek gently, feeling everyone’s eyes on the two of you as he tried to coax you from your shocked slumber.
Relief flooded his system as your fingers squeezed around his and you started coughing to free your lungs of water. He twisted your frame slightly so you didn’t swallow more water before you opened your eyes to look at him. “About time you cried over me.”
John B laughed and wiped the remaining tears from his eyes as JJ helped you sit up. You hissed at the movement of your arm, eyes observing the red dyed fabric tied around your skin. With a groan, you let your head fall back onto JJ as you closed your eyes. “I don’t know about you guys, but I could use a fucking nap.”
Sarah raised her hand in the air. “Preach!” Your group fell into a fit of post-stress laughter before everyone slumped in their spots at the adrenaline crash. Cleo continued to direct your boat towards the nearest island in view as Pope settled beside her. JJ and John B refused to let go of you, both boys letting you adjust around them so you could be comfortable. You were leaning on JJ’s chest while your legs settled across your brother’s.
“Thanks for saving me,” You whispered to John B as JJ slowly braided your hair to calm himself down.
Your brother rolled his eyes at you before flicking you lightly. “Not gonna lie, I thought about just leaving you there. Less of a pain in my ass.”
“He’s lying,” Sarah interrupted from her spot across from him. Her eyes were closed but she had been listening to every word. “He jumped without even taking a second to breathe.”
“Busted,” You joked lightly as you flicked him back. “Seriously, JB. Thanks.”
Your brother gave you a tight lipped smile and nodded. “It’s what I’m here for, kiddo.”
A content smile formed on your lips as JJ stopped playing with your hair so you could fully lean back against him. You had been fighting sleep for a while but with the calming motion on your hair and the warmth of the sun on your skin, you wouldn’t last much longer.
“Wake me up when we get to Poguelandia,” You mumbled to JJ as you pulled his arms around your waist to keep you warm.
“Poguelandia,” He snorted at the nickname but nodded nonetheless. “Poguelandia here we come.”
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obxsummer · 3 years
Bend the Rules // JJ Maybank
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jj maybank x kook!reader
summary: being a kook isn't as nice as it seems and jj's tired of watching you crumble every morning at the words of your parents. enough is enough in his book, and he's determined to get you away from that life if it's the last thing he does.
warnings: cursing, verbally abusive parents
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
Being a Kook wasn’t as easy as it seemed. Sure, your family was rich and you had a lot of nice things but that didn’t mean your life wasn’t hard. Your parents expected a lot from you. They had dreams of you going off to a private university, marrying some rich kid and you’d never work a day in your life. Now, that would be great, however, if you weren’t already in love with someone else. Not to mention, you were tired of your parents making every decision for you. You never had a moment to breathe without them watching.
All of that disappeared the moment you met JJ Maybank.
You had gone to one of the infamous keggers and from the second you started talking with him, it was game over. JJ brought the adventure and adrenaline you craved away from your home life. Your parents hated him, of course, but JJ wasn’t one to let someone tell him what to do, especially when it came to you. He has slowly watched you begin to come out of your shell and settle in as you became more comfortable with who you were. That, he loved more than anything and he wasn’t about to let someone change that for you.
“Babes…” Your voice was soft as you laid curled up on JJ's side. The two of you had spent the night together at John B’s with your friends, but nothing beat moments like this with your boy. He groaned, annoyed that you were trying to wake him from his sleep as he tugged you closer and kept his eyes shut. You smiled, stifling a laugh as you twisted in his grip to grab your phone off the nightstand where it had been charging. The smile on your face disappeared in seconds as you read through the overwhelming amount of messages from both of your parents about your location and what you needed to do today.
“Quit that.” JJ’s morning voice was rough on your neck as you continued to scroll through the texts. His eyes were still closed, but he knew exactly what you were doing anyway. You did the same exact thing every morning when you were with him, and it broke his heart to see your day crumble at the start from the harsh words on the screen. “Babe, seriously, put it down.”
“Sorry,” You apologized with a deep breath but you didn’t stop scrolling through them against his wishes. You hated this as much as JJ did, but over the years you had become conditioned to what your parents wanted. It wasn’t new to you anymore. “I can’t stay long, Mom wants me at lunch with the Thorntons.”
You twisted to climb out from under the covers and move to the bathroom to get ready for the day as JJ burst into a bubble of complaints on the bed at the lack of your presence. You knew it upset him to see you go through this, and you hated every bit of it too, but they were your parents and you owed them for what you had. It was only fair, they would say.
The reflection in the mirror was nowhere close to what your mom would want, you knew that instantly. With a sigh, you exited back into the bedroom where JJ was sitting on the bed with your phone in hand as he scrolled through the messages your parents had sent. He looked up at the creak of the door to see you had entered. He held your phone up higher. “You’re seriously just going to let them talk to you like this?”
You shrugged and pulled your shoes on. “You know how they are, J,” You mumbled in a half-assed defense. You were tired of brushing off their behavior too but they were still your parents at the end of the day, you just hated that the relationship was like this. It was an endless battle of back and forth. The few times you did stand up for yourself ended with not seeing JJ for days to weeks and you couldn’t keep putting him through that at your fault.
Lunch with the Thorntons wasn’t the worst thing ever, minus Topper bitching nonstop about how Sarah chose John B over him. You were tired of listening to him bad mouth your friend, but eventually he would stop when his mom gave him a stern look. The country club was slowly crowding throughout the afternoon but your mind was only on JJ and if he was out surfing with the rest of the Pogues with the warm sun on his bare back.
“Y/N, are you even listening to Topper’s story?” Your mom’s voice was harsh as she snapped you back to reality. You had zoned out, reminiscing on the fun from last night that you were craving so badly to pull you out of your head.
You looked up to her sharp glare and nodded. “Sorry, Top,” You mumbled as she continued to eyeball you. The blond boy next to you gave you a sympathetic look, his foot gently nudging yours. Nobody in the OBX was a stranger to your parents, but even your Kook friends felt sympathy for you. Topper and Sarah always did their best to help you when you were around their families, but sometimes nobody could stop your mom’s snappy comments.
“Topper, would you be interested in taking Y/N to the Winter Solstice Dance?” Your mom’s comment had your heart sinking in your chest.
“Mom, I was going to ask JJ if he would come,” You disagreed as you began to slowly panic. Winter Solstice was the Midsummer’s of December. You had always gone to hide with Sarah to waste the time away, but your parents had never insisted that you go with someone else.
Your mom scoffed at your boyfriend’s name. “Honey, Winter Solstice is no place for a Pogue like JJ, you know that. I’m sure Topper would be a lovely acquaintance for the night and would treat you much better than that troublemaker could.”
“He’s not a troublemaker, Mom,” You tried to defend JJ as best as possible. “He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
She laughed at the response and waved you off. “I know what’s best for you dear, and a Maybank is certainly not it.”
Eventually, your mom dismissed you to go for a walk with Topper, claiming your attitude was “distasteful” and that you were killing the mood, so you left without another word. Topper was always great company for you considering you two had been friends for years and he wasn’t opposed to getting away from the Mom Talk of the afternoon.
“Look, if you want me to lie for you at Solstice, I can,” He offered as you two walked on the beach surrounding the Island Club. His hands were tucked in his pockets, eyes scanning the water before he looked back at you.
You shook your head slowly. “It’s okay, Top. I just hate hiding JJ like this. No offense, but I want to go with him. Winter Solstice used to be my favorite event of the year and I feel like she’s taking that from me too.”
“So take JJ,” He stated but then recovered the blunt statement. “No, I mean you and I can act like everything’s going to your mom’s plan and then at the last second, you bring JJ in.”
You paused your walking to stop and look at him. “You’d do that for me?”
Topper laughed, “Y/N, you’ve sat under your mom’s hands for the entirety of your life. Why not take something back, just for once? For you?”
He was far from wrong. In fact, it was the most factual statement you had heard in years and it struck you deep. This was something you could take back for you, for JJ, and you could do it in the most public way possible.
“You literally don’t know how much this meant so to me.” Moving forward, you wrapped Topper in a tight hug as tears burned your eyes. You had waited so long for an opportunity like this to slip into your hand and you were so grateful that one of your friends, a Kook friend nonetheless, was willing to help you stand up to your parents.
Topper returned the gesture, squeezing you tightly. “It’s really not a problem, Y/N/N. Now, call JJ and tell him he better not fuck this up because I’m not getting embarrased by a Pogue.”
JJ swore he’d never agree to Kook terms in his life, but for once he was pleasantly surprised by Topper’s generosity to help you for the night. You had begged him to just follow it through, knowing that JJ would disagree as soon as he knew a Kook was involved. It hadn’t taken much convincing though, especially when JJ realized the gravity this opportunity would have against your parents’ control.
You were finishing up last minute touches to your hair when Topper knocked on your door frame. “Ready?” He asked as he leaned against the wall.
You stepped out of your bathroom to meet his gaze. The light blue of your outfit fit well with his black tux but you knew JJ had borrowed John B’s navy suit and that would look even better for your moment. You gave Topper a small smile before slipping your feet into your shoes.
“You look incredible, Y/N,” He complimented as he blinked in surprise. Topper had seen you dressed to the nines before but it had never been like this. You had gone all out, knowing this would be your entrance with JJ, and that meant so much to you.
“Same to you,” You returned before turning your lights off and walking towards him. Your heart was racing with nerves at the idea of this actually working perfectly. Topper offered his arm to you before the two of you stepped down the stairs where your parents were eagerly awaiting pictures.
When you climbed in Topper’s Porsche, you let out a sigh of relief. The two of you were riding separately, claiming you wanted some time together before the big event which only brought a bigger smile to your mom’s face, but you refused to let it bring down the mood.
“JJ’s here?” Topper confirmed once you pulled up to the Island Club. He parked near the back door, knowing that’s where you two would walk in undetected.
You nodded. “John B’s here with Sarah, and Kie’s got Pope so he came with them. They’re the only other ones who know.”
Topper reached over and squeezed your shoulder. “Let’s do this then.”
The brisk December air was cool on your skin as the two of you climbed out and made your way to the back door where Kie would be waiting to let you in. The party had barely begun, with important individuals making their announcements before everyone would enter. You and Topper had driven the long way, giving your parents time to get ahead of you so they would arrive first.
“There you are!” Kie’s voice was hushed as you and Topper walked through the door. You rolled your eyes at her worrying before flipping her off. Eyes moved quickly before you found JJ looking right at you with literal heart eyes. You practically jumped into his arms, nerves dissolving at his warm, loving touch. The two of you stood there for a moment amongst the chaos before letting go.
JJ leaned forward, pressing a rushed kiss to your lips. He was nervous himself, but he was so proud of you for taking this step. “You ready?”
You nodded. “Thank you for coming,” You whispered as you kissed him again. There was nothing but comfort in JJ’s presence and you were so happy that you were about to do this with him.
“Hey,” Topper tugged your sleeve lightly to grab your attention as you turned to face him. “Have fun, please. Seriously.” You gave him a smile and nodded, whispering a thank you before he stepped aside to lean against the wall.
As Sarah and John B walked together to the awaiting crowd, you squeezed JJ’s hand tightly. “You sure you wanna do this with me?” You asked, fearful he may not want the backlash that was lingering outside those doors.
JJ turned towards you, gently placing his hands on your cheeks as he kissed your forehead. “Y/N, baby, for once in your life, do what you want. Be selfish. Don’t worry about me, okay? We’re doing this for you.” His arms were so warm as they wrapped around your waist, tugging you into the comfort of his chest to hug you tightly. “I can’t wait to see the look on their faces.”
“Me too,” You giggled and stepped out of his grasp to loop your arm through his as the two of you faced the open doors. “Let’s do this.” The yard of the Island Club was lit up with lights and decorations as usual, heaters spread out appropriately to combat the cool air. Your eyes found Sarah and John B first, the former giving you a thumbs up with an encouraging smile before you and JJ broke the threshold that was hiding you away.
Your mom’s expression was unmissable. In fact, the glass in her hand hit the concrete beneath her, shattering into tiny shards as her mouth dropped. Your dad on the other hand turned very stoic. His jaw tightened, eyes sharp as he locked eyes with you. He didn’t blink at the crash of glass, instead watching your moves intensely as JJ took the lead down the stairs.
You settled in next to your friends in the crowd, unable to break the smile off your face as you held JJ’s hand tightly in yours. John B placed his arms around both of your necks as he pulled your group closer. “See, not so bad, huh?” He joked as he squeezed you two tightly. Sarah came back at the precise moment, a tray of champagne glasses in her hand that she no doubt swayed a worker for. You each grabbed your own glass, shaking your heads at her antics before John B spoke up again. “To Y/N and JJ!”
With a laugh you clinked your glass with the boy next to you, unable to keep the smile off your face. “To Y/N and JJ!”
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obxsummer · 3 years
Careful for Me // JJ Maybank
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jj maybank x reader
warnings: season 2 episode 5 spoilers, cursing, angst
summary below cut to avoid spoiling
a/n: i added a spin to this because i can't write a piece without angst apparently whoops
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
request: "I like being wanted." "You should NOT like be wanted by the police!" with JJ 💀💀 this would be great during the part where he steals the ambulance and the others go to get him and y/n’s smacking him in the backseat
JJ had done a lot of stupid shit in his life. Everyone knew that. It’s what he was known for around Kildare. Having him as a boyfriend always kept you on your toes, that was for certain. You were used to him breaking things, blowing things up, causing chaos, and literally nothing surprises you from him anymore. While JJ could piss you off sometimes, you loved the adrenaline rush that came from being with him. He brought you so much happiness and laughter every second you spent together.
You, Kie, and Pope were hanging at the Chateau, celebrating Pope’s recovery of the key to the Island Room. You were on a buzz of excitement. You couldn’t believe there was a chance you guys could figure out this puzzle and possibly recover a treasure.
“I say we have a celebratory toast!” Pope said as he walked towards the fridge. You nodded in agreement and grabbed your phone as Kie turned the lights back on. You had tried so hard to stay positive, especially with John B in prison, but you worried JJ wouldn’t be able to handle the idea of his best friend being somewhere he didn’t deserve.
Your boyfriend’s name was on your phone screen, multiple messages attached to it. Your heart sank at three letters.
“Shit!” You shouted as you were on your feet in a second. “Kie, I need you to drive, now! JJ’s in trouble.”
“Okay, okay. Pope, let’s go!” Your best friend ran in chaotic circles to grab her keys and sprint out the door. You clambered in the back seat, letting Pope take co-pilot. “What happened?” She asked as she floored it out of the Chateau driveway.
You couldn’t get your fingers to stop shaking enough to send a text to JJ in response. Your adrenaline was pumping and you feared you wouldn’t be able to bay off a panic attack until you got to your boyfriend. “You know how JJ faked appendicitis that one time?”
“During the math test, yeah,” Pope answered.
“Well, he told John B to try it and JJ was going to borrow his cousin’s ambulance and-”
“Y/N, breathe,” Kie directed as she turned a corner. You had started talking way too fast out of anxiousness and it was nearly impossible to understand what you were saying.
You took a deep breath and pulled the hood up on JJ’s hoodie that was on your body. “JJ’s in the back of an ambulance with someone who isn’t John B and the cops know he’s not a real paramedic. He’s at 23rd and Main. We have to stop them so he can buy time to get out.”
Kie and Pope were silent for a moment before they spoke up at the same time, “What?!”
You pressed JJ’s sleeve against your face and tried to calm down with the scent of his clothes. You sniffled, wiping away the sudden tears. “We have to get to him, you guys. I can’t lose JJ and John B in the same week.”
You had taken John B’s imprisonment really hard. The two of you had been thick as thieves as kids, and you had been there to mourn Big John every second John B needed you. He was like your big brother, always stepping in when you needed him and looking out for you. You were silently crumbling and losing both of your boys would definitely be the last straw in your cracking walls.
“We’ll find him, Y/N,” Kie’s voice was quiet amongst the anxious tension in the car. You nodded even though she couldn’t see you in the darkness of the car. Pulling your knees to your chest, you tucked your body between the seat and the car door as you tried to calm your racing nerves.
“There they are!” Pope pointed to where a large group of flashing lights was racing around the corner. “Kie!”
“I see them, I see them!” She said as she pushed the pedal down further, willing the car to speed up. Right when she hit the intersection, she slammed on the breaks, launching you forward in your seats as the ambulance stopped short from hitting you. “Sorry!” Kiara called unapologetically as she rolled the window down. “I’m so sorry!”
“Move! Get your car out of the road!” The officer in the ambulance shouted as he waved urgently. Your eyes glanced over to see a figure in white take off from behind the bumper of the ambulance. You sat up straighter once you pieced together that JJ was actually getting away.
“Sorry, she just got her license,” Pope lied as the officer continued to yell at you guys. Kie gave a short wave before moving through the intersection and into the adjacent neighborhood where JJ had taken off running. She drove slower as you waited for JJ to come through the clearing. You rolled down the window in hopes of seeing the yards better. Once JJ’s form broke through the tree line, you let out a sigh of relief. You pushed the car door open before sliding across the seat to the other side so JJ could scramble in.
“Go, go, go!” He shouted as he slammed the door shut behind him. Once Kie was a comfortable distance away from where she had left the ambulance, JJ let out a groan and sank into the seat at an uncomfortable angle.
“I’m seriously not even gonna ask,” Kie commented as she continued to drive.
JJ raised his hands innocently. “Look, I busted the wrong guy out of jail, sue me.”
“Why are you always doing such stupid shit?” Pope asked as he turned to look at the boy next to you.
“I like being wanted,” JJ responded simply with a shrug.
You looked at your boyfriend like he grew another eye. “You should not be wanted by the cops!” You reached over and smacked his arm lightly. “God, JJ do you understand how worried I was?” You continued to hit him again and again as you let out your stress and worry in a kind, loving manner.
“I’m gonna end up in jail anyway so, so why does it matter?” JJ asked as he ignored you and leaned his head back against the headrest. He hadn’t had the best night, but now he was even more disappointed in himself that John B was still in prison and there was nothing he could do.
You shared a glance with Kiara in the rearview mirror. Turning towards JJ, your hand hovered from where you went to smack his knee but instead, you placed it down gently on his warm skin. “J, you okay?” He nodded silently, taking your hand in his. The ride was relatively quiet all the way back to the Chateau.
JJ broke away as soon as the car stopped to go in and shower. Pope followed in after him, mumbling something about being too tired for this kinda shit. Kie hung back, her hand resting on your shoulder. “Are you gonna be okay?”
You nodded and rubbed your face with your hands before pulling JJ's hoodie sleeves down further. “I'm just… worried, about JJ, about John B. It’s just…” You let out a deep breath before looking back at her. “I’ll be fine, promise.”
Realizing you didn’t want to talk much, she gave you a smile and nodded before going inside. You glanced at the door in case anyone decided to make a sudden appearance but once you realized you were in the clear, you made your way towards the hammock and plopped down. Looking out over the water, you could hear the crickets having a field day in the surrounding trees.
A stray tear or two dripped down your cheek as the stress from the day set in. You were the worrier of the Pogues, that was for certain. You always looked out for everyone else, hence the reason you took such a kick when John B was arrested. It was your job to look out for your friends, to make sure everyone was okay. You felt like you constantly had to have eyes on JJ, and as much as you loved him, you needed to know he would be okay if you weren’t around one day.
“Sweetheart?” You glanced over your shoulder to see JJ standing on the steps of the Chateau. He was out of the ridiculous paramedic uniform and instead in a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt. You turned around and quickly wiped the tears from your eyes, refusing to let him know you were upset.
Leaves crunched under JJ’s shoes as he approached you. He walked around the side of the hammock to sit next to you. “Look at me, please.” His hand gently touched your cheek, forcing you to look over at him. You quickly dropped your gaze so you didn’t make eye contact with him. “Baby, I’m sorry,” He mumbled. “I wasn’t thinking right, I just wanted to get John B back because he doesn’t deserve to be there. It’s not his fault.”
“I know, J, I want him back too. But I can’t lose you in the process.” You looked up at him, letting him see the tears in your eyes for the first time that night. You could see the guilt in his eyes weigh heavier as he looked away. “JJ, John B is in jail… and I know it’s not right, and I’m not happy about it either. I’m really struggling with the thought of what he’s going through, but I need to know that you can handle yourself if I’m not there. You can’t be going around stealing ambulances and trying to break him out of prison because if you get caught then…” You trailed off as you shook your head slightly. “You have to be careful, if not for yourself, then be careful for me, because I can’t lose you both, okay? I can’t lose you.”
JJ wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest as you sobbed. He felt awful. Sometimes he gets too far ahead of himself and it all gets projected on you. He knew he was reckless, and out of control at moments, but JJ always, always thought of you in the highest form. He loved you, you were his everything, and sometimes, he just needed a check on how grateful he was of you. “I’m so sorry, baby,” He whispered as he pressed a kiss on your temple. “I didn’t think far enough ahead, I just want him home safe, with us. Here.”
You nodded in agreement. “Me too, J. But we can’t risk ourselves and what we know to get him out. We have to trust the process, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah okay.” He hummed quietly, his fingers playing with the cuff of your sleeve. Sometimes, JJ reminded himself, someone needed to take care of you. You worked so hard to make sure everyone else was okay that you rarely took a second to make sure you were okay yourself, and it was his responsibility to watch you. He forgot that, he knew now, seeing you so upset over the events of the week. You needed him as much as he needed you.
You looked up at him, fingers dancing along his jawline. You gently kissed his cheek before moving to his nose and forehead then ending with a long kiss on his lips. “Just so you know, I’ll always want you. Every bit of you. So, let’s not be wanted by the police, okay?”
JJ laughed, the smile on his face making you grin. “Yeah, yeah. I can do that.”
The two of you ended your night under the stars, with you wrapped in JJ’s arms and him endlessly in love with you.
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obxsummer · 3 years
Without You // JJ Maybank
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jj maybank x sister!reader
warnings: serious injuries, car accident, john b getting bit by an alligator lol, ANGST BABY WOOO MY FAV
summary: while in the middle of a pogue argument, jj's thrown back to the moment he almost lost you forever.
part of #obx2celebration
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The high pitched ringing in your ears was piercing your aching head. You could feel glass crunch in your fingers as you tried to move. Something pushed against your neck, bruising your collarbone. You finally willed your eyes to open, taking in as deep of a breath as you could. Your sight was blurry as you blinked everything into focus. The first thing you processed was the shattered windshield which was the cause of the glass surrounding you. The second was the fact that you were being pulled down towards the roof of the truck. Upside down, you noted in your head. You gasped as you shifted your arm towards the seatbelt buckle.
The sound of sirens was slowly getting closer once the ringing in your ears slowed. You could see blood, so much blood from somewhere you didn’t know. JJ was going to lose his shit. You were royally fucked. You couldn’t afford a hospital bill, or an insurance bill to fix a totaled truck.
You screamed when the seatbelt released, sending your battered body against the dashboard with a thunk. With a hiss, you attempted to adjust your position so the steering wheel wasn’t pressing into your bruised ribs. The airbags were in your face, choking you with the uncomfortable scent. “Shit,” You cried as you tried to open the door but the pain in your side stopped you. “Help!” Voice cracking, the tears threatened to break loose as you screamed for someone, anyone to help you. “Please help!”
“Don’t move, we’re going to get you out.”
You passed out after the first responders arrived. The shock of the whole situation was overwhelming. When you woke up, JJ was by your side with a discarded box of chicken wings next to him. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight before you gently nudged your brother awake.
“Hmm?” JJ’s eyes were glossy as he was shaken from slumber. It took him a moment to process before he was scrambling to grab your hand. “You’re awake!”
“Can’t get rid of me that easy, J.”
Ever since that day, JJ had kept an eye on you. He never said it outloud, but that day, finding the truck like that with you in it, terrified the shit out of him. He would never be able to get the image out of his mind. You had looked so broken and beat when they finally pulled you from the truck, and he couldn’t help but blame himself. He had pushed you to get the job at the Island Club, to help support the two of you through whatever came your way. You had been coming back from a shift, a shift he insisted on in the pouring down rain of Hurricane Agatha. JJ had almost lost you, because of himself.
He remembered hearing the noise of the tires spinning, the crunch of metal so close. It scared the shit out of him so bad that he grabbed a bat from under his bed and crept out of the house. He remembers the adrenaline, the panic flowing through his body at the sight of his dad’s truck, the truck you were driving, turned to a heap of metal around the base of a tree. The road was covered in water, but the storm was only starting and JJ knew if he didn’t get you out now, there was a possibility you would die without help.
He hated the waiting. The waiting for the ambulance, the waiting until you got to the hospital, the waiting for you to wake up. He was there every second, every tear. He listened to you cry, talked through your nightmares and PTSD every time you climbed in the van with your friends. You were terrified, and rightfully so. JJ felt horrible knowing if he hadn’t suggested you get a job, you wouldn’t have ever been in that situation.
The two of you had just shipped your dad off to sea, hopefully to never return. JJ was on the brink of losing his calm. He had been so worried, stressed, and just overwhelmed these past few weeks. He couldn’t believe his best friend was alive, sitting here on top of the Twinkie in front of him. Everything seemed fake, like it would disappear tomorrow if he didn't get a good grip on it now.
“Shut up!” JJ’s voice echoed around the empty, swampy area as everyone snapped to a silence. “Seriously, guys, I can’t take it anymore, all right? Everyone just cut it out for a second.”
You stood silently in the bed of Mr. Carrera’s truck as you watched your brother pace. You had been in a bad mood since you saw your dad, something about the sight of him sucking any happiness from you. You didn’t want pity, you had been so sick of pity ever since you woke up in that hospital bed with scars that would last a lifetime. You lived with a pile of guilt nobody ever knew about. The issues that stemmed from that accident, the costs, the articles, the arguments, you felt the blame for all of it. Sitting here watching everyone argue, you wondered if anything would ever look up for you ever again.
“Look, I just helped my dad leave this island for good. Like, he’s not ever coming back. He’s straight up like the Spanish. Just, bon voyage. All we got… I know for a fact all I got is you guys, okay? You’re it. And I’ve come too close to losing you, all of you.” He spun to face Kiara who was standing to his left. “I mean, shit, like you almost drowned. Pope, you were kidnapped. Sarah, you’ve been shot. John B, you were almost dinner for a freaking gator, bro. And Y/N-”
You had seen JJ cry twice in your entire life. The first, was the day you woke up in the hospital. He cried watching you struggle to move, he cried watching you in pain from an accident that you blame yourself for. The second time was the day John B disappeared in the ocean. Staring at your brother right now, you knew you’d be adding to the list.
“Y/N…” He repeated with a sniffle as he moved his hand up towards you. “I can’t ever forget watching your body get pulled from that truck. I won’t ever forget the pain you were in, how hurt you were, and shit, you still blame yourself for something that was an accident. This blaming each other is some Kook-ass bullshit, alright? We don’t do that, okay? We’re Pogues. Sorry, that was a lot right now. I didn’t mean to…”
With a sly smirk on his face, you watched as John B and Pope started to clap. Furthering your brother’s embarrassment, you, Kiara, and Sarah joined in.
“Well done,” Pope commented.
“I gotta be honest that was the best freaking speech you have ever given,” John B continued to joke. “Also, you should think about like a Rosetta Stone because your Spanish and French are flip-flopped.”
JJ lovinging flipped your group off as Sarah mentioned ‘bon voyaging out of here’. With a snort, you handed the supplies to Kie before climbing slowly out of the truck bed. Despite it being about a month or so since Agatha’s run, your deeper injuries were still healing and JJ would burst a blood vessel if anything got worse.
“Hey,” You mumbled as you grabbed your brother’s jacket hood to focus his attention on you as everyone started to shuffle off the Twinkie. “Bitchass, why are you getting so sappy on me?”
JJ didn’t answer and instead, reached forward to grab your arm and flip it forearm up so you could see the still healing gash. It had been the deepest of cuts from the glass which would for sure scar. “Just don’t wanna ever feel that helpless to losing someone ever again. Especially you, okay? So watch your shit, bitchass.”
You punched his shoulder lightly before pulling your brother into a tight hug. “You shouldn’t blame yourself, you know? I don’t blame you for any of it. It never once crossed my mind.”
“Take your own advice,” JJ mumbled as he ruffled your hair and let out a deep breath. “It’s what it was, Y/N. An accident. We shouldn’t treat it like anything else.”
You laughed as you pulled away from him. “Alright, we’re getting too philosophical for my liking. I want my dumbass brother back so we can get this damn Twinkie out of the water.”
JJ watched you move towards the rest of your friends who were back on the ground. Switching spots with Pope, you helped John B hobble to lean against the truck before going to assist Kie. JJ knew a lot of things were up in the air, especially now that your dad left. The two of you were on new ground with no idea how to handle the things coming your way, but JJ didn’t care as long as you would be fine tag teaming it together.
“JJ, I’m not stepping foot in that water!”
Your voice shook him out of his thoughts as he looked to see you holding the rope out towards him with an expecting look. With a loud goran, he stomped towards you angrily. “Always picking up your dramatic slack, Y/N, I’m fucking sick of it!”
Yeah, you guys would be fine.
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obxsummer · 3 years
In Your Defense // JJ Maybank
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jj maybank x neutral!reader
warnings: season 2 episode 8 spoilers, cursing, abusive parents, violence
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
summary below the cut to avoid spoilers
requests: so you know (I think it’s episode 8) where Kie is stuck in the car with jjs dad and they fight? what if instead of Kie it was the reader or something and just maybe a little bit more to that scene, maybe jj catches them fighting and they defend each other against his dad?
"No matter what they made you think, you are worth saving. You are worth loving." with jj please! SPOILER ALERT!!! i’m thinking y/n is in kie’s place in that scene where she’s with luke in the truck, and jj overhears y/n defending him to luke and speaking so highly of him. so then jj asks her about it when they’re alone and confessions are made <33
There were only a few people you hated in this world and the funny part, was all of them were related to your friends. Ward and Rafe Cameron were definitely top spots on your list, but Luke Maybank sat at the very top with the biggest crown on his head as shittiest person of your life. Ever since you heard him yell at JJ while waiting outside their house, it was downhill from there. You had no room in your heart for parents who treated their kids like shit.
You and JJ had been sent to get the supplies and your dad’s truck in order to pull the Twinkie out of the murky water from the tide. Said boy had gone over to the surf shack of the Chateau in search of the winch you needed but not before gracefully flopping on his face after tripping over a tree branch.
“I’m okay!” He called over his shoulder before disappearing from your view. You rolled your eyes at his clumsy actions before propping your feet up on the dash. It should’ve taken JJ all of a minute to grab the winch and the rope considering they were laying out in open view but once 4 minutes had passed, you began to get suspicious.
“JJ!” You called out as you reached over to honk the horn. You shoved the passenger door open with a groan before climbing down to switch seats. You could hear scuffling nearby causing your heart to race at the idea of someone finding you. Suddenly, JJ appeared from the side of the surf shack with the supplies in hand but who was following him made your blood boil. “What the fuck? No. Immediately no. What is this?”
“Just get in the truck,” JJ ignored you to bark orders at his dad.
You looked at him in shock. “I’m sorry, the Twinkie is drowning right now, JJ! What is the plan, what is this?”
JJ grabbed your cheeks gently. “Babe, listen to me. Listen. I need to get into the marina at the Island Club. There’s a boat there that he can take. You got the sticker on your truck. Twenty minutes, that’s all I need.”
“The Twinkie’s gonna be a submarine in 20 minutes!” You honestly didn’t care so much for the van and its inevitable sinking, but the fact that it was JJ’s dad holding you up is what pissed you off even more. “Leave him and we can come back!”
JJ’s hands slammed on the hood of the truck as he snapped, “The cops are after him. If I do this now, maybe I will never have to do it again.”
With a loud groan, you turned back towards the truck and didn’t miss the opportunity to glare at the monster in your backseat. “Don’t even look at me,” You directed as you climbed in and started the engine.
The drive was awkwardly silent between the three of you and you had to bite the urge to crank the music up to a deafening level to drown out the tension. You just hoped your friends didn’t try to chop your heads off when you came back to a drowned van.
“Hey, pull up to Home Foods here. I’m gonna need provisions,” Luke commented from the backseat. You rolled your eyes at his voice but decided against making a snappy return as you drove up to the store.
JJ tossed the door open as soon as you parked while his dad barked his order, “Crackers and baked beans and tuna, alright? And some salt and pepper. Five day’s worth!”
You could’ve killed JJ for leaving you in the car with his dad, but it gave you a great opportunity to spit some shit at Luke. “You’re a terrible father, did you know that?”
He stopped the obnoxious drumming on the backseats at your rhetorical question. “Yeah, preach it to me. Set me straight.”
“Do you have any idea how special your son is?” You asked as you continued to watch for JJ to exit the store. “Like even a clue?”
“He’s a thief is what he is.”
“And what the hell are you?” You clapped back as you blinked. “You’re just a wasted local salt who never did shit but get messed up and hustle people. Not exactly impressive.”
Luke started laughing which only pissed you off further. “You know, the day JJ said he found himself someone, I had a feeling it would be you. Always thinking you’re better than everyone else. Kook royalty. You know, I bet you love slumming it with him, makes you feel better about yourself, like you’re helping the poor peasants on this island. Are you an ungrateful shit just like JJ? Hopping up there on your high horse, riding around in your daddy’s car even though you have your own? Just showing off, aren’t you, Y/N?”
Your body moved before you thought the whole process through and your elbow connected to Luke’s nose with a crack. You turned and glared at him as he clutched his bloody face. “Keep my name out of your goddamn mouth.”
Little did you know, JJ had stood in the store’s doorway and watched you argue with his father. He knew he shouldn’t have left you alone in the first place, but the second you smashed his dad’s nose in, a small smile formed on his face. He was proud of you, for sure, but he felt so warm with the idea that you stood up for him.
“Hey.” JJ let out a sharp whistle when he walked down the steps and handed his dad a six pack of beer before placing the rest of the supplies in the back of the truck. He opened the passenger door, sparing his dad a look for his bloody nose before facing you.
“Let’s get this over with, yeah?” You said, ignoring the confused expression on his face as he nodded.
The drive was silent, minus Luke’s occasional groan. You could feel JJ’s eyes glance to you every now and then, almost as if he was waiting for you to snap and start screaming. The guard let you all through without a second glance when you pulled up to the Island Club. You parked as close to the docks as you could before turning the truck off. JJ hopped out first and moved to grab the food.
Luke evidently wasn’t done bothering you as he climbed out and stood by your door with his head in the window. “Hey, you have all the fun you can get with my boy, you hear me?” JJ smacked his dad’s shoulder, telling him to shut up before they started walking towards the dock.
“Hey, Luke!” Once he turned around, you smirked and raised your middle finger in retaliation for all the shit he said.
JJ didn’t have a moment to process before his dad was rushing towards you in a fit of anger.  A spike of fear flew through you before you moved fast enough to throw the car door out at the right time, slamming it into Luke’s stomach. You hopped out of the truck as he fell to the ground. “Don’t you ever, and I mean ever, talk about JJ like that to me. Do you hear me? I may look all Kook royalty, but I won’t hesitate to knock the shit out of you like you’ve never seen before,” You hissed as you leaned down to speak to him.
You gave JJ a look before stepping around his pathetic father to climb in the passenger side of the truck. They eventually disappeared out of sight down by the dock, and it was then that you let your walls break and the first tears started falling. A whirlwind of emotions came from thinking about what all your boyfriend had gone through because of his dad.
So much had happened in these last few days and you felt like you hadn’t had time to process emotions. It was reasonable for anyone to need to take a breather. Not to mention, you hardly had time alone with JJ. You relied on each other more often than not to help sort through life’s challenges or just distract each other from reality. Not to mention, he was a great cuddler. Your chest tightened with all of the thoughts running through your mind and instantly, all you wanted was to hug your boyfriend.
Pushing open the door of the truck, you took off running down the docks where Luke had just pushed off. JJ stood there with his back to you, blond fluffy hair moving with the breeze. You didn’t hesitate to wrap your arms around his waist from behind, burying your head in his shoulder. JJ took a shuddering breath at your presence and you glanced over to see him holding two prescription bottles that he took from his dad.
You rubbed his arms comfortingly, feeling his body shake from crying. He moved sharply to throw the pill bottles into the garbage. He stood there for a moment, just letting everything sit in his head and process.
JJ’s eyes met yours shortly after and he stepped forward to wrap you tightly in his embrace. You clutched the back of his shirt in your fingers, letting his tears drop onto your head. “JJ, I’m really proud of you. And no matter what he made you think, you are worth saving. You are worth loving, and I’m not gonna sit there and let your dad of all people tell you otherwise.”
“I love you,” JJ’s voice cracked as he cradled you closer, holding you as if you would disappear if he let go. “You mean so much to me, and-and I heard what you said to my dad earlier, in the truck, when he was just…” He took a deep breath and kissed your forehead. “Thank you, for not giving up on me.”
You tucked your head into JJ’s neck and moved your arms to hug him under his jacket, fingers pushing up the back of his shirt to feel his bare skin. The contact meant so much to you, brought you back to earth and re-centered your thoughts. “I love you so much, J. There’s no way I would ever give up on you. Besides, how am I gonna face a drowned Twinkie without your backup?”
JJ let out a teary laugh and you two pulled apart, not without sharing a small kiss before. You walked down the docks tucked under JJ’s arm as the sun warmed your back and happy thoughts took over once again.
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obxsummer · 3 years
The Place Where I Belong // JJ Maybank
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jj maybank x neutral!reader
warnings: S2 SPOILER FREE, cursing, angst, talks of abuse from jj’s dad
summary: jj isn’t used to people needing him so he struggles under the invisible weight of what he thinks he should be until he finally snaps. an argument between the two of you brings to light how much you both need each other.
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
Rain poured down the windows of your car as you slammed the driver’s side door shut behind you. Arguing with your boyfriend was never fun and it weighed heavily on your shoulders when you did. JJ was upset, and you couldn’t blame him. Your relationship was new, only a couple months old, and you could already tell JJ didn’t want to mess anything up.
You both needed to work on your communication, you knew that. Since you and JJ had started dating, it seemed you both were on a different page, and there was no doubt that was the reason for the new tension between you.
“What do you mean I’m suffocating?” You shouted as you glared at him from the couch. The argument came out of nowhere after you asked JJ if he wanted to go to Charleston with you and your family tomorrow. You don’t know what pissed him off but he was quick to shut the idea down.
“I mean, I can’t give you all the shit you want!” JJ snapped back as he threw his hat across the room. “You’re so needy and overbearing, and demanding and you know what? I can’t do that. I can’t take care of that for you! So if you can’t handle that, then I don’t know what to tell you.”
You blinked a few times in an attempt to clear the tears from your eyes before nodding. “Well, if that’s how you feel then I guess we know this won’t work.” You stood up and gave him a sad smile before stepping out of John B’s screened-in porch and running from the house as fast as possible with him calling your name until it faded away.
That was two days ago. You’d yet to hear from JJ, not that you expected to. Kie had sent a few messages, as well as John B and Pope to see if everything was okay since you were keeping distance. You were quick to realize this silence wasn’t working and if anything, you were a mess without JJ.
You never wanted material items that a Kook could provide. All you wanted was happiness, and JJ with his chaotic personality and mild kleptomania, you had everything you wanted. You had adventure, peace, happiness but mostly you had love. You had JJ, and he was your person no matter what. You had the Pogues, you had a family. You had everything you wanted, even though none of it was guaranteed forever.
Pulling up outside the Chateau, you could see JJ’s bike in the limited view of your headlights as well as the lights on the porch. You couldn’t even be nervous to confront him, you just missed him so much you didn’t know what else to do. The rain splashed into the large puddles forming in the mess of John B’s yard. With nothing else on your mind, you took off into the rain towards the blond boy you loved so deeply.
“J!” You gasped at the sight of his bruised face and bloody knuckles as he climbed through your balcony doors. “What the hell happened?”
He would always just shake his head and wrap himself into your embrace. You never asked questions, knowing he would tell you when he was ready. You hated seeing him hurt, helpless to stop the situation that took place beyond your walls and arms.
“I’m so sorry bubs,” You whispered as you kissed his head. He just hugged you tighter in response before you shifted away to get the random medical supplies you knew your mom kept in the hall closet.
JJ had already tossed his shirt and hat to the floor, leaving him in his worn out sweatpants as he sat on your bed. The tear streaks on his cheeks broke your heart as you kneeled in front of him with the various supplies splayed on the floor. JJ didn’t move as you cleaned him up and gave him some painkillers. He was always quiet like this when something would happen with his dad.
“You okay?” You whispered as you tossed the garbage aside. He nodded and made grabby hands toward you, causing you to laugh and fall into his waiting embrace. “Love you so much, J.”
“Love you more.”
Thankfully, the Chateau was empty minus JJ’s figure relaxed on the couch with the TV playing an old movie. He jerked up at the sound of the door creaking with your entry and was on his feet in an instant. His eyes met yours for a brief second and he took a hesitant step towards your soaking wet form.
“Y/N?” Your name was almost a whisper on his lips as he stood there staring. He was just in a pair of gym shorts with his hat backwards on his head, but he always looked so perfect to you.
The water dripping on your face barely masked the tears that were falling steadily as you spoke. “I can’t do this without you.”
“I can’t-“
“No!” You cut him off with a shake of your head. “I don’t want anything, JJ. I just want you. Anything I could have in the world is worth nothing when it comes to you, and your personality, and our friends, and us. Together. That’s what I want! I don’t want Topper’s boat, or-or Sarah Cameron’s jewelry, or Rafe’s expensive bike. All I’ve ever wanted is a place to belong. Somewhere to call home. And you gave me that, J, because you are my home.”
JJ crossed the distance that was between the two of you before wrapping you into his arms, regardless of the water covering your skin and clothing. You cried softly into his shoulder, hands grabbing onto his worn t-shirt as tight as possible. The invisible weight was slowly disappearing from your shoulders and you felt so relieved for the first time in days.
“I’m sorry I yelled,” He mumbled as he hugged you tighter. “I didn’t mean it, any of it, and I was just frustrated with myself and I took it out on you.”
You took a deep breath and shifted to rest your cheek on JJ’s shoulder. You didn’t care what was said earlier. It didn’t matter now that you could feel JJ’s heartbeat against your own, that you could feel his skin, his clothes on yours.  “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, J,” You whispered as you closed your eyes and listened to the rain hitting the roof. “I just wish you could see that.”
“You’re my home too,” He sniffled. “After everything with my dad, and-and all the Kooks and the chaos, you’re always there when I need you most.” JJ didn’t have much, he wasn’t blind to that, but somehow you always made him feel like he had everything he could ever ask for, even if nobody else saw it that way.
To anyone else, you were two teenagers who caused trouble around the island. But to you and JJ, you were the perfect balance of everything, two puzzle pieces that fit with nothing else besides each other. Nobody had to see that, you didn’t care if they did. All you cared about was JJ, and the way he made you feel safe, comforted, happy. The way he made you feel like home.
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obxsummer · 3 years
By Your Side // John B Routledge
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john b routledge x reader
warnings: physical violence, angst
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
a/n: y'all please keep in mind this is fictional. i know the process of what happens in here would never happen in real life but that's the fun of it all :)
summary below the cut to avoid spoilers
summary: seeing your boyfriend in prison was never easy, but seeing him in the medical wing leads to a heart to heart in each other's arms.
The weight in your chest was getting heavier and heavier with each breath you took. It felt like you would never catch a break, never be able to breathe fully ever again. Ever since you and John B returned to the Outer Banks, it felt like it was one thing after another that just caused more and more trouble for the two of you. Nothing was worse than the look on his face when the cops finally cornered you and your friends. You had gripped John B’s hand as long as possible before he was torn from your grasp.
The whole day seemed like a blur then, but the soreness in your throat was still there from where you screamed at Shoupe and Deputy Thomas for how they handled John B. It was unforgivable, burned in your mind on repeat as you watched the scene over and over again with your heart cracking a little more each time. Regardless of the fact that your boyfriend was being arrested and charged for something he had nothing to do with, you couldn’t get over the fact that he was being shoved around and literally beaten by the people who were supposed to protect and help you. Needless to say, anytime you saw Shoupe or Deputy Thomas, your glare was enough to make them wish they hadn’t stepped foot in your path.
You were a mess without John B. Normally, the two of you were attached at the hip, but being without him was never this hard. The lingering thought in the back of your head kept reminding you that he wasn’t safe, he wasn’t home. Every minute he spent in prison was a minute you didn’t sleep because you were so worried.
Kie had done her best to try to console you. JJ had spewed crazy plans that only made you more upset because you knew none of them would work and John B wasn’t getting out unless you exposed Ward. Pope was silent, lurking in the shadows at the loss of his best friend. He clung to Kie in hopes that they would all figure something out soon enough.
The Chateau was nowhere near as comforting, even with all of your friends scattered across the house at every second of the day. You had visited John B each chance you had just to reassure yourself that he wasn’t gone completely. You would do anything to be in his arms, to hold him and just tell him everything would be okay.
Walking through the doors of the county jail, you moved without words to set all of your stuff on the counter that you couldn’t bring through. The lady behind the desk, Beth, was the only saving grace you had found in the chaos of this mess. She was the only one to treat you respectfully when it came to anything revolving John B. Although she never outwardly stated it, she believed your story, and that meant more to you than she would ever know.
“Hi, Y/N,” She greeted with a small smile. You returned the gesture and accepted the visitor lanyard she stretched out to you. Walking through the metal detector, you followed her back through the hallways. You had slowly gotten used to the cursing and yelling that followed your arrival. Beth was the Director of Visitor Safety throughout the building and in the short time you had known her, she had pulled many strings in regards to you and John B. Within the first two days, she had realized how uncomfortable it was for the two of you to sit and stare at each other with everyone listening. (And yes, she meant everyone because nobody could be in the presence of a “cop killer” and not be amazed).
Beth led you into her office with a smile and shut the door behind her as she left to grab John B. You were more than grateful for her help with everything. Had Beth not been there the day you walked in with tears streaming down your face from the anxiety and terrifying aura of the whole idea, you didn’t know what you would’ve done.
Glancing at the clock, you noticed more time had gone by than usual, and the sound of yelling that emerged had your heart sinking. You stood up, fingers twisting into the torn bandana fabric around your neck out of habit as you stared at the door in worry.
Beth appeared in the window a second later before opening the barrier and looking at you. “Come with me, hurry.” You followed her without another word, keeping close so you wouldn’t lose her. When she diverged off the normal path, you knew something was really wrong. She led you down a separate hallway, scanning her badge when necessary until big letters above the door told you this was the medical bay.
When you made it past the door frame, your eyes instantly landed on the bright orange jumpsuit that your boyfriend was clad in before noticing the expression of terror on his face as he sat on the bed. “John B!”
Wide brown eyes met your gaze in a split second before John B was shoving the nurse’s hands away to catch you the moment you collided with him. You could hear Shoupe, who had been standing nearby, let out what sounded like a sigh of relief before he mumbled something about filing a report and left the room.
“Are you okay? What the hell happened?” You asked John B once you leaned back, hands still grabbing his uniform as if he would disappear through your fingers.
“This is my daughter, Macy,” Beth introduced the nurse standing close by as she avoided your question. “We’re gonna hang over here for a second. If you guys need anything, let us know.”
The two of you gave Beth an appreciative nod as she stepped aside with her daughter. Turning back to your boyfriend, you caught the bruises covering his neck in the light. “JB…” Tears burned your eyes as your fingers glazed over the marks which made him wince. “What the fuck?”
Your boyfriend pulled you back into his chest, fingers running through your hair as he took a deep breath. Nothing was more calming to him than having you in his arms. Being able to actually hold you, feel your skin on his, was healing to him. “Doesn’t matter,” He mumbled against your hair as he recognized the comforting smell of your shampoo. “So glad you’re here.”
The small sob that escaped your throat didn’t surprise him much. John B wasn’t oblivious to what was going on to you without him around. It broke his heart that he couldn’t be there to talk you through it all. Most of the times you came to visit, you were constantly holding him in some way just to feel his skin on yours.
“What if something worse happens?” You choked out through shaking breaths. “John B, you’re not safe here. This isn’t fair. I’m not losing you in a prison of all places!”
“It’s gonna be fine,” He hummed as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I’m gonna be fine, babe. We’re gonna figure it out.”
“I’m ripping Shoupe a new one,” You grumbled as you reluctantly let go of him to look at the bruises lining his skin. You let out a teary sigh before your boyfriend brushed the salty drops from your face. “I’m getting you out of here. I’m going home and I’m literally… I don’t know, I’ll find something, somehow. I’m not standing here and letting this happen.”
John B couldn’t keep the smile from forming on his face as he kissed you softly. “I don’t want you doing anything besides taking care of yourself, okay? Please. For me.”
You huffed but nodded regardless. “Whatever, JB.”
“I’m serious!” He argued as he placed his hands on your cheeks to get your attention. “Please. There’s no point in tearing yourself apart without me.”
“Fine, then tell me what happened.”
John B rolled his eyes and sat on the edge of the bed before grabbing your hips and situating you to stand between his legs. His fingers squeezed your sides before he spoke up, “I think your dad has someone on the inside, here, and he’s trying to get rid of me and make it look like an accident.”
You blinked for a moment as you processed before you nodded slightly in agreement. “I wouldn’t put it past him.” You struggled with the idea that this was all your father’s fault and the guilt in your chest was getting worse each second. “I’m sorry, JB.”
“It’s not your fault,” He comforted as he squeezed your hips again in reassurance. “Come on, babe. You know that. I would never blame you for any of this. We just gotta get some evidence to end it, okay?”
“Y/N.” Beth’s voice interrupted your thoughts as you looked up at her. “I’m sorry, honey. We gotta go.”
You nodded slowly, hands intertwining with John B’s as you pressed one last kiss to his forehead. “Promise me you’ll be careful?”
Your boyfriend smiled slightly. “You know careful’s not in my vocabulary.”
Flicking his cheek gently, you smiled as you stepped out of his grasp to follow Beth back out while Macy attended to your boyfriend. Your thoughts were running, but one thing you knew for certain. You would get John B out of prison if it was the last thing you did.
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obxsummer · 3 years
Loss of You // Pope Heyward
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Pope Heyward x Routledge!Reader
summary: you had been in love with pope since you could remember, always pining and keeping him close. being forced to see him with girl after girl, you finally give up and pope has to suffer the consequences of your broken heart.
warnings: angst, cursing, reader is v sad not gonna lie
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
Pope was the worst person when it came to catching hints. He was painfully oblivious and everyone knew, but it hurt you the most. You had been in love with Pope for as long as you could remember, and you hadn’t told anyone in fear of it ruining your friendship. You really wanted to be with him, but if you said anything, you didn’t want him to be with you out of guilt.
The Pogues were throwing a kegger, which was usual for them. You were seated next to JJ with a red solo cup in your hand as you watched people add to the crowd. “Big one this time, yeah J?” You asked as you nudged the boy’s leg with your foot.
JJ’s attention was on you instantly. “Oh, for sure. It’s probably your cute face that brought them here.” You shoved his shoulder lightly before flipping him off. You and JJ had always had a good relationship, but you couldn’t even tell him about Pope without the fear of him spoiling it for you.
The one person you maybe had a shot at telling was your brother, John B. He wasn’t the best secret keeper around, but he was loyal to you and your wishes as his little sister. He was always looking out for you whether you knew it or not. He was nowhere to be seen at the kegger at the moment, but he somehow always had eyes on you.
“So,” JJ turned his attention back to you once he had bored the girl he was talking to enough for her to go away. “When are you gonna tell Pope you like him?”
You choked on the drink in your mouth. “What the fuck, JJ?” You asked once you stopped coughing.
He shrugged innocently. “Look, it’s so obvious. You always look at him like he makes the sun rise every morning. I don’t know how he hasn’t picked up on it yet.”
You groaned and pressed the palms of your hands against your eyes. “JJ,” You huffed before looking over him. “You can’t say anything to him.”
He held his hands up in defense. “Y/N, I’m not gonna tell him shit, okay? You really should though, I would find it hard to believe he isn’t obsessed with you too.” You both searched the crowd for said boy only to come up empty handed. “Seriously, Y/N. I wouldn’t lie to you about something like this.”
You huffed when you finally caught sight of Pope. He had an arm up against the trunk of a tree, cornering a girl who was smiling while talking to him. Your head fell against JJ’s shoulder as you bit your tongue to keep the tears from pooling in your eyes. He followed your gaze after a second, arm coming to wrap around your back as he pulled you closer. “Shit, Y/N… I-”
“J, it’s okay, I promise. I knew it was too good to be true.”
It was hard to say that wasn’t the last time seeing Pope with another girl broke your heart. JJ had been there every second of it, watching your face fall each time until it just stopped falling completely and stayed that way. You were much quieter, clinging to your friends tightly when you all went out. It was like the outgoing personality you had disappeared along with Pope.
John B noticed first, Kie not too far behind. For once, though, Pope was minding his own business and moving about like nothing was wrong. Your friends were worried. You had never been through a big heartbreak, mainly just flings here and there if at all, but breaking up with someone you never dated was like mourning someone who died that you never got to say goodbye to.
“Y/N/N, you alright?” Your brother asked as he sat next to you on the concrete wall you were moping on. It seemed to be the only thing you did lately, feel pity for yourself. John B didn’t blame you, in fact, he wanted you to feel every emotion you could so you could process it, feel it, and recover safely.
You shook your head, finally admitting to your brother that not everything was okay. “I um… It’s really hard, JB, seeing someone you love with someone else when you feel like they should be with you. A-And I know it’s not Pope’s fault, I can’t blame him for not liking me, but it just hurts.”
Your brother pulled you into his side, his arm resting around your shoulders as he did his best to comfort you. “Look, bubba. I know you really like Pope, and I’m sorry you have to sit here and watch him act this way, but I want you to know that it’s okay to be upset. You’re allowed to be hurting, but I promise you, there is no reason for anyone not to like you. You’re the best girl I know, Y/N, and I’m your brother so clearly that’s saying something.”
John B always did his best to get a laugh out of you when you were sad. You let out a small scoff, tucking your head into your brother’s shoulder as he rubbed your arm. It felt nice to have someone comfort you, tell you it’s okay to feel what you’re feeling. You had gone in circles since you first heard Pope talk about taking someone on a date. You could only blame yourself, you didn’t exactly make a move either, but it felt too risky to put Pope’s friendship with everyone else on the line.
“Y/N, everything okay?” A shiver went down your spine at the familiar voice intruding your moment with John B. You sat up straighter, your brother’s hand falling from your arm before he gave you a reassuring rub on the head and stepped away to give you some space.
Once your brother disappeared from view, you looked up at the boy standing in front of you. “What do you want, Pope?” You asked, not sheltering him from the frustration in your tone.
He looked taken back at the hostility. “Whoa, are you mad or something?”
“Am I mad?” You repeated as you stood up to your full height, taking Pope head on. You had to do this now or you probably never would. “Yeah, Pope, I am really mad, and it’s not even your fault.”
“What does that mean?”
You groaned, mad at yourself that you had let things get like this between the two of you. “I loved you, okay? I loved you so much, and I never told you because I was worried things would change for us and our friends. I sat here and I watched you go with all these girls and make dates and I didn’t say a word. That’s my fault and I’m sorry, but right now, I cannot act like everything’s okay when it’s not. I’m not asking you to fix anything, I just need time and I need space.”
Pope was staring at you, mouth opened wide in shock as he tried to comprehend everything you just tossed at him. He shook his head slightly to clear the blur in his mind. “You… you loved me? Past tense, as in not right now?”
You glared at him. “Out of all I said, that’s what you grasped?”
“Yes, that’s what I grasped!” Pope tossed his hands about wildly. He was so confused. For once in his life, he had no idea what was going on. “Y/N…” He trailed off and shook his head slowly.
“Don’t look at me like that,” You snapped as you dropped your gaze to your knees.
“Like what?”
“Like you love me,” You finished, looking up to glare at him. Your chest was tight and you knew you’d end up crying to JB again later since you finally confronted the problem head on. “I’m moving through this on my own, processing and just… we’ll be back to normal eventually, Pope. I promise. I just need time.”
You didn’t give him room to reply as you stalked off, hands tucked in JJ’s hoodie that you’d been wearing. Pope stared at you as you walked, his own heart breaking as he realized exactly what he had done, what he had been doing. He always thought you were interested in JJ, never him. He distracted himself with other people, other things to do, so he didn’t have to watch the two of you interact in a way that made him hurt. It was now though, that Pope realized he had been hurting you all along, and he never realized it. He sank down on the wall you had been occupying and placed his head in his hands.
Now, it was his turn to grieve someone he never had.
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obxsummer · 3 years
do you write for Kie? I think it would be so cute if you did one where the boys started noticing their two favorite girls staring at each other all the time and making small comments that they finally have enough and do everything in their power to get them together :)
matchmaker // kiara carrera x neutral!reader
warnings: no s2 spoilers, weed, cursing
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
Listen, Pope didn’t consider himself a matchmaker, but sometimes, he swore he just knew if two people were the right fit for each other. He had all kinds of predictions and failures of course; John B and Sarah side-blinded him for sure, but he was holding out for one couple in particular and if he lost his bets on them, everything else was lost. You and Kiara had been pining after each other for so long, Pope swore if I had to wait longer he would die of impatient-ness.
He kept his suspicions to himself, mostly. JJ didn’t exactly have a quiet mouth and John B let things slip every now and then, so Pope kept quiet until the beans spilled one day.
“Is it just me, or are Kie and Y/N totally staring at each other when the other isn’t looking?” JJ asked. He, John B, and Pope were sitting on their boards out in the water as they waited for a wave.
“It’s definitely not just you,” John B answered quickly. “They held hands in the kitchen this morning for like three minutes.”
Pope let out a loud groan. “I have been waiting for someone other than me to notice for forever!” He let his arms flop into the water dramatically, splashing the two boys next to him.
“Why didn’t you just say something?” JJ asked as he wiped water from his face.
Pope glared at him. “You guys suck at keeping secrets.”
“Do not!”
“I’m a tad bit insulted there, Pope. Not gonna lie.”
“Can we focus?” Pope interrupted their whining as he motioned his hand towards where you and Kiara were sitting on the beach. “We have to get them together, okay? They’re my endgame.”
“Endgame? Like the Avengers and they turn to dust?”
“That’s Infinity War, you dumbass.”
With a sigh, Pope ran a hand down his face in annoyance. Clearly, it was going to be up to him to play matchmaker this time.
Your eyes watched Kiara out on her board as you sat in the sand. She had joined the boys in the water shortly after the two of you finished your daily crime podcast. It had become a small tradition to listen to one episode a day. John B would listen every now and again but it didn’t take long before JJ distracted him or Sarah walked in to steal his attention.
You weren’t sure what exactly was going on between you and Kie. You were infatuated with every bit of her, she was everything to you, and you guys connected instantly since the moment you met each other. You couldn’t help but crave her presence, from her fun personality to the beautiful smile on her face, Kie was everything.
“Staring at Kie?” Pope’s voice interrupted your daydream. You hadn't even noticed him exit the water to sit by you.
“Jesus, Pope, you scared the shit out of me.” You placed a hand on your chest in shock. He gave you a curious look making you roll your eyes. “Yes, I’m staring at Kie. Thank you very much.”
Pope looked back out at the water where JJ and John B were talking to the girl in question. “Go surf with her.”
“I suck at surfing we all know that,” You huffed. You had always admired the way Kie had the confidence to do whatever she put her mind to.
“Fine, I’ll give you that one. But hey, I’m sure she’d be willing to teach you.” He was trying his best to find ways to get you and Kie alone, you could tell, and you appreciated the effort.
Glancing over, you gave him a smile but shook your head slightly. “I know what you’re trying to do, Pope, and I appreciate it, but I don’t think it’ll happen. Plus, no Pogue on Pogue macking, remember?”
“I think we could make an exception,” He suggested as he shrugged. “Seriously. You guys would be so good together.”
You sighed, “Thanks, Pope, but I’m not getting my hopes up.”
Now that John B and JJ were on board, Pope decided to make it their mission to get you and Kiara together. Subtle nudges, random seat swaps, and oddly convenient car break downs had the two of you spending more time alone and by each other’s sides. You definitely weren’t complaining about it.
Fridays were movie nights when there wasn’t a party. JJ usually wouldn’t pay attention unless it was a horror movie so you figured they already had one in mind. You had been in charge of snacks for the occasion which the boys didn’t hesitate to devour.
“I call the couch!” John B’s voice covered the whole room as he jumped and splayed out over the worn couch cushion. JJ and Pope were quick to settle down with their backs against the furniture John B reserved, leaving the giant bean bag chair of Kie’s for the two of you.
You rolled your eyes at their actions. “Do you seriously need the whole damn couch?” You groaned. You knew what they were up to and it was hard to be mad at them, but it did make things a bit awkward.
“We can share, Y/N/N.” Kie smiled and grabbed the bowl of popcorn from the counter before sitting down in the bean bag. You flipped the boys off before stealing your blanket from JJ and plopping down next to her.
The intro to The Conjuring was the same as always, but JJ insisted on watching it. You swore it was because he was too scared to watch another movie where he didn’t know what would happen but he was adamant that wasn’t it.
The popcorn had soon disappeared and Pope’s snoring was beginning to get too loud once you hit the middle of the film. “Wanna go smoke?” Kiara whispered as she leaned closer. You quickly nodded, ready to get away from the boys and the boring movie so you followed her out the door.
“You know what they’re doing, right?” She asked softly as she rummaged through JJ’s backpack to find the dab pen that was no doubt in there somewhere.  A small cheer of success left her lips once she found it in the pocket
You hugged a pillow to your chest as you watched her before she came to sit next to you. “What do you mean?” You asked before taking a hit when she offered.
“They’re pushing us together,” She chuckled. “It’s funny actually. They’re trying so hard and think it’s not obvious but it totally is.”
You nodded as a smile formed on your face too. “They probably think they’re so subtle.”
Time passed for a bit under a comfortable silence until she spoke up again. “What if they weren’t wrong to try it?”
By now, the hits from JJ’s pen were starting to kick in but you were glad to have a chance to get your feelings out in the open. “They aren’t wrong. It’s just a matter of us telling each other and making sure they don’t know that they were right.”
Kie laughed, the sound warm and comforting as you fidgeted with the pillow in your hands. Your heart was racing from nerves, but it seemed to skyrocket when she leaned over and kissed your cheek. “Guess the cat’s out of the bag then, huh?”
“I think we won the award for slow burn romance,” You joked as you brushed a piece of hair behind her ear before leaning to kiss her fully.
“Yes! Woohoo!! I won this game of matchmaker!” Pope’s cheering was loud enough to break you apart, but too happy to ruin the moment. You and Kie pulled away laughing to look over your shoulders where the boys were standing in surprise.
Kie raised her eyebrows at their presence. “Did we invite you to watch our makeout session?”
John B quickly shook his head. “No, no, but you did just make JJ pay me five bucks.”
JJ groaned and tossed his head back in annoyance. “Damn it, John B!”
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obxsummer · 3 years
Breaking Ankles // John B. Routledge
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platonic!John B x neutral!reader
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
summary below the cut to avoid spoilers
summary: running through charleston was anything but easy so it's not uncalled for to end it with a few bruises and scrapes. you were just happy it was john b applying your band-aids.
Charleston was a beautiful city, but when you were running for your life, it somehow got more confusing and you were beginning to hate every bit of it. Pope’s invitation from someone who had evidence to clear John B had not gone well in any way, and now you, Kie, Pope, and JJ were running for your lives in an attempt to get back home.
Mr. Heyward’s truck had busted, even after Kie footed the bill to get it fixed on your way over. You were dreading the chaos of going home. Pope would no doubt get in trouble, not to mention Kiara’s parents would flip their lid on her.
“We gotta go now!” JJ’s hands were pushing your shoulders, causing you to almost trip as you all stumbled out of the truck.
“Guys, I think he has a gun!” Kiara shouted from behind you as you took off running. You were too focused on your breathing and making sure you didn’t trip to look back.
“Shit, get down!” JJ pointlessly commented as if any of you could duck and run successfully.
You turned a corner and almost crashed into some older woman. “Sorry!” You shouted over your shoulder as you ducked down another alleyway to hide in. Pope grunted next to you and held his side as he cursed about a cramp.
“This way, we might have to split up!” JJ directed. Your lungs were burning with each breath and you cursed your friends for always having to find a way to end up running from something. It wasn’t uncommon for your group, hence the reason you should probably be used to it by now. “We gotta lose them!”
JJ collided with a man carrying a couple of packages and sent the boxes flying up into the air. He cursed and mumbled out an apology as the guy yelled at the four of you. “Right here, go!” He pulled on your t-shirt sleeve and yanked you down a brick lined ally.
“He’s gaining, let’s go!” Pope shouted from behind you.
JJ groaned. “I am going, Pope. I know, I know. You guys gotta keep up.”
You shoved past the blond boy back out onto the main sidewalk before screeching to a stop as a bicycle almost hit you. Looking up, your face broke out into the biggest smile at the sight of John B and Sarah staring back at you.
There was no time for celebration before the boy in front of you was rushing you all to climb on. “Get in! Get in! Get in! Come on!” The size of the bike was really inconvenient and there was no way all of you would fit on it. As Kie hopped in the seat next to Sarah, you, JJ, and Pope crowded the back of it and started pushing as John B pedaled.
“Oh, my God,” You huffed in exhaustion as you continued to run in between the two boys while pushing the bike. In a lack of coordination, you stepped at the same time as JJ and lost your balance. A scream left your lips as you tumbled against the hard concrete, managing to knock down the guy who was chasing you in the mix. “Shit!”
“Y/N!” John B’s voice broke through your confusion as you struggled to get back on your feet. The guy who had been chasing after Pope remained on the ground, groaning. John B’s attention was still on you as he shouted, “You’re bleeding!”
“No shit!” With a wince, you got back on your feet and waved your friends on. “Don’t stop, keep going! I’m coming!” You hissed at the sharp pain in your ankle, not to mention the blood that was dripping down your knee and elbow. Pope stretched his arm out to grab your hand before he pulled you onto the ledge with him.
JJ laughed excitedly, “See you later, asshole! Woohoo!” He made sure to flip off your chasers as John B continued to pedal away from the chaos you caused in Charleston.
“Y/N!” Sarah reached back to give you an awkward hug as the bike began to slow with your arrival to the shore where you assumed John B and Sarah had a boat. Despite the amount of pain sure to hit you once you calmed down, you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face at the return of your best friends.
After abandoning the bicycle, you all clambered down to where the Cameron’s Bahama boat was. As JJ, Pope, and Kie moved to refuel and prep to leave, John B’s attention was set on you. The two of you had always had this intense (and slightly intimate) relationship with each other. When he started dating Sarah, it was one of the first things he told her about so she wasn’t alarmed. That had always been his rule with girls: if they didn’t accept you, they weren’t staying.
You and John B had grown up together, for starters, but ever since you were about 10, it was like you were on the same wavelength. Kinda like soulmates, but in a non-romantic way. You loved John B, and he loved you, but you guys could never survive as a couple. It was one of those things where you were too similar and stubborn and it would end in a disaster.
If Sarah was honest, she loved watching you two function together. It was surreal. You guys moved in tandem, one doing what the other was thinking. It was beautiful, and she couldn’t even be jealous. She was just glad John B had someone like you in his life who could communicate so flawlessly with him.
“Hiya, bubs,” John B crouched down to where you were seated in the sand for the time being. He was holding the boat’s extensive first aid kit in his hands in hopes that something in it would help.
You smiled at him and didn’t hesitate to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a tight hug. The warmth from his hands spread across your body as you let your fingers play with a few strands of hair. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too,” He replied as he kissed your forehead before pulling back. “I’m gonna get you up on this boat and we’re gonna figure this all out, m’kay?”
You nodded and took his outstretched hand before standing up on the ankle that wasn’t hurting. John B climbed up onto the boat first and then maneuvered as best as possible to get you up without hurting your injuries any further. Once you were situated, JJ took over the wheel and began to steer your course back home.
A hiss left your mouth when John B used a disinfecting wipe to clean your scratches. He mumbled an apology each time before covering them with some medicine and a bandage. You leaned your head back against the cushion you were lying on. “This is so not how I imagined our reunion going.”
“Yeah?” John B joked as he used the large elastic wrap to help your ankle as best as possible until you could see a doctor. “And how exactly did you imagine it?”
You shrugged lightly and played with one of his banadas you always kept on your wrist. “I don’t know. Figured I was gonna be kicking some drinks in the hammock at the Chateau and you’d flip me over just like the old days.”
John B almost snorted a laugh, “You’d end up bleeding each time so I don’t think we’re too far off.”
You sat up and listened to the other Pogues goof around, sharing stories of what had happened in your time away with a smile. John B took the spot next to you as he closed the first aid kid with a snap. “I’m glad you’re back,” You whispered as you leaned your head against his shoulder.
John B’s gaze shifted from the box in his hands to Sarah who gave him a loving smile. He returned the gesture before looking down at you. “I’m glad to be back with you.”
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obxsummer · 3 years
Stronger Than Ice // Rafe Cameron
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rafe cameron x reader
warnings: scary accidents, minor hints to ptsd 
request: i’d love to request the prompt: "Being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain." with rafe but maybe it’s him comforting his girlfriend instead?? it doesn’t have to be though, whatever you decide write will be perfect 🖤
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
Your figure skates connected with the ice with a sharp hiss as you dug into the fresh surface. Letting out a deep breath, you stared at your feet as if they would drop through the ice without any warning. Figure skating used to be everything to you; you had done it since you were little and you loved every trick and turn that you had done over the years. It was a beautiful form of art, not to mention the costumes were always fun too.
Your boyfriend, Rafe, loved watching you skate. It was so calming for him, to hear the skates on the ice and watch you glide by with accurate precision. He admired you for all of your talents and it was the least he could do to support you by being there for every practice and performance. He was your number one supporter through everything, including the accident that almost stopped your skating forever.
It was supposed to be a fun trip to Alaska with the Camerons. Ward wanted to go ice fishing, Sarah wanted to see the Northern Lights, and Wheezie went wherever she was told to. Rafe was quick to extend the invitation to you, and you were more than happy to accept. You had always wanted to go to Alaska, but going with Rafe made it so much better.
Your trip started off great. The lodge you were all staying in was gorgeous and off a private road so you had the whole area to yourselves including the lake out the back. Rafe was adamant on the two of you spending as much time alone as possible, wanting every second of the trip to be memorable in your own way.
It had taken a lot of persuasion for Rafe to come onto the ice with you. You had packed your own skates and borrowed a pair for your boyfriend against his wishes in hopes that you would convince him to skate with you.  
“Y/N, I seriously don’t know if this is a good idea,” Rafe protested as he let you drag him through the snow towards the lake in the backyard. “I’m the clumsiest person ever.”
“Not true,” You replied, “You ride a motorbike all the time and have yet to crash so I’m going to deny that statement.” He huffed in response and continued to let you guide him through the snow. Once at the edge of the lake, you let go of his hand in favor of giving him the second pair of skates in your possession. “Just try it, for me, okay? I promise I’m not gonna let you fall.”
Rafe still looked hesitant at the skates in his hand. You kissed his cheek to reassure him before lacing up your own skates and maneuvering your way onto the ice covered lake. Rafe watched you carefully, his own nerves getting the best of him even though he knew you were pretty much a professional at this.
“See?” You held your arms out for emphasis as you spun in place. “It’s completely fi-”
Without warning, the ice below you gave way, dropping you into the cold water below. Your senses were overwhelmed as if you had just frozen every bit of your body instantly and you didn’t know what to do. You struggled to kick your legs fast enough to get back to the top. With the darkness outside and the cover of the ice, you could barely see. All of the air had disappeared from your lungs the second you fell and now you were beginning to panic you would never get out. Black spots dotted in your vision as you finally reached the top, pressing your hands against the solid ice in an attempt to find Rafe or at least break through for some air. Your hope for escape was slowly disappearing as it became harder to move your fingers. The last thing you saw before your eyes shut was a hand reaching towards you and then it was dark.
That was six months ago. Rafe knew you hadn’t skated since, and it really showed on your emotions. You used to find skating as your happy place, somewhere to let out emotions and prove yourself. Without that, you felt off, like you weren’t yourself anymore.
Sitting on the bench by the ice rink, Rafe watched with careful eyes as you stood still. He had tried to persuade you into coming back and just giving skating another try, but he knew you were terrified of what happened that day. He’d never forget the feeling of your ice cold skin against his, how you wouldn’t wake up and when you did, you had no idea what happened. He had been there for every step of it and held your hand through it all, letting you know you weren’t alone.
He would make sure you knew that now, too. When you still hadn’t moved three minutes later, Rafe stepped onto the ice carefully and approached you. “Baby,” He whispered as he grabbed your hand, pulling you back to reality. “You’re safe. It’s not gonna break.”
“I know,” You mumbled as you hugged him tightly. “Just a little nervous. I’ll be fine.”
It was more than nerves, Rafe knew that. He had watched you struggle and push yourself to get back on the ice, more for everyone’s else’s wishes than your own. He had watched the painful memories resurface the first time you saw your skates. "Being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain,” He said softly as he rested his chin on your head. “You’re the strongest person I know. I know it’s hard to stand here, to even be on the ice at all, but it’s progress and I’m so so proud of you. You don’t have to go further if you don’t want to.”
You nodded, your fingers gripping his jacket tightly. “Just kinda wanna go home, maybe have movie night?”
“Anything you want, babe.”
Despite the hiccup, two months later, Rafe was sitting there in the stands, cheering you on as you won first place in the first competition you entered since that day. And nobody in that arena, was more proud of you than he was.
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obxsummer · 3 years
Secret Strings // Rafe Cameron
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word count: 1.4k
pairing: rafe cameron x neutral!reader
warnings: S2 SPOILER FREE, cursing, under-age drinking
summary: rafe knew a lot about the outer banks, and he knew even more about you, but on the night of his biggest party of the summer, he finds out a secret you’ve kept hidden a little too well.
request: B hearing A sing for the first time (due to karaoke, or walking in on them, etc.) and being surprised at how good they sound. with rafe please!
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
Since you started dating Rafe, you weren’t a stranger to his music. It was often loud and full of bass, especially when there was a party or he was angry or even just driving in the car. All of his parties were extravagant, and he often ran a lot of songs by you to see if they were up to par with what he claimed was “party worthy”.
With Ward and Rose out of town for the weekend to check out some properties, Wheezie was quick to take off to a friend’s house, leaving Rafe free to throw the biggest rager he could pull off. Sarah would no doubt drag John B and his friends to it, which would piss Rafe off but you knew you could handle him. All you had to work on was keeping him away from the drugs that would no doubt show up at some point.
“Baby, where are you?” Rafe’s voice echoed through the empty house out into the backyard where you were lying by the pool.
“By the pool!” You called back as you adjusted your sunglasses on your face. The sun was beating down and you had finished icing down all of the drinks in the coolers that were lining the deck.
Rafe’s head popped out the door instantly as he scanned the area to find you. “You get all the drinks?”
You nodded as you pulled your legs over the side of the lounge chair to face him. “All ready to go. Food?”
“On it’s way. Kelce and Topper will be here any second and the rest will be right behind him,” Rafe said as he crouched in front of you and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. “Thank you for your help.”
A small smile formed on your face once you pulled away. “Anything for you, babe. I’m gonna go get ready.” You gave Rafe another kiss before heading back inside the large house.
The music was already blaring by the time you emerged from Rafe’s room after showering and getting ready. People were crowding the pool and with a cooler already empty, you knew you needed to catch up fast or you’d be in charge of a lot of drunk people and that was no fun.
“There you are!” Rafe’s voice always managed to channel above the chaos as he reached out for you. You gave him a bright smile and continued to dig for your preferred drink of the night before finding one and turning to face him. “I’ve been waiting for you!” He shouted as he sloppily kissed your temple.
“Here I am!” You laughed as he wrapped his arms around your waist and held you tightly. “This started really fast, Rafe.”
“Isn’t it great?” He motioned towards where Kelce and Topper were manning the loud speakers that were purchased for the occasion. You nodded and took a sip of your drink. People were starting to file in through the fence line, various drinks in hand. The turnout was way more than you anticipated but you knew Rafe would be more than pleased.
At some point in the chaos you got separated from Rafe again when your friends showed up. He had jumped into the pool next to Topper, promising to find you later. The mood of the whole event was great. A game of cup pong had started, people somehow found a karaoke machine, and even the food hit the spot perfectly.
“Y/N!” Sarah’s voice broke through your trance as you fished for another drink in the icy cooler. You spun around with a smile. You had never had any beef with Rafe’s younger sister and in fact, you appreciated her presence most of the time.
“Sarah, hey!” You shook the leftover ice off your drink as you stood up to talk to her. “How are you? Is John B here?”
She nodded quickly, “Yeah, yeah, he is. Um… did you know… did you know about Rafe and his drugs?”
You almost choked on your drink at her question but you nodded. “I’ve been trying to get him away from everything, but that’s why I was honestly worried about this party.”
“Well, he’s-he’s over there,” She pointed towards the area of the patio that was covered. “I tried to talk to him but he doesn���t want to hear it from me.”
With a groan, you nodded. “I’ll handle it. Thanks, Sarah.” You gave her a sad smile as she walked into John B’s waiting arms as you knew you had an issue to handle.
You gulped down most of your drink before tossing it in the garbage as you walked up behind Rafe, Kelce, and a few other party go-ers who were clearly busy with the contraband on the table.
“So, this is what the hell you do when I step away to talk to my friends?” You leaned against the pillar beside you as Rafe flipped around in a shocked panic.
“Baby, I swear it’s not-”
You held your hand up to stop the excuse that was inevitably falling from his lips. “Whatever, Rafe. I thought we were making progress with this but I was clearly wrong.” Your mood was sour now as you stepped away from the group to head back into the large house. Thankfully, everyone was keeping outside for the most part, but you gave Sarah and her friends a wave in the kitchen before heading upstairs to Rafe’s room.
The quiet of the upper level was sobering as you opened the doors to Rafe’s balcony. Luckily, his room faced away from the raging party downstairs allowing some quiet. You could hear the chattering not too far away. Letting out a deep breath, you opened the door to Rafe’s closet and grabbed the guitar his dad bought him years ago after much pleading. You knew your boyfriend barely touched it, but that didn’t mean it was useless to you.
Settling out on the cushions that lined the balcony (courtesy of you and Rafe and midnight adventures), you settled the guitar across your lap. Your fingers lightly plucked the strings in a memorized motion.
“We’ll do it all… everything, on our own. We don’t need, anything, or any one. If I lay here… if I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world? I don’t quite know how to say how I feel. Those three words are said too much, but not enough.”
“Since when… when could you sing?” Rafe’s voice made your fingers freeze in place as you let your gaze drop to the instrument in your hands. You weren’t expecting him to bail from the party in search of you that fast.
“Since I was 6,” You responded with a smile. He sat down next to you on his own cushion. Your fingers continued to ghost over the strings as he watched you carefully. “Why’d you leave the party?”
Rafe sighs, “I uh… I wanted to apologize. For that. It’s… I know we’ve been working on communicating and staying away from stuff like that and I wanted to tell you that I didn’t use any of it. I was just there for looks, I promise.”
You took a deep breath and nodded at his words. Rafe shifted next to you to lean his chin on your shoulder as the two of you sat there peacefully. “I love you, you know? Just want what’s best for you,” You mumbled as you shifted to face him just slightly, your lips brushing his cheek.
“I know.” Rafe tucked his head further into the crook of your neck as he settled into your side. “I love you, too. So much. Will you keep singing for me? Your voice is beautiful.”
With a small laugh you continued on to finish the song before asking him what else he would like to hear. As the party slowly came to its inevitable end, you and Rafe spent the night under the stars with each other and a guitar in hand with your voice spreading across the balcony to his favorite songs. And for once in his life, he was so content, comfortable, and most of all he was happy. All because of you.
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obxsummer · 3 years
hiii could i request smth with pope plz ? maybe with the prompts "“You would risk letting all those people die for one person? Why?” “Because it’s not just one person…it’s you.”" and "for what it’s worth, i never gave up on you" from the list ? thank you sm xx
pope heyward x reader
a/n: i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this is not what this prompt was intended for but this felt like pope to me tbh
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
There’s this whole thing about life working in mysterious ways, and yeah, sure, sometimes things work out and all, but you were a firm believer in karma. You swore up and down every day that if you worked for it, and you were a good person along the way, you deserved every success you got.
“Pope, are you kidding me?” You shouted in anger. Your lip was threatening to break under the pressure of your teeth at how hard you were biting it. “This is ridiculous! You’re not even being considerate!”
“Yes, I am, Y/N!” He defended with the same tone you used. You rolled your eyes at his comment. “Look, I’m doing my best here, it’s not my fault you’re a failure.”
You gasped at his words. “What the hell, Pope!” You ran a hand through your hair in frustration before letting out a loud groan. “This is ridiculous. I can’t believe we’re doing this. Why did I let you get me into this?”
“Y/N, just tell me where you are,” His voice came through your headphones. “Please.”
You shook your head, forgetting he couldn’t see you. “No, go save the others. I’ll be fine.”
“I don’t want to save the others, I want to save you!” His voice made you wince in intensity. He sighed, “Y/N, please just give me another chance.”
You laughed, “You know how I am with second chances.” After a moment of silence, you spoke again, “This is the end for us, Pope.”
Suddenly, the words flashed across your TV screen: Life Pack Restored. You gasped into your microphone. “Pope, what the hell! I told you to save everyone else! You would risk letting all those people die for one person, why?”
Pope snorted through the headset as he played on his own remote at his house. “Because, it’s not one person, it’s you.”
Despite the pointlessness of this conversation, Pope’s comment made you smile as you continued to move your character around on the video game in hopes that you may have some success of a victory for your team.
“Shit!” You cursed as You Lost appeared on screen in big red letters. Pope groaned on the other end of your video call, tossing down his controller in rage. You laughed, “For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you.”
Pope snorted, “Yeah, okay it sure didn’t sound like that five minutes ago.”
You laughed, like a full hearted laugh and it made Pope’s smile grow even bigger. You guys didn’t even have to be in the same room but your spirit, your smile and laugh, made him the happiest person ever.
“Alright.” You stretched as you set your controller down. “That’s enough of that for tonight. You’ll pick me up in the morning and we can get brunch before we meet everyone?”
“Or I could sneak into your window right now, we could have movie night, maybe some cuddling and we could just leave together in the morning?”
“Wow, as long as you bring me ice cream to make up for that game, you’re the man of my dreams for sure.”
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obxsummer · 2 years
Snippet of ghost of you .5?! Yes!!
Pope’s argument fell deaf upon your ears as you crashed to the muddy ground, JJ and Kiara moving with you as they tried to comfort you in any way possible. JJ’s voice echoed next, anger evident in his tone as he let out the rage he felt for losing his best friend. His best friend, your brother. John B.
“We’re still looking for him, alright?” Shoupe meant to calm the emotions from your friends, but it did nothing. When Kiara’s hands left your arms, you spared a glance up to see your friends in the comfort of their own families, save for JJ who stared silently at your shoes.
“Y/N…” You didn’t react to Mrs. Carerra’s hand at first, but when Kie’s dad pulled you from the ground, you fought to breathe in the arms of your best friend’s family. Reality still wasn’t set in, but the idea of your brother being gone, for good, was enough to spiral an anxiety attack for anyone.
“We’ll keep you all up to date if we find anything. In the meantime, Y/N, you will return to the Camerons' custody as per the agreement with DCS-” Shoupe was cut off by a scream, your scream.
You finally pulled your head from Kiara’s family to glare at him. “I am not going back there! They killed my brother, Shoupe. He’s dead because of them, and you want me to just walk back in their house willingly? Over my dead body.” The tears were streaming down your face as you hissed at him, overwhelmed with grief and anxiety of what comes now.
part 0.5 of ghost of you coming soon
read part one here
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obxsummer · 3 years
eva’s obx2 celebration!!
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In honor of the second season of outer banks, I have chosen a prompt list for readers to send requests from (or feel free to make your own)!!!
I’ve missed writing for this fandom so much and I’m so so ready to get back at it. please feel free to send as many requests/variations and be specific if you want!
all of the fics will be tagged #obx2celebration and if they contain spoilers (I’ve watched all of s2 so bring it on), I will put an appropriate warning and will be using the keep reading feature. I’m so excited to write some things for you all!!
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