ruslananech · 3 months
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ObiSasu aesthetic ❤️
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@avenger-hawk they are my favorite ship most of the time 💖💖
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avenger-hawk · 2 years
Not a request, just curious. Would you ever write more about Sasuke and Madara’s relationship? I love the idea of him being a mentor to Sasuke and love the dark take you had on it in your fic. I know you said you aren’t particularly interested in Itachi’s character anymore, is there a specific character you’d like to explore more?
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I would, sure. And I’m glad you like my fic. I said it already so I’m repeating myself here, but the main reason I put it Somber Creation Pale Destruction (ff.net/ ao3) on hiatus was that I liked so much Madara and Sasuke being in their own world, literally, and the morbid-dark yet cosy atmosphere they were in, and since Itachi was supposed to appear as well, I kinda didn’t want lol.
Ofc I planned the whole plot, but still.
Tbh when I first had the idea of that fic I wanted to write the Madara/Sasuke relationship as secondary to Itachi/Sasuke, because I always liked the idea of Sasuke having Itachi as “one and only” in his heart (which imo is realistic for Sasuke, not necessarily in a shippy way), so that even if he got close to others, deep down there would always be Itachi, and I mean not necessarily in a romantic way.
Now I’d continue writing it, and I’d keep this Itachi thing, but I am very interested in exploring Sasuke’s interaction and relationships to other characters, because they’re less explored.
Yup I’m no longer interested in Itachi as a character, like I said already mostly because of the fandom and their stupid interpretation of his personality, either turning him into a meek martyr or accusing him of genocide and dismissing him, both aren’t interesting and don’t portray how controversial and interesting he used to be. But I did explore him and his relationship with Sasuke, in all its aspects. I still imagine Itasasu related things but yeah I would prefer to write something else instead. I’d never write Itachi and someone else anyway.
Other characters I’d like to explore?
Always interacting with Sasuke ofc, I am not interested otherwise. I kinda wrote it already in my writing page, and even more here.
Among all the characters I mentioned in the aforementioned ask I’d like to write more about:
Kakashi. I said it so many times but I love Kakashi and Sasuke interacting in any possible way. Kakasasu was my first ship and I have a lot of thoughts about them., despite the ending. I like Kakashi because he’s controversial, btw. If only I had motivation...my KS tag.
Suigetsu. imo they have a better dynamic than N*rusasu. More interesting. Sasuke respects Suigetsu and is totally comfortable with his quirks. Suigetsu provokes Sasuke to have his attention and respects him so much, he expressed it more times. And also, Suigetsu has a strong sadistic side, it’s canon. While Sasuke has a masochist side. For me it’s perfect. (suisasu tag)
Juugo. I wrote about how interesting I think their relationship is more times like here and here but the high esteem Sasuke holds for Juugo, and the loyalty, protectiveness and respect Juugo has for Sasuke imo are amazing. And the ‘I’ll be your cage’ Sasuke told him is darkfic material. And it’s canon. (juusasu tag)
Obito. His interaction and relationship with Sasuke were so interesting in canon, so ambiguous, so promising. Because they did spend time together, and they were both Uchiha. And Obito knew things but Sasuke didn’t. And Obito called Sasuke ‘fellow traitor’ before being taken over by Madara...I did start something I never finished about them tbh. (obisasu tag and meta)
Deidara. Not many realize that despite his loud/bragging attitude Deidara has a low self esteem and he looks up to Itachi whom he tried to impress. Like Sasuke, in a way. And both are reckless when it comes to not caring what happens to themselves. They are opposite but they also have these in common...And, aeshtetically, Deidara is blond, like N*ruto but hotter lol. I kinda like to imagine an Akatsuki AU where Sasuke is in a team with Itachi but also he has interactions with the other members and Deidara is basically his same age but he’s more experienced and they have some rivalry going on.
Shikamaru. I kinda think it would be interesting to put a clever and aloof lukewarm lazy guy whose loyalty towards Konoha is strong, close to an equally clever and aloof guy but very passionate inside, whose loyalty comes from his own feelings and thoughts and personal values instead. It has potential for good interactions, meaningful discussions and ambiguous moments since Shikamaru can control shadow and tie people up, and is very ruthless when he wants. Darkfic potential.
In that post I also mentioned Gaara, Sai and others so I won’t repeat myself more.
The only character not related to Sasuke is Tobirama. I disagree with his values and ideas but he’s interesting in his controversial way imo. Such a strict character yet so open minded when it came to develop forbidden jutsu, even defying death with Edo Tensei. So apparently domineering but so loyal to his older brother. I am kinda interested in some angsty dark scenario with Hashirama and I kinda had an idea I never developed.
Like I said here even tho I have less new ideas it’s not like I don’t have any, but I don’t have much motivation to write so I play my scenarios in my head.
Also, mostly, because I like darkfics but ppl like ‘wholesome’ and tbh I’ve had enough of fandom police shitting on my work just like I’ve had enough of judgemental condescendence like ‘you write well but your fics are too dark for me’.
(or being tagged in some gorey fics bc creeps like Hawk must be into all kinds of creepy things even tho I’ve always said I’m not into that specific stuff lol)
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hellbubu · 1 year
When they were together alone for a long period of time after the kage summit and before the war
Their living arrangements and how Obito take care of Sasuke after the operation,and so on
I don't know if you still take requests for any pairing or not so I'm just trying my luck
Thank you in advance :)
Hi, dear. Thanks for your ask!!!
I'm not sure if this is from an ask game or something else I've reblogged, so I'll just give you some headcanons. Feel free to drop by again to correct me if this isn't what you asked for!💞
Obito is surprisingly gentle with Sasuke. Even though he tries to act like he doesn't really care, he helps him get to and from wherever Sasuke might need to go once he's good enough to be walking again.
Obito has Zetsu bring them ingredients so that he can cook. He tries to make traditional Uchiha foods (he's feeling somewhat nostalgic, and Sasuke really missed eating these foods). He feeds Sasuke since when he let him try to eat without help he made a mess.
Obito made sure Sasuke’s bed is comfortable and warm. There are lots of pillows and blankets.
Sasuke kinda threw a fit when Obito tried to help him bathe. Any and all objects Sasuke could get his hands on were thrown at Obito.
Somehow, Sasuke may end up asleep on top of Obito. That doesn't happen all that often because Obito is busy, but when it does, he knows better than to move. It's like when a cat falls asleep on your lap.
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weirdww · 2 years
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madbuns · 1 year
For ask game lets say Obito bc im curious :3
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Notp: currently!! I don't have one yet, bc every ship with Obito I found is very hot, very sexy and very funny
Brotp: Hrmmmm Obigai
Otp: Obikaka
Second choice: Kisaobi no doubt >:D and Obimada coming third
Fluffy pairing: either Hashiobi or Tobiobi
Angsty: Kkobi bc there's always angst with these two ksfjsktjsjfjsj-
Favorite poly ship: KakaObirin, or for the horny effect put him in between a Senju sandwich 🥪
Weirdest pairing: does HashiObiMito count as weird bc I read a fic about em the other day but it was less weird or more of 'oh I can get by this'— bc if not I'd say ObiSasu
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aione0723 · 2 years
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Sasuke - Cause and effect by kivi1230 on deviantart
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lumidara · 4 years
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I had feelings about Obito while experimenting with brushes. Don’t look at me.
Day 5: “Where do you think you’re going?”
Day 5: “Please...”
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fuckyoucanada · 4 years
I’m very hesitantly taking prompts. Have a story idea that you’d like to see written? Hit me up! I accept more than just the ships I’m tagging. I can’t guarantee a long fic, but a couple hundred words for sure! I might use one for one of my Bad Things Happen Bingo squares.
I have no restrictions, do your worst.
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"Do you ship Obito with..."
"I didn't even say with whom!"
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thekistrinity · 5 years
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sharingan-kage-blog · 7 years
Hi, Guys! I posted the first chapter of my new Obisasu fanfiction on A03 and Fanfiction.net. It’s been a while since I’ve written and I would appreciate some reviews.This will be a dark fic! This will be a multi-chapter fanfic:
Title: Shangri-La Suite
Summary: Itachi is dead, and Sasuke joins the Akatsuki. Sasuke has questions for Madara (Obito) about Itachi, Obito is happy to answer them for a price. Mainly: Obisasu, but hints of ItaSasu,Obiita, Shiita, and other pairings.
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avenger-hawk · 3 years
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无题 by sphinx on pixiv posted with the amazing artist’s permission. don’t remove the source. reblog, don’t repost.  
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holly-natnicole · 5 years
Reblog if you love 2 characters & their canon bond but DESPISE their fanon pairing coz shipping them with each other makes you feel very uncomfortable.
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definitelynotobito · 5 years
Sasuke for the character thing please!!
favorite thing about them - 100% his personality. I'm just here for it.
least favorite thing about them - he came back to the village
favorite line - "having too many bonds causes one to lose focus, weakening their strongest wish, their greatest desire."
brOTP - NaruSasu, SasuKarin, SasuSaku, SasuSui, SasuJuu, ObiSasu, KakaSasu, etc?
OTP - none
nOTP - I actually tend to dislike Sasuke crackships
random headcanon - he beats naruto
unpopular opinion - sasuke > naruto, kind of unpopular
song i associate with them - boulevard of broken dreams
favorite picture of them - all of them
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