#nurse offstill
princeasimdiya12 · 5 years
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“Get ready, wake your psyche up, Gooch!
Get ready, dig your anger up, Gooch!
Get ready, wake your psyche up, Gooch!
Get ready!” 
So this happened during the weekend on a road trip where I decided to create another AU featuring the CU cast in the world of Mob Psycho 100. But as a twist, instead of revolving around George and Harold, the story would instead focus on unlucky oddball Steve “Gooch” Yamaguchi. 
Gooch as Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama. Along with having the same hairstyle, they’re both awkward, blunt and soft spoken boys who have difficulty with reading the room or understanding social norms. They still try to be good people but often get taken advantage of by other more domineering personalities. For this AU, Gooch is gifted with incredible powers that ordinary people could only dream to have. But Gooch isn’t interested in them since most people in his life only want him because of his powers. He wants to be recognized for his other traits and talents that don’t revolve around making cars and people float into space. 
Krupp as Reigen Arataka. They’re both highly similar since they’re stingy, overreactive, self-absorbed glory hounds who often take advantage of others if it means satisfying their own personal goals. The main difference that unlike canon, Krupp will be an actual Jerk with a Heart of Gold for this AU. Over time, he learns to care about Gooch as he becomes his master by providing him genuine life lessons for him to use in his life. He also realizes that there are consequences to going too far with his selfish ways and that he won’t be as happy if he continues down the same path. He runs a spirit and consultation office where he takes on supernatural themed cases if it means bringing him cash and popularity. 
Bo as Ritsu Kageyama. Both of them are dependable, kind hearted and have a close relationship with the main protagonist. In this AU, Bo would be more like a childhood friend who grew up with Gooch and cherishes his friendship with him. However, an incident involving some bullies made Bo insecure over the fact that he wasn’t able to protect Gooch. What’s worse is that Gooch was the one who ended up saving the two of them while also discovering his psychic powers that very day.  It’s because of this that Bo is desperate to awaken his own powers so he can be the guardian he was meant to be.
Smartsy as Dimple. Along with being floating blobs of green gas, they also started out as villains who wanted to take control of people but decided to let go of their schemes and become good. His initial cult was dedicated to healthy living by eating as many beans, broccoli and apple juice as possible.
Melvin as Teruki Hanazawa. The cocky, talented rivals of their respective series. Just like Teru, Melvin starts out believing himself to be something of a god while everyone else are inferior life forms for him to boss around. It isn’t until he has a chance encounter with Gooch does he realize that he isn’t the only big fish in the little pond called life. While he’s still arrogant and sarcastic, humble is something that Melvin can never properly learn in any AU, he does show genuine respect for Gooch for his abilities and a willingness to cooperate with his social circle. Also he does end up bald during his fight with Gooch and resorts to using an 80s wig.
Jessica as Tome Kurata. While this is a weird choice because of their different social standings, I chose them based on personality types. Just like Tome, Jessica is overly dramatic, obnoxious, conceited and is prone to giving orders to other students. For this AU, while she did create the Telepathy Club to be lazy and goof off, she does have a genuine interest in alien life and wants to make contact with them. Mainly so she can share her fabulous haar secrets with the rest of the universe. And in case you’re wondering about the aliens in her haar, those aren’t decorations. Those are the real thing. But just like Tome, Jessica needs to be motivated to achieve her goal and she’ll easily obtain them if she actually puts the effort into it.
Dressy as Ichi Mezato. A junior reporter at the school and a close acquaintance of Gooch. I picked her mainly for her role rather than personality. The reason she begins to investigate Gooch is because she’s seen his powers in its fullest when he defeated Smartsy’s Health Cult which in turn resulted in a secret following of people dedicated to the mysterious savior. Dressy desires to learn more about him so she can use his information and powers to promote a new world order that inspires peace and harmony among the rest of the Earth. So in a way, she wants to create her own cult. Cult!
Erica as Shou Suzuki. Both of them are talented, athletic and tend to snark when given the opportunity. Despite their cocky attitudes, they are truly aligned with the good side and want to make things right. For the AU, Erica has been keeping tabs on the Claw organization and has been providing the heroes with information needed to help take them and her wicked godmother down. 
Nurse Offstill as Tsuchiya. I decided to go with Offstill since I wanted a female Faculty member who could work as a reformed Claw member. Offstill works with Tsuchiya since they’re both kick butt ladies who treat kids with respect and pretty cool in their own ways. Also to keep the record clear, Nurse Offstill belongs to @guilty-as-battery-charged. 
Mr. Ree as Yusuke Sakurai. They’re both serious and dedicated to their careers. Ree would be exceptionally talented when it comes to using weapons. And while he does start out as a villain, he ultimately switches to being a good guy and proves to be a reliable ally.
Mr. Meaner as Banshomaru Shinra. They both have a sorta weird friendship going on with Krupp/Reigen, especially when it comes to their banter. Both Meaner and Shinra also believe themselves to be exceptionally great at their talents but the results say otherwise as they end up becoming Butt Monkeys.
Professor Poopypants as Ishiguro. The main antagonists of their respective series who intend to conquer the world and live above everyone as superior beings. They cannot be swayed into stopping their evil agendas and refuse to accept logic. Also they’re both tiny and have violent temper tantrums.
Mister Rio as Shimazaki. I went with my OC Rio since he fits with Shimazaki as a confident, agile and dangerous threat. They’ll beat you to a pulp with a smug smile on their faces.
Ms. Anthrope as Toichiro Suzuki. Regarding personalities, Anthrope can work for Toichiro since on the surface they’re presented as calm-minded, serious and somewhat generous to those around them. (Toichiro offered to help Serizawa control his powers and Anthrope is always reaching out to Krupp as a friend). But beneath the surface, they prove to be egomaniacal and dangerous as they intend to conquer the world to satisfy their own egos. I based this on how Anthrope was super expressive and power hungry when she became Clogneta. 
Edith the Lunch Lady as Serizawa Katsuya. Just like Serizawa, Edith is an awkward but friendly person who wants to do what’s right. They have difficulty speaking up for themselves so they often mumble their words and drop the issue. For this AU, Edith was a social outcast because of her out of control powers and was afraid of hurting people. It isn’t until Ms. Anthrope arrived did she learn not only to control her powers but that she can be of use to create a better world order. But eventually she realizes how harmful and dangerous Anthrope’s agenda really is and switches sides. Once the battle is over, she decides to work at Krupp’s spirit office to use her powers for good. Also, Serizawa is considered to be Reigen’s love interest so it felt appropriate to have Edith here considering how Reigen is. *insert hubba-hubba-buububaba*
Other characters that I wanted to include were Lavator Ree as Murashi Gouda the leader of the Body Improvement Club. In this AU, Lavator would be a gym teacher instead of a student but he still leads the club with pride and goes the extra mile to ensure that Gooch is getting the right amount of training. And for George and Harold, I feel that they would share an unofficial role of being the Emi of the AU. They ended up having a rut with their comics since they feel that it doesn’t have the same heart like the old ones did. What’s worse is that they feel that maybe they’re outgrowing making comic books. But it isn’t until a chance encounter with Gooch who provides meaningful words to the boys on how their work does have meaning and they should cherish not only the talent they have but the time they spend making it together. This rekindles their spirits and the boys decide to make a comic dedicated to their new friend called “The Paranormal Heroics of the Prodigious Psycho Helmet”. And I also wanted to include someone for Tsubomi but I didn’t know which student would be fit to be Gooch’s love interest.
And that is Gooch Psycho 100. Thank you for taking the time to read all this. If you have any thoughts on this AU, or would like to share your own ideas, you’re more than welcome to like and/or reblog this with your thoughts.
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ultimatecufangirl · 5 years
I’ve seen a few things about Nurse Offstill getting pissed at Mr. Krupp for getting students in trouble over the smallest and stupidest things So now I have a headcanon that Mr. Krupp is scared of Nurse Offstill
Nurse Offstill: *enters* Hello, Ms. Anthrope. Is Mr. Krupp in his office?
Ms. Anthrope: Yes, I told him you were coming.
Nurse Offstill: *very politely* Thank you so much!
*The office is empty but the cabinet is shaking profusely*
Nurse Offstill: *opens it* HEEEEEEEERE'S NURSEY!!!
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jackie-sugarskull · 5 years
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Thought I’d do a digital drawing of @guiltyhipster’s OC Nurse Offstill, because dangit, I can’t get enough of her!
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kitkat1003 · 7 years
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@guiltyhipster Local Elementary School Nurse finds out that one of her daily patients may or may not be a villain who fights the secret superhero alter ego of her asshole principal at said school: More at 11
(Katherine gets into fights a lot, so she often comes to the Nurse’s office to complain before getting cleaned up, so Offstill finds out some things.  Also, Katherine is oblivious)
(Also, the cup reads ‘Shut up Nurse’?  F@#$ Off Doctor)
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maximeloonatic · 7 years
Spin the bottle
(The ladies of the school staff usually gather together in a spot of the cafeteria, taking a break and chat.)
Edith:(just arrive with a empty ketchup) Can you belive this? The kids where playing spin the bottle again...
Groundskeeper Lou: Oooh...
Nurse Offstill: Then ther would be "some boys" pretending to dying... (she chuckled)
Groundskeeper Lou: Hey... (she took the bottle) We have thirty minutes. How about if we play a little?
Edith: What?
Nurse Offstill: We are not kids, Lou... This is--(then Lou spins the bottle)--- Oh come on... (It pointed at her)
Groundskeeper Lou:(smiled slyly) So? Truth or dare?
Nurse Offstill: Huh... Truth?
Groundskeeper Lou: Ok ok... If you could send someone to Mars, and I mean an only one way travel, who would be?
Nurse Offstill: My mother.
Groundskeeper Lou: Can mine join in too? (The three laughed)
Nurse Offstill: Ahaha... This is actually fun. My turn!(she spins the bottle... It pointed at Geroge Bearb who was walking by with his friend.) I'll spin again...
Harold: It that the bottle game?
George: No, no... I wanna play too! I choose dare!
Nurse Offstill: Ok... I dare you to not laugh for a whole minute.
Groundskeeper Lou:(chromotizing her watch) Starting now!
(MEanwhile, Mr. Krupp start to hear some laughing coming from the cafeteria. He knew that the source os this sound would be the two pranskters, so he went straight to the door.)
(George was almost loose it, Harold was tellig him to not give up)
Groundskeeper Lou: Three... Two... One... You win!
George:(the grouchy face he was making was gone and he exploded of giggles) Oh man... Being serious is so hard!(he then reached to the bottle of the table and spin it. It was now pointing at the groundskeeper.)
Groundskeeper Lou: Ok, George. I say dare.
George:(Harold whispered an idea to his ear and the both smiled widely) Groundskeeper Lou, this is the dare: show us what's under your cap!
Harold: And that includes untie the braid.
(*Inserting The Good, the Bad and the Ugly theme* The woman slowly get up of the chair. That presence made many of the students pay attantion. They saw the woman's fingers removing the ponytail holder, letting the gravity drop the purple thingy to the table, bouncing once. And when she removed the green hat... It was like a shiny bay explosion that was turning into a sea. The hair was long and with curls, the shake of the head made it look like a shampoo ad; it finally got down making the groundskeeper like another woman.)
Edith: Oh my gosh... What a mane!
Groundskeeper Lou: Yeah, I know. (she noticied that George and Harold, also every kid, and even some teachers where starring at her with the jaws drop) Shut the mouths people, or the flys will get inside. (many of them did it. Then, when she spin the bottle...) And now the bottle says its...(it stopped) Edith!
Edith: Oh... Hu... Ok... Huh... Truth?
(Krupp see the three woman having fun with the kids and walked to end it, about to talk at a long haired woman's back... But)
Groundskeeper Lou: Have you or do you plan to kiss Mr. Krupp?
(A slow "ooooooooooohhhhhhh" filled the cafeteria. The pricipal was frozen, and Edith started to blush; she could see the face of the men she loved.)
Edith: Huh... (she was about to say it...) I... Hu... (an eye movement made the hint that there was smeone behind.
(The women get up as they saw the principal.)
Nurse Offstill: I think there's a sick boy in my office... (she leaves fast)(the kids was leaving too)
Mr. Krupp:(his stuned face moved at the groundskeeper... Who didn't seems like he reconise her) Who are you?
Groundskeeper Lou:(high pitched voice) Con permiso... (she ran off)
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anthracoceros · 7 years
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Some horge doodles ft @guiltyhipster 's nurse offstill, who is also my wife
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starryoak · 7 years
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More of Len S. N. Frames! Featuring (my badly drawn) renditions of Professor Pippy P. Poopypants and @guiltyhipster‘s Nurse Offstill! (who is the best oc ever)
#1. Just Len being an excited bean.
#2. Len S. N. Frames, before her (first) defeat, was hired as Nurse Offstill’s assistant. She is.. very annoying. Also very small and very creepy. I would go in more detail but it’s a long story and my cat demands I return to bed to cuddle her.
#3. She and Professor Poopypants having an argument, and also a relative size thing, showing how much of a smol bean that Len is. She is 25 but commonly mistaken for a 16 year old or less. They are five year olds, both of them.
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horologiiium · 7 years
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nothing like some good old fashioned pen sketches 
I originally started with just George and Harold but then I got carried away and drew some OCs 
(i really like coloring pen sketches with grays it looks pretty neat) 
Eddie Drillarms (mine) 
Reggie Samson (also mine) 
Nurse Offstill ( @guiltyhipster ) 
Sawyer Grayps ( @jackie-sugarskull ) 
Holly Montierre ( @thatanimationgirl ) 
Sue Kalemmon ( @theanonforever )
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they-thember · 7 years
@guiltyhipster OKAY but can Nurse Offstill please offer Melvin some refuge 😫 First of all, the poor kid would probably be in there constantly for his own issues like allergies and asthma and nosebleeds and other nerd stuff but obviously he also gets scraped and punched and bruised and knocked around because kids pick on him all the time And then maybe he just starts going to her office during recess because that fifth grader who gave him a bruised cheek and a swirly last week is out there waiting for him and she doesn't even ask because she knows he'll insist that he's fine and not afraid (she knows he is 100% afraid) Of course he is totally ready to tattle on whoever beats him up but he doesn't want to suffer that ass-kicking first And maybe even during gym class he scurries in there and tells her a plethora of issues (my head hurts! I have a cold! Etc) so she'll tell Mr. Meaner to excuse him from P.E. because that is also a common place for kids to beat him up and Mr. Meaner doesn't do anything about it Anyway he totally wouldn't admit to feeling safe in her office but she totally knows. Anyway THE END
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squiddkidd · 7 years
1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 6, 14, 15 for Mr. E?
1. What are your OC’s powers, if any?
Mr. E has the amazing powers of OBSESSION and GOVERNMENT FUNDING!!
He’s just a normal guy. maybe in the future he might get super powers, but for now he’s just a dork
2. Age?
Mid 30s, probably. 35-ish?
3. What’s your OC role of the Captain Underpants Universe?
Probably not much more than a Comedic Conspiracy Theorist and Obviously Suspicious Guy.
5. Does your OC has a secret?
listen…. i hate to break it to you guys but……………. mr e is an undercover agent of the government!!!!
That’s about the only secret this boy has.
6. What canon characters do your character interract with?
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you could say he’s interacted with a few of them.
7. What other OCs does yours interract with?
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I don’t think ‘act casual’ is in Mr. E’s dictionary.
( feat. @guiltyhipster ‘s nurse offstill, @mohegan567 ‘s miss understood, @octo-nerd ‘s colin dottin, @pocketpeony ‘s miss cast, and @jackie-sugarskull ‘s sawyer grayps)
14. Any friends?
The only friend Mr. E needs is the TRUTH
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which is good, because he doesn’t spend enough free time with people to have anyone he’d really consider a ‘real friend.’ not even back at headquarters.
15. Any enemies?
basically, anyone who would be bothered by his sneaky sleuthing.
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@guiltyhipster Why must you kill me with an adorable cinnamon roll that is Nurse Offstill? I'm in love with this woman.
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theanonforever · 7 years
How does Sue treat the other staff? How does she treat her students?
Staff: She usually tries to be nice, even if they are cranky as hell, she’ll try to be nice. Her Papa always told her “sugar water attracts more bees then vinegar” which is true, so she does everything in her power to be nice to someone.
She knows she’ll never get on many of their goodsides but she does her best to atleast be tolerable around them, I mean, it’s legit hard to get on her bad side.
If you do somehow get on it, then she’ll make sure you know it, special cupcake? Whoops! Used salt instead of sugar!
Students: As for her students, she treats them with respect and care! When a kid wants to join her class she usually gives the kids a form for parents/guardians to fill out, some questions are:
K-2nd Grade Forms: Does your kid have any food allergies? Can your kid be trusted to mix ingreidents together? Is your kid able to follow instructions?
3rd-5th Grade Forms: Does your kid help you cook? Can they cut food without worry of harm? This class will contain uses of the following: Oven, stove and boiling water, are you ok with your kids being near/using these items?
Kids who have mutiple “no"s are usually rejected and given another class/elective!
Allergy sufferers usually are asked to particapate on Saturday classes for a make up grade, because if a item contains something they are allergic to, she’ll simply ask them to sit out on the lesson, to avoid potently allergy out breaks, most of these kids are sent to Nurse Offstill to hang out while Sue does her class!
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jackie-sugarskull · 6 years
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This is part of a trade I’m doing with @guiltyhipster. They asked me to draw their OC Nurse Offstill back when she was a kid in her Girl Scout days.
I had a lot of fun drawing this. She came out super cute!
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kitkat1003 · 7 years
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Nurse Offstill: Are you going to explain to me why there was glass in your arm, or should I take the broken window’s testimony?
So @guiltyhipster‘s CU OC kinda inspired me to make my own, so I thought I’d draw them interacting.  Katherine ought to keep away from windows when letting out her anger, especially when wearing short sleeves in her villain outfit.
More on Katherine here!
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maximeloonatic · 7 years
Groundskeeper Lou is workaholic
(The school's groundskeeper has show sintoms of a flu. She's feverish, sweating... but she's still determinated to work; right now she's trying to to make her chainsaw on to cut bushes. Nurse Offstill comes to her, because George and Harold told her that Lou looked sick)
Nurse Offstill: Lou, the boys has told me that you came sick today.
Groundskeeper Lou: Im'not...
Nurse Offstill: I think you should go with me to the nurse office.
Groundskeeper Lou:(sniffs) I'm not going... I just CANNOT get sick right now... I'm have so much work to do today
Nurse Offstill: I think Mr. Krupp would understand.
Groundskeeper Lou: No, I cannot get sick right now! The grass have poison ivy growing, I have to check the boiler in the school's basement, and these bushes has grow to fast...(she finally made the chainsaw working, she hold it up to start to cut.) I have to fix them up... I have... (she starts to loose strenth) I ... Aaay...( she almost loose conciesness, and the machine fell and by the blade it runned across the garden and the road.)
Nurse Offstill:(she grab her arm leading her to the building) That's it! I'm taking you to my office!
Groundskeeper Lou:(she moans... but didn't resist. On the way a small girl sneezes. The sick woman yelled at her pointing her angry) YOU DID THIS TO ME!!!
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horologiiium · 7 years
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A Melvin, a punk/goth potential love interest, a Nurse Offstill, a Mr. Krupp and a Mary for @superhighschoolleveldemigod and all y'all who created and contributed to these ideas
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