pixleddisplay · 13 days
Turn your interior space different with LED. 
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robpegoraro · 4 months
Weekly output: Apostrophy's version of Android, Dish Wireless 5G, dronesoccer, cloud security
Between CES requiring me to fly to Las Vegas last Sunday–which itself required that I spend last Saturday working to get ready for the show–and then the ShmooCon information-security conference occupying my attention in D.C. Friday through Sunday, I 11 days in a row of work. And I am a little tired now. Patreon readers got a bonus post this week: my annual breakdown of where my income came from,…
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pasquines · 10 months
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joe-england · 1 year
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natesafety · 2 years
Read the October 21, 2022, Government Relations Update: https://bit.ly/3CUzXTg
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orbitbrain · 2 years
Microsoft Releases Open Source Toolkit for Generating SBOMs
Microsoft Releases Open Source Toolkit for Generating SBOMs
Home › Cyberwarfare Microsoft Releases Open Source Toolkit for Generating SBOMs By Ryan Naraine on July 13, 2022 Tweet Software giant Microsoft has open-sourced its internal tool for generating SBOMs (software bill of materials) as part of a move to help organizations be more transparent about supply chain relationships between components used when building a software product.  The tool, called…
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himemeika · 2 years
I love not knowing what's going on ❤
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droolfang · 6 months
FANGSSSSSS your art is so amazing you draw the best big girls around. i wish i could think of a single woman from 40k to request because i love your style and i think if a sister of battle ate like a space marine. well. that would be very nice.
THANK YOUUUUUUU yeah the wh universes dont have a glut of girls to fixate on BUT they do have lots of horny potential, imo
anyway a little left of ur request, but i had a vivid picture of a sister who takes out her perversion on a poor rep*ntia under her supervision
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fullhalalalchemist · 6 months
last day to submit comment on internet regulation!!
if you've been concerned over the past few years on censorship & surveillance destroying different parts of the internet, & dont want bad faith actors to decide how to "save the kids" online (see: KOSA & the Earn It Act), email [email protected] & sign up to be in roundtable discussions on how to fix social media! we REALLY need stakeholders (THATS YOU!) to sign up. we REALLY need people who make creative works, particularly the more *ahem* adult kind, because otherwise you will have child psychologists and a bunch of 19 year old polisci college kids who don't know how tech works and who think banning NSFW and filtering content = making the internet safe for kids.
this is through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. More details here: https://www.ntia.gov/press-release/2023/ntia-seeks-comment-protecting-kids-online#:~:text=Specifically%2C%20NTIA%20seeks%20comment%20on,'%20health%2C%20safety%20and%20privacy
stuff like this i think we as content creators, people who have seen the rise and fall of platforms, who've had past accounts shuttered and shut down bc of different types of attacks from platforms and bad faith actors online (see, tumblr purge 2018), should jump on and do this, otherwise any regulation that will impact social media will end up hurting us more than helping us. they NEED our perspectives and are asking for it. pls, i don't want to see the internet disney-fied. i signed up for it and i encourage you guys to as well!!
today's also the last day to submit a comment here on how you think social media can be improved. center the fact that content regulation will always end up harming marginalized communities instead of "helping" them. feel free to speak up on any specific experiences you've had as well!
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e-thonrudwrites · 8 months
Writblr Introduction
I’ve seen so many writblr introductions that I wanted to do one!
P.S., it’s a long one.
So I got into writing (as a hobby, even though I’ve always loved creating stories as a kid) thanks to an old bully of mine in Swedish eighth grade. I wrote my first queer characters, in my first English WIP ever. It was a fanfic/AU of She-hulk and other Marvel characters, and of course I posted that bad boy on Wattpad and think it got 80k views over the year on something I’ve never finished. I remember being so nervous about making my FMC fall in love with another woman and for them to care for each other. In retrospect, it probably had to do a lot with trying to figure out my sexuality. But as soon as I did it I felt such relief, and I’ve never looked back on writing straight MCs.
But how does this connect with my writing journey and who I’m today? Well, I’m 23 yo, and my English is better, and that’s coming from someone who’s dyslexic, heck I think I can spell better and have a more advanced language in English than in Swedish which is ironic that it’s my native language. But genre wise nowadays, I write MM Romance in a bunch of different sub genres: romcom, fantasy/sci-fi, thriller, and a bit of horror. And ever since my disability progressed, I’ve tried to incorporate disability in my stories — have bad ass characters that just happen to limp. It’s not the end of the world and that’s what I wanna read.
Which is the most important thing I learned as a 16 yo kid posting on Wattpad and getting the social anxiety and burnout of posting there. Write for yourself. Write what you wanna read. Which has made me connect so much more with my stories and characters, especially when writing a WIP as RUINS OF DAWN and letting myself lean into the darkness I’ve always enjoyed as a kid.
But one of the negative things I know my bullying has affected me in is I know no one’s gonna care about what I write because I’m who I am. Because I’m me. And that’s why it took me so much time in to figure out that I can, and I’m allowed to send queries to agents. That just because I’m me doesn’t make it that anyone else who’s ace, queer, and/or disabled can’t connect with the characters and see a glimpse of themselves. Because that is what RUINS OF DAWN is for me. It’s a book for my 15 yo self that loved all the grimy and gory stuff, who was not feeling good or understood why I was feeling like this around people. Though RUINS OF DAWN is not for people under 18, but if I know myself, a bit of blood and spicy scenes wouldn’t have stopped me. My favorite and comfort movie is WARM BODIES. A damn zombie movie, though the books are more horrifying.
So what is RUINS OF DAWN then? Well, it’s the WIP I’m currently laying all my focus on getting done and ready for beta reading, and the one I’m gonna try to query.
RUINS OF DAWN is a dark sci-fi romance thriller, set in 1962 after the Cubs crisis has gone nuclear. It follows Ed Johnston, our Time manipulating protagonist who gets forced by the NTIA—an organization created by the President to watch supers (Psst, think of an organization corrupted like the TVA from LOKI)—to meet the Director, and where he meets his ex-lover the waiting room. It’s enemies-to-lovers, second chance with similar horror elements as Isaac Marion’s THE BURNING WORLD.
#ownvoicesdisability #ownvoiceschronicpain #ownvoicesqueerness
So if you like the X-MEN, THE WATCHMEN or anything to do with superheroes and time loops and time travel, then I hope you’ll follow me on my journey to get this bad boy published.
Also, I’d gladly get to know more writers. My life is definitely lacking writing buddies, because authors supporting other authors is the best thing ever.
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Facebook's right, Apple is too powerful
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On the one hand, Facebook’s comments to the NTIA on Apple’s market power are supremely ironic. Facebook, complaining about excessive market power?
Even worse is what Facebook is complaining about: Apple’s App Tracking Transparency update to Ios devices like the Iphone, which allowed users to comprehensively and easily block all the apps on their phones from spying on them. When Apple gave users this choice, nearly all of them chose privacy.
Facebook says this cost them $10b (no wonder they’re mad). Nothing Facebook did — neither deceptive messages about why users should choose to be spied on, nor astroturf campaigns from small businesses extolling the value of submitting to surveillance — worked:
So on the one hand, Facebook’s motivations here are straightforward. Facebook profited from depriving its users of the right to decide how they used its service. Apple gave users more control. Facebook lost money, and complained.
But on the other hand…they’ve got a point.
Not about why it’s bad that Apple gave its customers the ability to choose privacy — but that those Apple users had to wait for Apple to decide that they deserved that protection. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about Apple deciding to protect its users — but I am complaining about Apple preventing its users from protecting themselves.
As far as Apple -and Facebook, and Google, and other large tech companies — are concerned, we’re entitled to just as much privacy as they want to give us, and no more. For example, Google and Apple kicked the worst location data brokers out of their platform — but left dozens of nearly equally terrible ones to ply their trade:
Apple argues that preventing its users from choosing rival app stores is just a manifestation of the company’s sense of duty and commitment to caring for its users. But Apple, like all other tech giants, has conflicting priorities here. The company’s decision to take a 15–30% cut of every penny you spent using apps means that its motives are, at best, mixed.
As Apple fights laws in the EU (Digital Markets Act) and USA (Open Apps Market Act) that will force it to allow its customers to choose other app stores, it continues maintain that it objects to these purely on security grounds. Apple makes that argument, but doesn’t acknowledge the possibility that a third party app store might increase security:
The pretense that Apple objects to competition on purely altruistic grounds is absurd. Apple’s decision to take a 30% commission on in-app sales means that its own products have a 30% advantage compared to its competitors. Think of audiobooks, which Apple sells through its media player, and also lets Amazon sell through its Audible app, on preferential terms. The retail margin on audiobooks is 20%, which means that a competing audiobook store on Apple’s platform loses money on every sale (that’s why indie alternatives to Apple/Amazon all make you buy your books using a browser).
But even if you take Apple at its word and stipulate that Apple wants to protect its customers (which it often does!), the company has made it clear that it shouldn’t have the last word on this. Yes, it has stood up to governments that tried to force it to weaken the privacy protections in Ios:
But the company also caves in when some governments order it to weaken security:
And sometimes Apple weakens its security even when no government tells it to:
In Facebook’s complaint, they accuse Apple of intentionally raising the “switching costs” of leaving Ios for Android, by refusing to improve Safari so it can run web apps that work equally well on any platform, and by blocking users from installing non-Safari-based browsers on Ios:
Facebook is a world authority on the abuse of high switching costs as a means of locking users to its platform, even when they’d prefer to leave. After all, that’s what Facebook does. Internal FB memos, published by the FTC, expose a parade of mustache-twirling Facebook execs discussing how to make leaving Facebook as painful as possible:
Many of the proposals to address Apple’s inconsistently benevolent dictatorship of Ios customers’ apps have toyed with the idea of forcing Apple to include apps it doesn’t like in its App Store. This is…not great. I don’t believe in corporate personhood, but you don’t have to be a Citizens United megafan to worry that the federal government maybe shouldn’t be allowed to order companies to publish things they don’t think are worth publishing.
By contrast, rules that allow Apple customers to choose other stores, ones they trust more, are pretty great. The reason we cheer when Apple lets Facebook users choose to use some parts of the service (talking to their friends) but not others (being spied on) is because people — not corporations — should have the final say over their technology.
That’s true of Apple, too.
Again, it’s great when Apple protects its customers’ privacy. It’s great when Facebook does it (as they did when they turned on end-to-end encryption for billions of Whatsapp users). But the final word on whether a privacy measure is legitimate shouldn’t rest with Facebook or Apple, or any other tech giant.
That word should to to the public, through a national privacy law with a private right of action, one that sets the floor on privacy protections on all platforms, app stores and services:
Image: Electronic Frontier Foundation https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/06/facebook-says-apple-too-powerful-theyre-right
CC BY US 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/
[Image ID: The Apple logo with a smiling worm peeking out of it.]
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robpegoraro · 1 year
Weekly output: QuaDream spyware, AI policy, commercial satellite imagery, Discord leaker
I think I have our taxes squared away with two more days until I have to file them–or file for an extension as I often do–so of course I’m worrying about what financial data points I’m overlooking and how they might cause us to pay more than required. 4/11/2023: QuaDream spyware, Al Jazeera The Arabic-language news channel had me make a Skype appearance about this commercial spyware flagged by…
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joseandrestabarnia · 2 years
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Inventario: 03043
Autor/a: Maestro Johannes (act. 1476=1525)
Título: La visión de la descendencia de Santa Emerencia en el Monte Carmelo
Materia/Soporte: Tabla
Técnica: Óleo
Dimensiones: Con Marco: Altura = 114 cm; Anchura = 67 cm; Profundidad = 5 cm
Sin Marco: Altura = 99 cm; Anchura = 52,50 cm
Descripción: Se trata de la tabla central de un tríptico que conserva su antiguo marco de ranura y la huella de las charnelas de las tablas laterales. El tema representado en ella es la visión de Santa Emerencia en el monte Carmelo, lo que se deduce de la filacteria que porta el Angel, en la que puede leerse "Haec visio ista significat". Y por la presencia en la parte inferior del marco, de las letras góticas "E...ntia". Santa Emerencia, descendiente de la familia de David, había decidido permanecer virgen pese a haber sido entregada por esposa a Estolano, un hombre piadoso. La santa solía rezar en el monte Carmelo, que aparece pintado a la derecha de la tabla, pidiendo a Dios que iluminase su camino; precisamente fue allí donde se produjo la revelación de que de la estirpe de Santa Emerencia nacería el Salvador. Esta tradición fue difundida por los carmelitas a partir del siglo XV. A ello corresponde la representación del árbol genealógico de Cristo en su rama femenina que podemos contemplar en esta tabla. Santa Emerencia está arrodillada en actitud de humildad, como si su cuerpo fuese la raíz que sustenta el árbol que emerge de su costado: de la primera flor surge Santa Ana con la Virgen Niña en su regazo, y de la Virgen otra flor que recoge al Salvador figurado por la imagen del niño Jesús que con la cruz sobre su hombro remata el árbol indicando que su sacrificio servirá para la redención del pecado. Esta iconografía del árbol genealógico de Cristo es mucho menos frecuente que la representación del conocido Arbol de Jese en el que la estirpe de Cristo crece del costado de Isaac.
Iconografía: Virgen de los Carmelitas; Santa Emerencia
Datación: 1520[ca]
Lugar de Producción/Ceca: Bélgica (Europa) [Brabante]
Historia del Objeto: En la Colección Lázaro antes de 1926.
Forma de Ingreso: Donación al Estado.
Información del Museo Lázaro Galdiano, en la web Colecciones en Red, fotografía de mi autoría.
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natesafety · 2 years
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Read the latest #towertimes Executive Insights by NATE President & CEO Todd Schlekeway about Strength in Numbers. https://bit.ly/3oFgLlX
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48835733 · 1 year
Yamr so dual soy NTIa sor
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
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Sonic's figures by:  バルク / Bulk @ ソニックキャラのフィギュア制作中
Needless to say, Sonic Bath Ntia. [ Release gimmick M-1126 ] At dusk, the feeling of bathing is UP.
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