#now they have to redeliver it
julilovesmmu · 8 months
currently feel like im the only one yet to get bitb 😭😭
mine is meant to be delivered tomorrow
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mumintroll · 2 years
got my underwear idk if it fits properly but its definitely better than the ones i already have so a win i think. also went into the second hand bookshop & found the collected works of dorothy parker + a french book on l'art prehistorique and then went to the art gallery to look at my favourite painting & almost got locked in but made it out alive. good day mostly <3
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taino-ti · 2 months
Recently I've been publishing a revised version of my Supernatural Rewrite Project on Ao3, which is a project I've been working on for a few years now and have decided to revive recently. This project is focused on novelizing certain episodes of Supernatural from seasons 1-15, with special focus to certain aspects of the show which many audiences have agreed should see more attention. With special attention to issues of diversity within the shows canon, I've opened up a Discord Server where people can hang out, talk about the show, and talk about the project. I am also looking for people interested in conversations regarding representation for disabled people, people of color, transfeminine folks and more, so I would really appreciate all the input possible! Id really love for this project to deliver on a lot of the cool concepts Supernatural built up to but perhaps didn't particularly deliver on, so I love to hear what the fans have to say about this! So whether you have your opinions on certain episodes (e.g Bugs, Route 666), certain plot lines (Bobby's disability, Sam's blood powers).
Haven't Seen Supernatural?
No problem! The intention of this fic almost akin to a reboot, where I redeliver familiar concepts from the show in a fresh framing as fresh concepts. You do not have to watch Supernatural to read my works, so if the concepts ever interested you, feel free to check out the first installation (Woman in White), The project, or the server!
Hope to see y'all around!
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sharkiegorath · 11 months
Major plot speculation for Good Omens S2. Doesn't reference any leaks. Does reference the trailer, sneak peeks, the S2 opening sequence, episode titles, official promos, minisode plots, hypothetical book sequel details, a late-season vague spoiler from the SFX article, and one interview where there might've been a slip.
Gabriel was the annunciation angel. Could S2 involve a second annunciation? For the Second Coming of Christ?
The amnesiac Gabriel knows he needs to deliver something, seemingly to Aziraphale. Like he 'delivered' the news about Jesus to Mary? Based on promos and Gabriel throughout the opening sequence, this delivery is a major thread throughout the season.
'Everyday' was going to be S1's theme song, but it was cut. Now 'Everyday' is an actual plot point in S2, maybe because it's a romantic song………..but also because something else is approaching. Something of near-equivalent importance to the Antichrist.
"The Apocalypse was just a red herring" possibly because Jesus never actually showed up - was never even hinted at besides a short scene in S1E3 - even though the Second Coming is a major part of the Book of Revelation.
One minisode is called 'The Resurrectionists', and another involves zombies. The 'Everyday' pub in Edinburgh is also called the Resurrectionist. The resurrection of the dead occurs in Revelation 20, right after the widely-interpreted Second Coming in Revelation 19.
A minute into the opening sequence, there's a sign saying 'the 2nd Coming'. I mean. It's a bit on the nose, but what's up with that. The words 'THE PAROUSIA' are also visible around 1:08 of the opening sequence. It could be the theater's name...but 'Parousia' is another name for the Second Coming.
The hypothetical sequel book would've included Jesus arriving in a "big silver plane" surrounded by angel bodyguards. Crowley and Aziraphale would also be involved. (sources) S2 is supposed to get the plot to the point of the hypothetical sequel - maybe Jesus needs to arrive on Earth first. Note that a big silver plane labeled "Thy Kingdom Airways" appears in the opening sequence, shortly before it starts raining hearts.
The trailer has Aziraphale saying "I think I may have just started a war" and something reading "surrender the angle" [sic] thrown through a window. The SFX article reveals that "towards the end", Shax prepares to attack the bookstore, to retrieve Gabriel. Unlike the Heaven/Hell dynamic in S1, Hell might be trying to stop a Second Coming because they don't have a 'counter', since the Antichrist is now human.
S2E1 is titled 'The Arrival'. That's the same title as episode one of the radio adaptation, when the infant Antichrist arrived.
In the book/S1, Hell was incompetent delivering the Antichrist. It makes thematic sense for the Second Coming to be botched by Heaven being equally incompetent.
Last lines of the trailer: "I'm going to get into so much trouble." "Well then, let's make it worthwhile." because fundie groups will lose their goddamn minds if this is the plot?!
"Jesus is being redelivered to earth, the Second Coming is scheduled." this could be a straightforward verbal slip about the book/S1 plot. or it might actually be the overarching plot
My biggest problem with this theory is that it might be too obvious. But things like Gabriel-as-messenger and 'the parousia' make me think the Second Coming is going to be evoked somehow. In that case, maybe the angels and demons conclude it's the Second Coming, and that assumption drives some of the plot, but then it turns out it isn't.
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13flowersandfoxes · 10 months
Medical supply company is supposed to be delivering a mobility device. They showed up on Friday when I was at the grocery store and said they would wait when I said I was close to home. They were not there when I got home a minute later.
Now today I called to see about getting them to redeliver. They went “oh we already attempted 3 times so now you have to come pick it up”
I wouldn’t have minded picking it up if they hadn’t fucking LIED to me so I get really pushy. No, you haven’t. You attempted once, unless you’re showing up, knocking on the wrong apartment, and not calling me. They were basing the fact that they had attempted 3 times with how many phone calls there were between me and the corporate office. Only 1 was about a delivery attempt.
So the rep went “I’m gonna listen to the calls and call you back”
Guess what, they’re delivering
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sophisticatedswifts · 4 months
I decided to order a Covid test from a store through a food delivery app since I’m sick and I added groceries in as well because it was a grocery store. So I didn’t question it when the delivery driver gave me two bags. But I opened the first bag up and it wasn’t my stuff. I had someone else’s order. So I reported it and now I’m getting my own order redelivered so I just have free groceries.
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myeyesarebrighter · 2 years
Car needs some kind of new latch which is apparently draining an accessory batter and causing the weird issues. Not sure totally and still waiting for a call back. Sigh.
Bed can’t be redelivered tomorrow, in fact probably not until Friday now. Which is fucking bullshit Bc we paid for delivery but can probably shove the thing up the stairs ourselves tonight if we really want to. The delivery guys totally lied about timelines.
There are no makeup swimming lessons available so M’s swim test won’t happen this week.
AND last but not least, I have +2 surprise kids in my house for the next 3 (?) hours while their dad battles rush hour to get their mom and brother, who was surprise released early. Good problem to have but this whole day has not gone at all how I imagined!
Relax and ride the wave, I guess!
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daydreamingleclerc · 1 year
dad and i have just had an argument all bc i’m like asking him to take me to my nana’s (she lives on the opposite end of town which is a 45 min walk but it’s POURING and i can hardly walk bc of my pain) and i’ve been asking him since 11am and he’s waiting for a parcel so he keeps refusing and now i just don’t even wanna go bc he’s like “i cant leave when i’m waiting for a parcel” they will literally redeliver tomorrow i haven’t seen nana in 3 weeks
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sunglassesmish · 1 year
long rant with food mention that nobody asked for:
okay so i ordered a burger and strips to be delivered to my house at like 7 45 and the guy came at 8 20. but he said he gave my food to the house he delivered to before me. he said ‘okay i’m gonna go back and get it, i’ll be back. okay? i’ll get it and come back’ so i waited. and waited. and waited.
9:05 and he still wasn’t back. so i went onto the deliveroo app and i was chose the option that was like something’s wrong with my order, it didn’t get delivered. and there was an option to get the same thing redelivered for free and i was so happy about it so i did that, because i didn’t want a refund. i NEEDED food, because i had been fasting from 3am to 9pm by this point.
and then by 9 20 the food came, and when i opened it. they had put 2 chicken pieces (chicken thigh or chicken breast, idk) in my burger so it was HUGE. i’ve ordered this food before, they normally only have one piece, which even then. that piece is like the size of my hand!!
so now i’m like. how do i eat all this food!!! why did they give me double, did they know that my food didn’t get delivered so they gave me more, was it a mistake??!
anyways. i may have had to wait a while but it was worth it. and now i can’t even finish the strips so i’m saving it for later.
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aemoglobin · 5 months
extremely pissed off rn bc the usps refuses to let me fill out a redelivery form on the site for my package that they didn't even TRY to deliver today. and it's supposed to fucking snow again tomorrow which is the only day i'll be able to get it until NEXT WEEK and like. i am HERE. i am here NOW. my phone number is on the outside of the fucking package and my apartment is literally directly up the stairs from the lobby AND my roommate was home & could have signed for it (idc if he forges my signature it's fine). did you even fucking TRY to deliver it to me? i think the fuck not.
the address on my package includes my country and the address form on the usps site does not have a field for the country, so it thinks my address is incorrect since it's different from the package address without the country field filled in, and therefore i can't get it redelivered. which fucking sucks.
i'm going to pray that the snowfall isn't too hard tmrw and i'll take the bus there with my ID, hopefully bully the usps worker into giving me my fucking package, and take a lyft home because i have no fucking clue where the bus stop BACK to my apartment is and i don't fancy walking 2mi home while it's actively snowing. paying $10 for a 6min ride home sucks complete ass but what can you do when you don't have a car and none of the fucking bus stops are visibly labeled!!!!!!!!!!
like if they want to argue my ID is out of date that's fine, they're right, the address is wrong but the face on my ID is still mine, so!!!!!!!!! i can name every single item in the box if they wanna open it up and check lol like i WILL be leaving the post office with my package tomorrow since they wanna play games like this.
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cryoexorcist · 10 months
mild rant under the cut irl issues
has anyone else had issues with their food delivery driver getting so stupidly lost even with clear instructions on how to find your damn place? because i have to get my food redelivered. my driver got lost and drove around in circles for a half hour before giving up and pressing "food delivered" button. i am so fucking hangry right now I WANT MY FOOD.
why are delivery drivers kinda dumb though. if it's not issues with them eating your food, it's issues with them not knowing how to read instructions.
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
I committed Fast Fashion Crimes (shopping on boohoo) bc I wanted to get next day delivery on a piece of clothing so I have time to mod it the way I want to and give it to someone before they leave for Christmas.
that was on Saturday. on Sunday I went out for lunch and missed the delivery. ok. got an email saying oops we missed you we'll redeliver on the next working day.
I paid 30% of the cost of the actual item for next day delivery and it's now past the date that it would have come on regular postage. fuck this noise. sent a complaint haven't heard back from that either.
I didn't even want to go online I wanted to go trawl a charity shop but I don't have TIME. the charity shops all close by 6 and I've been working until 5:30 most days lately, and busy all weekend.
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
Breh the FedEx people showed up before I even called the internet people and like I fucking HOPE they try to redeliver that package today because I want internet so I can watch shiny happy people on prime and satisfy my need to know ever inch of the Duggars life because it's fucking fascinating and horrifying and now the kids are old enough to have their own thoughts and opinions and I would just like my internet 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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fauny1-enpointe · 1 year
The Majestic Revived @ Fantasy Faire
The Majestic Revived @ Fantasy Faire by KetsuidaFaun +En Pointe+ Via Flickr: At long last, a much needed touch up, polish and shine up, she leaves the dry docks with her new paint job and adjusted mesh and dropped complexities. No she doesn't fly... yet... still working on that, sl has restrictions I must go around... She comes fully loaded with options now though, 8 sails colors (all individually changeable) 7 metals, 4 woods and room to grow. As ever her hull below deck is livable or stow stuff away, do what you want! Just enjoy her. AS PROMISED if you already have her REDELIVER if you did not get the update I am sending out. IF YOU DON'T HAVE HER you can come get your own in Khumbala! maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Khumbala/129/38/129 IF YOU HAVE THE FLEET SET: WAIT. I am working on fixing up the Marvel too as quick as I can to get the whole thing in your hands
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philcatelinet · 1 year
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I posted 1,361 times in 2022
43 posts created (3%)
1,318 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 28 of my posts in 2022
#hell yes - 1 post
#not great bob - 1 post
#sweden can have some eugenics ig - 1 post
#*coronavirus - 1 post
#*death - 1 post
#us and no - 1 post
#i grew up in the 80s and just missed nuclear war duck and cover drills - 1 post
#smbc - 1 post
#hiveworks - 1 post
#comic - 1 post
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#sorry if this is a spoiler but the book has been out for years and the show aired 10 years ago
My Top Posts in 2022:
I had to share my impressions of the New York Philharmonic in the newly renovated David Geffen Hall. For reference: our seats were on the orchestra level, row EE, in the center rear of the hall just under the first tier. For further reference: I’ve been a season-ticket subscriber to the NY Philharmonic since 2007. They have performed in the same hall since 1964 but it just underwent a renovation that fixed its notoriously bad acoustics, moved the stage forward by 30 feet so the audience is closer, and updated all the facilities. Tonight’s concert was Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 22 and Bruckner’s Symphony No. 7, two of my favorite pieces by two of my favorite composers.
I love the sound of the renovated hall. I’ve never FELT the Philharmonic’s sound like I did tonight. The basses and cellos, and all the strings, had a depth to their sound. I could hear the articulations more than ever. All of the instruments could be heard more clearly than before. I thought the delicacy of the Mozart piano concerto came out and that the piano was almost too soft compared to the orchestra. Maybe the piano was too loud before? Or the orchestra was straining to be heard over the piano? I thought the concerto was lovely nevertheless.
Bruckner’s Symphony No. 7 was incredible. I was hanging on every note. The brass sounded clear as bells. It helped that all of the brass were in the center of the stage, behind the winds, (and directly in front of where we were sitting in the center rear of the hall) instead of off to the side and way in the back like they used to be. I could feel those gorgeous brass chorales in the second movement. And the cymbal crash and timpani roll at the climax of the second movement was like an explosion of sound! There were other little things that I hadn’t noticed all the times I’d heard the piece before, like harmonies in the winds, or the first horn doubling the cellos in the opening, or some sharp menacing notes from the basses in the finale.
I almost feel cheated for all the years that I heard this orchestra in the old hall. I didn’t know what I was missing! I can’t wait to go back and hear them play there again. We have tickets to 3 more concerts this season and I might have to go by myself once or twice.
6 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
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See the full post
7 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
FreshDirect misdelivered someone else’s order to our building and now there’s fresh produce and two cases of Lacroix sitting in the hallway. I feel bad about food waste but we don’t have that much room in our refrigerator for more produce. And would taking the food be stealing, like taking someone’s package?
On the other hand FreshDirect is not going to come back and pick up this order and redeliver it. So it’s going to sit in the hallway for a couple of days and then one of us will put it in the trash.
8 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
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We’ve gone all black for concert dress! I’m taking this look to our orchestra concert just off Times Square tonight.
8 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I made one of my favorite dinners: Cook’s Illustrated’s chicken parmesan, and I added some pepperoni because why the hell not? And some sautéed green beans for our health, and a Sicilian red blend.
9 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lemonmoonlimestar · 2 years
Amazing. I was slowly getting back into a good mood despite it all, light at the end of the tunnel, but bullshit w my meds is going to be the end of me.
still no Concerta, thought id get the prescription redelivered today because I'd be home all day and made sure I left the gate open. Didn't leave the house except for 5 min across the street to get some diet Dr pepper. Had the tracking texts on. Checked mail box and app all day long.
Now i just checked the mailbox and my tracking again at 9pm. They didn't even attempt to deliver today 🤪🤪 and the redelivery request expired ??
And now I'm also out of klonopin.
supposedly, if the redelivery request has truly expired, hopefully that means the mail carrier won't have it and I can just go in to the post office before work tomorrow grab the prescriptions and fill them. Otherwise the carrier will try to and won't be able to deliver again cuz i wont be home (theyve def just delivered it anyway in the past 🤪) and I'm gonna have to have to wait till like Saturday to be home all day again for me to be able to accept it.
And since i need to get this all done tomorrow morning and the post office doesn't open till 8am I'm gonna be mad late for work. Thank gd for my boss who will have no problem w me being late lol. when she retires I'm gonna kms.
Hopefully I'm at least late for work with prescriptions in tow.
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