#not a big pad. a DIAPER
landofgay · 6 months
hey. birth control pill users. when u started ur birth control, ur period got LIGHTER right ? not the HEAVIEST ITS EVER BEEN.
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lokidips · 2 months
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loki always has trouble waking up in the morning, so thor takes him for a walk every morning to help. the only trouble is getting a drowsy baby ready…
(do not sexual!se, my art is completely non-sexual and sfw, k!nk and nsfw accounts do not have my permission to reblog)
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“oh no! did you wake up wet again sweetheart?”
you hear mommy ask as you freeze in disbelief.
you didn’t even wake this time. you’d just wet yourself while sound asleep. you really were a full fledged bedwetter now.
“oh, don’t cry! you’re just a baby, you can’t help when you potty.”
fat tears start to roll down your cheeks as mommy tries comforting you
“i’m a big girl! i don’t need diapers!”
you whine, feeling the cold padding rub between your legs while you squirm.
“no baby. if you weren’t wearing your diapers you would’ve absolutely soaked your pretty bed! it’s okay to admit you need diapers, you’ll always be mommy’s little bedwetter, huh?”
you cry as mommy continues comforting you.
not even a month ago you agreed to just try out diapers, and now you’re becoming dependent on them.
how long will it take until you can’t even keep your pants dry during the day?
mommy eventually gets out of bed, patting the front of your diaper
“how about we play with your buzzy wand for a minute before i change you. celebrate your third bedtime accident?”
you whimper, feeling the diaper squish around your princess parts.
okay. maybe being a bedwetter isn’t that bad…
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libraford · 18 days
Park Cleanup Pet Peeves
I'll be starting my seasonal gig at Parks and Rec in a couple months and I've got a couple things I wanna say. I know that this will probably not reach the people who need to hear it, but if ONE LESS person leaves the parks a mess, I will be That Much Happier.
-You're not supposed to smoke, drink, or have sex in public parks but I know that people will anyway. But if you are going to do those things, please dispose of the evidence in the trash cans. A human has to pick these things up.
-Dog poop goes in a bag. Bag goes in the trash can.
-The little wax paper liners in the women's room? See you're supposed to put your pad/tampon in that wax paper bag, take the bag out of the bin, and then dispose of it in the actual trash can. Don't feel bad, no one told me either. Also no one told the dudes I work with. But this reduces direct exposure to bodily fluids, especially as the summer gets on and it gets hot in those bathrooms.
-On that subject! The little bins that they go in next to the toilet? Don't stick trash in there. Don't put diapers in there. Also don't put beer cans crushed in such a specific way that I slice my hand on them as I try to jimmy it out of there. Literally, that bin is too small for most things. They are meant specifically for those brown bags. Please for the love of god, throw things in the trash can.
-As for the urinals, please no solids. Most commonly gum and chewed tobacco, but you can use your imagination.
-If you're doing a photo shoot or an event with confetti, please use a paper confetti instead of a plastic one- its easier to get rid of.
-If you're doing a pizza party, we'd rather you stack the pizza boxes in a pile next to the trash can instead of trying to fit them in the trash. Because then we can just throw the trash bag over the top and tie it instead of trying to fish it out. This kind of goes for any big trash- if it won't fit in the trash can easily, don't try.
-Please don't call cops on people sleeping in the parks if they're not bothering anyone. Even if they've been sleeping there all day. Dude's just trying to chill.
-Destruction of the toilets will result in the indefinite locking of the restrooms. You ruined them and now everyone at the softball tournament can blame you for it.
-Parks people are not the police. We are maintenance workers who are not trained to handle most emergencies and the most we can do in any situation is report to the proper department. Please don't look to us for answers if someone is starting a fight.
-Also please don't spit on us for driving on the path. We're permitted to. Its essential for us to drive on the path to do our job.
-please don't abandon animals at the park. Rehome them properly. I spent a whole week trying to catch a rooster last summer.
-look, I get it- 'oh no, your pretty building has writing on it!' Grafitti is so edgy. We get it. But it means Jacob has to sand it off now so that the kids at the birthday party don't see a giant drawing of a weiner. Acts of rebellion that create more work for the working class are not revolutionary.
-please do not set fire to the Tiny Free Library. Why did you do that? That's mean.
-please do not feed bread to ducks and geese. Corn, birdseed, lettuce- those are better for them. If you want to reduce tge amount of goose poop in the parks, shop feeding them bread.
-also do not anger tge geese. They remember what its like to be dinosaurs.
I'll have more later, probably, once the season wears on.
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wicchyy · 6 months
—0.3 boundary less ; james potter
sum: you and James are best friends. right? /bestfriend!James
warnings: none rly
notes: i fully believe in being best friends with james yall will not have boundaries
You’ve been friends with James Potter for as long as you can remember. Since you were in diapers, perhaps. You’d bathe and splash around in the bath with him when you were younger. Your mums were close and you’d spend almost every holiday with the Potter family. It wasn’t a strange thing for you to be seen with James after all. You’d already been apart of James’ life since day one. You knew the marauders of course, the rest of them. But you chose not to be apart of their group, deciding that they could have their own fun of pranks and troublesome adventures.
You however always sat on the couch late at night, when the boys were out doing something you’d prefer not to take part in. Then when the clock struck midnight, they’d come inside with their hushed voices and footsteps trying not to alert anyone. But you would always be there to see none other than James.
If he’d been hurt or in need of a good night hug, you’d wait just a while before your bedtime to see his face. At least if you wanted your morning the next day to be a pleasant one. He was your best friend, your lucky charm, your favorite person.
James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter stepped inside the commons just to see your usual presence. But this time you weren’t practicing your charms or reading a muggle book. You were tucked in nicely with a big knit blanket, hair splayed on the pillows, snug in James’ warm quidditch sweater.
“I’m heading straight to bed, boys. Absolutely knackered.” Peter whispered, patting Remus on the back and saying his goodbyes quickly.
The other joined you on the couch. Remus grabbing the book from the floor, clearly after your use. He settled on the single chair beside you and Sirius quickly joined him, planting his arse on the floor and leaning against his boyfriend’s feet. They knew James’ routine so well, knowing he’d want to spend the few moment with you and waiting up for him.
James made his few steps toward you, brushing stray hairs from your face before blowing at it. He knew it was just the thing to wake you up. Your eyes fluttered immediately, waking up to seeing James Potter’s pretty face. It certainly was a way to wake you up.
“Jamie!” You slapped his chest, straightening up your body and rubbing sleep away from your eyes. James took his place comfortable beside you, placing your foot atop his lap and smiling softly at you.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He replied, “You sure y’not tired? I’ll take you up upstairs if you are.” James always had a way of making your heart beat faster with the way he expressed his care.
“I’m quite fine. I was waiting for you guys, y’know.” You sighed softly, leaning back comfortably.
“Missed you darlin’, your loverboy here has decided on some new pranks we’d like to put in action next week.” Remus chimed from behind you.
“Mm. Remind me again, Y/n. Why aren’t you ever present for our wonderful tricks?” Sirius says in his tired tone.
James chuckles, answering for you. “Because, Pads, she’s a good girl.” He pats your knee.
You smiled at your best friend, “Yes, Jamie. I am. But also, because I prefer the solitude of the commons rather than running around and creating trouble around the castle.”
“Mhm. I thought your preferred solitude was with me.” James smiles.
You retracted your legs from his lap and changed your position to sit beside him. Thighs touching, warmth immediately radiating off him and you were impatient for him to wrap his arms around you. James took your change of position as a sign to immediately circle his arm around your shoulders. “Certainly one of my favorite.”
Remus simply smiles at you while Sirius rolls his eyes. They’ve become used to this behavior by now. The absence of boundaries between you and James’ friendship was somewhat of a regular routine for their eyes.
James dips his head at the curve of your neck, his nose prodding at your soft skin. You can feel his mouth curving up to form a smile. James breathes out a soft sigh, the feeling causing shivers all over your skin. “You smell nice, sweetheart.” He lays his head on your shoulder and your hand starts to mess with his curls.
The intimacy of this— of your friendship, was something you’d always treasure between you two. You’ve been chastised by Sirius many times as he’s told you about the attachment you and James have. How both of you had been unable to secure a significant other as you played the part well in looking so.
“Wearing your sweater, so technically you smell nice.”
“Mm, no. ‘S just you, honey.”
You laughed lightly, your fingers still messing around with his hair. He loved it as well as you.
“Oi, can you both just get it over with? Go get a room and snog or some—“ Sirius complains.
“What Pads means is that perhaps we should bid you goodnight now. He’s quite tired.” Remus cuts in, pulling at Sirius’ shoulder and getting him to stand up.
Sirius starts, but hes quickly being pulled up the staircase by Remus. “What—? That’s not what I mean, Moons.”
James waves his friends off, relaxing now that no one ought to judge him for the version of himself when he’s with you.
“Christ, I never want to leave from your arms.” James flirts.
Your fingers stop messing with his curls, but instead grabs at the arm he has around your shoulders and pulls his face closer. You set his head on your lap, his face gazing up at you.
“Sorry, Jamie. Y’know how you make my lap warm.”
James just smiles softly up at you, taking your hands to both of his cheeks. He likes the warmth of your palms that have been lying beneath the blankets and near the fireplace. “Missed you today, sweetheart.”
“You always miss me, Jamesie.”
He smiles with his perfect lips, pouting like a baby knowing that you find his ridiculous look adoring. “True. However, I only have one class with you on Fridays and I have clubs the whole day after. And I promised the boys I’d discuss forward our plan today.”
“Too occupied to see me, hm?”
“Never. I truly am sorry, honey.”
You pinched his cheeks lightly, glancing just barely at his plump lips you so badly want to kiss. “You only have time for me when it’s late, James?”
“Oh, come on. You know it’s our time when it’s late.”
True. Nights like these were reserved for you and James only. And you wouldn’t have it any other way, truly.
“I guess I can accept your apology. With only one more request.”
James smiles up at you. “Stay at my dorm tonight?”
“Obviously.” You laughed, tracing James’ soft skin with your fingertips. “I’ve got my period today, need your aiding cuddles.”
“Course, sweetheart. I’ve always got ya, haven’t I?”
James positions his body to sit up and he places a quick, featherlight kiss on your cheek. He stands up from the place in your lap. “Come on now, up you go honey. Much warmer in my dorm.”
You grab his hand and intertwine them, standing up as James envelops you on his arms.
You’d never need anyone else if you would always have James with you, just like this.
💌 thanks for reading lovie! support me by reblogging <3
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littletism · 27 days
TW// vent about sexualization of agere
can we please stop pointing fingers at regressors who wear diapers and going “EWW AN ABDL!! NSFW DNI!!!!” because that is disgusting behavior. you are ACTIVELY sexualizing another persons regression if you look at sfw regressors and immediately accuse them of being kinksters.
there are several reasons why a regressor would want to (or even need) to wear diapers. some regressors struggle with incontinence and literally need to wear them. some littles lose the ability to go potty like a big kid/adult when they enter littlespace. some littles use them in place of pads/tampons while menstruating (adults use them for the same reason if they have heavy flows!!). and lastly, some just enjoy doing it.
it’s unfair to be okay with pacifiers, bottles, sippies, onesies, etc. but then flip your lid at diapers. all forms of little gear are valid and diapers are included in that.
next time you call a padded little a “gross abdl” think about how you’re sexualizing their regression, something YOU wouldn’t want done to YOURSELF.
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regressionschool · 21 days
Maybe I do like it
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So many times I've said it: "I don't want to wear diapers." "I want to use the potty." "I'm a big girl." I've screamed it until my throat was raw, until my voice was nothing but a hoarse whisper. I've cried it all, every tear a testament to my defiance.
But no matter how loud I screamed, no matter how hard I fought, it didn't change anything. They still took away my big girl panties, replacing them with diapers. They still made me fill every diaper they strapped onto me to the brim, ignoring my protests and pleas.
I screamed at them, at my captors, the ones who held me prisoner in this childish state. But my screams fell on deaf ears, drowned out by their laughter and mocking whispers. In their eyes, I was nothing but a helpless little.
But as time passes and I obediently fill diaper after diaper, I find myself facing a troubling realization: maybe I like it. Maybe I like the way my diaper feels all warm and snug when I pee myself, the comforting embrace of its soft padding. Maybe I like the convenience of never having to search for a bathroom again, of being free to go whenever and wherever I please.
And as I squat down to mess my diaper, hours away from the next change, I can't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, I do like being a poopy pampers princess. The thought sends a shiver of guilt and excitement down my spine.
Picture property of: @theabdaycare
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“daddy! not right here!”
i try and pull away, but he already has his fingers down the front of my pull-up.
i nervously look around, praying that no one see’s my public diaper check.
“see baby? you’re soaked! i told you to go potty before we left!”
you whip you head down to your pull-up. you don’t remember having to go potty, and definitely not going potty in your pull-up.
but between your legs, rapidly cooling, was a soaked to capacity pull-up.
“i swear i didn’t have to go daddy!”
he ignores your little excuse, walking over to his backpack.
“daddy! i’m sorry! i’ll even change my own pull-up like a big girl!”
you follow after him, so aware of the new bulk around your thighs that you waddle a little.
“oh no, i think you’ve proven you’re not ready for pull-ups.”
your eyes go wide as you watch daddy unfurl your changing mat on the grass, and pull out one of your thick nighttime diapers.
“no! i’m a big girl! i don’t need diapers!”
you stomp your feet in front of his face while he smooths out your changing mat.
suddenly, daddy reaches a hand under your skirt, pressing the damp padding against your crotch.
your ears go pink as you feel pee start to escape from your leak guards and run down your thighs.
“mhm, little girls with peepee wetting their socks definitely don’t need diapers,”
he rolls his eyes as you let out an embarrassed whine.
“lie down so daddy can change you into something more age appropriate, huh baby girl? wouldn’t want your pretty skirt to get all wet…”
you whimper as you sink to your knees on your changing mat.
you feel your soggy pull-up squish against your ass as your sit down, with another leak coming out the side.
head in your hands, you lie down and let daddy start changing you. so embarrassed and flustered you don’t even notice a group of people coming around the corner…
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thebrattyprincesspage · 9 months
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Such a Teacher's Pet.........
"I get all the 'good girls'........ especially when I stay still for my diaper checks".
** I have an endless fantasy of running into a sweet caring big, giving me all the extra attention in class. So much so, that it's humiliating.... not that the obvious thickly padded bum wouldn't scratch that itch anyway.;
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bayersabbey · 3 months
My weekend
As most of you who follow me know, I do spend some time at my aunts during weekends. And as you also know I tend to not really sleep in onesies as I’m not to much of a fan of them, rather body’s with a crotch snap…
Anyways, this is me after waking up this morning and before putting on some sweatpants. I woke up and felt a fairly big fart making its way into the seat of my diaper, as I was laying on my stomach… seconds later I just feel a huge load just following after, without any notice or possibility of stopping it. It completely filled the seat of my diaper and before I knew it, I was called up for breakfast. I have my room in the basement when I’m at aunties.
I put on some spandex shorts over in the hope of it maybe concealing my big bulge in the back… not sure auntie really saw it during breakfast, but there was this squishy sound as I sat down and I could just feel it spreading around my crotch area. She gave me a good squeeze in the back of the diaper as I was on my way back down. She’s not the biggest fan of having me soil my diaper but luckily I was after all in a diaper.
She asked me if I wanted a change right away to what I replied that it wasn’t anything to worry or hurry about. So I want onto playing some The Sims before she insisted on me getting a change…
Thankfully is she very understanding and doesn’t judge an accident, after all, I think she is getting that I apart from needing diapers also actually enjoy the feeling of wearing them and using them.
Wish you all a pleasant and padded Sunday folks.
Ps. Thanks for everyone in the PMs, you’re all great people
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alittlebabypandagirl · 9 months
Messing my diaper makes my kitty throb...
cw - diaper messing, sexual content
I could feel my little cheeks spread against the warm, soft padding of my diaper. A thick log was poking its way through my tight tiny hole as I grunted and strained to push it out. I was on my bloated belly, straddled on top of my giant unicorn stuffie on the floor as my guts churned below me and gas leaked around the firm turd pushing out of my hole. I grunted again, the log slowly tenting the seat of my diaper. My face grew warm, sweat prickling my forehead as I continued to push my mess out. It felt so good, my asshole gaping around my mess. I couldn't help but moan as I took a brief break in my straining. I squirmed in place, slowly grinding my swollen clit against my soft padding, my asshole throbbing against the mess that was still halfway sticking out of me as I humped mindlessly. I moaned, then started to push my mess out again. It was snapping and crackling into my diaper as it started snaking easily out of me, curling into a warm mound into my diaper. I sighed in delight as a hot trickle of pee spread around the front, absorbing into the thick padding between my legs.
My body tingled all over, and I couldn't stop myself from humping my unicorn a few more minutes, my poopy mess sticking and spreading around my butt cheeks. I soaked in the pleasure for a few more moments, humping gently as I made tiny whiny moans and whimpers, my swollen clit twitching pleasantly. I wanted nothing more than to vigorously hump my unicorn into oblivion until I came over and and over and over again. But, I stopped myself and got to my feet, my legs wobbly and tingly.
I took a few steps in my dirty diaper before my tummy rumbled again. I instinctively bent down, grasping my knees and pushing my already messy bottom out. I gave a little push, expecting gas, and was surprised to feel a flood of mush erupt from my hole, spreading across my messy cheeks. I reached behind me, and felt the warm lump that was weighing my diaper seat down.
I wanted nothing more than to go mount my unicorn again and ride him furiously. Instead, I stood up straight again and called out, "Daddy! I went poopy!"
I heard him shift, coming over to my play corner in the living room. He had his hands on his hips as he sniffed the air, "It certainly does smell like a little stinker made a poopy, that's for sure."
I giggled, hiding my face behind my hands as he approached me. He put his arms around my waist and bent me over to inspect my soiled diaper. I blushed furiously as he pulled my skirt up and out of the way, peering down the waist to assess the damage.
"Wow," he exclaimed. "Baby girl made a big big mess."
"Did I do a good job?" I asked.
He began to brush his hands over the back of my diaper before pressing his palm against it, squishing the mess into my sticky cheeks. "A very good job," he said holding my diapered bottom in his hand.
"Daddy, can I please have changies?" I asked, running a hand up his thigh, brushing my fingers along the outline of his growing cock. It twitched appreciatively in response.
"Oh," he chuckled warmly. "Does my little baby want to have a diaper change?"
"Yes, Daddy," I breathed as I traced the outline of is shaft. "It's a big poopy, and I need a very thorough clean up."
He rocked his hips back and forth, pulling me up and against his chest as he pressed his now rock hard erection up against my tummy. He tucked my hair behind my ear, tracing a finger down my cheek and pointing my chin up to look at him. He bent down to land a tender kiss on my quivering lips, our breath mixing, heavy with desire.
"Come on, my sweet girl. Let's get you out of that dirty thing," he purred in my ear, and my knees shook as I melted into his embrace.
Hope you enjoy my little scenes! While you're here, if you'd like to support me, I'm working on raising funds for my wheelchair! Check it out here!
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mellowsadistic · 4 months
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"What am I wearing?!" Tracy shrieked, getting up on her knees and goggling at the disposable diaper strapped tightly around her waist. Her head felt funny. Why was she in bed? The last thing she remembered was Sabrina, her stepdaughter-to-be, giving her something to drink, and then...
"Ah, you're awake!" came a young woman's voice. "Did you enjoy your little nap, Tracy?"
Tracy looked up to see Sabrina standing over her, a mocking smile on her face. "Sabrina?" She still felt a little confused and disoriented, but she didn't like the expression on the girl's face at all. "What's going on?" she demanded. "What did you..." She thought back to that moment in the kitchen, when Sabrina had unexpectedly offered to make her morning coffee. "Did you drug me?!" she screeched. "And why did you put me in a fucking diaper?"
Sabrina's smile widened. "If my Dad wants to get remarried, fine," she said matter-of-factly. "But it's not going to be to some vapid bimbo who's only after his wallet."
Tracy flushed. So what if she was only after Sabrina's father for his money? He was in his sixties or something. If he wanted a hot young trophy wife, what was wrong with that? And if she ended up divorcing him after a year or so and taking half of his fortune, it would be his own stupid fault for being so naïve.
"Unfortunately," said Sabrina, "Dad's been totally taken in by your seductive little schemes, so it's up to me to protect him." Her eyes glittered dangerously. "It's up to me to make sure he'll never be attracted to you again."
"What are you..." But Tracy suddenly gasped, a manicured hand flying to her mouth, as she felt a tiny trickle of pee leak into her Pampers. She tried to clamp down on the flow, but nothing happened. The trickle stopped after only a few seconds, but it was enough to make the padding between her legs feel disgustingly warm and wet, and more to the point, it had been completely out of her control. “What did you do to me?!" she squealed, repulsed by the sensation of piss soaking into her pants and pressing against her pussy.
"You really are stupid, aren't you?" Sabrina laughed. "Isn't it obvious, you dumb whore? I made you incontinent. Or is that word too big and complicated for you? Would it be easier to understand if I told you that you'll never use the little girl's room again?"
Tracy stared at her, open-mouthed, too stunned and horrified to speak. She couldn’t be incontinent. She couldn’t be. It wasn't possible to just take someone's control away!
"I added a special ingredient to your latte this morning," Sabrina explained, as if reading her mind. "A little something I found online. A few drops are enough to cause total and permanent incontinence, though I promise you it's quite untraceable, so don't bother running to the police to whine about how your boyfriend's meanie daughter stole your potty training. I made sure not to leave any evidence, and you'll just sound crazy."
Tracy felt as though she'd been doused in icy water. If Sabrina was telling the truth, if she really was incontinent, then she'd never be able to seduce a man again! Her stomach rolled as she imagined trying to persuade Sabrina's father to buy her a new pair of shoes, clutching his arm and rubbing her breasts against his chest, only to feel her diaper drooping between her legs as she pooped in it without warning. She'd be a joke!
Sabrina was smirking. "Are you getting it now, you gold-digging trollop? Your homewrecking days are over. Men aren't going to look twice at you when they find out about your little potty-pants problem. The kind of guys you're after want a hot piece of ass, not a diapered one, and without your sex appeal you're nothing but an overgrown brat. But you should know, there are men out there who are into girls that need diapers. Maybe you could find one of them to look after you? Of course, it wouldn't be the kind of glamorous lifestyle you'd hoped for... It would be a life of spankings, early bedtimes, messy highchair feedings, and begging your Daddy for diapie changes. But hey, at least you wouldn't have to work!"
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wittlesissyb4by · 4 days
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It's not enough to just lock the cock anymore. Why just control their orgasms when you can control so, so much more?
All it takes is a little diaper (or, in this case, a big diaper) and some locking plastic panties. That’s when you really start to control their psyche. They’re not just thinking about cumming anymore, they’re thinking about peeing and pooping too.
You strip them of their most basic biological freedom. What they once took for granted, they now have to carry around with them in the form of a warm, mushy reminder of their place. They won’t just think about when they get to have an orgasm again, they’re thinking about when they’ll get to use a freaking toilet again. You control when and where they get to use the bathroom.
You control their masculinity just by choosing a certain color for their new crinkly undergarments. Are they going to wear the pink ones? Or the ones with adorable zoo animals? They don’t even have control of the ridiculous prints on the diaper you’re going to put them in that day.
They thought they could control what clothes they wear, but that’s your decision now too. Which ones will expose their diaper the most? Which ones do nothing to hide that inordinate amount of padding on their bottom? Hell, you can control whether or not they even get to wear clothes around the house at all.
You control their sanity. Every step with the poofy padding between their legs keeps them in a constant state of humiliation. A continuous reminder of their status on the totem pole. There is nothing more demeaning to a man than having to wear big, ridiculous diaper. It’s hard to feel like an Alpha when you’ve got the Alphabet scribbled across the front of your poofy pampers. Who would take orders from someone that pisses and shits all over themselves? If they even try to speak out of turn to someone superior (which would be, well, everyone) a quick pacifier in their mouth will shut them up real quick. It’s not like they can even argue against it, they’re in a diaper for crying out loud.
But it’s when they’ve finally lost control, when they’ve no choice but to wet themselves, mess themselves, and they have to crawl up to you and beg for you to unlock and change their diapers, that’s when it really starts to sink in. They don’t have control over anything anymore. They want so desperately to wear big boy clothes, to cum, to feel like a man, to not have to fill and pack a pair of pampers, and if they do, they want out of them almost immediately. But they don’t control that anymore.
You do.
And all it took was one extra lock and key…
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princescribbler · 1 year
Teases to Put Your ABDL Partner Into Littlespace
Just a few ideas of teases, jokes, taunts, and exciting promises to your little one to make them as blushy, little, and regressive as possible.
"I love you, too... but I still think you need to stay little a bit longer. Don't worry, I'll take care of you, little one!"
"Aww, you LOVE being mine, don't you? Come on, you can tell me."
"Who's my good little baby, huh? Is it you? Who's my blushing baby, hmm?" (Extra points if you peel their hands back when they cover their face)
"Well, I think my little angel might need a diaper bag, hmm? Are you big enough to hold it, or should i?"
"That's ok baby, I know you can't handle all those big adult things. That's why I made you my little baby again, isn't it, huh?"
"I love you, but I don't think you're ready to be big quite yet.. maybe if you're very, very good I can give you a shot at pullups... but not quite yet!"
"Does somebody need a trip over my lap? Somebody just needs a spanking to know how to be good for me?"
"Awww, you don't like being babied? But you seem VERY excited down here..."
"Hey hey hey, hands off unless you need mittens! Maybe you need those hands protected..."
"What, do you get EMBARRASSED thinking people can see you be my cute baby? Huh? Well... good. I love when my sweetie is nice and blushy!"
"I just love how cute you look when you're feeling nice and snuggly"
"We should get dinner somewhere nice. Do you need extra layers, or do you think you can hold your potty like a big girl/ big boy?"
"Now honey: I know you want to be big, but I'm just not sure yet. Don't you just love your stuffies, and being a good little one? Hmm? Exactly! No more of that silly 'big boy/girl' talk"
"Awww, i just love seeing you so cute and baby brained!"
"Well SOMEBODY needs an early bedtime... and I don't think it's the (big girl/big boy), or the (mommy/daddy), do you?"
"I just love how SWEET you are when you're all little and needy for me. I might have to keep you this way..."
"I just love it when you get all cute and blushy for me baby. Come on... show me those cute blushy cheeks! There they are!!"
"Awww, you LOVE it when I talk all cute and condescending, don't you little cutie?"
"Please, now, come along or do I need to show all these nice people what it looks like when you get a spanking, huh?"
"Good baby: I love finding you already nice and little for me!"
"Awww, is somebody blushing? Come on, you don't need to hide from me!"
"Oh silly, nobody cares that you're a crinkle pants, and I'm sure nobody will notice anyhow!"
"Don't you want to be my good baby? Hmm? Or do you need a STRICTER caregiver, huh?"
"Are you wet again already? Really? Did somebody go potty in their diapee, huh?"
"Well who could have known: a Wet diapee? I guess I was right to keep you nicely padded, wasn't I sweetheart?"
"Nobody will care, baby: you just let me worry about that, no reason for babies to worry!"
"Seems like SOMEONE really enjoys being my helpless little crinklebutt, huh?"
"Aww, don't hide that face! I need to see you being all flustered and cute!"
"Nope nope nope! We can't possibly leave until you've used the potty, and shown me your nicely wanted hands, little one!"
I'll add more as they jump to mind, but feel free to add your own and your favorites!
And as always, stay happy, stay healthy, and stay kinky!!
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“daddy! it’s still light outside! why do i have to be in pjs and my nighttime diaper now?”
you pout as daddy finishes taping up one of your thick nighttime diapers with a booster in it around your waist.
“you’ll see in a minute princess, be patient.”
daddy pulls up your pajama bottoms, clearly displaying the bulk around your bottom.
as you slide off the changing table and grab your blankie, you hear the door bell ring.
“that must be her now!”
daddy begins striding to the front door.
“who daddy?”
he ignores you, but your question is answered a moment later as daddy opens the door to show a gorgeous older woman.
“you must be jackie! i’m nick and this is the little princess you’ll be watching, grace.”
daddy grabs your arm and pulls you into the doorway.
the woman, jackie, beams at you,
“hi sweetheart! i’ll be your babysitter for tonight! you can call my auntie jackie! aren’t you precious!”
she leans forward and pinches one of your cheeks, daddy and her laughing as you whine and try to pull away.
“i don’t need a babysitter! i’m a big girl!”
you take a step back, but auntie jackie just ignores you and follows you inside, closing the door behind her.
“you better behave little girl, unless you want me to give you a spanking before i leave?”
daddy shoots you a stern look, effectively quieting your whining.
he gives auntie jackie a quick tour of the house, you waddling behind as he shows her your changing table, crib, high chair, etc.
eventually he leads her to the living room, she settles in, putting her bag down while daddy puts his shoes and coat on.
“alright! she should be all set for the night, just remember to give her one of the special “nighttime bottles” so she can sleep without any fuss!”
you let out a whimper. those “nighttime bottles” have not only a sleep aid, but also a laxative and muscle relaxant, so you will definitely be waking up in a packed diaper.
“anything else i need to know? favorite cartoons? anything to watch out for?”
daddy shrugs, turning to you as you sit on the floor with your blankie.
“she’s a bit of a heavy wetter and messer, but don’t worry about changing her, she’s padded up well. but if you think she’s going to leak, feel free to put her plastic panties over her diaper, they’re in the top drawer of her changing table.”
you blush. it’s not your fault you daddy keeps you so hydrated!
“gotcha! well you go have fun on your date! i’ll make sure your little pamper packer is well taken care of while you’re getting lucky!”
he laughs, thanking her and heading towards the door.
“daddy! no! i’m your girlfriend! you can’t just go on dates!”
he rolls his eyes, seeming annoyed.
suddenly, you hear a loud hissing noise, and feel your diaper start to get warm.
“oh! it looks like your little princess is going peepee in her diapey!”
auntie jackie exclaims, reaching down and patting your newly soggy padding.
“you proved my point yourself sweetheart, who wants to fuck a potty pants? big girls don’t need diapers, so daddy’s going out and finding you a mommy.”
you whimper, embarrassed beyond means, and cover your face with your blankie.
he’s right, you’re closer to an toddler daddy takes care of than his girlfriend. you don’t even remember the last time you and daddy and sex.
“told you she’s a super soaker! you be good for auntie jackie, maybe if i get a good report back you can use mr. buzzy wand tomorrow, hm?”
you squirm in your wet diaper, knowing the closest you’ll ever get to big girl sex from here on out, is cumming into a wet and messy diaper.
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