fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Hate that it’s happening to other people but I’m really glad people are coming out and talking abt mcu kin harassment. I’m more comics/cartoons aligned and had on and off hate for years from general marvel kin/fans but the minute the mcu Kidnapped Me I was FLOODED with absolutely heinous nonsense essentially overnight. I know I was a bad person but even I don’t deserve out of nowhere antisemetism, death threats, and suicide bait thrown at my face. I am shaking all your hands respectfully in solidarity.
Also in response to the person asking where we find all these people: they found me! I was just sitting in my own little corner keeping to myself and suddenly had Hundreds of absolutely hateful messages. I already had on and off harassment for just Being Me but the minute the mcu got involved it was a whole new level.
-Norman Osborn #🎃
(PS, I’ve seen the few ppl replying to me specifically on here, I am simply a shy beast, but I See You, and I appreciate it 💜💚💜💚)
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Me? Watching cutscenes from Spider-Man ps4 and crying over my whole son at 5 in the am again? It’s more likely than you think. - 🎃 (Norman Osborn)
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Hrrggh canon pets
As Norman Osborn I had a hairless cat! She was specifically a sphynx and her name was Athena, we got her like maybe a year or less before we had Harry and she stayed around for so long she became such an old little woman. She was so funny I think about her a lot. Like I could write long paragraphs about her. When Harry was first born she made it very clear she had to be in the room with him at all times or she would be Loud About It. As soon as he started walking she said ok bye and went back to being attached to me. Any time I cooked she was Directly Next To Me not really in the way but meowing the entire time. If I didn’t immediately let her sit on my lap when I was working at any desk or table whatever I was working on was immediately sat upon. My first night of being out as Green Goblin I came home disoriented and she immediately yelled at me presumably for coming home wearing bright green tights at 3 in the morning. She had a full wardrobe and I’m fairly certain we had at least two matching outfits. I meant to include another kins pets in this but I got caught up with how much I love this little pink Beast Athena if you’re out there ily
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Funniest kin mems: one of my canons after my first night doing Goblin Things I came back tired and confused and my. My cat. My little hairless cat came to me. YELLED her head off. Sniffed me. Figured out it was me. And yelled even louder. I got crime shamed by a little uncooked chicken in a fancy sweater. -Norman Osborn #🎃
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
(no way home spoilers maybe I tried to be vague)
People are allowed to be upset over the events of the movie, for what it’s worth I feel completely awful. Apologies from me are going to feel hollow compared to what happened, and I could never give them enough.
But people have taken it upon themselves to. Come into my personal dms on multiple social medias and outright harass me over it. From just rude messages to outright hateful ones, ever since the movie came out I’ve been waking up to this. And I don’t think I can overstate how absolutely inappropriate and over the line this is.
I am a stranger to you. I literally don’t know you and I have been in my own corner of things minding my own business, literally just existing as myself, this is absolutely not an invitation to take your frustrations out on me. Michael Mouse showing me, a known villain, doing something bad is absolutely not an excuse to personally attack me in my own spaces. I don’t know any of you people.
I deal with this a lot as a villain kin, with people being overly judgmental and having little to no respect for boundaries, but this is absolutely the worst it’s ever been. The frequency of harassment, from both kin and non-kin, is completely unprecedented and it has to stop.
I’m sorry, I truly am, but it’s absolutely no excuse to harass me personally in my own spaces.
-Norman Osborn #🎃
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I really did go huh I don’t think I have any clothes that remind me of/are connected to my kintypes, while folding my multiple green goblin shirts, with my wardrobe of almost entirely green and purple, wearing a pumpkin shirt and a pumpkin hoodie and pants with little pumpkins on them - Norman Osborn #🎃
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
various pride things!
Crispin Whytehead [Fict.] - Me!! Transmasc, unlabeled, various xenogenders because gender is fuck
James B. Barnes [Fict.] - Poly, same thing with the xenos [had permission to add this]
Malcolm Bright - Trans + bi with a masc preference
Reagan Ridley - Unlabeled, bi
Norman Osborn - May have been trans? Gay
Phillip Morris - Absolutely flaming
Gramble - Trans + unlabeled
Vincent Rhodes - Transmasc and bi
Boxman - Transmasc and gay
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Hi I'm Norman Osborn and I'm ready to fight Every Single Norman who was even remotely Bad to their Harry. Square Up, Rich Bois.
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