#noooo get the tissues😭😭😭😭
the-kr8tor · 2 months
Daily Hobie HC! I had a pretty shit day today so that's the theme of these hcs:) (I'm doing okay now that I get to write about this smoochable punk) If you're in tears, he'll definitely provide comfort. He won't force you to talk, and I can see him being more quiet than anything, letting his actions speak instead. He'll bring you tissues and maybe some snacks such as chocolate or sweet fruits if you like any. If you need it, Hobie will let you lean into him or rub your back to try make you feel better while you sob into his shoulder. Once he sees you grounding yourself, he'll try to slip a lighthearted and hidden tease. If you don't seem to indulge into it, he'll stay quiet and just be there in case you need anything. However, if you do manage to let out a little laugh, Hobie will eventually begin obviously teasing you, wanting to make you smile and forget about whatever troubled you. Oh yeah, he'll also kiss the tears off your face once you're feeling a little better too:) - 🐦‍⬛
Noooo 😭 I'm so sorry u had a shitty day, I'm glad you're better now, lovely! I appreciate your daily Hobie HCs! I always look forward to them when I wake up ❤️❤️❤️
HE'S SUCH A SWEETHEART OH MY HEART 🥹😭 I agree to all of these like he'd be very understanding and patient 🥰🥺 and oh so soft with you but his heart would ache too bc he doesn't want to see his love cry and he'll do anything to make you happy again but for now he'll be there to take care of you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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vinetae · 1 year
Can we get a part two of my love? 😭❤️
A/n: Yes you can! Had to decide whether I wanted JK to care for Y/n or them both be sick together. Hope you like it! Thanks for the feedback <33
Warnings: Light makeouts, fluff, reflections on the confession, and more fluff. Y/n tasting like Jungkook's mother's chicken noodle soup lmao. Gross metions of sick symptoms (nasty coughs and detailed sneezes).
Part 1
"Son of a bi-"
Your eyes were itchy and swollen, nose running faster than Niagara Falls, and body all achy and stiff. Thanks to Jungkook, you'd gotten sick two days after he had. Now here you lay, tangled up in his Matte black big comforter, with snot just oozing out both of your nostrils.
Your nose felt fuller than when you go to an all-you can-eat buffet. Nose felt more stuffed full than all the things the girls from high school whispered about you behind your back.
Nose feeling fuller than-
"You look so hot right now." Jungkook giggles, erupting into a nasty fit of phlegm filled coughs. His chest sounded more wet than he makes you.
and that's hard to beat.
Your head slowly swivels to the side, eyeing his delusional self in retort. "I am extremely hot. Your duvet is too fucking big."
His lips curve into a smirk as he reaches across to your side of the bed, blowing his nose into a once, pure white tissue. "That's what she sai-" More coughs to come.
It was like an episode of the Three Stooges. Dumb and Dumber. Super Troopers, and all of those stupidly comedic shows we all loved as a kid.
His black locks fall into view, as his hand runs along Bam's curved back. The small -big- puppy -dog- had hotdog-ed himself right in between the middle of you two, making it impossible to cuddle anymore. Who cared anyways? The last thing you wanted to do was-
"Jungkook.." Your eyes take to the right side, eyeing the small little tent caught between his legs. Your eyes roll. "Are you seriously hard right now?"
A small blush flushes his cheeks, lifting his knee up to make the errection a bit more concealed. His voice, tiny and guilt-traced. "Noooo.."
A chuckle erupts from your chest, finding this whole ironic situation one of the dumbest things you've ever done. You're probably wondering what happened after your little makeout-confess-sesh that you two had shared a few nights ago. well, it went a little something like-
"Fuck, you're so hot, baby-"
Your head lulls back, as his lips press open, heated kisses along the side of your neck. Hands traveling to the innards of your loose fitting Tee, while your hips bared down onto his. Bam had gone out of the room, to give you two some space. -He couldn't handle the bed shaking so much, poor little puppy-
Your fingertips trace along the roots of your scalp, nails lightly grazing as you press your forehead to his. Lips crashing into one another's like a crazy, unannounced storm in the middle of the ocean. All had been going well, until-
"aH CHOO-"
And that's how Jungkook ended up sneezing into your mouth. Pretty crazy -mostly nasty- huh? Yeah, you weren't so pleased either. I mean you've heard of rainbow kisses but not phlegm kisses. That's a new one, for sure.
Jungkook's fingertips extend out, tracing along the heated skin of your exposed thigh which had been using the cooling air as a sort of way to lower your body temperature. You groan, twisting over to the other side, not wanting to deal with his horny ass right now.
Right now, you just wanted to sleep.
But noooo.
This fucker had to go and get hard by you coughing.
"Babeee" He whines, chest still clogged from the infection you two are sharing. He's quick to shoo Bam to his own bed at the entrance of Jungkook's bedroom. The dog lazily rises, mouth hanging low from sleep still halfway controlling his movements. However, once he's gone, Jungkook's quick to take his place. Wrapping you up in his arms like a Christmas present.
You groan out, arms extending to try and pry yourself from his arms, as he's trailing light kisses along the straights of your neck. Moans eliciting from his chest, as his mouth moves downwards. He's quick to crawl on top, towering your body with his own, largely defined and built one.
Your hands push at his chest lazily. "I thought being sick lowers people's sex drive."
A tugs his lips, as his mouth collides onto yours, not giving a damn about your bad breath. Kissing you, had been like reward for him.
And he wanted first place.
Your conscious looses control, hands coiling around his neck to bring him in deeper. Tongues sharing a sloppy but romantic exchange in the midst of this sick fest.
Once you two pull away -both having a heaping cough exit- his head gently presses to your chest, as his body drapes over yours. The blanket you didn't know you always wanted.
"I'm sorry for getting you sick, baby." The tip of his index finger draws lazy figure-eights to your arm, using one of his many talents to create a piece only he could see. Spoiler Alert: It was of you.
Your arm slings around to catch his body in a loose hug before responding. The air-conditioner clunking in the background, as you two lay there, listening to the sounds of one another's heartbeats.
"You know.. if we hadn't gotten sick, would we have even gotten together in the first place?" His head raises at the question, thinking for a second.
"No, most definitely not." Your eyebrow quirks at his answer, body moving to prop up just a bit as you look down at him with a certain expression. One that had been a mix between hurt and confusion.
"Why.. not?"
A smile tugs the corners of his lips, before scooting on up to cover your entire body once more. Supporting his weight onto the faith he held in his greatly defined biceps. "Because you would've turned me down."
"What? No I would not."
He hums. "Mhm, you would've. You clam up when you get out on the spot."
"Psh, everyone does that." You push his body to the side, kicking the comforter away as a wave of sickly heat runs it's coarse through your body.
He twists to lay on his side, one arm supporting his head as he continues. "Yeah, but I saw you doing that little thing you do with the ring your mother got you."
"The spinning one?"
He nods.
"Hah, it's just a fidget." He scoots closer, lips, grazing across yours before backing you into an imaginary corner.
"Mhm, a nervous one."
Rolling your eyes, you push at his chest once more. A little nudge towards the way you wanted him to go. Changing the subject quickly. Today wasn't a -'let's get into past traumas' kinda day. Maybe another time.
"Yeah yeah, go brush your teeth. You taste like chicken soup." He chuckles, walking over to your side before scooping you up bridal style. His head nuzzles close to you, as he walks towards the bathroom, setting your bum to the counter.
Hands trapping you on both sides, as he leans in close, pressing a light peck to your nose tip, before exhaling a relieved breath.
"I'm so glad I got sick."
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allkinds-oftrash · 2 years
Took a nap but finally watched Episode 3 and I LOVED IT here's the commentary!
The Crown S5E3 Commentary
Non-Spoiler TLDR: This episode is centred on the Al-Fayeds particularly Mohammed and his son Dodi. It was an emotional rollercoaster but ultimately I loved it. It was pretty much watching Mohammed's brilliant character development but also half the time watching him be a fangirl of British society 🤡🤡 while loving an unexpected side character Sydney (minor spoiler but he is the best and deserved to be named) and Dodi. The last 15 minutes made me cry and laugh so much so prepare your tissues!
They're bringing back all the classics fur this season huh - first Claire now Alex as Edward and the lady who plays Wallis
Dodi's dad is a vibe His dad is RIGHT The British imperialists are the worst bud
Ooh that IS Dodi's mom lmao his uncle is a shit Awwe babey Dodi Holy shit?? The resemblance is uncanny!
Ohmygod Sylvie from Emily in Paris He revitalized the Ritz??
Not his dad being anti Black wtf Brooo you know what it's like to be discriminated against and yet???
It WAS Sydney Oh dear god they're meeting I hope he doesn't hatecrime him "British society is the finest in the world" Jfc Mohammed you dumbass it's not God the internalised racism is STRONG in this one
Not him firing Sydney and now enlisting his help in the same 24 hrs 🤡🤡 Okay but this British culture lessons is giving 90s makeover montage from teen movies back in the day
Ughhh the racism I am not vibing with it
Dodi and Sydney are very likeable and endearing though
Ohmygod Mohammed married that white lady from Finland - dude she's the same age as your kid!! This man's obsession with being British is not fun at all
Oooh Dodi wanted to make movies he's officially my fave
I was wondering why there were a bunch of white men running Living for this outdoor set Love the story very meta
WAIT DODI PRODUCED CHARIOTS OF FIRE Ohmygod I have 3 degrees separation from Princess Diana shdjshsk cos David Puttum always visited our film school for lectures (the film school was named after him so he was always invited to come down and give us guest lectures)  This is so cool but funny af cos all his lectures made me hate this film hekdjdk Awww they got a shoutout by David Puttnam
Lmaooo they were describing what went wrong with Wallis trying to invoke sympathy for her suffering but I'm like Good she was a Nazi Sympathizer sbsnsns
Sydney nooo are you okay??
THIS MAN REALLY BOUGHT THE FRENCH ESTATE SHDKSJS He is DOING THE MOST TO GET NOTICED BY THE BRF I CANNOT Like even I never tried this hard and I wanted to marry Harry as a kid shdksj
Okay but Sydney and Mohammed's development friendship means so much to me but Mohammed is still on thin ice cos he's a billionaire and is constantly trying to be British royalty I can't
Lmaooo Philly's Don't you dare Not Philly glossing over the Nazi Sympathizer confirmation 🤡🤡
Mans is SO disappointed over Lizzie not coming to the estate ssksmsq LMAO HE'S FINE He's like a fangirl I can't stop laughing please
SYDNEY NOOOO MOHAMMED TAKING CARE OF HIMM 😭😭 I'm OBSESSED with this full circle moment this is EXACTLY the kindness Sydney deserved at the end WELL I'M CRYING
Damnn Mohammed finally made it to the front row Jesus Lizzie just go sit with the man he doesn't a disease just cos he's brown AHHH DIANA awww she's hilarious and definitely growing on me as a believable Diana from Emma's version
Ohmygod their banter is on point She fits in so well with him already 🥺🥺 I can't wait to see her love story with Dodi!!
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by-kilian · 2 years
I just read the chapter.. I am really not fine, I am crying like hell
The realization that Levi can loose Killian in any time broke me apart. It does happen to us, when we are afraid of loosing our loved ones so we distance ourselves to save them from getting hurt. Yet we give our everything to protect them. That’s what Levi did when he realized that grief Killian was going to go through, yet he didn’t want he to go through the pain if she loses him like Sophia
This chapter is really emotional and I hadn’t cried so long after reading To sing a song of steel.
Thanks for the chapter KW and a happy holiday!
LMAO NOOOO BBY, PLEASE TAKE SOME TISSUES 😭❤️ Gonna put stuff under a cut to avoid semi-spoilers for anyone who hasn't read read.
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I'm glad the the reality of grief came across so strongly in this chapter. It's a very human thing and to ignore it would be silly. To get personal, what Levi does in this chapter is something I've done in real life. He does it more to the extreme, but I have definitely pushed people away in times of grief and been cold and mean towards them because I thought if I were alone, it would hurt so much less once they inevitably died.
We absolutely do distance ourselves to either save them from getting hurt or ourselves, and in this case, Kilian and Levi do both. She allows Levi to leave because she doesn't want him to be hurt. And he leaves because he's scared to lose her.
And yeah, you described it perfectly. Love is really complex and weird and emotional. We protect the ones we love but we can also be the ones to hurt them most. Levi is fine with being the bad person here. He won't even let her be the 'bad' guy anymore. It's even stated that he'll be the one to break both of their hearts if it means sparing a bigger loss meaning he didn't want to go through the pain of losing HER.
I'm flattered that this was so emotional for you because I hoped that my own emotions would be conveyed in this chapter! 😭 I was boohooing a lot.
I promise the next chapter will make up for it. :3 Thank YOU for reading and commenting. I love you! <3
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seelestia · 2 years
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LIA 😭 no DONT take my food pls & ty hehe, ILL SHARE 🫡💓
throat’s still a bit — yeahh 😭 I’ve been sick for about 3-4 days and it has not been fun 🤧 (might just be the flu but im getting COVID tested soon,,,) running out of tissues as we speak :,D
honestly zhongli’s my main priority and im just hoping I get lucky & if I don’t I’ll just go for kokomi, I doubt I’ll be able to get them both 🥲🥲🥲 <3
tysm, yona, i will compensate by giving you all the tamales in the world <3 NOM NOM NOM (/lh)
noooo, go away, crispy throat. stop bothering yona i swear 😭 i hope it's just the flu and not covid... because bark bark bark, stay away from yona??? ayo???? <//3 but yeah, you should check just in case :( AND I'M SHOWERING YOU WITH ALL THE BOXES OF TISSUES I HAVE AT HOME !!
i hope you get lucky !! zhongli shall teach you how not to dodge 101 and he's cool and he talks about osmanthus wine ffjekksks but if you lose the 50/50, you'll be guaranteed an elegant mermaid healer >:)
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but let's not forget zhongli, nyehehe~ and get well soon, yona! i am wrapping you in a cool blanket as we speak ;(
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twistedtavern · 2 years
SQ anon back! Woke up awhile ago and decided to send you round 2 before breakfast 😅 Enjoy! Also my timezone is in europe
Round 2 (warning: grab tissues)
https:// youtu.be/gswL2A97S6I
https:// youtu.be/RYJHziR6MJs
https:// youtu.be/NOr0l9n5dSE - the Wolf that fell in love with Little Red Riding Hood [turn on CC]
https:// youtu.be/chIDwBrkbd8
https:// youtu.be/ICo0yGdfMvU
https:// youtu.be/7YfaD8HnTnU
Sorry this took so long for me to get to,, I was wonky all day
The vibes of this first one,, idk. The girls that get it, get it, and the girls that don't, dont. I don't
Ooooo we love a good pining song!! Nice ^w^
NOOOO 😭 I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA EAT HER BUT I GOT JEBAITED 😭😭😭 Anyways, honestly this reminds me of Leona's attitude towards the player and loving them. Big sad
Wait am I crazy or is this just a different cover of the song you sent me last time?
Ah. This one has a Vibe, it just doesn't hit for me. I would probably tune out to it writing a romantic scene though
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trentsixtysix · 1 year
girls do treat you better but the heartbreak is SO much worse 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
a guy breaking your heart will feel like he’s torn it out, a girl breaking it is like she’s taken it from you tendon by tendon, valve by valve, tissue by tissue until there’s nothing left
Noooo I’m so sorry 😭😭 girls are smarter too (soz) so I can get how that must rub it in even more 😩
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chaelins · 1 year
yes, the doc is so good! thankfully on youtube (i would put a link but i fear tumblr eating the ask - there’s an in-order playlist on the TWICE channel tho!!!) and all free (unlike some groups i love, who have movies / docs you have to pay to see / watch based on the platform it’s on, if it’s on streaming services at all 😔 ), and absolutely heart-wrenching (to Me… skjdfkjhdf) but it’s so interesting to see a more personal side.
to sidetrack a little, it’s why i love hit the road and inside svt from seventeen! i love seeing what they go through, because while i always always always admire them (as in idols, not just seventeen) and know not everything is shown, having even the tiniest bit of insight to how exhausting it is and how hard they work is so nice because you can fully appreciate their efforts
i genuinely love twice so much so we’re gonna be like 🤝 talking in circles about them! nayeon and sana are 2/6 ults in all of kpop for me, it’s crazy how much i adore them. they’re so special and sweet and i hope they know how much we love them and their efforts, even when they make mistakes or are going through tough times
i’m also going to be baking on my time off!! gingerbread, haystacks (with potato sticks instead of chow mein, it’s butterscotch and peanut butter mixture (way more butterscotch) poured over the sticks & mixed, and then dropped. they look like haystacks, this the name), and buckeyes (like… reeses… but a ball.. idk LOL but i’ve made them since childhood so i hold them near and dear)
i also reorganized my family’s gift bag / tissue paper / wrapping paper bins (there’s two), because looking for bags to put my presents in was a nightmare, but they’re nice and neat now! it won’t last but it felt nice to do something for my parents
i hope you’re well today <333
HIIIII omg i feel like i have a proper moment to think to answer. weekends always go by so quick in a blur for me!
that's exactly why i love docs too. it all started in 2020 with the bp doc on netflix and that helped me get eyes into the industry, and then from there watching more about the trainees, idol shows, etc. idols are some of the most dedicated people to their craft i've ever seen, and it makes me admire them even more like you said! they really want this and they feel so honored to have fans that go so hard for them, they always want to give their best. it makes me really emotional when they talk about it actually 🥺 and i like docs/interviews/etc that let you see beyond the stage idol and about them. and the bond the groups have, that's so important to me too. i love time to twice to see the girls like that 🥰😭 i know i always recognize nayeon is sooo hard on herself for any mistaks and i'm like noooo baby girl let me protect you!
organizing is always what i have to do first anywhere. i'll probably end up doing it to our collection when i started wrapping gifts, and then cleaning the kitchen too for baking LOL i love haystacks actually! that sounds sooo yummy. pb cookies with hersheys kisses, snickerdoodles, and chocolate dipped pb ritz are usually my staple sweets i make for the holidays. i love doing all the holiday activities to be in the spirit, even if it feels like it crept up on me this year!
hope your day is lovely angel 💕💕💕
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seghs24 · 2 years
Watched the first part of Stranger Things S4! My thoughts:
I have no idea why but something about this show..... I can never remember anyone's fucking name. Every time I watch a new season it's like "Which one is Mike again? Who's that kids older brother? Who is this?"
I really straight up forget that this is a horror themed show! Every time I think about it I imagine it as a Sci-Fi Action type show and then I watch a new season and go Holy Fucking Shit That's Terrifying. Why did they crack that girl apart like that.
I love Joyce and I would die for Joyce
I really hope Jane gets to fucking destroy her bullies with her mental powers. Rip those bitches apart girl!!!
God I'm so fucking in love with Steve. Also him immediately trying to become Robin's wingman? He's so fucking adorable
Man Mike's such a pussy "omg El what did you do!?!?!?" bro she bashed her bullies brains in??? Your girlfriend is a badass and that bitch deserved it
Eddie is insane but I love him and his wild af hair
At this point it's insane that everyone doubts Joyce. She's right about literally EVERYTHING. EVERY TIME.
Also lmaoooo Hopper just fell and she left his ass there without even checking. Just went "Damn he must have evaporated 😭" girl you didn't even look!!!
I love that Nancy was running around yelling for Fred? Freddy? And the cops didn't even fucking notice and when she went to the officer he was like "Fuck you're still here?" Yes? You didn't see her or hear her? Hello???
On one hand I hate that dumb meathead jock for immediately falling for bullshit propaganda but on the other hand, despite his girlfriend being killed, he still took the time to grab Lucas and comfort and reassure him and tell him his sister was fine.
But also if he hurts Eddie I'm gonna reach thru the screen and kill him myself
Love that Joyce has like, 40k just lying around in her bank. We love a rich queen
Johnathan and Nancy this season are just the "Clown to Clown Communication" meme. Or rather No Communication. Jesus Christ use your words and speak to each other!!! Jane's churning out letters like no ones fucking business and ya'll are just sitting there
Also...... Can people just please be nice to Will for like ONE episode. Just one. Holy fuck that poor dude. Also please someone fix his ugly ass hair what the FUCK is that shit
Lucas noooo honey you can't just pull the bullshit "Lying to your friends to impress people you want to make like you" trope 😭
I love Robin I would let her ramble to me all day.
I love that Steve became the Designated Mom Friend of the group and is in charge of all of the kids
Fucking Hopper is like 5 seconds from freedom and he's like "Fuck you I'm doing it MY WAY" bro! Stop!
Fuck the cops that questioned Jane I want them to die <3
Also I love how she learned to talk relatively "normal" but whenever she's anxious, nervous or upset her speech becomes more stilted and janky again. Really neat detail.
Honestly I always forget how weird looking teenagers are until I watch a show like this and I'm like..... Damn teenage boys really DO look fucking weird. No offense kings you'll grow out of it but in your teen years you really do look like one of them Japanese spider crabs
If Vecna hurts Max I'm gonna go fucking insane apeshit savage
Nancy and Robin bonding over possessed serial killers <3
Fucking Max's letters Jesus Christ. Bawling my eyes out at her letter to Billy
Okay that scene? With the music? Brilliant. Perfect. Amazing. Superb. Also love that no one fucking caught Max on the way down, just let her ass drop like a bag of potatoes
Also love that Vecna is apparently made out of wet tissue paper. Max just ripped a chunk out of his shoulder with no issue lmao???
Reaaaally fucking don't like that he makes all the kids call him "Papa". Really creepy bad vibes from that.
Someone please get Steve a girlfriend he's so fucking lonely
Love that the asshole jock guy was moments away from catching the guy who he's been hunting but completely stopped to make sure his buddy was okay because he stopped swimming. He's definitely not okay but it's nice he at least stopped!
Saw the description for the next episode and said something about "Steve takes one for the team" hmmm don't like that! Don't fucking like that! Bad fucking vibes from that!
Love that Murray and Joyce immediately started flipping switches and hitting buttons in the plane even though it was flying perfectly fine. Like...... They could have just sat there and figured shit out instead of fucking going apeshit
Damn no wonder El killed all those kids they were shitheads
But oh no that hot guy that was helping her :(
Antonov is really growing on me I love him. Also love Hopper stealing the guards lighter and making Antonov laugh, which made him laugh even harder. They're being friends 🥺
Also love that Hopper called Antonov's son slow and Antonov immediately went "NUH UH HE'S THE TOP OF HIS CLASS! >:(" That's adorable he's so proud of his boy
FUCKING STEVE. FUCKING STEVE. IDIOT STEVE. I WANTED TO SEE THOSE BAT THINGS UP CLOSE BUT NOT LIKE THAT! At least everyone else immediately went in to rescue his ass, that was adorable.
What the FUCK is going on at Susie's house lmao. Cornelius is funny as fuck.
LMAOOOOOO Dustin and Lucas talking about how hairy Steve got and Max immediately grabbing the binoculars like "LET ME SEE" Girl same 😭
Holy shit Murray is a badass
I love that Steve almost passed out from blood loss before going "Fuck it I'm biking seven miles get out of my way" you go dude!!!
That scene in the trailer was so cool, love those funky physics. Also oh my GOD Eddie what is up with that mattress
Love that despite Steve's severe injuries everyone was like "Move you're going last" lmaooooo poor dude
I remember as soon as that guy started talking about One I was like "Haha what if HE'S one lol" and. Well. Yeah.
Also the fact that he was Viktor's son? Amazing. Love it. Love that twist.
Also love the fact a bald child got so pissed off she turned him into a fucking interdimensional portal. Me when I have an autistic meltdown.
Fucking Third Wheel Antonov standing awkwardly in the background while Joyce and Hopper reunite
Also fucking annoying Love Triangle bullshit. Just let Steve, Johnathan and Nancy date each other. Boom problem solved.
I wonder if Will painted a picture of all of their D&D characters???
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7ken3 · 3 years
character(s);  fushiguro toji, geto suguru, gojo satoru, kamo choso, nanami kento  
tw;  gn!reader, not smut but nsfw i can say so MINORS DNI 
notes;  watched a video on fb and was quite inspired to write this since i’m curious how they’d react hehe 
navigation;  master list
(nsfw below the cut, MINORS DNI)
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A smirk plasters on his lips, watching as you slowly get on your knees while gathering your hair to the back
God how quick was he to imagine what would happen after this, this man is filthy in the head smh
His smirk drops the moment he sees you laying on the floor with your eyes closed
He just leans forward and stares at you with slightly furrowed eyebrows, his mouth slightly agape in disbelief
Honestly he doesn't know how to react back to it, should he do back the same? Should he ignore it? He's feeling so many things right now
So, he continues to stare with the same reaction until you become aware that a pair of eyes were pointing at you
And when you open them up, you're met with a 👁👄👁 face
Rolls his eyes when he sees you laughing at him before getting up, a small groan leaving his lips as he enters the kitchen
"You're not getting away with that, doll."
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He lets out a laugh before opening his legs for you, watching as you look up at him, a little doe eyed
The raven can't help but to wonder what you’re up to since you two had to go somewhere
He gently caresses your cheek before patting your head, he then sinks into the couch, causing you to grin back at him cause you know what’s about to happen next
Even took out his hair tie and offered you his one, which you kinda ignored it and still went down (he doesn't know since he has his eyes closed)
Kinda sensed that something wasn't right as you would've done something by now
But the moment he sees you, you were by the dustbin throwing a tissue, he falls back on the couch, heaving out a sigh
kinda yelling in his head like NOOOO HOW DID YOU FALL FOR THAT???
"Ah ah, you owe me one later."
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He acknowledges you when you enter the room with a hum, your feet shuffling along the tiles while his eyes focuses on the moving figure on screen
The moment he glances at you briefly, he had to do a double take at where you were standing (or should i say, kneeling) right now
Kinda takes him a short moment to gather himself as a lustful chuckle escapes his lips
He automatically manspreads himself this mf is shameless
And finally! He closes his eyes, sighing at how he could have a short break from winning his match
And unexpectedly for his win he gets to enjoy the feeling of your hands holding onto his thighs
But when he doesn't sense any more action, he peers down, only to see you charging your phone under his table
Lets out a groan while kinda tossing his hands in frustration, but sooner or later a smirk plasters itself on his face
"Aw man... That's not fair. Give me one while I'm playing?"
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He was just there, sitting on bed while scrolling through his phone
When you suddenly arrive, not saying anything and simply just got on your knees, then proceed to start to 😲😐😲😐 at yourself to 'warm up' your jaw???
You've never heard him hitch his breath this loud for oral before
And when he decides to lean down to press a kiss on your forehead?
Ngl you feel bad for what's going to happen to him 😭😭
So you did what you had to do, caressing his knees, have his legs separated.
And you leaned in, finally — to pull the blanket over under his arm
His shoulders now slumped, his phone tossed aside as he rubs his nape
"Oh...I thought you wanted to... nevermind." 
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Just got home from work and is by the edge of the bed, tie and button undone
Seeing you in his favorite outfit (his button up), his face heats up, pink dusting the tip of his ears and cheeks 
He watches you with widened eyes as you knelt before him, a smile playing on your lips upon seeing his reaction
Lets you spread his leg apart, since he doesn't know exactly what to do considering his brain is BRRRR right now
So, slowly he leans back on the edge of the bed, his elbow supporting him while the other runs through his hair
He barely sees anything, and he wonders why nothing's happened yet — until he sees you grinning with a phone in hand
Immediately hides his face in his hand or cushion beside him, groaning into it
Conclusion: horny frustration
"Seriously Y/n, don't you have anything else better to do?"
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©  2021 seindou, do not repost or plagiarize.
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seungstarss · 2 years
ok update i read it AND YES I WAS RIGHT IT MADE ME BAWL
no cause i literally have a lump in my throat and my heart feels heavy WHY DO UR WORKS HAVE SUCH A CHOKEHOLD ON ME
i was literally going "is this it? thats all? they both just be stupid like that" CRIII IF I WAS YEEUN ID STFU AND GET THEM BOTH TGT
a match making club sounds like such a bad idea like u cant force love
TLDR sei constantly outdoing herself slay queen
also jake and the roach HELP
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charles-edwin · 3 years
noooo me reading your tags 😭 let me get my tissues tf 😭😭😭😭 no but for real you're so sweet I am sending love and hugs your way!!!!!
don’t cry 🥺 you are vvv important to me and i’m always manifesting good things for you. don’t forget ❤️💙
thank you so much, bianca!!! sending love and hugs right back at you!!
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vclterra · 5 years
I recently made a friend of mine(who had never seen a single twilight movie and was very against the whole series) watch all of them in one sitting and eventually she got invested and decided that Seth was her son and Felix was her husband. I literally live with her and I’ve never seen her cry as much as she did when Felix killed Seth in the breaking dawn vision. I didn’t know who else to share that with so hi
noooo omg get her some tissues!! 😭 i remember sobbing in the theater bc it’s lil baby seth who shouldn’t have been there in the first place (and even more sad when you think about all the other pack members who turned hella young bc of the vampire witnesses on their land, so how many other 10-16 year olds died and we just didn’t see bc u kno they didn’t have any proper training)
also as upsetting as it was to watch, knowing now that it was felix that did it doesn’t surprise me at all, and i kind of wonder if that was an intentional choice on the directors behalf (or whoever calls those shots)? i’m gonna assume that any deaths that were focused on in the vision, the team actually put some thought into how those characters would die, and who would be involved in their deaths. like alice subduing jane w the help of bella in retaliation for jane subduing jasper and leading to his demise by demetri (i feel like there’s a parallel there lol). like they didn’t just throw some dice and say “character x is gonna get fuckin merc’d by character y”
ANYWAYS. going off that thought, after watching felix kill bree tanner without batting an eye in eclipse, it seemed like an on-brand choice to have him kill seth (as shitty as it sounds). it kind of reinforced the role he’s had in the series as the “merciless executioner” and being the one who has to do the volturi’s dirty work, even if it involves killing literal children.
lmao u probs didn’t care to hear all that but i felt like sharing anyways so hello welcome to angst hour 😂
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shiro-0197 · 3 years
Heyyy Cookie!! How did that go? Did you make any progress? I hope you had a good time fiddling around with it.
Pssshh it won't, I just know it. My finals are gonna kill me tho 😃🔫 they're held in January and I've been slacking sooooo much, I've gotta get serious again after Christmas smh.
awww I see. It's okay to cry, bae— 😭😭 I wish I could do it more often, nothing makes you feel better than a good cry, but yeah banana fish is an absolute brill :> I love it so much, and Ash is one of my favourite anime protagonists, because he's just so impressive 💖 hiz character is also based off of the actor River Phoenix, whom my mom wanted to name me after, because she liked him so much xD but my dad said no smh 😳😳😔 tho yeah, I've always loved River Phoenix because of my mom :)
AHHH NOOO YOUR FRIEND, POOR DEAR :( autocorrect just loves changing sec to sex sksjsks.
ah idk if I've told you before, but canon in D by Pachelbel is my comfort music. It just makes me feel uplifted and happy. Also, river flows in you by Yiruma, such a beautiful song :((
Oh I see!! What books did you read? Was it good? Ah my day was so packed so I didn't have time to respond earlier, sorry about that, love. I went to a classmate's house in the morning for a Christmas breakfast (with my other classmates), then I went to my "twin", Aaron's house for lunch XD where I spent time with him, and Angel (who's his cousin XD they're such fun to be around, I missed them terribly so I was glad to spend time with them), and finally Abigail's house for dinner 😭😭 i saw some of my old friends who had gone off to college, (including that anime protagonist/sibling friend of mine HAHA), so that was really nice. Ahhh I'm talking too much, but it was a really nice day, tho I missed you loads too, and constantly hoped you were having a great one as well. It agitated me to no ends that I couldn't open Tumblr and drop you a message telling you I love you :'/
Anyways now that I'm here, I can finally say it; I love you!! Like, so so so very much, and I hope your Christmas day was magical too. I love you, my precious Shiro!!!
—rudolph (my nose is red, I ate ice cream😔)
Hi, Shortcake!!! It was pretty fun, I made silly drawings on the keyboard thingies (MIDI?? Idk😩) and it sounded horrific, I also watched a few videos and read some stuff so I think I might do good when I feel like it XD
Hmmm don't call it slacking!! Just resting🤔 yeah that's way better! I'm sure you'll get throw the finals, you're you, after all. That's the best option there is, already. Good luck!! You can do this😜💕
Our term finals passed this week, though we still have physics and world history to do. Idk if finals work the same way in your country, but~~ hm, can you tell me about it? How does it go?
Yeah, a good cry is always good. Sadly I hadn't gotten a chance to do so properly, scream-crying is what works the best, but if I do that at home mom and the neighbors are gonna suffocate me, hehe~ Oh, I've never heard about that guy.. his name sounds nice though😳😋
I listened to those just now!! They sound so good, I totally feel why you find comfort in them. They're so, mh, soft? You know😭💕💕 very nice and calming, I think my headache got a little better just now
Hmm I read Agent Zero, which was pretty cool, but I barely got to third chapter when Kuro called me and said that we should have a virtual date because he hates being at home without his mom and hes been walking aimlessly for hours already, so he got bored. We managed to find identical chicken ham(?) sandwiches from our stores (we really went 😲😲😲 because we're far away rn and to think that our stores have same sandwiches....), and small juice boxes as well. It was nice. He was jealous because I had a multi fruit juice and he couldn't find one XD I put a drop on my phone so he could have some but he just called me a dumbshit and laughed, what an ungrateful piece of shit🙄🙄
Its alright, hun!! It sounds like you had a fun day, I also saw your insta stories and it made me so happy🥺 the cookie looked good, and you all looked very happy, it warmed my heart😭 I'm very glad you got to see these guys. They sound awesome😩😩😭
Dont worry, I could listen to you talking about your day forever, really. The way you talk about it is so lovely I'm:,(((♡♡♡♡
Heheh, I love you too!! Also, did you really miss me so much cuz🥺🥺🥺 me too😭😭💕💕💘💞 I'm so happy to hear that your day was good!!! Mine went pretty well I must say.. me and Kuro just rambled about everything in the world, also cursing out his family, haha. Unfortunately, phones are little shits and cant stand cold weather, so they died fast:((
I love you so much, Ariana, I'm glad you had a great day💖💓💖💓💕💕💞
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