#no wonder he thinks all those magic users are sus
Bruce Wayne went to Hogwarts!!!!!!!!
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albentelisa · 9 months
Hi! Here is a really intresting ask. What do you think would happen if Claire was the one to use the time stone instead of Jim?
Hi! That idea has so much potential!
Of course, the most reasonable decision for Claire would be to time-travel to a different time point. However, lately, I started to think that perhaps, the time stone user has no choice about the travel destination, which might explain Jim's not-that-smart decision to go to the very beginning.
Anyway, let's assume that Claire somehow ended at the same point as Jim at the end of ROTT. Unlike Jim, she has no reason to make someone else the Trollhunter (if anything, I imagine she will be watching so that no one else picks the amulet). For Claire, Jim is her Trollhunter, and I'm sure she'll be invested in keeping it that way.
She will also be way friendlier to Jim as she hopes their love will bloom in this timeline as well. Perhaps, she will even go a bit overboard, and Jim will freak out (or think she has lost a bet or something).
I believe that Claire will consider watching from the sidelines at first, but quickly will reason against it. She will orchestrate 'an accidental finding out about the amulet and trolls' for herself (barging in during Blinky's and Aaarrrgghh's second visit). Claire is a good actress, so she can pull that out, joining the team early on. However, it will be a source of stress for her - unlike Jim and Toby, who lived through the events of the original timeline, Claire knows about those only from what they told her before. I imagine she will freak out a lot, wondering about if small details caused by her presence might have caused a butterfly effect.
Claire will discover that she still possesses shadow magic rather soon and that her stress makes it develop. That will be when she considers contacting Douxie for the first time but later decides to try and solve everything herself.
The biggest issue for Claire will be a choice between endangering Enrique and preventing NotEnrique from entering this world. They both are her brothers in the end. She'll decide to keep Enrique away from the danger in the end, but not without long sleepless hours of doubts and deciding to enter the Darklands alone later and look for NotEnrique there (alone because she also doesn't want to endanger Jim for no reason).
Meanwhile, unlike Jim and Toby who never know Claire well enough to see that she is acting sus, Mary and Darci will notice that something is off right away, starting an investigation of their own and pressuring Claire for answers. She might be able to throw them off initially, but it'll lead to some consequences later.
Another issue will be Toby (and later Blinky) suspecting Claire of being a changeling once the information about those drops. After all, she approached Jim out of nowhere right during the day when he found the amulet. Obviously, the gaggletack test will show nothing but it may leave some nasty aftertaste. Claire will be forced to reveal her magic aptitude and lie that she is a newbie witch to throw some suspicions off.
And her actions will bring the first major change in the timeline - because Claire has prevented goblins from abducting Enrique, the Janus Order simply picks a different child as a familiar for 'NotEnrique' (who isn't NotEnrique in this timeline now). The Trollhunters will know that some kid is abducted but have no way to learn who is that one.
They'll find out thanks to Mary's comment (as it will a child she babysits occasionally). Yes, somehow, Mary and Darci will end in the original timeline Claire's position and learn the truth around the same time as the original her.
Claire will finally contact Douxie after Bular's defeat. She will hope he can help her with sneaking to the Darklands and saving the kid she unwittingly endangered (because there's no way she will force Jim to fix her own mess!). Meanwhile, Jim will also do his best to save the kid as he also feels responsible for that (and even in the original timeline he didn't save Enrique only because he was Claire's brother).
Mary and Darci will be part of the team by this point, but Douxie will be reluctant to join at first because Merlin made him promise to stay away from everything (and Claire hasn't told him about her time travel). He still agrees to act as Claire's magic advisor.
Claire will get the shadow staff from Angor Rot and show a suspiciously good proficiency with it. It will be the point where Douxie gets suspicious and corners her, getting the truth about the time-travel. He will warn her against revealing too many details or changing the timeline too much (well, Claire knows it already).
However, she still cannot help but wish that Jim doesn't go to the Darklands. It still happens despite her efforts. Moreover, this time Usurna manages to destroy the bridge even faster (yes, it's because of the butterfly effect).
At least, this time Claire manages to steal the formula of antidote for Aaarrrgghh without negotiations with the Janus Order and losing Vendel's staff. She also hopes to keep Gunmar locked in the Darklands this time, but he still gets out.
However, Claire still achieves two things - saving Vendel and teleporting even more trolls out of the Trollmarket. She thinks her better gasp on shadowmancy will prevent Morgana from possessing her, and it's partially right - Morgana tries to take over Claire, but Claire fends her off.
Unfortunately, it doesn't arise Morgana's threat entirely as she uses one of her changelings as a medium to help her revive Angor Rot. She also hopes to recruit Claire as a fellow shadowmancer and keeps haunting her dreams, which causes Claire serious insomnia (not that she has much time to sleep as she keeps hunting Gumm-Gumms together with other trollhunters). At least, Douxie joins this time.
At the point when the team decides to contact Merlin, Claire strongly opposes the decision, much to everyone's surprise. Douxie asks her about her reasoning in the private later, wondering what exactly his master had pulled during the first timeline. Claire doesn't share much, only that she can't forgive Merlin for the thing he did to Jim in the first timeline.
The team still goes looking for Merlin as Claire remains in the minority. Claire feels helpless and decides to pull a dangerous stunt - connecting her mind to Morgana's in the hope of finding a way to revert Jim's transformation after he beats Gunmar.
That is something way beyond her current capabilities - and Claire nearly ends up possessed by Morgana in the end. She barely escapes but part of her hair turns white (it didn't happen during the portal incident here). However, Claire still has gotten some information on how Morgana created the first changelings, so while she cannot fully revert Jim's transformation into a half-troll, she still gives him the ability to change forms at will.
After Gunmar's defeat, the team doesn't travel to New Jersey. As Vendel's staff is still intact, they try to use it plus several more ingredients to revitalize the Heartstone.
However, Claire's actions don't go unnoticed by Merlin, who starts to suspect her of possibly being connected to some malicious forces, perhaps, even the Arcane Order. He doesn't believe Douxie's explanation, and Claire is forced to flee Arcadia. The Trollhunters team goes searching for her, refusing to believe Merlin's accusations as Claire is their teammate and friend (and in Jim's case, his girlfriend). That is where they encounter the Green Knight. Claire comes to save just in time, so no one is hit with the obsidian shard.
Merlin arrives and gathers everyone in the flying castle. His plan was to send Douxie only to the past, but much like in the first timeline Jim, Claire, and Steve also go back. However, this time Jim escapes imprisonment as he can turn human, and no one suspects him. However, he gets in trouble with Arthur when he notices some trolls being captured and tries to intervene. Only Morgana's involvement saves him from the consequences. Later that night the team plans the big jailbreak for trolls. Jim decides to escort them to safety and befriends Callista on the road. He shows her his ability to shift between forms and gets warned that other trolls might not have been as open-minded as her. Jim decides to keep to his half-troll form just in case.
The rest of the past travel goes more or less the same as in the first timeline (minus Claire's struggles with shadow magic and Jim's curse).
When the team is back to the future, they encounter the Arcane Order, and Merlin is captured after the brief fight. Obviously, no one wants to save him (except Douxie), and honestly, Merlin doesn't plan to be saved. However, the Arcane Order finds a way to learn about the secret Merlin's staff contains, and now they only need to destroy it and get Nari back. They also put Merlin under mind control.
Claire goes to the Shadow realm to negotiate with Morgana and convinces her to join their side.
The Order engages the team in the battle. Jim fights against the Green Knight, while Douxie is forced to encounter the mind-controlled Merlin, with everyone else against Bellroc and Skrael. Arthur dies, as well as Merlin, though the latter snaps from control momentarily before the death and says some parting words to Douxie. Morgana sacrifices herself to seal Bellroc and Skrael.
And Claire is finally able to tell everyone about the first timeline and the events that could happen.
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alloutofgoddesses · 5 months
PJO TV Thoughts
(There will be book mentions/spoilers)
Can’t lie to y’all im on my second week of this semester and already just so eepy
Okay the first line does tell you exactly what’s happening in this dream but I was so confused by it being Percy’s headmaster from Yancy
Anyway omg I swear you can see Luke in the reflection like it’s gonna be so obvious it’s not Clarisse on rewatches
WE GOT “Little Hero”
Cracker Barrel! What o would give to eat at a Restaurant rn
(I am aware others have made that joke)
Omg hi Luke
Good not being sus Luke
ARREST HER?!?! Percy wtf
Luke I’m positive you would know what Ares is like
OOP if Luke picks up on it IMMEDIATELY…
The episode is titled “A Zebra Takes Us To Vegas” AND WE INLY GET A SECOND OF A ZEBRA ON SCREEN?!?!
Anybody else see the Geia fashion billboard or just me
Way to be obvious about it
“I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm/where the music don’t stop for life” I think that Levitating was chosen WITH INTENTION for these lyrics only
Graphic novels do count
Oh besties… the lotus eaters have upgraded darlings
The fact that they haven’t shown Grover eating garbage yet… cowards. COWARDS.
I do think that them knowing takes tension out of it but they think that it’s okay unless they eat something
A Saytr?? I’m saying that TV screen image is a sun so APOLLO MENTION
A gay satyr?!!! The subtext
Oh? I’m compelled certainly what kind of magic does the Lotus have to convince satyrs Pan is there
Like you can see extras wearing dated clothes but it’s just not the same
Also I’m waiting for others to find the di Angelos, I know I’m not gonna be able to find anything
(If they cut it out I will lose it)
Are the employees also under the spell? I would have to assume so
Uh oh Grover is forgetting
The way his face fell… I’m afraid LMM is eating as Hermes
BTW I saw someone say LMM was a bad choice as Hermes because canonically Hermes has the most children and they don’t think LMM is sexy enough for that… girlie do you not remember what happened when Hamilton came out be SO FOR REAL
At first I thought I wouldn’t be able to seperate actor from character but he’s doing such a good job that’s Hermes I’m sorry (no I’m not)
ORPHEUS MENTION (I’ve helped others [get into the Underworld] before)
Are the fields Italy? Once again folks I’m not gonna be able to find it so I’m reaching out to
Someone looks back I’m guessing
Oh babey the lore the tension
My guess is something to do with Gabe or as one brilliant Twitter user said, Percy’s first time at boarding school
(Also how the fuck can Hermes do that)
Sure buddy see you next season
“This was all just a waste of time. We don’t have time to waste.” Oh Annabeth I’m so sorry for what you’re about to learn
I love all the helmets and stuff really lets you know what’s going on
Oh noooooo oh boy oh buddy oh wow that hurt
Sorry he’s making Hermes feel so empathetic which is exactly how he is in the books. He’s good!
Were those the di Angelos? They were brunette and small (still reaching)
Oh so that’s why they mentioned days earlier I see
Are George and Martha on there are they wondering what’s happening
Oh no Percy’s forgetting too
Just rip him out and leave besties
Oh geez they’re never leaving at this rate
Damn there’s that fatal flaw again Percy
RIP Grover playing a human hunter game I will never forget you
Annabeth it was good it really was but you’re right. He is the god of thieves.
Oh boy now we know why they let him drive though
Me when I first started learning how to drive standard
Just in case you forgot Percy is a New Yorker
Oh NO bestie got distracted looking at the princess (his words not mine though I agree) next to him
What did I just say. What is happening on screen
Oh boyyyyyy
He’s just three apples tall
Oh it’s so much worse underwater
Wait… were AFTER the summer solstice? WHY
Exactly Percy you gotta finish it
Four?!?! What about ‘you will fail to save what matters most in the end?’ He better lose one I stg
Next ep trailer
Okay so who’s eye is in the credits what do we think
Desert and terrible forest?
Okay yeah he definitely loses one or uses one to trick someone or something he said said “you guys leave with my mom”
Oh wait what if he uses it on Crusty… Disney let Percy actually be violent
SWORD FIGHT NEXT EP? At least the beginning
Tumblr media
BONUS: Hermes in cat form
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clarascuro · 5 years
Clara Reads City of Bones Part 3: Hogwarts Institute for Witchcraft and Shadowhunting
The Plot Thus Far
When last we left off, our lovable cardboard cutout protagonist, Clary Fray, had been attacked by a demon called a Ravener and taken to a place called “The Institute”. After three days of recovery, she has an uncomfortable (for us) conversation with Isabelle Lightwood, where we learn that Isabelle is hot and that we, the audience, should hate her for that, and also that Jace Wayland lives with the Lightwood family because his parents are dead. We are meant to feel bad about this. We are meant to feel sorry for Jace, which is a bit of a tall order, considering that Jace Wayland is the worst person to ever smirk and shrug his way through a YA book. If I were trapped in an elevator with him I wouldn’t even wait five minutes to be rescued, I’d pry those doors open and just drop. Death is cruel but quality time with Jace Wayland is crueler. 
So Clary leaves the hospital wing and goes down a long hallway, lead by the sound of someone playing a piano. Last time I said that it was Alec (Isabelle’s brother) who played piano, and that it was his only character trait, but nope!! It’s actually my favorite boy Jace, that sack of human refuse! So I guess Alec has no personality, actually. Anyway, they have some “witty” “banter”, and then Alec takes her to the library to talk to the head of the Institute, Hodge Starkweather, and, yeah. I think it’s time to talk about the Harry Potter stuff. 
The Harry Potter Stuff
You know how E.L. James made minor changes to her crappy Twilight fanfic and then published it as 50 Shades of Gray? Well, as near as anyone can figure out, this is basically the same thing that Cassandra Clare did with her Harry Potter fanfic The Draco Trilogy. Just change the names, tweak the backstories ever so slightly, slap on a crappy cover and publish that sucker! It’s technically not plagiarism anymore! This is how you end up with stuff like "The Institute”, a secret school to teach young magic kids to control their powers, or Hodge Starkweather, elderly magic professor, who, one could argue, is a crackpot old fool teaching our protagonists magic tricks. (Gosh, how does Clare come up with this stuff?) 
This obviously isn’t proof of any kind, but when the villain of your story is named “Valentine” and he’s an evil magic user who has been dead for sixteen years (the age of our secretly magic protagonist) and the main characters are afraid to even say his name...yeah, it doesn’t exactly take a genius to figure out where all of this comes from. 
Now all this is frustrating, but it’s also hilarious. I mean, the big bad of the story is called Valentine. VALENTINE. And I actually laughed out loud for several minuted when I first read the name “Hodge Starkweather” to myself. I still get a little chuckle typing this. Oh, and since the word “muggle” would have JK Rowling’s lawyers on her ass faster than light, the word Cassandra Clare uses for non-magic people is...”Mundie”. It’s short for “mundane”. Like...first of all this is objectively hilarious. Second, mundane just means “normal”. If the Shadowhunter society is magical, then aren’t they they mundane ones? I know humans don’t have magic, but we still figured how to like, fly and stuff. That has to count for something. If I saw a dog that taught himself how to read, I wouldn’t like, make fun of him for not also being able to talk. I’d be like “Shit! That’s a pretty impressive fucking dog!” like what the fuck?
Anyway, this is all just a roundabout way to say that obviously this used to be a HP fic that through some twist of fate landed a publishing deal. And you know, it’s not as brain-meltingly bad as 50SoG, so who cares? Cassandra Clare’s just having fun, so who cares if her writing gets published? 
The Plagiarism
So, yeah, she plagiarized lot. Like a lot. The Draco Trilogy has lines of dialogue taken directly from shows like Red Dwarf, Black Adder, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as well as from Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett novels. Quoting shows apparently used to be pretty common in the early days of fanfiction, so there is context to consider here, but it gets worse. Cassandra Clare lifted almost a whole chapter, nearly word for word, from an out-of-print fantasy series called The Hidden Land, by Pamela Dean. On top of that, Clare was sued in 2016 by author Sherrilyn Kenyon, whose Darkhunter series predates Clares Shadowhunters series. (And for the record, Clare’s series was originally titled Darkhunters. Yikes.) You guys can read the full(ish) stories here and here.
I Guess I Have To Keep Talking About The Plot Now
Sigh. So after Hodge Starkweather (A+ naming there) tells them about Valentine, he explains that Shadowhunters are angel-human hybrids? Or something? They’re special, and they fight demons. Also faries, vampires, werewolves, all that stuff exists. We’re stuck with the Shadowhunters, however, because God has punished me for my hubris, and my work is never done. (Oh look, I just plagiarized Brian David Gibert. I’m a real author now, like Cassandra Clare!) The Shadowhunters were started thousands of years ago by a man named, I shit you not, Jonathan Shadowhunter. JONATHAN. FUCKING. SHADOWHUNTER. Why the fuck am I trying to come up with clever names for my characters? I should just name them all “Alex Clarasbook” and call it a fucking day. Fuck.
Anyway after a thrilling conversation with Alec-Who-Has-No-Personality, we find out that he does have a personality! His personality is that he hates humans. Oh, excuse me, “mundies.” Yep, that’s the best way to make a character relatable. Just make ‘em fucking racist. It’s okay though, it’s only magical racism so it evens out. Have I mentioned that this story has no poc?
(Oh also Clary’s mom was a Shadowhunter, but 1. I hate Clary                        and 2. literally a newborn baby could’ve figured that out, so)
Clary and Jace leave the Institute to go back to Clary’s house, and Clary slaps Jace, an act that brings me such joy that only the birth of my firstborn child will ever eclipse it, and even then, it will be it close tie. The moment is quickly over, however, as Clary immediately feels bad about it, because again, she is not a character. She’s a Walmart mannequin created for Jace to make out with. Then she sees two girls looking at Jace, and, in what can only be called the true essence of the book, “Clary turned instant traitor against her gender.” Just as a reminder, Clary sucks.
Anyway they get to her house, kill a giant, talk to a witch, yaddah yaddah yaddah. Basically nothing happens except the inevitable unraveling of my mental processes. I had to stop reading there because I have better things to do with my life besides destroying the few braincells I have left. I’ll post the next part soon, as soon as I can read more than five pages without wanting to fling the book off a seaside cliff into the frothing mist that obscures the swell and crash of the unforgiving waves. Until then, please enjoy some of my favorite bad lines.
Selected Passages (And Commentary)
“Jace chuckled. Clary could tell that he had come up behind her and was standing there with his hands in his pockets, grinning that infuriating grin of his.”                                                                                                             (She knew all that without looking?)
“Attacked. Clary wondered if this was a euphemism for ‘murdered’.”            (Clary you’re literally the dumbest person I’ve ever met.)
“Clary let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in.”                  (This may just be me being petty, but I hate this cliche so much.)
“‘You may be the only guy my age I’ve ever met who knows what bergamot is, much less that it’s in Earl Grey tea.”                                                                   (Ah yes, that famous stereotype, that boys don’t know about tea. Oh, you like tea? Name three kinds. I hear sexist gatekeeping is a real problem in the tea community. I am not having a good time.)
“Dorothea chuckled. ‘It’s good to see a young woman eat her fill. In my day, girls were robust, strapping creatures, not twigs like they are nowadays.’ ‘Thanks,’ Clary said. She thought of Isabelle’s tiny waist and felt suddenly gigantic.”                                                                            (Cassandra Clare’s super feminist, guys. You can tell because she’s always pitting her female characters against each other.)
Rating So Far
3/10-Bad. Jonathan Shadowhunter gets an entire 10/10. I’m going to have my name legally changed to Jonathan Shadowhunter.
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mlmcompanies · 6 years
They call it “revolutionary”…
We’re not arguing, especially when after looking at the list of 174 ingredients in this drink supplement — all of them recognized for their health benefits.
But is it overkill?
Trevo doesn’t think so, and with a 5-star rating on the Better Business Bureau, it looks like users agree.
Trevo is a popular wellness network marketing company that sells vitamin-enriched health supplements.
From the way their website talks about it, you’d think this company discovered the elixir for eternal life instead of just another vitamin-infused drink. But it is one of the most nutritionally dense supplements out there…
And people love it.
1. What does Trevo sell? Their flagship product is a whole-body supplement that doesn’t require any measuring or mixing. Oh, and it apparently tastes great too. But the product line is expanding. They also sell hemp oil and an energy powder for men called RP3.
2. What are Trevo’s most popular products? Their most popular product is their original product, Trevo. It contains 174 of the world’s best nutraceutical ingredients. It’s supposed to help maintain mental focus and cognition, weight, the heart and circulation, cellular health, digestion, the nerves, immunities, eyes, bones and joints, blood pressure, energy, anti-aging, blood sugar, and well-being. In other words, total wellness.
3. How much does it cost to join Trevor? To join Trevo, you’ll need to choose the “enrollment system” that’s right for you. Your options range from $150 to $960.
4. Is Trevor a scam? No, it’s a legitimate business. They’ve been given the BSCG “gold standard” certification for being drug-free.
5. What is Trevo’s BBB rating? A+
6. How long has Trevo been in business? Since 2010
7. What is Trevo’s revenue? $25 million as of 2015
8. How many Trevo distributors are there? Trevo hasn’t published any numbers for their distributors.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2017,  Truth in Advertising notified Trevo of false or unsubstantiated income claims on Trevo’s website. [1] In 2017, the Environmental Research Center sued Trevo for failing to warn consumers that its wellness products contain lead. [2] Interesting piece of trivia: In 2016, money from internet fraud victims was found in Trevo bank accounts. The FBI seized $610,800 from their accounts. Trevo and its founders were not charged — they say they were victims too. [3]
10. Comparable companies: Juice Plus, Kannaway Purium
Does this mean you should get involved?
I’m not saying it would be impossible to make money with Trevo, but there are certainly better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on Trevo.
Trevo is basically the Chicago Bulls in 1996, except in drink form.
Not gonna lie, the Stevens family, who founded Trevo, look a little plastic. I’d bet there’s more than supplement juice (i.e. botox) keeping them youthful.
Mark Stevens, CEO, is a pretty well-known business owner/entrepreneur and best-selling author. He’s listed in the Who’s Who in Corporate America and serves on a number of important boards and charities. He’s been a motivational speaker and success coach. [4]
Holli Stevens, Director of Finance, has been nationally recognized as a top salesperson in the direct sales industry.
The couple formed Trevo together, which is governed by 7 “empowering principles,” 4 pillars, 9 core values, and a mission statement…
Here are the four pillars:
Vibrant physical health
Enthusiastic emotional health
Thriving spiritual health
Abundant financial health
Heard those before… from every other nutrition MLM (hint: Isagenix).
Their 9 core values are…
That’s all good, but what does life for a distributor actually look like?
Trevo has one main product — their 174-ingredient nutritional supplement drink called Trevo. It does come in different sizes…
32-ounce bottle
2-ounce Trevo2Go bottle
The drink is a “three-phase formula” that works in the following three ways…
Restores energy and focus and stimulates your body.
Renews your body with phytonutrients.
Revives you with anti-aging and immunity properties.
But, really, why do they need 174 ingredients? Seems a little excessive.
Well, if you take all the magical herbs and exotic plants that various MLMs use in their nutritional products and combine them into one drink, you’d have Trevo.
Some supplements focus on nutraceuticals found down in the depths of the ocean, some like to tout the incredible wonders hiding in the Amazon rainforest, and some like to tell lofty stories about trekking the Himalayas for their ingredients. Trevo combines them all.
The drink includes everything from acai, asparagus, biotin, banana, bromelain, and coral calcium (literally, calcium from fossilized coral), to garlic, amino acids, noni, papaya, pomegranate, and… 162 other things. [5]
What you get is basically a SUPER superfood supplement that serves all kinds of functions, including:
Mental health and cognition
Weight management
Heart health
Cellular health
Nervous system
Immune system
Circulatory system
Eye health
Bone and joint health
Blood pressure
Whether or not it’s really effective to just throw all the best herbs and fruits together into one miracle drink is up in the air.
The FDA has not backed any of their claims, of course. However, there are some studies that look promising. They’re and Kosher, CAP-e certified, vegetarian, and they’re endorsed by Dr. Brian Wilmovsky, a pretty famous chiropractor who’s all about natural medicine.
They’re also ORAC certified and have a high score of over 373,000 per bottle. ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) scores are basically a way to tell how high-powered and effective the antioxidants in a given substance are. [6]
There are definitely scientific benefits to many of the ingredients in Trevo too. Amino acids are crucial proteins for building and maintaining cell health, antioxidants fight free radicals that have been linked to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, and polyphenols have been shown to successfully lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. [7]
Trevo also claims the beverage is good for the health of everyone from your toddler to your great grandpa (children should be over the age of 2).
For years, Trevo was the only product in this MLM. Now there are a few others.
Trevo also sells RP3, which was designed for men to support libido, erectile function, testosterone levels, prostate health, energy and stamina, and mental focus and memory.
Sync is a pure, full-spectrum hemp oil that comes in vanilla and orange flavors. Containing 500 mg of cannabidiol, Sync balances the mood, supports memory, joint, and muscle health, and reduces anxiety and sleep.
Compensation Plan
You do have to purchase monthly minimum orders to remain active and get a commission, and the more you buy, the more commission you can access.
1 bottle a month gets you access to 1 generation
2 bottles a month gets you access to 2 generations
3 bottles a month gets you access to 5 generations
4 bottles a month gets you access to 5 generations
6 bottles a month gets you access to all 8 generations [8]
You’ve got 8 ways to make money with Trevo:
Retail sales
Power start commissions
Upgrade commissions
QVP commissions
Bulk pack commission
Team volume recognition pool bonus
Leadership bonuses
Charity bonus
Their compensation plan is a single line matrix compensation plan. It’s pretty unique to them, and everyone who joins Trevo after you benefits you somehow.
Retail sales commission is about 20-40%, which is pretty standard. A bottle of product is $59.99, which could net you $22. You get some decent bonuses for enrolling preferred customers too.
Compression is used to make sure that your commission are maximized every month, which is nice.
When one of your personal recruits enrolls a new “Life and Health Coach” (distributor), you get 20% of their enrollment purchase in the form of a matching bonus.
You also get bonuses for selling bulk packs and moving up in rank, and of course, group volume commission.
The compensation plan is not bad. It’s not great either. It’s pretty middle of the road as far as nutritional MLMs go, but they’ve got some decent bonuses that might tip it in favor of the distributor.
The product idea is pretty catchy, to be honest.
It’s pretty hard to compete in this niche because everyone and their mother is pushing nutritional products from MLMs that contain the latest miracle fruit and super vegetable.
Trevo really goes head to head with the competition, one-upping them all by including every nutrient-dense ingredient they could find.
But as with so many other MLMs, the money is top-heavy. Even if the company is sitting pretty, only the top 1% of reps are seeing that wealth, if that.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
0 notes
antionetterparker · 6 years
Trevo: Revolutionary Supplements Continue to One-Up the Competition [Review]
They call it “revolutionary”…
We’re not arguing, especially when after looking at the list of 174 ingredients in this drink supplement — all of them recognized for their health benefits.
But is it overkill?
Trevo doesn’t think so, and with a 5-star rating on the Better Business Bureau, it looks like users agree.
Trevo is a popular wellness network marketing company that sells vitamin-enriched health supplements.
From the way their website talks about it, you’d think this company discovered the elixir for eternal life instead of just another vitamin-infused drink. But it is one of the most nutritionally dense supplements out there…
And people love it.
1. What does Trevo sell? Their flagship product is a whole-body supplement that doesn’t require any measuring or mixing. Oh, and it apparently tastes great too. But the product line is expanding. They also sell hemp oil and an energy powder for men called RP3.
2. What are Trevo’s most popular products? Their most popular product is their original product, Trevo. It contains 174 of the world’s best nutraceutical ingredients. It’s supposed to help maintain mental focus and cognition, weight, the heart and circulation, cellular health, digestion, the nerves, immunities, eyes, bones and joints, blood pressure, energy, anti-aging, blood sugar, and well-being. In other words, total wellness.
3. How much does it cost to join Trevor? To join Trevo, you’ll need to choose the “enrollment system” that’s right for you. Your options range from $150 to $960.
4. Is Trevor a scam? No, it’s a legitimate business. They’ve been given the BSCG “gold standard” certification for being drug-free.
5. What is Trevo’s BBB rating? A+
6. How long has Trevo been in business? Since 2010
7. What is Trevo’s revenue? $25 million as of 2015
8. How many Trevo distributors are there? Trevo hasn’t published any numbers for their distributors.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2017,  Truth in Advertising notified Trevo of false or unsubstantiated income claims on Trevo’s website. [1] In 2017, the Environmental Research Center sued Trevo for failing to warn consumers that its wellness products contain lead. [2] Interesting piece of trivia: In 2016, money from internet fraud victims was found in Trevo bank accounts. The FBI seized $610,800 from their accounts. Trevo and its founders were not charged — they say they were victims too. [3]
10. Comparable companies: Juice Plus, Kannaway Purium
Does this mean you should get involved?
I’m not saying it would be impossible to make money with Trevo, but there are certainly better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on Trevo.
Trevo is basically the Chicago Bulls in 1996, except in drink form.
Not gonna lie, the Stevens family, who founded Trevo, look a little plastic. I’d bet there’s more than supplement juice (i.e. botox) keeping them youthful.
Mark Stevens, CEO, is a pretty well-known business owner/entrepreneur and best-selling author. He’s listed in the Who’s Who in Corporate America and serves on a number of important boards and charities. He’s been a motivational speaker and success coach. [4]
Holli Stevens, Director of Finance, has been nationally recognized as a top salesperson in the direct sales industry.
The couple formed Trevo together, which is governed by 7 “empowering principles,” 4 pillars, 9 core values, and a mission statement…
Here are the four pillars:
Vibrant physical health
Enthusiastic emotional health
Thriving spiritual health
Abundant financial health
Heard those before… from every other nutrition MLM (hint: Isagenix).
Their 9 core values are…
That’s all good, but what does life for a distributor actually look like?
Trevo has one main product — their 174-ingredient nutritional supplement drink called Trevo. It does come in different sizes…
32-ounce bottle
2-ounce Trevo2Go bottle
The drink is a “three-phase formula” that works in the following three ways…
Restores energy and focus and stimulates your body.
Renews your body with phytonutrients.
Revives you with anti-aging and immunity properties.
But, really, why do they need 174 ingredients? Seems a little excessive.
Well, if you take all the magical herbs and exotic plants that various MLMs use in their nutritional products and combine them into one drink, you’d have Trevo.
Some supplements focus on nutraceuticals found down in the depths of the ocean, some like to tout the incredible wonders hiding in the Amazon rainforest, and some like to tell lofty stories about trekking the Himalayas for their ingredients. Trevo combines them all.
The drink includes everything from acai, asparagus, biotin, banana, bromelain, and coral calcium (literally, calcium from fossilized coral), to garlic, amino acids, noni, papaya, pomegranate, and… 162 other things. [5]
What you get is basically a SUPER superfood supplement that serves all kinds of functions, including:
Mental health and cognition
Weight management
Heart health
Cellular health
Nervous system
Immune system
Circulatory system
Eye health
Bone and joint health
Blood pressure
Whether or not it’s really effective to just throw all the best herbs and fruits together into one miracle drink is up in the air.
The FDA has not backed any of their claims, of course. However, there are some studies that look promising. They’re and Kosher, CAP-e certified, vegetarian, and they’re endorsed by Dr. Brian Wilmovsky, a pretty famous chiropractor who’s all about natural medicine.
They’re also ORAC certified and have a high score of over 373,000 per bottle. ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) scores are basically a way to tell how high-powered and effective the antioxidants in a given substance are. [6]
There are definitely scientific benefits to many of the ingredients in Trevo too. Amino acids are crucial proteins for building and maintaining cell health, antioxidants fight free radicals that have been linked to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, and polyphenols have been shown to successfully lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. [7]
Trevo also claims the beverage is good for the health of everyone from your toddler to your great grandpa (children should be over the age of 2).
For years, Trevo was the only product in this MLM. Now there are a few others.
Trevo also sells RP3, which was designed for men to support libido, erectile function, testosterone levels, prostate health, energy and stamina, and mental focus and memory.
Sync is a pure, full-spectrum hemp oil that comes in vanilla and orange flavors. Containing 500 mg of cannabidiol, Sync balances the mood, supports memory, joint, and muscle health, and reduces anxiety and sleep.
Compensation Plan
You do have to purchase monthly minimum orders to remain active and get a commission, and the more you buy, the more commission you can access.
1 bottle a month gets you access to 1 generation
2 bottles a month gets you access to 2 generations
3 bottles a month gets you access to 5 generations
4 bottles a month gets you access to 5 generations
6 bottles a month gets you access to all 8 generations [8]
You’ve got 8 ways to make money with Trevo:
Retail sales
Power start commissions
Upgrade commissions
QVP commissions
Bulk pack commission
Team volume recognition pool bonus
Leadership bonuses
Charity bonus
Their compensation plan is a single line matrix compensation plan. It’s pretty unique to them, and everyone who joins Trevo after you benefits you somehow.
Retail sales commission is about 20-40%, which is pretty standard. A bottle of product is $59.99, which could net you $22. You get some decent bonuses for enrolling preferred customers too.
Compression is used to make sure that your commission are maximized every month, which is nice.
When one of your personal recruits enrolls a new “Life and Health Coach” (distributor), you get 20% of their enrollment purchase in the form of a matching bonus.
You also get bonuses for selling bulk packs and moving up in rank, and of course, group volume commission.
The compensation plan is not bad. It’s not great either. It’s pretty middle of the road as far as nutritional MLMs go, but they’ve got some decent bonuses that might tip it in favor of the distributor.
The product idea is pretty catchy, to be honest.
It’s pretty hard to compete in this niche because everyone and their mother is pushing nutritional products from MLMs that contain the latest miracle fruit and super vegetable.
Trevo really goes head to head with the competition, one-upping them all by including every nutrient-dense ingredient they could find.
But as with so many other MLMs, the money is top-heavy. Even if the company is sitting pretty, only the top 1% of reps are seeing that wealth, if that.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/trevo/
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smartoptionsio · 6 years
ICO REKT “Sh*t coins, that are not even worth Sh*t…”
In short ICOs are REKT… Period end of story… How did we get here? What can we do to FIX IT? I have spent the past month doing a deep dive into many different matrices of ICO prices/holdings along with how the ICO companies are progressing with their plans… In doing so I am left disgusted and dismayed of the pure greed and absolute fraud-ridden landscape that makes up our current ICO space. Many ICOs were nothing more than money grabs by greedy well-spoken liars. Hence with the realization the downward one-way ticket to ride of many of the ERC-20 Tokens, along with the magic unicorn Ethereum that shat out these magic poop coins. Smart contracts? For who? Smart for the ICO teams/sellers who raised the funds maybe, but not for the investors/hodlers of the tokens. The majority of these ICO companies will slowly sell their ETH at some point going forward and simply fold/vanish/disappear. Only a very minor few will survive the ICO apocalypse as each of them turns into the living dead… Etherum is a poisoned well of this coming ICO apocalypse IMO. I will share with you below my thoughts findings and a solution to pull Ethereum back to shining star status, btw if you are an anonymity nut, well phuck off this article is not for you. Privacy is one thing, but anonymity is the calling card of criminals/thieves in business/money.
The fundamental problem = NO ACCOUNTABILITY… 
That is the real problem of the current ICO market, there is no accountability, hence you have a high number of scams/shams with the ICO promoters/teams who’s alignment is not the same as their token holders. Sure many of the ICO teams would love to see their token value increase and do have stakes in said tokens, but in my findings, it is a secondary thought to them. They get the funds raised and the equity in the coin along with unregulated control to exact their will on the marketplace. I am horrified of just how many of them view their token holders as not investors, but rather just donators = free money for their storytelling skills. Problem is they promoted their ICOs as an
Keyword here, not as a donation as the Breitmans of Tezos would like you to believe. This attitude is why many of them will end up in court and even possibly prison. These very actions are the very bedrock of what is killing Etherum and the ICO marketplace.
*** PLEASE NOTE – Some viewers may find the further reading of this article disturbing. Parental discretion is advised. *** 
Wow, my sh*t coin is not even worth a handful of sh*t…
At least with a handful of sh*t, you have something, with ICO tokens you don’t even have that… 
Yes that is right, owning tokens in the vast majority of cases you have no equity/voting rights or anything but a token, in many cases they are not even exchange-traded as the ICO companies are often too cheap to even list them on a liquid exchanges, to add insult to injury many of these projects are not even bothering to create the product/technology they agreed to in the first place. In short, they have the money and you have their empty promises. That is why in the future and as you read further along in this article is the need to tie the token to equity/rights in the ICOs, outside of the purely conceptual nature it resides in now. Let’s take Reggie Middleton, CEO of Veritaseum, he stated emphatically in his Telegram chatroom:
 “One more time, buyers of our VERI tokens are not investors in Veritaseum. You have purchased our prepaid fees and expenses. This was clearly stated and outlined in the documents that you agreed upon purchasing the tokens from us.”
How many fellow CEO’s of the ICO landscape think this way!? Veri Veri scary, pun intended lol. If that is not bad enough Reggie wishes to bring back E-Gold which he now calls VE-Gold, uhmmm Reggie E-Gold was shut down by the U.S. government long ago, so you might want to rethink that! I wonder in the future how long it will be until we see him and others in court, all a ticking time bomb to me…
Many ICOs think of our investments as donations… 
That is right, take for example Tezos run by a nerdy couple of puppets that were at the strings of cutthroat financiers, hence all the lawsuits vs them. Recently they tried to have the lawsuit in the U.S. dismissed on the basis of their ICO being just donations, a $232 million dollar donation lol, then they wonder why they are being sued!? The judge denied that along with he prolly was rolling on the floor laughing in the back of the courtroom for an hour, is my bet. Yes, many companies are using the unregulated nature of the blockchain just for money grabs. Worse is they own large amounts of ETH from their raises still that will be future supply in the market, as many of them will fold and exit the space because they really had no other intentions outside of getting paid from the HYPE that occurred in the past. Imagine how this played out. You are an ICO come out with a white paper/coin/team etc etc, raising a large sum of ETH of which in the past was valued much higher price points from investors, you then take those funds and resell it over time into the market back at a lower price, along with in many cases they will liquidate their own coins as well. All of this adding insult to injury with no product or completion of their stated goals. But look on the bright side! We people in the crypto space are SUPER CHARITABLE!!! 
    Many ICOs if they do complete their projects, produce crap, hence validating their sh*t coin status… 
Augur another horror story that too is in court, worse with their project, which just to get a beta of their platform out, took over 3 years!? The software was not even alpha quality IMO, it looks like they hired programmers off of fiverr it was so bad. They also figured out somewhere along the line that they could not have the marketplace, because they would be sued. No Augur markets it as a protocol alone, great vision there! So here again IMO we have an example again that reaks of just a money grab, and pure incompetence at that. When you have financiers backing fools just like with Tezos you get these kinds of results. Read this if you want a further understanding of how sad this is, along with this and if that does not beat all, then take a look at the quality of the people involved such as Liston, one of the founders of Augur!?  This again looks like puppets of financiers to me. Worse they produced assignation markets which the president of my country is on!? Oh man, that p*sses me off and I hope the U.S. government has some words with them in the future.
    Look Ma I am THE FED! I can just print more TOKENS!
Showing just how bizarre and corrupt the space is with no regulation and oversite to be found, we take a look at Edenchain, who I guess took their name literally with the garden of token creation too. Oh hold on, it gets even better, look at Envion who raised $100 million, Nioooocee! Later on Matthias Woestmann, CEO of Envion was locked out of the project by his own coders! He then created a website to accuse the other team members of creating the additional tokens, along with all the problems caused etc etc. Read the statement by CEO Woestmann – yet later with a court ruling, we find it was him that created the tokens instead! https://envion-founders.org/
Wtf is all I am left with over and over again. After reading, you don’t think trust, I just get the urge to run!  Ironically both groups printed the 40% amount of additional tokens. Wonder if they use the same coders? Do they not know the dilutive effects and what a bad precedent this sets!? Do they even care? How many other ICOs will just print more tokens or who knows what interesting schemes they will come up with to feed the greed, it is not like they have to answer to anybody and certainly not their investors, oops I mean donators…
So how do we fix this and move forward… 
I can rant all day about all of the atrocities I have seen in the ICO space along with the damage I believe it will have on ETH with lingering effects out into the future.
“Vitalik Buterins biggest failure was his success…” 
I myself will not be participating in ICOs in any way shape or form until they are restructured in the future to offer token holders real value. It is not hard to fix the problems, though many won’t like this, mainly because it falls in line with the government ideology. Simply put the space needs to mature or die. These are smart contracts, let us make them really smart. Right now they are not, they are dumb to own contracts. People are no longer buying the hype of the ICO market. It is a wreck on the side of the road, of which most just gawk at in passing. Here are the 4 fundamental elements that are needed for the basis of what I will quote “Kay the CEO of Spectre” as a
TBO = Tokenized Business Offering. *
*which come with
Equity Rights
Voting Rights
There are a few other elements we can add here to the TBO, but the four key ones are what really matter, for both the individual and government. I discussed/debated with the Kay the CEO of Spectre the past few weeks my ideas/finding of the ICO space, being he is a CEO of an ICO who I still hold in high regard, mainly because they took a dying asset class/marketplace full of corrupt players and with blockchain created a fair marketplace for its users. He too is dismayed by the space and wishes for it to correct itself in grand fashion, why can’t it? Blockchain, if you can imagine it, you can create it, or correct it.
Blockchain is in its pure nature, freedom… The freedom to correct and improve with great speed even. Kay has a pedigree/history being from the FinTech space, not just some kids/random people with an idea and backing from viperous financiers. Though even with his company’s ICO raise he admitted one of the same fundamental flaws, that those who bought their tokens own nothing of the company, though that is certainly not his mindset or actions, as he holds himself accountable and acts with fiduciary responsibility, that just about everybody else in this space does not.
The problem is
“We own a token.”
No equity, No rights, just a token… Which to me really sounds like more of a donation. So my mindset now is just that, and I have donated enough! I believe in a tokenized company like Spectre, along with their vision, they hit their goals and live by their words, though they still suffer from that fundamental flaw of the ICO, and with the actions of many others who are not like Kay, I am stuck with this picture in my head of ICO CEO/Teams busy at home binge-watching Netflix and smoking a spliff, Image of Augur specifically pops in my mind lol. Many ICOs mean well and are far from a scam, the TBO structure will allow legitimate projects to succeed and eliminate poor projects from ever starting in the first place…
To end my rant… 
This article has been more of a purge for me of the toxic buildup brewing for the past months, it has to be said and released from my system. Hey, I am an optimist, maybe some of these companies will produce something great that we just can’t see happening yet. There is a good probability for this due to the sheer amounts of crypto everybody threw at them alone. Remember ICOs can be FIXED! TBOs, as I will refer to them are the way. TBOs are not ICOs/STOs which again both are conceptual, even if the later has a few more transparencies to it, though with TBOs you can have a bit of built-in leeway, depending on the desires of the teams. You can classify TBOs being in two tranches, one being startup TBOs that are STOs and have no traction and then TBOs that are of existing private SMEs that don’t wish to access traditional equity market channels (example being a well to do family office that wants to tokenize some of their equity = great for the space) We need only change our focus and look for a solution to what obviously is not working. As space matures, we have to grow up and leave the hype/foolishness behind. Concepts/ideas alone are not good enough to be worth money. I want cold hard equity/rights and phucking accountability! Too many of these goofballs run amock because they have nobody to answer to, that has to change or else, enjoy the sh*t show. I for one will no longer be watching, time to change the channel …
The post ICO REKT “Sh*t coins, that are not even worth Sh*t…” appeared first on Smart Options.
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