#no pressure to rb btw this is just small :)
byakuyasdarling · 9 months
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Tiny comfort drawing for stress-relief. Only took an hour and a half :)♥️ it’s really relaxing just drawing for fun and not correcting everything like usual. Just simple and quick, hehe.
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boxboxlewis · 2 years
For a prompt: maxiel rb teammates era, at a club celebrating, first time (of what? Up to you!)
(Btw regardless of whether you use this just wanted to say I looooove your writing. 🥰)
When Daniel wins a race his dick gets bigger. He knows that's not, like, scientific, and he'd never share his theory with anyone: Michael or Blake would absolutely rinse him. But. It's true. The evidence is in his pants.
He wins in China, starting from P6 after an absolute shitshow of a qualifying session, and it feels fucking amazing. Sometimes it's like the car is an extension of his body and as he hurls them both around the track he can feel the car working for him, racing for him, throwing itself around corners because Daniel asks it to, two tons of metal screaming its way to victory at his behest, alive to the touch of his hands and the pressure of his feet on the pedals.
He gets out of the car and he's electric. He wants to fuck the world (consensually, obviously) - make all of existence come on his dick. He feels fucking good and he’s half-hard already, heavy in his fireproofs, and he is going OUT tonight.
He makes it through weigh-in and the podium and the media and he's vibing, he's feeling good, he's laughing and slapping people's backs, he’s cracking jokes, he’s buzzing. Christian gives him a tight cat's-arse smile and says "Well done, Daniel," and Daniel thinks I'm going to FUCK your MOTHERRRRR! and smiles back and says "Yeah, thanks, mate."
Max comes up to him as he’s collecting his stuff from his driver’s room, getting ready to go back to the hotel. He hovers in the doorway, awkward, just watching Daniel, and they’ve already done their back slaps and well dones so what exactly does he want now?
Finally he says, “Do you want to—I thought maybe we could go out tonight.”
Daniel can think of few things he’d enjoy less. Babysitting his teammate on a night out? And this night out, in particular, when Daniel won the fucking race and the city owes him a good time? He says, “Whoa, Maxy. You don’t usually come out,” because that seems friendlier than leading with “No, what the fuck.” Max ducks his head, all shy like a fucking baby kitten or some shit, which is kind of hilarious given how he was driving earlier.
“I just thought—because you won maybe you would like—but of course you do not have to with me, if you’d rather—I know you have your own friends and we do not, we are teammates but maybe—”
Daniel cuts him off before he contorts himself into an awkward knot and dies. “No way, of course I want to go out with you!” he lies enthusiastically. It’s fine, he’s a god-emperor tonight, he can afford to be benevolent. Besides, he’s feeling so good even having a grumpy infant with him won’t crush the mood too much. “Finally get to see you let your hair down, yeah? Drive all the ladies in the club wild?”
Max flushes and looks at the floor. “Yeah, I guess.”
They end up at some glitzy neon-lit rooftop bar, music thumping under their feet, views across the city, beautiful people all around them, everyone laughing and dancing and young and gorgeous and alive. Unsurprisingly, Max does not in fact drive all the ladies wild. He clings to Daniel like a limpet—follows him when Daniel says “Stay here, I’ll get us some drinks”; even trails after him to the gents when Daniel goes for a piss. It’s honestly pretty weird and it’s seriously cramping Daniel’s ability to pick up, which is driving him crazy: there are so many pretty people all around them, and he wants to be kissing one of them. He wants to be grinding his big Grand Prix-winning dick against someone’s ass, he wants to be feeling alive, instead of exchanging inane small talk with his fucking teammate. “Maxy,” he says, trying to think of a nice way to say “you need to get off my dick.”
Max lunges at him, and suddenly Daniel is being thoroughly and inexpertly kissed. In the .2 seconds it takes for his brain to kick in he's already kissing back. He pulls Max to him, rubs a hand over his back, over his soft skin under his shirt, and Max shudders with it. Daniel's got a thigh between Max's legs now, somehow, and they're both hard and panting and it's not quite how Daniel had pictured celebrating his race win but: it'll do.
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luvring · 2 years
— felix and sage waking up from a nightmare
gn!reader | **srsly not proofread btw. bonjour. sorry this was supposed to be an M4 post but i am um. giggles. sorry x2 i am too tired to get the taglist rn (will comment/rb later maybe) but also this post is nothing too special liek. u've seen this before! u know their fears,, don't be silly! just here to say Heyyyy im alive 😘
this might come as a shock but felix isn't just an acquaintance with dreams about losing the person he loves. he hasn't had one in a while, so you can imagine the confusion/shock from both of you when he wakes up with your hands on his shoulders gently shaking him
he takes a minute to process his surroundings and what's going on. when you explain what happened he gets a remorseful look
"ah...i'm sorry for waking you. i'm alright now." you can tell he's lying when his smile is forced and his eyes are shifting around the room, his fingers playing with the blanket.
"you can talk to me, you know. no pressure, of course, but if something's bothering you then i'd like to help." you don't pry much, knowing that felix heard you and wanting to give him time
"do you ever wonder if there's someone better fit for you?" "not even once." the confidence and speed of your answer takes felix by surprise, and he stares at you with widened eyes.
he can't figure out what to say before you continue, "i don't think anyone's perfect for someone—a lot of love is time and working together, felix. not a hypothetical, romanticized ideal."
"and i love being with you. i love practising and learning together, figuring out new spells or dinner recipes—" felix lets out a small laugh at that, remembering the absolute disaster that happened only a couple nights ago. you only smile back, "i love rambling about our interests, seeing you get excited about a new book you found. i love you, felix. i'll remind you as many times as you want."
felix has a small smile on his lips as he looks at you, and he thinks he really, truly is the luckiest person in the world
his voice is soft but genuine when he speaks, "thank you, love." he sighs and frowns at the window, "it would be best for us to sleep now, the others will have our heads if we aren't up and ready in the morning."
you're both a little groggy when the others see you, but you can tell that the little conversation helped and you considered that more important
sage's nightmare would be very similar to felix's: centered around the fear of you leaving him (again) or failing to save you. there's a mission coming up (we defeated the LoS and sage is Fine. idc. move) and every so often his brain can't help but think of the worst case scenario
he's likely to get up from bed and take a walk — maybe just taking a lap around where you're staying, or standing outside for some fresh air
his ears twitch when he hears you quietly walk up from behind him
"are you sure you want to go on the mission?" the question comes as a bit of a shock but you still manage to answer, "we've done more dangerous ones, you know." "you could still get hurt, though."
it isn't hard to read between the lines that sage is much more worried than you just getting injured. sometimes he needs a reminder that he's allowed to be worried/honest
"i'll be careful. plus i have you and the others, right? we're a team."
there's a frown on his face, and you don't have to reach out to know he's tense. he's quick on his feet and smart, you now that. but you also know that his mind gets foggy and overwhelmed at times like this
your voice is soft when you speak, "nothing will happen to me, sage. and if i do get hurt, i'll heal up and recover just like always."
"but—" "danger and 'what if's' are part of our job description, sage." he knows that better than anyone, and you know that. "i'm scared something will happen to you, too. but i trust you—i believe in you. in us."
by the time you're close enough to lay against him and reach for his hand, sage has let out a deep breath and relaxed a little. he lays his head against yours and continues to look out. "alright."
"but if anything happens—" "i'll step back and find you or one of the others. i do actually have some experience with this stuff, y'know." your sarcastic but lighthearted comment gets an eye roll in response, but you both know it's your way of reassuring him while trying to take some pressure off
please gently bring him back to bed and play with his hair . this is a necessary step . he's still a little tense in the morning when it hits him again, but taking his hand in yours is enough for a while
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fauxcrafts · 3 months
btw ! I literally got an order after my one post got 100+ notes so here’s ur reminder that reblogging helps small artists!!!!!! Your reblog could buy my lunch !!
Not to pressure anyone to RB! But just remember if u love an artist please rb > like, it helps a lot seriously !!!!!
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