#no motivation issues there those are skill issues๐Ÿ˜”
im-still-watching-anime ยท 1 year
sometimes i think iโ€™ve changed a lot the past few years but recently i started looking into editing and finishing a fic from two years ago and started making notes of all the changes and edits i wanted to make only to find a copy of said fic from last year with nearly every noted change i wanted to make already done
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frannyzooey ยท 1 month
hi Kelli !! hope youโ€™re having a lovely day :) iโ€™m not sure if youโ€™ve answered something like this before, and no pressure for one!
do you have any advice for getting a fic out to more people, or increasing engagement? i am super new to actually posting what iโ€™ve written, and while itโ€™s so heartwarming seeing the likes, tumblr is very much about reblogs and comments ๐Ÿ˜ƒ are there actually any tricks to this, or is it basically just down to luck and the algorithm?
also a huge thank you for the write nights youโ€™ve done, which seriously motivated me to get my ass into gear ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night! <3
First of all, I am so glad that you like the write nights! Part of the thing I feel (imo) that has been missing around here is creative encouragement of others? I know it's hard to find your people, and I know it's hard to share, and I know it's hard to find the time in busy schedules to make space for creating and I wanted to sort of tackle all those issues with that night. I myself have found it super motivating, but also just so heartwarming to think of the other people out there all sitting down to create, knowing they are with "their people" while doing so โค
In terms of engagement, I wish I had a better answer for you my lovely, but the one I have is slightly defeating ๐Ÿ˜” that said, here are some things I've noticed:
The site has definitely changed. The likes to reblogs ratio has been off for over a year and has only gotten worse as the fandom has expanded, due to the migration of users from other platforms where engagement IS liking. Tumblr was never meant to be used this way, as the dash is created by reblogs, but it doesn't seem that people participating in the fandom are interested in learning the correct way (in my observation). I don't think this will get better any time soon - in fact, I only think it's going to get worse.
That said, I would: reblog your own work several times a day just to get it into the algorithm/tags, respond to all reblogs with your own reblog to boost it back into circulation (and engage with people who like it!), make friends who will in turn reblog your work (though it should never be an assumption/one should not feel entitled to it because of the friendship because that just makes for hurt feelings, not everything is for everyone), don't be afraid to rec your own stuff when people ask for recommendations and above all else, just keep writing and posting. It took me ages to get interaction on my work, and even now it's hit or miss depending on the subject/character/trope.
I know it can feel defeating when you see some things that have a billion notes, but remember that there are so many factors that can come into it: fandom (marvel and tlou have enormous fanbases and I have noticed their metrics are often super skewed), creators that have been posting for years and have built up a base during that time, or even something as simple as it "hitting the dash at the right time" aka people just seem to like it for whatever reason on that given day aka luck, lol.
Something I like to do when I feel bummed about engagement is work on my own skills - not because you need to be super talented in order to get notes, but it helps me feel better about the piece itself, which helps me think less about the actual engagement because I found so much satisfaction within the creative process alone, if that makes sense? Another reason behind the write nights โค
I wish I had something more concrete for you, but it really does boil down to: persistence, working on your skills, engaging meaningfully with others in the fandom and luck. โค
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arknights-imagines ยท 2 years
Whatโ€™s your opinion on Silverash & Gnosis?
Hi there anon ๐Ÿ’•!! Ty for your ask~
As for your question aaa ๐Ÿค”!! I do hope you don't mind if I ramble a little sbsjs, I enjoy talking about Operators v v much ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ...! (Please take caution as I'll be mentioning some minor spoilers from both of their Operator Files and from the story of the 'Break the Ice' event ๐Ÿ˜ฏ!!)
I'll talk about my thoughts towards SilverAsh first!
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(Summer-Pirate SilverAsh says 'hello' to everyone and to you anon!)
SilverAsh is one of my most favourite Operators and he has been for quite a long time svshs!! I love using him in-game and writing for him here on the blog v v much ๐Ÿฅฐ!
Firstly, I like his design lots aaa; mostly because of the refined-type of attire he wears and his fluffy snow leopard ears and tail ๐Ÿฅบ~ Along with that, his EN voice is awesome and I feel it sounds just like his original JP voice omg, his EN voice actor did him lots of justice โœจ!!!
Secondly, his skill set is v v cool and I feel that he's super versatile sbsjs ๐Ÿ‘!!!
He can be left on his own to defend when equipped with his second skill, or he can output lots of burst damage with his third skill! Along with that, I feel that his 'Eagle Eyes' talent that removes the invisibility of certain enemies is super useful ๐Ÿค”โœจ!
I've had my SilverAsh for a long time now and I've invested lots of LMD and resources into him with no regrets, I like to bring him along on Operators often!!
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(Here he is aaa! I'm also thinking about putting resources towards the Mastery for his second skill hmm ๐Ÿค”)
Thirdly, as for his story and character, I find him to be an interesting person that's not as cold-hearted as he may seem svshs!!
The general perception of SilverAsh by those around him is that he's v shrewd, constantly has hidden motive, and is v v prideful perhaps so much so that it's not-so-good ๐Ÿค”
However, I've always believed that he's able to be a compassionate person! I feel that, considering that he unfortunately had to mature v fast following the death of his parents, he simply had to become a more hardened person ๐Ÿค”
This means SilverAsh grew up to become v v strong-willed and never lets anything cause him to falter, even when others are expecting him to collapse; however this also caused him to lose his faith in love or warmth svshs ๐Ÿ˜” As he states in one of his voicelines, he believes:
"Compassion saves no one on the battlefield."
But even so, it's clear he cares for others if you take a closer look! He shows some warmth towards the Doctor and to those close to him from Kjerag ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ It's just that it's v likely he dislikes being seen as vulnerable so he has troubles when conveying his care ๐Ÿ˜ญ One of Cliffheart's voicelines regarding her brother communicates this rather perfectly:
"My brother sent Matterhorn to look after me, didn't heโ€ฆ? Ugh, why can't he just come out and tell me what he's thinking? It drives me mad."
And also sbsjs, I do want to add in a small SilverAsh relationship headcanon considering that my blog is for x reader content after all lolol โœจ!
So fourthly, I feel that SilverAsh would definitely be the kind of person who spoils his s/o a lot ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’ž!!! If you express wanting something, he'll get it for you without a second thought - even if you'd only made the slightest mention about it lololsbjs!!
Okay sgshs, I'll talk about what I think about Gnosis next!
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(Gnosis says 'hello' to everyone and to you anon, however he hopes this won't take too much time away from his researching work lolol ๐Ÿ˜ญ)
I happen to like Gnosis lots as well sbsjs ๐Ÿ‘!! I was v v hyped for the 'Break the Ice' event and had saved up for him! Fortunately, he came home to me with no issue aaa ๐Ÿฅณ!!! I haven't got any requests for him yet, however I am hoping to receive some that interest me so I can have the chance to write for him sbsjs sometime ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ
Firstly, I like his design svshs ๐Ÿค”! It's quite simple and perhaps not-so ostentatious, but I think that suits him! And I like the red bits in his hair lots svshs โœจ His EN voice also suits him well and I happen to prefer it over his JP voice aaa...!
(I'm also super hyped for his skin to release to the EN server aaa, he looks v v cool in it โœจ๐Ÿ˜ฎ!!!)
Secondly, I think his skills are super fun aaa!! I love his ability to apply Cold and Freeze to enemies as I think it's v v cool โ„๏ธ!!! Maybe his damage output is not as much as other Operators, but I still think his damage amounts and his crowd-control capabilities are super awesome aaa ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ‘!!
I haven't had my Gnosis for too long, however I've already gladly put a good amount of LMD and resources into him sbsjs โœจ I take him along on Operators often, sometimes in the place of a Caster Operator ๐Ÿค”!
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(Here's my Gnosis sbsjs!! I finally got his trust level to 200% recently which I'm v happy about ๐Ÿฅณ~)
Thirdly, in regards to his story and character, though he seems to be generally viewed as a bit of a ill-mannered jerk, I actually feel that he's a rather tragic and sad character svshs ๐Ÿ˜”
When he was v young, Gnosis and his family were forced to leave their home nation and were treated awful by the people of Kjerag because they accused of being the ones behind the deaths of SilverAsh's parents sbjss so Gnosis unfortunately had a not-so-good childhood to say the least ๐Ÿ˜”...
And even now, as he's older, most of Kjerag rejects him angrily and there isn't much of a place for him in his own home nation ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Considering so, I feel it's v v understandable that Gnosis has become to be extremely apathetic towards just about everything, only caring for his research sbsjs ๐Ÿค”
He doesn't have even the slightest interest at all in compassion, relationships with others, or such; his voicelines v clearly show his uncaring attitude towards most things:
"SilverAsh's sisters? Yes, I've met them several times... Hm...? What more do you want me to say? I know nothing about those frolicsome, ever-changing creatures, and I certainly am not interested in them."
"The best way you can earn my trust is by showing me your true academic strengths, and it seems you've already realized as much, Doctor. I am not like SilverAsh. I am not interested in deeper emotional exchanges."
"Much like SilverAsh's, your endeavors require the help of countless supporters. However, the more supporters you have, the more you have to worry about. Since you cannot disregard them, you should avoid getting entangled. That is my one and only piece of advice for you, Doctor."
This all makes me rather sad aaa ๐Ÿ˜ญ Unlike SilverAsh, I feel that Gnosis has much less of capacity for warmth because he has never been able to trust or find safe comfort in anyone, so now he shuts his heart away from anything and anyone v v firmly ๐Ÿ˜”...he simply finds it easier to care about nothing outside the progress of his research sbsjs
But sgshs ๐Ÿ˜ถ before I get too sad I want to mention the small relationship headcanon I thought of for him ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ!!!
Fourthly, I imagine that Gnosis would remember everything about what his s/o likes and dislikes svshsv ๐Ÿ’• then, when the time comes for gifts or dates, he'll apply what he's taken note of to ensure whatever he's giving to you is perfect~
As for the relationship between SilverAsh and Gnosis ๐Ÿค”
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They were childhood friends ๐Ÿฅบ!! I feel that, even if both of them are much colder than they were when they were children, they're still close friends svshs! They seem to understand one another acutely and have a certain respect for eachother!!
SilverAsh cares for his friend, but again svshs SilverAsh has a funny way of showing people that he cares lololsjks ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ถ Though it may not seem like it, he's looking out for Gnosis when he sends him to Rhodes Island! It's clear to SilverAsh that: at Rhodes Island Gnosis won't experience the harsh and angry treatment of the people of Kjerag, and Rhodes Island's advanced technology and such will assist him in better progressing his research, which SilverAsh knows is Gnosis' highest priority svshs ๐Ÿค”!!
And as for Gnosis, SilverAsh seems to be the only thing outside his research that he's willing to dedicate his time and his effort to! I feel that this is because SilverAsh never once blamed the death of his parents on Gnosis and even said that he would've forgiven him had he been responsible...! Along with that, SilverAsh is one of the few people to not abandon Gnosis ๐Ÿ˜ญ So I feel that Gnosis holds SilverAsh as maybe one of his only friends ๐Ÿค”
I definitely feel that SilverAsh and Gnosis would need similar s/o's: someone who can make them believe in warmth and compassion once again, someone who they can allow themselves to be vulnerable around aaa ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ
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(They both need someone to warm their hearts if you will lolololsjsks ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’•)
Anywho sgshs!!! Please excuse me, I feel like I may have rambled lots there omg ๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿ˜ญ...!
I always get rather excited when given the chance to talk on how I feel about certain Operators ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ!!! I hope you guys don't mind svshsb
Ty for your ask again anon, and the opportunity to talk about two Operators I like lots ๐Ÿฅฐ!!! Everyone is most certainly welcome to send in asks regarding my thoughts on certain Operators โœจ! I do tend to ramble when I answer asks like these aaa but I enjoy answering them v v much (as I of course love Arknights and its characters lots svshs) ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’•!!
Anon, I hope you'll stick around and please have a great day ๐ŸŒธ!!!
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The official art of chibi SilverAsh and chibi Gnosis is from the Arknights weibo HERE!! ๐Ÿ‘
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buckevantommy ยท 1 year
What about reading things that arenโ€™t just derivations of media you already like. Like you were kidding about only reading fan fiction instead of books right. Please tell me you were kidding.
i was not, in fact, kidding. ๐Ÿ˜” [x]ย 
but here's the thing about my brain: i find it extremely difficult [re:impossible] to manifest faces from text alone - and i can't enjoy or sink into a story with characters whose faces i can't picture in my mind's eye (whose visage continually shifts between this and that but mostly remains undefined). I can't read a book (or fanfic with original characters) without spending time looking for 'face-claims' - which are actors or models or whoever to use as visual references for those characters. but doing this is time consuming and exhausting and eats up my mood of wanting to read. i may end up with a bunch of good visual references (or none at all) but by the time that happens my excitement of diving into that story and the motivation to do so has usually faded, so then i have to wait for another reading mood to strike me and just hope it doesn't come with a desire to read a different book.ย 
i like fanfiction because i already have the faces in my mind so it's much much easier on my brain to manifest what characters look like - even if their style changes from fic to fic it's still the base actor underneath it all, meaning no face-claim searching is necessary. i find i can mold different hairstyles and clothes etc. around a familiar face without needing reference pics to help me along so for my brain fanfiction is perfect.ย 
[i actually don't know if other people experience this. is this a common thing? is it a neurodivergent thing? i'm curious.]ย 
but i love new media!! i'm just a tv-and-movie girl, is all.ย 
(the closest i come to reading books these days is browsing quotes on goodreads - which sometimes inspires me enough to try and give reading the actual book a go, but it's just not something my 31yo brain wants to do - my 20s brain was down for the challenge, but things change with age. and since there's So Much amazing fanfiction out there I end up embroiled in another fic instead.)ย 
the last books i read were a few years ago: The Captive Prince series (i think only 2 books had been released at the time) and The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and worlds and plots and relationships that the authors crafted for us and their narrative style and skill.. but then i found fanfiction, and suddenly i didn't have to spend a week (no joke) googling faces that fit the character descriptions.ย 
i guess this weird thing my brain does is really only an issue for fiction, but i prefer reading fiction. every now and then i add a biography to my wishlist pile (because it's real people and places there are surely reference pics just one quick google search away) but i prefer the escape of fiction, and find informational books extremely dull - i can take it in if it's a doco but i can't slog through a text version.
one exception is podcasts (like Bridgewater!). i can just google the voice actors and i'm good to go!ย 
i'm not at all ashamed of how my brain works, but i am immensely annoyed by it. if anyone has any tips or experiences anything similar, please let me know.ย 
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