#niki sappy hour
nonbinary-niki-bog · 4 months
An Appreciation Post :)
hmm...would it be easier if i ask separate asks? probably.
but i'm going to do it this way since that way i know it won't be eaten by Tumblr's asks.
(none of you need to read this if you don't want to, of course, but i just want to say this here instead :D, and i hope that i manage to tag the correct person here because that'll be really weird if i didn't, haha)
(also 'keep reading' because it feels too long for a normal post :p)
@im-a-chunky-potato - i know i have said this multiple times (it's because i can't say this enough) but thank you for welcoming me into this community. i am not joking when i say that you are the one who got me started on this :D.
@hopelessbluebird - thank you for also can't wait for something new to happen in askryuu (come on guys we can make askryuu reach it's milestone. i know we can)
(note: this took me so long that i wrote this before you got 200 followers on askryuu, so please don't come at me for that T^T)
and i can't forget C, now can i? nope i can't. wherever Blue is, C will soon to follow (i have no clue if that's even true, but it sounds poetic). i'm sorry if you don't want to get roped into this, C.
C, you and Blue are both very nice and (insert some cool and appreciative words here since my brain refuses to work right now, so sorry T^T).
to be completely honest, i don't know that much (since whenever you (C) are on it seems like i'm off), but you are doing great, so keep doing what you're doing :D.
@sunnikos - Sunni!!! you are a nice person who is also very fun, and i like our interactions in the server :D (even if we don't really interact on here).
@caffeiiine - Soda! i absolutely your art style. it is so pretty. and you are just a nice person in general.
@rogues-stuff-bc-yes - Rouge! we don't really talk like at all here, but i would like to thank you for being an inspiration for my anon :D. you are generally a cool person and i really like Kaito <3.
@rainythealias - Rainy!!! you get appreciated too. you're nice and it's nice interacting with you whenever we do.
@circuslemon - i know we don't really interact that much on here, Lemon, but you're fun in the server and your ideas are so cool to read :D
@teddymochi - Teddy! thank you for giving me enough courage to continue sharing my AU. and your drawing and art are really nice as well.
(sorry i don't really remember your name on here. please forgive me T^T)
@creatorbiaze - your OCs are cool. you are cool. you and @teddymochi are cool. both of you are cool.
is that everyone? i hope so and i hope that it's not too much? i don't know anymore.
and thank you to those of you who have to deal with my little precious characters (you know who you are...i mean, i hope you do) and i do hope that they are not giving you guys trouble.
and to those who run ask blogs, no one will be able to do what you do for the community that you are a part of and that your characterization are the best characterization.
and also, thank you everyone who is interested in my silly little AU :D.
remember that you are all an amazing human being and i appreciate every single one of you for who you are <3.
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angrelysimpping · 2 years
you know what, fuck self control, what kinda English majors they'd be based on my time as an English major
Alex struggles a bit with sussing out deeper themes sometimes but damn are they good at discussing the aesthetics of the works.
Anxious Guard never clearly makes their point in argumentative essays. Takes creative writing classes but never commits to the degree itself, worries about it being a "useless" degree.
Avery is more cold and analitical in their analysis of the text than most people are. Often points out flawed relationships and acts as if one character is getting taken advantage of, it's that character's fault becuase the problems are "obvious."
Bailey gripes about the price of textbooks (don't we all?) and starts buying and selling textbooks themself as a way to make a quick buck and undercut the University. Middle of the road essays. Doesn't give a shit, just make their passing grade and moves on. Fucker is selling essays that get top marks. Has some blackmail on some of the professors.
Briar propositions the professors for better grades. Half the time doesn't even need better grades, they just want to make the professors squirm. Does the same with their fellow students, exchanging sexual favors for essays and test questions. Always focuses on the sexual aspect of any works they have to analyze.
Darryl works so hard, bless them. Often uses the University provided services to help with their essays. Studies poetry but hardly ever writes their own.
Again, Doren is in English education but they also take loads of poetry and drama classes. Works in the tutoring center. Worked for the essay revision service for a bit but didn't stay on for personal reasons.
Eden in Victorian lit, Eden in Vioctorian lit, Eden in Victorian lit!!!! It just feels right to them. Struggles with other classes but Victorian lit comes to them easy.
Harper always praises the moraly dubious and/or unreliable narriators. Just, how they're written. Not their actions, no, they would never. Don't believe them. Likes medical settings and anything thats a bit of a trippy read.
Kylar is a lil poetry major. Always writes the most sappy love poems. Turns every assignment into a love poem, somehow. All their poems have an underlying theme of obsession, and they're the only one who doesn't pick up on it.
Landry is very middle of the road. Doesn't stand out. Midling grades. 100% lifting the test answers from the professor's offices. Hangs around th campus coffee shops. Gothic lit enthusiast.
Leighton likes all those "taboo" classics and loves driving group conversations to those topics. "Helps" freshmen who have to take their English 101. Works for the university helping people write essays. Actually good at their job, even if there have been some complaintes about them acting a little inapropriately, all rumors that get brushed aside.
Niki is so fucking good with imagry, it's a little scary.
Quinn doesn't even try. They just costs by, and still make solid grades. Has been known to dominate group discussions. Often wins debates.
Relaxed Guard plays devil's advociate all the goddamn time. Doesn't even believe half the shit they say and write, just does it to see if they can pull it off.
Remy is cut and dry. Often pointedly ignores symbolism. Often hangs around the library, but it's unkown what they fuck they're doing there because they're never studying or looking for books or any of that, really.
Robin focuses on children's lit. Very good student, works hard, always starts on essays right when they get them.
Sydney is doing too much. Creative writing degree, focuses on religious symbolism and works. Works in the library. Goes to office hours. Takes on extra assignements. Regular at all campus coffee shops.
Vet Guard is that one person who always focuses on battles and wars. Picks their side on debates and will not change their opinian for anything.
Whitney bullshits their way through essays and class discussions and it fucking works. Hardly ever shows up to classes. Somehow still passing.
Wren bounces around. Mostly in the creative writing department. Chooses classes based on what they find interesting insted of focusing on getting a degree. Loves the poetry classes, tares Kylar's poems appart in group crituqe. Works in the coffee shop in the library, scribbles lil one off poems on napkins. Also writes tiny poems on the paper cups along with their number, handing them off to customers with a wink.
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grey-scale-monotony · 2 years
I’m feeling so stupidly nostalgic rn, just remembering the first meetups, the 8 hour long Tubbo streams, the start of crimeboys, the very early stages of what got the dsmp popular and the duration of its height in popularity. I can remember so vividly watching Tommy’s vlog of meeting Wilbur for the first time and when I was in lockdown staying up till horrendous hours of the morning with homemade iced coffee having the best time of my life watching Niki Nihachu vods and reading the childrens rebellion for the first time (random core memory)
Discovering ycgma for the first time, Wilbur meeting Niki on love or host, watching my first mc manhunt, watching SBI in mcc and falling in love with the tournament, when origins was brand new (I swear it got announced yesterday) Wilbur releasing the eboy trilogy then love joy coming to be in what I could’ve sworn was 2 seconds but was in fact months, heatwaves crashing ao3, sadist animatics being reacted to the moment they came out-
I got my 2 years on twt notification like a week or so ago and I was just kinda in shock remembering when I first got it cause I wanted to see the tweets themselves instead of screenshots on tiktok or tumblr and just being so confused as to how the silly little bird app worked
God I’m in such a sappy, nostalgic, bittersweet mood. I love the current content we’re getting but all the new just makes me reminisce on the old
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thespoonisvictory · 2 years
Top Ten Most Wilbur Streams Ever:
rules: no dsmp lore streams, no music streams. I also tried to pick one from each ‘category’ of wilbur streams.
10. ‘If Niki Laughs the Stream Ends’ - feat. Niki
I showed extreme self-restraint in not adding more Niki-Wilbur solo streams. Anyway, this is the most enjoyable Wilbur ylyl vod, and one of the best of the Niki-Wilbur chill content genre. Besides their great chemistry, the Shawty bit is one of my favorites from the chat, and Niki losing it at the dumbest videos is just really enjoyable.
9. ‘mcc 12 - How long can I go without saying 'Gogy' ‘- feat. TapL, Phil, George
This team got first place four games in a row, had everyone in the top ten at one point, and looked great doing it. Wilbur’s chemistry with TapL and George despite having not made much content with them is off the charts, and it’s generally just such a fun vod to watch. Not only that, but their complete dominance and ease in so many games make this a really satisfying pov to watch, making this a rare vod where the gameplay and jokes are both at the top of their game. their communication and morale and skills and insane battle box comeback make this vod my favorite mcc team for Wilbur.
8. ‘Ultimate Chicken Horse (Post-nap stream)’ - feat. Niki, Fundy, Phil, and Tommy
Just a good time. Peak early dream smp content groups where people were just trying different dynamics out. Fundy shrieking when he died, everyone doing so poorly. They spend twenty minutes at the beginning trying to get Tommy to leave so Niki can play, some random dude accidentally joins. Cinema.
7. ‘Text-To-Speech Mediashare’ - feat. Phil’s assistance
Chaotic energy in the year of our lord 2020. The premise is simple: typing in chat activates a voice command, such as the word “clap” producing a clapping sound. This, as you can imagine, goes horribly, and breaks several times, while generally being overwhelming. At one point, Wilbur thinks he broke the entirety of twitch. This is where the clip of him reacting to the pigeon’s head coming off is from, it’s top tier.
6. ‘Minecraft 100 Player Lab Rat Experiment’ - feat. Technoblade
Definitely the best 100p in stream format, although I prefer the edited videos of some others, which is what keeps the moles and birds stream off this list. This is peak techbur content, what more can I say. uhhhh the techno burning his hand story makes me laugh every time I hear it, give it a watch.
5. ‘drunk geoguessr and minecraft with Niki, Fundy’ - feat. Fundy, Tubbo, Niki, Jack
Literally does “drunk christmas eve stream with dream smp gang” need more explanation? Drunk mamma mia!! Drunk geoguessr! Wilbur gives a giant sappy rant about how he loves his audience! Tubbo accidentally making Wilbur and Jack chug a ton of vodka is a highlight, but the whole stream just has a bubbly chaotic energy that really bottled the late 2020 dream smp vibes. 
4. 'It's time for monopoly‘- feat. Niki, Minx
It is a three-hour vod of actually playing monopoly and it is the funniest gameplay of it I’ve seen in my life. Minx doesn’t know how to play monopoly and struggles the entire time, yet somehow, she’s winning for a majority of it. It’s the most shit-talky we’ve ever seen Wilbur be. featuring bits such as ‘Pussy so good gotta put it in jail- uh’, ‘it’s free parking you stupid bitch’, Minx taking so long on her turns that Wilbur starts timing them, and Minx trying to think of warm places to go and only being able to think of Spain. Wilbur comes from behind to win the whole thing through psychological warfare, Minx loses her shit. Iconic. It’s one of those streams where the full three-hour experience is needed to feel the relief when Wilbur wins, and yet it doesn’t drag at all.
3. LAST HOUSE STREAM Short fun improv n that with Jack and Tommy - feat. Jack, Tommy
This is Wilbur’s funniest stream. Ever. I’ve watched it like five times and it still makes me laugh hysterically, it’s the peak of crimeboys humor. While everyone has their favorite bits, there’s really not a bad one, but finding out that Tommy does a great Karen accent and Jack and Wilbur rping distraught girlfriends are highlights. It’s just. So funny. Watch it.
2. skyblock randomizer finale - feat. my tears
I don’t think the vod even exists anymore, but the edited video does. It’s notorious for making people cry, and for good reason. I talk about it more here, but what made this series so unique was Wilbur’s ability to carry a story entirely solo, in such a solitary and empty environment. It shows how simple it is for people to get attached to things, for them to build a home and find things to love, and it’s all over a pixelated fish.
1. Quackity Wine Stream - feat. Quackity, George
It’s all fresh in our minds, so I’m sure I don’t have to recap too much, but this is easily the best of the “Wilbur is rambling freely about whatever topic comes to mind” streams that actually exist on Wilbur’s channel. Wilbur and Quackity have amazing chemistry and just have really candid conversations about their friendship and content creation as a whole, once they get started there’s not really a moment of uninteresting discussion. Plus, the fact that they’re getting progressively more drunk is an added bonus, also Wilbur’s beret is really cute. Who knows if it’ll stay my favorite as time passes but it is rn
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atrirose · 2 years
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so ! I am really happy rn so here it is a collection of sweet things my bestfriend has done or does for me as enhypen members, not really a post but still you have to read it because i want u all to know how sweet she is :)
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made a Playlist for me ! heeseung
he would definetly have atleast 5 Playlist about you, the songs which reminds him of you, songs he would play when you out on a drive , makes songs about you too. because there so many Playlist by your name he has to put numbers on it like : y/n playlist #2 , y/n playlist #3 etc.
names her plant after my name ! jungwon
please don't bring injang into this :) anyways he probably has a plant by your name and calls it mini y/n just to see you annoyed or soft nothing in between.
is a dork and checks our compatibility on websites ! niki
he doesn't like to admit it but he does it , gets mad when its anything less than 80% throws a attitude at you "you said you loved me" which makes you confused because you have no idea what he is talking about, sometimes straight up deny the results and says the web is broken
lots of nicknames ! sunoo
nicknames like angel, love , my love, refuses to call you by your name. the closest he can do in a nicknames made up of your name, even when he is angry he would call you love but thats a whole other thing because he is scary even when calling you love. has the most cringest contact name for you.
says I love you on the most random times and gives a sappy speech but its hard to make fun of her because she is too slick with it ! jay
I mean what I said, you guys will be talking about the most randomest stuff and he hits you with 'i love you the most yk' then goes on with a long paragraph about how much he loves you, and you can't say anything because you are stuck comprehending what is happening, sometimes he cries while saying them, just his way of reassuring you
plans future with me ! jake
he loves you okay , you guys are going to get married there is no break ups or anything he already thought of wedding destination, wedding date, how many kids he want, what he is going to name them, how would your house look and what to cook for breakfast for you, and he his random about it "hey I think I want you to wear a backless dress on our wedding" and you just stand there like 🧍‍♂️
listens to you rant / vent ! sunghoon
sundays are the typical gossip/vent/rant day for you, he sits with a face mask on and judges all the people you talk about, would get up at midnight if you need him to vent if it makes you happy, never judges you and gives you advice, you can go on hours ranting and he would be bored at all, makes others question why he was 6 hrs call with you.
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 years
*Kicks open door*
If Squid Kid Joins the DSMP he should absolutely join the syndicate. Double the Syndicates Size!
OG Members: Techno, Phil, Niki, & Ranboo
New Members I want: Dream, Michael (Streamer), Tina, & Squid Kid.
Make the Found Family Even Bigger!
i would LOVE squid in the syndicate, mostly because c!techno explaining to the rest that he and squid were in a year long war over who could grow the most potatoes but now are friends after bonding over their mutual respect for each other.
c!dream sitting there like, 'what? potatoes?? WHAT?? i tried to establish a friendly rivalry with him through combat and you did it with POTATOES???'
c!tina leaning over to michael to whisper 'is it always like this' and michael kinda shrugs and tina is just 'oh poggers :D'
also re: your other ask:
i love the syndicate as found family because before the syndicate was even a thing, they found each other as friends and usually in a pretty odd way, you know?
c!niki and c!ranboo knew each other basically from ranboo's early days. niki and techno have always had this interesting relationship were he didn't trust her, she didn't completely trust him despite backing him up at the red festival.
as for ranboo, phil, and techno, their whole friendship is this amazing 'we're technically on opposite sides but you don't like picking sides and we don't actually have a beef with you so we're gonna trade jokes in a high stakes standoff' like. ranboo was part of the butcher army, techno stood back and let tommy kill ranboo with a llama. they're friends!
but i don't really assign traditional family roles to them, y'know?
like c!techno is that weird aunt who has a mug that says '#1 mom' with a picture of one of their pets (steve) and never comes to family get togethers and once broke a guy's knee with a baseball bat but you'd trust her completely with your kids.
c!phil is that older guy that all the kids call 'grandpa' and you're like. pretty sure that while he's a grandpa, he's not their grandpa and he always buys the most annoying toys and laughs at the parents' suffering but he's also who you call when you need someone to fix your sink.
c!ranboo is absolutely that teenage kid from the neighborhood that is hanging out at the 7-11 at all hours and you're like, 'do you not have a curfew. do you not have parents??' because it's one a.m. and you just wanted to buy a twix in peace and now he followed you home and is staying for dinner.
c!niki is absolutely that lady who brings everyone food and has never ending casserole dishes that she always tells you to keep and cries at overly sappy movies and commercials but she goes to town hall meetings and yells at shitty politicians and has a criminal record.
or that's just kinda how i see them.
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a-jynx · 3 years
:0 uh more Dream smp stuff?? cause y’all liked the other one??? (Georgenotfound edition & kinda long)
being Dream’s sister was rough already so imagine how tough life gets when you start dating one of his besties???
you met george through dream - obviously - and well.. putting it kindly, you hated each other. I mean, HATED each other! It always became a rivalry between you two, shooting down one another’s video ideas and never compromising until Sap or Dream stepped in.
“why do you hate him?” dream groaned as he watched you dislike ANOTHER Georgenotfound video. you glanced up at your freakishly tall brother before scoffing
“because he’s a spoilt brat and.. and he shouldn’t expect everyone to grovel like you do.” you scoffed, as Dream groaned, scrubbing his hands over his face.
“nope, nuh-uh you green tellatubby i’m not befriending him.”
“you’ve been hanging out with techno and tommy on discord too much.. Anyway, just.. please TRY and get along with him? at least pretend for a little bit - the fans get all protective and will baby him before they defend you..” dream’s voice trailed as he sat next to you, making you huff.
“ofc they’d baby him.. and it’ll be fine - I’ll be fine, Clay! I’m a big kid, some trolls on the internet won’t upset me.” you grinned, wrapping an arm around your little brother’s shoulders. he rolled his eyes before poking his index into your ribs, causing you to yelp.
“okay, but i warned you and i’ll try and help if stuff gets too much, okay? remember you’re my sister.. i still worry about you.”
“okay, don’t get sappy you waking tree! we have a stream to start,”
which lead to now.. A Geoguesser and Jack Box stream with the Dream Team ft. y/nwasnttaken - it started out awesome! The chat was having a blast having their boys stream, the guys were happy to be streaming, and you were having a great time.. until George came after you for guessing the wrong country..
“seriously, y/n?? you were, like, a million miles away!” george snorted as sap and dream joined in the laughter, you sighed before faking a short laugh.
“please, you usually suck at this game and it was one bad guess while you’ve been guessing wrong foe the past five minutes.” you couldn’t hold back the slight venom in your voice as the discord grew an awkward silence as chat began to grumble about the sudden change in atmosphere.
“chill, y/n/n, i don’t think George had an real issue, right Gogy?” sap nervously chuckled, he knew just as well as dream that for some reason you and george were always at one another’s throat.
“yeah, i had to ill intent, it’s called playful banter, y/n lighten up, honey,”
“is this just go after y/n day or what? i don’t mean to be an asshole but you’ve been after me the entire stream! and maybe the fans and you guys don’t care, but it’s hard to act like im not affected by you constantly bashing me and then laughing when dream or sap - or even yourself - get it wrong!” you grew quiet once your piece was out in the air, your heart was pounding against your ribs and you felt like you were going to be sick. “i..”
“no! no, it’s… im just going to go, you guys have a good stream.” you quickly exited the discord call, closing out of all your tabs and leaving yourself to stare at your shrunk form.. oh shit..
you grabbed your phone and opened Twitter, a mistake honestly, it was already trending.. clips, screenshots, and the #nightmareofasibling in the US. you gawked at the screen - tapping the hashtag, you should’ve listened to Dream..
‘i knew they were lousy but my god it’s a game..’
‘they always act like they’re better when they aren’t, poor gogy 💔😔’
‘i feel bad for dream and sapnap - they have to live with that 😳’
‘@y/nwasnttaken you disgust me and i can’t believe they even tolerate you. rot’
each @, each tweet was one wishing for your demise or saying that the dream team deserves better. maybe they’re right but you had a right to stand up for yourself! sure.. it was a over a geoguesser game but dealing with that for an hour in a half, anyone would be tired of it.
tears were already starting to drip as you hastily wiped at your cheeks, attempting to keep the water works at bay. it got harder when a ping went off from your phone, indicting another tweet was made at you. even with your blurred vision you frowned as @GeorgeNotFound popped up.
‘Regarding the stream, I do not hate y/n. Nor do I want hate sent to them. I will not tolerate any of my fans hating on one of my friends, it was partly my fault for antagonize them.
I care for them deeply and I hope they know how sorry I actually feel and the guilt rushing through me while I write this. I hope you can forgive me, sweets.. @y/nwasnttaken’
you hiccuped a laugh, a small smile breaking across your lips. you liked the tweet before heading to discord to find your messages had been blown up - Niki, Wilbur, and George had sent you multiple messages asking how you were. Selecting George’s messages, you grinned..
‘y/n?? hey come back to the stream’
‘i was kidding, come on, this is how we work..’
‘okay, i’m starting to get freaked out cause you’re not answering and twitter is spamming- shit i need to fix’
the messages had stopped for a few minute before a small video was sent, showing george in his recording room.
“y/n i’m honestly really sorry, it was dumb of me to keep poking at you when you looked and sounded like you didn’t like it - it’s just.. that’s how we’ve always been! i just.. please message me when you can? i know dream’s already pissed at me, and sap won’t stop threatening me to fix this now - even though they laughed too - BESIDES the point… just message me soon?” he sheepishly sent the camera a small smile, his cheeks and nose a slight red. you couldn’t help but roll your eyes before quickly typing him.
‘y’know i have half a mind to be pissed at you, but.. i’m sorry too. i should’ve have blown up at you or the others, especially on stream.. can - can we hop on call and sort this out?’
Gogster is typing… Popped up instantly, making a smile flash across your face. Suddenly a call chimed in, making you jump slightly before clearing your throat and answering the video call.
“Y/N!! Oh my god, you answered- ah, i’m so sorry I just, teasing each other and acting like we hate each other was always our act and I know i pushed it too far on stream,” George continued to ramble as you shook your head.
“George, Gogy you’re rambling..” you mumbled as he looked back at the camera, clearing his throat with a sheep smile on his face.
“uh, sorry.. look, can we just.. try again?” he muttered as you broke into a dazzling smile.
“we can, but I still get to call you Gogster..”
George broke into a loud laugh, you joining in with his contagious giggle. He nodded, clearing his throat again as he sighed gently.
“That’s all i ask, y/n.. but can i tell you something? dream and sap have been nagging me for the last couple of months to mention this..” His voice trailed as you nodded, rolling your shoulders and sinking further into your chair.
“i may not get along with you, British brat.. but you can always talk to me,” you smirk as George coughs out a laugh, shaking his head as you broke into a grin.
“you’re jealous that I have a hot accent, but seriously.. i.. Y/N I’ve liked you for a while and I’d like for us to try,” his voice trailed out as you blinked, staring at the dark brunette before giggling.
“i.. i actually have a trip coming up, to come see Niki and Wilbur.. I wouldn’t mind adding another person.” You trailed, sheepishly glancing at George as a large smile broke across his face, making you giggle as he quickly nods and laughs.
“Wait, really?! But- But we always- We.. Oh my gosh!” safe to say.. George was at a lost for words and you couldn’t help but be excited for these next two weeks to fly by..
and ofc dream and drista and sap made bets - dream bet you guys would date because of drama, drista just bet that you’d go on a date but would want to kill each other, and sapnap bet you guys would want to instantly date - some were more right than others, but in the end,.. Y/nistaken & Georgewasfound became trending and knocked the harmful trends down
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rainecreatesstuff · 3 years
escaping is not the same as running away- chapter 1: goodbyes are not for good
DISCLAIMER: ALL names in this story are in reference to the CHARACTERS of the Dream SMP, NOT the CCs. Please be respectful in the replies.
Characters: Tubbo, Ranboo, Philza, Technoblade, Mentioned TommyInnit, Mentioned Michael_Beloved
Relationships: Tubbo & Ranboo (Platonic), Philza & Technoblade (Platonic), Philza & Ranboo (Platonic), Technoblade & Ranboo (Platonic)
Warnings: Swearing
Ranboo climbed the stairs of the factory, reaching the top and letting his shoulders fall as he spotted Tubbo sitting on the edge of the roof. He carefully made his way over, sitting down beside Tubbo, who had one of his legs held to his chest, his chin sitting on it, staring at the sunset.
“Thought I might find you here.” Ranboo swung his legs back and forth a bit.
Tubbo hummed.
“Is Michael in bed?”
“Mhm,” Ranboo leaned back, “Luckily his chicken plush was dry, so he went to bed easy tonight.”
Tubbo smiled, but it was tight, and fell away easily after a moment.
As much as he wanted to ask Tubbo what was wrong, he knew it was probably a bad decision. Tubbo was a man of secrets. He kept everything on the inside, and trying to pry just made him upset, so Ranboo sat patiently as they watched the sunset.
Snowchester really was beautiful at this time. The golden hues of the sun reflected off the snow and water, creating a warm tint over the town. Tubbo really was an amazing builder. The cute, cottage-esque homes somehow became even more cozy-looking in the setting sun. A distant part of Ranboo hoped they would make it inside before the moon rose, and the cold of the night truly settled into the village.
“You ever think about leaving?”
Ranboo was broken out of his thoughts by Tubbo’s question.
Tubbo shifted, turning his head to face Ranboo.
“You know, just packing up, getting in a boat, and disappearing. Finding somewhere far, far away where you wouldn’t have to worry about governments or terrorists or wars. Somewhere safe.” Tubbo’s eyes didn’t meet Ranboo’s, instead seeming to trace the lines of his face.
Ranboo frowned.
“I mean, not, not really? I… if I’m being honest, I like it here.” He paused for a moment, “well, not like, here, but… Snowchester. I like being here with you and Michael, and whoever else happens to be around. It’s… calm, I guess.” Ranboo swung his legs idly as he spoke.
Tubbo hummed, glancing back towards the sunset.
“Do you?”
“Do you think about running away?”
Tubbo’s brow creased.
“I mean, sometimes. Feel like it’d be easier. Just disappear into the night, before anyone could stop me. Maybe I’d finally get to have that apiary. Like the one we built in L’Manburg, but bigger, with machines and’ stuff.”
Ranboo smiled softly.
“You could make a villager trading ring, like you always wanted. Get all the best enchantments and all the best loot.”
Tubbo laughed quietly.
“And we could build a house, a nice one, in a flower field, with a big backyard for Michael to play in. And we could get a dog.”
“And a cat.”
“And we could learn how to cook properly.”
Ranboo laughed, airy and loudly. Tubbo grinned, leaning against Ranboo. Ranboo stiffened for a moment, and Tubbo began to pull away, before Ranboo carefully wrapped an arm around Tubbo, holding him by his waist.
“Imagine it, just us and Michael, and Tommy, just living super far away from all this bullshit. Maybe sending the occasional letter back. Just. Living. Actually living, without constantly worrying about everything.” Tubbo’s voice went soft, like he was sharing a secret.
Ranboo hummed, before going silent and still.
Realistically… what was stopping them? They could pack everything they needed in like, an hour tops, and tell Tommy to do the same. They could sail north, and keep going until they were safe. Until they found that perfect little flower field. They could bring Michael. They… they could leave.
Tubbo clicked his tongue, bringing Ranboo back to reality.
“You alright boss man?”
Ranboo bit his lip gently, considering for a moment, then…
“What’s stopping us?”
Tubbo tensed up beside him, pulling away to stare at him.
“What’s stopping us from packing up and leaving?”
Tubbo blinked, staring at Ranboo incredulously.
“You. You’re serious?” Tubbo’s voice shook a bit.
“I mean, yeah. Like, I don’t know about you, but, I don’t really have anything holding me here other than you and Michael. I’d… I’d miss Phil, and Techno, but they’d understand. God, they of all people would totally understand.”
Tubbo brushed the hair away from his eyes, and Ranboo had to glance away.
“I… Like, you actually want to? You’re not just saying that?” Tubbo looked away slightly as well, focusing his eyes on Ranboo’s hair instead.
“I mean, yeah. I, I um, I think it’d be good. For all of us, especially Michael. He should, uh, he should get to grow up safe n’ stuff, you know?”
A smile slipped onto Tubbo’s face, becoming a grin, and then a laugh. He hugged Ranboo lightly around the waist, and Ranboo gently squeezed back. A sharp pain erupted from his shoulder and a low hiss escaped from his mouth, and Tubbo quietly gasped and pulled away.
“Fuck- sorry Boo, I wasn’t even thinking-“
“You’re crying?” Ranboo held Tubbo’s face in his hands, carelessly wiping away tears even as they burnt his thumbs.
Tubbo batted away his hands gently.
“Stop it, you’re not burning your hands just because I got all sappy n shit.” Tubbo laughed gently, rubbing at his eyes with his sleeve.
“You’re okay?” Ranboo half-reached out to Tubbo, as if to dry his tears again, but pulled back.
“Fuck, Boo, I am so okay. I am very okay.” He laughed as he spoke, bringing his hands up and flapping them back and forth as he spoke.
Ranboo giggled, leaning back on his hands.
“Okay, okay, sorry about that, I just- I’ve been wanting to just leave for so long but I didn’t want to leave you or Tommy or Michael so I just- Assumed I wouldn’t ever be able to, and-“ Tubbo shakily drew a breath in, running a hand through his hair, “You’re sure? Like, 100%, no going back, sure?”
Ranboo let himself think it over for another moment, just in case, but he still couldn’t find any reason to stay. As long as he had Tubbo, Michael, and Tommy with him, he could care less what happened on SMP soil. He’d miss Niki, Techno, and Phil, and it hurt him to know he’d probably never speak to Fundy or Quackity again, but part of him was inclined to believe he wouldn’t have in the first place. So, drawing in a breath, he nodded.
“Yeah. Whenever you’re ready, I am.”
Tubbo rammed his forehead into Ranboo’s chest, making a small “oof” escape him, hugging him tightly. Ranboo wrapped his arms around Tubbo, smiling softly.
“Okay, okay, um, tonight? Do you wanna go tonight? We can carry Michael, and he can sleep on the way, and we can sleep once we’ve gotten a ways out.” Tubbo sprang back, then jumped up, pacing back and forth on the edge of the roof, nearly giving Ranboo a heart attack.
Ranboo stood as well, grabbing Tubbo’s hood and pulling him away from the edge.
“As long as you don’t wander off any roofs, yeah, sure.”
Tubbo just huffed, but his smile didn’t waiver. He passed Ranboo, headed towards the stairs, gently hitting his arm on the way by. Ranboo followed him down.
“Alright, so I can pack up my stuff, and I’ll go convince Tommy to come, and then you can go get your stuff and come back and help me pack for Michael?” Tubbo asked, fidgeting excitedly with the drawstrings on his coat.
Ranboo nodded.
“Yeah, yeah, sounds good, I’ll be done in like- an hour probably? And then I’ll just come back to your house.”
Tubbo nodded, and ran up the steps to his cabin. Swinging the door open, he turned around once more, flashing Ranboo a grin.
“See you in a bit!”
“See ya.” Ranboo replied, smiling as the door slammed behind Tubbo.
Ranboo made his way to the community portal, careful to avoid Tommy’s property. He was pretty sure there was a reason Tubbo had wanted to tell Tommy, and not just for convenience. The blond probably wouldn’t be super on board with their plan right away, and he’d probably need Tubbo to convince him. Either with their super long friendship, or his puppy eyes. Ranboo was sure even Tommy couldn’t be invulnerable against that.
He reached the portal, and stood in it, the familiar nausea hitting him as he entered the Nether. He leaned against the portal’s frame for a moment, and the nausea dissipated as it always did. He walked along the messy cobblestone path that lead to the Arctic, nearly falling off a couple times due to ghasts, and eventually reached the Arctic.
He didn’t think he’d ever get used to the whiplash that was leaving the Nether and entering a tundra.
He reached his house just as the sun fully set, sending the sky into its beautiful twilight palette. He made his way around his basement, arranging as many of his riches as he could fit in his enderchest, and stuffing the rest, as well as survival supplies, into his inventory and a bag. He looked around his basement one last time, and his Enderman… “roommate,” we’ll call it, croaked something that sounded familiar in the same way all Ender did.
Ranboo bit his lip. He didn’t want to just leave the poor guy here, confused… Maybe a note could work? Surely Endermen had translators. He wrote his roommate a note explaining that he was leaving, and handed it to them. The Enderman looked down at the note, and seemed like he might actually have understood it, at least to some degree.
He made a sad croaking noise, and gently pat Ranboo’s head. Ranboo laughed a bit awkwardly, but smiled at the Enderman, who gave him one last look, then teleported away. Ranboo sighed heavily, biting his lip.
All his pets would need someone to look after them, then. He brought them all upstairs, then sat and gave them pets for a little bit. He could probably sneak Dogboo into Techno’s dog house. He was pretty sure the hound army had been decommissioned, and Techno definitely wouldn’t notice the extra dog until he read the name tag, if he ever did.
He was sure Phil wouldn’t mind one more addition to his flock- crow or not, the man was good with birds, and Ranbird would be well taken care of.
That just left him with his cats. Enderpearl, and Enderchest. The thought of leaving them behind put a sharp ache in his heart, but not more so than the thought of seeing Tubbo passed out at his desk after working himself to exhaustion did. Okay. Maybe Niki could take care of them. He knew she’d had foxes before, and cats were similar, if not a bit more independent. He could drop them off at her place on his way out, then.
He took a deep breath, giving one more round of cuddles and pets, then moved to action. He led Dogboo into the doghouse, where the pack immediately started trying to play with Dogboo. Ranboo let him off the lead, and knelt down, hugging him one more time, then leaving and closing the gate tightly behind him.
This next part would be more difficult, but he was sure he could do it without being confronted. Phil was still in Techno’s house, he could hear them talking from here. He brought Ranbird into Phil’s house on his forearm, leaving the bird on the counter in an area where he couldn’t get into too much trouble.
A crow flew down from one of the rosters, poking at Ranbird. Ranboo wondered for a moment if this was a bad idea, but then a few more crows flocked down and cawed curiously at Ranbird before flying back up, with Ranbird joining them. Ranboo let out a sigh of relief, then reached into his pocket, where he’d written Phil a note.
He walked out of the small house, pinning the note to Phil’s front door. If all went accordingly, Ranboo would be gone by the time Phil saw it.
He went back to his house, scooping up his cats and gently placing them in the duffel bag he’d slung over his shoulder. They seemed displeased at being jostled around, but after a moment, they curled around each other and laid down. Ranboo closed the bag as much as he could, still giving the cats room to move around and breathe.
He glanced around his home one more time, then took a deep breath, and stepped outside.
He glanced at Skellyboo for a moment, pondering if he should bring the undead horse, but no, he did not want to have to ride a skeletal horse for as long as he would need to. He could borrow a horse from someone else if he needed to. Tubbo probably had some in Snowchester.
He made his way to the gate that led out of Techno and Phil’s property, and stepped out, closing it behind him. He took another deep breath, and looked up at the sky. He was really doing this. They were really leaving. He suddenly felt giddy in a way he hadn’t in a while. He could picture it now, his and Tubbo’s little cottage, far, far away from here, where they could raise Michael in peace, and-
“What are you doing?”
Ranboo whipped around, suddenly faced with a very concerned Phil, Technoblade standing a few feet away with an expression that implied he was ready to kill someone.
Ranboo hoped it wasn’t him.
“Phil.” Ranboo’s voice turned shaky.
Phil made his way out the gate, his eyes not leaving Ranboo for a second. When he finally stood before him, he wrapped Ranboo in his arms, and Ranboo nearly began crying, though he wasn’t sure why. Perhaps it was that he couldn’t remember being held like this by his real parents. Perhaps it was because Phil was hugging him like he was already forgiving Ranboo for something he hadn’t even done yet.
“Come back inside, mate.”
Ranboo glanced over to Techno, whose eyes held a bitterness in them that he’d only seen a few times before. Ranboo bit his lip. He was supposed to get back to Tubbo soon, but…
Phil and Techno had been so kind to him for so long. They at least deserved a goodbye, an explanation.
“… Okay.”
Phil sighed a breath of relief, and led the other two back into Techno’s house. They each kicked off their shoes at the door before stepping further in. Ranboo gently placed his bag on the floor, glancing up at Phil when Enderpearl made a “mrrrrp” sound, announcing his awakening.
“You can let them roam for a bit, mate. Seems like they’re gonna be holed up for a while.” Phil sat down on one of the chairs around the fireplace, gesturing for Ranboo to do the same.
Ranboo leaned down, unzipping his bag a bit, then nervously made his way to the couch, sitting on the side closest to Phil’s chair with his legs curled up, knees to his chest, leaning against the couch’s armrest. Techno sat behind them at the table.
“Alright, why don’t you start off with explaining why you’re all packed up?” Phil took his hat off, placing it on the armrest beside him.
Ranboo drew in a breath.
“I’m leaving. Not just, not just here, I’m leaving the SMP lands.” He carefully kept his eyes focused on the fire, nervous that if he looked at Phil, he’d find disappointment in his gaze.
“All by yourself? That can’t be good for you, mate. It’d be dangerous, even.”
Ranboo tilted his head, biting his lip.
“I’m, um, I’m not. Going alone, that is. I, uh, I have people I’m travelling with.” Ranboo’s tone hushed on reflex, and he heard Techno chuff behind him.
Phil looked slightly taken aback for a moment, then his face took on a look of consideration.
“Ahh. I see.” His voice held a hint of amusement.
Ranboo blushed lightly, coughing gently.
“It’s not like, um, what you’re thinking, we just- we just want to get away. From everything. From the prison, and the egg, and the wars, just- everything.”
Phil hummed, then sighed. Ranboo risked a glance up, and Phil was looking over at him with a sort of sadness held over him, but still smiling.
“That’s fair. You guys shouldn’t have to deal with all this at your age. I hope you find somewhere safe to grow up. And for that kid of yours to grow up.” Phil spoke gently, like he was scared he might make Ranboo scatter if he was too harsh.
“Your what?”
Ranboo flinched as Techno’s rough voice filled the room.
Phil looked straight at the ground, the look on his face equivalent to him outright saying “I fucked up.”  Ranboo turned around, facing Techno, who was staring at him like he’d grown a third eye.
“So, um, I’m kind of, I kind of got married? And we adopted a kid.”
Techno’s staring didn’t stop.
“Aren’t you, like, 16 or something?”
Ranboo swallowed.
“Or something, yeah.”
“And you have a spouse, and a kid?”
“Um. Yes?”
Techno rubbed his eyes tiredly, his elbows leaning on the table.
“Why is that not the weirdest thing about you? That should be it by a landslide. And yet it’s not.”
Ranboo shrank in on himself sheepishly.
Phil laughed gently.
“Don’t apologize for it mate. You’re fine, right, Techno?” Phil turned a pointed gaze to Techno, who was looking between the two of them with tired eyes, like they’d lost their minds.
To be fair, they probably had.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re fine kid, just, jeez. Maybe tell me before you run off into the night next time, alright?”
“I, um. Yeah, that’s, that makes sense, yeah.”
Phil chuckled at the interaction.
“Can I ask who it is?” Techno said with a sigh.
“Who’re you married to?”
Ranboo’s tail whipped across the couch nervously.
“Oh. Um. You, uh, you know Tubbo?”
Techno sighed.
“That checks out. Makes our visit there make a lot more sense.”
Ranboo furrowed his brow.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you two kept, like, jumping away from each other whenever Niki or I got close by. You’re not very good at keeping secrets, either of you.”
Ranboo held an ‘if only you knew’ on his tongue, humming instead.
“And your kid?”
“Oh, um, he’s a little zombie piglin named Michael. We found him in the Nether a few months back, and it didn’t seem like anyone was coming back for him, so we brought him back to Snowchester and we’ve been raising him there.” Ranboo’s voice took on a tint of warmth as he spoke about his son, and a soft smile resided on his face.
Techno hummed again, nodding.
“You’ve been keeping him warm, yeah? He hasn’t gone into hibernation?”
Ranboo shook his head vehemently.
“God, no, we’ve got a fireplace in his room and he only goes outside with like, three layers on. We, um, we didn’t know much about piglins? But, but I knew you hibernated because of the cold, and I wasn’t sure how that would affect a kid, so…”
Techno grunted.
“Sounds like you’re doing alright then. The kid’s happy?”
Ranboo turned away slightly, smiling warmly.
“I think so. He, um, he doesn’t know much common yet, ‘cause it’s kinda hard for his vocal chords to replicate the sounds, but, um, we’ve taught him sign, and he seems happy, so, yeah.” Ranboo fidgeted with the fabric on the couch as he spoke.
“Good.” Techno said before standing up.
Phil looked over to Ranboo and raised an eyebrow.
“Tech, where’re you going?”
Techno began making his way down the ladder.
“‘M grabbing some stuff.”
Ranboo checked the time again, biting his lip anxiously. He should really be getting back to Tubbo.
Techno emerged from the basement with a bundle in his arms, and placed it on the table he’d sat at before. Ranboo peered over the couch, spotting an assortment of items, four of which looked suspiciously netherite-like.
Phil whistled.
“‘S that a whole other set of armour?”
Techno grunted.
“You said you have travel companions, and one of ‘em’s Tubbo, and he doesn’t go anywhere without that stealing gremlin, so.” He gestured to the armour, frowning.
Ranboo sprang up from the couch, making his way over to the table. He admired the netherite, and as he touched it he could feel enchantments rippling across it.
“I- thank you, so much, Tommy lost his armour a while ago and I haven’t had a chance to make more yet-“
“Don’t. Don’t thank me or anything, it’s just paying you back for the axe and everything else that’s suspiciously shown up in our chests.” Techno grumbled.
“Of- of course.” Ranboo smiled, beginning to gather it into his inventory.
He was short on space, but he could make do. Once the armour was in its place, he noticed some books and parchment.
Phil strode up behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder as he read the paper.
“It’s a recipe for a special type of mushroom stew. Uses mushrooms from the nether, used to make it for Techno when he was younger. Didn’t know he still had the recipe I gave him.” Phil glanced back up to Techno, who looked to become more and more embarrassed by the second.
“Yeah, well, I’ve already got it memorized, and your kid’ll probably like it, so.”
Phil laughed.
“And the books?” He jabbed Techno in the side gently.
“They’re doubles, I’ve been meaning to get rid of them anyways.”
Ranboo slid his hands over the books, which seemed to be centuries old, their spines and pages worn. On the covers were embroidered lettering, spelling out several classics and myths.
“You’re giving him your myth compilations? The first editions at that. Damn Techno.” Phil’s tone remained teasing, but another layer of softness piled onto it.
Techno grumbled something Ranboo couldn’t pick out. Ranboo stared at the books in awe for another moment, then looked back up to Techno.
“Thank you. Seriously. I’ll take care of them.” Ranboo carefully slid them into place in his inventory, then folded the parchment up and did the same to it.
Phil pulled him into another hug, and Ranboo leaned over and hid his face in the older man’s shoulder. Phil patted his back twice, then gently pulled away.
“I’m proud of you mate. You’ve gotten a lot stronger since I met you. Lot more wise too.”
Ranboo chirped out a nervous “thank you,” to which Phil laughed.
“We’ll miss you kid.”
Techno reached over and ruffled his hair.
“Don’t do anything Phil wouldn’t do. Remember our sparring lessons. And tell those brats that we hope your trip goes well.”
“Thanks Techno.” Ranboo smiled up at him, and the piglin let out a soft chuff.
“You’d better get going. Tubbo’s probably waiting for you, right?” Phil patted him on the back, and Ranboo made his way over to his duffel bag.
“Yeah, we’re leaving tonight. I’m supposed to meet him at his house in a bit.” He kneeled down beside his bag and realized Enderpearl had indeed gotten out and was now nowhere to be found.
“Don’t worry about the cat. A couple more animals aren’t gonna break us.” Phil smiled, nodding over to where Enderpearl was sleeping by the fireplace.
Ranboo carefully zipped up the duffel bag most of the way, still leaving room for Enderchest to move around a bit. He stood, then made his way over to the door and slipped on his shoes, heaving the bag over his shoulder.
“Thank you both so much. For everything.”
“Anytime. And don’t forget to write us. Or I’ll have my flock come find you.” Phil grinned.
Ranboo laughed, and nodded.
“I will. I’m guessing just give my letters to the nearest crow?”
Phil made a clicking noise with his tongue, then pointed to Ranboo.
“You got it.” He walked over, giving Ranboo one last hug, then opened the door for him.
“Bye. I’ll write soon.” Ranboo promised, making his way down the steps.
“Stay safe kid.” Techno leaned against the doorway as he spoke.
Ranboo nodded with a soft smile, and began making his way back to the gate. He turned and waved one final time, and then he was off, back to his husband and best friend.
He couldn’t wait to get there.
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noodles-07 · 4 years
Okay my brain said sappy hours so I guess this is what I’m doing now
I want to say thank you to the Minecraft youtubers who raised me into the person I am today
SkyDoesMinecraft, CaptainSparkles, DanTDM, StacyPlays, just to name a few.
They pretty much raised me through my first hyperfixation, and taught me so much about how to be compassionate and happy and confident and I don’t know where I’d be without them
And a thank you to the youtubers who’ve be getting me through the hardest year of my life
Dream, Sapnap, Wilbur Soot, Tubbo and Tommy, Niki, Ranboo.
Minecraft has shaped so much of who I am, even before I really had a grip on what identity meant, and I cannot say thank you enough to the people who put themselves out there for young me to fund and grow from.
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butterbeeryuta · 4 years
hello everyone,
so i have decided to take a 2-3 week break from fic writing. for the past week, i have fainted twice and experienced severe vertigo, and i honestly don't know why. i think it's one of my antidepressants fucking up, but i'll have a brain scan in a week or 2.
this doesn't mean i won't be active on this app though, absolutely not. i have met wonderful ppl in this app, and cause also amazing fucking fics to read here so lol i ain't leaving.
so instead, i'll be posting fake nct quotes and loving nct hours cause my brain just works either being a massive shithead or a sappy muffin.
and honestly lol if u read this far, i love you.
thank you.
- niki
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davedimartino · 7 years
NEW THIS WEEK 10.13.08
We're veering toward the middle of the year's fourth quarter--a time when nearly every week brings us a handful of new releases that will instantly emerge at the top of the charts and make everybody but us fabulously wealthy!
And sure, some weeks will bring us inevitable No. 1's like rapper T.I. or Metallica, or hot new contenders like Jennifer Hudson or Robin Thicke. On the other hand, however--some weeks won't!
Perhaps signaling a temporary lull in the inevitable sales storm is this week--which aside from heartwarming country hat-wearer Kenny Chesney, offers little today's top record execs can write home to their moms about!
But you know what? It's OK! Look at the bright side: There are a lot of new TV shows debuting, a lot of great new DVDs also out this week, and now, lots of time to spend combing today's hottest social networks looking for old friends and new acquaintances! You could also read a book, but heck: they're expensive! Oh well!
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Kenny Chesney: Lucky Old Sun (BNA) Country fave KC throws his ever-present hat in the ring this time out with a hot collection of tracks featuring guest stars such as Dave Matthews, Willie Nelson, the Wailers and Mac MacAnally, and it looks like he's got another surefire winner! Ironically selecting the same title track chosen by former Beach Boy Brian Wilson to highlight his new album--but I assure you that's the only less-than-original idea to be had here--Chesney seems to be looking leftward during these exciting political times, at least if the album cover picture is any indication! For a while my favorite track was "Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven (with The Wailers)" until I realized the words in parentheses weren't actually part of the lyrics, but who knows? It may well be yours! I'm just thrilled with the whole thing!
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Keane: Perfect Symmetry (Interscope) Following up a huge debut album with one not quite so successful could be a stumbling block for bands of lesser talent, but England's Keane return here with a winningly melodic, choice third album that I'd call "keen" if, like you, I enjoyed bad puns! One thing's for sure: My notion of them as a sugar-sweet, almost sappy poppish band changed significantly, in light of the upbeat, energetic tracks found here in great number! Additionally, I think any English band with a member named Tim Rice-Oxley is supposed to be good according to some old rock critic rule or something! And I'm as gullible as the next guy! Between you and me, I should probably focus on my craft more!
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Nikka Costa: Pebble To A Pearl (Stax/Go Funk Yourself) A welcome return from Miss Costa, a soulful, zesty singer who made big noise a few years ago and is now back awaiting your purchase, listening, and evaluation! Perhaps chastened by the public humiliation of choosing a title for her last album-- can'tneverdidnotthin'--that was both grammatically incorrect and poorly punctuated, Costa soars admirably throughout most of the tracks here, though luckily for all of us, she apparently held tightly to her microphone! Favorite tracks include "Keep Wanting More," "Keep Pushin'" and "Cry Baby," but that may be a factor of my susceptibility to suggestion! I'd suggest buying this and waiting for additional orders!
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Johnny Cash: Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison: Legacy Edition (Columbia/Legacy) Sometimes record labels try to milk everything they've got in their archives by slapping a few additional tracks onto a classic album and selling it all over again, but this is absolutely not the case here! Cash's historic 1968 album is loaded to the gills with superb extras--including both shows the country legend gave that day at Folsom Prison, additional performances by Carl Perkins and the Statler Brothers, and a compelling two-hour film documentary included on an additional DVD. One of the year's best reissues by far; if you can't afford it, please don't steal it, as these kind of things don't happen in jails much these days!
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Ray LaMontagne: Gossip In The Grain (RCA) Singer-songwriter Ray LaMontagne is still going strong, and this--his third album--is a step up for him in terms of album sound: There are more players, more textures, and lots more to listen to while admiring his well-crafted, highly emotive songs. Back again with producer Ethan Johns, LaMontagne need only drop the pretentious "La" from his last name--I mean, the Royal "we" is so old school--to become good ol' "Ray Montagne" and ascend to the throne of rightly-named singer-songwriter supremacy! And if the cover photograph depicts him telepathically ordering consumers to buy his album, so be it!
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Copeland: You Are My Sunshine (Tooth & Nail) Some people contend that all the good songs in the world have already been written--just ask  Kenny Chesney and Brian Wilson--but it must be pointed out that classic track "You Are My Sunshine" is not actually heard here, it's just--let's face it--a dandy album title! I actually like what I hear here, but be forewarned: The first time I heard this band, I thought their lead singer sounded like a male version of Christine McVie! This band shows lots of growth, and facial hair is only partially relevant!
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Phoebe Snow: Live (Verve Forecast) When I was just out of college I worked at a magazine that specialized in humorous captions! It was great! One day a woman called up and asked me how come she'd been dropped off the complimentary mailing list, and--get this--it was Phoebe Snow herself! She liked the funny captions! So I put her back on the list! From that point forward, I've had nothing but the greatest admiration for Miss Snow--so I'd like to point out that her new live album, recorded in Woodstock, New York, is a fine assemblage of well-played, well-sung tunes, including her classic hit "Poetry Man," covers of "It's All In The Game" and "Piece Of My Heart," and much more. That said, if her album cover bore a really funny caption--like "The Microphone God was not fooled by Phoebe's false piety!"--it might sell a few more copies in New Jersey!
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Ingrid Michaelson: Be OK (Cabin 24) An up-and-coming singer-songwriter who has admirably attached herself to the Stand Up To Cancer organization, Michaelson has assembled this collection of demos, live tracks and cover songs in part to benefit that cause. Word is she's about to launch a "Be OK" tour that will feature a "Be OK" necklace as part of her tour merchandise, the proceeds of which will go to that same fine cause. My advice: Buy the record, promote the cause, but don't give the necklace to anyone named Kay!
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Bobbie Gentry: Ode to Billie Joe/Touch 'Em With Love (Raven Australian import) Though I try not to write about albums issue outside this country--it's, like, not patriotic--the fact that this album is available domestically via MP3 download has opened the floodgates! Containing the first and fifth albums by this marvelous and unique singer-songwriter--born in Chickasaw County, Mississippi, no less!--this package is a great collection featuring Billie Joe's title track, the very surreal "Bugs," other great originals, and an array of covers including "Son Of A Preacher Man," "Niki Hoeky," and "You've Made Me So Very Happy." Historic note to Beatle haters: Ode To Billie Joe knocked Sgt. Pepper's off the top of the album charts! She probably laughed evilly when it happened! What more could you ask for?  
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Connie Talbot: Over The Rainbow (AAO) An astounding vocalist with a big, big voice, Talbot seems destined for an enormously successful career! And hopefully budding singers will take note that getting an excessive number of facelifts often reaps unexpected results!
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