#nicolas d. wolfwood headcanons
bwaveq · 1 year
I see a fellow Wolfwood lover!! I also just started writing for Stampede and also get sooo distracted so take your time!
I would like to know your headcanons for Wolfwood having a crush! Is it obvious? Does he acknowledge it right away? Or is it more of a “oh shit im in love with them” kind of moment?? And would he ever confess??
Thanks! :D
SCREAMS. This kind of came out rushed as i was worried i wouldn’t publish it sooner, but i hope you like this! It’s kind of short(?) thank you for the ask!! :))
I love Wolfwood so much imgonna
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Wolfwood x gn reader confession headcanons!
• I’d like to imagine Wolfwood realizing it way after he’s caught feeling’s
• Way before the two of you met he thought you were just going to be someone temporary in his life, He was never interested in you before as you were just some kind of assistant in his eyes. Until you got yourself involved in a situation where you could’ve gotten hurt, he never saw you as the daring or willing to give up everything just to save someones life type when you pushed him out of the way when a bullet was fired towards him that had only scraped a portion of your arm.
• He was angry to say. Why on earth did you do that? Nicolas hadn’t realized what he was doing until you were calling out his name with a careless smile on your face, almost laughing when he pulled away from smoothing his hand over your arm subconsciously with a worried look in his eye. He couldn’t stop thinking about that moment, and wondered how he really felt about you.
• Feelings were almost complicated feeling the way he felt around you, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Nicolas knew exactly what it was but he was too caught up in himself to admit it.
• What would you think? Would your relationship between the undertaker change if he did confess? He couldn’t just think up scenarios and keep these feelings waiting, he had to do something about them.
• It was when the two of you were alone walking along the sandy dunes of the desert on the way to nowhere when he decided to confess, with a cigarette nestled between his lips hanging loosely confession flowing out of his dry parched mouth.
• It was almost funny when he heard the exact same words come out of your mouth, the both of you had confessed at the same time. Wolfwood would look at you with surprise, his mouth hanging open slightly before he’d regain himself standing a bit taller to look you in the eyes.
• All he could do was smile whilst seeing the giddy expression on your face, you must’ve been waiting for this moment. He would’ve confessed sooner if he knew how you felt.
The two of you gather around a fire and roast worms together🦾🦾🦾💯💯💯💯🔥🔥💥💥
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arsvnist · 10 months
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my babygirl , a spreadsheet of headcannons
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valitino · 10 months
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i read a hc that nick is quiet by force of habit and…uhm uhhh…
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mr-shimurka · 1 year
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Vashwood week — names?) or somehow.
Hdc Vash swallows letters in words
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merbear25 · 6 days
Hello, i don't know if the requests are open, i was wondering about trigun x reader, vash and wolfwood, a reader who's easy going and friendly, cheerful, yet emotionally distant and overthinks a lot
It's fine if it's not your cup of tea, thank you for reading anyway ^^
Hello, hello! I decided to write the headcanons seperately because I wasn't sure if you wanted Vash and Wolfwood in a poly relationship. Apologies if I miss understood! I hope you like it regardless 💜💜
Vash and Wolfwood x Reader who's cheerful but distant
CW: headcanons, gn!reader, fluff, can be read as platonic or romantic.
He's drawn to your cheerful and friendly demeanor, seeing as he gives off the same energy. This makes it easy for the both of you to find the humor in little things and develop inside jokes.
The easy-going nature you have helps him feel relaxed, and he'd match your energy in hopes of providing the same solace to you.
Whenever you're caught up in your own thoughts, starting to spiral from overthinking, he's there to ground you and offer a fresh point of view on the issue.
Emotional distance doesn't put him off. He just sees it as a part of you and a peek into the life you may have led. Besides, he knows the feeling of thinking you have to keep others at bay, so perhaps this will lead to indepth conversations and a deeper connection.
He's a very patient and understanding man. He's got a heart of gold and knows that you care about him deeply. Whenever your emotional distance pushes him away, he doesn't take it personally. Once giving you some space, he's there to welcome you into his warm embrace.
He sees a lot of himself in you. That could be either a good or bad thing. However, your cheerful, easy-going and friendly attitude offer enough of a difference that he takes to you rather well.
Emotional distance is something he relates to all too well. There are times you two experience this at the same time and when that happens, you both take a breather to collect yourselves.
Sometimes he's the one to come back to you, offering you soft touches and hugs. Other times, it's you who makes the first move.
He deeply appreciates your more light-hearted moments. They help keep a smile on his face.
He has his own moments of cheerfulness, so being able to provide those fun moments to you is just as nice for him as it is for you.
Being one who rarely loses his head, he'll be the one to ground you when you're overthinking and getting carried away in your own conclusions. He'll be the voice of reason when you need him to be.
He may give you a short lecture here and there about not letting yourself get in your own head so often, but it'll always come from a place of care. All he wants is to know that you'd be okay if anything happened to him.
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Nicolas D. Wolfwood from Trigun is an Avatar of the Stranger.
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tenabrye · 1 year
Hi! I’m so glad that I’ve stumbled upon your blog! I’ve read everything and I loved it soooooo much 💖💖 can I please ask for headcanons on Wolfwood and Vash (reboot versions) noticing that the reader has crush on them (can be if they afterwards reciprocate reader’s crush or decline or ignore or whatever you feel like writing)
Thank you so much! 🥰
I'm so glad you've enjoyed everything so far. This is a very niche fandom, so there's not a whole lot, yet, but hopefully my contributions help. ☺️
It's not that he's dumb, but he's just the type to accidentally think that their extra niceness to him is just them being extremely friendly, to which he is happy about. But when he actually learns that it's all because of their little crush on him? The man is ecstatic. Immediately accepts their feelings with open arms that are quick to envelope them, picking them up and gently swaying them around with a smile on his face.
He'd be curious as to when it all started. Very curious. What made them fall for him? It's the most common question on his mind, to which he immediately grins at the answer they give him. Oh, so it wasn't just his good looks? He kids, he kids. He actually likes the fact that they love his personality before his appearance. It shows what kind of person they are. He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel the same, but the man is the definition of CONSENT. He's not doing anything until, I do mean until, he knows they feel the same AND they're okay with it. That being said, they better prepare for what comes next.
Cue the hand holding, lots of it, the onslaught of hugs, face peppered with soft kisses, etc. Oh man, and don't get me started on the loving glances he sends their way. If people thought he was soft before, oh boy, just wait until they catch him looking at his crush turned significant other. If they ever catch him looking at him with such softness in his eyes, he just casually smiles at them before letting a little "I love you" slip out.
To be fair, he most likely would have had a crush on them first, but due to not knowing if they felt the same, or having already decided early on that they didn't feel the same, he would have tried to push his feelings down. At least as best as he could. Except they just come out after the little realization of his crush's feelings. They really don't know how happy they've made him with their confession.
Luckily for him, he can tell when someone likes him, and I mean really likes him. He's quiet about it, though, observing them, making sure his eyes aren't deceiving him. He doesn't trust himself at times and often second guesses things, hence his actual look of surprise when he realizes that everything he's been noticing about them and their own feelings towards him are real.
He's very different when it comes to someone liking him and vice versa. See, when someone likes him, he wonders about the reason. Why do they like him? What about him draws them to him? Considering who he really is and what he really does as opposed to his side gig, yeah, it's only right he'd think such things. BUT, it's a relief when they confess to him, because he now knows that he was right. His eyes didn't deceive him this time. He doesn't grin, but boy does he have such a cute smirk on his face, the cigarette in his mouth having been moved to one corner of his mouth.
He has DEFINITELY thought about doing stuff, but it's not like he would without consent. The only thing he has ever done without his little admirer's knowledge was steal glances at them. But when they confessed their feelings to him, it was as if that was really all the consent he needed. Of course, he'll have them pulled close to him, eyes half lidded and staring intently into their own as he asks, "Can I kiss you?"
In all honesty, the man probably felt something for them after some short time travelling together with them. Hence the extra niceties and protectiveness, but y'know, that's about all it was from him. And stolen glances. It's a big relief when they confess to him, it really is. He doesn't have to hold himself back anymore, and he hopes they won't tell him to.
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millionswive · 7 months
The Twins' hair is not actual hair.
In TriStamp their hair is made of a Plant material (this is my excuse to explain why Knives' hair didn't burn while he was 💀)
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While in TriMax or other 98' media their hair is made of micro feathers
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wonderwomanfantasy · 1 year
i've been really enjoying your Trigun posting lol, any thoughts on Wolfwood? he's my babygirl
I was raised Catholic I have all the thoughts on Wolfwood
being with Wolfwood is such a mess because he insists on a no strings attach fuck buddies relationship and likely doesn't even want other people to know that the two of you sleep together. He keeps you at arm's length, and constantly reminds you that this is just sex and you shouldn't catch feelings. Meanwhile: he's in love with you and would take a bullet to save you, no questions asked.
he's so fucking contradictory. He calls you annoying, and a brat and acts like he wants nothing to do with you, but he also will skip meals if it means you get to eat. he lets you rest your head on his shoulder no matter how it hurts his arms in the morning and whispers in your heart that he'd move heaven and earth to keep you safe. and he means that.
Wolfwood might be emotionally distant, but physically he's up your ass, he can't let you out of his sights and risk that you might get hurt without him there to shield you. He would throw away his life in an instant if it meant keeping you from being in pain. The sound of you screaming is enough to bring him to his knees.
Sometimes he hopes you'll call him out on his bullshit. sometimes he hopes you'll get enough sense to leave him, but most of the time he's wishing desperately that you'll stay.
you're his whole world, he cannot imagine a day without you... but at the same time, he knows that being with him puts you in danger and that you would be safer if you were off with a normal man.
He constantly tries to push you away but he completely crumbles if you give a hint that you might feel half of what he feels to you. give him that pretty smile of yours and tell him he looks cute when he's mad? he hears wedding bells.
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ratita-ratata · 1 year
i have a new headcanon now: brazilian wolfwood from a small city in the sertão of pernambuco catholic upbringing, with rosary and all, did all the catholic studies except the ones to be a priest bc he never wanted to be one.
random facts about him:
he have his motorcycle but he doesn't have driver's license
he traveled all the northwest with his motorcycle and then started his journey to travel all the latin america
he met vash in peru (i would love to explore more about this, maybe in the future i will)
livio moved out of their city and now lives in são paulo but every now and then he travels for the place wolfwood is
(i will add more details to my headcanons the more I watch trigun maximum and read the mangá)
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shutupvestler · 1 year
So, a lot of people noticed how unproportional Vash's ankles are compared to his upper body, and some of them started stating that Vash's legs are also prosthetic (as his arm). I compared his ankles with Knive's and Nickola's (were know for sure that they legs weren't chop off and replaced for some purposes), and his ankles look the most unpropotional. There weren't a mentioned that his legs were replaced in original Trigun but we are talking about almost a separate show here, so it won't be a surprise for me. And in case if I'm mistaken it would serve as a great headcanon. (Also I noticed how his klaves are much bigger then his ankles which could be a muscles of course but I pront to think that these are speciap pumps which increase his speed, mobility and serve as a shock observers as well.)
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paiteyy · 1 year
Wolfwood's Vials thoughts thingy
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the manga never actually confirmed what's in Wolfwood's vials did it?? I was reading back through all the parts where his past is brought up, or he takes the vials, and it never really comes up. Just the fact that they heal him fast and make his metabolism speed up to do it.
I've always personally thought it was something connected to Plants, considering The Eye of Michael worships them and was trying to modify people to have superhuman abilities (abilities that are very close to Vash and Knives abilities ((sans the "angel" powers)), regenerative healing, increased strength, fast reaction time, etc.)
If this was the case, I've always had this little, idk hc? Au? Idea of Wolfwood being able to talk to the Plants, to understand them at least, but just, pretending not to be able to in front of Vash. Like, he doesn't want Vash to know about The Eye of Michael and his past obviously, but also THEY don't know he can understand Plants. Livio wouldn't be able to in this AU(?), as I've always felt Wolfwood was kinda the first vision of their experiments, the trial run, while Livio, who heals faster/without vials, was the "new and improved version." This means that he doesn't have any weird "side effects" like Wolfwood.
And Wolfwood doesn't exactly ignore the Plants, he was close to some older ones in his childhood with the Eye, but many of them don't know what to say to him, and he doesn't know what to say either (or they're like, always just gossiping to one another in their own plant-y way, and to Wolfwood, about his relationship with Vash and trying to set them up lol. Like what else do they have to do all day?)
Also back on just the topic of the vials, if they are connected to Plants, then perhaps that's a layer as to why he ages faster when he takes them. When Vash and Knives heal themselves, they have their gates, massive wells of energy, to pull from. Their bodies are also composed differently and they heal a bit like trees. Trying to recreate that in a human body, where the only place to pull energy from would be Wolfwood's human life, speeding the metabolism and putting massive amounts of strain on the body, would obviously shave years off his life.
Idk narratively (and because it's The Eye of Michael, a plant worshiping cult) I think the thought of Wolfwood's vials and enhancements being somehow Plant related is neat. Also I like the thought of the Plants being little busybodies who like gossip lol
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Trigun Headcanons!
Vash's eyes glow slightly in the dark. Barely noticable, but there
Vash can tap into the extra-dimensional power of plants to mess with how time effects him. This is how he's able to move with such speed. He also isn't consciously aware that he's doing it (at first)
Meryl's derringers are actually company-issued. They went with the smallest and cheapest gun they could find. Meryl exploited a loophole to get multiple guns. At this point it's a bet between her and the people approving on when the higher-ups will notice and change the regulations
Millie's was special-issued because they didn't trust her with a weapon that could kill. And the fact no one else could wield it.
Wolfwood is missing a toe after a training mishap with the Punisher.
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valitino · 8 months
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vashwood with some aftercare
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koispam · 1 year
Trigun Stampede x Reader Lake Day AU Headcanons/ramble
Don’t mind me I just really wanted an excuse to write Knives being a fishing nerd ^^
(Also sorry the knives one is a bit mundane, I just think that if you strip away the genocide tendency’s he’s actually a pretty boring guy)
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Vash spends most of his time running around and slashing people with water. You’d better believe he brought water guns. He’ll find you anywhere you try to hide. It’s fun for a while but it gets tiring being squirted with water from every corner. While Vash is refilling his gun you decide to make your move. You quietly sneak up behind him on the dock planning to pick him into the lake. Your breath hitches and you freeze when you accidentally step on a creaky board. Luckily Vash is humming too loudly to himself tk hear you. You continue to tiptoe forward, quickly closing the remaining distance between you two. Reaching him with a one, two, three! You shove him forward off the dock and into the cold water below. He lets out a girlish shriek and falls in with no grace whatsoever. You burst out laughing and he looks up at you with a pout on his face. Once you stop laughing you offer him a hand and he accepts. However, as you lift him out of the water, his other hand shoots up and aims the water gun at you. Before you can react he shoots, point blank. You immediately drop him back in the lake. Now it’s his turn to laugh. You two spent the rest of the day shooting each other with water guns and pushing each other off the dock.
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The complete and utter contrast between him and Vash is astounding. Yet of course you expected this. It’s just so different after goofing off with Vash to be stuck lounging around with Wolfwood. Not to say it’s unpleasant, no it’s not unpleasant at all. It’s rather relaxing. You look over at Wolfwood who’s got his sunglasses on over his eyes and seems to be sleeping. You reach for his glasses so he doesn’t get a weird tan line when he calming grabs your hand to stop you. You stop moving for a second and when he doesn’t say anything you start to push back, once again vying for the glasses. He in turn increases the resistance on you arm and it’s like a small battle to glasses. Unfortunately for Wolfwood, an untimely sneeze drains him of his capacity to push back and you take the opportunity to snack his sunglasses. His now uncovered eyes glare at you in defeat. They seems to say “that’s not fair cheater.” You smirk back at him sending a message of “since when you you play fair?” He sighs and turns his head back to the sky. You lay back down, content with you small victory. Yes, relaxing indeed.
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You’d never expect it, but Knives turns out to be quite a fan of fishing. You suspect it’s because he prides himself on being a “Hunter” of sorts. So it makes sense that he would enjoy an activity like fishing. When you ask if you can join him he was hesitant at first. However, when you reassured him you wont let yourself get bored he gave in. He doesn’t normally share his hobbies with anyone except the occasional piano session with Vash, however you seem to be the exception lately. When you see the boat you were surprised. It was definitely not the cheap kind. Knives must really love fishing, you think to yourself. You get to the middle of the lake and Knives starts to prepare his equipment. You watch with fascination as he effortlessly strings each piece onto his line. He must have done this a lot to be this efficient. When he notices you watching he starts explaining what he’s doing, probably trying not to let you get bored. You understand little of what he’s talking about but you nod your head anyways. He seems happy that you’re taking an interest in one of his hobbies. He casts the line and then you two sit and wait. Knives isn’t much of a conversationalist so he doesn’t say anything, and neither do you. You two just sit in simple silence and enjoy each other’s company. Knives catches a few fish while you two are out and you decide to bring one home to eat. All in all, a successful trip. You hope to join him again someday.
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drunkenlionwrites · 1 year
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Royal AU/Prince Vash x Knight reader
Royal AU/Prince Vash x Knight reader at the ball
Royal AU/Prince Vash x Knight reader beginning
Vash X reader who plays flute
First oral with Vash (f! receiving)
First oral with Vash (Vash receiving)
Vash x grieving s/o
Protective and comforting Vash
Vash thinking on dating a human woman
Morning cuddles with Vash
People watching
Vash with immortal s/o
Vash pining for reader
Vash biting (nsfw)
Vash x reader (eldritch horror au)
Vash crying during sex
Vash x physically strong muscular reader
Vash x touch-starved reader
Decay (hurt/comfort)
Uncanny Vash
Uncanny Vash smut (nsfw)
Vash tending to reader's wounds (sfw, fluff)
Clubbing with Vash (cyberpunk AU)
First time with Livio
Morning cuddles with Livio
Livio x small reader (nsfw)
Livio proposing hc (sfw)
Livio x reader who wants family (sfw)
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Kishibe's kinks
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Lucid dreams
Toji x bimbo girlfriend
Bodyguard!Toji x rich girl!reader
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Himeko pampering you (nsfw)
Jealous Himeko (nsfw)
fem!reader caressing Himeko's breasts (nsfw)
Himeko nsfw alphabet
Himeko riding reader's face (nsfw)
Serval riling up reader (nsfw)
Sampo pegging h/c (nsfw)
Sampo x fem!reader who works at Natasha's clinic (sfw)
Jealous Gepard (nsfw)
Gepard pegging h/c (nsfw)
A tale of tails (nsfw)
Jealous Dan Heng
Reader straddling Dan Heng's lap and holding his chin
Creampie with Dan Heng (nsfw)
Lapis Lazuli (nsfw)
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Spawn!Astarion x reader post ending headcanons
Savium (kisses headcanons)
NSFW headcanons
Sleeping headcanons
Overprotective Syzoth (drabble, hurt/comfort)
Heavenly (drabble, nsfw)
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