#netflix sumo
miaobae · 1 year
Sad that one of my new favorite Netflix series has like NO following on Tumblr because it's freaking amazing.
Big strong chubby men being badasses and trying to become the best in their sport! A hilarious main character who refuses to take bullshit and learns to turn his hard-headedness from a weakness into a strength. Bare man booties all the time. Big soft tummies hiding layers of muscle. A great soundtrack. Compelling storylines.
Please watch it because I need them to make another season. 😭
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shepherd-bones · 1 year
Sanctuary (2023)
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Sanctuary is a Netflix show about a troubled young man who finds himself in the intense world of sumo wrestling, trying to navigate the traditional sport while keeping his untraditional mindset.
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There's romance, blackmail, murder, old grudges and promises that keep you on the edge of your seat!
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It's a good mix of tradition vs modernization, rich vs poor, and storytelling that demonstrates not all is always as it seems.
(and it's also nice, they hired retired sumo wrestlers for the supporting rolls!)
I highly recommend it!
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thywillowtree · 1 year
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Recently watched an engrossing sumo J-drama called ‘Sanctuary’. I hope that there will be a Season 2 because I want to see more interaction between Enno & Shizuuchi. 
I like the shot where Shizuuchi is admiring the cherry blossom. It’s pretty to me.
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And look who made an appearance :)
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Sawamura  ∑(°Д°  ) !
(I’m glad that Ichinose got the lead role) Plus, look at the diversity of this cast (0_0)
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neutron669 · 1 year
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(on netlfix)
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nymphomystic · 7 months
Love this Netflix series so much! Wish there was more fans here
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cherryfinolahobbes · 1 year
I need to gush here because I just started Sanctuary I. Netflix’s I’m like on season two so no spoilers please.
But I have to say that I am INVESTED in Oze. I generally dislike when characters are asshole or “too cool for school” and it isn’t until like halfway through we get the tragic backstory because by that time I just hate them.
Fuck, I love that right away we get the backstory, we get the struggle, we see him trying so hard not care and then see how deeply he cares. The relationship with his father, the young woman, I rarely have shows give me this many feels right off the bat.
It’s really given me ideas on how to portray that grumpy, bad boy, sulky type. While I’m sad this is only 8 episodes long, I can’t believe how much has been packed into what I’ve seen.
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
Apparently my dad has been having to see my porn for up to 6 months now because our fucking google accounts got mixed up i guess and since i keep my porn in my google drive that shit has been showing up in his google memories and he had to see and i quote "un sumo en pija" (a sumo with his cock out) which honestly in light of the horrors really brightened my day. I offered to change the configuration but he made it very clear that even so, he still had to see a sumo's cock.
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hey please watch the netflix sumo drama show "Sanctuary" it's really good
Please watch it please please please please please please with a cherry on top
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amoebamom · 9 months
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I finished watching the fictional Netflix series, "Sanctuary," about the world of sumo. Although I've been interested in the sumo sport before, after watching this, I was a bigger fan than ever before👍 (secretly, I wanted to be a sumo wrestler🤭) But you know, that's not allowed, so I will settle for a being a super (groupie) fan😍
Btw, I do have a few sumo favorites that I'm cheering for during the current sumo tournaments in Japan (like Atamifuji, Hoshoryu, Takanosho, Ura, Meisei and Hakuoho🤩) and I hope that I get to participate in real life tournament someday to meet these majestic sumo-gods🤞😌🤞
Anyway, I totally love the series and learned a lot about the sport, like how serious they are about preserving their national sport (over 1,500 years old😮) and how women are not allowed in the ring. I do believe some things should be protected, like this being only for men, but I don't believe in hazing/abuse as being a necessary part of their training. Men can be strong without being abusive/toxic. I think everything has its place, but abuse is not one of them. All that does is cause long-term damage/trauma. I believe there are better ways to teach/discipline others while still building mental fortitude. So I will say that I'm not totally happy with the ending of the series and I hope that there’s another season coming soon to know who among the two sumos won the tournament (I hope it's the problem child🤞😉).🙏
I recommend this show to anyone who appreciates the sport. It will make you want to learn more about it, I surely did and even implemented Shiko (sumo squats) to my workout routine☺️🫶
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redsnerdden · 1 year
This Week In The Nerd Fandom: June 20th, 2023
📣Special Delivery!📣
This Week In The Nerd Fandom: June 20th, 2023 Edition is Finally Here!
Focusing on Kamen Rider Geats and Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger's Film Titles, The Flash's Disappointing Box Office Debut, and more.
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prozdvoices · 1 year
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I voice legendary sumo wrestler Kajinosuke Tanikaze in the English dub of Record of Ragnarok II, check it out on Netflix on January 26th
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blissy91 · 8 months
Lista de empleos en videojuegos
Post original en Twitter. Sé que esto es un parche y hay que sindicalizarse ya, pero tras los despidos masivos de Epic traigo una lista de enlaces con vacantes en la industria del videojuego:
🔵Supercell supercell.com/en/careers/ 🔵Keywords www.keywordsstudios.com/careers/ 🔵EA www.ea.com/careers
🔵Rebellion careers.rebellion.com#/ 🔵PlayStation hitmarker.net/companies/pl… 🔵Zenimax jobs.zenimax.com/jobs 🔵Socialpoint www.socialpoint.es/join-us/job-… 🔵Gameloft www.gameloft.com/corporate/es… 🔵Digital Extremes www.digitalextremes.com/careers
🔵Nintendo Europa nintendoeurope.csod.com/ux/ats/caree… 🔵2k boards.greenhouse.io/2k 🔵Bungie careers.bungie.com/jobs 🔵Riot www.riotgames.com/en/work-with… 🔵Square Enix www.square-enix-games.com/es_ES/careers 🔵Take 2 Int. careers.take2games.com/jobs
🔵SEGA careers.sega.co.uk/vacancies 🔵Larian Studios larian.com/careers 🔵Sumo Digital www.sumo-digital.com/careers
🔵Crytek www.crytek.com/career
🔵Frontier careers.frontier.co.uk/jobs
🔵Microsoft https://t.co/14p5233xX3
🔵Maxis https://t.co/DZWv4MvwjZ
🔵Netflix https://t.co/V641MTYSze
🔵Respawn https://t.co/k910KAFND6
🔵Niantic https://t.co/V0ProT4X3m
🔵Treyarch https://t.co/CU9pKktBkd
🔵Santa Monica https://t.co/dL1MYNAkao
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jennyfair7 · 11 months
Tag nine (9) people you'd like to know better
Thank you for the tags @nerdywriter36 @brendadaaedestler @forestscribe4 @rienerose 🥰🥰🥰
Last song: “Take It Off” (Kesha) - my friend and I went to see a pop diva tribute band last night and they were AMAZING 🤩
Currently reading: I bought it but haven’t started reading it yet 😬 The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune
Currently watching: Is It Cake, Too? on Netflix and the Nagoya Basho (sumo)
Current obsession: POTO is my perma-obsession 😅 so I’ll say...decorating the wall behind my desk in my WFH office! I’ve also been working on framing and hanging some POTO stuff I’ve had in storage for YEARS.
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Tagging (no pressure!): @heather-destler @masksonmasks @pastel-cryptids @garnet-xx-rose @bububalloon @timebird84 @ofbeautsandbeasts @obesessedwbeautiesandbeasts @battydings
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 months
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Not the first thing I was expecting to find on route 11... I wanted to name her after the town where the first women's sumo stable was established but it turns out that info was trickier to find than I'd hoped.
So, instead I named her Ajigasawa(Lonely and Somewhat vain) after the hometown of Hiyori Kon, probably the most famous female sumo wrestler in the modern day. Shes not just an accomplished athlete but a strong advocate and activist, spearheading moves to legitimize and popularize women's sumo, as well as to get it and sumo in general into the Olympics. She was also the focal point of the netflix documentary, Little Miss Sumo.
She's definitely swapping in for Rozas, since she'd never be able to evolve all the way into a Machamp anyway.
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mcschnuggles · 5 months
opinion on the pokémon sun and moon games and/or anime?
Love!!! It's been too long since I've played SuMo, so I really should get around to playing Ultra Sun/Moon because I've never played those before.
As for the anime, it was really cute and cozy!! I only got to watch a few eps before I lost access to the Netflix I was stealing but I liked it so much c:
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elbiotipo · 2 years
miren, no soy economista, pero se me hace que esto de la inflación mundial se venía venir (y va a empeorar)
Mirá, tenés tipos como el dolape Bezos que tienen un trillón de dólares por estar sentados mientras otros trabajan, tenés cosas como netflix que suben y bajan en miles de millones porque a alguien no le gustó la final de Stranger Things, "bolsas de valores" donde se crean y destruyen dólares virtuales por lo que considero que es alquimia, y ni hablemos las criptomonedas, todo esto mientras EEUU está pasando por tremenda crisis social y laboral donde el joven promedio puede a lo sumo aspirar a alquilar una pieza con otras 5 personas si tienen 3 trabajos, está claro que el dólar no vale absolutamente nada en sí. El mundo está tardando en darse cuenta, pero cuando miles de millones de dólares pueden ser conjurados de la nada misma solamente por las ~vibes~ de las corporaciones, significa que no valen nada.
Y como Richard "Picho Travieso" Nixon tomó la decisión de ajustar toda la economía del mundo al dólar porque así EEUU pudo dominar la economía mundial era una moneda suuuuuuper estable (hasta que no lo fue), todo el mundo va a sufrir por esta locura.
No hay trabajo, no hay techo, no hay pan, no hay futuro, solamente dólares. Ni sirven de papel higiénico porque ni siquiera existen en billetes, solamente se crean y desaparecen en computadoras.
Se viene la argentinización del mundo, y lamentablemente no en una forma divertida
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