#nct taeyoung
jjhyn · 3 months
Hi idk if u reaction but if ur writing can you write about about 127 members learning their gf is a smoker and vaper since the age of 13, 14
warnings: 18+, underage smoking, profanity, lmk if i miss anything also don't consume drugs or alcohol if you're a minor!!!!!!
notes: omg my first request TTTTTT thank you for requesting, i changed it up a bit to also include weed too and sorry it kind of took a while it was hard to think of different scenarios for each member so i changed that a bit too but i thought this was a little funny because i started to smoke around this age 😅 not proof read and this was a lot longer than i expected so i hope thats okay LOL
you spent the weekend with boyfriend!taeyong at his condo. you guys had just started dating and you weren't fully sure how he would react to the information of you being a smoker, let alone a smoker since you were a teenager. one night while he was cooking dinner, you excused yourself to the bathroom but secretly made your way to his balcony to have a quick smoke. you hadn't smoked all weekend because you were with taeyong so you tried to get in a quick smoke break. you rummaged in your bag for your cig and lit with the cute pink lighter you had gotten from your best friend. as you're just about to finish your cig, taeyong spots you from inside and opens the sliding door to let you know dinner was ready.
you turn around shocked, smoke still in your lungs, unable to let it go or speak without giving it away that you smoke. "is that my lighter?" taeyong asks pointing at the baby pink lighter in your hand. you make a confused face and lift your hand, "this one?" you say not realizing you had just released a bunch of smoke. "fuck..." you say as smoke continues to spill from your lips. "yeah, is that mine?" taeyong asks, unfazed by the smoke. "no... it's mine. wait, you don't care i smoke?" you ask confused. "why would i care?" he says cutely while looking into your eyes. "plus, i smoke too." he walks away and you follow him inside to find him looking for something in his drawers. "what are you looking for?" you ask. taeyong doesn't respond with anything besides a slight hum. "see!" he finally says. taeyong turns around and shows you a baby pink lighter, the same exact one as yours. "we have the same one!" he says with so much excitement that you completely forgot how worried you were just a few minutes ago. 
you and your friends were sitting around a bonfire, telling stories and singing songs when some of the guys get up for a smoke break. your new boyfriend!taeil gets up from his seat next to you to join them when he extends his hand to you, asking if you’d like to come with them too. you take his hand and he pulls you up from your seat on a log. the two of you walk hand in hand to the spot the guys chose to smoke, just a few feet down the beach away from the bonfire and away from the nonsmokers so the smoke wouldn’t waft in their direction. you’re a bit cold so taeil holds you closer, rubbing his hands up and down your arms to provide more warmth. johnny pulls out a cig and pats his pockets and realizes he doesn’t have a lighter. you reach inside your pocket and pull one out and offer it to him, receiving a thank you before he lights it. 
“you smoke?” taeil asks and you just nod with a smile. taeil pulls out another cig and offers it to you. you politely decline and reach for another thing in your pocket. you pull out a light green and magenta vape. “you vape but no cig?” taeil asks with a chuckle. “yeah! it’s more fun, this one is watermelon flavored.” you say while scrunching your nose and smiling at him. the two of you share a laugh when he asks, “wait, why do you have a lighter then?” taeil asks while lighting his cig. you take a puff of your vape and blow the smoke out before responding. taeil getting a slight breeze of the watermelon flavoring. “i carry a lighter for guys like johnny who always wants to smoke but never has a lighter.” you say and johnny hears, “heyy!” he says while pouting. you and taeil just laugh at him while talking about your smoking habits, even letting him use your watermelon vape since he’s never smoked anything besides cigarettes before. 
you and fratboy!johnny were still in the talking phase of your relationship. neither of you have made it official but you were both only exclusively talking to one another. he invites you to his frat house to hang out after finals. you do your makeup cutely since you’ve been looking crazy throughout all of finals. you slip into a cute often, consisting of a pleated skirt and johnny’s hoodie you stole the first time he took you out on a date. 
when you arrive at johnny’s frat, he opens the door before you could even knock. “woah!” you say surprised but smile afterwards. “i may or may not have been waiting near the window for you to arrive.” he says with a sheepish smile. you just laugh and he grabs your hand and brings you to his room. the layout of the house is quite big, but typical for a frat house. what isn’t typical is that it was very clean, as if it wasn’t lived in by a group of college boys. you and johnny get to his room and when he opens it, a cloud of smoke wafts passed your nose. “sorry about that, the guys usually use my room to smoke since i’m the frat’s supplier.” he explains. you hadn’t known johnny smoked, it made a part of you a bit giddy since you’ve been smoking weed since high school and a lot of your ex-boyfriends hated that about you. 
“you smoke?” he asks while taking a seat on his bed and patting the spot next to him. you move over to where he patted and nod your head. “yeah, uh actually since i was like 15?” you say casually and johnny is a bit surprised. “really?” he asks while reaching in his nightstand for a cone and some flower. he grabs his grinder from his window sill and begins to grind up some flower to fill the cone. you watch him adoringly, thinking about how a guy has never rolled a joint for you before. johnny’s hand cramps in the middle of grinding the weed. you laugh at him and grab the grinder from his hand, you quickly finish grinding the weed and hand it over to him. he pauses for a moment and just stares at you, “what?” you say with a chuckle. “nothing, you just did that so quickly” he says referring to you grinding the weed a lot faster than he has ever done or seen.
“comes with experience. i smoked my first joint at 15 and was rolling my own just a few weeks later.” you say while leaning back on some pillows on his bed. johnny is rolling the joint and offers it to you, giving you the first hit. you place the joint in between your lips and you lock eyes with johnny. he stares intensely into your eyes while bringing the lighter to the joint. he lights it and you take a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before releasing the smoke. the smoke blows into johnny’s face and he closes his eyes softly. he reopens his eyes and licks his lips, you’re still locked eyes with him, “that was hot.” he says before taking the joint from your lips and connecting his lips with yours. the two of you spend the rest of the day in johnny’s bed, getting high, exchanging kisses, and enjoying each other’s company. a perfect way to start your break after finals.
you’ve only been dating ceo!yuta for about half a year. in that time, you’ve had to hide from him that you smoked weed. as a respected ceo and founder of his own company in japan, you didn’t want to tarnish his reputation by having him be associated with a pothead. you had even spent a lot money beyond your means to by nicer and newer clothes to seem more presentable whenever you were out with yuta knowing he was a constant topic within the stratosphere of the business industry. 
yuta had invited you to a gala and sent you a beautiful yellow gown. one that was off the shoulder and juts at the waist with tulle and a slit on the left leg. it’s probably the most expensive thing you now own, before the delivery man leaves he hands you a black velvet box, stating that it was another gift sent from, “mr. nakamoto”. you smiled when he said that, one because receiving a gift from yuta always made you blush but also because hearing him be referred to as “mr. nakamoto” turned you on. you grabbed the box and thanked the delivery man before he parted. you sat down on your bed and opened the velvet box, revealing a beautiful diamond necklace; one adorned with hundreds of small diamonds that led to a golden jewel in the middle that resembled the shape of a raindrop. now this is definitely the most expensive thing you own. 
an hour or so later you’re done getting dressed and you finish your ensemble with the elegant necklace yuta so kindly gifted you. you look at yourself in the mirror, almost unable to recognize yourself. you had never looked this beautiful and expensive, your previous lifestyle consisting of tshirts and jeans. your mind started to run wild, thoughts of being not enough for yuta, him finding out you’re not really as put together you make it seem, afraid of coming off as a gold digger. you decide smoking a blunt before the gala wouldn’t hurt. you quickly grab a blunt from your hidden stash, a false bottom in one of the drawers in your vanity, and smoke it. your anxiety subsiding after each puff of smoke. you always had anxiety growing up, your parents putting you on different medications all throughout your life but the only thing that ever helped was weed. 
your phone rings and it’s yuta letting you know he was outside waiting for you in the car. you panic, losing track of time and not realizing he would be arriving before you had finished your blunt. you quickly wave the smoke around you away before tidying yourself up and making your way outside. you’re so frantic trying to gather yourself, putting your belongings into your purse and slipping into your heels that it completely slips from your mind that you hadn’t put on any perfume to mask the scent of weed. 
you see yuta waiting outside, leaned against the outside of the car. a bright smile breaks out onto his face when he sees you in the dress and necklace he gifted. you hug yuta and exchange a quick kiss, “hi baby, you look gorgeous” he says into your ear as you hug. yuta inhales your scent, to his surprise he smells the scent of weed. he opens the door for you and you enter, he shuts the door behind you and walks onto the other side to enter, pondering if you had smoked weed prior to meeting him. 
once inside, he signals the driver you’re good to go and you’re off to the gala. you and yuta have small talk, catching up on what the two of you had been doing during the day before meeting up. you tell him about your day and yuta can’t brush off the smell of weed emitting from you. he grabs your hand and turns towards you, “baby.” he says and his tone suddenly worries you. “yes?” you respond. “i’m not mad but… you smell of weed my love.” he says and your eyes widen at his statement. you sigh in defeat and drop your head, “i’m so sorry. i smoked weed before you got here, i was getting worried about the gala and meeting all these rich fancy people, and i was scared that you would know i’m not rich and might think i’m a gold digger so i smoked some weed to calm my nerves and -” he cuts you off by kissing you. you’re surprised by his actions but melt into his kiss. 
yuta pulls aways, “hey, it’s okay babe. don’t worry.” he says reassuring you. “really? you’re not mad? or disappointed?” you ask innocently. “why would i be? i smoke too babe.” he says casually. “what? you do?” you ask, shocked by his response. “yeah, how do you think i handle running a business this big with all these people stressing me out.” he says while straightening himself out in his seat. he presses a button that lowers the partition in the car, leaning closer to the driver and whispering something in his ear you couldn’t understand and raising the partition afterwards. “what’d you tell him?” you ask and he simply just smiles at you. 
the rest of the car ride is spent with you in yuta’s arms. when you arrive at the destination, yuta quickly runs out and opens your door. upon exiting you realize you’re outside of yuta’s high rise condo. “what are we doing here?” you ask. yuta closes your door and taps the roof of the car to let the driver know he can leave. “decided i didn’t want to go to the gala anymore, come on.” he says while grabbing your hand and guiding you into the building. he greets the doorman and then the concierge at the front desk. “mr. nakamoto.” the concierge greets him with a bow. the two of you enter an elevator the leads to his home. “what about the gala?” you ask and as you enter his home. yuta begins to take off his blazer, “eh, didn’t want to go anyways. too many stuck up old rich people. i’d rather spend some time with my girl.” he quickly runs to his room to grab a small box and runs back to get you, he guides you up some stairs that led to a lookout at the top of his condo, a balcony that oversees the city. it’s much darker outside now so the city lights glimmer in the night sky. you sit down with yuta and he opens the box he’s holding. inside are some prerolls, buds, a grinder, empty cones, and a lighter. you chuckle at him, “what?” he laughs and asks you. “nothing, it’s just cute you’d rather smoke with some girl than attend a gala.” you simply say and yuta stops what he’s doing. he takes your hands into his and looks into your eyes before speaking, “you aren’t just some girl to me. you’re my girl.” he says while smiling, causing you to blush. he goes back to what he was doing before continuing what he was saying, “plus, if my girl is too anxious to attend some gala and smoking weed is the only way to make her feel better, than sobeit. we’ll smoke some weed together.” yuta says while rolling a joint.
the two of you spend the rest of the evening on his balcony, getting high, and learning more about each other. you tell him about how weed has been the only thing that has worked on calming your anxiety. you also tell yuta about the other parts of yourself that you’ve been hiding, the fact that you aren’t as rich or proper as you try to come off. yuta reassures you that he doesn’t care, he fell in love with you because of things outside of materialistic matters like how much he loves your kindness and compassion, how you’re thoughtful and always remind him to eat because he seems to forget due to his busy schedule, or how well you get along with his sisters; and now the fact that you also smoked weed was another thing he loved about you because you could now get high together instead of attend fancy events. 
for as long as you’ve known boyfriend!doyoung, he’s never been one to smoke. you however, have been smoking since you were a teenager; a bad habit you picked up from being around some bad influences growing up and a habit you never broke out of. you remember the day doyoung found out you smoked, he had freaked out a bit, never expecting you to be the type. when he found out you had been smoking since you were 16 however, doyoung almost broke up with you because he felt like, in these words exactly, “didn’t know who you were!” he had said. after talking it out and doyoung admitting he was being dramatic, he realized he didn’t care much that you smoked at all. 
he respected you enough to not force you to stop and you respected doyoung enough to not smoke around him. lately he has been quite stressed from work lately, multiple deadlines, and deals that needed to be closed and although doyoung loved to drink, he hated being hungover. one night when he was spending the night at your place, he found you out on your balcony smoking a cigarette, a sight he’s seen before, and watched from afar. you’re surprised to see doyoung join you on your balcony and you blow away any excess smoke and quickly kill the cigarette by putting it out on an ashtray. “hey babe, sorry i didn’t know you’d come out here.” you say and he gives you a kiss on the forehead before sitting down across from you. “it’s okay, i don’t mind.” he says and you make a confused face at him. “what?” he asks. “nothing, i just never smoke around you because of what happened when you first found out i smoked.” you say and the two of you laugh at that memory. “yeah i was being pretty dramatic that day.” 
“but i do wanna say something.” he says suddenly and you grow a bit worried. you just look at him, waiting for what he has to say next. “i wanna try smoking.” he says and you’re speechless. for a moment you’re sitting in silence and doyoung continues, he explains how stressful work has been and that he would just have a drink at the end of the night but he hates the taste of alcohol and he easily gets drunk and the hangover sucks. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a bit excited to see doyoung breakout of his usual habit of avoiding smoke. “i can help you smoke if you want?” you offer to him and smiles. “the thing is, i don’t like cigarettes? they smell bad and i don’t want my teeth to rot… no offense.” he says and it causes you to laugh. “wait here.” you say and you quickly run to your bedroom to grab something. 
you run back to doyoung on the balcony and hand him a little blue vape. “what’s this?” doyoung asks. “it’s a vape!” you respond and teach him how to use it. doyoung brings the machine to his lips and inhales but quickly blows out and coughs. you laugh at his reaction and he just looks at you with a pout. “sorry.” you say and guide him through again on how to do it. he takes a puff again and this time it goes much smoother. “is that blueberry?” doyoung asks and you nod with a big smile. “yeah! some vapes have a flavor and scent, this one is blueberry. i know you like the color blue so i thought you might like it. and it doesn’t smell bad and potentially won’t rot your teeth as fast as cigarettes” you say sheepishly causing doyoung to laugh. he takes another hit and holds it in a lot longer than before, causing you to wonder. “are you sure you haven’t smoked before? you held that in kind of long.” you say with suspicion. doyoung laughs, “i have singer lungs baby, these pipes are strong.” he says while lightly tapping his chest. the rest of the night is filled with laughter and smoke, but not before you tell doyoung that it’s okay if he starts smoking but not to make it a habit he relies on, knowing the underlying health negatives. the two of you agree and you come up with a plan to lessen your smoking habits and for the two of you to find a new way to relieve your stress, like sports, working out, or something in the bedroom… 
you’re walking hand in hand with your date!jaehyun in the park. it’s your second date and after grabbing lunch you two decided to go for a walk since it was nice out. there were families have picnics and people walking their dogs, also enjoying the feeling of the sun on their skin. you take a deep breath before letting go of jaehyun’s hand and reaching for something in your bag. jaehyun stops to look at you and when he sees you pull out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, his eyes widen. he watches you take a cig out of the pack, place it in your mouth, and begin to light it. before you could fully light the cig, jaehyun plucks it from your lips and puts out the fire. 
you look at him perplexed and reach for another one in the pack. jaehyun snatches the whole box of cigs and tosses it into the trash can a few feet away. you throw your hands in the air like a child, “what the fuck jae?” you ask, pissed off he just threw away all your cigs. he walks back to you with a stern face of disappointment. “you really smoke those cancer sticks?” he asks like he was a father lecturing his child. “uh yeah, that’s what you do with a cigarette. smoke them?” you say and he just rolls his eyes. “anyways, what is it to you? people do drugs all the time, i could be doing much worse like-” he cuts you off. “that’s not the point. any kind of drug is bad.” he says defending his stance on the matter. “plus, i’m not going to date someone who smokes, it’s gross!” he says without thinking, not realizing he practically just called you gross. 
you scoff at his remark. “fine, then don’t.” you say while shoving your lighter into hands and walking off. “y/n! i didn’t mean it like that, don’t be like this!” he says trying to get you to come back. you turn around and walk backwards to respond, “no! i don’t want you to be seen with someone as gross as me!” you say sarcastically before turning back around. jaehyun drops his head and knows he fucked up, but he can’t help himself if he disagrees with the idea of smoking. he hated the smell of smoke, he hated the way it left a stench on clothing and skin, and he hated especially when a girl smoked. 
you got home later that day, opting to walk 15 minutes away from the park before requesting an uber home. the whole uber ride you updated your groupchat with your roommates and best friends about what happened. some of them agreed with you that smoking is okay and the others disagreed that smoking was bad, but they all agreed that he shouldn’t have called you gross. when you got home, you changed out of your clothes and into some pajamas. your roommate and best friend, mark, knocked on your door and you let him in. “you ok?” you sigh before responding, “yeah, i guess so…” you say while putting clothes away. “yeah, sorry about that. i know i was the one who set you two up.” he says while scratching the back of his head. “it’s fine, not your fault jaehyun is an asshole.” mark laughs and then clears his throat. “i could talk to him?” he suggests. you politely decline and tell mark that it’s probably a sign and that you were glad to have dodged a bullet. he excuses himself from your room and after closing the door he reaches for the phone in his pocket. your phone. mark knows your password because you two were really close, he unlocks your phone and sends jaehyun a text. asking him to come over to talk tomorrow morning because the roommates would all be either at work or in class while you and mark would be the only ones home. 
he peeks quickly back into your room and hands you your phone, “you left this in the kitchen by the way.” and then he leaves. you mutter a quick thanks and think about how you don’t remember stopping by the kitchen but you probably don’t recall because you were busy complaining to your roommates about jaehyun. 
when jaehyun receives the text, he’s more than happy you texted him. sad that he ruined his chances with you over a comment he didn’t really mean. he spent the rest of the night trying to formulate what he would say to you so that he could speak his mind without offending you but also not compromising his personal belief. the next day, before heading to your place, he stops by a flower shop to grab you some flowers, a bouquet of pink lilies and red roses. 
before jaehyun arrives, you and mark are having breakfast in the living room; watching a tv show and enjoy some toast and cereal when a knock is heard on the door. “you expecting someone?” you ask mark and he hums in response, getting up to get the door. you pay him no mind, thinking it’s probably just a package he’s waiting for. what you didn’t expect was mark to walk back into the living room with jaehyun behind him, as if he was trying to hide the tall man. 
“what is HE doing here?” you ask putting your bowl down on the coffee table and standing up with your hands on your hips. mark instantly turns defensive with his hands out, “okay just hear me out…” and you just stare at him. “i may or may not have stole your phone yesterday and texted him to come over…” your eyes widen and you grab your phone to check your messages, and to your disbelief; there it is. “we need to talk. come over for breakfast?” sent to jaehyun. 
“i can’t believe you!” you exclaim while throwing your phone onto the couch. “don’t be mad at him, y/n. i do want to talk though” jaehyun says in mark’s defense. “i’m mad at both of you!” you say while pointing out at the two boys cowering in the entrance walkway like two kids getting scolded by their mom. “fine, let’s talk.” you say and you grab jaehyun’s hand and drag him to your room but not before you turn around to look at mark and glare at him, causing him to widen his eyes and throw his hands up in defense. 
you close the door behind you and find jaehyun looking at your photos on your dresser. some of you with mark and your roommates but none of you as a child. “no baby pictures?” he curiously asks. “um, no. i’m an orphan, most of my photos weren’t taken until i got to college.” you say without much thought. “i didn’t know you were…” jaehyun says, slowly ending his sentence before he could finish it. “an orphan? yeah i don’t usually lead with that.” you say and you take a seat on your bed, “so what do you want jaehyun?” you say. jaehyun clears his throat and hands you the flowers, “uh, these are for you.” he says with a straight smile, showing off those dimples you’ve started to really like. you accept them and mutter a small thank you. 
jaehyun takes a seat on your vanity chair before he speaks, “listen, i’m sorry for how i came off yesterday. i didn’t mean to offend you and you’re definitely not gross. you’re actually the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen and you’re so cute too and-” you cut him off when you realize he’s rambling. “breathe jaehyun.” you recommend and he takes a deep breath and continues. “what i’m trying to say is, although i disagree with the idea of smoking, i’m willing to look past that and move on if you are. i would really like to continue being with you if you’d let me.” he says, looking up at you trying to see what you think. your face is stoic, you’re processing his words in your mind but you’re trying not to show on your face that you find him so handsome and endearing, and you honestly forgave him as soon as he handed you those flowers. 
“say something?” he asks in a desperate tone. you stand and lean towards him, looking him in the eyes before speaking. “you think i’m pretty and cute?” you ask in a teasing tone and this causes the two of you to break out into laughter. jaehyun grabs you by the waist and sits you down on his lap. “yes, baby. very much.” he says while placing a kiss on your cheek. you turn around so you’re now straddling jaehyun’s lap. you give him a kiss, “thank you for apologizing and i know it must’ve taken a lot of courage to do that and i promise i won’t smoke around you and i’ll work on my smoking habit.” you say and he nods in response. “why do you smoke?” he asks and you’re honestly not sure. “i think i picked it up just from the stress of life. growing up as an orphan was a lot of work and i guess when i turned 18 it was just a habit i picked up that let me feel something.” he gives you a hug and the two of you once again share a kiss. you hear a slight creak near the door which makes the two of you turn your heads towards the door. 
you both get up and silently make your way over to the door, you make a shushing motion to jaehyun before slowly reaching for the door and quickly pulling it open, causing an eavesdropping mark to fall into your bedroom out of shock. “yo, what the heck!” he asks while he looks up at the two of you from the floor. you and jaehyun look at mark with a head tilt. “haha hey guys. how’s it going?” he says sheepishly while the two of you laugh at the boy on the ground. “dude come on!” he says and jaehyun helps the younger boy up off the ground. you enjoy seeing the sight of your best friend and your now boyfriend bonding, thinking about all the fun you guys would have teasing one another. 
you’re on your way to boyfriend!jungwoo’s house, he’s having a small get together for his birthday. just the two of you and some of his closest friends. you’re the first to arrive as you promised him you’d help set up. he gave you a key to his house only a few months after you first started dating so you usually just enter freely without knocking like you used to. 
“jungwoo, i’m here!” you announced after entering his home. you take your shoes off and look around when you don’t hear a response back. you place his birthday gift and other things you brought like party supplies on the kitchen counter so you can roam the house to look for him. you’re about to walk upstairs to check his room when you spot him through the window that faces the backyard. you take a peek through the window and he’s facing away from you. you’re admiring him until you see a puff of smoke suddenly appear and surround his head. you make a confused face before heading to the back door that leads to the backyard. 
you slide open the door and spot jungwoo, taking a hit from a cigarette. “you smoke?” you ask, catching jungwoo off guard and causing him to drop the cigarette from his hands. “shit!” he says after you scared him. he quickly steps on the lit cigarette sitting on the grass to prevent the yard from catching on fire. “hey, when’d you get here?” he asks, trying to change the subject. you slip on some random sandals before walking out towards jungwoo in the yard. “don’t try to change the subject, i didn’t know you smoked?” you asked him and he doesn’t know what to say. he opens his mouth but nothing comes out, embarrassed and shocked that he was caught. 
“i mean… i don’t care.” you ask and jungwoo has a sigh of relief. “oh, thank god. for a second i thought you were going to break up with me.” he says while wrapping his hands around your neck for a hug. you laugh at his response, “why would i break up with you?” you ask. “hmm, i don’t know actually. i think some people just don’t like smokers, i know jaehyun doesn’t.” he says with a shrug. 
you laugh at him once again, but this time it’s because you just find him so cute. you pinch his cheeks and winces from the pain, “ow!” he says while rubbing his cheeks. “you’re so just so adorable, i never expected you to be the type to smoke is all.” you say before dragging him inside to help you set up. “hey, i’m very cute but that doesn’t mean i can’t smoke. it helps when i get caught smoking, i can just act cute and they forget why they were even mad in the first place.” he says explaining himself. “wow, so you were going to use your cuteness against me when i caught you just now?” you say while cocking your head to the side. “maybe…” he says and the two of you break out into a laugh. 
“besides, i find it kinda hot that you smoke.” you say all of a sudden and jungwoo is frozen in his spot. “so now i’m cute AND hot. wow you’ve got a good guy on you huh?” he asks teasing you and you just playfully shove him. “yeah, yeah, whatever. don’t let it go to your big head birthday boy.” you say and stick your tongue out at him. “it IS my birthday so you have to be extra nice to me” jungwoo declares and you’re shocked at his statement. “i literally just said i thought you were really cute and hot, what more can i do?” you ask in a playful tone and jungwoo looks around for a moment thinking of a response before he points to his cheek, indicating he wants a kiss. when you go in for a kiss and come closer, he quickly turns his head so that your lips touch one another’s, resulting in the two of you laughing in your kiss before continuing to lock lips. 
mark and haechan 
“yo, my girl is coming over. don’t be annoying.” boyfriend!mark says while popping into bestfriend!haechan’s room. haechan makes an offended face with an exaggerated gasp, “excuse me? i’m never annoying markie!” he says, obviously trying to annoy mark. “yeah, whatever dude.” mark says walking away. “lighten up dude!” haechan says mocking mark. mark invited you over to his frat for the first time and you were a bit nervous. you had never been to a frat before, but your best friend haechan was in a frat and he says it’s not too bad so that somewhat helped you calm your nerves. before heading to mark’s frat, you smoked a bowl to calm your nerves. you could always rely on your best friend, indica, to help you chill out whenever you get nervous.
your uber driver drops you off in front of the frat, giant letters spelling ‘NCT’ were sitting above the front door. “weird.” you mutter to yourself, having never heard of that frat before. you text mark that you were outside and in no time he’s greeting you at the front door with a kiss. “hi baby, you look cute.” he says while looking up and down. “it’s just jeans and a tshirt mark, but thank you.” you say and he ushers you inside. “nice place by the way, a lot cleaner than i thought. how many of you live here?” you ask while looking around. “just seven.” he says while entering the kitchen. “want a drink?” he asks and you respond, just asking for water. 
he grabs a cold bottle of water from the fridge and hands it to you. he grabs your hand and the two of you make your way upstairs but not before passing haechan’s room. “y/n?” he says when he sees you walk back. you and mark both take a few steps back when you realize haechan called your name. “haechan? THIS is your frat?” you ask him and he just nods while dying of laughter, causing you to break out into laughter as well as your run over to him and fall into his bed. mark is looking at the two of you weirdly, confused as to how you both know each other. 
“wait, wait, wait. what’s going on here?” mark says pointing at the two of you. “bro, your ‘girl’ is my best friend.” haechan says once the two of you are done laughing. mark’s face is a mixture of shock and fear, shocked that you knew haechan and afraid of how much haechan influence haechan has on you. he looks at you, almost looking like he was asking for you to denounce the previous statement. “yup, been best friend’s since 3rd grade.” you say while nodding. “i can’t believe mark is the guy you’ve been seeing this whole time.” he says while looking at you. you just shrug in response and the two of you break out into a giggle fit again, causing mark to groan and leave the two of you to go to his room. 
you run after him and enter his room. “babe, we’re just messing around.” you say while cupping his face into your hands, causing him to pout even more than he already was. “yeah ‘babe’ we’re just messing around.” haechan says popping into mark’s room. “get out!” mark says while throwing a pillow at haechan to which he dodges and giggles while running back to his room. “tell your boyfriend to lighten up y/n!” haechan yells from his room. 
“ease up mark, if you’ve been able to handle haechan so far you’ll be fine handling the two of us. plus i’m more normal than he is.” you say while taking a seat next to him on his bed. “i don’t know about that.” mark says in a teasing tone and you just look at him with your mouth open in surprise, playfully pushing his shoulder. 
“i really do need to chill out though. i think i’ve been to stressed lately. school sucks.” he says while taking a deep breath. “i think i can help with that.” you say while locking eyes. “oh, yeah? how?” he say, intrigued. “weed?” you say nonchalantly and mark is surprised. “that is not what i was expecting you to say…” he says while squinting his eyes. you make a confused face, not understanding what he meant. suddenly it clicks in your head and you shove him again, “ew, mark! at least take me out on a date first.” you say teasingly. “i do! i’ve taken you out so much.” he says defensively and you just giggle before thanking him and giving him a kiss. 
“but seriously, i smoke weed whenever i need to chill out. it helps a lot.” you tell him while you reached into your bag. you pulled out a small pink bag, inside are a couple of blunts with a little lighter that had a tiger on it. mark grabs it from you in awe, “woah that’s cool!” he says while admiring the tiger. “yeah, i got it because it reminded me of you.” you say while getting up to shut the door. 
you light the blunt and take a hit. you gesture for mark to try and he’s hesitant. “you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” you reassure him but he grabs it. “no! i want to.” he says and you guide him on how to take a hit. opting to start off with a smaller puff so he isn’t overwhelmed when suddenly haechan bursts into the room causing you to jump and mark to choke and cough on the smoke. “dude! you ARE annoying!” you say while handing mark your bottle of water. “what do you want?” mark says in between coughs. haechan walks over to you guys and takes a deep breath. “i know an infused crumbled lime blunt when i smell it!” he says and you are dumbfounded at your best friend sniffing out the exact blunt you and mark were currently smoking. 
you reach into your pink pouch and pull out another one and hand it to haechan. “here and close the door.” you say while haechan grabs the blunt from your hands like an excited child who just got a cookie. the three of you spend the next hour in a blunt rotation, taking turns smoking and occasionally sharing stories. mark finds out you smoke weed because of your anxiety and that you put haechan onto weed which turned him into a huge pothead. you can tell the weed is starting to hit mark a lot sooner because he just starts to giggle out of nowhere and becomes really smiley, which you find really cute. he also gets really talkative and at some point he confesses to haechan that he’s happy to have become friend with him and the two share a tender moment, even shedding tears; however mark will probably not remember this when he sobers up but haechan definitely will and he’ll be teasing mark about it for weeks. 
you’re happy to find out your best friend and boyfriend are also friends, let alone, are a part of the same frat. making it easier to spend time with either two. you spend the rest of the night high and snacking with the two boys while watching netflix in mark’s room. “thank you, that really helped. i love you.” mark whispers into your ear and it’s the first time either of you have said i love you. you smile widely before sharing a kiss with mark and returning the i love you to him as well. haechan throws a pillow from the floor at the two of you, “get a room!” he says and mark throws the pillow back, “we are in a room. YOU get a room and get out of mine.” he says while haechan rubs his head after the pillow had hit him. the two start to bicker and you just smile and laughing, thinking about how much more fun college is going to be with the two of them around. 
copyright 2024 - present © jjhyn all rights reserved
all writing here is fiction & not in any association with characters mentioned.
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yoshiks · 1 year
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.. 弹射 💭 the weaker boys get drunk
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doyozen · 2 years
nct 127 as dilfs
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jangsxntiger · 2 years
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[ NCT 127 Being Caught In A Compromising Position ] -
Warnings: 18 + Content
AFAB Reader
➳ Taeil - 
It’s going to start with a huge sigh because honestly, he’s a little mad about being interrupted - he’s almost thirty, he ought to be able to bone his girlfriend without getting disturbed
It’s probably going to be Yuta who opens the doorway unannounced and when he makes some inappropriate comment, Taeil finally blushes and tells him to get out of the room
Taeil is a little flustered about the whole thing, but once he’s locked the bedroom door, he is pretty happy to continue
When he walks into the kitchen a little later, you can bet Yuta has told someone else about the interruption and they send a few teasing comments Taeil’s way, but they bounce right off (seriously, I think Taeil has just learnt to ignore 99% of what comes out of the mouths of his friends)
➳ Johnny -
Johnny’s biggest concern is making sure you’re comfortable and covered so he’ll actually be pretty slow to look at whoever just opened the door
He’s going to sigh quietly and whilst he’s a little annoyed (a lot because it was just beginning to get steamy), he won’t show it - in fact, he’ll probably go after whoever walked in to make sure everything is alright because he does try and be responsible
Once he’s sure though he’ll absolutely end the conversation like: ‘Okay, if that’s all I’m going to go and finish what I started.’ He partly says it as a joke, partly to stop anyone interrupting again and he really doesn’t care how hard they blush. 
He picks up right where he left off as if nothing had happened at all 
➳ Taeyong -
First and foremost he’s going to be embarrassed - scarlet-faced and jumping away from you as if he isn’t a grown man in the privacy of his bedroom, as if it wasn’t the fault of whoever just burst in unannounced
Taeyong is absolutely the sort to feel the need to apologise - he’ll apologise to you for putting you in such a situation (even though you’re more than okay with getting hot and heavy again) before he goes in search of whoever walked in to apologise to them too
He’s shy and awkward and the mood is very much ruined by the time he returns and it’s probably enough to put him off getting down and dirty in the dorm for a while
➳ Yuta - 
Yuta doesn’t care at all, like at all. The only reason he’s stopping is because you’re underneath him slapping his shoulder. 
He’s going to pull away real slow, a frown already set into his features ready for whoever just walked in and the hands that had been wandering beneath your shirt aren’t going to go far 
Honestly whoever was at the door is gone the moment they realise just what they walked in on - they’ve all known Yuta long enough to know that after cursing them out he’ll go right back to what he was doing, whether they’re still watching or not
Yuta really just doesn’t care - he’s got his girlfriend half-naked beneath him and unless the dorm is on fire, or his manager is calling for him, the world can wait
➳ Doyoung -
Doyoung will deny anything less than PG was happening beneath his duvet to the day he dies
He hears the door opening and forces a few inches between your bodies, entirely oblivious to the state of his ruffled hair, the creases your fingers have twisted into his t-shirt
He is calm and collected, cooly laughing at whatever the person says to him and he is convinced they are none the wiser to what they just walked in on
When the intruder leaves once more, Doyoung is a little proud of his performance so you definitely have to swat him on the shoulder, but he doesn't leave you waiting long before he drapes himself over you again
➳ Jaehyun -
This happens after a long overdue date night - Jaehyun somehow persuaded his group mates to give you the entire dorm for a few hours (it’s been a while and he has a lot to catch up on)
It’s almost two am and Jaehyun is soft and slow until he hears the door open
He’s another whose first concern is making sure nothing inappropriate is on display, but he’s going to be caught somewhere between embarrassment and frustration and will probably quietly ask the person if something is the matter (seriously, if you’re going at it, I don’t even think he’d pull out)
Whoever it is, they’re slow to leave, groaning: ‘You’ve had all evening.’ (It’s probably poor Jungwoo who just wants to go to sleep)
Jaehyun replies something like: ‘I know, I know, just get out.’
And whilst the pink flare across his features betrays his fluster, all it’ll take is a look from you and he’ll go right back to it, only quicker and harder 
➳ Jungwoo -
Jungwoo is number one on the play-it-dumb list - someone comes in and he immediately jumps away from you, as if whoever just interrupted hasn’t already seen what was happening - his hands up your shirt, his tongue down your throat
He’ll probably stumble over some excuse as to what was really going on, all the while his cheeks are burning like they never have before
After a moment he’ll run out of things to say and will flee beneath the duvet and all he can manage for the rest of the evening is a cuddle (he even avoids leaving his bed in case he runs into anyone, he is so embarrassed)
➳ Mark -
Mark freezes and you can bet his blood runs cold the moment he meets the eye of whoever just opened the door
Where Johnny immediately flips you over or pulls the blanket over your body so he can deal with it, Mark absolutely leaves you in the lurch, staring at whichever group mate is responsible for the disturbance without saying anything
Eventually, he’ll give an awkward laugh and be like: ‘Yo, uh, can I help?’ (Please no one ever put Mark in this situation, I think he’d die)
➳ Haechan -
Is Haechan embarrassed? Probably a little. But does he show it? Absolutely not.
He instantly turns whiny, calling out whoever just opened the door (Haechan is another one who won’t pull out unless absolutely necessary and you’re both covered so he’s not going anywhere)
He might be the youngest in 127, but he doesn’t care, in fact, it probably makes him care even less
Afterwards, when you’re dozing in his bed and he’s playing a game on his computer, Johnny will walk in and make some comment about the earlier intrusion, but Haechan just smirks
He definitely has the attitude: Yeah I’m Haechan and yeah I just did my girlfriend
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23lvrs · 5 months
kpop nsfw audio
these are 2 i’ve posted i’ll try to post more but for now enjoy these
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i-nabi · 2 years
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what-if-nct · 2 years
Bangchan: Who's that little boy Johnny is dangling off the diving board by his feet?
Taeyong: What little....Mark!! Johnny put Mark down!
Johnny: Okay. *drops Mark in the pool.*
Taeyong: Haechan! Go see if he's okay.
Haechan: My nails are wet.
Yuta: I'm coming Mark! *jumps into the pool and pulls him out* He needs mouth to mouth.
Mark: No I'm fi-
Yuta: *blows into Mark's mouth*
Taeyong: Okay he's in good hands.
Mark: I can breathe! Yuta I can breathe!
Bangchan: You must be so stressed.
Taeyong: You too *points to the pool*
Minho: *holding Hyunjin's hand as he hangs from the diving board*
Bangchan: What are you doing Minho?!
Minho: Playing Lion King.
Bangchan: No, you can't play Lion King.
Minho: Good bye Mufasa. *lets Hyunjin fall into the water* Look at that I just did.
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soulmateszedits · 2 months
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⌜ Cravity ; Evershine ⌝ ᓚᘏᗢ
┊ ❀ Pt.1
┊ ❀ Era || Requested
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editsty · 3 months
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sulfuricxcacid · 1 year
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— 💿° now playing: smtown - jet 🛩
i'mma pick you up in my jet
순식간에 우린 네 눈앞에
rum pum pum pum what's next?
london la paris tell me anywhere
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neocatharsis · 3 months
#NCT #NCT127 #TAEYONG #태용 선배님과 함께 맘껏 더 call me crazy 🔫#Love_or_Die_Challenge (Easy ver.) ❤☠
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haeloml · 1 year
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jophinabean · 1 year
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Yuta ig story 230120
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seowoobins · 5 months
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240112 : twt update [taeyoung]
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500yearsofwintr · 1 year
new to kpop lmk what you think about my takes
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apieceofyoungcheese · 6 months
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