#nato and nazis
workersolidarity · 1 year
NATO's Nazi Background
Literally, Hitler's Chief of Staff Adolf Heusinger became the Chairman of the Military Committee for NATO from 1961-1964
Then there's one of Hitler's most infamous German Field Martials Erwin Rommel's Chief of Staff, General Hans Speidel became the Supreme Commander of NATO's Ground Forces in Central Europe from 1957-1963.
And then again from 1971 to 1975 a notorious Luftwaffe Fighter Pilot who even earned the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross, one of Nazi Germany's highest medals of honor, named Johannes Steinhoff became Chairman of NATO's Military Committee.
As if THAT wasn't enough, Johann Von Keilmansegg, who was a General Staff Officer to the High Command of the Wermacht, occupied the position of Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe from 1967-1968.
A Major in the Wermacht and Group Leader of the Organizational Department of the Supreme Command of the Wermacht from 1943-1945 and a recipient of the Iron Cross named Ernst Ferber was NATO's Commander in Chief of Allied Forces 1973-1975
And NATO's Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe from 1977-1979 was Franz Joseph Schulze who was a Lieutenant in the reserve and Chief of the 3rd Battery of the Flak Storm Regiment 241 and became a recipient of the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross in 1944.
Another Nazi, Ferdinand von Senger und Etterlin who was a Lieutenant in the 24th Panzer Division in the German 6th Army, a participant in the Battle of Stalingrad, adjutant to Army High Command, of course became NATO's Supreme Commander of Allied Forces Central Europe from 1979 to 1983.
So to make this perfectly clear; the United States who led the creation of NATO with its Allied partners the UK and France, instead of capturing, imprisoning and prosecuting in a War Crimes Tribunal like the Nuremberg Trials this list of Nazi War Criminals, these Western Imperialist Powers chose to put these Nazis in charge of NATO and its Armed Forces.
If you think the NATO of today is any different; that it wouldn't ally itself with Nazis today, like in Ukraine, then you are sorely mistaken.
Here's a couple of links if you have any doubts
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odinsblog · 4 months
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For someone who supposedly wants to “denazify”Ukraine, Putin sure does a lot of Hitler apologia.
This isn't the first time Vladimir Putin has been repeating this Nazi propaganda that Poland somehow forced Hitler to invade other countries. Putin has been regurgitating this same old Nazi rhetoric for years, but thanks to one of history's biggest useful idiots, Tucker Carlson, an untold number of tankies + other assorted ignoramuses will believe Putin’s revisionist Hitler apologia.
SN: Strangely enough, Benjamin Netanyahu also engages in the same Holocaust revisionism and Nazi apologia
Anyway, if you’re still dumb + gullible enough to believe that Putin invaded Ukraine to denazify it, or because of NATO, then please send me your full name, phone number, email address, home address, birthdate, ssn, credit card numbers and all of your bank details and social media passwords. I just want to help you out with something. Believe me. The same way you believe Putin :)
👉🏿 https://www.dispropaganda.com/single-post/2020/06/20/putin-blames-poland-for-the-invasion-of-poland
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huggingtentacles · 2 months
I wish I had an older socialist lady who knows everything about politics who I could ask questions about stuff. I don't post about politics much despite there being a fucking war in my country. That's because I feel really lost and inadequate when it comes to expressing my worldview.
I have my general principles but it's hard to apply them in writing.
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thelostdreamsthings · 3 months
Welcome to Ukraine
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Ukrainian woman receives traditional punishement
The problem starts here.
▶️ State-supported Nazi ideology.
▶️ Nazi ideology is also the curriculum in schools
Ukraine needs de-nazification
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Injured Ukrainian.
500.000 killed in action for Blackrock and for the globalist elites.
Slava Stupidity
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lasseling · 1 month
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anastasiamaru · 11 months
Ukrainian Armed Forces
After the full-scale invasion of russia into Ukraine, brave Ukrainians decided to do everythink possible for defending their Homeland. Here is a video of training in essential military skills according to NATO requirements.
Training takes place throughout Europe.Military assistance and support from allies are among the most important components in the Victory over tyranny.
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sataniccapitalist · 1 year
Operation Gladio: The CIA’s Secret Nazi-Collaborating Terror Armies in Europe & Beyond
Collaboration between the US and fascists is a pattern that stretches back to the end of World War II and NATO’s founding, when the US and British intelligence services established a secret far-right terror network armies across NATO countries made up of fascists, Nazi collaborators and actual Nazis.
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elzhebietta · 11 months
They burn the scriptures. They destroy families and traditional values. They kill people using the most heinous methods.
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And if you want to say that Zelensky is a Jew, so he can't be a Nazi, please remember, he is an actor. He is an actor who is being kept on a drug leash and told what to do. He is just a MARIONET and his story will not end well.
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nando161mando · 7 days
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You have to wonder what it would take to get House and Senate Republicans to get off their collective duffs and walk across their respective cloak rooms to smell the proverbial coffee. City after city after city in Ukraine has been leveled by Russian artillery and rockets.  The port of Mariupol is a shell of its former self.  Large areas of Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, are in rubble.  Bakhmut doesn’t exist anymore.  There isn’t a square mile of Ukraine from Kharkiv in the north through Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia, all the way to Kherson on the coast of the Black Sea that hasn’t been severely damaged if not utterly destroyed by Russia’s war of aggression.
Wait.  Let’s stop right there.  I’ve been writing words like these for nearly two years about the war in Ukraine, and they accurately convey what has happened in the war.  So do Ukraine’s numbers of the dead and wounded, both military and civilian.  But sitting here in Northeast Pennsylvania, or more to the point, in a limestone and marble building in Washington, D.C., there is no way to adequately conceive of the horror Russia has wrought in the country that stands between it and Europe. 
We in the United States don’t have cities that have had to be rebuilt or great expanses of cemeteries in which are buried the civilian dead of wars.
From 1939 to 1945, Nazi Germany wreaked havoc through Europe all the way to the outskirts of Leningrad and Moscow.  When I lived in Germany in the 1950’s and took trips with my parents through Germany and France and Italy, you could still see the damage done in World War II.  Churches from the 13th and 14th centuries in small towns lay in ruins with maybe a single stone wall still standing.  City after city still had not finished cleaning up the rubble from bombings and artillery shelling.  I still have images in my mind of old women in long dresses with headscarves stacking bricks along the sides of blown-up streets in Stuttgart as we drove through on our way to visit friends stationed at an army post in Baumholder.   
Today, having seen the damage wrought by World War II in Western Europe as a boy, it’s hard for me to transfer those images through 65 years to Ukraine, but there they are:  new photographs and videos of similar destruction only a thousand or so miles from the destroyed cities I saw in the 1950s.  We founded the United Nations in 1945 and NATO in 1949 in an attempt by nations that gathered together to try to ensure that the horrors the world had just been through did not happen again.  There was a hope years ago that we wouldn’t have wars if they could be adequately described and remembered. But here we are, looking at our televisions and phone and computer screens at the tragic images all over again. 
All this because one man, Vladimir Putin, went to bed one night and woke up the next morning and said he wanted to invade Ukraine and make it part of Russia.  It didn’t matter to him how much damage such an invasion would wreak, how many lives it would take, just like it didn’t matter to Hitler what it would cost for him to remake Europe in his own image. 
We in the United States don’t have cities that have had to be rebuilt or great expanses of cemeteries in which are buried the civilian dead of wars. Maybe that is why it’s all so abstract for us. On a continent thousands of miles away from the war that happened in Europe 80 years ago or even the war that is happening in Ukraine right now, today, this minute, it’s someone else’s history, it’s someone else’s problem.
That appears to be the attitude of the Republican Party.  Here is a political party that for decades stood for the defense of our nation and the defense of liberty around the world, and now under the thumb of a so-called leader who is now fully showing his totalitarian nature, many Republicans in the House and the Senate have decided all that is in the past.  Ukraine is Europe’s problem.  Aides and advisers to Donald Trump have already begun to talk about withdrawing from NATO if he is elected. The Heritage Foundation is hosting a meeting between Republicans on Capitol Hill and advisors to Hungary’s Viktor Orban, a close Putin ally, as Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy heads to the White House to make a last-ditch plea for funding before year's end. 
If Putin believes Ukraine is not a sovereign nation but a part of Ukraine, well, that’s Ukraine’s problem, not ours, say some Republicans led by Donald Trump and the Heritage Foundation. They express admiration for Putin and the way he runs things in Russia. They say, he knows how to get things done. Donald Trump wants to be like him.  He is telling us if he is elected, he will be a dictator on “day one” so he can build his wall, apparently by fiat, and “drill drill drill,” even in national monuments and parks.
Republicans are falling in line behind Trump.  That’s what’s going on with the refusal by Republicans to fund the war in Ukraine unless Democrats go along with changes in policies on the border that would effectively build the wall Trump failed to build, not with concrete and steel, but with draconian immigration laws.
Republicans and their putative leader profess to be unconcerned by what would happen if Ukraine runs out of money and artillery shells and rockets and anti-missile batteries that defend Kyiv and other cities.  They are unmoved by the scenes of destruction caused by Russian shelling and rockets.  They are unmoved by the scenes of mass graves in Bucha and Izium and the reports of the Russian murders that filled them with bodies of dead civilians.
Let me tell you what is happening in Ukraine while the Republican thumb-twiddler caucus turns its head and votes the way Donald Trump tells them to vote.  All along the 600-mile front line, Ukrainian soldiers are being killed by Russian artillery, rockets and drone strikes every day.  They launch attacks across muddy fields from makeshift bunkers where they defend themselves from Russian shelling.  They have no heat. All around them lie the ruins of whatever city they’re defending, all the way from the Russian border to the Black Sea. In Dnipro, where some of the heaviest fighting is going on, it’s freezing, in the low 30’s at night, mid 30’s during the day.  It will be 35 on Tuesday and 36 on Wednesday.  It will warm up to 47 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday and rain all that day and part of Friday, making fields and forests even more difficult to move through, slowing resupply convoys, even preventing drone overflights of Russian positions by Ukrainian forces that need the surveillance and intelligence the drones provide.
Conditions for soldiers on the front lines are miserable in the extreme, and conditions in Ukrainian cities are not much better.  Russian attacks on energy infrastructure have caused blackouts and no heat in Kyiv and Kharkiv and other large population centers.  Trucks filled with dead and wounded soldiers keep coming from the front lines.  The wounded need medical care, and the dead need to be buried. 
In Washington, D.C., it will be in the high 40s and mid-’50s this week, perfect weather for members of the House and Senate to call an Uber and take a ride into Georgetown to dine at their favorite restaurant on veal scallopini or sushi or fresh-caught Chilean sea bass, a favorite at high end restaurants right now.  Tomorrow, they can hold press conferences in the Rotunda of the Capitol and speak defiantly about how they are standing fast against President Biden’s demand for help with funding Ukraine’s war against Russian aggression.  A few of them have even talked about a “war on our southern border” that must be funded before they will approve funds for the real war in Ukraine.
There is no war on our southern border, nor are there problems on our northern border, which some Republican members of Congress have also cited as one of their excuses for not funding Ukraine.  Next, we’ll be hearing about the “threat from Canada” in the ignorant babble from Republicans on Capitol Hill and the few Republican candidates left on the hustings nibbling like ducks at the crumbs from Trump’s table.
This is a time of disgrace for the United States of America, that we are sitting here on a continent thousands of miles away from the war fought by Ukraine to defend its democracy and its existence from Russia and the threat it will pose to the rest of Europe if Ukraine does not prevail in its war against Russian aggression.
Putin won’t stop with Ukraine.  He’s already got allies in Belarus and Hungary, and Russia is funding right-wing political movements in other European states as we speak.  But that’s okay with Republicans who plan on electing Trump as president, and he will pull all U.S. funding for NATO and all U.S. troops out of Europe, so they can push for tax cuts based on all our savings from our abject failure to be the leading defender of democracies around the world.
Ask any Republican planning to vote for Trump in 2024, and they’ll tell you:  Who needs to defend democracy at home and abroad when they’ve put a man who grins approvingly as he uses the word “dictator” in a sentence talking about himself?
Lucian K. Truscott IV, a graduate of West Point, has had a 50-year career as a journalist, novelist and screenwriter. He has covered stories such as Watergate, the Stonewall riots and wars in Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan. He is also the author of five bestselling novels and several unsuccessful motion pictures. He has three children, lives in rural Pennsylvania and spends his time Worrying About the State of Our Nation and madly scribbling in a so-far fruitless attempt to Make Things Better. You can read his daily columns at luciantruscott.substack.com and follow him on Twitter @LucianKTruscott and on Facebook at Lucian K. Truscott IV.
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immaculatasknight · 2 days
Nazis rise from the crypt
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The biggest joke of being in NATO is we let world's biggest terrorist cell tell us who is a "terrorist".
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brexiiton · 2 months
After terror attack, Russia sees U.S. role and claims it is at war with NATO
By Robyn Dixon, April 3 2024 at 2:22pm
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The Russian flag flies at half-staff on March 28 in memory of the victims of a terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, outside Moscow. (Yuri Kochetkov/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)
RIGA, Latvia — In the aftermath of last month’s terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue outside Moscow, Russian officials not only have blamed Ukraine but also have repeatedly accused the West of involvement — even though U.S. officials insist they gave Moscow a specific warning that the Islamic State could attack the venue.
If the U.S. warning was so detailed, it raises further questions about Russia’s failure to prevent the country’s worst terrorist attack in two decades. But rather than publicly confronting questions about their own actions, Russian security officials have disregarded the claims of responsibility by the Islamic State.
Instead, they have insisted that U.S. and British intelligence were involved in helping Ukraine organize the strike.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to comment Wednesday on a report in The Washington Post that U.S intelligence specifically warned Russia that Crocus City Hall could be a target for terrorists. The New York Times published a similar report shortly after The Post.
Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev on Wednesday directly blamed Ukrainian security services for the Crocus City Hall attack, in which at least 114 people were killed. Patrushev also hinted at Western involvement.
A day earlier, he accused Western intelligence of using terrorist groups to attack adversaries.
“They are trying to make us think that the terrorist attack was perpetrated not by the Kyiv regime but by followers of radical Islamic ideology, possibly members of the Afghan branch of [the Islamic State],” Patrushev said at a meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan, of security council secretaries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization nations. He said it was more important to identify the “masterminds and sponsors,” squarely blaming Ukrainian security services. He added that numerous hoax bomb threats have emanated from Ukrainian territory since the attack.
“It is also indicative that the West began insisting on Ukraine’s noninvolvement in the crime as soon as the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall was reported,” Patrushev said.
Russia’s blame game comes amid increasingly confrontational anti-NATO rhetoric from top security officials who insist that the U.S.-led alliance is fighting a “war” against Russia. Several of these officials have hinted repeatedly about Russia’s potential use of nuclear weapons.
NATO officials continue to assert the alliance’s right to supply Ukraine the weapons it needs to defend its territory.
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Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev in Moscow in 2022. (Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP/Getty Images)
Since the Crocus City Hall attack, Russian officials have subtly framed the violence as part of that “war,” while barely mentioning the Islamic State’s Afghanistan branch, Islamic State-Khorasan, or ISIS-K, which U.S. intelligence officials have said was responsible.
U.S. intelligence also warned last month that terrorists could attack a Moscow synagogue. A day after receiving the warning, on March 7, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) announced that it had prevented an attack on a Moscow synagogue by an ISIS-K cell.
Asked if the United States warned Russia that Crocus City Hall was a possible target for a terrorist attack and whether a U.S. warning helped the FSB avert the synagogue attack, Peskov on Wednesday declined to confirm the report.
“Okay, I see,” he said. “This is not our competence because such information exchanges are conducted at the level of specialized services, and the information is transmitted directly from service to service.”
The spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, on Wednesday alleged a disinformation campaign by Washington and said the U.S. government should prove that the reports in The Post and the Times were true by disclosing when and to whom the detailed warning was given.
At least two members of the cell that planned the synagogue attack, based in the Kaluga region, were killed by FSB agents when they opened fire during arrest, according to the agency, which reported that the cell was planning to attack the synagogue using firearms. Kazakhstan confirmed that two of its citizens were killed in the raid.
Four days after the Crocus City Hall attack, FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov blamed Ukraine and said Western security services were involved.
“We believe that the action was prepared by radical Islamists, naturally, Western security services contributed to it, and Ukrainian security services bore a direct relation,” Bortnikov told reporters.
Patrushev told the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper in an interview published Tuesday that Washington used NATO as a tool to carry out hybrid wars “to undermine and disorganize the system of state administration of countries that do not agree with the policy of the Anglo-Saxons.”
“At the same time, the alliance does not disdain using terrorist organizations in its interests,” he said. NATO, he said, “has been a source of danger, crises and conflicts for many years.”
Three days before the Crocus City Hall attack, Russian President Vladimir Putin had dismissed the U.S. warnings, calling them “outright blackmail” and attempts to “intimidate and destabilize our society.”
Putin and other Russian officials have made no mention of the U.S. intelligence supplied in relation to the planned synagogue attack.
In an interview with Argumenty i Fakty published on the morning of the Crocus City Hall strike, Peskov said NATO was waging a war against Russia, repeating a linchpin of Kremlin propaganda used to justify Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and to mobilize Russia’s population behind the war.
“We are in a state of war. Yes, it started out as a special military operation, but as soon as that bunch formed there, when the collective West became a participant in this on the side of Ukraine, it has already become a war for us. I am convinced of that. And everyone should understand this, for their internal mobilization,” Peskov said.
Putin alleged a Ukrainian link to the Crocus City Hall terrorists the day after the attack when he told Russians in a speech to the nation that “a window was prepared for them from the Ukraine side to cross the state border.”
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Russian President Vladimir Putin appears on a screen onstage in Moscow's Red Square last month. (Reuters)
Top pro-Kremlin propagandists, including Margarita Simonyan, editor in chief of the RT news channel, ramped up attacks blaming Ukraine and the West. In a post on social media, she asserted that Western intelligence clearly played a direct role in the Crocus City Hall attack because it had identified the perpetrators.
“They knew who the perpetrators were. Before the detention. That’s direct involvement,” Simonyan posted, later adding that the source of the attack was “not ISIS,” but Ukraine.
Likewise, Russian lawmaker Alexander Yakubovsky claimed that “the Nazi terrorist regime of Ukraine is behind this terrorist attack, possibly using radical Islamists, but without Western intelligence services it is impossible to pull this off.”
Another hard-line Russian lawmaker, Pyotr Tolstoy, posted on Telegram that the attack could not be seen apart from “the war with the collective West for the peaceful futures of our children.”
The Kremlin’s effort to blame Ukraine and the West for the attack appears to have succeeded in mobilizing Russians around the war effort. Russia’s Defense Ministry announced Wednesday that 1,700 Russians a day were signing contracts to fight in Ukraine, many of them, it added, motivated by the Crocus City Hall attack. In the past 10 days, 16,000 people have signed contracts, it announced.
Shortly after the U.S. warnings were shared with Russia, the authorities did tighten security at Crocus City Hall, according to a 15-year-old coat-check boy, Islam Khalilov. He told Russian media: “We were warned a week ago that there might be attacks. There was training. They told us what to do, where to lead people. I was ready for it in principle. That week there were the toughest checks, with dogs.”
But just days later, on a busy Friday evening, four gunmen rampaged through Crocus City Hall, shooting concertgoers and setting the hall on fire without any resistance, according to video from the scene.
It remains unclear why security was loosened again. Russian officials — and pro-Kremlin news outlets — have steered clear of the question, instead focusing on blaming Ukraine and the West.
Putin, speaking at an Interior Ministry meeting Tuesday, called for increased security at concert venues, shopping centers and other places where crowds gather.
“It’s important above all to bring law, order and security at crowded places, at sports and transport facilities, shopping and recreation centers, schools, hospitals, colleges, theaters and so on up to a new level,” he said.
Russia’s foreign intelligence chief, Sergei Naryshkin, claimed Tuesday that U.S. intelligence on the Crocus City Hall attack was too general to be of help.
“Indeed, the FSB did receive information,” he said. “The information was too general and did not allow the ultimate identification of perpetrators of the horrible crime.”
Shane Harris in Washington and Natalia Abbakumova in Riga contributed to this report.
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deodatasslawson · 2 years
Should we collectively bully vaush and xanderhal fans off of tumblr. We do have to be edgy and insulting about it.
IDK your intentions anon (if you are in good faith or bad faith), but I definitely will say that I do not have positive opinions on Vaush and Xanderhal fans since many of them are either hardcore NATO bootlickers or actually reactionary jackasses who are neither ashamed or regretful of their alt-right/anti-SJW phase whatsoever.
Vaush and Xanderhal fans have A LOT in common with the fans of "patriotic socialists"/NazBols like Caleb Maupin and InfraredHaz since both types of fans simp for the racist as fuck American Empire and are really fucked up towards BIPOC, LGBTQ+ people, women, and people from colonized countries that the US has terrorized.
Vaush and Xanderhal fans are literally nothing short of degenerate reactionaries who gladly side with actual fascists rather than side with actual revolutionaries and Vaush and Xanderhal are reactionary degenerates that are as awful as Caleb Maupin and InfraredHaz are and neither of those 4 fascist apologist douchebags should be seen as actual reputable people for anyone who wants to learn about leftist politics or watch leftist youtubers because Vaush, Xanderhal, Caleb Maupin, and InfraredHaz are NOT leftists in any way or shape whatsoever and are examples of shitlibs, patsocs, and/or NazBols.
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pricklypear1997 · 1 year
Imagine claiming to be a persecuted minority while also supporting a super power of a nation that literally bombs civilians of other countries they simply don’t like, and creates conflicts on foreign soil… oh, also you come from a country (Israel) that was created by said super power (USA). Last but not least, you’re government is literally killing the children of people who’ve lived there long before your grandparents moved there in the 1930s.
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elzhebietta · 11 months
They are forcing children to become Nazis. They're destroying people's faith! They are killing God in their hearts.
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