#nasi brosca
ollifree · 1 year
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DA Protags with [this] picrew.
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olliwrites · 2 years
CHARACTERS: Terron Mahariel, Nasi Brosca, Fanari Lavellan, Kendra Trevelyan, Jakariel Lavellan (@greyvvardenfell)
CHAPTERS: 6 of 7
Day Six: Vallaslin
Must be weird to be a non-Dalish party member with tattoos.
Reblogs are better than Likes!
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atypicalacademic · 3 years
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I've seen this around so,
Full Name: Rahvi Brosca
Gender: Cis Woman
Sexuality: Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Her
Family: Rica Brosca (Sister), Kalah Brosca (Mother), Nasi and Reydis Brosca (Cousins), Leliana (Partner), Gaadha Mahariel (Partner), Bhelen Aeducan (Brother in Law), Endrin Aeducan (Nephew), Rahvi Aeducan (Niece), Vijaya and Varshini Aeducan (Sisters in Law)
Birthplace: Dust Town, Orzammar
Job(s): Paragon, Hero of Ferelden (She does the Ultimate Sacrifice so I don't see a Job past that) In her non-warden state, after the Casteless Uprising, Bhelen appoints her as the Deshyr of Denerim in the newly formed Surfacer's Assembly.
Phobias: Starvation, roaches, the ocean
Guilty Pleasures: Self respect and singing. And gambling.
Hobbies: Casual burglary, cartography and sex. Usually separately. Usually.
Moral Alignment: Neutral Evil to Chaotic Good (whew thats an arc)
Sins: lust / greed / envy / gluttony / pride / wrath / sloth
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice (only after character development tho) / kindness / patience
This Or That
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded/ Open-minded
Calm/ Anxious/ Restless
OT3: Rahvi/Gaadha/Leliana
Acceptable Ships: Assuming in worldstates where she lives past the Blight? Hm. Rahvi/Sera?
BROTP: Rahvi and Reydis and Nasi, of course. Vijaya, Zevran, Morrigan, Sten and Alistair as well. If she'd lived long enough to meet her, she'd have been bffs with Sigrun.
NOTP: Jarvia, and I cannot stress this enough.
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olliwrites · 2 years
CHARACTERS: Terron Mahariel, Nasi Brosca
CHAPTERS: 2 of 7
Day Two: Craft
Reblogs are better than Likes!
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ollifree · 2 years
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all my ace charas get an acethetics board ‘cause that’s a, uh, mood
Nasi Brosca • Asexual
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ollifree · 2 years
Zevran 1 for the Warden questions?
How did your Warden react to Zevran’s failed attempt on their life? Were they amused? Angry?
Lani Cousland
"I guess this is my life now." She took it in stride, all things considered. She's the last of the Couslands and a Grey Warden. Of course there's assassins after her. Mainly she's impressed he even managed to find them.
Nasi Brosca
*deep sigh* She'd probably be a little more angry if it had been a little more effective. Really it almost felt like something the Carta would do; send someone else to intimidate you back into line and if the intimidation didn't work kill you about it.
Terron Mahariel
"Why do shemlen do this?" He's heard of assassinations, in theory, but he's rather surprised this is how people go about them. Oh? Not usually? Huh.
Caedan Amell
"Guess it was too much to hope they'd let me go one day without being molested." He's the one that veers closest to anger (beating out even Nasi) but he puts on a rather blasé front about the whole thing. Learning to suppress your emotions as a response to/a way to avoid further trauma helps in some cases. Apparently.
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ollifree · 2 years
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Who run the world? [Girls!]
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ollifree · 2 years
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Love when there’s a [picrew] I want to do a series with.
Terron Mahariel - Lani Cousland - Caedan Amell - Nasi Brosca
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ollifree · 2 years
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I’m actually impressed with how I was able to work with the guys’ silhouettes. [dollmaker]
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ollifree · 2 years
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love these two little blond aces [picrew]
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olliwrites · 2 years
CHARACTERS: Alistair, Caedan Amell, Lani Cousland, Nasi Broca, Terron Mahariel
CHAPTERS: 1 of 1
A direct follow-up to "Oranges". Caedan finally gets to eat a plum again.
Reblogs are better than Likes!
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ollifree · 3 years
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tagged by @littlebirdofprey using [this] picrew for oc bag inventories. thank you jack~
these all exist in the au where everything’s the same but lani and kendra have a truck. for convenience’s sake kendra and darrell live out of the same bag
tagging: @atypicalacademic @please-pet-the-dread-wolf @becauseanders
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ollifree · 3 years
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“Remove your helmet warrior, and let all who watched you see your face.”
commission of nasi brosca by @bonesworth
I’ve had this exact pose in my head ever since I first played the Brosca origin and now it’s tangibly here for all to see.
Sardo your third eye was wide fucking open when you gave her chest hair.
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ollifree · 3 years
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Terron Mahariel - Caedan Amell - Nasi Brosca - Lani Cousland
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ollifree · 3 years
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Terron Mahariel - Caedan Amell - Nasi Brosca - Lanni Cousland
Wardens of the Fifth Blight.
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ollifree · 3 years
Accent, Filler, and Impression?
I choose the Wardens.
Accent: What accent does your character have? Are there any words or phrases they use more often than other people? How good is your character at imitating other accents and sounds?
He sounds like the DA2 elves. @ Bioware give us back the DA2 elves.
On top of the accent he uses “we/you” statements more often than “I” statements, as the Dalish put consideration of the group before an individual. When he was newer to the King’s Tongue (and later Antivan) he’d take his time translating what he wanted to say before he said it, and he said things slowly to be sure he was saying them right. Once into the swing of a language he’s a quick speaker. He usually doesn’t bother with imitating accents unless he’s teasing Zevran, in which case it comes out horribly. Zev does the same - it’s all in good fun. A pastime of Terron’s as a child was observing wildlife, and with that observation came mimicry. It kept with him into his adult life.
He has what passes as an “everywhere” Fereldan accent. The Circles all have their own dialects, but the differences aren’t immediately obvious to non-mages or templars. Kinloch Hold during his time was mostly made up of Ferelden-born people so he picked it up from them. Some Kirkwall-isms still linger in his speech patterns and those more than anything he says or does convince people he actually is from the Free Marches. (Mostly him using “cheers” and “mate”. "Innit” from removed from his vocabulary due to several years of work from Irving.) After living in Orlais a few years he does a near-flawless Orlesian accent when speaking the King’s Tongue. His Orlesian keeps a trace of the Fereldan accent. Probably because he knows it upsets them.
Orzammar has a distinct accent on the Surface, and the speech patterns of Dust Town are their own dialect. She uses direct word replacements (”sod” instead of “fuck”) where the dwarven language and the King’s Tongue have drifted since the dwarven language was introduced. She can do a good Fereldan accent after knowing the group for so long, and does decent impressions of the different types of darkspawn. “What’s down that way?”/”Rr-haaah.”/”Genlocks, gotcha.”
Has a heavy Fereldan accent. Specifically, she has a north Ferelden accent. Catch the Queen using “y'all'd've'f'I'd've” at court and everyone nods along because they all speak that way. She can tone the north accent down which puts it in the lowland Ferelden (aka, Bannorn) range. It still results in a lot of dropped end sounds and turning T’s into D’s in the middle of words. She was never very good at imitation but she lost nearly all ability to after being burned by a High Dragon. The burns melted parts of her mouth together and she has to focus on enunciating her own voice, let alone anyone else’s.
F. Filler: Does your character commonly use “buffer words,” such as “uh” or “like,” or are they more concise in their speech?
Generally not when he’s speaking the King’s Tongue or Antivan, but they come out when he speaks in elvhen and doesn’t have that small delay between thinking and translating. The buffer words start to come out in the King’s Tongue once he uses it frequently enough for it to become a thinking language, but that’s after he’s been settled as Warden Commander and it’s the every day language for him for over a year. If he’d stayed in Antiva longer the same thing would have happened. He’ll sometimes cut himself off mid sentence in any language and sign to himself what he wants to say to get himself back on track.
He rambles as he speaks, but if he gets stuck he’ll repeat words. When he does use buffer words it’s when he forgets the word he did want to use, and that comes with hand motions to remind himself what it was. Snapping if it doesn’t have a direct action associated with it, and the action itself if it does. He talks with his hands in general.
She tends to use shorter sentences, so the buffer words don’t come out as much. When they do they’re generally at the beginning of her speech, or when she’s prompting someone else to. Instead of filler words, she tends to go for emphasis words.
When she uses them at the beginning of a sentence, it’s usually to make a point. (“Uh, no.”) Her need to focus on enunciation stops a lot of filler words, but in private company where she doesn’t need to make herself sound like she didn’t have half her face melted they come back.
I. Impression: What do other characters first think of your character, based on their body language and way of speaking? Is this first impression usually accurate?
Most of his facial expression is in his ears. As most outside Dalish clans don’t know to look for it the supposed stillness gives an eerie impression. A layover from hunting is that once he picks a position he generally doesn’t move from it, which adds to the impression. While he is friendly enough to assuage most from the impression, he does have an intensity which can add to it in the right circumstances.
He oozes smug self-confidence and a lack of care for the opinions of others. It didn’t serve him particularly well in the tower, but once he left he didn’t feel the need to hide it. It is a very, very accurate impression.
Depending on when one meets her, the impression is either “stoic warrior who is immovable by emotion” or “crazed fighter who will down anything standing in her way”. Both are true.
Lanni looks, breaths, and moves like she has everything together. It would come as a general shock for most to learn she had trouble learning to work with and accept the limits of her disability. Some days she has to work on it, some days it really does come as easy as breathing to her.
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