ocfactory · 6 years
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Nanbaka OC Week, Day 1: OC Introduction Day
((This week on, Abby tries to poorly imitate the style of her new favorite manga when drawing her new OCs—have some character info:
Age: 19
Height: 181 cm
Personality: Tasi is built very strong, and most people think his personality reflects that. He usually gives off a very intimidating first impression, but if you manage to get past that you’ll find that he’s actually not that intense. He’s generally kind and worrisome, and quite clumsy. He cares a lot about his little siblings, and will only ever actually use his strength to hurt someone if it’s to protect his sisters, brother, or anyone else he’s close to, especially if that person is younger than he is.
Reason for Imprisonment: He himself hasn’t actually committed any crimes. When his sisters got caught for theirs, he lied about being their accomplice so that he could protect them in prison.
Coral and Conch:
Ages: 15
Heights: 167 cm
Personalities: They’re twins, but their appearance is the only thing similar about them. Coral is bubbly and hyperactive, where Conch is nonchalant and lazy. They both like joking around with anyone (no matter how potentially dangerous), which can make their big brother worry. However, they do love him and their little brother, almost as much as they love each other.
Reason for Imprisonment: Coral and Conch and their brothers fell into a rough place financially when their parents died. Only Tasi could make money and it wasn’t enough to feed them all, so the twin sisters started doing small robberies from rich folks to get enough money to support their family. They got arrested at one point, but managed to escape from juvenile hall before they were identified. Tasi was worried about their actions and told them to stop once they got enough money to keep them off the streets. But after realizing they had become skilled at robberies and could break out of anywhere they were sent to, Coral and Conch continued to steal money from the rich to give to whoever needed it most. They kept getting caught and breaking out of where they were sent to, until one day they slipped up and were identified. Since it was close, they were shipped off to Nanba along with their older brother. 
Their younger brother is currently staying with a cousin that had fallen out of touch with the siblings after being disowned, so now they’re quietly waiting out their sentence with their older brother in building 13.
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nanbaka-naomi · 6 years
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Nanbaka OC Week Day 1: OC Introduction Day!
All credit goes to my close friend @itsdraconia for drawing Naomi’s sprites for me! 💕
I believe some of my followers know about my OC or have read about her already but I realized that I haven’t created a proper post describing her bio so here it is! Enjoy!~
Gender: Female
Name: Naomi Hyakushiki 直美百式
Name meaning: The name Naomi means “above all” or “beauty”, while Hyakushiki means (Hyaku) “Hundred” and (Shiki) “Command”.
However, her name is also a play on the word “Oni”, which is a supernatural demon that appears in Japanese folklore. Most notably, in the story of Momotarō.
Momoko Hyakushiki (older sister);
The Man with the Scar (adoptive father).
Age: 17
Ethnicity: Japanese
Blood type: A
Hair: Azure with a mix of light blue. She has natural wavy hair. She also has two flyaways sticking out from each side of her hair that often annoy her due to the fact that she can never get rid of them no matter which product she uses.
Eyes: Imperial red, with light flecks around the bottom of the iris.
Bust size: 32D (32E in Japan)
Height: 5'4" (163 cm)
Weight: 105 lb. (47 kg)
Date of Birth: April 1
Sign: Aries
Sexuality: Pansexual
Education/Job: She finished high school at the age of 10 and then entered university in Germany. She decided to come back to Japan after “finishing school” and is currently working as Kazari and Okina Otogi’s assistant in Nanba Prison.
Favorite colour(s): Sky blue, Cream, Pearl White and Silver.
Favorite food: Prinsesstårta and Cream puffs.
Hobbies: Playing video games, writing, reading, researching…and all the other hobbies that will help her gain more and more knowledge in different fields. However, she also likes to cook in her free time (but admits that she isn’t that good at it).
Personality: She is a very kind, selfless, determined and compassionate young woman who strives to help anyone in need. Naomi is considered to be a child prodigy as she is incredibly intelligent (enough to even finish high school at the age of 10). She is often seen as an angel in other people’s eyes due to her benevolence and altruism. 
However, her cheerful nature hides incredible insecurity and desperation to be considered a good person. She chose a career that helps others for the sole purpose of gaining other people’s esteem to an unhealthy degree. This likely stems from her having been denied the esteem of her parents as a child, as they were strict people who only valued physical strength above all that only her older sister had. In her innermost self however, she is a melancholy, empty shell of a girl. Her kindness is genuine, but tainted by her serious issues. 
Love Interest: Jyugo 
However, I have considered the possibility that Zakuro has a crush on her, but she's oblivious to his advances.
Curious facts:
※ She is ambidextrous.
※ She is currently fluent in 18 languages.
※ She has a strange habit of cleaning and keeping things in order when she’s feeling anxious.
※ She often stays up late because of her job which messes up her sleep schedule.
※ Playing video games is a big hobby of hers. Most notably, “simulator games" that she and Kazari have created themselves.
※ She has a pale complexion.
※ She is a polymath.
※ She has impressed both Okina and Kazari with her brilliant deduction skills.
※ While she is good at figuring a situation out, she is surprisingly oblivious to the fact that many of the inmates have a crush on her.
※ She is aware of Momoko’s crush on Hajime.
※ She once made Rock a variety of Japanese foods while he was getting better in the infirmary and he immediately took a liking to her cooking.
※ Naomi has a fear of bugs and insects. She finds them utterly disgusting and can’t stand to be in the presence of one.
※ She has a masochistic side.
※ She is a vegetarian.
※ She has a one-sided crush on Kagu-8. However, she considers her more of a friend since she often helps her out in the laboratory. 
That’s all for now! I will fully write her backstory later on but that’s something for another day! Thank you for reading and I look forward to seeing everyone else’s OCs as well~ (´∀`)♡
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lesbi-chus · 6 years
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I havent caught up drawing them like I wanted to, since there are some major things i wanna fix on them. Like their bodytypes and such. But here they are here for now, somewhat of old doodles.
Roxanne: Former Chef in Shins Prison, now working along side with Shiro. Shes quite the big gal, topping on 210cm and quite buff. She might look imtimidating upfront, but shes a real life mama bear, which she has earned her nickname around the place.
Caramel Blonde hair with black eyes; Two piecrings on her chins aswell as freckles on her cheeks. Her outfit mostly resembles the normal chef iniform; But with some changes. Pink apron with a towel that has a pawprint of a bear. Her short is a normal white chef uniform with a heart pendent on the neck area
Shes also the mealplanner, often asking what kinds of foods and meals the inmates would wand. As long as you´re not making a mess in the dining hall, you´re good. You don´t want to mess with her
Grimme: Guard from Building 10; Reptile Building. White hair and golden eyes. Often seen handling one of his snakes in his hand. A sinister guard who likes to pull pranks on his inmates with scaring them with his snakes. 
Maple: Honey’s youngest brother, youngest out of the 4 siblings. Same colorsceme as Honeys hair but much of a different hairstyle, freckles on his cheeks. 
Famous model at the age of 15 and is a big fan of cuddly and fluffy plushies. Likes to collect soft plushies, more kid friendly then his other siblings. But knows his ways around. Lives with his oldest brother Raisin. Was almost arrested once for stealing plushies he put in his backpack.
Raisin: no images as of date Eldest out the 4 siblings. The one who got the looks from his dad. Messy hair but somewhat still style-ish. Darker purple with a few stripes of pink in his hair.
Bartender and also owner of his own bar. Collects cursed objects, which have been seen moving around by themself, claimed by both Honey and Cookie, his younger siblings. Which is why they never want to stay at his place for too long.
Used to be the one taking care of his sibling when they were much younger, due to their mother neglecting them at a young age for not being the dolls she wanted them to be. Rarely gets angry, but when he does, just like Honey, his pink stripes turns into arrows. 
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whale-shorks · 6 years
#Day 3!!
Okay so I don’t really have ships in Nanbaka tbh... ocxcanon or canonxcanon (maybe ruka and kiji but shhh)
BUT the only OC x Canon is.... *drumroll*
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Levian x Musashi!!!~ (who would’ve guessed it)
I mean, fire and ice... Do I need to say more? I actually started shipping them because of @nanbakamatchups, and I really love them together! 
So, they first met in the game room, as Levian followed Catherine (@purpledinorus’s oc), Honey and Trois there! Musashi immediatly caught his eye, and after some (a LOT) of encouragement from Cat, he got the courage to talk to him! Though he was still stuttering like crazy :’)) Luckily, they got along just fine, and things went pretty quickly from here! Almost too quickly, Levian wasn’t expecting Musashi to ever like him back, and he was definitely caught off guard when he confessed~
The lovely art is by the loveliest @thatonelosthyena <33
There was also a really great and adorable one by @purpledinorus but I didn’t ask if I could post it!!
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spacefrug-archive · 6 years
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love me some ocs :^) here’s my security guard Oc sunny. He’s based of a bumble bee and is a “busy bee” (ayyyy)
he works the cameras and traps along side Mitsuru although he’s not that good at actually dealing with his superiors noise level
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nanbakasizz · 6 years
#Day 1
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This is the first inmate I’ll introduce!!
Her nickname is Dama de los Muertos (thanks to @sinnysatan & @LadyLuna on discord for helping me!!). Her actual name and age aren’t known, mostly because she keeps it to herself. She’s from Mexico, and has been arrested for  mass murder. She has indeed killed over 300 people, yet how or why she did it still is unknown to this day. At least from what I’ve heard, but I don’t think I have very reliable sources. Some say she is Death itself as she kept killing, even in prison. She is currently in the female prison of Nanba, and never goes out of her cell unless she needs to. She’s a very discreet person and doesn’t like to be noticed. She is also always seen with a strange brown doll. She doesn’t seem to have any particular skill nor fighting abilities but something that I noticed is that although she doesn’t like people, she was always watching me as I walked near her. -A. Delany
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evil-girl-art · 6 years
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Nanbaka oc week day 5- just another manic munday! Welp- itsa me- anyways- i guess i'll put some stuff about me?? -always tired -19 and havent done anything with my life rip -a n x i e t y -i like sculpting stuff with sculpey- -hair is always changing colour -most of my nanbaka ocs are literally just my ocs revamped to be in a nanbaka au type thing- i have a ton im just too lazy to post em all- -i've been obsessing over nanbaka for nearly a year now- still aas crazy about it as the first day i started watching lmao Anyways thats all i wanna say rn- im not super interesting haha-
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Nanbaka OC Week - Day 1: OC Introduction
Hello~ I know I've post information or even introduced Ruthie before but why not post it again~ Plus adding and changed some things about her a bit~ Plus not very many people know much about her so here ya go~
Name: Ruthie
Species: Xweetok/Eevee Mix
Nicknames: Fox, squirrel, eevee, xweetok, nurse, healer, Ruthie~Chan, Ruth, etc.
Gender: Female
Type: Grass/Fairy Type
*Mainly weak to Steel and Poison types but also Fire types
Age: 16
Height: 2′7″
Weight: 50 lbs
Sexuality: Ace/Hetero
Star Sign: Scorpio
Inmate: #14 *has a 1 on her left ear and a 4 on her right, so it looks like a 14*
Cell: 14 but some/over half the time she's stays in Cell 13 with Nico 
Personality: Sweet, kind, gentle, caring and loving. Smart except understand other languages which she greatly struggles with. Very friendly and loves making friends, can be shy at first but does her before to get out of her shell to talk to others, can be playful. Can be very overprotective. Always does her best to make sure she's on eveyone’s good side because she doesn't want to make enemies. Likes to learn new things from others as well.
- Has autism, bad anxiety, disabilities, and depression but they aren't obvious to see because she's able to hide them well without anyone knowing until she mentions it.
- Was used as a test subject a few times, only a couple succeeded like her eyes changing color when she's either using her moves (making her blind for a while) or healing (making her eyes glow a forest green). Along with every time she gets a cut to where she bleeds, roses, thorns and leaves appear to stop the wound from bleeding. DON’T pick at or even remove the rose petals from Ruthie’s wound or else it'll make her lose her life energy a bit at a time. If you touch the thorn, it'll hurt the person who touches them. The leaves are touchable but be careful with where you touch the leaves cause of the rose petals and thorns.
- Her butterfly is always with her because the two have a very close connection to each other since they were young and can never be separated. But if they do separate, depending on how far apart they are, they can sense each other from a close distance but from a far distance, they have trouble finding each other. When Ruthie loses blood from a wound of any kind, her butterfly will use it feelers to drink the blood and “refresh” it, then putting it in the rose(s) that appeared from the wound. Overall, the two as inseparable and work well together, assisting each other, etc., even having their own language with clicks and sounds. 
- A nurse; can make herbs and leaves to use them for medicine or treats, can heal others, take cares of patients and helps out with whatever she can deal with. She's currently a nurse at Nanba Prison and takes care of Nico most of the time cause she was his nurse before coming to Nanba.
- A performer; she has good dancing skills and has good move sets/TMs to make different combinations of move to make them very sparkly, beautiful and colorful. Many of her performances are based on a message. Used to be a private performer but then got invite and performed to one of the most watched performance showcases in the world, making it all the way to the top. While at Nanba Prison, in some of her free time or training in Building 5 (mainly Nico and Upa), she’ll practice for her next performance for her friends and others to see.
- A freelance artist; love drawing, mainly digitally since she loves working on characters and landscapes. Mainly only draws in her free time when she has a day off and loves being alone when she's drawing while listening to her music. Sometimes she draws when someone suggest something for her to draw and she has her sketchbook.
- Mainly: Swords Dance, Magical Leaf, Iron Tail, Trump Card
- Has some TMs with her that she was trained on before and uses for her performances or in any other situation that requires them, like Fairy Wind and Leaf Tornado
*currently working on their designs and such*
Zodiac Form: Tiger - Female - Electric/Fairy Type
*Used to be a bengal tiger in her past time before becoming a celestial spirit in a gemstone that Ruthie holds on her necklace - very bitter and agressive at first to Ruthie, Rose and many others but had changed since the incident (more to come)
Fairy Form: Rose - Female - Grass/Fairy Type
*Used to be a fairy-like leafeon in her past time before sacrificing herself and becoming a celestial spirit in a gemstone. Chose Ruthie to hold and take care of her gemstone - very sweet and gentle, helping Ruthie with anything she needs, even after the incident (more to come) 
- Wolf family
Mother: Cherry Blossom
Father: Double Diamond
Sister: Youngest - Avery - Deceased
Brother: Oldest - Maxwell - Missing
Twin Sisters: Abigail and Martha - Few moons old 
- Biologial Family
Mother: Ruth - Xweetok - Grass Type
Father: Henry - Eevee - Water Type
Great Grandmother: Mary - Xweetok - Fairy/Grass Type - Ruth’s Grandmother
- Others
(Former) Mentor: Ashley - Eevee/Fennec Fox Mix - Grass/Water Type
(Former) Assistant Mentor: Shy - Leafeon - Grass Type
Friends - 
Nanba Prison: 
Nico - Knows him since she was his nurse before and became his nurse again after coming to Nanba
Jyugo, Uno, Rock, Tsukumo, Upa, Liang, Qi, Musashi, Honey, Trois
*Other friends as well throughout the prison
Across the World - Mika - Best friend/Sempai Haunter - Shapeshifter - Female
Digelert - Best friend Speckled Aisha - Fashionista - Transgender Male
*Others to be created
Favorite Food: Chocolate chips muffins, berries, vegetables
Favorite Drink: Tea, mainly herb, mint or berry teas but dislike other kinds of tea, even spice
Likes: Her friends and family, music, anime, certain YouTube videos, drawing, animals of all kinds, shapes and sizes, taking care of her patients, nurses and doctors that do their job and care for the patients, snacks, running and training, showers, meditating, etc.
Dislikes: nurses and doctors that don't do their job, flirting, those who put her through bad experiences, loud noises, being disturbed when she's resting or meditating, people who try to hurt her friends, hurting others in any way, shape or form
Relationship Status: Single/Not interested
Crush(es): Nico and Upa *doesn’t really show or know it until later on* 
Other information:
- Came to Nanba Prison after some very bad experience at a few precious prison hospitals, causing to her to almost pass away cause of her condition. 
- She's always grateful and blessed that she came to Nanba and had some help the day she arrived or else she would have been asleep forever that night if it wasn't for seeing everyone feel so concern and help her get back into shape.
- Loves making new friends and helping anyone in need, even the guards, knowing they need some help sometimes 
- Rarely leaves Nanba, only on necessary trips to see her mentor or on other important occasions that require her to be there because of her nurse postition
- Loves her job and her stay at Nanba, enjoys her friends, activities, food, etc.
- Has a bit of a hard time trusting people because of bad experiences in the past, even because of her mental health and other issues. But once you get to know her and she gets to know you, you're on good terms with her
- Hates it when people are worried or concerned about her, no matter if she's sick or needs to be alone to take care of herself for a while
- When she's not feeling well emotionally or mentally, she'll take a day or two off to herself to take care of herself
*More information on her soon~ 
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pinktatertots99 · 6 years
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shit this snuck up on me. anyways, yay nanbaka oc week day 1! oc introduction day!
raziel:" building 7 guard raziel malaika reporting for duty. lets have a clean week understood?"
Corazon:"nurse bot Corazon reporting. systems on, fully functional. health and medication on standby."
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iamapoopmuffin · 6 years
Nanbaka OC Week - Day 1
So, as I already have quite a few OCs for this I decided to cut it down a little bit and not talk about all of them, but talk about at least one from each section (as I put my OCs for this into three groups when making character files for them - Inmates, Guards and Things I Ship With Canon Characters (Or Civilians)) 
So, an introduction to three of my dumb OCs!
Inmate - #28, Otto Otto is a cheerful and flirtatious person who enjoys teasing those around him. For the most part, he seems to be calm, friendly and fairly sociable, but sometimes says some rather suspect and messed up things, usually without breaking out of his cheerful visage. When not teasing those around him, Otto tends to spend his free time on quiet and rather solitary passtimes, but he does enjoy board games, so if anyone’s up for Monopoly...
Otto is from Italy, and his nickname is the Italian word for the number 8. It is known he has a sister back in Italy somewhere, and he considers the two of them to be close. He’s hoping to see her soon, but she didn’t come to visit him in his previous prison. Still, that doesn’t mean she won’t ever visit him, right? She has a full time job and is probably just very busy, certainly too busy to travel to a remote Island somewhere off the coast of mainland Japan...right?
He is 21 years old, and was originally arrested for murder. He claims to not regret his actions in the slightest. He does, however, accept that he belongs in prison. He did try to escape before, because his sister’s birthday was coming up and he had to get her a gift, but frankly, now he’s at Nanba, he feels right at home in his cell. Moreso than he did back in Italy with those people he killed, certainly. At the moment, he is incarcerated in Building 4, however this was randomised, so there is a possibility it will change.
Appearance wise, Otto is a white male, 5′11, with a slim build. He has lilac hair with seafoam green tips. Honestly, the hair style still needs work, but currently, aside from the left side of the fringe, his hair is short and flicks out in some direction or another. Overall, it may look a bit messy. The left side fringe falls more naturally, but is separated into three sections. Otto wears full framed glasses with green frames, but otherwise his outfit is undecided. His eyes are blue. Unfortunately, I have not yet designed any tattoos or make-up for him, so his design is still in progress, but both of his ears are pierced.
It takes a lot to piss him off, but when he snaps, he snaps.
His cell mates still have nightmares about the Monopoly tantrum.
I have drawn a picture of him before, but it was when I was first figuring out his design so it’s no longer accurate...plus a lot of the colours are too dark. Like, the only purple I had available to me was the same shade as Honey’s hair.
Inyoka Atherisi - a guard, building currently undecided.
Inyoka doesn’t really like to open himself up to others. He’s quiet, professional and rather strict. He is not easily angered, but he is easily embarrassed and a little too easily confused, which is more likely to make him raise his voice than anything else. When things happen that he doesn’t like, he’s more likely to ignore it than deal with it, which tends to lead to a build up of bad stuff, though he’s certainly better at dealing with misbehaving inmates than he is his own personal problems.
Inyoka has spent most of his life in Central Africa, but was born in Indonesia. At 24 years old, he is the eldest of two sons. Following his parents’ divorce, his mother and younger brother stayed in Indonesia while he and his father moved back to his father’s home town. At first, Inyoka hated being separated from his brother so completely. Eventually, he stopped caring. His younger brother is currently incarcerated at Nanba prison, and aside from that being one interesting touch of fate, Inyoka tends to ignore that and tries to avoid the tearful, heartfelt reunion his brother wants. Incidentally, Inyoka believes in fate, destiny and similar life forces far out of his control, but the fact his younger brother is in prison for god only knows what act of stupidity is just what Inyoka likes to call ‘bullshit that is going to ruin my life and reputation’. I am currently undecided as to whether his brother, Rora, is in the same building he works in or a separate one.
Inyoka’s appearance sets him as a 5′10, muscular/athletic male with light tan skin. He has long, pink hair with purple flecks and highlights, a yellow-tipped fringe and the underside of his hair is also yellow. His hair is often tied in a ponytail, with the tie near the bottom of his hair, and slightly messy in a way that gives a scale-like effect. He has green eyes and a slightly snakey quality to his appearance. This includes a forked tongue, especially evident when shouting. The Ourobouros symbol - a snake eating its own tail - is present somewhere in his uniform, but I’ve only decided that today (previously it was a tattoo on his right upper arm, but I figured that would never be visible. He may still have the tattoo.) so I’m not totally sure where yet, but the belt is probably a good place, or the top of his boots, but otherwise his uniform is standard. His appearance is based off a red Atheris Squamigera, also known as a Bush Viper, Leaf Viper or Green Viper, a snake endemic to parts of western and central Africa.
Also, toying with make-up ideas, thin layer of eyeshadow, dull pink, with yellow dots under the eyes, again to match the body colours of the red AS.
He loves fizzy drinks and hates humid weather - it makes him feel gross and makes his hair go nasty.
His first name translates into ‘snake’.
He is my newest Nanbaka OC overall, but because he’s my only guard, I’ve given more focus to him than I have to some of my older OCs.
Most characters I ship with canon characters these days come from accidentally imagining what a character I don’t ship with anyone’s child might look like, and then accidentally imagining the other parent. These are what all my civilians (and female Nanbaka OCs) are formed of at the moment.
I’m choosing to showcase Ruth here, but on the shipping day I might talk a little bit about all my civilian girls. I’m not sure if Ruth or Meigui is the more thought out of my girls, but eh...
Ruth Handley has a personality I find kind of difficult to explain. She’s laid back, confident, and has a bit of a flippant attitude. She’s a bit lazy, and can often be found on days off just lounging on any comfy surface she can. She can seem like a bit of a grump at times and is easily frustrated, and can be a bit difficult to calm down, but she’s a quiet grump, even if her funk can last a while. It’s best to just leave her to defunk herself as well. Bothering her, even if you’re trying to calm her down, can make her outright angry, though she’s not super likely to raise her voice unless she’s worried about something.
Ruth is American, and currently is the oldest of the characters I’ve given an age to, but is only 30. I haven’t decided what she does for a living yet, but she’s definitely a working woman and most likely someone who hates having to rely on others.
In terms of appearance, Ruth has tan skin, red hair, blue eyes, slim build, and I don’t have a specific height for her yet, but she has to be quite tall. She’s definitely the tallest of her friends in the States. Her hair is layered, kind of like Ruka’s - short over layer, long under layer - but obviously the style isn’t the same and it’s not separated into sections. The upper layer is longer and flatter, and the under layer is completely behind her shoulders...if I’m not explaining this well, you’ll have to forgive me, it’s really late as I’m writing this character’s stuff out, sorry, and now I’ve started to describe it in terms of Ruka’s hair I don’t know how to stop :/ *Clears throat* anyway, additionally, Ruth normally wears fairly obvious make-up, but I need to consult someone who knows something about make-up on colours. White or yellow or pink eyeshadow?
Ruth smokes. And likes ‘cuddly’ clothes, you know, the snuggly comfy stuff. Perfect for lounging around in. Fuzzy hoodies. Her favourite place to just lie down and do nothing is her sofa. With the curtains drawn and a bag of assorted snacks. And hot chocolate with marshmallows.
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ocfactory · 6 years
Nanbaka OC Week Day 6:
Stylish Saturday -
((Sorry I'm late. For the sake of time I had to do this drawing traditionally:
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((I tried tracing it with pen but I fucked up Coral's mouth. This is how they dressed before they got put in prison.
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spacefrug-archive · 6 years
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Nanbaka Oc week - day 2 - Headcanons or nanbaka aus
Zombie AU
The year is 20XX an outbreak of a strange infection happened within the walls of nanba, no one knows how it happened but some have a few guesses. After fighting there way out of Nanba and making it by boat to the land, they were greeted with a nationwide outbreak. 
Now Sunny, a few guards and some inmates who had managed to escape Nanba now fight for survival in a world filled with undead zombies.
Name - Sunny scavanger weapon of choice: axe or shotgun
wears a gas mask due to certain areas they scavenge being contaminated with the airborne zombie virus. Other means of being infected included being bitten by an infected, having any sort of fluid from an infected mixed in to your own blood or having the virus injected into you directly.
Severe contaminated areas have some type of shrooms growing in the area, they are extremely large for any regular shroom and release airborne spores which contains the infection. GAS MASK REQUIRED TO ENTER.
List of items Sunny carries
Shotgun shells
gas mask
flask (for water)
snack bar
tin opener
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nanbakasizz · 6 years
#Day 6
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Do I need to say anything?? Aside from Alice not liking fancy clothes and stuff :’)
So here they are!! I didn’t do Levian and DM cuz they’re prisoners so they wouldn’t really have other clothes than their prisoner clothes
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evil-girl-art · 6 years
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Nanbaka oc week day 6! Stylist Saturday! Heres my kids from building 14! Well the inmates anyways- and y'all finally get to see saiko and kotrem! I apologize they're lazy sketches but i had no time to work on these today- Anyways! Heres their more nice looking/casual attire if they weren't locked up~
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pinktatertots99 · 6 years
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nanbaka oc week day 2: headcanons or nanbaka aus
raziel comes from an au where my friends ( @sugarpinkbloodtea and @minty-zombie ) live in nanba (the two are demons of building 13 and I'm in building 5) raziel came down from the heavens above to keep the two in check while also hoping to reform them...guess how well that goes. not well.
Corazon's au is where all the inmates came back to nanba to become workers of the place. it's lengthy as hell so here's the link to her original post and backstory. in short, her conception was mostly thanks to kaguya's... passing we'll say. (lyrics are from "goodbye to a world" by porter robinson. *also kinda a song that goes with kaguya's story in this au.)
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mercysorrows · 6 years
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Reposting this here because of the nanbaka oc week Okay day 1: introduction day
Shirayuki Fuyuhira age: 24 pronouns: she/her height: 180cm occupation: guard at building 13 background: the adopted daughter of doctor Fuyuhira, she was found and adopted along with kurozumi when they were escaping from their home place, she got separated from her parents and end up in japan with kurozumi when they both were 8 years old. they are rather special beings but they have to hide what they really are. Before working in nanba she used to be a police officer, it’s believed she’s in nanba due an error or maybe there’s a secret reason. personality: firm, intelligent, nice and sometimes witty, she can get anxious at times when things aren’t going as planned. if someone ask her to explain something she’s go into teacher mode™.
she has ice powers and can made almost anything of ice, she’s able to sense things not everybody can such as people’s auras.
she has more abilities but they are a secret
other facts:
she hides her tail under her uniform due to an incident where a guard dog bite it. the sometimes comes out without her noticing anyway.
she has a mild fear of moles.
she has freeze the floor to make inmates that are trying to escape slip so they are easier to catch.
unsurprisingly she’s very good at ice skating.
loves sweets.
can take out almost anything out of her shirt, no one understand how she can do that.
Kurozumi (no. 96)
pronouns: he/himshe/her
height:168 cm
Crime:suspected of a grusome murder, escaped detainment everytime. he’s an inmate at building 13.
background: lost adopted son of doctor fuyuhira who got kidnapped and later turn out on nanba.  he was found and adopted along with shirayuki when they were escaping from their home place, he presenced his parents being killed by the authority, suffered massive psychological trauma, end up in japan along with shirayuki whom carry him the whole time after the incident. even the special species they are can hold grudges. before ending up in prison(and eventually nanba) he used to work as a mailman. due to the incidents in his detainment and prisons he was in he’s believed to be cursed and to have monster following him.
 personality: despite his eerie appearance, he’s rather cheery, friendly, somewhat childish, and sometimes kind of a trickster.
abilities:  he can control shadows and somehow made them physical,  able to sense things not everybody can such as people’s auras and see ghosts as shadows.
other abilities are a secret
other facts:
he tend to get mistake with a teenager because of his size and somewhat childish attitude.
anyone who go past his cell get goosebumps.
he’s pretty good and singing and dancing and tend to sing(although eeriely) in his cell much to the supervisor annoyance.
he’s terrified of moles.
he sometimes can’t stay still he has too much energy.
since he came to nanba, a femenine shadow figure has been lurking around the prison.
he loves sweets.
he has a scar on his right eye.
he’s actually handsome under the hair.
he has been seen talking to a tall ghost figure as of lately.
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