zeebtrolls · 6 months
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LOL redrew this with nadjya and tiffey hehehehe just the girls hanging out nothing to see here
what if i said that i drew the outfits just for this what then
sauce under the cut
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kaciekc · 1 year
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I need me a love like this.
Print will be for sale on my website after April 10th, but will be for sale at Anime Boston 2023.
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adhdted · 3 years
nadjyas -> adhdted
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tinypocketcats · 5 years
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kalle-and-lita · 5 years
4. Rain
“Kaw! Kaw! look, look!”
Shrieking laughter from outside his door brought Kalle from his work, hands meticulously working on his next pet project. From his spot hunched over at his workbench he gave a quick glance over his shoulder to the threshold and barked out a laugh at the sight that met him.
Nadjya, no older than three now, covered head to toe in mud. It had been raining all day, making play difficult for the little ones. Not Nadjya, no she had her father’s adventurous spirit, and had seemingly snuck out of the house.
“Where’s your Matka, dete? Does she know you’re out?”
His question was met with more giggling, Nadjya quickly turning on her heel to run back out into the rain. Kalle chuckled again, softly this time, moving his chair back from the workbench to stand. He came to the door and watched Nadjya play for a long while, smiling as she laughed and shrieked.
“Nadjya, come here.” He ordered after allowing her to play a bit more. The toddler made a face at him, followed by a rude noise from her lips. Kalle frowned, “Nadjya, now!”
His tone brooked no room for argument, small eyes cast their gaze downward as she approached reluctantly.
“You’re going to get sick, Nadjya, come inside.”
He reached a hand out for her to take, to which she grasped a single finger with her incredibly tiny hand. Sure that her grip was strong, Kalle easily lifted her off the ground and quickly her mood changed as she swung freely from his hand. Nadjya’s infectious giggling made him smile as he settled the small child into the crook of his arm, pulling her back inside the relative comfort of his house.
“Was your Otec watching you, Nadjya?” Kalle asked idly, taking a clean cloth from the nearby shelf in an attempt to clean off his god-daughter. She struggled a bit as he wiped her clean, scrubbing to get the mud out as best as he could, “I bet he was, your Matka would have never let you out of her sight otherwise. Sneaky child.”
“Kaw, kaw! Up, up!”
“Again?” Kalle laughed, standing to place his hands on his hips. He gazed down at her in amusement, her little arms reaching up towards him as she bounced impatiently from foot to foot, “Soon enough you’re going to be climbing every tree there is!”
He abided by her command however, reaching down so she could take his finger in her strong grip and left her into the air. Kalle laughed, swing her up and around, listening to her laughter as they played.
Matka- Mother Dete- Small child, usually an infant Otec- Father
Sorry it took me so long. Enjoy!
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roseroyalty-moving · 5 years
mileva is so cute ! omg whats her class and basic story 👀
She’s a barbarian! I’m going with path of the storm herald too!!
Basically she’s got a sweet backstory: her fathers first wife (Mileva’s mother, Nadjya) was cursed by a sorceress in her youth after stealing a sword from the sorceress. She died in childbirth due to the curse but Mileva’s father remarried to a soft eyed tiefling man (Mileva’s other father, Orionne) who was a seer. He foresaw Mileva’s death and helped raise her from infancy.
Mileva doesn’t believe she’s cursed but weird things started happening and not wanting to risk her fathers’ health and lives, she left home to become a mercenary w her skills as a swordsman!!!
Basically she’s full of love but an expert swordsman and knows what she’s capable of and I really love her and she’s big (6’5) and muscular as hell and GAY!!!! SHE LVOES WOMEN
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feralthembo · 2 years
I feel like nadjya and the bat queen would get along well
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martechadvisor-blog · 6 years
Interactive Content: The Launch Pad to a New Dimension of Audience Engagement
Interactive content and storytelling have become essential for the next level of audience engagement. Learn the essentials of interactive content marketing and more from an expert — MarTech Maven, Nadjya Ghausi of Prezi.  The human element in storytelling is essential to engaging audiences. Yet so much of the content we use in business, including marketing and sales content, lacks it. Things are changing, though. And ironically, it’s technology that’s helping to humanize how we present information to internal and external audiences.
Interactive content is what’s specifically game-changing how we, as marketers, tell stories in business. From presentations and infographics to videos and quizzes — interactive content, when used effectively, can make a powerful, positive and lasting impression on our target audiences.
Also Read: What is Interactive Content Marketing and How Marketers can Leverage It
There are three trends in storytelling that are emerging now because of businesses’ increasing experimentation with — and more strategic application of — interactive content when presenting information. Marketers and other content creators in business need to not only be aware of these trends but also move quickly to adopt and master these new ways of communicating:
Conversational Storytelling
Expect this form of storytelling to soon dominate because it’s so effective at helping marketers and audiences get on the same page quickly.
Conversational storytelling is a nonlinear approach to storytelling. It’s interactive in that it requires sharing content in a two-way fashion, like a real conversation. Instead of launching into a rehearsed speech or memorized narrative in a serial path, the presenter asks their audience what they want to hear about first — and the discussion flows naturally from there. Of course, for this experience to be seamless, it must be backed by technology that allows the presenter to navigate freely through the content.
Data Storytelling
Look for more marketers to embrace data storytelling as a way to create memorable and persuasive experiences for their target audiences.
Communicating facts and figures in a visually compelling way — through interactive infographics, for example — helps audiences to stay focused in data-heavy presentations. An interactive approach to sharing data also helps to simplify complex information, so audiences can better absorb it. And it makes the data itself a story. That’s especially important, because even if audiences aren’t likely to remember all of your data points they will remember a great story you told them about those data points.
Immersive Storytelling
This trend in storytelling is just starting to gain momentum but will accelerate in the coming year.
Technologies such as augmented reality (AR), which support visually interactive and immersive experiences, are becoming more widely used in business. As that happens, people are starting to see firsthand how these technologies have tremendous power to draw in audiences and truly move them. AR, in particular, has an important role to play in the future of work and learning — where the presenter and their content come together. It is poised to become a must-have tool for marketers who want to provide immersive experiences for everything from remote meetings to sales presentations to webinars.
Also Read:  Why Storytelling is a Marketer’s Most Powerful Tool
People’s Attention Spans Are Evolving — and Pivoting Toward Interactive Content
There’s one more trend in motion that marketers must know about if they want to succeed at engaging audiences both now and in the future with their content and storytelling: People’s attention spans are changing. However, don’t assume that means their attention spans are shrinking — because they’re not. They’re evolving.
**The deluge of content we face in our digital, multichannel and multi-device world is forcing us all to become more selective about the content we consume.** We just have to. And it explains why we can hole up for hours to watch a new Netflix series in its entirety yet struggle to stay focused during a one-hour sales presentation. **We freely give our attention to what we enjoy watching, and we can go super-deep and long with our focus if what we see delights and moves us.**
New research backs this up: The State of Attention Report, conducted by Prezi and strategic consulting firm Kelton Research, found that nearly half (49 percent) of business professionals have become more selective about the content that they consume over the past year. And well over half — 59 percent — of survey respondents said they can give a piece of content their undivided attention more so today than they could just one year ago.
The State of Attention study aimed to gauge the effectiveness of content and presentations and how they resonate with business professionals across demographics, including Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers. The findings suggest that our ability to maintain our focus on content is actually improving over time as we become more selective about the content we choose to consume. This is true regardless of the generation we identify with.
So, what type of content grabs and holds our attention? Based on the research, engaging content that features a compelling narrative combined with gripping visuals and stimulating dialogue does the trick for most everyone. That sure sounds like interactive content, doesn’t it?
Also Read: 5 Must-Have Skills of an Interactive Content Marketer
Marketers: Don’t Dismiss the Signs of Change
One finding from The State of Attention study that should keep more than a few marketers up at night is this: Four in five business professionals — across demographics — said they shifted their focus away from the speaker (and multitasked) in the most recent presentation that they watched. Given how much time and money marketing teams invest in developing “great” presentations for the business, that is a disappointing outcome. Failing to connect with audiences in marketing and sales presentations can also hurt a company’s bottom line.
A poor storytelling experience was the root cause of most respondents’ disengagement with a presentation, according to Prezi’s research. They said the story they were told either lacked substance or did not challenge them mentally. But here’s what most business professionals, across generations, said they believe would keep audiences focused during presentations:
A strong narrative or the story behind the presentation (90 percent)
Animated visuals (79 percent)  
As for content viewing, in general, 55 percent of all respondents to The State of Attention study said a great story can capture their focus and keep them engaged. And one-third (33 percent) report that visual stimulation is critical to maintaining their attention.
The message for marketers? People want interactive content, whether they’re learning about financial results or taking part in a survey. They want to be wowed by the story you have to tell and the data and visuals you have to share. Sure, the three types of storytelling described earlier — conversational, data and immersive — are only starting to emerge. But they will evolve quickly, just like people’s ability to focus squarely on content that moves them.
So, embrace the change. Shift to conversational presenting so you can start to have more meaningful and memorable interactions with your target audiences. Break free of static and text-heavy presentations and bring your data to life with compelling and interactive infographics. And experiment with exciting new technologies, like AR, to take your presentations into an entirely new dimension of content interactivity that puts people — the essential human element — right at the center of every story. It is the strength of your interactive content which will lead to better audience engagement.
Your audiences and their more evolved attention spans are waiting for you.
Also Read: Top Four Tools for Crafting Interactive Content in 2018
This article was first appeared on MarTech Advisor
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Sales Pipeline Radio #75: Q&A w Nadjya Ghausi @nadjc
http://dlvr.it/PWBdsD #sales #salesjob #salesjobs
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zeebtrolls · 6 months
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do you see the vision.... me having to craft a little turn around when ive never drawn character's backs omg.. BUT IS IT GIVING VAMPIRE
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adhdted · 3 years
sorry i keep changing my url u_u..
vampirevillanelle --> nadjyas
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zeebtrolls · 27 days
hiiii everyone updated poiZon and also emitzi’s toyhouse profiles!! go check them out >:3
this code from reanimatedcowboy is best viewed on computer tho!!
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zeebtrolls · 1 year
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nadjya lamion! pose ref under the cut, she was an adopt i got from @8bit-mau5!!
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zeebtrolls · 1 year
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so i made talksprites… FOR MY FAVE!!! not posting the other expressions bc IIII THINK. they should be unlockable through certain types of asks. I think that’s Fun
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zeebtrolls · 1 year
boisterousBat started a live video!
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“Is this thing on…?”
hey guys!! kicking off a little ask event with Nadjya Lamion, skater girl of my heart. feel free to ask her anything!! give her live some people in the audience, even!
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zeebtrolls · 1 year
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🤭 lmao… finally posting this… carida belongs to @fantrollz 😳
it’s a redraw of that one picture obviously but idk where it is 💀
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