honourablejester · 6 months
PF2e Character Concept: Shackles Goblin Rogue
Again, I’m watching Mythkeeper’s lore videos, this one on The Shackles, the pirate archipelago in Western Garund. There’s a lot of fun things in this area of the world, but a very small, random one snagged me. There are several goblin tribes in the Shackles, but apparently on Blacksand Beach, in the vicinity of Kelizar’s Atoll, there’s a tribe called the Reefrunners who are primarily swimmers and wreckers more than sailors and pirates, and I’ve no idea why that stuck in my brain, but … I’d really like to play a Reefrunner goblin horizon walker rogue? For reasons.
(Possibly it’s my choice of ghost fiction, and obsession with lighthouses, but wreckers have slightly more of a pull for me than pirates. Also I like the Reefrunners’ combination of almost-courtesy and raw pragmatism, in that they like to run ships aground and then let the crews go, not necessarily out of goodness, but because it’s easier to loot an empty sunken ship than fight a pinned crew. Which I love. This is about the shinies, the crews are just awkward obstacles that need to be shooed away first. Or, you know. Killed if it absolutely has to come to it, but let’s try the less risky methods first).
I was browsing backgrounds on Pathbuilder, and it has a regional one called Pearl Diver, which when I look it up on Archives of Nethys is actually regional to Absalom, not the Shackles, but I’m from the pirate isles, here, so I’m going to steal it anyway. Because I want a swimmer goblin who likes shiny things, a Reefrunner who’s fine taking the ocean’s bounty whether grown there naturally or lured there by a judiciously placed light on the rocks. Heh.
The idea here is just … I want a tough, scritchy little gal who’s in love with the ocean and all the shiny things the ocean can provide, and who’s not too particular about how the shiny things get in the ocean in the first place. She’s not mean, necessarily, just … single minded. Very loyal, courteous in a rough, absent-minded sort of way, but extremely pragmatic and with roughly one priority in the world, maybe two if she gets especially attached to anyone.
We’re in the pirate isles, so I am feeling rogue. But she’s a pearl diver and a swimmer and a scavenger, so I also want a survival emphasis, and I thought the Horizon Walker archetype? With aquatic terrain. I could take the ranger archetype instead, but I just like the vibe of horizon walker. Skillwise, we’re going to build around stealth, survival, intimidation, acrobatics, athletics and thievery. Because we’re a rogue and we can have that many skills levelled high. Heh.
Starting stats we’ll have a +4 in Dex, +3 in Con, +1 in Int/Cha, and +0 in Str/Wis. As we level I’m going to prioritise Dex, Con, Cha and Wis.
I’m going to go for Unbreakable Goblin for my heritage, because she’s a tough little gal, and also it’s just such a fun heritage. We’re tough, and we bounce, and we don’t go down!
Feats I particularly want as we go would include Breath Control as my first general feat, because pearl diver, Magical Adaptation from Horizon Walker as we hit Level 10, because water breathing, Quick Swim from Athletics Mastery, Fleet and Mobility and Catfall and Cave Climber and Skitter and just a lot of general movement feats, because we a bouncy goblin, Kneecap from goblin, to attack other people’s move speed, and a bunch of Intimidation feats because this girl is all teeth.
She’s 19, I feel like. Young for most people, but pushing the limits of survivability for goblins. She’s wiry and scarred and toothy, cheerfully pragmatic, polite as goblins go, and she has a collection of shinies sewn into/onto her clothes where she can see and admire them. She does favour seed pearls, all self-gathered, as a point of professional pride, but she also sees diving shipwrecks as much the same thing, so any old shinies will do if they’re pretty enough. As will glass and buttons and whatever was sparkly and caught her eye, to be honest. She’s out wandering, looking for better ships to dive, different waters to swim, because she is pushing survival age for a goblin, and she might as well. Most of her people die not much older than her, so why bother being afraid? Let’s just get the good stuff before we go!
Her name is Early Reefrunner. Early, to rhyme with Pearly. She’s a tough little goblin survivalist rogue from Blacksand Beach near Kelizar’s Atoll, and if you promise her good waters and good treasure, she’ll follow you to the ends of the earth. Or, well. The ends of the ocean, at least. Heh.
Ahoy, longshanks! Let’s go!
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monstersdownthepath · 11 months
Someone was asking if you know of any good pathfinder lore people online. And in that time I have found a YouTube channel dedicated to pathfinder lore. They havn't been doing it for terribly long, but they clearly have access to a lot of the books and does their research.
Their name is Mythkeeper, and most of their videos seem to be about nations or monsters.
@tameweevil your question has (hopefully) been answered!
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petalstem · 5 years
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My WOFsona, Mythkeeper! She's a anxious bi disaster and uses She/They, and her girlfriend is a NightWing with IceWing heritage named Stargazer
Mythkeeper is 2/3rds NightWing and 1/3rd RainWing
She was born under two cloudy moons, which gives her very weak future sight abilities, and normal mind reading abilities
Her colors can shift a LITTLE bit, but mostly just different shades of black/purple, but the white patches can't change
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thatfreakinspace · 5 years
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Fan Art for the amazing animated film made by:
@myth-keeper Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCiZxj… Twitter: twitter.com/Myth_Keeper_ Black Science (Comic): www.blackscience.net/
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bluejaybytes · 3 years
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dungeons-and-danis · 5 years
Holy shit dude i've been trying to look for dynamic wall assets forever, where do you find them? The ones in your city map I mean..
I found them here!
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phthalology · 3 years
“Did your people tell you stories, when you were a child?” Caiatl asks.
She leans back in the throne rescued from her mutated homeworld. After the first round of ritual she invited the Guardian and his council back. A polite gesture, and a second chance to bow. Her father might have offered the guests the riches of worlds, but from the look on the commander’s face she suspected he wouldn’t have accepted them. The set of his lips and the tension around his eyes spoke of a warrior who threw himself against one too many walls.
“Many of us do not remember our childhoods,” the commander says. “We were forged for war. But this question has not escaped us.” He gestures to one of his party. Three had come, this time: the commander, the masked one, and another. This third shuffles forward.
“Listen here,” says the third. “This ain’t — I don’t — they told me to be diplomatic, but it was Zavala who told me, and he leads by example.”
Caiatl laughs. “You set a fine example of respecting the ritual with words and in the sky, shipmaster. Now I recognize your voice where I didn’t know your face.” She doesn’t mind Amanda showing a little fire. What would fighting these Guardians gain any of them, anyway? The whole conflict was a bone tossed to her councilors, a whetstone to grind both armies against until the Hive arrived.
“Good,” says Amanda Holliday. “So what I’m saying is I have stories from my mother and her mother. We can trade. We can listen. Zavala and Osiris can hold some big guns. And it don’t mean we like each other.”
“You’re right!” So often Caiatl thought of the emperor's mythkeeper Ahztja and the thousands of stories she had learned from conquered worlds. Now, her own mythkeeper held the stories of Torobatl. “But then why are you doing this? You know very well we have conquered all the places from which we have heard stories.”
“Think of it as just another part of the ritual.” Amanda answers quickly. “Let me tell you about the Trickster.”  
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seekesotsibteadmist · 3 years
character outline .
FULL NAME :    Saima Kristjan Vaher
TITLE(S) :   Mythkeeper, storyteller, lore embodiment
NICKNAME(S) :    S, Saam
╳   FLAWS.
moody  |  short-tempered  |  emotionally unstable  |  whiny  |  controlling  |  conceited  | possessive  |  paranoid  |  liar  |  impatient  |  cowardly  |  bitter  |  selfish  |  power-hungry  |  greedy  |  lazy  |  judgmental  |  forgetful|  impulsive|  spiteful  |  stubborn|  sadistic  |  petty  |  unlucky  |absent-minded |  abusive  |  addict  |  aggressive  |  childish  |  callous  |  clingy  |  delusional  |  cocky  |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cynical  |  cruel  |  depressed  |  deranged  | egotistical |  envious |  insecure| insensitive  |  lustful  |  delinquent  |  guilt complex  |  reclusive  |  reckless  |  nervous  |  oversensitive
honest|  trustworthy  |  thoughtful|  caring|  brave|  patient  |  selfless|  ambitious  | tolerant  |  lucky  |  intelligent  |  confident   |  focused|  humble  |  generous  |  merciful  | observant  |  wise  |  clever |  charming|  cheerful  |  optimistic|  decisive  |  adaptive| calm  |  protective|  proud  |  diligent |  considerate|  compassionate|  good sportsmanship |  friendly|  empathetic|  passionate| reliable  |  resourceful|  sensible  |  sincere |  witty  | funny
art|  acting  |  astronomy|  animals  |  archery  |  sports  |  belly dancing |  bird watching  |  blacksmithing  |  boating|  calligraphy  |  camping  |  candle making  |  casino gambling  |  ceramics  |  racing  |  chess  |  music   |  cooking  |  crochet  |  weaving  |  exercise  |  swordplay |  fishing  |  gardening  |  ghost hunting  |  ice skating  |  magic  |  engineering  |  building  |  inventing  |  leather-working  |  martial arts  |  meditation  |  origami  |  parkour  | people watching |  swimming|  puppetry  |  pyrotechnics  |  quilting  |  reading|  collecting  |  shopping  |  socializing|  storytelling  |  writing  |  traveling|  exotic dancing  |  singing
tagged by: @potestmagice @mythvoiced
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wonderwafles · 3 years
Hmmmm okay so. We know from the Vulpecala lore tab that Caiatl had heard stories about the Dreaming City from Calus’ mythkeeper, implying that Caiatl was born (or at least, still a child) after the Awoken returned from the Distributary (plus after the Cabal occupation of Mars had begun, which is I assume where that information was coming from). I had honestly been thinking of the Cabal timeline as being MUCH longer than that, playing out over thousands of years. But it makes sense, since I think iirc that there was a lot of conflict between the Mars-stationed Cabal implied to be because of the coup, and from the Skyburner’s tab we know that there were still a good amount of Imperial loyalists among the Sol Cabal as of the Taken King.
The timeline of Destiny is kind of a big smudged circle, but worth noting, I think! The time between the Midnight Coup and now is probably only a couple centuries at the most.
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recklesstea · 4 years
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Pilgrims is a ritualistic, collaborative, contemplative tabletop game for 3-5 people.
Investigate the enigmatic god by asking questions of the god's Mythkeeper. Drink your reward, or repent.
Requires paper, something to write with, and drinkable liquid in vessels of equal size.
Download on itch.io.
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honourablejester · 7 months
PF2e Alkenstar Character Concepts
Not the AP necessarily, just characters knocking around the city and its environs. I’ve been watching a youtube channel called Mythkeeper who goes into the lore of Golarion, and he recently had a regional deep dive on Alkenstar and the Mana Wastes. I’m loving the simultaneous noir, western, steampunk and fantasy vibes here. So. Some Alkenstari concepts:
Elda Willwright, dwarven gutter press journalist (printer background, investigator class, might also take the archaeologist archetype, in the sense of ‘digging up dirt’). Strongly built around the Society and Thievery skills, she has her fingers in a lot of pies and a lot of post boxes, and keeps particular tabs on gruesome murders around the city. For her readership, of course.
Ingra Darkrend, tiefling/dwarven back alley doctor and gunslinger. Re-using one of my first PF2e character concepts, but she fits really well, with just a little tweaking of her background to fit better into Alkenstar specifically. She works a lot in the Ironside Quarter and the Undercity, defiantly providing medical help to mutants and other undesirables. Will likely take the medic archetype along the way.
Lydie Low, fleshwarp back alley teacher (teacher background, rogue class). One of the aforementioned undesirables, Lydie was a respected instructor back in the day, but a mana storm mishap put an end to that. Now a resident of the Undercity, she knows she’ll never regain the respect her education once brought her, but other people might. She runs hidden classes to try to give urchins, street toughs and whoever else wants them their basics of reading, writing and mathematics.
Thoughtful Claw, gnoll inventor with the saved by clockwork background. Mostly I wanted a bespectacled gnoll, but ‘work smarter not harder’ is a listed gnoll ideal, so inventor actually fits quite nicely. I feel like she got dragged in out of the desert missing a limb, and got herself a shiny clockwork replacement, and just got enchanted by the idea. Clockwork. Just fell head over heels. I’m also curious how that works with gnoll ancestor worship and bone recycling. Would your grandmother’s bronze clockwork prosthetic punching arm be a suitable vehicle of ancestor veneration?
Jessie Screwlark, human street urchin swashbuckler. Specifically the braggart swashbuckler. One of the many urchins from Hellside who spent their lives scrambling around the cliffside shanty town, Jessie is a scrappy, pugnacious little teenage hellion who’s bound and determined that she’s gonna be an Observer one day and fly dirigibles for the city. She’s got big dreams, and she talks to match.
Essaru/’Essi’, Iruxi wandering snake oil saleswoman and thaumaturge (charlatan background). A tough and breezily practical wanderer of the Spellscar desert who drifts into town every so often, Essi deals in little magics, both real and entirely false. There’s a fool born ever minute, and she sure can pick ‘em. And hey, sometimes the tinctures and talismans she sells are the real deal. Just for a change of pace on occasion. Or if she likes you.
I’m trying really hard not to make them all dwarves. But. I also love both gnolls and lizardfolk, and I adore fleshwarps, so the Mana Wastes and their small mutation problem is a fantastic excuse to make some. And I’ll throw in a human too, just because they’re a lot of the population of the city. Class-wise, because of the whole ‘unstable magic’ thing, I have largely erred away from spellcasters, which is fine, because I’m liking the western vibe. This is such a fun setting!
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lifewelfareonline · 5 years
3 Keys to Satisfy Your Wildest Dreams
If you ‘d like to meet your long-held dreams, attempt an extreme method. Radical individuals produce their own advancements for getting the task, love and health they actually desire. Nonconformists available to choices for accomplishing “remarkable” objectives that others do not see. 
 When standard knowledge declared as reality the world was flat, he held the severe concept that he might cruise over the edge and land in China rather of deep area. This rebel cruised his clipper ships where no one had actually ever gone in the past-- and improved individuals’s view of the world! 
 Finding Fresh Options 
 5 centuries back, Europeans responded with shock when they heard that the world is round. Astonishing-- and threatening to their present belief system-- was the discovery that individuals desired to dispose of the news as rubbish. 
 What about informed individuals of the 21st century? If Columbus were to cruise into our modern-day lives with advanced accurate details about our world, would individuals think him now? Let’s see how open we are! 
 Showing that the earth is round, Columbus made another similarly mind-popping discovery. His discovery has to do with the power of cultural belief systems and how individuals see just what they think they will see. And, like the Europeans, the majority of people of our time wish to dispose of Columbus’ extreme news as rubbish. 
 What details could be so severe that our teachers and media-- our mythmakers-- would attempt to omit this essential information from schoolbooks and public understanding? 
 A World of Beliefs 
 Columbus’ arrival in the New World exposed how cultural belief systems identify what individuals see-- or do not see. Columbus discovered that the native individuals in this colony could not see his clipper ships. The locals were not able to see the huge ships since they didn’t think that huge ships existed! 
 You See What You Believe 
 Till Columbus’ arrival, the islanders had actually just seen and heard of little boats-- like their own canoes. When the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria showed up, the locals could not see the huge ships of Christopher Columbus! 
 “ I Don’t See Any Big Ships!” 
 Why could not the islanders see the huge boats? Due to the fact that no one in their culture had actually ever seen huge boats prior to. And no one had actually ever composed or spoken about huge boats in their society. 
 The world that these writers talk and compose about produces a belief system special to each culture. And this belief system acts as a filter, evaluating out truths that do not fit into the cultural conditioning of the society. 
 The mythkeepers who formed the islanders’ belief systems didn’t acknowledge the possibility that big ships may exist. And the filter of this belief avoided the locals from seeing the 3 big sea vessels. ... At! 
 3 Keys for Unlocking New Possibilities 
 The island shaman wasn’t able to see the ships when they initially got here. Like his tribespeople, the shaman medication guy wasn’t able to see past the filters of his cultural conditioning. 
 Unlike the typical folk of his people, the medication male was informed by extreme mythmakers-- shaman seniors. These nonconformist instructors were constantly checking out “brand-new worlds.” 
 From these senior citizens, the shaman found out that an individual just sees the aspects worldwide that the individual’s mind has actually been exposed to. The ego-mind filters out truths that do not fit its image of what exists on the planet. The shaman likewise discovered from his instructors how to bypass the constraints of the ego-mind. 
 The seniors offered the shaman these 3 secrets to assist him see “outside package” of his belief system-- to view the world as it actually exists. 
 Secret 1 - Look for a Different Pattern 
 The 1st secret, made well-known in the motion picture Star Wars, is to observe “a disruption in the force.” 
 Anchored simply offshore, Columbus’ ships are producing out-of-the-ordinary patterns in the ocean waves. Despite the fact that he can’t see the ships, the watchful shaman does discover unusual variations in the waves. 
 Secret 2 - Don’t Listen to Your Mind! 
 Curious, the shaman examines the uncommon wave patterns. As he starts his query, he utilizes the 2nd secret: “Don’t trust your mind!” 
 Generations of medication males and females have actually passed down this secret to joy. The 2nd crucial informs the shaman to the constraints of his ego-mind. 
 Secret 3 - Open to New Possibilities 
 In this circumstances, the shaman is not yet seeing the particular component that has actually been included or taken away. In order to see what aspect has actually altered, he lets go of how his ego-mind “believes” the world runs. 
 As an outcome of choosing to permit brand-new possibilities into his life, the shaman sees the reason for the strange patterns: the never-before-imagined clipper ships! As quickly as the shaman views the big ships, he informs his people the ships exist and indicate precisely where they are. The remainder of the islanders are then able to view the vessels. 
 Where Are Those Darn Car Keys? 
 This impressive real story resonates with me as I remember equivalent experiences in my life. There have actually been times when I have not seen my cars and truck secrets resting on a table-- although they were plainly noticeable. 
 The characteristics of my circumstance are comparable to those of the islanders who do not see the ships since of their minimal belief system. At initially, I do not see my vehicle secrets on the table. Just when I let go of the belief that “my secret’s aren’t on the table”-- and choose to open to brand-new possibilities-- am I able to view the secrets. 
 Free of my preconceived belief that “my secrets aren’t on the table,” a good friend of mine is able to see the secrets on the table. By pointing out the secrets, my buddy allows me to see the component-- the secrets-- obstructed by my belief filter. 
 Live Your Dreams! 
 Columbus found an extreme brand-new world-- a world that’s ever-changing based upon what our company believe is possible. 
 What “amazing” possibilities have you currently chose do not exist in your world? If you formerly made up your mind that you’ll never ever have an excellent task, body or relationship, think what ...? 
 Be Your Own Shaman 
 You do not require a shaman to explain the chances you aren’t seeing in life. End up being a shaman yourself! Utilize these 3 extreme secrets to see the world as it truly exists-- and to browse onto a brand-new, enjoyable play area. 
 First Key: Look for out-of-the-ordinary patterns in life. “A disruption in the force” shows that there’s a chance to see a service or a strategy you have not yet seen in the circumstance. 
 Second Key: Don’t trust your mind! The ideas of your ego-mind are restricted by what you’ve experienced in the past and gained from your cultural mythmakers-- your instructors and media. The beliefs of your mind filter out numerous useful options and choices that are readily available in life. 
 3rd Key: Open to fresh possibilities. Welcome the unforeseen. Permit amazing brand-new alternatives to appear “out of no place!” 
 The island locals could not see the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria clipper ships since the ships were filtered out by the islanders’ minimal belief system. Why miss your boat since of the restricted belief system of your island?
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helthmedtech · 5 years
3 Keys to Meet Your Wildest Dreams
If you ‘d like to satisfy your long-held dreams, attempt an extreme technique. Radical individuals produce their own advancements for getting the task, love and health they truly desire. Nonconformists open up to choices for attaining “remarkable” objectives that others do not see. 
 When traditional knowledge declared as reality the world was flat, he held the severe concept that he might cruise over the edge and land in China rather of deep area. This rebel cruised his clipper ships where no one had actually ever gone previously-- and improved individuals’s view of the world! 
 Finding Fresh Options 
 5 centuries back, Europeans responded with shock when they heard that the world is round. Astonishing-- and threatening to their existing belief system-- was the discovery that individuals desired to dispose of the news as rubbish. 
 What about informed individuals of the 21st century? If Columbus were to cruise into our modern-day lives with advanced accurate info about our world, would individuals think him now? Let’s see how open we are! 
 Showing that the earth is round, Columbus made another similarly mind-popping discovery. His discovery has to do with the power of cultural belief systems and how individuals see just what they think they will see. And, like the Europeans, the majority of people of our time wish to dispose of Columbus’ extreme news as rubbish. 
 What info could be so severe that our teachers and media-- our mythmakers-- would attempt to omit this crucial information from schoolbooks and public understanding? 
 A World of Beliefs 
 Columbus’ arrival in the New World exposed how cultural belief systems identify what individuals see-- or do not see. Columbus discovered that the native individuals in this colony could not see his clipper ships. The locals were not able to see the huge ships since they didn’t think that huge ships existed! 
 You See What You Believe 
 Up until Columbus’ arrival, the islanders had actually just seen and heard of little boats-- like their own canoes. When the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria showed up, the locals could not see the huge ships of Christopher Columbus! 
 “ I Don’t See Any Big Ships!” 
 Why could not the islanders see the huge boats? Since no one in their culture had actually ever seen huge boats prior to. And no one had actually ever composed or spoken about huge boats in their society. 
 The world that these writers talk and compose about develops a belief system distinct to each culture. And this belief system acts as a filter, evaluating out truths that do not fit into the cultural conditioning of the society. 
 The mythkeepers who formed the islanders’ belief systems didn’t acknowledge the possibility that big ships may exist. And the filter of this belief avoided the locals from seeing the 3 big sea vessels. ... At! 
 3 Keys for Unlocking New Possibilities 
 The island shaman wasn’t able to see the ships when they initially showed up. Like his tribespeople, the shaman medication guy wasn’t able to see past the filters of his cultural conditioning. 
 Unlike the typical folk of his people, the medication guy was informed by extreme mythmakers-- shaman senior citizens. These nonconformist instructors were constantly checking out “brand-new worlds.” 
 From these senior citizens, the shaman discovered that an individual just sees the components worldwide that the individual’s mind has actually been exposed to. The ego-mind filters out truths that do not fit its image of what exists on the planet. The shaman likewise discovered from his instructors how to bypass the restrictions of the ego-mind. 
 The seniors provided the shaman these 3 secrets to assist him see “outside package” of his belief system-- to view the world as it truly exists. 
 Secret 1 - Look for a Different Pattern 
 The 1st secret, made well-known in the film Star Wars, is to observe “a disruption in the force.” 
 Anchored simply offshore, Columbus’ ships are developing out-of-the-ordinary patterns in the ocean waves. Although he can’t see the ships, the watchful shaman does see inexplicable variations in the waves. 
 Secret 2 - Don’t Listen to Your Mind! 
 Curious, the shaman examines the uncommon wave patterns. As he starts his query, he utilizes the 2nd secret: “Don’t trust your mind!” 
 Generations of medication guys and ladies have actually passed down this secret to joy. The 2nd essential signals the shaman to the constraints of his ego-mind. 
 Secret 3 - Open to New Possibilities 
 In this circumstances, the shaman is not yet seeing the particular aspect that has actually been included or taken away. In order to see what aspect has actually altered, he lets go of how his ego-mind “believes” the world runs. 
 As an outcome of choosing to enable brand-new possibilities into his life, the shaman sees the reason for the strange patterns: the never-before-imagined clipper ships! As quickly as the shaman views the big ships, he informs his people the ships exist and indicate precisely where they are. The remainder of the islanders are then able to view the vessels. 
 Where Are Those Darn Car Keys? 
 This impressive real story resonates with me as I remember equivalent experiences in my life. There have actually been times when I have not seen my vehicle secrets resting on a table-- despite the fact that they were plainly noticeable. 
 The characteristics of my scenario are comparable to those of the islanders who do not see the ships due to the fact that of their restricted belief system. At initially, I do not see my automobile secrets on the table. Just when I let go of the belief that “my secret’s aren’t on the table”-- and choose to open to brand-new possibilities-- am I able to view the secrets. 
 Free of my preconceived belief that “my secrets aren’t on the table,” a buddy of mine is able to see the secrets on the table. By pointing out the secrets, my buddy allows me to see the aspect-- the secrets-- obstructed by my belief filter. 
 Live Your Dreams! 
 Columbus found an extreme brand-new world-- a world that’s ever-changing based upon what our company believe is possible. 
 What “remarkable” possibilities have you currently chose do not exist in your world? If you formerly made up your mind that you’ll never ever have a fantastic task, body or relationship, think what ...? 
 Be Your Own Shaman 
 You do not require a shaman to mention the chances you aren’t seeing in life. End up being a shaman yourself! Utilize these 3 extreme secrets to see the world as it truly exists-- and to browse onto a brand-new, enjoyable play area. 
 First Key: Look for out-of-the-ordinary patterns in life. “A disruption in the force” suggests that there’s a chance to see a service or a strategy you have not yet seen in the scenario. 
 Second Key: Don’t trust your mind! The ideas of your ego-mind are restricted by what you’ve experienced in the past and gained from your cultural mythmakers-- your instructors and media. The beliefs of your mind filter out numerous helpful options and alternatives that are readily available in life. 
 3rd Key: Open to fresh possibilities. Welcome the unanticipated. Enable interesting brand-new choices to appear “out of no place!” 
 The island locals could not see the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria clipper ships due to the fact that the ships were filtered out by the islanders’ minimal belief system. Why miss your boat due to the fact that of the minimal belief system of your island?
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dungeons-and-danis · 5 years
i love the map! i know wonderdraft has some city building assets out there. i'd try to look at the archives of mythkeeper, or even the depths of reddit might have something.
I’ve been checking out mythkeeper all morning because of this message LOL you’re a god send anon.
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phthalology · 2 years
I've greatly enjoyed your Cabal writing in the past (like the Mythkeeper one) so, that, I suppose! I also love how you write Caiatl. Oh sorry, one more thing; I feel like you would write a really awesome and trippy Vex pov :D
:o I might have some Caiatl on the way if all goes according to plan with a February challenge. And I was just talking to some folks about the Vex! I admit they're the most alien of the aliens to me, but that could make it fun.
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faepunkprince · 8 years
Literally I can't express how much I love his art like?? One of my biggest inspirations tbh and rn he's working on a webcomic and I literally vibrate with excitement every time I see something new from him
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