#mystical womxn's magic fest
buzzcutbulldyke · 2 years
Mystical Womxn’s Magic Fest
I haven’t seen any other posts on the subject, so I figured I might as well make one to let people know. I’ve never attended MWMF, personally, but a woman who is in the Facebook group shared about it in discord. It’s an inclusive women’s fesitval held on the Michfest land, with WWTLC. This year, only 40ish women bought tickets, where other festivals like BMG are selling out in the hundreds. Why? Probably multiple reasons, but some big ones are:
1) they allowed a man (not even trans-identified, not that it matters) to attend a lesbian sexuality workshop, where he got his dick out and masturbated in front of the women there (which is sexual assault). Other women also complained about this man creeping on them in the open-air showers. The man was quietly asked not to return, but no apologies were made by the organizers, and no rules were changed to stop this from happening again.
2) There was a lot of racism from the organizer, and when called out for specific microaggressions against a black festgoer, she deflected with “I have native blood.”
Screenshots below the cut. @nansheonearth​
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Pink is the organizer. This pretty much speaks for itself. She decided to “ask this individual not to attend this year,” and tells people to stay away from the sexuality workshops. As if the workshop about lesbian sexuality was the issue, rather than the predatory man who chose to attend it.
And then some details on the racism situation. When lamenting how few people showed up to this year’s magic fest, a few people popped in to say the racism of the previous year could’ve been relevant, which the organizer completely denied as a possibility. Pink is still the organizer.
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These last two are the response from the event organizer.
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Which, what the fuck, girl. When someone tells you that you made a black festie uncomfortable by hoisting a bunch of unpaid labor onto her, specifically labor of wrangling racists, during what is meant to be a time where she can relax and enjoy the festival, your response should absolutely NOT be “well, yes. I can’t do this all on my own.” Just VERY dismissive.
This is not meant to specifically put the organizer on blast, but to let people know what is going on with the festival. Genuinely when my friend shared this all with me I was OUTRAGED at it all. I think there is a place for inclusive women’s festivals as well as WBW-exclusive festivals, but this is not how you do it.
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nansheonearth · 2 years
Hey! I know you make a lot of posts about womyn's festivals, so I was wondering if you have seen any posts about the incident at the Mystical Womxn's Fest last year? A man went to a lesbian workshop and masturbated during the workshop, and the festival never issued an apology and basically refused to acknowledge it. I want to support all fests, even the inclusive ones, but that's a huge problem to me, and I was wondering if anyone who had actually attended had written about it
Anon, can you write something?
Anyone else have any info on this?
Edit: here's the update
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nansheonearth · 3 years
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We have SIX weeks of scheduled events for 2022!
We are so excited to share this amazing schedule full of SIX weeks of diverse events for you to choose from. (And if you just can’t choose and want to stay all summer, we won’t blame you at all!) Next summer’s programming will include a mix of returning events and new events, with something for everyone to love. Thank you to all Event Organizers for your commitment to the WWTLC mission!
Hope to see you in those iconic ferns soon. Is it summer yet???
July 5-10: Mystical Womxn’s Magic Fest
July 12-17: Serenity and Sobriety on The Land: A Week of Recovery in The Woods
July 19-24: WPI (Women’s Performance Initiative) Presents: Festival on The Land, Music Camp for Women and Girls
July 26-31: Big Mouth Girl – Gathering on The Land
July 31 – August 5: Singing and Playing On The Land + Girls Fest
email SPOTL: [email protected] email Girl Fest: [email protected]
August 9-14: Fern Fest
For women. For girls. Forever!
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nansheonearth · 3 years
2021 Women's Festivals on The Land (of Michfest)
The text below is from a festie's facebook post. Know that different events have different policies on who can attend so make sure you check first before buying tickets if you prefer a female only event:
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Summer is just around the corner; can you feel it yet? The gentle breeze moving through the leaves on the trees, the soft whisper of the ferns rustling as you move through them and the sweet smell of the morning as the sun starts to rise. We can’t wait to see you when you come Home to The Land in just a few short months!
While we know the pull of The Land is strong, we are also reminded that this past year has been impossibly difficult for so many of us and that tough decisions have had to be made. We are saddened to share the announcement that Welcome Home Week has made a tough business decision to cancel their event due to lagging ticket sales. As of this writing, there are still five GREAT events planned for this summer, with many opportunities for you to get grounded and get back to The Land. It is so important to recharge now with time in community and with nature, after a crazy year riddled with pandemic-related uncertainty and isolation. We need each other now more than ever, and the event organizers and WWTLC need you to now let your actions match your intentions. If you plan on joining us on The Land this summer, we urge you to now book your tickets for one of the remaining five events NOW so we can plan accordingly.
Many of you may be waiting for more information about COVID protocols before purchasing your tickets. While this is still a bit of a moving target, WWTLC is committed to following all CDC and Michigan state guidelines about health and safety. The current guidelines for large outdoor gatherings require folks to mask up in community areas and to maintain social distancing practices. We will collect information at the front gate for contact tracing, do temperature checks before allowing entry and participants can volunteer information about their vaccination status. (It is so nice to know so many of us are now vaccinated and we hope the numbers keep trending upwards!) We will have LOTS of hand sanitizer available and handwashing will be prioritized, as it is during a non-pandemic year. We will also provide an isolation/holding tent area for anyone who becomes symptomatic and we are investigating having COVID tests on site as well. More to come as information is available and decisions are made.
The time is NOW to secure your spot(s) at this summer’s planned events so we can design the summer appropriately given the correct number of attendees. Please visit https://wwtlc.org/summer-2021/ for information about how to purchase tickets to the event that best aligns with your interest and schedule:
*if you're going to bmg, mention that you found the info from my blog and that you're in support of female only spaces*
Sisters, please take action TODAY. Let's get attendance and participation levels up, so that the ability to gather on The Land is sustainable for Event Organizers and for WWTLC.
Thank you! Hope to see you in the ferns!
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nansheonearth · 2 years
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Tickets on sale now! Go to https://www.goldenrod.com/product/mystical-womxns-magic-fest/ to order yours today!
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nansheonearth · 4 years
E Nina Jay is seriously my favorite fucking poet like she is speaking some real shit. If you are a Black woman you need to see her live.
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nansheonearth · 5 years
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Really *really* want to try to get to Big Mouth Girl this year.
We Want The Land
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nansheonearth · 4 years
Do you know anything about the mystical womxns magic fest on the land? Is it exclusionary or are there males present?
Please check out this link
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