#my silly little broadcast pc...
chrisbangs · 2 years
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🥹💗 best day of my life i fear...
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queertwilight · 9 months
Under threat from my sister @awkwardlysarah I have been forced to return to this hellsite in the middle of a delirious long day to post what she has informed me is the best idea she has ever had. please share and show her some love so that she thinks i’m a cool older sister and not just a tired grad student with a nostalgic affection for this series. Seriously she’s really excited about this post and I love her so make her happy or else :) Without further ado:
The Cullens as Different K-Pop Fans
Disclaimer: this is all my @awkwardlysarah head canons not my sister’s @queertwilight. I decided to combine my love for K-pop with my sister’s love for twilight. My qualifications are that I’ve been listening to K-pop for 6 years, so I kinda know a lot. Also no hate to any of the artists mentioned, you can have your own opinions and I’ll have mine. Silly little post enjoy!
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-exclusively listens to K-drama OST’s
-mainly for the instrumental and piano
-listens to the Best KDRAMA OST: of all time playlist and ranks them by instrumental
-secretly does watch K-dramas but claims its to help “appreciate” the music, has cried to almost every drama he’s seen
-Does not understand the appeal of K-Pop groups, prefers what he believes to be the classics
-Though, Alice once showed him RM’s album Mono and is now his biggest fan
-“No, you don’t understand guys if I met Namjoon we would get along perfectly. We could go on a museum date together and talk about life.”
-Loves RM’s newest release Indigo and locked himself in his room to reflect on the lyrics in the album.
-He too, mourns the loss (of what would have been) his 20’s
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-she is such a baddie with her K-pop taste
-mainly a 2nd gen girl group stan, but dips her toes in 4th gen (mainly AESPA) because Emmett showed her a couple groups
-also loves soloists-mainly IU and BIBI and DPR
-BIGGEST 2NE1 and 4minute stan there is (prays on YG and Cube’s downfall)
-if the songs are about being bad bitches then Rosalie is listening to them
-she can low key body any rap by CL
-has her more mellow moments when listening to Girl’s Generation and IU
-overall supports her girlies
-will fight trolls online that try to discredit any of the girls’ careers (
-has made multiple accounts deactivate because she proved them so wrong they could not show their faces online again
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-when Emmett discovered K-pop it was like opening up a portal that could no longer be closed
-he had casually stanned 3rd gen groups (since Alice listened to them)
-but then he found LOONA and other girl groups
-Rosalie low key curses this day btw
-became the biggest Orbit and Chuu stan
-“Emmett we have to go save Bella, she’s in danger.”
“Idk, maybe if she stanned LOONA this wouldn’t have happened.”
-is a photo card collector (Rosalie put a stop to this after he spent 3K on a Chuu broadcast photo card and getting scammed trying to buy other pcs)
-when I tell you he was so devastated that Chuu was kicked out of LOONA
-he didn’t have the strength to go hunting for DAYS
-helped boycott BlockBerry Creative #freeLOONA
-he does also dabble in boy groups; mainly Enhypen because he thinks they are actual vampires. (No one tell him it is just a concept it would break his heart, he streamed Bite Me for days because he felt SO seen).
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-she knows everything about every group (obvi) and knows which groups are unproblematic
-runs an undercover KPOPpredictions twitter account where all her visions go
-Loves groups mainly for lore/storyline purposes
-like TXT, BTS, ENHYPEN, ATEEZ, EXO, etc. she LOVES a good storyline
-does theories on her main stan blogs about what she believes the MVs mean for the overall story
-always has people commenting on her theories about how right she is.
-is also a K-pop dance/lifestlye influencer
-give her 10 minutes and she WILL know the entire dance-will upload and edit it almost instantly
-has been featured in KCON dream stages and has been able to dance alongside some of her fav groups
-love planning her outfits for concerts and giving people inspiration on her social media platforms
“You need help coming up with vampire themed outfits for Enhypen’s upcoming concert, say no more I’ve got just the looks for you!”
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-some of y’all may be a bit mad about this one…
-he’s the problematic K-pop stan
-like his playlist is CONTROVERSIAL
-liked sticker when it first released (believed the flute is what tied it together)
-low key a Jay Park stan on main
-…and a super junior apologist
(what did you expect he literally was a confederate solider)
-If a group has a cowboy concept he will be all over it tho, “takes me back to my roots.”
-will start shit online because he knows in the end he can control their emotions
-loves those unpopular k-pop opinion videos
-Alice does try to get him away from the problematic side of K-pop and it does kinda work, but like quitting human blood it takes him some time
-not a big stan, he’s kinda in it for the drama and to be an instigator
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pennyforyourwoof · 6 months
Hello hello! The name's Myles Lowery and I'm just your average Galarian! If you see any news about someone with a similar last name to me, then you're barking up the wrong tree.
I'm just a regular guy who runs a dog mon daycare and on the weekends, run a small bakery in Circhester! Find us at Woofles Daycare and Delights!
But a bit about me! I love dog mon and all things relating to them! It's why I opened up Woofles, I wanted to get to know more dog pokemon and it's a great way to get to know the community. The bakery portion is a recent addition, located in the building right next to the daycare. There we serve treats for both you and your pokemon. And don't worry, it's not exclusive to just dog mon, all are welcome. But come and visit sometime! We'll make sure you have a real howler of a time (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
OOC: Hallo hallo!! Anyu hereee!~ Back at it again with a New Guy™
(Mun and muse are both 18+!)
Some Info about Myles:
- He is the (former) champion for Galar. He used to be known as Gloria, but came out as trans to close friends a few months after becoming champion. He held the title for about a year before passing it on to his friend Victor.
- He never transitioned until after stepping down from being champion. He held onto the Gloria image until passing the baton over.
- From Postwick, as he is the PC of the game. He also has the Hero of Many Battles, Zacian. Though this isn't important, he just found a weird ouppy in his backyard.
- Currently resides in Circhester, as he fell in love with the place while doing his gym circuit. The doggy daycare he runs is a small little place that he loves very dearly and his apartment is right above.
- He has a Secret Partner! Not much is said, but I hope I can sprinkle in some hints for people to guess who it is ;3
- He's really trying to avoid being recognized as Champion Gloria, but unfortunately, when your entire circuit was broadcast to all of Galar, it's hard to avoid that question of "Hey, are you-" Play with this how you would like.
Anyway, I'll list the rules before his pokemon and looks! But bye for now!!! (This intro is subject to change in the future!!!)
• All ages welcome! I won't have anything suggestive or NSFW, this dude just likes to talk about doggies
• No sapient pokemon or sapient legendaries! Sorry, I really just don't want to interact with anything like that.
• If you want to plan something out with Myles, do please ask beforehand! Don't just @ me and assume I'll roll with punches.
• There will probably be themes of deadnaming and misgendering when it comes to the whole Gloria/Myles thing. I will tag appropriately, but this does not invite anyone to be blatantly transphobic or homophobic. I will block if things get out of control.
• Have fun, mess around with my silly dog guy, and be respectful! That's all I really ask for :3
Okay! Rules Over! Here's his team and what he looks like!!
New Trainer Card:
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Old Trainer Card:
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tiredassmage · 1 year
I LIVED, BITCHES. Okay, let's see if I can run down my thoughts. SWTOR 7.3 thoughts, under a cut.
Yelling and related screenshots ahead!
Rivix, what the fuck are you playing at? Whore. Bitch. I don't fucking trust you. Asshole. This sly little fuck and his smug-ass face. God.
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Kick his fuckin ASS Tau. Oh god oh no Oh fuck [kazoo noises]
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lmaooo why the FUCK is it floating so HIGH
Sa'har and Ri'kan's facial animations seem... better this patch. Slightly less staring into dead space, my soul, etc. Good for them.
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Shitheads flirt in the middle of an important mission brief and Lana makes exasperated noises, more at 11.
I was literally just chomping at the bit with a mut last night about Tyr's dynamic with Shae, I am SO GLAD I could rep some of that in game. [Two local bloodhounds have different bones and get into a pissing contest about it]
Malgus you bitch I hate seeing you I hate being here I hate this I hate it I hate it I hate it but at least. At least Tyr's not alone in thinking Shae's maybe getting a bit hotheaded and ahead of herself, but like that MALGUS of all people is the one sharing that concern god he fuckin' HATES it here when can he fuckin LEAVE
Anyway, Cipher Nine being hot again, (again) more at 11
WE INTERRUPT THIS BROADCAST TO FIND OUT TORIAN MISSION???? Brb almost in tears. That was really sweet. And tied into a later point, I love... pc actually sitting and conversing with companions this patch? Like normal friends? So incredibly incredibly human and all really really touching stuff and I'm going feral about the running theme this patch about outrunning the past or overcoming it and being more, being different, but destiny- aNYWAY I'm getting ahead of myself and also my bias for my own OC is showing again in interpretation
I. love. what we learned about Darth Null. Shoveling this into my face like I'm horking down spoonfuls of soup. [I NEED her lightsaber pray for my wallet, friends]
The chat with Arcann was... really nice. And oh my god PC's puppy face. This felt really needed. It adds a lot more to what felt so cut short and rushed through from KOTXX.
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This did so so much for me for real fOR REAL.
Voss daily section is really good until it's really long. The bonus mission for doing 4 tasks DOES give you a 'chievo but GOD at what cost I was starting to lose my marbles.
Anyway it's fuckin' gorgeous scenery. I love the abundance of waterfalls.
The initial 'unlocks' of the actual dailies themselves are relatively involved though. Not necessarily a bad thing, but ough. A bit much for me to chew off like I did, at least.
Shrine of Silence does not count for that, btw. Didn't expect it to based on how they pitched it as separate from the crit path, but I really wanted to run it anyway. It was fun! I have NO fucking clue what happened in the last half of the boss fight but I only died once the whole run because I missed one of the many holes in the floor and went right through it lmaooooo. So no actual mech deaths. On story mode ofc bc it is me and my beau against this silly silly little world. MVP Theron + Droid fighting possessed bitches that got yeeted under the floor for me while Tyr just looks hot
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Good job, boys!!! You got this!!!!
I know there's mixed feelings about the vague prophecy bullshit, but I will continue to eat that shit up. Tyr disagrees, he's so fucking tired of being everyone's solution god let this man rest but!!! Put that pretty bitch in SITUATIONS.
Overall, Dot-approved update. I shall remain intrigued to see how all of these threads are going to come together.
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blog-reflection · 7 months
One / Three - From Juicebox and Monster Fights
I tried to sleep but I couldn't. My mind was racing back and forth between what happened this day, on why my mum is the way she is. How can it be that every time I have some joy, she gets herself involved and makes me feel bad about it. I stared at the ceiling, imagining how it would open and someone pulls me out and be like " HA PRANKED '' but I guess that only happens in tv shows. I buried myself in my blankets leaving only my head out of it. I turned to the side, and closed my eyes only to open them ten minutes later .
I gave up, there was no way in sleeping I might as well give up on it completely. I stood up and walk down the stairs to get a drink. I noticed that the tv was still broadcasting which told me, that my mum was still in the living room, probably sleeping away the fact that she's drunk again. The kitchen looked like the aftermatch of one of those fancy ten year teen party. Empty bottles and crumbs of crisps everywhere. I just grabbed a juicebox and walked up again, placed myself at my desk and turned on the pc.
Discord was stuffed with messages from Jesse, my best friend. Jesse and I met in our first year at our school all the way back in Dover. They've been my only friend, leaving us to be our own little independent couple of weirdos. Sadly, Jesse got bullied a lot, to an extend where they had to move schools. They were at Truham Grammar school now, an boys only school. At first I didn't understand, while Charles - Jesse dad - was sending them to an all boys school since, well, they got bullied because they didn't fit in. But when I crashed at their place in Windsor for a view years I understood. The school was a shithole yeah. Including everything you need. Loveless hallways with some random lockers, somewhere painted blue and yellow and teachers that couldn't care less about their students well being. But the last headboy was quite charming. I always saw him from afar, never been in close contact with them but he seemed to be really nice especially since he's the first openly gay person 've seen in such a high ranked position. It gave people hope that school may not be all around bad stuff and bullying all the time. With the position of headboy he managed to make some small changes to make life at this school feel little less shit . As a result most people were fine with the existence of Jesse, even using the right pronoun and only a view gave us looks. Seems time can change even Jesse did. They got a massive glow-up, not only visibly but also skill wise. Ever since they moved, they blossomed in themself. They started creating their own music, playing the guitar, became an even bigger master in arts and craftsmanship as before and is a gamer by heart. Whenever we started something together, they made it 10 times better, and not only in school. The only subjects where I was superior were either history or forms. 
I was really jealous, no I am jealous of them. But they know. We had a talk about all that in autumn-break. We shared everything and communicated about stuff, the way we feel, the reasons on why act the way we do. I think that's why we work so well together even though we're torn apart by distance. Jesse is, just like their dad, the most chilled out person in the universe, mixed with the energy of a playful dog, where I am more of a loner, only coming out of my shell when needed or getting dragged out of it. We just work. We always did in school and, while things have been messed up ever since they moved, we still managed to stick together. They are my best friends and as that, they of course know that I am extremely jealous. It caused irritation back in the days before we had the talk though. But now? Now we joke about how silly we were when we were kids. Enough late night dreaming for today.   I opened my DM's and started to smile as soon as I read the chat.
Discord conversation 
@J3ss3 Today at 9.23pm         Hi just wanted to ask if you’re free         Gosh I’m so bored please come home early         Oh, btw have you seen the new Update? It’s kind of nuts!!!          We should check it out sometime @J3ss3 Today at 9.56pm         James?  @J3ss3 Today at 10.17pm      Sorry for spam I’m just super bored ugh      I annoy myself Jesus crust      Crust ha-ha @J3ss3 Today at 10.38pm      Gosh when you're home can we please play some good old Minecraft? Pleeaaassseee      I get you ice cream :> @J3ss3 Today at 11.29pm                                        JAMES, I SEE YOU ONLINE.         You’re  ignoring me now huh?
In case you're wondering, no. Jesse is no attention bitch. It's just our usual banter. I joined the call and we started gaming like when we were back at Truham. A time where I've been truly happy. A time before everything and everyone turned against me. My mum, most of my friends, my confidence, you name it. 
We were gaming way past midnight. When both of us said our goodbyes and emoted in front of each other, the time said 4.20. I giggled like a teen kid because it was one of the funny numbers that existed before I realized the time. OH FUCK ... 4.20 ... already!?! I rushed to the bath, jumped out my clothes and into my bed,  turned on alexa to play the latest episode of my favorite podcast, and stared at the ceiling. I was awake, again, unable to sleep, listening to the androgyne voice while the main cast was fighting monsters in an abandoned hut somewhere on the outside city walls. I imagined myself in that position. Would I be able to survive such an uprising? Would I even like to live in a world where monsters terrorized humanity? Would I be able to fight them too or would I be the first one dead? We don't know. After seven minutes the voice slowly faded before a scream shouted through my room, announcing the end of this week's episode. I closed my eyes, and against any odds stopped overthinking. 
I must have fallen asleep.
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shokano19 · 4 years
Dr stone characters as types of TikTokers
Warning: Contains manga spoilers for new characters! You can skip those you don’t know! 
Not sure where this idea came from exactly but I got super into it and it was really fun. Consider these to be my headcanons for a dcst AU where they don’t get petrified and instead everyone is TikTok famous. 
- science 101 - makes educational videos aimed generally at students struggling at school with subjects like biology, physics, chemistry, robotics, engineering, and astronomy, explaining them thoroughly and in a simpler form - random astronomical facts #n - goes live when he’s about to do a reaction experiment - wants to show his viewers how exhilarating science can be - rarely shows his face - tries to incorporate humour into his talks - it becomes evident he’s passionate or excited about the subject by his little chuckles - “visiting my father at NASA before rocket launch” - Taiju sometimes takes over his account as a lil prank - on everyone’s for you page with minimal effort - 14M followers
- magic tricks - social science veteran - shares psychology hacks he learned throughout his career - props his phone on his cola bottles to film himself - CEO of accidentally dropping his phone on the floor - Senku’s fanboy. Reacts to Senku’s videos on occasion by acting extra and makes a huge deal out of rare pictures of Senku - posts cut scenes from his magic show then makes separate videos revealing how he performed a certain trick - cynical, dark humour - makes his viewers question their moral compass - gets a lot of compliments for his hair - 10.5M followers
- step by step 3 minute crafts - Senku’s fanboy #2. Video duets with Senku by building the same things as him, praises Senku a lot  - geology student studying mineralogy - storytime! - regular shout-outs from Senku - always has his precious rock/crystal collection displayed behind him as he films a video and makes sure to show them off every once in a while - 2M followers
- trash talks men without stuttering - films herself in front of a mirror most of the time - zooms a lot into her face and stares into the camera while speaking, looking dead inside - dimmed disco lights - ironic and sassy - usually spits facts about anything she talks about - confident vibes - ayo famous relative check (Lillian Weinberg’s niece) - her duets are cruel - 1.9M followers
- the POV - makes relatable yet obscure videos - some questionable scenarios no one can explain - yes he wears a big towel on his head when impersonating girls   - includes Kinro in his videos a lot - anime weeb - always posts at unholy hours - refined sense of humour - majority of videos are taken in his bedroom - lowkey annoying - video replies to hate comments by either faking acting hurt and crying or sarcastically going along with them as a massive fuck you - 69k followers and he would like it if it stayed that way
- beautiful scenery shots - only has a few videos, mostly nature and places he went to with his family and friends - “top 5 places you must visit this summer” - secretive about his account, no one except Ginro knows about it - 7.9k followers - after a while he switched to making ASMR?? which gained him fame overnight and now has …. - 45k followers (Ginro’s current worst fear being Kinro surpassing his own follower count)
- unpopular opinion guy - reacts to popular tiktoks and attempts to review them (for fun, he’s a jerk for clout) - loud af, angry & narrow minded - makes valid points sometimes - dislikes kohaku’s content (probably because he feels called out) - tried to cancel Senku and failed miserably - a lot of people disagree with his hot takes - ignored the haters but got some serious threats :( - considered quitting making tiktoks so he took break - apologized to those he insulted after some reflection time - now half of his account are just apology videos - people follow him for the tea  - 500k followers
Suika (aged up)
- the animal lover - mainly videos of Chalk being adorable, Suika teaching him tricks…and him wrecking the house - “animal crossing new horizons island tour” - “my top 10 favourite cartoons” - 11k followers
- long political talks - disputable ideals - renowned martial artist  - became famous after appearing on a broadcast program with Gen and won against him in mental battle - informs on what’s currently happening in the world - has a lot of supporters as well as haters - “today’s society is flawed because - ” - encourages viewers to write their opinion in the comments - reads every single comment as well as replies to them - occasionally talks about his childhood, the good and the bad - 7.6M followers
- chaotic - reviews popular console/pc games of any genre - youtube channel linked in his bio - the type to walk into his bathroom and say funny shit - bombards Tsukasa’s comments section with stuff like “drop yo workout routine plz” or “your hair looks so soft I bet it smells like roses” to which Tsukasa can only reply with “please leave me alone” - generally in everyone’s comment section. He’s everywhere - bi king - super friendly and approachable - ayo rich house checkkkk XD - flexes on his personal mini yacht  - 5M followers
- quick, stylish and helpful cooking tutorials - shares rare recipes - pro decorator  - worked at 4/5 star bars, restaurants and clubs - non-binary icon - sometimes in the background of Ryusui’s videos until a lot of people asked about their relationship and revealed that they also works as Ryusui’s personal chef - 3.2M followers
- variety content creator - gives walkthrough’s of his job as a sonar technician - sneakily exposes his workplace’s secrets while he’s at it too - likes to gather the kingdom of science and make dumb silly videos together - archery tips for beginners - starting a new language tips - video reacts to tiktoks he finds interesting - became popular after appearing in one of Gen’s q&a videos - after that he collaborated with many others such as Senku, Chrome, Ryusui - close to everyone - appreciated for his talents - 980K followers
- fashion icon in the making - shares her everyday outfits - talks about her favourite clothing and where she bought them from - DIY accessories - cute couple videos with Taiju - fun sewing lessons! - promotes her online shop - 330k followers
- the type to stand in front of the camera and cover the screen with writing instead of speaking - known for his lip care routines (owns a lot of lip glosses and lip cosmetics) - occasionally takes off his mask for lip care videos - Homura is always behind the camera helping him film - kudayari spear practices - Helps Homura promote her Instagram account - tries to keep an aesthetic - trips abroad vlogs - 770k followers
- cringey e-boy - lip-syncs  - dances  - it’s so obvious he’s fishing for attention - secretly films Kirisame for a laugh, ends up with him running for his life as soon as she finds out - expect to get second-hand embarrassment - exaggerates a lot - needs to be stopped - does tiktok challenges with Kirisame (has to beg for her to agree) - Kohaku, Luna, Gen and Nikki have him blocked - Hyouga and Kirisame are literally the only ilr friends he has :,( - 420k followers
- popular girl wannabe - desperate to get on the for you page - everyone loves her though <3 - poses in front of the camera wearing her best clothes while cute music plays in the background - complains about how she’s STILL single - pros and cons of going to med school - reads a bunch of funny tweets and almost dies laughing - recently started following Senku and can’t shut up about his content - 200k followers
Bonus: all of them tried at least once, if not more, to recreate complicated dances that went viral on tiktok. Yes, even Senku.
Coming up with usernames for them is beyond me right now so feel free to add to these however you like!  ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
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vrheadsets · 7 years
VR vs. The Dark Horse
We’re now most of the way, two thirds to be precise, through November and I’m beginning to wonder where all this time is actually going. I blinked earlier and three hours seemed to have elapsed into the ether. What on earth is happening?
I have reappeared back in the office – well, my bedroom office – after most of last week off. A week that has proven to be far busier and more stress filled than I had anticipated. One of these days I’ll be able to take time off without looming disaster or sickness decimating it. Of course, I’ve come back to find all hell has broken loose in my absence. We’ve had all sorts of news and reveals and the landscape has changed yet again. But in fairness that is always the way with virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR), that, if you’ve read some of the stories I’ve been responsible for in recent weeks, I’ve begun to refer more and more by the umbrella term of ‘immersive technologies’.
Still, I’ve been in a bit of a quandary as I’ve rolled back in straight into VR vs. and that’s not always the easiest thing to do. What exactly do I talk about when I’ve so little time to get back up to speed? I could of course discuss the response to the VRFocus review of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR, which certainly got people talking, but I think that’s more appropriate for those concerned. Or Skyrim VR as a whole and how it changes things for VR, but again there was a couple of great pieces about that already written on the site that you should probably check out.
As such I’m left thinking back to the passage of time and something that I’ve been mulling over for a few weeks. Since the year is coming to an end I’ve already begun to draft up some ideas for my 2018 predictions column. Long-time VR vs. readers will recall at the beginning of 2017 I set out a number of predictions in a three-part column appropriately called VR vs. Nostradamus. I’ve already got a number of things drafted down and, unless someone accidentally deletes the thing, will be writing it up over the next few weeks as we get ready for December and VRFocus‘ annual ‘Christmas Mode’, which’ll see a few less stories during the day and us actually seeing our families. Some of them are pretty convinced we’re some sort of myth at this point. You have been warned – and so have they.
One of my more recent trains of thought has been regarding whosoever is going to be which of the big companies is going to be the real difference maker in 2018.  Is the team at Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) going to continue to find success, releasing even more titles and refining the PlayStation VR ever more? Will the repositioning of its VR business mean HTC accelerate forward in the battle of the PC headset? Will Oculus’ work finally pay off and the Go/Santa Cruz combo surprise everyone? Will Apple play their hand and make it a two-pronged attack in their own little private war with Google who also have new products waiting in the wings. Could it be Microsoft? Who have, despite XBox riding the fence so hard they’ve got splinters in their backsides, sought to redefine their own immersive programme – and the term ‘mixed reality’ whilst they were at it. Or… could it be Nintendo? Who cou-
No. No, it’s not going to be Nintendo. Ha ha! Let’s not be silly(!)
Oddly enough my current opinion is that the one to watch for everyone is actually none of these. Nor is it VR’s own Ol’ Reliable in Gear VR makers Samsung. The company I think we should all be keeping an eye on is actually Intel.
Now, I know that might seem fervently ridiculous considering that it was Intel who cancelled its previously announced standalone VR head mounted display (HMD) known as Project Alloy as well as shuttered their Recon AR glasses division. So how on Earth could it be Intel that changes everything up?  Well, whilst the tech conglomerate isn’t exactly the noisiest company in VR, it certainly isn’t the quietest either. If we go back to 2016 Intel popped up here and there in VR stories. There was their work on retail VR solutions with InContext Solutions, they developed their team and we featured them several times on The VR Job Hub – then in November 2016 they acquired VOKE, a specialist in producing live 360 degree content for sports and other forms of entertainment.
“Together, we can innovate and scale our new immersive sports business faster to bring fans the most personalized, fully immersive VR experience ever imagined and change the way networks, sports leagues and teams engage with their audiences.” Said Intel at the time, and it certainly was the start of their positioning as a broadcaster (or broadcast partner) for VR. This thread has continued to develop throughout 2017 up until, just a couple of weeks ago. Intel have featured in almost five pages worth of stories if you look the Intel tag up on VRFocus.
Intel has this year alone:
Been involved with Framestore in creating a VR reproduction of the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
Been developing a haptic vest with D&E Tech for the Chinese market.
Discussed its thoughts on both VR and eSports on numerous occasions, the latter being something it is increasingly involved in, especially with the VR Challenger League which is in partnership with ESL and Oculus.
Was revealed to be one of VR’s biggest investors.
Announced to be working with HTC Vive on a WiGig Wireless Solution, something VRFocus got hands on with back in June – before the project was discontinued.
And Surgical Theatre on surgical imaging technology.
Worked with Microsoft on getting MR devices to run on integrated graphics. They also worked with Blueprint Reality on MR.
In entertainment they worked with Linkin Park, demonstrated immersive movie pods with Positron, the Dunkirk VR Experience, took people behind the scenes on Spider-Man: Homecoming VR,
Whilst in sport they provided 360 degree highlights for the NCAA’s March Madness after becoming a corporate partner. They also brought VR broadcasting innovations to the International Cricket Champions Trophy, streamed MLB games, and PGA Golf – a deal which they subsequently extended. Intel also announced they were to provide VR/360 degree technology to the Olympics up until 2024, and revealed that the 2018 Olympic Winter Games would be coming to Windows Mixed Reality.
That’s a pretty busy year in anyone’s book. Intel has its own VR Center for Excellence of course and often utilises its True VR technology.
Its latest announcement again revolved around broadcasting sport; following on from its role in broadcasting the NCAA the NBA signed Intel as a the exclusive provider of VR content for the organisation, and providing Turner Network Television and its broadcast partners with live content and highlights. As I mentioned at the time in that week’s This Week In VR Sport, this would, presumably freeze out the previous partner NextVR.
An ever-increasing sports broadcast portfolio, diverse utilisation of their own technology systems and smart investments combined with partnerships with three of the ‘main’ platform holders. Slowly and diligently Intel have positioned themselves as a go-to partner and one with potentially a lot of power going forward in VR’s development.
I for one will be interested to see where they go next.
    from VRFocus http://ift.tt/2jc5U0M
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actutrends · 4 years
Untitled Goose Game’s success hatches golden eggs for Australia’s gaming industry
It’s a good time to be Australian game studio House House. When the four-person team released the long-awaited Untitled Goose Game for PC and Nintendo Switch in September, it became an instant hit. That popularity, along with its eventual release on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, helped the game honk its way past 1 million in sales.
The idea of playing as a dastardly goose who terrorizes a small English town was so irresistible that even celebrities and famous musicians started talking about it. Goose-related memes spread like wildfire. Some fans even came up with clever Halloween costumes based on the game.
But Untitled Goose Game’s massive success came so fast and sudden that the developers, which previously made the goofy sports game Push Me Pull You, weren’t quite sure what to make of it all.
“It was this weird, several stage process where for the first few days, almost the first whole week, we’re like, ‘Yeah, cool, people like this game. That’s great. It’s getting good reviews,’” said Untitled Goose Game composer Dan Golding in an interview. “Then I remember one morning I woke up and Chrissy Teigen had tweeted out a photo of her and John Legend [buying the game] and was just — I have no frame of reference to understand what’s happening.
“And I still don’t, really. It’s just been kind of weird from then on out.”
I caught up with Golding during Game Connect Asia Pacific (GCAP), an annual developer conference that takes place in Melbourne, Australia. At GCAP, Golding gave a talk about how he and House House came up with the dynamic soundtrack for their unusual game, which slows down or intensifies depending on your actions. As GamesBeat reporter Jeff Grubb pointed out, the music is a big reason why Untitled Goose Game is so entertaining.
But House House never expected its goose simulator to translate into huge worldwide sales, and at GCAP and other events I attended for Melbourne International Games Week, Untitled Goose Game was the talk of the town. So I spoke with several people to see what they thought about the game and what, if anything, it might mean for Australia’s gaming industry.
Above: House House won Best Sound Design and Game of the Year at the 2019 Australian Game Developer Awards.
Image Credit: Giancarlo Valdes/GamesBeat
Something in the water
According to journalist Angharad Yeo, one of the hosts of Melbourne-based TV show Good Game: Spawn Point, Untitled Goose Game is an ideal example of what makes Australian games so great. She said it combines Aussies’ “wicked sense of humor” with a willingness to experiment with new ideas and then obsessively iterating on those for the finished product.
“[Untitled Goose Game] is very silly. And the concept of it is very silly. I could see other studios that really care about being taken seriously not wanting to make a game like that, not being open to making something silly. But it is really well designed,” said Yeo.
The soundtrack reminded her of the piano tunes from another Australian production: the popular children’s show Play School.
“It would almost be like Australian Sesame Street. It’s very big,” Yeo explained. “Being able to weave in those factors as well and really celebrate Australia is what makes Australian games great. There’s this passion behind it, and there’s this playfulness and cheekiness.”
Others see Untitled Goose Game as further proof of the country’s wildly creative talent, just the latest in a long line of games that managed to capture the gaming zeitgeist. In 2018, the spotlight was on Hollow Knight and Adelaide developer Team Cherry. Melbourne studio Hipster Whale is best known for mobile hit Crossy Road. And years before that, it was Brisbane’s Halfbrick Studios with games like Fruit Ninja and Jetpack Joyride.
Above: Hollow Knight is another critically successful game from Australia.
Image Credit: Nintendo
Due to those and other breakthrough games, Summerfall Studios cofounder Liam Esler said that their indie community has always enjoyed “a certain amount of attention.” Based in Melbourne, Summerfall is made up of Esler, renowned narrative designer David Gaider, and a handful of developers. They’re currently working on Chorus, an adventure musical game that recently hit its crowdfunding goal on Fig.
“There’s definitely something special in the water that is influencing people to make these hits over time, right? Apart from giant countries like Canada and the United States, I can’t think of any other countries that have consistently had those major hits in the same way,” Esler added.
For Digital Lode business manager Nick Acciarito, Untitled Goose Game is also a testament to the vibrant culture found in Melbourne, which has long been a champion for the arts with its filming and game-funding programs. House House received two grants from the Victorian government for Untitled Goose Game. Digital Lode also got funding for the development of its virtual reality stealth game Espire 1: VR Operative.
“Australia’s got a little bit of reputation of being a little bit behind sometimes, a little bit slower than some of the other larger markets. But I think [Untitled Goose Game and others] are great examples of the skill set that is here and the capability that’s here as a creative arts community,” Acciarito said.
Above: You might as well kiss that sock goodbye.
Image Credit: Nintendo
Just about a goose
With its unwitting celebrity endorsements and mainstream media coverage, Untitled Goose Game was Australia’s biggest indie hit of the year. In an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, House House’s Nico Disseldorp said Goose Game’s success means he and his fellow teammates can “keep making video games as long as we like now.”
Golding, meanwhile, felt too close to the project to think about what its popularity means for the local indie scene. But he recognized how fortunate he and House House were to have the support of their development community and the way they’ve rallied behind the game.
“I think there’s something about the game that speaks to this moment in time where the whole weight of the world often seems to be crushing people. And this game is just about a goose, you know? Nothing more, nothing less. If the game has done anything, it’s managed to create a little space of relief, which I think is fantastic,” said Golding.
Disclosure: The state government of Victoria paid my way to Melbourne. Our coverage remains objective.
The post Untitled Goose Game’s success hatches golden eggs for Australia’s gaming industry appeared first on Actu Trends.
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furynewsnetwork · 7 years
By Paul Meekin
If you’re a nerd of a certain age, you’ve pirated a game. Be it using an SNES or Sega Genesis Emulator to play classics you couldn’t afford as a kid, downloading all of the Leisure Suit Larry Games to see some pixelated wabos, or, in my case, trying most everything you could get your grubby little hands on.
One of these games was “Tom Landry: Strategy Football.”
Released in 1993 for the PC – it was not what you’d think of a typical football game. You did not control the Quarterback. You did not hit a button to sling passes. Instead you were essentially Tom Landry. Calling plays, using a 4-3 Defense against a pro-set. Switching to the dime or the nickel based on a four-or-five wide receiver set, blitzing, dropping LBs into coverage, line shifts, and other football nerd stuff.
It was, in a word, intense. In another word, it was educational. This was a foundational game. Teaching the nuances of football in a way games like “Madden Football,” or even a standard ESPN broadcast, glaze over.
I’m unsure how successful the release was. Probably not very as it never got a sequel. It was not ‘accessible’. It was a Football Encyclopedia when most of the fans were hooked on phonics.
I downloaded it from the legendary Abandonware site Home Of The Underdogs, played it, loved it, and moved on.
Until a curious day, more than a decade later. Pro Strategy Football on the iOS app store caught my fancy. I downloaded it. It felt…dated and in a way, needlessly complicated – but I loved it. I loved it because it was the best football game on the platform, because it *was* a complicated football game on a platform synonymous with streamlining, and because it reminded me of Tom Landry Strategy Football.
Because I’m a nerd and think I know everything, I e-mailed feedback to the developer – what I loved, what the game could use, and how it reminded me of “Tom Landry: Football.” Turns out Pro Strategy Football was by the same guy. Mr. Batts.
What a small world. We hit it off and became Facebook friends, but it turned out he was possibly the worst thing imaginable to liberal ole me: a conservative.
A…religious conservative. Ick.
But in between religious posts, anti-Barack Obama memes, and Fox News stories – there was a human being. A man who took evening walks, a man obsessed (and I mean obsessed) with grilling.
A guy who made a game that supercharged my love of Football and made me ‘that’ guy who talked about the zen of a team and formations and who told my friends to watch the offensive line, not the quarterback, if you want to know how a given play is going to go.
Clearly this person couldn’t be all bad. As the 2016 election raged on, occasionally one of those evil Fox News stories would make a point. Occasionally something religious touched me in an soulful way.
Thanks in part to insane partisan politics, a raging ‘left’ and a raging ‘right’ I found myself desperate to understand as much as possible, and this dude’s Facebook wall was my cipher.
Of course he didn’t speak or all conservatives, but he was my barometer for what the ‘average’ well meaning conservative thought and believed and shared and cared about.
Mostly grilling… but also politics. A woman’s right to choose, and about his personal, negative, experience with healthcare premiums in the wake of Obamacare.
Then Donald Trump won. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton said reach across the aisle; try to understand ‘how this happened’. The left. My left. My side. My tolerant ideology ignored that advice wholesale. Instead they resorted to the same tactics and vitriol and anger they accused ‘the right’ of.
Now, all of a sudden, Mr. Batts wasn’t a ‘not that bad guy’. He was a good guy. A good guy who saw his world changing rapidly without particularly caring about him or his concerns because he was white and in Texas.
In fact, you could argue a lot of people on ‘the left’ would read “White Texan” and immediately assume enemy.
I’m glad I didn’t.
Games have an overwhelming ability to educate and entertain and connect us. Everyone plays games – it’s a community and niche unto itself. Liberals, Conservatives, Libertarians, Women, Men, Transgendered people are all a part of it and care so passionately about it because Mainstream Media got it so wrong for so long and still does.
The Sports Gaming community is even more galvanized because *gaming* media routinely disregards the genre because they’re not ‘core’ titles.
But somehow, a silly little football game where you don’t even technically play football, put me on a path to a cultural enlightenment of sorts. The notion we’re all people and we’re all connected and if we let petty things like labels separate us or insulate us, we’re doomed.
I’m not religious, but Christ that’s a hell of a thing to be coincidence alone.
(Curious note: The first article I wrote for this website was about Abortion – an article the 34th most popular Libertarian website refused to run. It was the lefts and rights of the argument, the confusion and frustration regarding the laws surrounding it, and the nuclear radiation associated with anyone trying to make any sort of nuanced point on the subject.)
Of everyone to offer feedback, pro-lifer Mr. Batts said I made some very good points. Keep in mind the article advocated a pro-choice mentality.
Well shit. I might just move to Texas. It could possibly be the most tolerant place on earth.
EDITOR’s NOTE: The views expressed are those of the author, they are not representative of The Libertarian Republic or its sponsors.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t add a postscript here – Abandonware is important. Preserving old games and allowing folks, especially poor folks, the ability to play them – for free – is so foundational to kids curious about computing, engineering, electronic history, and fun – that I suggest everyone go play an old game immediately.
I am of the mind if we ever wanted to reform IP Patent Law, that there should be some sort of caveat for those who download and play old games for obsolete systems on their new hardware. Maybe give it a 13 year half-life, or something like that – Commercial rights remain with the developer, but a commons license exists after a certain number of years. Who knows.
In fact, Archive.Org is swimming in classics. Sega Genesis. Arcade. PC-DOS. Windows. You can play them all there, for free, in your web browser. It is a video-gaming museum – and publicly funded by people like you. No tax payers.
Additionally the most recent version of Pro Strategy Football is available now
The post Stealing Tom Landry’s Football: How Abandonware Changed My Political Views appeared first on The Libertarian Republic.
via Headline News – The Libertarian Republic
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