#my mind is an endless void that can fit MANY headcanons in it
astrailblazing · 5 days
// Hi! I'm Jack. This is the pinned post for astrailblazing, and has my rules, a link to bios for my muses, and a taglist. It also has a list of potential triggers you might find here.
"But for now, I'm far, far away 'cross the Endless Starry Sea..."
Communicate!! My #1 rule for rp is communication. If you're upset, want to change something, just having fun- please tell me!
My memory is worse than a goldfish's. Literally. Please don't hesitate to remind me of things! In fact, please remind me of things. Help. What day is it.
Godmodding: don't do it. If you absolutely need something to happen, see rule #1. Also, please tell me if I accidentally do this!
My muses are fickle, stubborn, and uncooperative. I can only do so much to wrangle them. As such, my replies can be sporadic and unpredictable- but I will do my best to reply asap!
I have anxiety. So much anxiety. Please be patient with me.
I tend to write very stream-of-consciousness, with many asides and tangents, which often results in long, multi-paragraph replies. Don't feel pressured to match me, although too many one line replies tend to sap my motivation.
Assume my muses come from a different canon than yours. By which I mean; relationships, motivations, circumstances and even experiences may be different than you expect.
On shipping; it's great! It's fun! Talk to me first. As long as it fits my muse, odds are I'll be happy to ship, but I prefer to talk it out first. Also, as a multishipper, I rarely do 'exclusive' ships.
On NSFW; I don't mind it, but I'll probably do a fade to black to keep anything too spicy off this blog. However, I'm fine with something more explicit in dms.
Check the potential triggers, and if you need something tagged, let me know. Also tell me if I tagged something incorrectly!
Last but not least, be kind and have fun!
Potential Triggers; Violence, discussion of death and trauma. Lmk if I need to add any more.
threads : for each star a story end thread : beyond pluto starter call : anything on sensors? open starter : hailing the void closed starter : hailing... prompts : (no specialized tags) ask : incoming transmission anonymous : unknown frequency OOC : meanwhile on earth guests : (no specialized tags... yet) blog maintenance : docking for repairs crossover : many rivers in the stars musings/headcanons : too many hours of silence in space aesthetics : memories from home wardrobe/gear : uniform music : the scarlet scarf silly things : maybe we've gone spacemad... sudihara saikou : no fire can clip the wings of a phoenix ehren krantz : unfamiliar reflections riley woods : a little blood is a small price to pay
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moseni-lotus · 3 years
-rushes over to you- hi :) -hands u this and leaves-
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nebraska-is-a-myth · 3 years
My Eret Headcanons
These are just my headcannons for C!Eret and the potential of them being a descendent of herobrine and what that could entail for his and Philza’s relationship. This keeps me up at night thinking about it, so you can read this and suffer with me. 
Eret met philza first out of them all.
It was a long long time ago when Phil was known as the fearless young warrior that had been the first to slay the mighty dragon. Before he had retired to become a shitty father.
They had met in the void: Phil was on the hunt for herobrine, determined to put a stop to the terror he and his army inflicted onto the overworld, and Eret had been born there, alone. When Eret was younger he remembers wandering alone in the void. Their family had cast them out a few days ago for something they honestly can't even remember, but they knew they could never return. The void was nice, it was calming. Eret was neither warm nor cold, neither hungry or full, she could feel sleep calling to her, but her legs strode on nonetheless. The void was known for being endless and bland, numbness seeped into his every being with each breath. Walking for eternity was an option Eret had been avoiding for some time now. But then Phil had appeared from the endless mist and he had been so kind, offering warm touches and happy smiles. Nothing Eret had experienced back home. Eret hadn't understood Phil back then, not yet being exposed to the language of the overworld. But when Phil held out a map that looked similar to the grand fortress of the void, Eret had paled and shook their head frantically. Phil had calmed the small creature enough to understand that their panicked whimpers had been a warning. Eret had only been a small child back then, so they clung to Phil’s leg when he started walking towards the direction of the palace, ignoring Erets incomprehenable blabbering. Phil was confused at first, but continued on walking when the little creature wouldn't detach itself from him. When Phil had gotten more uncomfortable, he shifted Eret onto his back with a little protest from the child. On the small journey, Phil had started to try and teach the little child a few touches of English. Eret had learnt how to say “philza” with a little difficulty, and Eret had responded with a noise that Phil had understood as “Alastair”. Before long they arrived at the fortress and Phil could sense Erets discomfort. Instead of going through the main entrance, Eret hurriedly lead Phil to a gap in the wall of the fortress and mumbled words of encouragement to his new friend. Phil handed ‘Alastair’ a shiny golden ring from a pocket in his robe and placed it in Erets small hands with a soft smile and a comforting embrace. Eret wasn't sure what was happening at first when Phil’s arms had wrapped around them, it was warm and Phil smelled nice. Contact wasn't something anyone back home considered appropriate outside of the family home, even then it was rare. So Eret melted into the touch of phils soft arms, having not been held since they were a toddler. Eret still wasn't sure what Phil was doing, but they decided they liked it. When Phil pulled away, Eret tilted their head, hoping he would understand their confusion of the action. They watched Phils eyebrows knit together and his smile falls only for a moment before softly repeating the word “Hug”. Eret nodded, saying the word back confidently, bringing a smile to Phils face. Phil brought Eret in for another hug before standing back up and nodding. Phil had looked happy, so Eret stayed put, understanding that Phil would come back for Eret and his ring. 
After a while of waiting for philza’s return, Eret grew worried and made the decision to follow their new friend into the depths of the fortress. But by the time Eret made their way into the grand fortress, both Philza and the tyrant Herobrine that had ruled the land with an iron fist had disappeared, leaving only a glowing portal in the great hall where blood stained the floor. The whiring of the glowing portal intrigued Eret, having only seen these portals from behind heavily guarded gates where soldiers like their father had been sent off to war under the orders of Herobrine. Would it be safe if they went through? Would they be punished on the other side? Would they even survive the journey? Eret glances at the ring in their hands, the purple light of the portal glints off of the shiny metal. The ring is far too big to fit on any of Erets fingers, but Eret runs their fingertips across the beautiful inscription of what appears to be a magnificent pair of wings much like Philza’s. They cannot read the writing, but something deep down tells them that this meant something to Phil, it looks old and worn but it has memories, memories that Phil entrusted them to keep safe. Eret looks around at the big empty hall. The void was lonely, it was dark and endless, Phil had been the first soul they had seen since they had been cast out. Spending a lifetime alone was something nobody wanted, it was something Eret themselves feared the most. It’s decided then, Eret must go through the portal and find Philza, returning the golden ring to their new friend. Eret took in a deep breath of hazy void air and took a step into the swirling magic. 
For a second Eret thinks they've made a mistake. They feel like the magic is twisting their insides into slush. Their eyes flutter closed for a second, clutching onto the ring and the obsidian beside them before their being involuntarily pushed out in a bright harsh light. Erets eyes snap shut, every time they try to peel their eyelids open they feel like someone is burning a hole into the back of their head. It hurts and they don't know where they are and they can feel panic rising in their chest. They’re scared. All they can do is curl into themselves and stroke their finger over the indentations across philza’s ring. The heavy breathing goes on for a while, the feeling of loneliness once again creeping up on them. That is until they feel something press against their shoulder. They flinch as it comes in contact with their skin, fear of attack taking over their actions. The touch comes again but softer this time, in the hopes that it may be Phil they allow it to guide them into a warmer, darker place. They fall over their feet a few times, but they make it nonetheless. When the light dulls enough for them to open their eyes, fear sparks through them once again. They find himself trapped behind rusty iron bars. They’ve been locked away. No, no this can't be happening. They want to go home, to the void, anywhere but the disgusting cell that reeks of death and ash. They mutter words that the guards definitely don't understand and in retaliation they shout back in a language much harsher than Phil had used. They take to shouting Philza’s name, hoping they would recognize it or the man himself would hear them. He doesn't. Eret is alone, they don't see philza again.
At least, not until november 16th. The message on her communicator brings back memories of a place Eret had buried a long time ago, but she doesn't have time to dwell on it because in a flash the ground beneath her feet is gone and a blast sends her flying off the ground. Eret lands with a thump and a twisted ankle, but he’s sure his injuries are only minor compared to those closer to the blast. They’re a good distance away from the town center but they can see techno and tommy in the distance shouting about something that Eret cant bring themselves to listen to. Their back rests against an old spruce tree, and they sit staring at their communicator. 
Wilbur was dead.
A choked sob rises in Erets throat. There were too many thoughts racing through his head. Panicked voices scream at him that Phil is going to recognize him, that he’s going to see the light behind his sunglasses and demand for Erets exile or execution. No one else knew of her past, how she was born in the void, a hybrid pretending to fit in with the humans. The rational side of them knew that so many other people on the server were hybrids, but even then some people feared techno for his bloodlust, and bad for his demonic nature. Eret couldn't be locked in a cage again, not after she worked so hard to move on and forget her past. The fear of her past life fuels her irrationality. But Phil was never like that. No he remembers that period in the void clearly, he remembers warm hugs and soft touches, and the ring. Eret rubs his thumb over the engravings on the ring that now sits comfortably on one of his fingers and takes in a deep shallow breath. This ring had been his rock for the past however many years they spent in the overworld. Human time works different from time in the void, so it never really was their strong suit. But they remember the aching in their bones of being in uncomfortable positions for long periods, and the dirt under their fingernails after a long day of construction. Through it all Eret had their ring and memories of someone who cared for them, someone to remind them that things change, sometimes from the better and sometimes for the worse. But was that all just an illusion?
Phil had shown them kindness and compassion.
But Phil had also killed wilbur.
Everything comes crashing down on Eret all at once, the one thing stable they had in their life collapses on them and suffocates every hope they ever had. The ring burns on their finger, the metal now glinting with lies instead of promises of a better life. God they were so stupid. They knew the likeliness of ever finding Phil again were slim, let alone be remembered by the man, but that hope and longing of someone to love them kept them going all these years. And now that hope was going to be the death of them.
Eret hears the screams of Niki and his friends and pushes his worries to the back of his mind, right now he must fight for the remains of what once was his home.
That night as the fighting finally comes to an end, Eret makes a decision. He decides to distance himself from philza, not ready to face the pain of being forgotten or exiled. He wasn't particularly happy with isolating himself either, but fear does strange things to a person. 
But then ghostbur comes to him with desires of bringing back Wilbur and of course Eret will do whatever she can to bring back her friend. Sure soot may have hated her guts, but Eret wants nothing more than to hug him and feel his presence again. Not that she disliked ghostbur, but the phantom was a painful reminder of what once was and what could never be. And of course Phil wants to get involved with the resurrection of his son, of course he does, so Eret pretends he doesn't know Phil past what others had said about the man in passing conversation. Phil seemingly does the same, referencing so kindly how “Alivebur had resented him” and for a second Eret thinks they’re going be found out, that their time is up. But it never happens, Phil remains oblivious and Eret is constantly on edge.
It’s gotten to the point where Erets anxiety completely takes over and before they know it they’re at Technos arctic base and Ranboo is whispering something into Phils ear.
“I can't in good conscience let you onto this property Eret.”
No no please, Eret needs to do this, Eret needs to do something good, they need to get wilbur back. They need to..
“You're a king, and kings have power over others. It’s nothing personal.”
It is personal, they know it is, it's what they all say. Phil doesn't trust them, ranboo dosent trust them. They need to prove themselves, they have to, they can't be alone again. They just can't. 
Maybe, maybe if she shows phil her eyes, if she reminded phil of the times before the smp, the times before nations and wars and sides. Before any of this where Eret wasn't the traitorous king and Phil was still the angel of death. Maybe Phil would remember Alastair, the child who helped him in another lifetime, the child he made a promise to, a promise to keep them safe. 
So Eret takes a chance, he takes a chance with Ranboo, deciding to trust the Enderman hybrid, and he takes a chance with phil. She takes off her glasses, her crown tumbling down into the snow after them, and she pleads with Phil to let her help. She pleads not to be left alone again. 
But Phil looks right through them. He stares into their whitened eyes and pushes them away just like everyone else, whispering jokes to Ranboo as Eret walks away with tears rolling down their cheeks. The promise made all that time ago had meant nothing to the man who Eret yearned for the most, they were left alone with nothing but a ring and false promises once again. Eret may have thought themselves unlovable and helpless in that moment, but they knew they still had a duty to his friend. To the boy who needed a father most. She was going to get Wilbur back, not for herself, not for Phil, not for l’manburg, but for Fundy. So Eret wipes her tears and sets off for snowchester, Eret could prove to Phil she was worth something, that she was worth remembering. 
Eret had met Philza first out of them all, but Phil was the first to forget them.
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hglog · 4 years
PBTA Spelljammer GLOG Thing?
Recently, my father dug up his old Traveller and MegaTraveller books for me, and after having a lot of fun reading through them, I can definitively say I don’t ever want to GM the system. But it got me in a space-gaming mood and my mind turned to two things. First, the Uncharted Worlds game I was once a player in, which seems to have borrowed a lot of the good aspects of Traveller and put them into a PBTA system, which I love very much. Second, the AD&D setting Spelljammer which is an amazing science-fantasy fever dream that I’ve unfortunately never gotten to experience firsthand. Naturally, I decided I’d make an RPG. And, ever since I discovered it, GLOG has basically consumed a large part of my mindspace whenever I think about RPGs.
Now it’s about a month later, and I have a lot written, but even more still to write. My biggest issue is getting my thoughts organized. I’m always a lot neater when I know other people are going to see my work. So, in a hope to make things more coherent for myself, I’m going to let you in on what I have to far.
What I like about Spelljammer
Science fiction minus the science
Practically any science fiction trope you can think of fits into the setting, but when it comes to the actual science, it’s this weird-ass mix of a classical Greek and medieval alchemist understanding of the cosmos.
You don’t have to worry about players “um, actually”-ing you about what happens in the vacuum of space, because it’s actually not even a vacuum!
Magic = FTL
Despite the previous point, its science is actually still relatively “hard” when it comes to internal consistency and logical consequences to its different laws of reality than our own. The magic, on the other hand, is magic. My headcanon is that the speed of light imposes a hard limit, but magic is the one thing able to ignore it.
While people could theoretically pull off a no-magic spacecraft launch (if they had a few thousand more years of technological development), for the most part, if something is in space, it’s probably because a wizard decided they wanted it to be in space.
Weird-ass spaceships
Since a spaceship is “anything you can put a spelljamming throne in,” you get a delightful mix of regular boats, classic pulp sci-fi or space opera spaceships, weird organic tentacled things, and whatever else strikes your fancy.
What if a dragon died and all the kobolds that worshipped it somehow got enough spell slots to just pilot its corpse into space and start fucking shit up?
Sadly, Spelljammer doesn’t offer a lot of customization, instead just relying on a wide catalogue of weird ships used by different aliens.
What I like about PBTA
Adaptable to basically any setting
There is a great wealth of hacks I can draw from
These two points go hand in hand. I haven’t, however, been able to find a specifically spelljammer-inspired PBTA hack, so that’s why I’m doing this.
The PBTA games I’ve read through in creating this (so far) are  Uncharted Worlds, Dungeon World, and the original Apocalypse World.
Encourages little preparation
My biggest challenge in running a game that’s interstellar in scope is my instinct to pre-prepare everything, which is already problem if I think I need to make an entire country, let alone an entire planet. But now we’re talking not only a planet but every planet.
While you can do worldbuilding as the GM for a PBTA game, you can also not do any, and let the players do all the work for you upon character creation. Dungeon World is especially good at this.
It’s fun
I’ve enjoyed every PBTA game I’ve been a player or a GM for, no exceptions (so far).
It’s extremely easy to teach people
Most of my friends are not as into learning new systems as I am. But most of them have already played at least one PBTA system, and if they haven’t, it wouldn’t be as much of a hassle as say, AD&D or Traveller.
What I like about GLOG
The four-template class blueprint
If PBTA character sheets are streamlined, I don’t even know what I’d call GLOG character sheets.
I don’t know if I’d shave my classes down quite as much, but I’m definitely taking notes from GLOG’s designs.
GLOG spellcasting
This is one of the things I like most about GLOG.
Spell dice to power FTL? Maybe 1 die per 30 light years or whatever, and the sum determines how fast the trip can be made? Doubles and triples can be malfunctions or space pirate attacks or something.
A shit ton of classes
I think I’d like to limit it to 10 or so classes, but I’m definitely going to get inspiration from some of the weirder GLOG classes along with the classes fighters/wizards/rogues.
An emphasis on interesting problem-solving
I think this is more just good game design than GLOG itself.
Encourages taking a weirder spin on fantasy lore that’s often taken for granted
Again, this seems like it’s just good worldbuilding, but a lot of GLOGgish writings do this, and I’d like to follow in their footsteps.
What I like (and dislike) about Traveller
I don’t like how obtuse it is
Reading the book sort of overwhelms me. It’s like they didn’t even try to make it accessible. It’s just endless black text on a white background, tables and diagrams strewn about haphazardly, and no art, not even just at the beginnings and ends of sections. The cover is a black void to symbolize the state of my mind after reading three pages.
When it comes to spaceships, I like a lot of crunch and granularity in their design
Something I found myself wishing for when playing Uncharted Worlds was a more involved ship design process. While they did clearly take notes from Traveller, it’s nothing like the original.
I don’t know what it is about spaceships. Characters I like simple and streamlined, but I guess reading through power plant matrices and choosing software and balancing it all on a budget gets me into the headspace I actually believe a spaceship creator would be in, whereas I don’t think the creation of a person usually involves that sort of design process.
I'm neutral on the crunch for everything else, but I think it's at odds with PBTA sensibilities
Plus, as I sort of mentioned in the PBTA section, I want my mostly 5e-playing friends to be willing to test this with me.
I like the psionics
I really like psionics, and I think Traveller properly captures the feel that I like for them.
However, I’m not a fan of “anyone can test their psionic abilities and then roll to maybe get powers.” I’m going to have a psionic class, which a character can start in if they want to have psionic powers, or they can multiclass into later if they want to discover their psionic potential later on. If they don’t want their character to have latent potential, they can just never take any levels in the class.
I dislike the highly-defined setting
I know it’s supposed to be adaptable to most sci-fi settings, but the books reference their own universe and history so much that it doesn’t really feel that way.
How do I synthesize this all into one game?
Setting-wise, I’m mostly drawing from Spelljammer, as well as Star Wars, Numenera, and my own imagination. I don’t want to define many specific planets or empires or sectors or whatever since I prefer most of the worldbuilding work be done by players during character creation. Also, if you know of any very low-science space fantasy fiction that I should read, please send it my way.
I do have very specific ideas about how I want spaceships and space travel to work, which I think need their own post later. You might get a pretty good sense of what I’m going for from the Spelljammer and Traveller sections, though. My plan is to take advantage of something like Traveller’s very granular and in-depth ship creation to let players make their own completely batshit Spelljammer-style spaceships. I think a ship needs its own character sheet.
I’m doing the PBTA thing where each class has a character sheet. I haven’t decided whether I’m doing the standard 6 stats or making up some weird ones. The former is definitely easier to sell to people but I think the latter is cooler.  Also, since you need a spellcasting class to have FTL what do you do if nobody picks one? I don’t want to get in a situation where I have to tell them “one of you needs to switch classes,” that just feels bad and could create animosity. A solution I’m slightly leaning towards is having only one of each character sheet, then making sure there’s always one fewer non-spellcasting class option than there are players, so by pure mathematics someone will end up able to power the ship, and I don’t need to force anyone to change on my own. The issue there is then I can’t have more than 3-5 non-spellcasting class options depending on party size, and I’d prefer a larger and more varied class pool. Another option would be to have magic hirelings available, but I want spellcasters with the ability to do FTL to feel like these big, weird, and powerful personalities, so having them just available as hirelings sort of it cheapens that in my opinion.  Maybe it’s not actually important that the party always have access to their own interstellar travel? I could see the PCs being like a bunch of interstellar hitchhikers. Very Douglas Adams. 
That’s just about everything that I don’t think needs a separate post. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you have any thoughts about this potential horrible chimera of a system I’d love to hear them! You can reach me here through Tumblr or at Robot_Face#7919 on the OSR discord server.
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pricefudge · 5 years
Avengers Endgame Rewatch - Spoilers!!!
So, I went and gave in to my baser desires and watched Endgame again. Beware, massive spoilers ahead, especially on the ending and my opinion on it. Because I need to shout it into the void. Long and Rambly.
I know a lot of people have a problem with how characters were treated (Thor’s depression as a joke? Not okay.), but I see the sense behind it. To be honest, and as much as I live in the timeline Thanos got out from and IW never happened, Tony Stark had to die. Because, we all know, we fans are craaaaazy sometimes. We would have bothered the creators so long until they revived the Iron Man Franchise with RDJ at the head and we would have lost our collective shit because it wasn’t what we wanted or expected (I mean, look at the whole Fantastic Beasts shitstorm) or worse gotten another actor - ha, no. Let’s let the poor actors retire. Same thing, but to a lesser extent, with Captain America and Black Widow. 
So. much.
I mean, with Tony it was obvious from the beginning. Movie rule - every character that gets happiness and domesticity dies (a dog gets mentioned? Character dies. Kids to go home to? Character dies. I won’t risk everything! Character dies. That whole fucking Howard Stark the Greater Good Scene? Character. effing. dies.)  Believe me, the second time around I almost cried every time Tony was on Screen. That whole Morgan interaction? Cryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Like every Tony fan, I felt vindicated at the beginning of the movie, the little argument he had with Steve. Yes. Tell him. First time around it was more cringe. Second time, YAS MAN. And, god, I can’t stop gushing about Dad!Tony. The growth. The love. The moment he was finally able to give Peter a hug. My heart was so open, my crops are watered (with my tears) and my skin is clear (due to tears washing away everything).
But I hadn’t expected the foreshadowing to hit so hard with Natasha. Like, whoaaaaa. Don’t do anything stupid. See you in a sec. Until later. Like whoaaaa, there were so many goodbyes directed at Nat and in my panic for Tony I completely missed it the first time. At least she got to say some kind of goodbye. Whoa.
And I imagine, Clint went back for her bones sometime. Or sent Carol. Because due to Soul Stone teleportation and very important goal, he couldn’t get her body back to the future, but like hell is he leaving his family there. She’s the girl he gave a second chance, the one he watched grow from machine to person, who pulled him out of the darkest spot he’s ever been in. The only reason she was even alive these last five years is bull-headed determination that there has to be something that can be done - she was the only one to stay at the Avengers compound. Did Not Move On. This was what she lived for and what she gave her live for. He probably interred her on compund grounds or next to the plot his family’s going to be resting in.
Now Captain America, Mister Steven G. Rogers. I do absolutely dislike his ending, but. BUT. Imagine the absolutely mind-boggling shenanigans he had to go through to keep the timeline intact. No, Sir, I am not Captain America. No you didn’t see me lift that car to get my son’s toy from under it. No, Peggy just married someone who looked extremely alike. No my name is Steve Rodgers, with a d, you see? Peggy probably took Howard Stark into the know, so he could hack all official files and exchange the picuters of Steve with some other dude. Probably explains his obsession with finding Steve, And their kids! Well kids, you’re gonna see Daddy in a lot of pictures and movies, but you must never tell anyone that he’s at home. And you’re gonna meet him at my funeral in the future, but don’t tell him anything! He doesn’t know yet he get’s the girl! It is a bit hilarious.
But people being mean on him for leaving behind Bucky - boy knew what Steve was gonna pull. “I’m gonna miss you, Bud! and “How could ? You’re taking all the stupid with you” for like the next five seconds? NAH. Bucky knew Steve wasn’t gonna come back spry and shiny. He was gonna pull some bull-headed thing. Bucky probably saw a picture of Older Peggy and Older Steve and thought - huh, she definitely got a type! - and suddenly time travel is a thing? Light-bulb moment! Ding ding ding! Get the girl :D. Don’t forget, Bucky was always right next to Steve during doing stupid things. He knew and approved. Don’t forget, he got a lot of healing done in Wakanda. Time for some healing for Steve.
On the other hand, Thor was just absolutely mistreated. I mean, props to Marvel for realizing emotions and trauma exist (again), minus points for handling. At least he is not magically healed and fit at the end through some heroic-fight-panacea. I loved Thor in Ragnarok. Why did you do this to him? I mean, I heard that Chris Hemsworth wasn’t interested in any more movies after Thor 2, understandably, so maybe it was in part to honour that decision. Shitty, but well........ And Bruce’s growth, puff. Where is it gone? Bye, Hulk, gonna miss your smashing. But at least he got in touch with his inner self. Even literally, hi Ancient One.
Every. Ducking. Character. Loved it. So many people, stories, faces, all together. 
And for all the very, very dedicated Loki stans out there - do it like me, live in timeline a) where Thanos left and nobody died or timeline b) where Loki got the Tesseract in NY, noped out of there and lived happily in shenanigans until Thanos went to get the Tesseract. Or timeline b.1) where Loki gave the Tesseract to Thanos and became one of his Children (like, Yikes). This evolves into b.1.1) where Thanos wins or b.1.2.) where the 1 in 14 million happens again and Loki also lives, because Hulk like Puny God and wants to redeem him. And to further these shenanigans let’s make b.1.2.1) where Loki long ago learned healing magic from his Mom, who Loves Him tm and manages to keep Tony alive, injured, but alive. Happy endings for all!
I mean, Endgame gives us ALL THE POSSIBILITIES. Endless timelines, endless headcanons, endless fic.
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imaginationxiii · 6 years
Headcannons for Aqua acting as a big sister/mother figure to a younger female friend of hers who has been hurt emotionally by others and struggles with fighting off the darkness
OHOHOHO thank you, anon, for sending our first Aqua request! Bear in mind, though, that for this event I’m writing Seeker!Aqua, or Aquanort, who I headcanon as very different from the blue-eyed Aqua we all know and love.
This ended up being one of my longer requests yet so I’m leaving it under a cut! Warning for a little bit of violence and general sadness. Oops. I told you guys I really wanted to write some angst~
+ When she’s first lost to the Realm of Darkness, your absence leaves a gaping hole in her heart, accompanied with those left by Terra and Ven. She spends the next decade wandering the void and the uncertaintly eating away at her. She may never know if or when Ven will wake up, if Terra will ever be free, how you will cope without her to watch over you
+ Her fears are not unfounded; those years are a tremendous struggle for you without Aqua’s familiar and comforting presence at your side. The memory of her gently patting your head and telling you to always smile is what keeps you going. The four of you would always be together, that’s the promise she made along with the Wayfinder in your favorite color. The charm never leaves your person, lest you turn into a shaking mess without your only physical reminder of the one who was family to you in all but blood
+ The fact that you’re still alive, over ten years later, defies all your expectations and explanations. It just feels like you’re going through the motions, a monotonous shell of who you used to be, ever since your light faded years ago. Another day that barely registers in your mind has turned to another night where you stare into the shadows with a haunted expression, consumed by its tempting whispers. That tiny charm clutched between your fingers is the only anchor that keeps you from drowning in the darkness
+ The voice that whispers your name is delicate, but you feel like someone just punched a hole through your chest all the same. Your thousand yard stare turns into one of disbelief as an eerily familiar form steps out of the dark
+ The long and agonizing years have turned her hair a shining silver but her face has been untouched by age. Those beautiful ocean-blue eyes have also become sharp gold, holding none of the kindness that seemed endless whenever she looked at you
+ Aqua only nods in response when you say her name, not even reacting to the crack in your voice. She lets you hold her as tightly as you wish while you sob into her chest. You thought you would never be able to look away from that face if you ever got to see her again, but you end up keeping your head bowed while you cry. The way she gazes down at you stoically is unbearable, but how can you ask for any more after how long you’ve been apart?
+ She notes that you’ve grown, but you haven’t gotten any stronger since she last saw you. All the progress she made with you has been undone, so now she’ll have to start from scratch. Her emotionless tone is… frightening, and you don’t know how to cope with that, but you know that you can’t stand to lose her again, so you frantically agree that you’ll try your best. Letting her down now would be… unimaginable
+ Your knowledge with the Keyblade before Aqua disappeared was scant, and you barely practiced over the years (every time you summoned it, you remembered the feeling of her hand over yours to show you how to properly hold a weapon, and that made your Keyblade more deadly to you than anyone you could point it at). She picks up where you both left off, but she’s merciless this time
+ “You have to be strong,” she orders you again and again. “If you’re not, the darkness will overtake you and you’ll fail.” There’s a rare flash of emotion in her amber eyes before she takes a fighting stance. “Like I did. I don’t want to see that happen to you. So I’ll do whatever it takes to make you stronger.”
+ There’s none of the nurturing that Aqua used to shower you with when you practiced with her. She’s still efficient with healing magic, as she casts it on you after training so that you don’t have any lasting marks. You both know well enough that your heart is suffering enough to see her as she is now
+ She isn’t downright cruel, but she’s not sympathetic either. Over and over, she will tell you how important it is to be strong and that you can’t ever give in. If you show promise and defy her with the little bit of light you have left, she’ll show her approval—even if it’s a husk of the warmth that you remember radiating from her. But if your light doesn’t get stronger… well…
+ You might have no choice but to submit to the darkness like she had to. It isn’t all that bad, Aqua tells you with a pained and bitter smile. Her hand runs through your hair with the same care that she showed ten years ago, and the twisted familiarity of it makes it feel like spider cracks are forming in your heart
+ Master Eraqus had it wrong about the darkness, Aqua says. Now that she is the Master, it’s her duty to guide you to the proper path. There is plenty of strength to be found in darkness. She’ll even give you a demonstration, tearing through enemies with her new dark powers. She fights like a monster now, completely different from the graceful yet fearless way she would dance across a battlefield. She has no reaction to the way you tremble as she stalks toward you after the battle—no, the slaughter. She merely puts a hand on your shoulder and says she understands that it’s frightening to see at first. But soon, you’ll understand the power that darkness has to offer. Until that time comes, she’ll keep you safe
+ Aqua’s final test is facing you against one of the people who hurt you in the past. Her training has left you plenty strong enough to well and truly kill them, and that’s what she intends for you to do. They hurt you, they deserve punishment for what they did to you. The line between justice and vengeance is thin, but if you’re strong enough to cross it, then you’re ready for everything darkness has to offer you
+ Resisting will just make her yell at you. It’s true, you hate this person and once you might have even dreamed of this moment. But now, looking at the woman who you loved like a sister and seeing what you could become if you give in, makes you want to keep this a dream and not reality. Aqua will raise her voice as she orders you once more to take back the pain and rage this person made you feel. Your heart will break and your eyes will overflow with tears, but you choose the light that she offered you so long ago
+ The glare in her newly golden eyes is something that will haunt you for the rest of your life, but she stops pushing you once you voice your opposition. Fine, she says. You might be too weak to embrace your hatred, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t. Her Keyblade appears in flash of shadows, and you’re totally hollowed out and refilled with horror as you realized what she’s about to do
+ Aqua’s wrath falls upon your abuser and it’s over before you can think to scream at her. She watches their heart fade and be consumed by darkness, refusing to turn around and see you fall to your knees. If your entire being wasn’t wracked with sobs, you would see her shoulders loosen in defeat
+ “I was wrong about you,” she whispers. You’re in too much hysterics to notice that she sounds close to tears too. “You aren’t ready for this. I… I’m sorry, [Y/N].”
+ She finally turns around, only to lightly tap you with a Sleep spell. You’re in no shape to get back home like this, so she picks up your unconscious form to take you back
+ There used to be so many nights where Aqua would be the last person you’d see before falling asleep, passing out on her shoulder or lap on many occasions. Aqua finds the will to fight Xehanort’s influence just enough that her own tears can flow as she tucks you into your bed. She never wanted it to be like this. She’s wiped away your tears before countless times, but they were never caused by her. There’s no way she has to right to do so now after what she’s become.
+ “Goodnight, and… goodbye, [Y/N],” she says quietly. “It’s for the better that we don’t meet again like this. But just know… that I’m proud of you.”
+ A pained hiss escapes her as the fragment of that older heart in her heart reinforces its influence, and she quickly pulls herself away from your bed as if she fears infecting you with it. She obediently summons a corridor to return to the other Seekers of Darkness. Before stepping through it, she takes one last, fond glance over you and engraves this memory in her heart
+ She may be frustrated with your ‘failure’, she might even envy you for having a stronger light than she did, but she could never bring herself to hate you. In the end, maybe she truly was wrong about everything. She prided herself a servant of light, and always feared your struggle with the darkness. Now it seems fate has deemed you more fit to be a Guardian and she was cursed to be a Seeker of Darkness
+ If that’s the case, Aqua hopes she can entrust you to the last little bit of light she has; the love she can still feel for you and her friends even now
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Vitri playlist - You Never Could Control Me
Honestly, it was only a question of time ‘til I’ll come up with something like this. I love music and I love the infamous not-twins so what could be possibly better than combining it, am I right!  
There are so many Vitri playlists already (and I adore them to the bits) so I tried to focus on songs which I haven’t seen associated with this pairing yet. Sort of 2017 edition, if you will. (●´ω`●)ゞ
Honorable mention included! Meaning: songs which don’t quite fit into the whole theme of the playlist but I couldn’t not include them.
Starts off fairly funky, keeps on getting darker and more intimate! 
Further investigation into lyrics: ↓
Hit And Run: “You poured the gasoline and I drove into the flames. History will hate us. But they’ll never forget our names.” 
Hey Tomorrow Fuck You... (Virus): “They left me in the dust again, it seems to have become a trend. I’m sinking down the fucking drain, drinking away all the pain.” 
Sicko (Trip): “Maybe I don’t want to. Maybe I’ll punch you. Maybe give me my own space.” 
Cowards: “We don’t have to be the model couple. We could just be muddled up.” 
Cake By The Ocean: “Let’s lose our minds and go fucking crazy! Ah ya, ya, ya, I keep on hoping we’ll eat cake by the ocean.” 
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: “I will shatter if and when (s)he pleases.” 
Happy Together: “Me and you, and you and me. No matter how they toss the dice. It has to be.” 
Mind Games (Vitri/Ao/): “You’ve lost your trust again. I know you wish you could let me know that you’re paying for an end.”  (Can’t help but find this appliable on just Vitri as well. Specifically the part: “I can lie to you and tell you I can’t get you out my head. But I’m loving watching you think you’re controllin’ me instead.” <- I’ve always supported the headcanon that Trip is actually a lot smarter than he appears to be, and maybe he can out-smart (and surprise) even Virus.) 
Toes (VitriAo): “Put your hand down, boy. Welcome to my zoo. Put your head inside my big black wild while I can still help you.” 
Anaesthetis: “You parasite, you’re playing God and you don’t care who it affects.”  (The more “human” side of Vitri. I feel like, deep down they’re still conflicted about Toue turning them into lab-rats and, eventually, into what they’re now.) 
Been To Hell (Vitri canon bad end): “Then it made you lose your faith, and that’s what fucked with your sanity. Say goodbye to your soul and say hello to your vanity.” 
House of Balloons: “This is a happy house. We’re happy here. In a happy house. Oh, this is fun.”  (Whether with Aoba or just the two of them)
Shadow Preachers: “We’re both unsettled nighttime creatures. Shadow preachers.” 
Mistake: “Don’t hug me this way. Don’t touch me this way. Don’t hurt me again.”  (Extremely “human” side of Vitri. When sucker love is not enough) 
Far Too Young To Die: “Fixation or psychosis? Devoted to neurosis now. Endless romantis stories. You never could control me.”  (I don’t know about you, but this whole song literally screams Vitri to me ❤ )
Looking Like This: “You can cry or maybe you can die. Okay, you won’t die. But we know you will cry.”
Modern Love: “And (s)he’s the one who likes a different kind of fun. Peel away the layers ‘til you’re nothing and no one.”
Valley Of The Dolls: “Born with a void hard to destroy with love. Built with a heart broken from the start.”
Vegas Lights: “And we’re all not here for nothing. And we’re bored with looking good. We’ve got to be starting something. Would you change it if you could?”
I’m Only Joking: “I’m only joking. I don’t believe a thing I said.” 
Dead Hearts (anthem to all the children at Toue’s institute): “They were kids that I once knew. Now they’re all dead hearts to you.”  -
The wonderful fanart used on the cover can be found here ! (✿◠‿◠)
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