#my dnd girlies
herasyndlla · 1 year
if you're in the mood i would like to hear about your dnd characters!!!!!!!!
ooooooo you have given me such a treat asking this, i LOVE talking about my characters. i will only talking about characters i have played as and not the backlog i have sitting in reserve. though... maybe another time cause i have some good ones waiting! i'm going to go in order of playing them.
starting with eryn! she's my first dnd character and boy is she. a wood elf ranger, basically a princess. dead mom issues. she was difficult and learning to be a team player. she's my baby girl, i learned how to play dnd with her and she will always have a special place in my heart.
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next is isobel! she's my longest running character, started playing her in 2018 (though we're on a hiatus atm but we'll be back at it this year). she is the most made from me character. i have figured stuff out about myself with her. she's my warlock turned wizard.
her story is soooo sad and sometimes i think maybe it's too sad lol. she was chosen for mysterious reasons as a baby by a demon who proceed to kill her parents to isolate her at age 7. the demon befriended her though isobel had no idea what they are. eventually a young couple took her in and her adoptive dad started to teach her magic. at 16 her country fell into turmoil with civil war, most likely caused by the demon (it was, she only suspects this now). in her escape of her home, she made a pact with the demon for magic and unknowingly gave away a piece of her like soul, binding herself to them.
at 19, in a new country, she meets a group of other travellers and they all start working with a rebellion to free the country she's in now. a lot of stuff goes on, she causes some pretty bad things trying to get out from under the influence of the demon. she does try to break her pact, and while that has been unsuccessful, she has rejected the magic she was given and now uses her own powers.
she also has fallen in love with a paladin who is one of the rebellion leaders, this young sweet and very strong girl named zephyr. they are not together, it is super slow burn, and isobel doesn't think she is worthy enough to love her or to be loved by her. it's good. we're all rooting for these cuties.
this is the very first art of isobel by my dm @gladejade
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next is meriele. she's a fun one. my girlies and i briefly played curse of stradh before deciding it was the best fit for us at the time. she's a high elf wizard, using necromancy magic to heal people instead of hurting people. she used to be like a teacher or teacher's assistant at a magic school but left. she ended up traveling with two other people before ending up in the vampire stuuuff. she was fun and messed up but wanting to be good.
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finally, there's my girlie sefris. she's a rogue assassin in training and i loooove her. we're playing waterdeep and it's so much fun. sefris is of a family of rogues who are like the spies and secret bodyguards from this noble family. she, the youngest in the family, fell in love with the youngest son of the family she works for. i cannot share his name because the other players are trying to guess it and one of them does follow me here lol (i see you, rose 😘). they're found out and she gets distracted on a job, potentially losing a family member, and the boy's parents send her on a job to waterdeep to like prove her dedication to them and her family. she meets two very fun ladies in waterdeep and gets into a lot of fun shenanigans and now the three of them own a tavern. i looooove sefris she's a lot of fun to play. she's my first not good aligned character (chaotic neutral) and it's a fun change. this campaign is also on a little hiatus and i cannot wait to get back to it. we at one point went to an opera and the opera was the story of eryn's group lol.
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basketobread · 3 months
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leafspiritz · 7 months
hands ft. imodna
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theeflowerofcarnage · 10 months
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fantasy sim brainrot atm
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fishfingersandscarves · 5 months
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obsessed with drawing my special girl
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raviollies · 1 year
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Forgot to post it here, but our party had a new Cleric join!
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palilious · 8 months
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thinkin bout my Yllfira with her big ol teefers
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leafrue · 11 months
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cherry 🍒
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kyriaeartblog · 1 month
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drew @mikunimiku’s oc ^^
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tomurakii · 7 months
I wish so badly that bg3 included githzerai as a subrace. Githzerai already have canon underdark outposts in fae'run because they tend to keep an eye on Githyanki activity. They fight both the illithid and the Githyanki empires and are violently anti-slavery. They are both chaotic by nature and living in lawful monastic societies. They're just as insane and intense but less morally awful. The dynamic between a githzerai player and Lae'zel could be so fun. Come ON
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postitonasketchbook · 8 months
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What’s a dnd character without a sad backstory
Pose: @adorkastock
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herasyndlla · 1 year
HERE WE GOOOOOOOO i have three i can talk about!!!
okay the number one girlie i want to play right now is my girl nora. she's another wizard (wizards are my comfort class lol) and she'd be focusing on enchantments. i really want to try out a harder school of magic to navigate a campaign with. the basic premise for nora is she's in hiding after things went bad at her magic school. i love her and i cannot wait to have the chance to play her. (yes, i made her in the sims lol) (no this isn't because of critical role, i had an idea in my head and it turned out a lot like laura bailey's character lol)
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next is laoise. she's very very inspired by lyra from hdm. laoise is 14 and daughter of a noble who's gone missing. she'd join a party by hiring them to help her find her dad. while travelling she would unlock powers giving to her by an unknown source. it would be a god and laoise would turn out to be a cleric. i don't have an image for her yet from anything. i really like the idea of playing a character discovering where their power is from.
WHICH brings us to my latest back burner girlie: eliana. i did a uquiz and it game me aasimar sorcerer so i rolled up that character lol. she would be the descendant of the sun god pelor but she would have no idea. she'd be kicked out of her town at a young age because they fear anything magical or mystical and her being an aasimar made her different. she'd find a group of travelling bards and they'd take her in. eventually she'd start travelling alone (but would stay in touch with the bards) and her magic would start manifesting. another character learning about her heritage and where her powers are from. i do have a picrew for her
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certifiedskywalker · 2 years
Roll to Seduce - Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson is a great Dungeon Master, but there are just some players no Master can prepare for.
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“Get you and yer Chaos Cru outta this ‘ere tavern or yer’ll taste the sharpest end of me battlin’ axe.”
“We’re not the Chaos Cru,” Mike grumbled.
“We are,” Gareth interjected, eyes snapping from Eddie and his pseudo-Irish accent to the younger boy. “Don’t start this again.”
“I just think that Knights of Terra sounds so much cooler!” Mike pressed, starting it again.
“But we’re not all Knights!” Dustin joined the fray and you saw Jeff out of the corner of your eye preparing to jump in too.
“Whatevar yer wee group’s name is-“
“It doesn’t matter, Dustin,” Mike shouted, “it’s better branding for an adventuring party!”
“-leave me tavern, NOW!” Eddie slammed a fist against the Hellfire table, but the sound did little to disrupt the rumbling shouting match. The party-name debate that you quashed with your and your character’s arrival to the campaign was fully reignited. The Chaos Cru had crumbled into the purest anarchy and, when you looked up across the table at him, you saw Eddie had resigned himself to it.
His pale face was stitched in a scowl as he waited for the right moment to intervene, to break the pointless exchange. You watched him, dark eyes flicking back and forth between the Hellfire Club members. With each rising voice, a sadness slipped onto Eddie’s lips and made your chest ache. Eventually, his gaze landed on you, and, under it, a warm shiver licked up your spine. Eddie gave you a wink, but his scowl remained fixed as the yelling grew louder.
Your heart pounded against your rib cage at the gesture, which only added to the ache in your chest. With furrowed brows, you gave Eddie a sorry but hopeful look. He shook his head, a wordless “it’s fine” to you. Though, the far-off dullness that glazed over his eyes told you otherwise. The ache turned to anger, then resolve.
Before Dustin could launch himself over the table, you stood and loudly pushed back your seat. Jeff and Gareth looked over at you while Mike continued to bicker with his friend. Yet, and despite wanting to, you did not snap at him.
Instead, you waltzed around the gaming table, fingertips trailing along the polished tabletop. Then, your hand jumped to Jeff’s shoulders, then Mike’s. The boy fell quiet then, big eyes fixed on your movements. Your eyes were fixed on Eddie.
He watched you like a hawk: leaning forward in his throne ever-so-slightly and cocking his head so that his mess of brown curls spilled over his slight shoulders. A smile pulled at your lips and you let it spread as you grew closer. When you finally stood at Eddie’s chair side, you sat on the edge of the table, careful not to peek over his Dungeon Master folder. To make a show of it, you leaned in close.
Hints of weed and smoke and leather wafted around you as you let your nose hover near Eddie’s. He was all you saw and the rest of the room, finally quiet, saw only the two of you.
“Good sir,” you started, your voice laced with your character’s accent, “you see, the Cru and I, we must stay at your lovely tavern for the night.”
Eddie grinned, only for a second, before falling back into character. “And why’s that, ye little silver tongue?”
“Well, I have stories to tell to your patrons.”
You tilted your head, careful not to bump noses with Eddie as you did. Though, you purposely lifted your left hand and let your fingers glide along his jaw. Light stubble nipped at your skin until you moved to his shoulder. Heat flooded your senses and a numbing sort of wildness guided your fingers as you skirted them along Eddie’s chest. You felt the ironed-on emblem of the Hellfire Club beneath the pads of your fingertips with the motion. 
“Stories,” you echoed at last. “Songs. You see, I’m a bard of sorts. I weave magic tales of enticement so, so alluring that every one of your customers will come back tomorrow night, eager to see me. To see the Cru, to listen. Just as you listen now.”
Eddie’s breaths fanned out against your face, one after the other at a rapid pace. His eyes flicked from yours then across your face, your lips, everywhere as long as everywhere was you. 
In his normal voice, though slightly shaken, he stammered out, “you can- you can roll for…roll to…”
“To seduce!”
You turned your head sharply to look behind you just as Eddie leaned back to look past you. Both of you found Dustin, grinning toothily at the pair of you.
“Dude!” Mike scolded, shaking his head.
As a new round of bickering started up again, you looked back at Eddie. You found his eyes already on you. Dark and wide, he drank you in once more before clearing his throat.
“It’s uh, a Charisma Check. With disadvantage.”
“Disadvantage!?” Dustin and Mike both shouted, fresh argument dropped at the Dungeon Master’s slight.
“The, the tavernkeeper is uh,” as Eddie spoke, you licked your lips that you realized were suddenly dry and pushed off the table to head back to your seat. “He’s pissed at you guys, you almost caused a scene. Hurt business, ya know.”
While the rest of the party continued to call unfair, you picked up two twenty-sided dice. In your hand, they clacked together full of potential. You looked up at Eddie and found, again, his eyes already on you. Waiting. Seeing that same potential.
You rolled and let your eyes fall to the evidence of your luck. All the air left your lungs. 
“What is it?”
You met Eddie’s gaze. “Two natural twenties.”
All at the table leaned over, weighted towards your dice by the shocked silence. Though, the second their eyes landed on the double twenties, the Chaos Cru erupted in cheer.
That merry lasted for the remainder of the game session. It lingered in an electric buzz across the table, nearly too hot to touch. A stream of molten liquid luck maybe or charged potential untapped. Whatever it was, you saw it clearest whenever Eddie met your eyes, which, until the game ended, was in instances far too rare.
“That could’ve gone better,” Mike grumbled, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.
“We didn’t know he was a necromancer,” Dustin countered, “plus, how can you say that after Y/N’s two natural twenties!? I’m still losing my shit about that!”
You listened to their conversation dwindle as the boys walked out the door, leaving you and Eddie alone in the Hellfire room. He was packing up his Dungeon Master materials in a messy rush that made you anxious just watching. In the hopes of easing it, you walked over and gathered up the folders he had already stuffed full.
“This was a great game, Eds,” you said, handing him the folders. 
He barely met your eyes as he spoke and you felt that ache in your chest return. “Did I take it too far, with the roleplaying thing? I’m sorry, if I did.”
Eddie paused in his ministrations and, finally, met your eyes. His gaze danced along your face with a softness that immediately soothed your nerves.
“No, you…you didn’t. I just…uh-”
“I wanted to get the boys to stop so we could get going with the game again.”
“-yeah, and thanks for that. I just…” he dropped the folders he took from you back on the table. With a raised brow, you watched him step closer to you. That heat returned, as did that clear glimmer in his eyes. He leaned in, careful not to bump your nose with his. 
Your heart began to pound against your rib cage again, but the beat did not add to anything except for a sudden eagerness. Weed, smoke, and leather and warmth overwhelmed you. All Eddie, all him. He was all you could and wanted to see.
“I just want to know how, how much of that was you and how much of that was-”
“It was mostly me,” you breathed, eyes searching Eddie’s, waiting for permission.
“Huh, really?” Eddie put his hands on his hips and his expression shifted in such coolness that you felt played. You pulled your head a little away, unable to keep up with his shifting expressions. He eyed you, searching, waiting, but not permission, not like you.
Losing hope, you stumbled. “I mean, yeah, really-”
Before you could finish, Eddie’s hands moved in a flash from his hips to your face. He cupped your cheeks gently but pulled you in fast and hard. His lips collided with yours in the same messy rush. He tasted soda sweet until you pushed him away softly.
He looked at you wildly, eyes glossy with fear. You quickly reassured him. 
“Slower, Eds.”
You lifted your own hands, brushed them up his chest, and curled them into fists near the collar of his Hellfire shirt. His heart pounded too, you felt it against your wrists.
“Like this.”
And you pulled him slow, tasting all that potential, feeling all that electricity and luck. How wonderful it was: like beating the odds. You did roll two natural twenties after all. With Disadvantage no less.
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M*A*S*H 4077 & DND
guess who started their m*a*s*h rewatch around the same time they've gotten into d&d and now cannot stop thinking about the utter chaos and hyjinks of The Gang trying to play a campaign. it starts with none of them really super into fantasy roleplay, but they're all So Fucking Bored they might as well play to have something to do.
it started off imaging just what role they'd each play, but now I couldn't stop myself from imaging each person's race, class, AND, just for fun, the dice they'd use!
hawkeye: isn't that bothered about races, probably either an elf or just a human. class is paladin, relating the paladin's 'call for good' something like the oath doctors take to always help and heal patients, no matter what (and, let's be honest, probably feeds into his egotistical nature at being a naturally skilled surgeon, as if he was 'called'). cannot be Asked to care about ability scores (only to deeply regret it when he's nearly off'd the first battle) except for pouring most of his points into charisma. mostly likely of the party to Fuck his way out of a confrontation (no matter the other's gender #bihawkrights). spends most of the campaign messing around and forgetting what his spells are, but when the party hits a serious battle, is the first to throw himself in and use any spells to help his friends before himself. originally wasn't that interested in the game, but overtime becomes one of the ones who gets really into it, screaming across the board at ppl's bad roles and cheering & trying to pick ppl up in glee when they win. dice of choice:
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(just the most wack-ass coloured dice I could find, metaphor for the inside of his brain (also this way he can tell if anyone tries to conceal any as theirs)).
radar: while interested in the fantasy stuff (being a comic reader), was a little intimidated with all the math & rules involved until hawkeye and bj convince him. part of me thinks he could be a halfling or dwarf, but then I think he might enjoy being a humanoid creature like a minotaur (farm boy) or a satyr bc of his love of animals. class is bard, where he carries/plays the drum. enjoys and gets really into the story, but is always flummoxed when it comes to the battles, asking what everyone else thinks his character should do (only for everyone to yell back several different answers). always needs a couple of seconds of mental math to add his modifier to dice rolls (me too radar) but when the party comes across a riddle or puzzle, is usually the first to figure it out. keeps trying to pick up small creatures to put them in his sack. is not allowed to talk while people make their roles bc of too many times where he's predicted the number before they can read the dice (the moment of hawkeye's saving role during a Big Bad battle was kind of ruined when radar elatedly jumped up at the nat20 before the dice even left hawk's hand). dice of choice:
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(cute little puppers!)
margaret: at first is staunchly against it, calling it childs' play, but eventually is worn down by hawk & bj and is also so bored, she gives in. thought she might be an elf, but in the end chooses genasi, picking fire power. chooses the fighter class, leaving hawkeye to make a remark that gets a dice thrown at his head. doesn't really get super into the meta of the game or the story (often tells the dm to get on with it and cut to the action) but does love to play, where it overtime becomes a good outlet for anger ('the demon tries to approach you, margaret what do you-' 'I SLICE OFF HIS KNEECAPS WITH MY BATTLEAXE!'). is a good player until the roles don't go her way ('you only rolled a 10, so your attack doesn't hit-' 'SCREW YOU! KLINGER GIVE ME YOUR 18 ROLE!'). is pretending like she isn't having fun but everyone can see through her. dice of choice:
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(these seemed the most like margaret, elegant but not too girly).
henry: is also peer-pressured into joining. picks barbarian class so he doesn't have to think about spells. tries to pick human bc all the other races were 'too complicated' but got told due to his class, he has to pick a more built character like an orc, so an orc he ends up being. but he's bad at it, often either trying to escape a battle or by being a peacemaker, trying to persuade the monster out of battle but with such a low charisma score, it usually ends up with him getting clonked over the head and margaret jumping in before he's killed. keeps trying to give his gold to poor peasants they meet along the way. doesn't understand any of the mechanics. rolls so many nat1's that nobody will switch dice with him anymore, thinking his are cursed. the game is often more stressful for him then not, but he enjoys the time with his friends. dice of choice:
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(I dunno, for some reason when I think of henry I think of a dark orange/amber).
potter: prolongs joining, thinking he's too old for it, but is also peer-pressured and eventually caves, thinking it'll be good for morale. chooses dwarf and for his class to be an old wizard. doesn't understand half the rules, spends most of the time muttering under his breath as he goes over the manual, radar (un)helpfully leaning in beside him to explain. but once he gets the hang of it is a good team member; is the only other person besides margaret to take the hints and puzzles seriously and without him (+her) the party would probably be making circles lost in some boundless woods somewhere. cheers his teammates on when they make a high roll or powerful move and only occasionally has outbursts ('well colonial sir, you need a 16 or higher to cast-' 'MULE FRITTERS! I said cast magic missile and that's an order!!!"). dice of choice:
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(same thing - when I think of potter, I think a dark blue).
charles: the last of the group to get into it. completely refused and repeated that 'he was far too smart for that kids' stuff' and everyone was wasting their time. but when someone had to dip out of the campaign last minute to deal with a medical thing, charles was brought in as filler with the promise of a day's R&R. at first I thought high elf, but switched to dragonborne, of the noble variety of course. chooses sorcerer (blessed with some innate magic, as his ego prefers). constantly complains about the needless complexity of the rules and why bother having ability scores when it's the modifier that counts???? is always arguing with the dm on his rolls. uses up half of his turns to use mage hand to steal hawkeye's things or cast ray of sickness on him when he's being annoying - but, when it comes down to it, is one of the more strategic players and has gotten them out of many sticky situations. like margaret, is pretending he isn't having fun, but isn't immune to jumping up with the others over a saving nat20 role, at one time even excitedly picking up a confused radar. in the end, swallows his pride to shyly ask if he can join the party finally ('you know, it'll, uh..it will give me something to do during those boring intervals, and clearly this group needs all the brains it can get..' '..charles, you wanna come play with us?' 'well, if I must..'). dice of choice:
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(the snootiest of dice, a pure gold colour).
mulcahy: also initially intimidated by the mechanics, but is happy to play a game with his friends. a possible half-elf or maybe a wise owlin. cleric, obviously. gets invested in the storyline, often applauding the dm's story or asking 'what happens next???" only to be told to wait till the next meet. one of the few who has actual healing spells and probably the only reason everyone didn't die in their first battle. a nerd who enjoys solving the puzzles. actually gets into the lore and one time had a deep, 2 hr conversation with radar & hawkeye about the disenfranchisement of some of the races and the hierarchy of the class/rule structure within the fantasy realm, and how it relates to theirs. the next day, radar came to his tent to show him a little sketch he did of his character in cleric robes, shrugging it off, but mulcahy loved it so much he pinned it up on his tent walls. dice of choice:
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(inspired by one of my favourite mulcahy lines, when he's talking about missing holding services in real churches - 'I am rather fond of stained glass', which I always think of whenever I see stained windows. tried to pick the ones that emulated the colours best (also would've liked maybe a light, forest green colour; it just feels mulcahy-esque to me).
klinger: one of the first to join bc what else what he gunna do but sit in his tent, sewing up pantyhose? rogue class, of course, relating to the 'urchin' background. changeling race, so that way with his class he can hide at any moment, and also, as he says, 'can perfectly match his outfit no matter what he looks like!' tries to follow the storyline but doesn't have the attention span for it, half the time guessing the wrong answer to any clue or puzzle (will come and poke the dm awake in the middle of the night with his patrol gun, claiming to have figured it out). second after hawkeye to try and Fuck his way out of a situation. cannot do math to save his life, making margaret often rip his dice away from him to add it herself. will gang up with hawkeye to use his pickpocket skill on charles. resourceful enough to have tricked the villains multiple times and gotten away with it but will also roll to try and kick the villain in the nuts to see what happens. dice of choice:
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(these just screamed klinger to me; I like the dark, 'masculine' colour contrasted with with the colourful flowers).
bj: thought I missed him? well, I saved the best for last bc bj...is the dm! ha ha! no one really in particular stood out, but after thinking on it, he seems like the best fit. first, I was thinking of the episode 'the kids' where he gets really into the story he's telling, full of voices and sound affects and all. and secondly, our kindly mustacheo'd doctor loves Mind Games and pranks - what better way then stringing his friends along into one big, zigzag puzzle? bj loves nothing more then having his friends on the edge of their seats, only to pull out a bad guy the group thought they got rid of months ago, glee in his eyes watching them combust into screaming and table flipping. getting a thrill during off hours, hearing hawkeye & charles hastily whisper across bunks to each other on the campaign thinking he can't hear them, or getting shaken awake by margaret in the middle of the night, demanding answers. he spends hours planning out the campaigns in the tent (and finding new places to hide his papers from hawkeye), sometimes writing peg about it and occasionally - if the timing of the mail is right - using her suggestions she writes back. but mostly, bj just loves watching his friends have a good time - cheering each other on and hollering with each battle won, feeling proud of them for everything accomplished (when he doesn't have to babysit hawkeye & charles from casting spells on each other, trying to answer radar's 49th question on how rolls work, or keep margaret from solo fighting the demon fifteen levels above her). dice of choice:
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(idk, these just feel 'bj hunnicutt' to me).
other camp members: - frank: was only let in Once after margaret begged hawk & bj, saying it was only fair. initially picked human bc 'they're clearly the purest and most civilized race!!' (causing eyerolls), quit thirty minutes in after being told he couldn't be a fighter 'cause they already had margaret and that he couldn't just 'set all his abilities to 20', calling them all nerds and angrily throwing a d20, only for it to bounce back on the tent beam and hit him in the eye. - some of the nurses have occasionally filled in, but otherwise don't play outside of margaret (most of their time was filled up with hawkeye using his character to flirt with theirs). one time nurse kellye filled in; she played a cute little halfling druid, and her and radar teamed up to help rescue all the forest animals, much to the groups chagrin. - zale & igor: permanently banned. both tried to eat the dice on a dare.
campaigns are held twice a month in the swamp, with drinks and stale pretzels to go around. use to sometimes go all night but after one too many nights of clambering arguments over each other's rolls, the whole camp banded together to force a curfew. while the game only exists within the swamp's quarters, they'll once and a while jokingly call each other by their character's names (and if you're margaret, one time accidentally using it to call hawkeye to surgery, which he now never lets you live down). during the last campaign of the story, radar pulls out another drawing he did - this time of everyone's characters, standing valiantly over the dragon they slayed. it now has a place of honour hung in the swamp.
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inorheona · 3 months
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my lovely sea elf princess <3
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robinpixels · 2 months
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one thing that hasnt changed in a whole decade is she still loves dressing up!! 🥺
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