#my brain has been mush😔
sapitties · 2 months
another idea but dnn focused bc i have Issues. dnf dating but its an "open" relationship (legit only to sap now) and dream says saps dick is so mich bigger than georges and. dnn date is what im getting at it went from dnf dn fwb to "bro im in love with you" "bro............" then george chimes in with "can you two cum already i want a turn"
lwmsks dnf deciding on an open relationship only for the slow realization that they only agreed on it to have sapnap in their arms and after a night with dreamnap alone dream lets it slip that he loves him and sapnap feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders because he's been beating himself up over the fact that's he's fallen in love with two guys who he thought only wanted him for sex and he's so overwhelmed with emotion all he could say is bro which send them into a laughing fit which ends with sapnap saying he loves him too and shyly asking if george might feel the same way, a hint of insecurity in his voice and dream holds himself back from kissing all over his face as he reassures sapnap that if he walks to george and tells him hed accept him with open arms but sap doesn't even need to walk when george bursts through the door, grumbling about missing such a special moment and grabbing sapnaps face to kiss him and they end the day all in one big happy relationship 🥰
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chiyoumen · 10 months
i take it you didn’t like the anime.. and if so why?
just curious
I loved the anime, actually! Sorry if my posts or lack thereof may have been misleading. 😅 I've just had some major life changes the last two years so I haven't really had the time/energy to get super hyped and review things or answer asks like I used to, for that I apologize.
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r0-boat · 4 months
OKAY SO- Your Tarzan Ingo AU has my horny brain by the balls, and my god, I love it. This one idea has swirled around my head for so long so have a random prompt, if you want to do anything with it! Imagine you have been his 'mate' for a good while, and with plenty of raw sex to boot! He has been rutting into you basically nonstop when he can whenever you're together, his brain turned to mush between growls of "breed, breed, breed!" and babbling how much he loved you. Him hissing in pain when you leave scratch marks in his back as you cling onto him as he thrusts his cock in over and over again, and egging him on more and more with the occasional kiss. It is only a matter of time before welp, it's confirmed that you're pregnant. Your belly has only started to swell at but it would be noticeable enough to your 'mate' once he sees you. (It's a tad early to be getting that big, but it would probably only be a big baby... spoiler alert, it's two. ;D) It wouldn't take long for you to find Ingo (or him to find you?) and reunite with him after spending time back in the village due to being sick. Of course, he brought back food but that could wait as he wanted to breed you again. Of course, you miss his girthy cock inside of you so get straight to stripping. But you decide to surprise him without words by just straddling his hips and lifting your shirt to show off the proof that he successfully bred you. Ingo would be so confused as he palmed at your belly before it finally got through his brain that he actually knocked you up. You were pregnant! Pregnant with his 'pups', his babies! (You said you were sure it would only be one baby... imagine his smug face months later when you hold your newborn twins after a long delivery) It would be a whirlwind of clothes being flung carelessly away and prep before he is fucking you again, but he is much more gentle than he usually is with at least one hand on your belly at all times and face in the crook of your neck. He couldn't wait to show his family that the pack would be growing soon~
I've written so many things about this in the tag but none more delicious than what you gave me 😔
Giggling and twirling my hair I need to be bred so badly by Tarzan ingo. All I will do is grow his Cubs and warm his nest!
please one chance
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strebcr · 1 month
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I apologize I haven't done anything productive today my brain has been mush 😔 please take these cool moth pictures as an apology
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aibloomie · 4 months
hi there!
i saw your reblog to my kazuha fic and just wanted to stop by and leave a message! sorry in advance if this shit is lengthier than expected…
first of all omg…YOUR COMMENTS WERE SO SWEET💔😔 when i saw your notifications it made me SO happy and your reblog even more! saying my writing feels gentle and flowery LIKE— STOP AHHH that’s now one of my favorite compliments i’ve ever been told of my writing FOR REAL.
also very glad to meet a fellow royal au lover. when i tell you im obsessed with them man…i could make my whole blog dedicated to just royal aus (which i honestly have considered before lowkey LMAO). IDK SOMETHING ABOUT PRINCE KAZUHA JUST MAKES MY HEART GO 💞⁉️💓‼️📈 IT HAS ME ON THE TIGHTEST CHOKEHOLD EVER LORD. even when i wrote out that whole tucking a flower behind your ear kinda thing i was all giddy and kicking my feet (figuratively)!!
because yes prince kazu is a gentle and kind hearted soul but mans will not hesitant to flirt with you. will for sure make an excuse to be around you like purposefully visiting the gardens the same time as you and call it a coincidence. then after some convincing you’ll teach him about floral and herbal stuff and he’ll just look at you babbling on and on about herbal shit with a loving/awe gaze “were you even listening to anything i said?” “no, i was listening, until you started talking about the biological aspects…” “that was at the very beginning??” “yes..that’s when you lost me. although when i was watching you talk…i noticed the way your eyes glinted with excitement and how your entire face lights up like the sun which i thought was very adorable.” FOLDS
yes as you can see i brain rot very hard on prince kazuha hcs because he may as well be one (i love him sm). that one is definitely my favorite of my writing pieces i’ve posted by far :’) okay im gonna stop now before i write a whole damn essay my bad🏃🏽‍♀️
HII <333 no need to apologize i got all excited when i saw how long this ask was AHH i reread it like ten times
and yes your writing is so incredibly gentle…idk something about it gave me the same feeling as putting on a warm blanket or laying outside and basking in the sunlight. it put me at peace like i forgot all about my homework and stuff and just went straight to daydreaming LMAO
YESYESYES royal au’s are amazing and kazuha literally just SCREAMS prince with his natural elegance and kindness. oh to live in a kingdom and be granted the opportunity to see prince kazuha taking a stroll </3 or dancing with him under the moonlight as a romantic rendezvous instead of at a public ball. and even despite the pretty scenery and star lit sky, the two of you only stare at one anotherSJDHDN
and a blog centered around a royal au would be so cool WHAT
EEE THANK YOU FOR THE KAZUHA SNIPPET??? the dialogue…i’d die on the spot if he said that with the sweet voice of his and a dreamy look in his eyes. all my information on herbs would vanish PLEASE MY MIND WOULD TURN TO MUSH
i agree, kazuha is the definition of a prince even mother nature adores him 😟
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endthestarlight · 8 months
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WILFRED MY BELOVED!!!! 💙💙 I've been waiting eagerly for this day, and then I forgot about it lol.
Wilfred here is one of my favourite OCs, though I suppose that isn't too impressive since almost everyone is a favourite ^^;
My brain is currently super mushed right now so I can't even begin to summarise him so I'm just gonna give random facts instead :D
He can see ghosts but can't quite diffentiate between them unless he tries touching them (which he CAN'T bc they're ghosts, obviously)
Speaking of, his very first crush was a ghost boy who he didn't know was a ghost until way later so uh, no handholding for either of them 😔 (that should say much about how doomed his future romances would be lmao)
His teal hair was first seen as a good sign by his community when he was first born, but when he started talking as if the recently deceased were still there.....
He's an orphan because why wouldn't he be
He turns into a vampire in his 20s (pictured above) which is how he gets his golden eyes! [All vamps in my story have either red (and pink), gold, silver, or black] I haven't settled on his original eye color yet ^^;
I wanna smooch him so badly ughhh
Also he has either a smug or dazed expression permanently etched on his face. Nobody quite knows what he's thinking, or if he's even thinking at all.
Anyway I'm currently trying to write his story, who knows how long that'll take but I'm excited just to make progress on it. Especially when I get to his co-main character Edel, they are very 'lesbian mom and her gay son' and I love that for them.
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pop-punklouis · 2 years
Hi! Just wanted to tell you that I'm sooo excited for you and your meeting with Louis tomorrow 🥺🥺 will you post a biiiiig post about how was that insane & amazing day? *_* I know we never interacted bc i'm shy & intimidated 🙈 but i'm sure lot of people love you A LOT like me in their little corner. You're one of my fav veterans 👑 here, you deserve to meet him so much & i'm so honored to still have you with us 🥺 CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW 💃💃💃
🥺🥺🥺 yes i’ll make a post about it all when i get home tomorrow!! i’m starting to get anxious again lol so my brain has been mush since this afternoon but i love u and everyone who has sent me a message i’m hugging you all tightly. you’re all too kind ❤️‍🩹 i’m trying to relax so i’m seeing a movie before i pick my friend up from the airport but yeah thank you i still can’t believe it’s happening 👐🏼😔
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strawberrystepmom · 7 months
Did see your good morning Gojo girlie nation post this morning. Hope your day is going okay and good morning
i forgot tbh 😔 im slacking bc my brain is actually mush rn. hope your day has been good kitten, thanks for checking on me!
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talubld-archive · 10 months
Rex’s Gardening Service here.
Loamy Soil:
Hi Lucas! You are seriously so much fun and such a delight to talk to! We haven’t spoken much OOC, but the few times we have, you are so authentically kind. Sometimes, when a mun isn’t posting for a while, I can notice, because they bring a certain flair and type of fun to the dash. You are one of those muns! You’re going through it, and I can only hope that life begins to be more gentle to you, because you deserve it.
Man. Man oh man. Where to start. Most of the IC content I’ve seen and engaged with comes from your Lance blog, and let me tell you, I think you write my absolute favorite take on Lance. To me, that was such a— plain character? But your love and intrigue with him has really made me reconsider my thoughts and opinions on the champ! I really love whenever you post your headcanons, you always look like you’re enjoying yourself.
Drizzle from the watering can:
Give us a childhood headcanon about Lucas.
rex where do I even BEGIN with this? I've been holding onto it since you sent it, trying to rattle my brain in a way to word things as amazing as you have in this - but my brain is mush. every time I read this it just makes me so 🥺.
you're such a genuine, kind person, and whenever you write something on the dash or the discord groups we're mutuals in, it's been an absolute pleasure. you're a really cool person and I'm so glad we do talk and see each other on the dash. it'd be so quiet and different without you there.
also, thank you for your words on Lance. you're totally right he was flat and annoying because pokémon writers don't know how to write my oc 😔
oh god I was a little rascal. I grew up with two brothers who definitely influenced how I saw the world and how to grow up in it. I used to make hammocks in this special bush? tree? on the edge of my parents property because it was strangely hollow inside and the branches were really thick - I was the only person who could crawl through the entrance to get there. wild bats made their nest in it one year and I vibed for YEARS with them until my parents found out. the bats still live there btw, it just meant I couldn't hang out anymore with them.
also my oldest brother has a missing leg so one year my mum bought us small peddle go-karts so we could race him in his wheelchair but that promptly had to stop because my brother kept aggressively driving into us to push us over and broke his own wheelchair.
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merakiui · 2 years
i was trying to write out my brain mush for dottore (because he has completely taken over my mind rn) but ,, while listing out the various content warnings, i ended up typing "borror horror" instead of 'body horror' and it made me dissolve so violently into giggles that i lost my entire train of thought 😔
just wanted to share this experience !
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Borror horror is oddly fun to say lol! I know the struggle of writing something and then looking back and seeing a completely different thing. orz At least these mistakes can be humorous!
I hope your train of thought returns to you!! I'd love to hear more about your Dottore thoughts if they ever come back to you! ^0^ He's also been on my mind ever since I had the genius idea to rewrite the entire Dottore fic from the beginning. ^^;;; The mad scientist refuses to leave our minds, but that's okay. He can stay. 😌
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
hey girl how was your day
I’m still alive, but I’m barely breathing 😔🤘
lmao but I spent the day in bed. I took so much medicine last night my brain has been mush so I’ve just been snoozing, but I am feeling better. my head doesn’t feel like it might swell and pop open at any given time now.
I’ll catch up on everything tomorrow 🤞🤞
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
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Since yesterday for reasons I don't wanna get into publicly my depression has still been pretty bad 😔 I'm gonna try my best to be more productive tomorrow but atm my brain is mush.
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strebcr · 1 month
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I'm gonna do my best to be productive tommorow! Mush brain has been getting to me along with some sliiiiight depression 😔😭
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theboarsbride · 2 years
Hey hey, how's life? how's writing?
Hope you're having a fantastic night
☆ ~('▽^人)
Hey hi!!! Life has been alright as of late, just trying my best to thrive and survive in humid summer temps!😩🤙
Writing has been a little eeeeehhhhhhhhhh lately sbbdbcjckakkaka I want to write because I've motivation!! My brain just turns to mush once I open my word processor RIP😭😔 why writing hard but also fun???? And also painful????? Jjjjshhshxjcjcjkckxkdkkdkd
BUT THANKS FOR THE ASK!!!! I hope you have a nice night as well!!🥺💛
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morganofthewildfire · 2 years
I’ve had covid twice! Stay hydrated and rested girl!
Oh no! I’m so sorry you had it twice! That’s awful 😔
I’ve been resting a lot (while also chronically painting Taylor swift vinyls 💀) and trying to stay hydrated and I feel a lot better now!
Hopefully I’ll be up to writing again soon, I’m so sorry this next chapter is taking longer! I thought I’d be able to write but my brain has been pretty mush
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thefeminineurge · 3 years
Hmmm hiii! I tried to detox from maneskin's hotness so I could cool my head the last...day I think(ehh didn't try that hard). And oooi my detox didn't last long😂. My dashboard has been blessed with the sexiest pics and gifs featuring damiano and victoria today and my brain is mush again. You went aaall out, found the hottest there are, didn't you ??
*head empty, no thoughts*
i think i am responsible from of that 😔 but i am glad it was at least a good eye candy because i had been screaming about them since yesterday after seeing that victoria photo, today woke up and decided further away from god with being horny on main all day 🚶‍♀️måneskin detox ... looks like we won't be in that mood for a good time now 😭
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