#my answers be lengthy
sergle · 8 months
has the huggable twee irritation always been a Thing or did it evolve in response to like, "you're not ugly. i'd fuck you" type comments? like in your personal experience
god, I'm not well spoken enough to describe it exactly the way it Registers In My Brain... but like. It's not the "you're not ugly, I'd fuck you" genre, and that type of comment is so easy to immediately dismiss because it always comes from a certain type of man, and it's like yeah yeah, I could throw a sandwich and you'd fuck it before it hit the floor. But also, that one's so specific, it's a bottom-of-the-barrel "compliment" that dudes will give when a woman has actively said something about feeling like she's unattractive.
The HUGGABLE THING. The oooh squishy marshmallow somft huggable mom shaped 🥺🥰 She looks like she gives GREAT HUGS. Those comments are UNPROMPTED. I'm immediately like. Every keyword you say, I kill another hostage. I will blow up this whole building and everyone in it. Because it is SO FUCKING WEIRD. And I have heard it one million times. And I see it on every drawing of a character who's even remotely plus sized. These comments would not fly for a thinner person, they'd be rightfully received as weird. People aren't gonna comment on a picture of Ariana Grande going omg she's sooo huggable mom friend shaped. WHAT. Simultaneously are desexualized and sanitized to a weird degree in that uwu language way, WHILE also being creepy. Like, why are you describing what you think I'd feel like if you hugged me? Like the only positive thing you can think of to say is that I look like I have some give. As strangers. I'm not going to hug you, I think you're a creep and I think you're giving yourself a big pat on the back for complimenting a fat person. What are we doing I'm arguing at the air. Where am I And you're just supposed to go oh thank you that's so nice, because as a fat person, you gotta take whatever compliment you get, even if it is actually not a compliment. And that's the thing, there are SO MANY ACTUAL COMPLIMENTS TO PICK FROM. But people settle on huggable and somft. Was this person pretty? Were they hot? You could say gorgeous? Handsome, beautiful? Elegant? Stunning? Sharp? Sexy? Stylish? Are you trying to say that you're attracted to this person's body? Are we being horny? Do you think they just look nice in general? Can't we think of anything else to say? Or are we just gonna sit here and say they fuckin look like Santa Claus. Huggable like a pillow. Girl what the fuck
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mewtwoandme · 3 months
(Idk if this has been asked yet but) I feel like in a world filled with beings such as Pokémon there should be a law to give human rights to Pokémon with human level or near human level intelligence. Such as making it illegal to capture said intelligent Pokémon and allowing them to use human commodities and resources such as stores and housing so long as they have money and follow the laws.
If there was ever a movie about a concept like this I would watch it in a heartbeat.
This is my own opinion, but even if some do have human levels of intelligence or even surpass that, I feel like giving them all that stuff might be a bit much?? Pokemon aren't wired the same way humans are, ya know? I don't think they'd find much use in most of the things that we use on the daily, like money or their own housing. I feel like they'd be perfectly content living with their human partners or naturally in the wild, as they do already.
The only reason Jericho is different is because he is biologically part human and has always struggled with his identity, questioning whether he fits in more with pokemon or humans. He's now come to terms with the fact that he has the best of both worlds, buuut does lean more towards a human lifestyle. Jeo's just built different...literally. And Sivith would admit that "domesticated" life has its luxuries and is peaceful, however she would have no issues returning to a life in the wild. I wouldn't be surprised if she felt a bit more at home out there then she does in a house.
Also, this talk about giving pokemon human rights...you'd think if the pokemon themselves really felt so strongly about it, they would've done something about it already, right? I mean, they have the literal power to do so. We as humans would be helpless, let's be real. They could literally start an uprising if they wanted to. They chose not to cause they don't care about having human rights. To be fair, if I was a pokemon, why would I want to pay for my own food and worry about rent, when my human partner can take care of that for me?? Free housing and free food man! XD
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sharpedgedfool · 4 months
Robotnik family hc’s? Not just Maria and Shadow but like, with Eggman and Shadow or with Sage maybe ?
One off top of my head is that Eggman's parents are divorced and he has no idea cause he went non-contact years ago. Hope's pretty estranged from the family too, but Eggmans mom reaches out to her at some point (trying not to make the same mistakes again) and at first Hope's pretty spooked and doesn't want to go near her without Shadow being with her, and he refuses to admit he's a little nervous about how the family view him too but he does it for Hope and they eventually meet her for dinner or something.
They're both surprised at how nice Eggman's mom seems to be, but both are aware that she likely didn't treat Eggman the same as she does them, so they both make a point to avoid talking about her much around Ivo. They decide to not tell him they've met her at all cause they've no idea how to even bring it up with him.
Eventually it culminates in Shadow inadvertently eluding he knows more than he should when he corrects Ivo on something he shouldn't know otherwise. (I like to think Ivo put in the work to get at least one doctorate, like he did legitimately have a phd but they've since been revoked by whatever institute he got it from. Of course Eggman's not told anyone that but his mom definitely knows cause she got the letters since its her address on most his papers). Shadow tries to play it off as if its not that hard to find out, usually phd revokes are quite public but the institute he went too doesn't want their name even associated so it was done under the table, and Shadow's a terrible liar so once its out he can't backtrack.
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aswaki · 2 months
hanbin and matthew together give “i brought my friend energy” like fwb matthew and he brings hanbin along to ur hookup but then gets so jealous seeing the way you fold for hanbin and has to compete with him and you end up wrecked <33333 (hope this isn’t weird, pls ignore if so, just had sum thoughts)
LISTEN anon i really like your thoughts so i birthed a 3.1k words of matthew x reader x hanbin smut 🙏🏼🙏🏼 i was thinking of what to write for a while since i didn't want to reply half-assed since i!!! liked!!! this one!!! then april fool's came along and whoops, i opened my laptop, blacked out, and bam, here's the fruit of our thoughts.
matthew would be a little immature in dealing with his jealousy making it a competition and seeing how far he can take you compared to hanbin. hanbin is dear to him, sure, but he is kind of possessive even when he tries so hard not to be (poor baby) (he just likes you a lot). everything hanbin does, he would follow after just to get your attention. in the bedroom, if hanbin would be eating you out, he would replace him asap as soon as hanbin's done (see— he was still polite. he could wait!) to the point of overstimulating you just so you can have a point of comparison between them— “can he do this?”. you'd have to tap out, touching his hair and patting his shoulder— “matthew, you did well, baby, but please stop”. your legs would be shaking and all. matthew would be seeing that and go 😮🥺😏.
though, i do think he would never out right admit to this jealousy— he just doesn't want you see him like that. he's a very loving & mature partner ok !—and also i do think it would only ever come out regarding certain people (aka hanbin).
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peridots-pixiwolf · 10 months
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sketches from @mipexch 's whiteboard a couple days ago!!
also feat. a very small reference to @onlineviolence :]
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silly-chiroptera · 26 days
What are your thoughts on Dave? Every dsaf fan seems to like him and I hope I'm not the only one who hates dislikes him.
ooh okay so this is actually a question that i have a lot say about but before i give my clear answer on this i do want to clarify that i don't feel any clear 100% black or white opinion on him one way or another
if you don't know what i mean it's more like..with how people have very extreme views on how they feel about dave ie:
"dave is a horrible person and he sucks!! i don't understand why anyone likes him!! worst character in the game!!"
vs the other extreme:
"dave is just a baby and he never did anything wrong ever!! i am a dave apologist all the way and will defend him with my life!"
yeah i am like…literally neither of those
i don't feel the need to defend dave for anything he has done but i don't feel like i entirely hate him either, you know?
there are things to like about dave as a character just like how there are things about him that are absolutely understandable to hate about him.
and when i say this i'm not being like "you aren't allowed to hate him!" or whatever btw, i completely understand why anyone would hate him because he's just..incredibly creepy tbh
i like dave as a character, he's really well written! but if he was a real person i would not ever want to be within 5 feet of that man. i would call the police, m80.
i like dave but i'm not a superfan that will defend every morally wrong thing he does with my life, i'm not a hater but there are things about him that creep me the fuck out and that i don't like when its' romanticized by fans
i simply just enjoy him for what he is, even despite the horrendous things he's done without tying his morality to how good of a character he is.
i don't know if this is the answer you were looking for, but this is the best of how i can explain how i feel about dave overall!
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my tinder date wants to know why you’re banned from tinder
Ask and ye shall receive!
Gather round, folks, and lend an ear as I tell you about Arnold.
No, he’s not a first date gone wrong, nor is he a scorned ex-lover who came up as a potential match. He isn’t a rival to whom I am bitterly attracted, and he isn’t an unrequited crush.
Arnold is my son.
He is also a rubber chicken.
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[image description: a white hand holds a blue rubber chicken against a white wall. The rubber chicken has a red beak, comb, wattles, and feet, as well as a gold collar that’s says “SQUEEZE ME!”]
Let me set the scene.
A couple years ago, on a cold night in late autumn, I went to a grocery store with some friends. We all separated to get what we needed.
I don’t remember if I actually got anything for myself in that trip, but I do remember wandering around, only to come across a giant bin of rubber chickens.
Immediately thinking of the vine where that person presses a bunch of rubber chickens (geese? some sort of fowl) to make a loud noise, I did the same thing, probably to the chagrin of fellow shoppers.
Some of my friends joined me in my shenanigans, and we left the store in a jolly mood.
Days later, one of my roommates, who was one of the friends from the first grocery trip, came back from another grocery trip with a gift for me.
It was a blue and red rubber chicken.
I looked on my new child with complete adoration and named him Arnold. I thanked my roommate with all my heart and left to plan the many hijinks I would get up to with Arnold. (He has admittedly been through a lot, but the wear and tear mostly comes from love.)
One day, i had the bright idea to make Arnold a Tinder account.
I did not give myself much time to consider the idea before diving in. Arnold had a photo shoot, and I uploaded as many photos as Tinder would allow for his profile. I believe I put his age somewhere in the 20s. I picked the option for any gender to match so as many people as possible would see him. According to what I put in his bio, he got the Covid vaccine, has a natural talent for singing, lives with his mom, and likes Kpop.
Then I published his account.
While matching with people amused me at first, keeping Arnold’s Tinder account active eventually became a chore. Every so often, Tinder would email me and say my his account would be hidden if I didn’t open the app and use it.
I swiped through people, and whenever i matched with people, i would just shoot them a simple “yo.” I tried not to carry on any conversations, though, because I myself was not interested in going on any dates. This was just to entertain me and maybe some other people who came across Arnold.
One day, I got an email saying Arnold’s account was reported and I was no longer welcome on Tinder. I assume someone reported Arnold bc he isn’t an actual person, so I was technically breaking the laws of Tinder or whatever. It was honestly a relief; no more swiping through profiles just to keep the account alive.
I still have Arnold, and I still love him. But you will never see him, or me, on a dating app again.
TL/DR: I made a Tinder Account for Arnold, my rubber chicken. It took over half a year, but Arnold’s account was eventually reported for not being a real person, and I was banned from Tinder.
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unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
Does Peppino actively enjoy using himself as a subject or does he just use it for marketing? What other things does he usually like to draw or make? Is he a wood carver? I can see him as a wood carver
Oh this is interesting; ive been stuck on this for a little bit. The needle swings between yes and no mid response lol. I think he enjoys being able to use his likeness for marketing, but less so for personal, artistic use. It feels obvious to use ur own face and/or name for ur business (one that u put so much blood sweat n tears in) but he doesnt feel compelled to draw himself. There is a level of self awareness(?) i think u have to have to even desire depicting oneself in art and i think he would be too focused on his failing business to start that process. He has more important things to do. But on the flipside; i think he would look at his own creations (for his business) and regard them as reminders of his failures. So he wouldnt have the best opinion of himself.
But! i think he would enjoy others depictions of his likeness. Despite his awkwardness, he enjoys putting on a show, he enjoys performing to some degree, he likes entertaining a crowd. He feeds off of positive attention (like most people do) even if it leaves him a little flustered. People take pictures of him and he smiles earnestly. He doesnt have the words for it, but it is grounding to see himself outside of his business and existing outside of his failures.
This obv gets better postgame as he gets more support for his business. But also, as Pepperman starts to take genuine interest in his form to use as a muse. It is the perfect balance of him enjoying being an art subject, without him having to Make the art. And tying his visage to a now profitable, successful shop, makes him feel a bit better about seeing his own caricature on the storefront. I can see him in Peppermans studio being convinced to draw himself on canvas, and instead of his usual caricature style, it is an attempt at realism with him waving hi towards the ‘camera’, which is a nice contrast to Peppermans first picture of Peppino looking very blue and very sad. Pepperman is delighted lol look at his muse branching out !!!! Pepperman does not do this for anyone but he lets Peppino take the picture home with him (‘But you must promise to give me a copy of this to hang in my studio 😊 PROMISE ME-‘)
And yes, Peppino wood carves bc Peshino is a wood carved toy!! Hes got some bits in him to let him move around w a simple wind up mechanism. I dont think Peppino would do this in his free time prior to postgame, but as he gets more (positive) time to himself, he starts to take up some easy crafts. Wood carving when hes home and watching tv, and sculpting/painting when hes at Peppermans studio.
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
thoughts on a lucifer and solomon love triangle? or one with lucifer and diavolo?
Oh no, anon, you have summoned the angst muse.
Because both of those scenarios sound like pain and suffering to me.
Lucifer and Solomon have a very interesting relationship and I love when they interact with each other. But everything would be ten times more intense if they were in a love triangle with MC. Because in the end, MC has to choose, right? Assuming we're not going the polyamory route (and I've talked about this before, but yeah I don't think it'd work too well with these two), MC would inevitably have to reject one of them. Can you imagine the relationships between them all after that choice?
Love triangles are inherently a competition - two people are competing for the love of the same person. Lucifer already doesn't like Solomon. He obviously trusts him enough to send MC to him if he thinks Solomon can help, but otherwise I would say Lucifer generally thinks of Solomon as shady and possibly even manipulative. Is he those things? Irrelevant. Lucifer thinks he is. On the flip side, I think Solomon considers Lucifer to be powerful and possibly dangerous. I wouldn't say Solomon dislikes Lucifer, but I do think he's wary of him. It's more of a respect for his power kind of thing. Throw the competition for MC's love into that and you've turned them into straight up enemies. They stay civil for MC's sake, knowing that in the end, it's MC who will make the choice. And that once MC does, the other person in the scenario has essentially lost MC for good.
The interesting thing about these two as well is that I think they'd both react to rejection in a similar way. Lucifer would throw himself into paperwork and Solomon would throw himself into magical research. Though I think it'd be more difficult for Solomon to deal with. Lucifer can distract himself with his brothers, but Solomon is essentially alone. If MC rejected him, he hasn't just lost someone he's in love with. He's lost his apprentice, his friend, the only other human in the Devildom, likely the only person who has made him feel anything in a long, long time. Sure he has Simeon and the others, too, but we all know it isn't quite the same. And maybe they could help him through it, but he would isolate himself and I think it'd be hard for them.
Lucifer and Diavolo on the other hand... these two are like BFFs to the point where a bunch of us ship them. A polyamory situation with these two would work, one of the few that I think Lucifer could manage. They already love and trust each other. BUT if we consider the love triangle necessity of competition, it's going to get really sad really quickly. Because while Lucifer and Diavolo would both absolutely do everything they could to win MC's heart, they would know they were breaking their best friend's heart in the process. It might tear them apart. It might completely ruin their relationship. It might not.
I kind of see it as, MC makes a choice and the other person accepts and respects it. But they no longer have the close relationship they used to. For instance, if MC chose Diavolo, every time Lucifer saw them together, he would feel the pain of having lost MC, who he likely still loves deeply. Lost MC to Diavolo, someone he also deeply loves. Seeing them happy together should make him happy, but all it does is hurt him. And he would be upset about the fact that he couldn't be happy for them, too. And the thing about all that is that Diavolo and MC would know. They would know he was hurting every time he sees them. So I think they'd just naturally drift apart, Lucifer avoiding them and Diavolo not inviting Lucifer around as much to spare him the pain. (This would work the same way if MC chose Lucifer, too.)
So you know, my thoughts are mostly tragedy all around. Of course, the solution would be to have a love interest for the person who gets rejected. Someone who ends up being even better for them than the person they lost. So for instance, if MC chose Solomon and left Lucifer to find someone else, he might be okay if he ended up with Diavolo. Maybe it even makes him realize he's been in love with Diavolo all along... etc. That's really the only way to resolve a love triangle without leaving someone in pain.
Once again I'm out here writing essays lol. Anyway, these are just my thoughts, but that's what I think it'd be like.
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nyamcattt · 2 months
Omg I love your art so much I'm more of a proof and numbers person so I really struggle with the freedom of art when I try to make it any tips you can give me pretty please?
omg thank you??!? 😳
hmmm i'm assuming you meant numbers like, social media numbers? it's hard to deal with that in this current state of the internet, especially when you want to pursue art professionally the non traditional way, or to use online space to get to the traditional routes. the creative industry is a bit cooked rn.
i gotta admit it was easier when i was pursuing a different career and my income didn't hinge on how my art is doing online!! you just draw for yourself and draw whatever you like.
it's in the name itself, when it comes to freedom of art, you gotta let it go wild, be free, experiment with medium, try new compositions, new concepts, try what the others are doing, put random things together, they don't even have to make sense or have a specific meaning. but of course it won't always do well, especially when it comes to "proof" or "numbers".
you can chase numbers. however, you won't grow as an artist if you don't get out of your comfort zone, or out of what is liked and expected from you. professionals who are hiring artists want to see fresh and unique work.
it's easy to say "don't worry about what others think" but the reality is, to make it out there, you need an audience, and a substantial amount of people have to like your work for your to take off and reach the right people.
my tip is try to find balance. try pushing yourself to try something new in one or two aspects of your drawing. let's say you know people would like the piece if you draw a fanart, or from a art challenge, then try something new in other aspects of it, maybe try a new color palette, experiment with brush and textures, try different angles, lightings, style, add your own twist to the concept, etc. whatever it is, push yourself to try something new, one at a time.
MOST IMPORTANTLY THOUGH, remember and internalize this: this silly social media numbers game is not indicative of the quality of your work. these numbers depend on so many factors, while skill and ideas are part of them, there are also networking, marketing, presentation, consistency, and lots of LUCK.
so if a piece you're proud of "flops" don't nitpick it, don't be scared to do it again. it's discouraging, yes, but your overall growth as an artist is more important than just online numbers in the long run. others might not see it instantly, but if you are proud of it, that means you are going into the right direction!
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alwaysmanages · 8 months
What do you think Little my's relationships with the other characters are? Like her friends and the moominparents.
Hey there! Thanks for asking, and that's a good question because I know I don't put nearly enough attention towards the rest of the crew.
Ok so before I get into this I need to preface that while I'm basing my thoughts off of a variety of Moomin sources, it's not all gonna align with canon because I'm also mixing in a bunch of stuff that 6+ years of writing and headcanoning for this little lady has built that just feel good to me. But anyway, here goes.
Moomin Parents
As much as I love the Mymble's character, and how I'm sure she loves her children in her own way, being adopted by the Moomin parents (in the comics and Moominvalley) is by far the best thing that's ever happened to Little My. Through Moominmamma especially, she is given the love and attention that a girl like her needs to grow up healthy, and with enough space to level out that anger inside of her. In their care, she feels seen, safe, and secure in the family, and she knows they would never leave her behind. A little more on Moominpappa, I think it's interesting to give her a father figure when she never really had one before. She knows his stories are a load of bull, but will humor him because dangit does he spin a good tale. It's a bit hard to pin their relationship, because on one hand she can be a pest to Pappa, but I like to think she warms up to that silly old man and anytime he acts especially fatherly towards her, she feels a little warm inside (she probably thinks she's getting sick).
I think her relationship with Moominmamma and Moominpappa mean a lot more to her, personally, than her relationship with her biological mother. I don't think she feels resentment towards the Mymble, but she does realize that that wasn't a home where she could grow up in.
That's her adoptive/foster brother right there. She took the role of annoying sister pretty quickly with him and it pisses him off so much at the beginning (I mean can you blame for having been an only child prior to her?). Gradually, I think he learns to appreciate her companionship over time as her harsh truths are more like the heavy blows of a hammer to a slab of metal on an anvil. Like the elder sister she is, Little My is another influence on Moomintroll's character. She loves him enough to give him a swift kick in the teeth when he needs it, but he's also the sibling she can bully a bit.
Pulled mostly from MV and the 90s anime, I like to think they're good friends. I headcanon Little My to be on the aroace spectrum, but the Little Maiden/Snorkmyden ship can be cute and is probably one of the non-canon ships I find really sweet if done right. For the most part though, because Little My is more on the rougher side as opposed to Snorkmaiden's more gentle nature, I think they can have very funny interactions where occasionally they trade off on who gets to endure the other's antics. Maybe Snorkmaiden teaches My how to be a little more comfortable with a bit of femininity, and My teaches Snorkmaiden how to throw a strong left hook.
Kind of going off of the 90s anime more because I really like their back and forth banter and I don't recall them having a relationship as strong in any other adaptation. I don't think their differences are as stark a contrast as Sniff and Snufkin, but I do feel like Little My watches Sniff get up to his get-rich-quick schemes and rolls her eyes. She thinks his endeavors are silly, but she's not above joining in if it sounds fun. At the end of the day, despite their differences and their bantering, they're still good friends who laugh at the same stupid jokes (even if that joke is each other). I'll also say that I really loved the episode in Tanoshii Mumin Ikka s2 where Sniff faces heartbreak and his friends are there to snap him out of it. My chasing him around just to get him to laugh and have fun again was so sweet.
Dunno if you wanted me to include him because I feel like I talk about their relationship more than anyone else, but he is part of her circle of friends so it'd feel weird to exclude him. I recognize that in canon, they're not as close in a sibling relationship as, say, My and Mymble Jr. or My and Moomintroll. In fact, according to The World of Moominvalley, they didn't even know they were siblings during Moominsummer Madness. I think the only time it's ever covered in canon is the slight mention in Moominpappa's Memoirs where Snufkin is coming to realize he's related to the Mymble and therefore Little My is his sister. It doesn't get deeper than that (and it's frustrating as hell). So Snufkin has gone most of his life not knowing he had a family, nevermind a big sister; meanwhile, Little My has so many siblings that finding another one in the wild probably doesn't faze her. My point is, I get why their relationship isn't explored much in canon adaptations, but that doesn't make it less important to me. Even though you could say they started out as siblings after Snufkin was born, you could also say they didn't consciously know each other until they were much older, and at that point they were friends before they were siblings. Being friends with your sibling is a very defining factor for Little My, because among her horde of siblings, how many can she say is someone she'll willingly hang out with and consider an equal? And for Snufkin, who's probably overwhelmed learning he not only has parents, but A PLETHORA of siblings, it's a relief to learn that he at least has one he gets along well with. So I'd like to think in post-learning they're related, there's a bit of awkwardness on Snufkin's part in figuring out how differently he's supposed to treat a sibling as opposed to a friend, but eventually they figure out that what they had was fine enough and learning that they're siblings is just another building block to an already solid relationship. She doesn't bully him as much as she does with Moomintroll, but occasionally they have their playful jabs and it's hilarious.
I love her relationships with the valley folk. They really shaped her into the well-rounded person she is and teach her what it's like to have a family that will love and support her. Because really, no matter the relation, they're all part of her found family.
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
While i do think shadowpeach never actually fell out of love despite everything (well at least macaque definitely) , what do you think their reaction would be when they realized they no longer loved the other? Cause i do feel a small part of them would feel grief about something they had and treasured for so long
And to keep from being too sad, what is their reaction at inevitably falling back in love. That i think would involved lots of cursing at the gods and tearing out hair
anon, i just want to let you know that i did prepare an answer for you, and it was a lengthy one as well. but last night the internet for my house wasn’t working, so when i hit post, my screen froze and couldn’t refresh until this morning, making me lose everything i wrote T^T BUT! i will do my best to reanswer this to the best of my abilities (and it was a good fucking answer too 🫠)
so, ignoring my gut reaction (which is me shouting, “impossible! those monkeys are too attached to lose feelings!”) I will consider the following but have my own spin to it! meaning, that while both believe they’re live for the other faded away, it in fact was dormant this whole time! (because i am incapable of seeing a world where either or both idiots fall out of love for the other)
also, fun tidbit: both idiots believe the other fell out of love first which then prompts them into trying to ignore and bury their affections bc if “X can easily set aside their centuries old relationship, then so can I!”
with Wukong, the guy has more time to truly process the grief and loss bc he actually has the time and companions to help him out. you have Ao Lie and Wukong cuddling more, Wukong crying to Guanyin (bc their relationship is fun in JTTW and I am still holding out for lmk to give us another cameo or glimpse of her, lmk please—) with her walking Wukong through the grief and his own pain, and parallel play with Tripitaka (the play being Tripitaka mediates while Wukong practices his forms/showing off his forms to his master) as well as Tripitaka providing more insight about grief
with Macky, i can see him starting that grief after his death. so like, post-resurrection either before s1 or at some point during the show (but NOT s3 or 4) like, after the angry and bitterness, Macky feels hollow and believes that to mean he’s lost those old feelings of love. and at this point, Macky would think he’d be relieved because finally! he is rid of Wukong not just as a friend, but also, Wukong’s hold is gone, but it isn’t relief he feels from that realization, but grief and loss. and because he still isn’t emotionally stable and is hell-bent on revenge, he takes that grief and fuels it to his anger for killing Wukong because maybe then the relief will come.
i do think that in s4, Macky was starting to process his own grief and feelings and death in a sort of healthy way, so he might have come to some indifference about Wukong, still believing he has begun to feel nothing for his old friend until he goes into the memory scroll (but he could chalk that up to nostalgia)
anyway, as for rekindling: slow burn 2.0 lmaoooooo
maybe it’s simply because i am a sucker for slow burns, but I highly doubt Sun Wukong and Macky would be able to go back to being lovers or whatever they had going on pre-war on Heaven because they’re fucking stupid when it comes to actually interacting with each other. communication who???? they don’t know her!!! catch them falling into old habits without knowing but never acknowledging it and leading to confused feelings 💅✨
also, s5 please let them be petty exes to each other!!! petty as in minor offenses, as in one of them stole the other’s clothes and is lying to the guy’s face whilst wearing said stolen clothes. they should go from “ugh, i guess we can work together……for MK” to “ugh, fuck not again!!!” to “I know they only see me as an acquaintance/ally for MK, but I have started to see them once again as someone I want to hold forever and why am I pining for this idiot again I should know better—”
in conclusion, i cheated and gave myself a win-win scenario with your question. but reactions to realizing the fell out of love: Wukong’s would be one where he tries to isolate but his friend never allow him to, and Macky is one with angry screaming bc he’s sO stable.
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utopianoverlord · 2 years
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I'd like to mention the obvious that my process is just one way to create a gif. What I do works best for me, and for beginners out there you might find later on that a different method suits you as you get familiarized with PS’s basic tools and functions. The important thing is you start somewhere.
So let’s get started!
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- Use high quality footage for gif-making. Whether it’s from a game, show or movie, you want the best you can get. The quality should be 720p at the very least. Lower quality footage can be frustrating to work with if you're just starting out. And in general, really.
- With the method I’ll be outlining, Photoshop will accept videos in .mp4 and .avi format. For game footage, these are the formats you’ll likely see the most.
- I use Nvidia ShadowPlay to record my own in-game footage which saves directly into .mp4 format. Software such as Bandicam and OBS are good, free recording alternatives that do the same.
- For downloading HQ videos from YT, I’d suggest 4k Video Downloader. 4k's free version has the option to save videos in .mp4 format.
- I use Windows and bum the latest version of Photoshop off of aesfocus but previously worked with CS5 for 8+ years. The same tools used in this tutorial are available in previous versions of PS.
- This post displays tumblr's current dimensions for gifs if you don't want them showing up fuzzy/blurry on the dashboard.
- Tumblr’s file size upload limit for each gif is currently 10MB.
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With her permission, I’m very happy to provide my bestie aesfocus’ custom action for use which can be downloaded here! This action includes beautiful, subtle corrective image adjustments. I’ve been using this on every gif I’ve made over the past few months.
To set up this action:
Go to Window > Actions
Click the quadruple bar symbol (≣) to top right of the Action box
> Load Actions
Find the saved aes_gif.atn file 
Hit the play button (▶︎)
And you’re done! Until you either unselect or delete this action, it will be  automatically applied to all video footage you load into Photoshop. Including what you’ll be creating!
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1.) Go to Window > Timeline
Make sure what pops up is a video timeline (aka animation timeline), not frame animation. If you see the symbol below, then it means you're currently in frame animation. Click the symbol to convert to video timeline. (If you’re a Mac user, a similar button should be in the bottom right corner of the timeline.)
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2.) Drag the .mp4/.avi video file from its location on your computer and drop it into Photoshop.
3.) In the upper right corner of the Timeline, click the quadruple bar symbol (≣) and go to > Set Timeline Frame Rate.
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For a smooth and nicely paced frame rate, I usually stay somewhere between 20 to 24. If you’re doing a close-up gif of someone speaking, I’d suggest setting it to a slower speed of 18 or 19. (But be free to test different speeds!)
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The higher the frame rate, the smoother the gif. However, the file size greatly increases as you get close to 60, so keep that in mind.
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1.) With the footage loaded and prepped, the next step is finding and carving out what you want to turn into a gif. I’ll refer to this as the work area. The work area is set by what footage is between the two slideable 'bumpers' shown below.
If you’re on a Mac or using an old version of PS, the timeline and button positions will look a little different but the functions are the same.
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These bumpers will indicate where the gif will start (front bumper) and end (back bumper). Once you know what portion of the footage you'd like to make into a gif, we’ll cut and delete everything else outside the bumpers. What’s between the bumpers is your precious cargo.
Drag the playhead (attached to the red marker) at the top of the Timeline around. This will allow you to preview the loaded footage and help you determine where you're going to place the bumpers.
Try not to put too much footage into your work area if you're just starting out. The lengthier the gif is, the larger the file size. Remember, when the gif is saved it must be under 10MB in order for tumblr to upload it.
2.) Move the playhead to the left until the red marker is at the beginning of the work area where the gif will start (the front bumper). Click on the scissor icon to the left to cut the footage. Click on the unwanted footage that was cut and delete it.
3.) Move the playhead to the right until the red marker is at the end of the work area (the back bumper). Click the scissor icon to cut the unwanted footage, select it, then delete it.
4.) You should be left with your work area on a single layer. Select the work area and drag it to the left on the Timeline, until the start of it is under 00.
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This step can be fiddled with as it's dependent on what size gif you'd like to make. In this example, let’s make a gif that's 540px wide.
1.) Right click the top of the file (or ALT+CTRL+I) to bring up Image Size. Here we'll only change the image Width to 600px and hit OK. (This will give us wiggle room when you decide what you want to crop.) CTRL+1 to bring the canvas to its new full size. (or hold ALT and use your mouse’s scroll wheel to zoom in/out)
After you change the image size, the footage layer (Layer 1) is automatically turned into a Smart Object with a Smart Filter applied. (You can double check this by going to Filter and seeing if the > Convert for Smart Filters option is greyed out. If by chance it's not greyed out, go ahead and convert it.)
SUPER FUN FACT!: Applying a Smart Filter is essential to making gifs. It acts as masking that protects your layer from irreversible change. When converting anything for Smart Filters, any filter you add (sharpening, blurring, etc.) can be adjusted/moved/deleted at any time - even after you save and exit PS! Without the Smart Filter, anything you do directly to the footage layer will be permanent and cannot be undone once you close the file.
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1.) Select the Crop tool from the toolbar to the left (C key). You'll notice white borders pop up around the canvas. Click and drag any part of the white border to adjust the crop preview.
Hold CTRL+left click on an outer corner for smoother scaling.
Feel free to drag the footage around within the crop preview to frame it as you see fit.
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2.) As you move the border of the crop preview, you should see a small dialogue box following your cursor that tells you the current Width and Height of the current preview area. Since we're making a gif 540px wide, we'll adjust the selection to match that and set the height to whatever you prefer. When you're satisfied with the sizing, doubleclick the area within the preview box to crop. (Or go to Image > Crop)
It's beginning to look like something!
3.) To exit the Crop tool, click the Move tool or hit the V key.
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This step will go over one way to sharpen and lightly blur a gif. We’ll use the Unsharpen Mask to start, (Ironic name, I know) though a common filter used for sharpening is the Smart Sharpen option. I tend to use Unsharpen most often.
1.) With the Smart Filter already having been automatically applied earlier, it’s safe to go ahead and add the Unsharpen filter. While having the gif layer selected, go to Filter > Sharpen > Unsharpen Mask and use the following settings:
Amount: 200 Radius: 0.4 Threshold: 1
Hit OK when done.
Under your Layers tab in the dock to the right, you'll now see the Unsharp Mask beneath your Smart Filter layer mask.
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If you click the edit filter button to the right of Unsharp Mask (that look like two arrows between two lines), it'll bring up Blending Options. From here, you can adjust the opacity of your sharpening filter and set a blend mode if you want. For the sharpening we'll leave the opacity alone and keep the mode as Normal.
2.) Now we're going to apply a slight blur filter to sit atop the sharpening. Go to Filter > Blur > Box Blur, set the Radius to 2px and hit OK.
3.) Click on the edit filter button to the right of the Box Blur filter to get to the Blending Options. For this filter, set the Opacity to 45%. If you're working with dark footage, set the Blend to Screen. If the footage has plenty of light and colors, try setting it instead to Overlay. Hit OK.
This will give your sharpening a light softened halo/smeared light effect. Click the eye button to the left of Box Blur to hide the filter if you don't want it, or you can right click on Box Blur > Delete the Smart Filter.
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1.) Now that we have filters applied, we'll add our first adjustment layer. Click on the black and white circle > Levels
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2.) Below the histogram you'll see three arrows: the darkest arrow to the left, the mid-range grey arrow, and lighter arrow to the right. Move these arrows around only slightly to test how it effects the tonal range. I find that a Levels layer cleanly balances shadows more than anything, particularly with footage or images that are quite dark.
3.) Click again on the black and white circle > Color Balance
4.) On the Color Balance layer, the first tone you can adjust is Midtones by default. Under the dropdown list, you'll see an option for Shadows, Midtones and Highlights. For each Tone, move the sliding arrows around - again, only slightly - to see how it effects the colors of the footage. This is a great tool for color correction.
Similar to Color Balance, Selective Color and Channel Mixer are great color-focused adjustment layers to experiment with.
Curves is also a handy adjustment layer that will effect the tonal range of your gif, similar to Levels.
5.) Before the gif is saved, it’s important to look over the Timeline to make sure that each layer is evenly parallel to your footage layer.
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The layers aligning with the footage layer will ensure that everything syncs when the gif loops. You’ll also want to make sure that the back bumper is also placed directly where the footage layer ends.
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1.) File > Save (CTRL+S) the file on your computer wherever you prefer, keeping it in .psd format.
2.) To save as .gif, go to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy). (CTRL+Shift+ALT+S) The settings below are what I typically use, but feel free to change Pattern to Diffusion or Noise to see how it effects the preview.
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Each dither algorithm option (Pattern/Diffusion/Noise) will change the file size as well has the gif's appearance.
3.) If the file size is under 10MB, then you're ready to save the gif.
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If the file size is larger than 10MB, it's likely the footage is too lengthy. In this case, try 1) trimming the footage down as we did previously using the scissors icon on the Timeline, and/or 2) changing the frame rate speed to a number higher than 24, starting with 25, 26, 27, etc. (This will reduce the gif size, but make the speed of the gif faster.)
There are other ways to reduce the file size as well, such as changing the number of Colors on the Save for Web (Legacy) screen from 256 to anything below that. (Which I don't really recommend if your gif is very vibrant or full of color. But it will work well on more neutrally colored/dark gifs.)
Congrats! You're all done.
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Hopefully this basic guide will help in making Photoshop seem less intimidating for those starting out. If you’ve found this tutorial useful in any way, a reblog would be appreciated. :~)
For helpful resources, please visit us at gamingresources. If you have a gif or edit tutorial of your own that you’d like us to share, please feel free to tag #gamingresources.
Happy creating! 🧡
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Hello! Do you& know of any pagan-umbrella deities that're plural or could have domain over plurality in any way? We're looking for someone to devote to, someone we can ask and thank for good fortune/etc related to multiplicity functions and such. We collectively identify as a Chaos witch so technically we could search for one across the multiverse but we'd really prefer one from this world. Thank you!
So I'll preface this first by saying this kind of isn't my wheelhouse. Most of our system works with entities that are able to communicate within the system (as participant in daily life) or are derived from our exomemories (like Narty from the innerworld). We tend to avoid working with externally sourced entities as a stopgap to keep them from messing around with our system (either on purpose or not). It gets real weird real fast when you start introjecting Gods.
Now, that being said, we are interested in the theory behind worship. Say, "in what aspects is [x] God worshiped in? Why?" Again: we're coming at this question with the big ass pin of "we don't technically work with external entities for this kind of stuff." Your mileage will vary here.
So, since we can't give y'all any specific deities to do research on, instead we'll say this: when you're looking for a deity that is plural or could reasonably have domain over plurality:
Do you consider epithets and the fragmentary nature of Divinity to be plural? In other words; if Divinity can be worshiped in many diverse aspects, some of which may be broadly different in scope or temperament, is that plural to you? Are there elements of the world which you gravitate towards and see yourselves in (ex: relating to the Moon because of its ever-changing yet ever-same faces)? If any of this is "yeah" then:
What are some core ideas you hold true about your plurality? The goals of your worship might offer you a starting point to kick off of here. Real reductive examples here but: say you view this goal as primarily one of Health, so you might investigate the Divine associated with Health/Healing/etc.; but if you view the goal as primarily one dealing with, say, spirit work (this is the most relevant example I could think of since we have a lot of dead people in our system), you might try to work with the Divine associated with Death/Grief/etc.
If approaching Divinity associated with plurality in the world, then consider how that might affect your path. Are you going to approach the Divine from one aspect alone, or do you intend to work with the broader strokes of that Deity? Understand that your goals may guide you a bit better here, but from what little I know about Chaos witchcraft (very little), y'all probably know quite a bit about throwing things at the wall and finding what sticks as opposed to what stinks.
If none of the above appeal to you, meanwhile, the search for plurality in the Divine might be a little messy and complicated. It's hard to pin down examples of Gods that you could definitively label "plural," because sometimes that comes down to UPG, as well as what you might be looking for as plural. The only example coming to mind right now is Janus, the Roman God of Boundaries (forgive me if that's a bit reductive). But that said, the answer also might not be obvious if you're looking for a very strict definition of plurality in the Divine.
Uh, anyways, I'm sure other people in the witchblr and pluralgang spaces could chime in better than we can, considering our lack of expertise here.
-Heitaros (he/him)
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hwaitham · 20 days
am also giving you a tiny little love letter 💌 if you will accept, too, of course 💐 and a lil bouquet :3
oh my dear heart , , of course i accept (⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝) thamku so vrie much for the flowers as well ! ! 💐
darling roma . . there are many a quality that i so deeply adore about you ♡ your tender care for all who you love , your words of reassurance and encouragement , your perseverance through the bad times and the hope you hold onto for all the sweet times ! seeing you on my dash or notifs feels like the early morn sunshine warming my hair and shoulders . . . so gently warm , like my face is being held within your palms and youre telling me that everything will be okay , in the end , one way or another 🥺 i love your love — your ineffable , intimate , infinite love that seeps through my skin whenever i read any of your writing , both long form & short form . . . this one line from your kita fic from 2 summers ago still beats hard in my heart ,
“ youre pretty sure that if you poured shinsuke’s heart into a pitcher, it’d overflow . . . but your husband’s love and kindness doesn’t spill from a lemonade pitcher , it leaks from his fingertips ”
roma ): i dont think you realise how much yourself and your writing gives me hope . . and im sure it does to others , too ! it gives me hope that perhaps one day i will get to experience the same love you write about — that for now , while it may just be confined to my phone screen , one day it will be tangible . . that i will find someone and lead a life where i can feel the same rousing wildly tender unconditional love that is imbued into every fic you post , every sentiment you share with us from your own personal life 💝 truly , i love love Love you so much buttercup ! ! i am so happie and grateful that i have gotten to share the past two years of my life on tumblr with you — and i rllie do hope we get to share more together ! :3
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hiddenbeks · 7 months
oc questions tag
tagged by @hibernationsuit !! thank youuuu 💜
tagging @rosykims @aevallare @abetterbeginning @gortash @wrenanigans if u want to do this, no pressure! don't remember who's done this recently so i'm sorry if ur getting spammed with this bc of me hehe
anyway it's celyn time babey.. been thinking abt her a lot lately <3
name: celyn surana
nickname(s): uhhh. cel? i gotta think of some cute descriptive nicknames for her that others would teasingly use but i'm drawing a blank rn. will have to ruminate more.
she only lets Very Close Friends call her by any nickname btw. jowan (being her only friend lol) was the only person in the circle who got to call her cel. only andrale and carver have earned this privilege since (andrale only ever calls her celyn tho). leliana earns it as well ten years later during inquisition lol
gender: cis female
star sign: uhhh she was born on the 27th of firstfall which is the thedas equivalent of november sooo sagittarius??
height: 159 cm. my second shortest oc and the same height as me hehe <3
orientation: bisexual!
nationality: fereldan i guess. she was born in ferelden and raised in ferelden's circle of magi but she doesn't have a strong Fereldan Identity. she's not celyn from ferelden she's just... celyn...
favorite fruit: uuuhh apples
favorite season: i'm tempted to say winter bc her aesthetic is so cold and wintery but i think she would prefer a warmer season. maybe mid to late fall actually. she enjoys the gloom and fall colors and the rainy and stormy weather
favorite flower: i wonder if she's ever even seen a live plant actually. i wonder if there are any indoor greenhouses in the circle. wow i'm suddenly making myself sad thinking abt how she's barely seen any nature in her 19 years of life. anyway uhhh!!! gentians are her favorite actually look at how pretty they are
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favorite scent: ghghjgh i struggle with any scent or smell related questions bc i have anosmia so idk what things smell like lmao. let's say uhhh whatever a spruce forest smells like. nice n fresh i imagine
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: she's a coffee gal... had to check if coffee exists in thedas and apparently it does and is a major export of antiva. fascinating. anyway she drinks coffee to stay awake late at night reading and studying (forbidden) magic. she enjoys the silence of the night and is at her most productive during that time
average hours of sleep: during her time in the circle i guess it was like... 5-6 maybe? as i said she tends to stay up late and i bet circle inhabitants are expected to wake up crazy early like 6am or sth. it doesn't get any better after leaving the circle bc andrale also expects everyone to get up and moving crazy early. and after officially becoming a warden it gets even worse when she starts having Warden Nightmares ahah
dog or cat person: cat person! she's a bit like morrigan when it comes to dogs. thinks they're stupid n gross lol. though she does eventually warm up to the dog (named assan by andrale <3) in dao.
dream trip: honestly anywhere is fine she is full of wanderlust... what living in a tower for 19 years does to a gal... the whole blight adventure is a dream trip to her i bet. yes she has to fight darkspawn and a horrible death is around every corner but consider: she gets to see ancient elven ruins and denerim and orzammar... so many sights to see and so many new experiences! she feels so alive! and she gets to use her powers to their full extent!! she gets to hone her skills beyond what the circle allowed!!! not that the circle's rules stopped her from studying outlawed magic in secret but like. now she doesn't have to do it in secret anymore.
a trip to tevinter would also be interesting from a purely academic standpoint. nevarra as well because it's more liberal with magic than most of thedas but also safer for her than tevinter? so basically she would like to see the whole world but especially places where she gets to expand her knowledge on magic...
favorite fictional character: in a real world au her favorite fictional character would be morgana pendragon from bbc merlin. this is not at all influenced by the fact that one of my inspirations for her was morgana pendragon from bbc merlin,
number of blankets they sleep with: hmmmm one
random fact: i'm sharing two random facts bc i can't decide which one of these is more interesting or whatev:
celyn is basically the toph to andrale's katara. they have somewhat clashing personalities and differing views on teamwork and the sharing of camp chores... andrale expects everyone to contribute while celyn only looks after herself. also despite her excitement she's kinda terrified to be out in the real world but she won't let it show!! so she acts hyper-independent!!! unfortunately for her andrale can see right through this facade and she calls celyn out on it (she tries to be gentle and constructive about it but she's had it with celyn's shit and fails). so. yea. my point is they argue a lot at first lol! but they become great friends once celyn learns teamwork and communication and andrale loosens up a little
whenever she does fire magic she makes the flames hot enough for them to turn blue, purely for the aesthetic. she also enjoys other ways of showing off with her magic and she was Very competitive in the circle. she simply had to be the best in her class and let the other students know that she was above them. most of her fellow students could not stand her because of this <3
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