#muse: Felix
radicalrascals · 7 months
[GIF Pack] Clemens Schick
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Following this link you’ll find 155 gifs (245x150) of Clemens Schick as Emil Löffelhart in Sommernachtsmord from 2016. Clemens Schick is a German actor and was 43 at the time of filming.
Please like and/or reblog if you plan on using these. Do not claim as your own. Do not include them in gif hunts. Thank you. Please check out my other roleplay gifs here.
Trigger-warnings: blood, death, drugs, guns, violence
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illbeyoursunshine · 1 year
Fuck me, he really is the most attractive man I’ve ever seen!
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Lavinia blinked. “How many times have we had him guess and he still hasn’t gotten it?”
Felix shrugged. “He’ll get it at some point, right? Though I find it so amusing that he’s wrong every time so far~”
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moreferarum · 5 months
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are you watching me with eyes of a predator @morendodifame
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beatrice1979a · 2 months
The Dark Side
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Sentimonsters - Monsters - Monsters (alt ver) - Savior
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The Dark Side (alternate reality) by Muse
I hail from the dark side For all my life, I've been besieged You'd be scared living with my despair And if you could feel the things, I am able to feel
Break me out Set me free
Save me from the Dark Side
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justsomekpopstuff · 3 months
stray kids as muppets based on nothing but vibes
A/N: this is for fun. Don't be a jerk.
current masterlist | fic recs
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Bang Chan: Kermit the Frog
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(I didn't want to do repeats but this just felt right)
Lee Know: Miss Piggy
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Changbin: Link Hogthrob
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(gif via @/adam807 on Tenor Gifs)
Hyunjin: Statler (to the right)
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(gif via @/ZoReal on Tenor Gifs)
Han Jisung: Rizzo the Rat
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Felix: the Swedish Chef
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Seungmin: Waldorf (to the left)
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(gif via @/adam807 on Tenor Gifs)
Jeongin: Crazy Harry
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(gif via @/adam807 on Tenor Gifs)
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forlix · 3 months
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happiest prince 🤍
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venusofvolterra · 1 year
I wanna date an old as shit vampire (like 1000+ years old) because I’m pretentious and I want them to teach me everything they know about history and philosophy as a form of foreplay.
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thevisualvamp · 5 months
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Good morning
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fairymint · 3 months
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Staring is rude. .......he's lookin. Regardless. Right. at. You.
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coolauntlilith · 9 months
So I finally watched Sense8. I regret not watching it sooner for a couple reasons. But I'm so glad I finally watched it.
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radicalrascals · 3 months
[GIF Pack] Clemens Schick
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Following this link you’ll find 39 gifs (250x155) of Clemens Schick as Lead Man in the music video to Fritz Kalkbrenner: In This Game from 2016. Clemens Schick is a German actor and was 43 at the time of filming.
Please reblog and/or like if you plan on using these. Do not claim as your own. Do not include in gif hunts. Thank you. Please check out my other roleplay gifs here.
Trigger-warnings: blood, violence
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Felix hummed softly, eyes closed, “And all you gotta do is say my name three times - three times in a row, it must be spoken, unbroken~”
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saessenach · 3 months
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Lady Anne and her black ballgown in The Lily of Ludgate Hill
Mimi Matthews' Belles of London is a CRIMINALLY underrated romance series, go read it NOW
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beatrice1979a · 2 months
The Void
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Sentimonsters - Monsters - Monsters (alt ver) - Savior
Finally! I can grab a pencil and sketch something...
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Of course I believe reverse Adrien is also a sentimonster. He keeps his parents rings on a chain close to his heart. That is all he has left from his beloved mother.
You thought I gave up on Muse
It takes a leap of faith To awake from these delusions You are the coder and avatar A star
They'll say, no one will find us That we're estranged and all alone They believe nothing can reach us And pull us out of the boundless gloom
They're wrong
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justsomekpopstuff · 4 months
stray kids as d&d characters
NOTE: ITS FINALLY HERE!!!! Remember, these are just my opinion and how I would classify them in D&D. You can have your own perspective, just don't be a hater about it. I also know that my D&D knowledge isn't perfect. Don't judge me.
current masterlist | fic recs
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Party/Campaign Concept: After being shunned and running away from his tyrant family and corrupt kingdom, Bang Chan the "Reject Prince" is on a mission to bring peace and justice to the world. However, he knows that he would not be able to accomplish the goal of peace and justice by himself. On his travels, he meets other like-minded individuals who have been tossed aside by an unjust society. By banding together, this group will make it their mission to achieve peace for all - but first, they have to learn how to work together!
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Bang Chan: Human Paladin
From the moment he was born, Bang Chan knew he didn't fit in. Born into privilege and royalty, Chan quickly noticed that there was a right and a wrong way to use his power - and his family was using it wrong. He saw his family were tyrants, thirsty for power and corrupt beyond all imagining. They used people, abused people, and hoarded wealth and power as if it would disappear in an instant. It never sat right with Chan, the way his kingdom and his people were treated, like they were disposable. So, when he came of age, he decided it was time to stand up against the royals and high born who allowed this misuse of justice and equality. He swore an oath of justice and peace, and ran from his kingdom on a quest to find other like-minded people to join him in his fight for good. His years of training in combat and knighthood served him well as he began his fight, especially when he would come across oppression. That is how he met the other members of his official party - each person was caught in an unjust situation. Bang Chan could not stand for it, and so he fought to ensure their release and safety. He will achieve peace one day, with his friends by his side, no matter what.
Lee Know: Human Warlock
Lee Know grew up alone. The moment he was born, all his royal parents saw was a threat to their rule and popularity. It did not help that as he grew, his beauty grew as well. To prevent him becoming too popular with the people, Lee Know's parents locked him alone in a tower to rot. The only time he was allowed out was when the leaders of the kingdom next to theirs came to visit - Bang Chan's family. Lee Know and Bang Chan understood each other's struggles, and made a promise to help each other in their time of need. While locked in his tower, Lee Know was visited by a trickster entity who had begun feeding on Lee Know's loneliness. To help with the loneliness, Lee Know made a deal with the entity, and was blessed with illusion magic to keep him entertained. That was, until, the day Bang Chan came and broke him out of his tower. Bang Chan told Lee Know about his oath of justice, and that his first mission was to free him from his tower. From then on, with his illusion magic, Lee Know would never be alone again - and he would make sure no one ever would be again.
Changbin: Human Barbarian
Changbin always knew he was strong. He had a habit of breaking things even as a small child, and everyone learned very quickly to not mess with him when he was hungry. His family tried to fight the rage out of him, but all they ended up doing is fueling his fire more. If there's one thing he learned to hate more than being hungry, it was being told what to do and how to be - especially if it meant being anything less than himself. He was tossed out on the street once his family realized that they could not change him, but Changbin didn't even blink. All he wanted was to be himself, not what people expected him to be. While traveling, Changbin garnered a reputation for being a little aggressive, a little scary, but also for being kind and justice-oriented. Unfortunately, there were many who did not take kindly to Changbin's aggressive means of achieving good. One night, he heard a child screaming and crying. He broke down the door and saw that the parents of this child were hurting the child for a simple mistake. Changbin not only picked up this child and ran, but left a lot of property destruction in his wake. He was quickly arrested by the local authorities and was tossed in jail indefinitely for his "crimes". He was stuck until Bang Chan arrived, seeing the whole thing go down, and broke him out of jail. Changbin, from then on, was free to be his whole self, fighting for justice with all his power.
Hyunjin: Human Monk/Fighter
All Hyunjin knew was two things - the monastery, and the fact that he wasn't wanted. Hyunjin had been left to an extremist, very strict group of monks when he was just an infant because his birth family thought he was "too much". Hyunjin would later learn that this monastery was actually a cult, but he never would have been able to understand that as a child. Growing up, he was trained in every form of physical combat to perfection. If he made a mistake in training, or in his daily chores, he would be beaten senseless to "prevent it from happening again". When he grew older, he would also be employed to "discipline" the younger members of the monastery. Eventually, Hyunjin snapped - no one should endure this physical torture for the sake of "perfection". His snap led him to speak and act out of turn, leading to one of the most extreme forms of discipline - exile and exposure. The monks tied him to a tree, blindfolded, in the middle of the woods to die for his "crimes" of speaking out. That is how Bang Chan found him, angry, tired, and close to succumbing to the elements. Bang Chan released Hyunjin and took the time to heal him. From then on, Hyunjin could use his power and skills to do what he really wanted - fighting for justice.
Han Jisung: Human Druid
Han Jisung was born into a normal family, or so he thought. Despite being a happy kid, Han Jisung's family bore a lot of resentment towards him. They had never really wanted children, but here he was. At five years old, his family convinced him to go off into the woods to search for "something they needed". Being the good kid, Han Jisung went willingly, not knowing he had been tricked and left for dead. It was days before he was found by a family of bears who took pity on the little cup and began to raise him. Growing up in the wild allowed Han Jisung to learn the powers of the wild, and instead of a bear, he found himself in a quokka form which was more in tune with his nature. He remained in the wild until he became an adult, when poachers entered his forest and captured him while he was exploring in his wild shape form. Despite its toll on his power and energy, Han Jisung was forced to remain in wild shape, just waiting to be sold to the highest bidder, once again being taken advantage of. That was, until, the Reject Prince and his crew broke into the poacher's hideout to release all the animals. At his release, he grew back into his human form, scaring the living daylights out of the ragtag group. They welcomed him with open arms, finally being the family that he deserved to be a part of. Now, he could use his connections and his kindness to care for those who have been taken advantage of.
Felix: Human Paladin
Felix never really understood why things were they way they were. He was born the bastard son to Bang Chan's father, the corrupt ruler of the kingdom. Growing up, all he saw was how hard his half-brother Bang Chan worked, how much he cared, how kind Bang Chan was, and how he never received any credit or praise. Felix understood why the family hated him as a bastard, but never the pure-blood son when all Bang Chan wanted was change and peace. As much as Felix wanted to speak up and defend his half-brother and his ideas, he knew there was nothing that he could do. As a bastard, they wouldn't even acknowledge his presence let alone his voice - at best, he would be banished, at worst...who's to say. The day that Bang Chan ran from the kingdom was the day that Felix finally realized just how trapped he had been as well. Then, he heard about how Bang Chan broke Lee Know out of his tower. Felix knew then it was time for his liberation as well; and so, he ran and never looked back. He finally caught up to Bang Chan and Lee Know in some random village in the outskirts of Lee Know's kingdom. Bang Chan knew he could never send Felix back to the palace knowing the consequences that Felix would face, and so, he brought in his half-brother to his party. If Felix could see how important that love, justice, and acceptance was like Bang Chan did, then there was nothing that could stop them.
Seungmin: Human Bard If there was one thing that was obvious about Seungmin from the time he was born, its that he was exceptionally gifted with music and art. The only problem was, the village that they lived in was ruled by an awful wealthy tyrant who had outlawed music, performance, and laughter. This, however, did not stop him from going out into the village and performing songs for his neighbors anyways to earn money for his family, leading to him constantly being in trouble. It became more and more dangerous as he grew older because the consequences of him breaking the rules became much more dire. This came to a head one day when Seungmin was an adult. A small child in the village was upset and crying because they got separated from their parents. Seungmin, who happened to be passing by while running errands, saw the child and felt that he had to do something, so he began to strum a tune on his lyre to calm them down. While the child did calm down for a moment, it was ruined the instant that Seungmin was kicked to the ground from behind, being roughed up by the tyrant's guards for breaking the rules. Seungmin was tossed in jail, and had his lyre destroyed right in front of him. Seungmin began to lose hope, knowing there was no way that he could afford a new lyre at this point. He sat, silently mourning his future in his cell, until a commotion began outside. It was Bang Chan and his group, coming to liberate his town from the evil tyrant. They broke Seungmin out of his cell and had him help them return the wealth back to the people of the village. Once their work was done, Seungmin asked to join them, becoming their mood-maker and greatest cheerleader as they continued their journey of justice and peace.
Jeongin: Human Druid/Rogue
Jeongin's first memories were of being stuck in a cage, experimented on by a scientist who was determined to create the perfect hybrid of human and animal. Jeongin learned very early on that all the scientist really cared about was control and violence. While the scientist prepped Jeongin for his next phase of testing, Jeongin snapped and attacked the scientist, destroying the lab before bolting out into the cold fresh air. Jeongin had never seen the outside world, so he ran into the woods, hoping that he would never have to go back again. There Jeongin survived for years, sneaking in and out of woods and small villages to gather things to help him survive. When he came of age, he realized that he had developed an animal form - the form of a small, large-eared fox. This form caused him to become even craftier, stealing items large and small to keep to himself - the only things that were ever "his". That is, until he was found trying to steal a sandwich from Changbin's bag as the large group was passing through the woods. Bang Chan, noticing Jeongin's small form even as a fox, decided to take Jeongin into the group. Clearly, if he was silent and crafty enough to sneak up on Changbin and ballsy enough to try and steal his food, then clearly this kid had potential. Despite his skittish nature, and his tendency for hoarding things, Jeongin quickly learned that Bang Chan and the rest of the group were trustworthy and full of love to share. Jeongin knew that his urchin days were behind him, using his skills and his fox form for good.
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