#multi level deck ideas
dysphvric · 9 months
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Deck Uncovered in Atlanta A mid-sized arts and crafts deck with a water feature in the backyard is an example.
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hatsbykat · 9 months
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Fountain - Patio Example of a large classic backyard stone patio fountain design with a roof extension
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spnbitchnomore · 10 months
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Backyard Deck An illustration of a medium-sized, modern backyard deck design
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runnerallen · 1 year
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Backyard Deck An illustration of a medium-sized, modern backyard deck design
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blood-and-hugs · 1 year
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Uncovered - Deck
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happyroleplaying · 1 year
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Dallas Deck Roof Extensions
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toonass · 1 year
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Fountain - Traditional Pool
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monikabose · 1 year
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Backyard (New York)
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hollywoodumc · 1 year
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Backyard - Traditional Deck
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laylaheartphilia · 1 year
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Contemporary Deck - Outdoor Kitchen
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marca-espana · 1 year
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Modern Deck in Seattle
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Deck Roof Extensions in Atlanta
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War Form, Inf-Regen and Weremoths. Why did they not crop up during the Last Great Time War but do during the War? Also what interesting biology facts about them can you tell us?
Regen-Infs, Weurmoths, and War Forms
Ah, the ye olde world of the War in Heaven. Featuring extraordinary bio-engineered soldiers. These include Regen-Infs, who are self-healing warriors with advanced mental capabilities; Weurmoths, massive field carriers decked out with artillery; and War Forms, nightmare-inducing creatures optimised for both terror and function. These troops were notably absent from the Last Great Time War for possible reasons ranging from ethical concerns to resource constraints. Their unique biology combines advanced technology with organic matter, offering features like real-time armour repairs, multi-dimensional cognitive abilities, and even genetic compatibility with other species. In essence, they are fascinating yet horrific manifestations of science pushed to its limits.
Give me details!:
What are Regen-Infs, Weurmoths and War Forms?
Regen-Inf: These are biologically altered soldiers of lesser species, designed to serve in the War in Heaven. They're armed with built-in weaponry and have the ability to regenerate. Their mental makeup is also altered for war-readiness, complete with time-awareness and self-destruct protocols.
Weurmoths: Weurmoths are specialised Regen-Inf, engineered to act as field carriers for other troops. Picture a humanoid the size of an elephant that went to military school and got decked out with heavy artillery. That's a Weurmoth for you. They're big, they're loaded, but they're also unwieldy due to some laws of physics they can't ignore.
War Forms: War Forms are the stuff of nightmares, engineered to look like monsters. They represent the far edge of Gallifreyan military adaptations, offering both terror and functionality in one monstrous package.
Why didn't they appear in the Last Great Time War?
Well, it's anyone's guess, but here are some ideas:
Theory 1 - Ethical and Temporal Constraints: Maybe the Time Lords had moral and temporal reservations, leading them to sideline these war assets.
Theory 2 - Resource Allocation: Creating these bio-engineered warriors might have been like constructing a Rolls-Royce for every soldier - impressive but impractical and far too resource-intensive for a war that was already draining Gallifrey's reserves.
Theory 3 - Strategic Focus: The Last Great Time War possibly focused more on tried-and-true tactics at times. Perhaps the Time Lords were too busy using the old playbook.
Theory 4 - High Risks: The self-destructive and highly unstable nature of these beings could have been considered too risky to deploy in a war of such high stakes.
What are some interesting potential biology facts?
🔫 Regen-Infs
High-Tech Scar Tissue: The 'scar tissue' is an organic blend of biological matter and technology. Maybe they have cells that function like nanobots + nanogenes combined, repairing and upgrading armour in real-time during combat, so every time it's hit, it grows back stronger and instantly.
Dimensional Brain Structures: Their brains are altered to have a level of 'dimensional extrusion,' enabling them to perceive time differently, an invaluable asset in war. This is likely to be a neural network that can process multiple timelines, just like Gallifreyans.
Biochemical Self-Destruct: Should a Regen-Inf soldier find themselves in a compromising position, their bio-engineered physiology can enact a self-destruct sequence. This is likely controlled by a biochemical trigger that induces an instantaneous catastrophic cellular breakdown.
Genetic Splicing: In some cases, the genes from these soldiers can interact with other species, as evidenced by Timon, born to a Regen-Inf and a human. This would involve a sort of gene editing on the fly, causing some … unexpected results.
🐘 Weurmoths
Size vs. Stability: Due to their enormous size, they likely possess specialised skeletal and muscular systems to support their mass. This could involve a lattice structure of incredibly dense but lightweight material, bio-engineered for maximum efficiency.
Firepower and Energy Consumption: Housing the firepower of a battalion means that their cells are likely akin to miniature reactors capable of generating immense amounts of energy. Their metabolism would need to be highly efficient, possibly extracting energy from unconventional sources.
Physical Instability: Maintaining bodily functions and actual movement at such a large size becomes increasingly unstable. They might have multiple redundant systems to manage this, including 'backup' organs and decentralised neural networks.
👾 War Forms
Adaptive Physiology: Their bodies could possess some sort of 'adaptive biology,' where their cellular structure can morph in real-time to counter threats. Think of it as an immune system on steroids, capable of changing the physical attributes of the entity to best handle the immediate threat.
Monstrous Design: The 'monstrous' appearance is not just for show; each aspect of their form could be engineered for a specific function. Spines might serve as both armour and weapon, while multiple limbs could offer greater dexterity and manoeuvrability.
Neurological Networks: Given that they are indistinguishable from monsters, their brain structure might be an intricate mesh of networks capable of running multiple operations at the same time. It's feasible that they could operate autonomously or in a hive-mind setting for coordinated attacks.
Genetic Backdoors: It would be reasonable to assume that they contain 'genetic backdoors,' allowing them to be controlled or disabled if they ever go off-script.
🏫 So ...
The biology of these war-time entities isn't just about splicing genes or grafting weapons onto flesh. It's about crafting organisms specifically designed for the horrors and complexities of multi-dimensional warfare. It's about crossing lines that are not just ethical, but also biological and even temporal, to create entities that are truly abominations of science.
On a lighter note, have a banana.
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Hope that helped! 😃
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quinloki · 5 months
Okay, I lied. I don't feel like making a post about The Better Mousetrap. I'm just stuck on it. Lemme pull up the outline (I'm impressed I actually made one)...
I'm going to make reader a tall reader because I'm tall, but still shorter than Kid and his gang of officers. I'm at a loss for how to describe the Victoria Punk because I'm not actually familiar with the ship at all, so I might just be adding passageways and rooms that don't actually exist. Do we ever see the inside of his ship? Or can I just, make up how I want the infirmary and kitchen to look to make it unique from all the other Kid fics out there?
I'm probably going to make the first few installments all about Reader-chan and their life and I was thinking of being unceremoniously taken into the Kid Pirates, like against their will kind of deal. I need ideas or at least objects that one wouldn't consider catching mice/rats with. I've already got dishes, slippers, paintings, typewriter, and poor Killer's mask. I just need more.
I cannot for the life of me decide if Reader should have a DF or not. I also cannot decide if Reader is pre-time skip Kid Pirates or post-time skip Kid Pirates. If post is Reader joining pre-Wano and therefore pre-Shanks second ass-whooping or post-Wano but still pre-Shanks or post-Wano & post-Shanks?
Any thoughts for any of these mini-dilemmas? Any objects you want to see get used creatively for catching rodents?
For the ship: I personally don't bother to carefully map out the ship while I'm writing. I make a loose layout in my mind so I can keep things straight, but I don't worry about connecting spaces for the reader so much. Unlike with the Sunny there's no canon layout.
A few things - like the main deck, with the skull at the front, and a door in the mouth of said Massive skull, and a multi-leveled series of upper decks - are visible between manga panels, anime shots and movie clips. But the interior of the upper and lower decks hasn't been shown, so I say lay it out how it works for you.
Non conventional mouse trap items... bar soap, candy, bubble wrap.
If you're stuck on details like Devil Fruits and where in the timeline it happens you should list them out, and then write what you COULD write within those parameters, and what you couldn't write.
Reader having a devil fruit could have extra ways of escape. Reading not having a DF means they can jump ship and swim.
That sort of thing!
I'mma noodle unconventional items to use in a mouse trap for a day or two and get back to you xD
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universalimagines · 1 year
Strangers on a Starship (Part 1)
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WARNING: Possible Triggering Content in this Story
So I’ve had this idea for a multi part La’an/Spock story for a minute and I’ve now decided to write it out. FYI this story will be dark and might contain content that’s triggering for some people so just be warned.
Jenna Mitchell usually liked the calmer missions. They gave her time to catch up on her reading and they weren’t getting shot at, boarded or drawn into complex drama. But the quiet ones always came with a catch. Usually that catch was boredom or a surprise shooting battle at the worst time. Today it was worse though. Power was fluctuating across the ship, internal sensors were down across entire decks and engineering was having a hard time keeping up with all the malfunctions.
That had translated into two problems for Jenna. First, it meant doing anything on her off hours that required power impossible. The lights would keep going off at the worst moments meaning she couldn’t ever enjoy her book. Second, the cascading level of the issue had meant that Chief Hemmer had drafted anyone who’d scored higher than an 80% on their engineering exams to aide in keeping up with the busted relays. And of course, Jenna had scored an 83% in Engineering which meant she’d been one of the unlucky draftees.
That was what lead to her to her current predicament. Stuck in the access tubes at 2300 fixing a relay that had knocked out power to the crew lounge. She’d been sent there after a mountain of complaints from the crew there had annoyed Hemmer enough to send someone down to fix it.
She’d arrived with a tool kit to hear the constant gripes of the crew about spoiled food or drinks without any buzz to them. She silently cursed them as she walked behind the kitchen and climbed the tube into the service tunnel that fed power into that section.
The light was out in that section of the tunnels as she walked around looking for the bad relays. She hoped that she could find the damaged one quickly. Repairing a busted relay or replacing it was a simple job but finding it was often more luck. The damage to the relays she’d seen hadn’t all be done the same way. Sometimes the damaged relays were obvious with sparking and fried wires. Other times the wires looked no different that the good ones and she’s had to check each relay to find the bad ones, which would take hours.
Today she was lucky though. She saw the broken relay quickly, since the relay was sparking and adding some small illumination to the hallway. Jenna quickly shut off power to the relay. Behind her in the lounge, she could hear the groans and gripes of the crew no doubt annoyed that their lounge was dark on top of not able to serve them food anymore.
With the power offline, she extracted the busted relay from the wall and put it down as she picked up a fresh one from the tool kit. She inserted the new relay into the wall and ran a final check with her scanner to make sure she’d installed it right before she turned power back on.
The scanner reported that all was good, so she put the scanner on her hip as she prepared to reengage the power. Just then, her scanner beeped loudly causing her heart to skip a beat. She looked at the scanner results.
Jenna had to reread the report to make sure she’d seen what she thought.
“What the hell-“ Jenna began before she felt something grab her from behind and slam her into the wall. The hit disoriented her and messed with her vision. She then felt herself get thrown again. The second throw caused her shoulder to impact on the hallway before falling to the floor. Jenna thought she’d felt something break as she tried to recover and crawl away. Her attacker straddled her, pinning her body and head to the ground so she couldn’t move nor could she see her attacker.
But one of her arms was still free and close by, was one of the tools in the kit. Using all of her remaining strength she swung the tool and felt the item make contact with what she assumed was her attackers head.
But her attacker barely flinched and within seconds was back on the offensive. Her attacker backhanded her hard cutting her lip in the process. Disoriented, Jenna could barely put up any resistance as her attacker grabbed her neck and lifted her to her knees. With both hands, her attacker slammed her head into the bulkhead, hard.
Jenna was slumped against the bulkhead wall, blood trickling from her head. She could feel the pain in her body numbing as she slowly started to lose consciousness. She started to feel her body move without her input. It took a great deal of energy for her to realize her attacker was dragging her. Eventually the attacker stopped dragging her, leaving her sprawled out on the floor. By now, Jenna ability to remain conscious was waning. The last thing Jenna remembered as her vision went black was a hand raising up her shirt, and the feeling of utter revulsion.
Captain Pike had just finished his shift on the bridge and had left Ortegas in the Chair while he got some sleep. As he made his way down the hallways to his quarters, he noticed that there was a rather large and angry crowd handing around the crew lounge, which was now in pitch black.
As he marched inside, he saw that some of the crew were using their own flashlights to create some kind of light for the room. He spotted LT Sam Kirk sitting down with Cadet Uhura and Nurse Chapel having a chat.
“Hey guys.” Pike smiled as he approached them. All three got up from their seats in a sign of respect. Pike gave them both a hand indicating they could sit back down again. “What’s going on?”
“Power’s been intermittent for a bit now.” Sam answered. “The complainers finally irritated Hemmer enough that he sent someone down to repair it.” He then gestured to the room. “But as you can see, they haven’t finished yet.”
“Yeah.” Pike admitted having figured out where the annoyance was coming from. “Who did Hemmer send.”
“LT Jenna Mitchell sir.” Uhura added.
Pike frowned. Mitchell was competent at repairing relays since she’d been drafted to help. Plus, she wasn’t an egoist. If the job was above her skill level, she’d have asked for help by now.
“She has been down there a minute, hasn’t she?” Chapel added. “What could be taking so long?”
“How long has she been down there?” Pike asked.
Sam looked at his watch and frowned too. “Over an hour.”
The four officers all shared a look of concern. “Maybe we should check on her?” Uhura offered. “Make sure she’s good?”
“Officer thinking Cadet.” Pike smiled. The group got up from their seats and went to the back room where the access tube was.
Pike pressed the button to the hatch only to find it wouldn’t respond. He gestured to Sam as both men pulled on opposite ends to the door leading into the service hall, finally opening it up.
By now, the crowd had gotten angry. “Will someone light a fire under that dumbass engineering sent to fix this place?” Someone had whined out.
Christine and Uhura both nodded heads at each other and went into straight crisis management mode. “Hey, take a breath guy.” Chapel began. “We’re all have the same goals here. Fix the problem so life goes back to normal. Yelling at a fellow officer won’t get it done faster.”
“Plus, I know the officer they sent.” Uhura added. “if it’s taken this long it must be a serious issue. I’m sure she’s doing her best.”
Pike nodded back at Chapel, smiling at her skill as defusing situations. He and Sam headed into the hallway confident that Chapel and Uhura could hold the masses at bay till they found out what had happened.
The pair walked into the hallway until they found Jenna’s toolbox on the ground. “Well, this must be the relay she was working on.” Pike state.
“Looks finished too.” Sam remarked as he pulled up the damaged relay she’d removed. “So why didn’t she turn the power back on?” Sam pointed to the nearby relay that had been turned off.
Pike rubbed his chin in confusion. “Not sure…” Pike started observing the relay closer, trying to see if there was something in it that might explain where Jenna was. “I’d say she went to repair another relay but the why did she leave her tool bag?”
“Sir…” Sam said softly pointing to a section of the wall. When Pike looked there, he saw something that made his tension rise. Right on the wall at eye level was a red stain. He put his fingers up to it feeling the soft liquid. He could tell instantly the liquid was blood… human blood.
The pair silently turned down the corridor raising their lights to shine a path down the dark passage. Nearing a corner that led into two separate paths, the pair each decided to take a different direction and remaining at full alert.
Sam had gone left and was shining his light down the hallway when he noticed something out of place. Hidden hastily in the wall panels was a tool Sam recognized as one belonging to an engineer’s kit, but this tool had blood on its head. Sam was eyeing the tool when out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something. It took him a second to comprehend that what he saw was indeed the truth and not a nightmare. It was Jenna.
She was lying flat on the floor, unconscious. Sam’s cursory examination informed him that she had been attacked. Her uniform was in tatters and barely hanging off her body, having been torn in several places exposing large portions of her chest, back, hips and legs. In each location where her skin was exposed, her skin was marred with scrapes and bruises. Finally, her head had a terrible gash on the back and side covered in dried blood and there were thick bruises on her neck.
“Chris!” Sam yelled down the hallway. “I found her!”
Chris sped down the hallway less than a minute later. He too stopped in his tracks when he saw what Sam had. “She barely has a pulse.” Sam breathed out.
“MEDIC!” Pike screamed down the hall at the top of his lungs.
The two men rolled Jenna onto her back searching for signs of life-threatening injuries. They had just finished examining her when Chapel showed up, clearly having sprinted the whole way there. Chapel took quick stock of the situation and got to work assessing the wounded officer.
She dropped her head down by Jenna’s head to try and hear her breathing then moved her hands along the wounded officer’s body. “Airways not obstructed. No signs of major bleeding. But this head wound worries me. We need to get her to sick bay.”
“The malfunctions have been messing with the transporter.” Sam admitted. “We’ll need to take her straight there.”
“Sam, run ahead and see if you can find something we can cover her with.” Chapel ordered, hoping to ensure they could protect her modesty as well.
Sam nodded and sprinted off while Pike pulled out his communicator. “Pike to Bridge. Send security personnel to lock down the crew lounge and all routes into the service hatch on that level.”
“Yes sir.” Ortegas replied, her voice not hiding the shock of the request.
Sam was back within a minute with a blanket that had been draped over one of the couches in the lounge. Chapel quickly covered Mitchell’s unconscious body with the blanket and secured it to her so whoever carried her wouldn’t trip.
Pike then gave his comms to Chapel as he gently lifted Jenna’s unconscious body up, careful to avoid moving her head too much.
“Chapel to sick bay.” Chapel called into the comms. “We’re got a seriously injured crewman on deck 3. Head trauma, significant lacerations and blunt force trauma. We’re coming to you.”
The group exited the service corridor and began a breakneck sprint to sick bay, ignoring the looks of shock in the crew as they ran by.
Spock and La’an were together aboard the shuttle Galileo as it made its final approach to the Enterprise. The pair had been off ship aiding a Federation outpost in getting their defense grid established by helping them work through several bugs that had caused the grid to short out.
“Last time I agree to help anyone set up defense grids.” La’an groaned, her impatience with their completed mission evident.
“Perhaps next time we take part in such an operation we will remember to ask the staff how many experiments they are running and how much power they are draining from the grid.” Spock replied back.
“Next time?” La’an gasped. “Oh no. I am never taking part in any mission where I have to teach officers who’ve never even held a phaser how to set up remote phase cannon turrets and shield generators.”
“You are the ship’s chief of security.” Spock pointed out. “Is there anyone else on the ship with you knowledge of weapons and defensive systems?”
“You know you could’ve set the whole grid up by yourself.” La’an offered.
“Perhaps.” Spock stated “But Captain Pike does not like sending officers out alone on away missions. If you refused to accompany me. The Captain would’ve insisted I travel with LT Ortegas or perhaps even Nurse Chapel.”
The thought of Spock flying off alone with Christine Chapel sent a feeling La’an couldn’t describe into her head. Since their mind meld when facing the Gorn, Spock had been on the forefront of her mind more often than she liked to admit.
She was pulled from her thoughts when Spock spoke. “Curious. We have been within range of Enterprise for several minutes now and they have yet to respond to my hails.”
La’an immediately adopted a serious expression. The crew was usually on top of their game and not responding once in range was red flag in La’an mind. She’d hoped they’d just caught Uhura or Christina asleep at the comms but she knew that was wishful thinking.
Spock reached out on comms again and this time he got a response. Before he could even speak, a hard voice came through. “Shuttlecraft Galileo, proceed to docking immediately. LTs Spock and Noonien-Singh, proceed to sickbay upon arrival.”
The pair looked at each with similar expressions of confusion before they piloted the shuttle into the docking bay.
Once on board, the pair had rushed to sickbay to find Captain Pike, Nurse Chapel and Doctor M’Benga huddled around engaged in a deep and tense conversation. In the back, Spock could see that one of the private patient suites was active and likely occupied.
“Captain.” Spock announced himself as he and La’an came to a stop by the group.
“Spock, La’an.” Pike sighed, his voice tight with tension and grief. Spock recognized this as the same tension that dominated his mind whenever they’d learned about the loss of crewman. “We’ve got a serious situation here, one that is going to shake the crew when the scuttlebutt gets loose. LT Mitchell… Jenna… She was raped.”
Both La’an and Spock, though normally stoic and hard individuals were shaken by this announcement. While outwardly, they appeared only slightly more tense than usual, those who knew the two officers could see the tension, anger and sadness displayed in their subtle actions. Spock, who normally stood at perfect parade rest started shuffling on his feet and the clasp hands behind his back had tightened. La’an meanwhile had balled her hands into fists and her facial muscles tightened as her anger rose to the surface.
“Do we know who was responsible?” La’an asked, her voice tight in anger, waiting for a target to unleash it on.
“No.” Doctor M’Benga whispered. “She was brought in unconscious a few hours ago and she has yet to awaken.”
“Plus her attacker didn’t leave any DNA behind.” Chapel added.
“Where did the attack take place?” Spock asked, his focus trying to shift to solving this brutal act.
“The conduit tunnels that connect to the crew lounge.” Pike answered. “Security is currently holding all the entrances to the conduits sealed along with all personnel present at the lounge.”
La’an looked at Pike seeing where he was going. “Sir, are you looking to make us the primary investigators for this case?”
Pike nodded. “With internal sensors crashing ship wide, I need someone to investigate who is bot someone I trust and had an airtight alibi, which both of you have.”
Pike pulled out his PADD and handed it to La’an. “This investigation takes priority over everything LTs.” He explained them. “Pass off your other tasks to your teams. The crew wont sleep easy till this case is resolved.”
La’an had returned briefly to her quarters in order to change into a fresh uniform and grab a quick cup of coffee before she went right back to work.
As La’an removed her uniform, her shirt got briefly stuck in her hair as she removed it. In frustration, she slammed the shirt into her couch.
La’an could already tell this investigation was going to be a hard one. Not because of the difficulty of the case but because how close to home it would strike. La’an didn’t have many friends on the Enterprise but she’d recently counted Jenna in that list. At first, the two hadn’t gotten along. Jenna was always too optimistic for La’an’s taste but overtime the pair had developed a friendship. As La’an had started to open herself up to the crew, Jenna had been one of the first to include in group get togethers including those involving Chapel, Ortegas and Nyota. To hear that such a kind soul had been violated in such a horrid way was crushing to her.
But her anger stream was broken was the sound of an incoming message on her console. Not bothering to put on a new shirt over her sports bra, La’an walked over to the console and pulled up the message.
The message was a repeating spoken sentence, in a voice that sounded like a busted computer. But the words sent a chill down La’an spine.
“That’s one. More to come. When I’m done, I think you’ll be fun.”
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reahan-khan · 6 months
How can 800PERGOLA create value in your house’s backyard?
The pergola is one of the most iconic ways for home and garden enthusiasts to add style and sophistication to a property. The pergola, which provides stylish shade in the summer and elegant cover in the winter, is an accent that gives a home true character.
Even better is the value a covered wooden pergola or outdoor aluminum pergola can add to your home. If you ever think of selling your home and want to add an element of grandeur to it that will dramatically increase its value.
You can also add a backyard wooden pergola or garden aluminum pergola to your outdoor space to improve its appearance. Whether your pergola is a standalone structure or an extension of an existing veranda, it will provide years of enjoyment while also increasing the value of your home when it comes time to sell. Let’s figure out how 800PERGOLA can create value for your house’s backyard by installing a pergola:
Turn the Corner
Don’t have enough money to build a large covered patio? Install a pergola with the help of modern pergola developers in one corner of your deck for additional shade and privacy. The outdoor aluminum pergola at the far end of the deck is ideal for entertaining and dining guests while also giving the sprawling deck a more intimate look and feel.
Off the Hook
Hang potted plants around the perimeter of the small wooden pergola to take colorful blooms to the next level. Attach small metal hooks to the rafters, then attach steel wire hangers to plant pots through holes drilled into the pots’ sides and hook the hangers to the hooks. As the pergola will limit sun exposure, choose plants that thrive in the shade, such as begonias or dead nettle.
Far Off Fun
No rule says an outdoor pergola has to be next to the house! Feel free to place one in a secluded area a few paces away from home. A small wooden pergola installed beneath a large tree provides shade and plenty of space for guests to play during the day. Meanwhile, oversized lounge chairs and bright outdoor lighting ensure comfort and safe patio navigation after dark.
Symphony for Strings
Lantern-style string lights with festive multi-colored bulbs will brighten your next summer soiree. All thanks to the best Pergola designers in Dubai for bringing life to the innovative pergola ideas to enhance the house’s value. You need to run a metal tension wire along the pergola beams and secure it with screws to get the party started. Then, using cable ties, connect the individual lanterns to the wire. Plug the lights into a nearby outlet, and there you have it—fun illuminated!
Training Day
Can’t withstand the heat? For natural shade, train vines to climb over the roof of an outdoor aluminum pergola. Choose twiner or grabbing climbing vines like wisteria or sweet pea, which wrap their stems around structures quickly, and then tie the vine stems to pergola posts with twine to encourage upward growth. Tie the upper branches of the vines to the beams when they reach the roof to enable them to grow across. You will soon be relaxing under a cool canopy, thanks to expert pergola developers!
Splash Out
Convert a backyard wooden pergola into a pool house with water-friendly furniture and an in-ground hot tub—the setting will be as popular in the winter as it is in the summer. Combining wood with other natural materials like stone and brick on a patio increases the welcoming factor and the house’s value. You can also add more features to the idea by reaching the best Pergola designers in Dubai.
Small yet Striking
Is your yard small? Not a problem! The small wooden pergola is only six feet square, but it includes a built-in trellis for climbing vines, a bench for relaxation, and stealth storage (stow garden tools or other gear underneath). It is a great idea to put it just beyond the walkable yard area, where it will not get in the way of romping kids and pets.
Don’t Miss the Opportunity!
Need some shade, privacy, or drama in your backyard? Consider adding a backyard wooden pergola or garden aluminum pergola to it with the help of 800PERGOLA experts. Interested in enhancing the value of your Villa’s backyard, connect with us now!
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