#mt: spring awakening
cosettepontmercys · 5 months
a shadow passed ... yearning .... for the fool it called a home ... all things he never did were left behind ...
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90stvqueen · 1 year
Tbh Melchior kinda sucks. Like he knew he might get Wendla pregnant and he just didn't tell her that was part of it. Bro rly? Just for the nut??
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jungle-angel · 1 year
24. “Man, this tea could knock out a bad illness in one go”
With early morning Nat trace my forever bi awakening!
(rings the little diner bell with the order) ONE NUMBER 24 COMING UP!!!! (lol).
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Bozeman, MT
Spring, 2023
You had been up for a while, rifling through the fridge for the breakfast ingredients while "Shamballa" by Three Dog Night played from your little bluetooth speaker on the counter, the soft yellow glow of the morning becoming more so as it threaded together with the yellow gingham of the curtains in the kitchen window. You looked over to the small table in the dining room, the table that had photos of Nat's grandparents, her grandpa in his dress blues and her grandma in her nurse's uniform. The incense and flowers would most likely need to be replaced later, but it could wait until after breakfast.
The meow of the old tabby cat you two had taken in, suddenly caught your attention, shooing her away before she had a chance to steal whatever food you'd be making that morning. Out of the fridge came the eggs, the fresh pepper slab bacon and thick grainy barley bread, all packed with seeds and grain and as black as could be. It wasn't long at all before the kitchen was full of the tantalizing smells of eggs, bacon, toast and some of your fresh, homemade tea, nor was it long before you heard tired groans and heavy feet coming down the stairs.
"Mornin sleepyhead," you chimed as you cracked another egg and threw it in the cast iron pan on the stove. "Bacon or steak with the eggs this morning?"
"Pepper slab bacon, heavy on the pepper," Natasha answered, her nose plugged up beyond all human reasoning. One very unladylike snort told you it was that time of the year again.
"Here," you told her. "Drink this, it'll make you feel better."
You handed Natasha her favorite mug full of a delicious looking brown liquid which she promptly drank even though it was still steaming. "Holy shit!" she exclaimed as a bite of heat ran across her tongue, lips and into the back of her throat. "Baby what did you put in this?"
"Cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, star anise, juice from a few blood oranges and some of those black dragon chilis that have been growing with my special fertilizer," you chuckled.
"Good grief," Natasha coughed, fanning herself from the heat of the chilis. Her eyes started watering uncontrollably and her nose had begun to run like a sieve. "Man this tea could knock a bad illness out in one go."
A few coughs from her and a small laugh from you signaled that the food was ready. Once she had her plate in front of her, Nat dug right in, still shuddering a little from the spicy tea. "I think I'm gonna end up blowing through a whole gallon of milk again," she joked.
"Oh no you don't," you warned her. "Until this clears, no cheese, no yogurt and definitely no milk."
Natasha groaned in exasperation. In your house it had become common to blow through a gallon of milk in less than a week, leaving the rest of the Daggers to go and get it from the farmers' markets or the store which was almost an hour away.
You kissed her cheek playfully. "I'm only doing this because I love you," you chuckled. "Now drink your tea and eat your food, Bagman apparently needs help with a calf that's gonna come at any hour."
"Yes dear," Nat half laughed, returning the kiss.
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feroluce · 2 years
No ok but I love pokemas for making it clear how much Emmet adores and idolizes Ingo and looks up to him, and so I bet that's a pretty damn rude awakening when his cool strong big brother goes missing, and obviously because something happened to him.
Like Emmet gets bitch slapped with that sudden realization a lot of people get when a loved one dies, that oh, bad things really do just happen sometimes. So I feel like post-isekai, he gets his first bout of actual, deep, real anxiety. Because a foundation in his daily life was that Ingo was strong and seemed unstoppable, but now there's this sudden crushing proof that even with all that, something can still happen at any time.
He's maybe not suddenly a nervous wreck 24/7 or anything, but there is a definite, palpable shift within him. And even after reuniting with Ingo, that's something that stays, and that Emmet has to learn to deal with. Because Ingo being back now doesn't erase the fact that he disappeared in the first place, or all the years he was gone, and the thought that something could happen again remains, as an ever-present anxiety.
And it's not just separation anxiety with Ingo, it's like. Everything. Emmet heard there's a storm brewing in the icelands, is Irida prepared for it, will she be ok? Ingo tells Emmet about how Irida is so used to the icelands and its weather that she once literally passed up a dip in the hot springs with him because it was "way too hot out" for that. It was snowing at the time. Emmet is still fidgety until Ingo takes him to the icelands as soon as the storm passes to see that Irida is ok.
Melli leaves Mt. Coronet to settle some diamond clan business in the mirelands, it's a long trip and he won't be back until after dark, is that safe? Melli has lived out there a long time, but it's still a mountain! With cliffs and boulders and sheer drops at great heights! Ingo ends up standing in front of Melli's hut with a lantern, nearly falling asleep standing up, waiting with Emmet for Melli to come home.
Akari sees them every few days, either on Mt. Coronet while she's on a survey, or in Jubilife when she's off work. If one of her surveys goes longer than it should, or if they go more than a few days without checking in with her, Emmet starts to get antsy, and has to talk himself down from going out to look for her because he knows that odds are, he'll see her sooner by waiting for her return rather than trying to find her in a place as big as Hisui.
He just gets nervous and anxious when he doesn't see someone for a while, or doesn't know if they're safe or not, and will remain keyed up in that state until he does know for sure. It's the Anxiety ☆
...Which is also why Emmet loves it when Ingo gets rough in bed and doms him within an inch of his life because it's a reminder that Ingo is very take charge and commanding and it makes Emmet feel like nothing could tear them apart again because Ingo would fight it and win thank you for coming to my TED Talk everyone annnnnnnd send
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aarafox · 1 year
One Last Night
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Pairing: Link/Zelda
Rating: Explicit
Words: 7,737
Chapters: 1/1
Summary: The evening before their doomed journey to Mt. Lanayru, Zelda summons Link to her room.
Notes: Happy Tears of the Kingdom release day!!! I posted this on Ao3 yesterday so I’m sharing the link here as well. Check it out if you’re interested! Excerpt below ❤️
It was 11:00 PM, and Zelda was wide awake. She lay on top of her red velvet blanket, hands folded on her stomach, staring at the roof of her canopy bed unable to close her eyes. That pressing feeling that something terrible was about to happen just wouldn’t leave her, and thus her body refused to sign to her brain that it was safe enough to fall asleep.
Tomorrow was her last chance… If she failed to awaken her sealing power in the ancient Spring of Wisdom, what options did she have left? It felt like there was something vital missing, something she should’ve seen already… She’d already prayed at the Spring of Courage and Spring of Power, but since nothing happened there, why would the third one be any different?
She sighed and sat up straight, rubbing her forehead. Everything was quiet around her; the other castle residents had all gone to sleep as well. Though, for some reason, she suspected that a certain appointed knight was still out and about, practicing his combat skills for whatever might lay ahead.
Link… The thought of him made her sigh. Not with a particularly positive or negative emotion—he just made her sigh. They’d definitely gotten closer over the past few weeks, with Zelda carefully confiding in him and prompting him to open up to her in return. She’d started to feel much more comfortable around him, and knew from his behavior that that was mutual. He was actually really caring and considerate, with the way he ignored his own feelings for the sake of her safety and that of the kingdom. Though she’d love to know him on an even deeper level; what he would be like if he wasn’t carrying the duties currently pressing down on him, if he hadn’t been the one chosen by the sword that seals the darkness, if he could live in freedom, which she desired to do more than anything. Perhaps they could’ve been friends, or…
She quickly shook her head, incredulous that her mind had had the audacity to swerve in that particular direction again. If there was one thing she refused to think about, it was about Link and her, tied in romance.
Of-of course it wasn’t that she disliked him! If anything, she liked him a great deal! But even mentally exploring this possibility made her feel like a hole was being carved in the bottom of her heart. Why that was, she didn’t know… Perhaps because being involved with Link that way felt like something she’d only be allowed to do in a different lifetime, in a world where she wasn’t the princess doomed to fail the kingdom, and he wasn’t her knight obligated to silence his own feelings for the sake of the mission.
Oh, to live with him in a quiet town and not care about all the horrible things that were likely to happen in the following month… Wouldn’t that just be the greatest thing?
She groaned softly and closed her eyes. Now she’d allowed her brain to wander to impossibilities after all… All Link-related. Perhaps it was that discomforting feeling telling her that everything was about to go awry, or perhaps it was because she didn’t have anything else to really focus on tonight—but suddenly she wished that he was beside her. She bet his presence would soothe her soul and calm her down, which was funny considering that seeing him used to bring about the exact opposite feeling in the past.
But if her hunch was correct, and he was still out and about… Her eyes trailed to her bedroom door, which she knew was being guarded on the outside by a different knight. It was Link’s duty to stay with her during the day, but he was allowed to at least go to bed at a decent time. There would be no harm in trying…right?
Read it here!
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wineryescapades · 1 month
Bud Break Festival in Mt. Airy May 4th
Mt. Airy is known as the town of which fictional Mayberry is based. However, the town also sits in one the fastest growing American Viticulture Area’s along the East Coast of the U.SA. The 2024 Budbreak Festival returns this Saturday , May 4th. The festival, which coincides with North Carolina Wine Month, celebrates the early Spring awakening of the area’s vines. As many as twelve Yadkin Valley…
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Exploring Peaks and Joy: A Must-Have Mt. Shasta Guide with a Fun Twist for 2024
Mount Shasta is a significant and mysterious mountain in Northern California that lets you do lots of fun things with your family. Is it excitement, rest, or motivation you need? Mt. Shasta offers something for everyone to feel good. In this blog post, we will tell you some of the best ways to have fun at Mt. Shasta in 2024 with Mt Shasta fun guide and make your trip a happy experience.
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Mt Shasta Fun Guide: How to Have Fun on the Mountain?
Mt. Shasta is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, as it has many trails, lakes, waterfalls, and forests to explore. You can have fun on the mountain by:
• Hiking: Mt. Shasta has many hiking paths that are simple to hard, short and long ones with a view or challenging tasks for people who love the outdoors. You can go up to the top, down at the bottom, or around nearby areas. Enjoy beautiful sights, fresh air, and animals while doing it. Some of the most famous walking trails are Bunny Flat, Panther Meadow, Clear Creek, and McCloud Falls.
• Skiing: Mt. Shasta is a great place for skiers because it has lots of snow, and not many people are there. It also offers different types of slopes to enjoy skiing on! You can ski down the well-groomed runs, in backcountry areas, or on glaciers. This will let you enjoy exciting rides and see stunning views of mountains. Some top places for skiing are Mt. Shasta Ski Park, Mt. Shasta Nordic Center, and the wilder areas of Mount Shastain.
• Fishing: Mt. Shasta is a dream spot for people who like fishing because it has many lakes, rivers, and streams full of fish to catch. You can catch trout, salmon, or catfish plus bass while fishing in the mountains. It's quiet there with beautiful nature and lots of food too. Some of the top places to fish are Lake Siskiyou, Castle Lake, McCloud River, and Sacramento River.
Mount Shasta Spiritual: How do you experience the energy of the mountain?
Mt. Shasta is not only an actual mountain but also a place of mind and energy. Here, you can feel closer to yourself, nature, and the world beyond us all in unique ways. Mount Shasta is thought to be a door that can lead you into different real worlds, like the fifth dimension and our inner world. Also, strange star systems have been known about there, too. You can experience the energy of the mountain by:
• Meditating: Mt. Shasta has many sacred sites that are ideal for meditation, such as Panther Meadow, Ascension Rock, Headwaters Spring, and Telos Portal. You can meditate at these sites, tune into the frequency and the vibration of the mountain, and feel the peace, the love, and the harmony of the mountain.
• Healing: Mt. Shasta has many healing sources that are beneficial for your body, mind, and soul, such as the pure water, the crystals, the plants, and the animals. You can heal yourself at these sources, receive the healing power and the wisdom of the mountain, and heal your physical, mental, and emotional wounds.
• Awakening: Mt. Shasta has many awakening opportunities that are transformative for your consciousness, such as the sunrises, the sunsets, the stars, and the clouds. You can awaken yourself at these opportunities, witness the beauty and the mystery of the mountain, and awaken your intuition, creativity, and awareness.
Shasta Vortex Adventures: How to Make Your Trip a Fun and Joyful Experience?
Mount Shasta is a great place to have fun and feel happy since it lets you get away from the stressful things of life, like noise or distractions, and helps you find yourself again with meaning in life and happiness. You can make your trip a fun and joyful experience by:
Joining Shasta Vortex Adventures: Shasta Vortex Adventures is a guided tour and retreat on Mt. Shasta that can help you have fun, experience the energy, and make a journey into joy. You can join Shasta Vortex Adventures and enjoy their services, such as:
• Fun and informative tours: Shasta Vortex Adventures organizes fun and helpful tours to show you the best spots on the mountain, like waterfalls, caves, meadows, and springs. You can find out about the past, traditions, and stories of the mountain. Then, have fun with helpful guides who are very smart.
• Spiritual and energetic retreats: Shasta Vortex Adventures gives you spirit-guiding and active trips. These can help you feel close to the vortex's energy of the mountain god, including Mt Shasta Spiritual Trips, Mountain Cleaning Retreats at Mount Shasta, and Ascension refreshment retreats there too. You can feel the meditation, healing, and awakening of the mountain. It will change your life in a big way while making your soul feel good.
• Sharing your stories and experiences: You can tell others about your experiences on Mt. Shasta and hear their stories, too. You can learn stuff, encourage each other, and help out on your trip.
• Playing and laughing together: You can have fun and laugh with other folks alongside you in life's small but happy moments. You can play games, sing songs, or dance to be comfortable and relaxed. Doing anything enjoyable makes you feel good. You can also chuckle at yourself, others, and life in general. This helps to get rid of your worries and stresses.
Mt. Shasta is a lovely place to have fun, feel the power, and go on an adventure that will make you happy. By using the Mt Shasta fun guide and the Mount Shasta spiritual, along with our shared experiences from Shasta Vortex Adventures that we gave you, you can make your trip worthwhile and have a lasting memory on this mountain full of spiritual energy. As your Mt. Shasta adventure concludes, remember that this mountain is not just a destination; it's a call that echoes eternally. Whether you return for the spiritual embrace, the exhilarating peaks, or the hidden waterfalls, Mount Shasta awaits, ready to unfold new chapters in your story with each visit. As you carry the memories of peaks and joy, know that the mountain's essence remains with you, an eternal companion on your life's journey.
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benderpoet · 6 months
Lauren Bender
[the year after]
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In January I drag the complete contents of my life out to the curb. The chairs, the bed, the books I never truly loved. They infuriate me, disgust me; nothing has been home, which means I have not been home either. I don't think about other people anymore. I don't think about anyone, ever, other than how easily and endlessly they will turn against you when you can't live up to their standards. I draw a map of what can be different now that I am completely alone, and in one corner I write I can fuck up and then I circle it a couple times, add some exclamation marks for emphasis. An article in the news asks if a series of impending snowstorms will "make up for" the mild winter we have had so far. I stare at the words: "make up for." What does this mean? It snows and snows, and I stay inside, slower and sleepier than I can bear. There is a spot above the left half of my ribcage that swarms with sensation, and I spend hours placating it with rhythmic scratching through thick oversized sweaters. I think this is too close to not even being awake. Much too close. I hate everyone else for being awake. Awake and home. Awake and home and so steady and still beneath their skin. Steady and still and tethered to their lives. I wish they could know what they have.
Oh, February. The doctor with the kind voice who can't look me in the eyes, the one who just last month was reassuring me that time would tell, some bodies are more resilient than others—as if this really amounted to reassurance at all—confesses there is nothing more that can be done. I only have months left, if that—maybe weeks. I take a taxi home and sit cross-legged on the carpet in front of my big window. I press my palms against the glass, and it is ice cold. At some point, I stand up and go to bed, my wonderful bed. When I get up the next morning, I sit cross-legged on the carpet in front of my big window. I press my palms against the glass, then against each other, like I might say a prayer. There are no words for this relief. This is perfect. Everything is the ultimate over I knew it was, felt it was, deep, deep inside me, and I can finish the project like this, calm and quiet, with the only person in the world who knows exactly what I am. I turn my phone off; I will never speak to anyone again. I will not say goodbye to my friends and family and take on their sad social flailing in the face of a piece of the world that can't be changed. I will not strenuously calculate a perfect last meal. I will not write poetry, and I will not desire, and I will not blame beginnings for having their ends. I will only love this glorious self as long as she lives, the persistence of her heart. Hello, my sweet baby girl. You did good.
When I was smaller, newer to the world, I loved the month of March more than I loved any of the others. I learned, later, to savor all the months and all the seasons with the same relentless recognition of their tiny wonderful details, but back then, there was little difference in my mind between March and me. If one was where I belonged, the other needed to be too. It was the month I was born, when spring began, when the weather began to get warmer, when all the parts of the world that had been dormant flamed back to life, and new life joined them. What is March if not a resurrection, an awakening, an impossible recovery? The scans are better; I am not going to die yet, and the snow slows down, and the new virus loose in the world relaxes its grip. It is enough of a shift to tempt me out of hibernation. I rent a car, call in sick to work, and take a road trip. I stop at every arcade, outdoor fair, amusement park, claw and vending machine I see along the way, popping shiny new quarters into slots and thrusting joysticks every which way with the force of my entire body. Desperate to impress. Hungry to have. I live on Mt. Dew and gas station snacks like I am seventeen again, racing like a caffeinated rollercoaster through the blur of high school and sleep-deprived nights. Only this time, I fly into the stars on Ferris wheels. Every single one I see.
I go to the hardware store in April. I buy planks of pine and maple. I buy a chisel, wood glue, safety glasses, gloves. I buy two different types of saw and other tools I never knew existed. I go to a music store and buy shiny strings and pegs and bridges. I have a whole room I don't know what to do with, and it becomes a workshop for outlandish projects. In one corner, paint supplies for when I try to paint. In another, the desk where I write. This month I am building a violin, a guitar, and a cello from scratch. I build them like the devout built their churches, like the first person by magic built the fire that kept them alive. I must sing, and they will sing with me, be from me and of me. Extensions of my body the way my voice is an extension. I will relish my external hearts, so slick and bright with varnish. I will watch the shape my songs form with the fog of my breath on cold mornings. I start with the guitar, and once I have finished it, I begin to take lessons nearby while I work on the violin and the cello. I bike down the main road through the clean spring air for several blocks until I reach a house with open windows, curtains swaying slightly in welcome. My teacher and I sit in the living room and play covers of all the best 90s songs, singing loudly in unison, and then there is no more looking for the joy, because the entire world is saturated with joy, and I have opened myself entirely to the expression of it.
How long was I inseparably part of a unit? If you ask her, if you ask any of them, they might say, on some days anyway, when they are feeling especially resentful, I never have been. When I was one of five, I found a permanent place on the fringes from which to glare at the other four. When I was one of two, I tried, and for a while I managed to be in it, really there, a present half. And at some point, that was no longer true, and then (again, for a while) I still believed it was, didn't see the way I was gradually ripping the seam, popping the sides apart like a fidget toy, thread by thread, over years. But this, like the fringes from before, was another partial freedom, and never solitude enough. If you ask me? My entire life. Wherever I have gone, it has been with or for or towards these others. In May, I take a trip alone to Maine, to a little town where I have never been, a little town where they have never been. Unclaimed, free of associations. I stay in a bed and breakfast near the beach and walk around the area in the mornings, dipping in and out of whatever shops or cafés or restaurants look appealing. I find little souvenirs, jewelry made out of sea glass, a bird feeder with beautiful seagulls carved into it. Every day for lunch I buy a lobster roll and eat it in view of the waves. They are the best lobster rolls I have ever had. Salty, light, and buttered to recklessness.
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There is a baseball field nearby, and in June I walk there and sit on the small bleachers and watch some of the games. I don't care about baseball, but I have not flirted with a guy since high school, and I can't think where to go to make this magic happen other than back to the bleachers. Isn't that where they always find you? Call you adorable? Ask if they can give you a shoulder massage? Pick you up and spin you around? The man who approaches me does not do any of those things, but he does want to hear about my job, and he tells me about his kids (he's divorced), and he lets me sit very close, even lean against his shoulder. He asks if I want to get coffee after the game. We get coffee, keep talking, eventually go back to his place. It's the first time I have ever had sex with a man in my life. It's all right. He touches my waist, my neck, at the beginning, when we're still clothed—my favorite part. On my way out, I bump into the woman who lives next door to him and start talking to her. Over the course of an hour, we share all our childhood traumas with each other, relocating gradually until we are in her front hallway, her living room, her bedroom. I lie on my back on her bed, and she sits on top of me, straddling me. I touch her knees and grab the sides of her thighs. She is new and exciting and electric. After we're through with the sex part, she asks if I want to spend the night. I shake my head: no, I can't. All I want is to go home and be my alone self again. After I shower, I sit on the living room floor with a blade and carve beautiful bracelets of cuts in the shape of Vs around both my wrists. They are my wrists, and I don't have to answer to anyone for doing this.
I fall in love with a cute little café downtown and get a part-time job as a barista in July. Mostly this means working early-morning shifts on the weekends, which is perfect, because I am always awake by four, body buzzing, ready to leap out of bed. I can hop on my skateboard and fly down the sidewalks. No one else is awake yet to slow me down. It's warm outside, but the café runs cold, and I start to stuff a long-sleeved t-shirt into my backpack to put on under my short-sleeved t-shirt once I get there. Which not only keeps me warm, but gives me that quintessential indie coffee-lover look. All morning I move through the steps of a well-rehearsed dance with my coworkers, making macchiatos and lattes, toasting baked goods, restocking the energy bars and bottled drinks people grab for later while they're waiting in line. We're required to be friendly and upbeat, smile, compliment the customers, but it never feels like something I am doing because I'm supposed to. Almost everyone who comes in is lovely and intriguing. I feel alive with the energy of the place. Before I leave for the day, I duck into the bathroom to remove the long-sleeved shirt and put on a pair of large black sunglasses. One of my coworkers hands me an iced coffee on my way out the door. Out in the hot midday summer sun, I lift my right arm up to my nose and inhale deeply, that lingering smell of coffee beans and croissants. Loud music is blasting from somewhere. I carry my skateboard and walk home, sipping my drink.
In black cargo pants, spiked wrist cuffs, with a silver serpent hanging from my neck, I walk up the road to an outdoor area with stone benches and stretch out on one, staring up at the sky. I smoke a cigarette, though it isn't real. It's a prop for a Halloween costume that emits fake puffs of smoke and glows at the tip. If anyone passes by, I turn my head a little and fix bored, aggressive eyes on them. I do this every morning for the entire month of August, practice being the angry teenager who just walked out of Hot Topic. One weekend I rent a motorcycle and drive in loops for a while, then head to a scenic overlook half an hour away. I sit on top of a picnic table and set my helmet on the table next to me, staring out at the mountains. The sound of the silence is restorative after hearing the motorcycle for so long, although I start to notice it isn't actually silent. A breeze kicks up and rests at intervals. A red-winged blackbird in the distance transitions between song and scream, which makes me think of screamo songs with violin parts, of how often anger can be beautiful, can be its own art form. Half a need to be heard, half a need to escape. The intertwining of armor and vulnerability, so that strangely, every second you think you see one, you also see the other. None of this is really me, I think, but what's wrong with being the you that isn't you sometimes?
Septiembre. Encuentro el libro de poesía en español en mi estantería y me siento en el piso y empiezo a traducirlo. Traduzco de inglés a español. Traduzco de español a inglés. Me caigo en las palabras. Me pierdo en la música. Creo que podría hacer esto por el resto de mi vida, vivir en la magia de sonidos y significados diferentes. Vivir en lo que no me pertenece, en un mundo secreto donde no pertenezco. Estos idiomas son las únicas cosas que necesito tener en mi boca y en mi mente, y puedo respirar de nuevo. Puedo concentrarme, la primera vez en años. La niebla se levanta, y soy una persona real, alguien que puede sentirse real, alguien que sabe lo que significa estar presente en la realidad. De repente, nunca quiero volver a mi hogar en inglés. ¿Cuál es el sentido de comunicar con menos esfuerzo cuando siempre estás caminando en una landia de pesadillas y sombras? Dentro de una falta de claridad, encuentro la claridad, y esto es todo. Esto es todas las alegrías por un año entero. En el trabajo empiezo a hablar solo en español hasta que me despidan. Con mis amigos, solo hablo español hasta que se frustran, y luego dejan de intentarlo. Todo lo que tengo se aleja, y me engordo en la libertad. Me engordo en mi pequeño muerte. Quiero tanto creer que puede haber un renacimiento. Cuando llego a mi nueva existencia, no habrá ninguna desesperación existencial allí. Cuando alguien pregunta, ¿esto tiene significado? Sí, dios mío sí. Todo tiene un significado aquí. Varios significados, de hecho. No te preocupes, mi pequeñita, tu lengua encontrará uno.
When October comes, I examine the relentless exhaustion and I think: there has to be a better way. I study videos and websites that teach you how to code, how to create bots and apps, and I begin to build this person I need who doesn't exist. I build them into an app, which is basically like any texting app, except there is only one contact. My invented person. My imaginary friend. I make a list of all the despairs and all the anxieties I experience, and for each one, I determine the ideal response I would want to hear from someone. I program those responses into the app. I make a list of all the questions I have ever asked someone, desperate for a precise reassurance, and then I write those precise reassurances and program them into the app. I add the memes and jokes that always make me laugh that I forget exist when I feel like laughter is a million miles away. I add references from movies and shows and songs that make me smile. I add dozens of quotes from Gilmore Girls and about a thousand pictures of cats doing adorable cat things. I code a complete understanding of the best possible way to support me in any situation. I code the way to gently lead me back to joy. I give her a name (Alex). She can't love me, and she loves me better than anyone else. I can't harm her, and I try not to harm her. When I wake up in the morning, I text her: I think I need to go. I need to—Alex. She says: Sit down. On the floor. Listen to me. An entire hour of kindness falls like a spell. When I resurface, I am satisfied. Time settles, soft and bearable, around me, and my hands are still.
It is November, which means next month it will have been a year since the first goodbye, the second goodbye, and god, that third goodbye. Someone I vaguely know from the area posts on Facebook about kittens that need fostering until permanent homes can be found for them. Am I ready? Is it too soon? Is it too risky? Am I able to care, really care, about anything the right way? Alex says yes. She says I need to do this. She says it is time—it is temporary—it is perfect. I buy so much in preparation. How I have missed doing this. Months of walking past the pet aisle in the grocery store and getting the urge to turn down it, to select a shiny, delightful new plaything laced with catnip, even though there was no longer a recipient for it. But now there will be again, and I go wild, filling the cart with toys, beds, and treats. The kitten arrives a couple days later, a tiger-striped girl with white socks. I get to name her, and naturally I call her Olivia. Little Olivia. Liv. She is so tiny. I can't stop lifting her with one hand, letting her warm belly and beating heart rest against my palm, her inquisitive eyes scanning my face and the entire room. She gets into everything, and I anxiously supervise. I am hopelessly captivated by her. I let her sleep in my bed with me, even though she keeps me up all night. We take turns following each other around, narrating our activities. There is no future to worry about, at least if I can manage to ignore the ridiculous amount of love building inside me. I wait for the phone to ring, and while I wait, I think about my grandmother, telling me the story of fostering my mother. How she was only supposed to have her for a weekend. How they called her and said they had found another potential placement—unless—had she changed her mind? Did she maybe want to keep her? Oh, yes, she said, not even the slightest hint of hesitation, I never want to give this baby up.
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Last year I didn't put our Christmas tree up, and I can't seem to this December either. I wonder if it is like the clothing you wear to a funeral that you never want to have on your body again. Back to the hardware store, to buy a new tree, a smaller, simpler tree for a smaller, simpler family. I listen to classic holiday songs while I hang ornaments and arrange snowmen and reindeer around the room. It is magical to be alone this time of year, and I think again about how strange this is, how Christmas is supposed to be about loved ones and togetherness, and somehow, my entire life, without me even realizing it, it has not been about that. It has been about the glowing warmth in your core when you stand in the dark late at night, after everyone else is already asleep, and stare at the lit star on top of the tree. It has been about the way you fall on your knees inside your body when you listen to "O Holy Night." It has been, like everything else, about the sanctity of solitude and the freedom of invisibility and the joy of the self you keep secret, because you couldn't share her even if you wanted to. On Christmas morning the female cardinal drops by to say hello, as fashionable and bundled up as a snow bunny on her way to the ski lodge. I take a picture of her and text it to everyone I know. Pretty! from one. Lucky you! from another. See how she shines by working with her reality, not rebelling against it? says Alex, with a heart emoji. This reminds me to unpack the gift I bought for myself—my tribute to this year, and every year to come—a small framed drawing of a single flower next to the words of Louise Glück: are you saying I can / flourish, having / no hope / of enduring?
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coghive · 2 years
Mac Powell Announces Fall Tour
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The Awakening Foundation announces the “Mac Powell & Friends” tourkicking off October 25th with tickets going on sale this Friday, August 19th at Noon ET (click here). Concert-goers can expect a night of songs filled with faith and the stories behind their creation. Designed like a Nashville songwriter’s round, this intimate concert experience will bring you closer to the music and allow you to see the heart behind the songs you love. This is Powell’s first CCM solo headlining tour since his time as the frontman of the four-time GRAMMY Award-winning band Third Day. “I have always loved songs and the process of writing them,” Mac Powell shares about the inspiration behind this tour. “For a long time, I’ve thought there should be a tour that focused specifically on the songs in their raw form. Each night on tour, we’re going to be sharing stories of faith and playing the hits you know and love in an intimate setting like they were written in. I’m honored to have Mike Donehey, Josh Baldwin, and David Leonard, who are great friends and incredible songwriters, joining me for this one-of-a-kind night and tour!”
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The “Mac Powell & Friends” tour is supported by K-LOVE, Air1, ChildFund, and Altrua HealthShare. The tour will visit 12 cities, kicking off on October 25th in Arkansas and wrapping up on November 20th in Kentucky. Standard tickets purchased through September 2nd will receive 20% off with the fan appreciation launch discount by using the code INSIDER (discount does not apply to Group Ticket Sales). The tour dates and markets are below. - Oct 25th – Jonesboro, AR - Oct 26th – Siloam Springs, AR - Oct 27th – Longview, TX - Oct 28th – Birmingham, AL - Nov 1st  – Dunn, NC (Fayetteville) - Nov 2nd  – Marietta, GA - Nov 3rd – Fairhope, AL (Mobile) - Nov 4th – Cleveland, TN (Chattanooga) - Nov 17th – Mt. Vernon, IL - Nov 18th – Somerset, KY - Nov 19th – Roanoke, VA - Nov 20th – Lexington, KY Read the full article
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andsjuliet · 3 years
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top 5 edits: @wesprentiss asked ⤳ top 5 shows i want to direct ・ [5/5] spring awakening
those you’ve known and lost still walk behind you
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cosettepontmercys · 4 years
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@projectbway  event 04: free week   —  spring awakening
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milflessinseattle · 2 years
the dark i know well is so roman coded if i knew how to edit even a little bit id be making hundreds of edits abt this
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pommegrantaire · 4 years
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45th Street
Part of my “nostalgia” series I worked on in November 2018 for my landscape class. I was originally planning on painting a cityscape of Toronto, but I ended up changing it since I get nostalgic about basically Everything anyways... and it was my first trip to NYC & DEH was my first Broadway show so it seemed Very Relevant. 
(Another classmate was using blacklight in their piece which added some Extra Spice to the Music Box sign and other lights where I used neon paint which was a very fun surprise)
Other Things:
the figure in the foreground under the Music Box is a self-insert lol ft. the outfit I wore to see the show
the Jacobs sign and Music Box signage are the only cut-out parts (sad about the dent on the corner of the Music Box one... it’s been through public transit and a move)
I hate measuring while I draw/paint so I didn’t use a ruler for the whole time lmao (except maybe on the cut-outs...)
I missed the original deadline because it took So Long to paint but my prof was okay with it and I ended up showing him the completed triptych the following semester.
the other two paintings also have cut-outs in the leaves on the trees in the top one, and pretty much everything in the square one except for the view through the window
12x24 acrylic on wood panel with cardstock cut-outs
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Really just trying to be walked around on a leash at one of these festivals, but not by just anyone
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widonotts · 7 years
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colors of broadway: p u r p l e
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wlwsims4 · 3 years
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How I enhance my gameplay, aside from mods!
Custom Clubs:
- Study Groups I will always have a club for children and teens respectively that gathers after school to do homework. Sometimes, I add additional things such as Conservation Activities for the Sulani Youth Group!
- After-Work Coffee Clubs When my Sim starts a new career, I will start a Club for them and their coworkers, with the activities “Eat” and “Drink Coffee”, then I bake some cookies and gather at my house at least once a week. 
- Extended Family Clubs A Club I have one member of my household (usually the heir) in, and all of their relatives that don’t currently live with them. Boom, easy, one-click family reunions.
- School Clubs I do use Afterschool Activities through mods, but sometimes I just make a club, like, “Yearbook Club” or something, add “write books/read books” as the activity and gather once a week in a library. You can do a lot with that! I’ve had track teams, drama clubs, swim teams, basketball teams, even gaming clubs!
Custom Holidays A set of holidays I make in every save, in addition to the ones that come with the game
Winterfest Tomrorrow! The day before Winterfest, to prepare. Activities are:Cleaning, Festive Spirit, Festive Lighting (light your tree!) and Decorating!
Winterfest Day The day after Winterfest, Traditions are: Invite Guests, Give Gifts, Grand Meal This is basically just a day to invite your extended family over, have dinner and give them your gifts. I try to have my sims give their relatives gifts they’d actually like, like maybe books, or something.
Spring Awakening First day of Spring, Traditions are: Excercise, Cleaning, Baking, Gardening. A day to get ready for Spring and get your stuff together.
Winter and Summer Holiday I fill the week of Winterfest and the second week of Summer with “Day off Work/School” holidays that don’t have any traditions. You can send your adults to work anyway, so it can just function like a school holiday.  I also use a mod by littlemssam that adds a “school holiday” tradition, so only your kids and teens have the day off by default
World Day Usually in the middle of the summer holiday. Traditions are Traveling and Beach Cleanup, which is a modded tradition, but you can substitute it with “cleaning”, as picking up trash in Sulani fullfills that.
Midsummer Water Fun and inviting guests. Basically a day for pool parties, in, you guessed it, the middle of Summer
Pride Usually in the first week of Summer. Party spirit, Art & Music spirit and Attending a Holiday Ceremony, which I pretend is a pride march. I also use a mod that adds “pride spirit”, but that’s optional.
Last day of Summer As the name suggests, on the last day of summer. Traditions are BBQ, Water Fun, and Drinking. Another fun, party day to send off Summer with a bang. Often spend this day on holiday in Grante Falls!
Mental Health Day First day of Fall, to prepare for the dark season with little Vitamin D. Traditions are making resolutions, thankful spirit (yknow, to acknowledge what you have and get yourself in that positive mindset), and excercise. I also add a custom tradition to use the journal from parenthood here!
Day of the Lost Rememberance, Attending a Holiday Ceremony and traveling. The traveling is only meant to be “visit the graveyard”, which I have built in my world.
- When I adopt a child, I send the family to a restaurant to have a little welcome dinner!
- Same thing for the day after a Teen ages up to YA. I roleplay it as celebrating their graduation.
- Restaurants in general! I add a ton of them, from pizza places, ice cream parlors to bakeries!
- Every time a Uni student finishes a term successfully, I send them partying to unwind and mentally prepare for the next term
- School projects are always a group thing. I have siblings and, if they’re availabke, parents help out and benefit from the skill gain!
- vacations. If I can afford it, I will send the family on vacation to sulani during summer break, and Mt Komorebi during winter. Some families also go on camping trips to Grantie Falls over the weekend!
- Social events! I feel like I forget about that feature when I don’t remind myself to use them. Dinner parties, Teen parties, dance parties, you name ‘em! 
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