#move to the midwest
cloudshapedpatch · 2 years
the urge to change my name and move across the country and make up a fake childhood and speak in another accent
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cyanomys · 11 months
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creekbed-burial · 2 months
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Do You Ever Really Leave Your Hometown?
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myokk · 9 days
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Sebastian had a few days leave from duty so he visited Eloise😇😇
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autumnblooms · 8 months
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Cause you are water twelve feet deep, and I am boots made of concrete
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mourninglamby · 7 months
guys I also think fnaf is American gothic but can we make it take place in the Midwest this time FOR ME…………. I need fnaf to be like the biggest tourist attraction from Wisconsin to Ohio
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presidentbungus · 10 months
in a similar vein to my last post i very much think demo’d be so good with kids. i don’t know if he’d be a good dad necessarily with all that emotional baggage and undoubtedly enough generational trauma to permanently ruin a toddler within seconds but he’d be a great uncle, godfather, weird neighbor, etc.
consider with me here. uncle tavish with the eyepatch and the peg-leg. he looks scary but he tells great stories about wizards and wars and explosions and he leaves in all the gory bits. he’ll show you how to make a pretty good firework out of the cleaning stuff your mum’s got lying around the house as long as you won’t tell on him. he’ll help you pull pranks on your adult relatives and he’ll take the blame for them. he’ll let you sip on his beer and scrumpy if you swear up and down you’re grown-up enough and when you hiss and stick your tongue out at the alcohol he’ll tell you that means you’re probably more mature than him. he doesn’t seem that rich but he’ll buy you a dirtbike or a pony or a whole set of expensive action figures for your birthday and he won’t even act like it’s a big deal. there’s something so simply enjoyable to him about kids (kids that aren’t his), so kicking with wonder and fierce excitement about the world, and he does whatever he can to give them what he never got—the push to run around and discover and do what they want, and to spit and curse and play-swordfight in the backyard and everything else all the adults in his life never really let him do. really, under it all, at the end of the day he’s got the big dumb heart of an absolute bloody sap and he knows it, and it’s almost relieving to know he’s still got it after all these years. you know? it works out
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months
“why would elaena marry a dornishman when they’re nasty evil people who murdered her poor innocent brother daeron”
maybe because once elaena grew up she realized that there were better ways of bringing dorne into the realm than violent conquest, and that daeron got the death he deserved from not just a nobility that is valid for fearing subjugation from valyria but also a smallfolk sick and tired of these people showing up every few decades to set their principality on fire, and put aside any anti dornish sentiments she may or may not have harbored as a child to see the way her family had directly attributed to their suffering, eventually even falling in love with and marrying a dornish man??
also, considering daeron ii attempts a type of proto-reparations act in bringing dorne into the kingdom, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that someone as intelligent as elaena would recognize the inherent racism in the targaryen conquest of dorne and especially considering the very loud anti-dornish, deeply anti intellectual faction in the blackfyre rebellions, realized they wouldn’t be kind or understanding of an intelligent woman like herself and had no interest in herself or her daughters (of which she had four!!) getting shoved back into the maidenvault again?
like, daeron i is on some andrew jackson manifest destiny shit, and if it makes me an asshole for thinking “god i wish someone had merked jackson before he genocided & displaced my ancestors, good on the dornish for realizing you can’t negotiate with imperialists” than i am perfectly comfortable being considered an asshole right next to my girl elaena.
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girlboyburger · 9 months
What are your favorite cow breeds?
SO i've answered this question before BUT i want to answer it again but my opinion have slightly changed i love literally all bovines. they're such a neat type of animal that come in sooo so many shapes and sizes with the connecting factor being incredibly cute and big all across the board. thhhat being said, i'd say that jersey / holstein cows are still pretty close to the top of my list in faves. jerseys are just. gonjus. pretty pretty shades of brown / orange and decently docile temperaments. also very common around where i live so bonus points for being a type of cow i've interacted with
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holstiens are your Average Black and White cow ! equally pretty and make up about 90% of cow breeds in the US. they've been around for almost 2,000 years and i can not stress ENOUGH how much of a weak spot i have for animals that have cute pink noses. big big babies ;u; also a cow i have Experience With because i'm in da midwest, so i can drive about 20 mins in any direction and come upon these guys
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(also only partially related; don't cows just have such kind eyes?? such a warm and soulful animal everytime i look at pics like this i want to kiss them on the tall forehead.) so, those answers are the same as last time. BUT. but. i want to take this post to direct everyone's attention to zebu cattle. because they're absolutely beautiful and interesting and underrated imo. Feast your eyes on this Beast
theyre just s. so the animal of all time.
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looselipssinkships-x · 9 months
fall out boy lyrics that make me think of the places i grew up
this town is wasted and alone -- death valley -- when i visit, if I'm lucky i get to drive around, and the nothingness is crushing. You go to school, you graduate, if you're upper or middle class you go to college, probably the local one an hour away. You have to drive an hour to get to the good grocery store, twenty minutes to the shitty one. You marry your high school sweetheart, or someone you met in college, you settle down and have kids. You have at least one family member who works for a company you're pretty sure is still just a factory, even though they have fancier names for it now. I look out the window of my parents' house and i can barely see the neighbors' house.
you were the last good thing about this part of town -- grand theft autumn/where is your boy -- i left my best friend in the city i moved from and god i miss her so fucking much. Every time i visit it's like we were never apart. Every time i leave we both wonder if we'd have made it had i not moved away.
i can't remember the good old days -- 27 -- your parents' house is supposed to feel like being a kid, running around carefree. I have not lived with my parents for eight years but every time i visit i wake up with that same chest crushing anxiety and it does not go away. Even when i get back out east it takes me days to feel like a person again.
every pane of glass that your pebbles tap/negates the pains I went through to avoid you/and every little pat on the shoulder for attention/fails to mention I still hate you -- chicago is so two years ago -- i did not visit for almost two years, and then only did so because my grandmother was dying. Had she not been, it would have likely been so much longer. I spent those two years hating that small town, because i thought if i hated it i wouldn't miss it, and it all hurt so much that it wasn't hard to try to hate it. (that didn't work, because even though it hurt, it was still home)
I know I should be home/all the colors of the street signs, they remind me of the/pickup truck out in front of your neighbor's house -- chicago is so two years ago -- it's the little things that get me, the parts that weren't so bad, the parts that were even good, the parts that killed me to leave behind. The first dance class i took out east i sobbed the entire two mile walk home.
whoa, can't do it by myself -- reinventing the wheel to run myself over -- this one gets me because every time everything just feels like too much, it's amplified by the fact that i did this to myself, i chose to move away from everyone and everything i ever knew, and it's therefore my responsibility to indeed, do it by myself
we're the kids who feel like dead ends//and the poets are just kids who didn't make it -- i've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth (summer song) -- literally all of my friends from home don't quite fit the midwestern mold, and we're all mentally ill creative types. We're in our mid twenties now and have felt like burn outs for years
I swear I'd burn this city down to show you the light -- sophomore slump or comeback of the year -- the same best friend from earlier. I worry the small town is crushing her and she's so, so bright.
the best way to make it through with hearts and wrists intact is to realize two out of three ain't bad -- i'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off (me & you) -- you make sacrifices to survive. Mental, emotional, physical, everyone's sacrificing something just to make it through.
it's all a game of this or that, now versus then/better off against worse for wear/and you're someone who knows someone who knows someone/I once knew, and I just want to be a part of this -- hum hallelujah -- the duality of living in such a small town where everyone knows everyone and still feeling like you have no place to belong
literally all of g.i.n.a.s.f.s. but especially: everybody wants to drive on through the night if it's a drive back home//things aren't the same anymore, some nights, they get so bad//i sleep with your old shirts and walk through this house//it's a strange way of saying that I know I'm supposed to love you, I'm supposed to love you//I've already given up on myself twice third time is the charm//threw caution to the wind, but I've got a lousy arm -- ioh was my first fob cd, and i listened to it on repeat the summer i spent commuting from my parents house to the hospital in the city to camp until i finally got an apartment. This was also the year i spent coming out to myself, terrified of the future and expectations i knew I'd never meet. I was also in love with one of my best friends and god it hurts so much for your first love to feel so wrong
I will never end up like him/behind my back, I already am -- headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet -- when i first moved to the east coast i swore I'd assimilate and no one would know where i came from, but the second I'd open my mouth it would be "oh what part of the midwest are you from?" Over time I've learned to make peace with the parts of myself that are so unavoidably rural and midwestern, but there were parts i resented for a long time, because it felt like I'd never be free from where i grew up
I don't know where I'm going/but I don't think I'm coming home -- alone together -- i remember driving home from a college course i was taking my senior year of high school and just, dreaming of driving on, starting somewhere new
and in the end/i'll do it all again -- the kids aren't alright -- if things had been different, if i'd grown up differently, i wouldn't be who i am today. Also i almost got these lyrics tattooed on my thigh. Still might tbh
you were the sunshine of my lifetime/what would you trade the pain for?//and I just about snapped, don't look back//what would you trade the pain for? I'm not sure -- love from the other side -- leaving was, and is, so goddamn hard. Every time i visit my best friend, my grandparents, i have to remind myself why i left, and why i can't go back, and so much of that focuses on looking forward because if i look at the past too much i begin to romanticize the pain
scar crossed lovers, forever -- heaven, iowa -- i am so inexplicably, irreversibly bound to the people i grew up with like some sort of fucked up trauma bonding. Out here on the east coast, in the cities, it's just different. Even people who grew up east coast "rural," it's not the same. It's strong with friends from the city i moved from and even stronger with my friend who grew up in the same county.
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astronicht · 4 months
See writing historical AUs is easy; I have Wikipedia, I have JSTOR, I have the internet archive, I have “well I want to buy this book about Dutch Golden Age painting ANYWAY.” Trying to even just think thru something set a few years before I was born in the country I was born into has me wanting to search “ok but did other kids ever wear shoes in summer or nah” on DuckDuckGo.
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god-u · 6 months
gen v tumblr been too quiet lately so doing a random poll for funsies
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17yearcicada · 12 days
i would say my top five states i'd move to if i had to move for whatever reason would be like. pennsylvania arizona maine california if i was really desperate. i know that's only four but halfway through composing this list i remembered i hate the united states
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creekbed-burial · 6 months
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More Than A Landmark!
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antifataylorswift · 2 years
Begging people who are obsessed with "physical copies" of things to consider simply storing backups on a hard drives that they physically own.
Storage is incredibly cheap these days. I picked up a 14TB external drive for $200 a year ago, relentlessly pirate everything, and have still only filled it 60%. You can get a 2TB drive for $60 right now.
It takes up less than a shoebox worth of space. It's encrypted at rest. It's significantly more durable than CDs, DVDs, Vinyl, and paper. It's significantly easier for me to make and keep backup copies of everything which makes it even less likely for me to lose access to them.
I've got the equivalent of probably 600 DVDs, 1000 CDs, and 2000 books on there — none of which required any additional manufacturing, packaging, or transport (beyond the electricity required to transmit the files to my computer) and all of which would probably take up at least one dedicated room to store if I'd had physical copies of them.
I promise you don't want physical, tangible copies — you just want to own things.
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no thoughts just the idea of Jack introducing Gabriel and the rest of the OW crew to biscuits and gravy
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