#moon chase
alfjorcitos · 11 months
omgg he's soo cute (i want to peg him. i want to make him whimper. i want to edge him till he cries and begs me to cum)
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wlwsuperheroine · 10 months
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mionzoka · 7 months
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My iterators designs
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shrimpricebowl · 8 months
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before we were born, was the sky this shade of blue?
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exo-dus404 · 2 months
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AU Concept Arts.
Moon’s region is featured with the signature blood-red ocean(mostly resulted from iron mine contamination…or is it?), and pale building structures.
Grey Wind’s region is windy and misty all-year-long. The grass appear an eerie shade of pink at night.
NSH’s region is very industrialized and polluted. Valleys and cliff formed from erosion.
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erlkink-heatcliff · 2 months
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git him! ooh git him !
extra doodles too
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soaricarus · 4 months
local group skittles
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+ extra suns [who is Not in the local group but they take a part of events in downpour i suppose]
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sleepycat5805 · 4 months
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iterator designs!! and bonus moon and pebbles
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flickering-nightfall · 11 months
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Notes and doodles I accumulated while working on the iterator refs ^^
Alt text for the last one under the cut because it was too long for the description box
Five Pebbles
-Supreme maker of mistakes. Flew too close to the sun (lol)
-Doesn't know what a mental health is
-Dislikes the cold
-Is building a miniature of an iterator can in his room
Looks to the Moon
-Good at finding good in the world. Kind in a world that is unkind.
-Likes explaining things when she has the energy to do so
-Too used to enduring and enduring.
-Will walk directly into the ocean to say hi to the sea animals
Seven Red Suns
-Not-so-secretly sentimental
-Can phrase their words really really well or very very badly
-Likes engaging with others; handles isolation poorly
-Paints on their walls
No Significant Harassment
Any pronouns; usually he/they
-Knows the value of a good laugh
-Gets a little silly (literally, philosophically, legally, you know how it is...)
-Understands that life is unfair. Will take his lot, for better or worse.
-Wants to do a backflip so very much
Chasing/Grey Wind
-Their life is one big depression nap
-Powerful speaker, but more of a listener. Lurks in group chats
-Calm and levelheaded, but so very tired
-Plays songs for their friends
Unparalleled Innocence
Any pronouns; usually they/she
-Looks like a cinnamon roll. Can tear you to shreds
-Fiercely independent, but also quite loyal. Will fight for their friends
-Hates feeling trapped in any way
-Really wants to kick their own can
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celesterayel · 5 months
midnight secrets | luke castellan
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pairing : luke castellan x nyx!reader
request: can you write about luke and a daughter of nyx? <33
IN WHICH — he knows only one true thing: you put all the stars to shame.
"now I just wanna stay here and fall into midnight. Want nobody else now, only you, feel right" - a.
w.c. 1.9k
warning(s) : soft ゜✭・.
✩ ‧₊˚ author's note can you tell when I was younger I had fallen in love with the night and the idea of it? cuz I did. very much so, I'd say. also water, always loved the concept of it--the fragility and softness of it, like a balm against my skin.
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long, long ago you learned of the sea of stars and their stories, from which rose their beginning and end. the stars were beings of heat and fire; they were beautifully mortal and alive.
they danced upon the domain of zeus; showering the sky with lights when night fell and befitting the world with their glow.
but as the sands of time bade the next and the corners of the sky dulled, the toll of living and breathing became too much. and so in the vast space of nothingness among the empty silence, the stars took on the duty of protecting a human and god: following where they might go, to every lifetime and universe as if they could erase the tragedy of the divine that swam through their blood.
and when each stars’ child died and their soul followed its ache to finally rest, the star would fall out of the sky in a blazing trail of destruction and divinity to taste freedom one last time and meet them in the next life.
there had been something raw and gruesomely alive about the stars when you learned of the story and so everyday, you’d trapeze the mortal line between night and sleep to watch them in absolution. you yearned to find an answer as to why? why would such immortal and imposing celestial beings like the stars willingly ruin themselves for us humans, for us beings that hungered for war and found pain like a symphony?
you learned your answer when you met luke castellan, your own tragic star who would follow you when the blood of the gods stopped flowing through your veins and your existence came to its calamitous end.
you had spent most of your life curiously confused as if there was something missing that made you feel broken; a piece of the puzzle that made drizzles seem like hurricanes and everything seem like an unsolvable mystery, constantly itching at your skin as if you just needed to pull back the layers and scratch.
and then, one day it stopped.
the buzzling in your head faded and you seem to finally just be.
luke castellan was the rain before the storm, the pain before the raw scream; every fatal, holy thing that meant absolution and destruction in the same manner. a price you were willing to pay if it meant loving him.
and you did–love him that is. every part of you ached with love for your golden boy who had weathered storms like they were his prison and had wanted like it was a fatal wound that might never heal.
you first met the golden castellan boy nearly a year after coming to camp where you were claimed to be a child of the night and stars, the goddess nyx; an absolution of divinity that you would be every dark, enchanting thing he would know. you were the only thing that would allow the hurt in him to finally cease its dance and just allow him to simply be.
while the blood of the gods flowed through your veins, the peace only night could bring was your cover. it was every paceless sleep spent at the docks praying to your mother for one more star to keep its dance, it was heaven and heartbreak in the same measure.
when both man and monster fell to slumber, it was the knowing that eventually everyone would cease their dance sooner or later.
people would watch you like you were a painting come to life as the moon basked you in waves of starlight and the forest came to life in your presence. when the night grew tired of its waiting and the stars lost their way, it was you coaxing them back to life to the restlessness all beings underwent.
you were a creature of presence and peaceful destruction, misfortune and desire–every loud, unsaintly thing the brown-eyed, dimpled boy had thought.
and he was your exact opposite: bold, bright and charming like the sun. it was as if hermes had threaded gold through his veins and ichor had poured forth to create whatever celestial thing luke was. a type of burn only the sun could bring when you went off to your death.
the night had settled upon the camp long ago and so nothing but the loudness of silence and pensive dreams continued its echo. except for the child of the night and her sun who seem to find balance between the bumbling and the glow of the soft moon.
luke grabbed your hand and threaded his fingers, clutching you tightly as if you’d disappear with the breeze and never return.
he guided you to the docks where the river reflected back the divinity of the night sky and lapped gentle waves against the shore. you sat side by side, silently basking in the quiet.
breaking the silence, he asked, “what’s wrong?”
what was wrong? you didn’t quiet know. there was just a sort of cloak of discomfort that had settled over you that you couldn’t seem to shake off.
“do you ever wonder what’ll happen next?”
you settled his hand in your lap and grabbed it like it was a lifeline, tethering your aching body back to the living when all you wanted was to fade. he only rubbed the back of your knuckle, soothing the skin and the bone-deep itch all at once.
you turn to gaze at him, and suddenly you were jealous of the moon and how it shined so beautifully on him like it was made for him to bask under.
he turns to look at you, “before no. now…every moment, i begin to think what makes us so different from humans that we suffer tragedy while they can live how they please and without the cruelty of the gods. I think about what will happen when i finally pass on from this life to wherever my soul may go.”
you don’t think you could handle leaving this world after him. it was a type of pain that would kill you inside out, you decided. you knew it.
there is vulnerability in him that speaks out, “and then i dream that none of that matters because someday you and i make it out of here. out of this place and away from gods and monsters.”
you only grab his other hand and the one you currently have trapped and place a kiss upon each of the palms, embedding all the affection you have for him in that moment. it is something so humanely lived that the world stops moving and the gods see a love for the ages.
he plucks you up from his side and merely places you in his lap, wrapping you tightly in arms like there is no war spreading and reaching it’s claws from the horizon toward the two of you.
you simply close your eyes, soaking in the boy who's holding you like you are a divine being.
“open your eyes and show me the stars, pretty girl.”
all he can think is the moon and stars, which you've fallen in love with so many times has nothing against you. and suddenly your staring the biggest star in the face, wondering if in another life you were the moon and he was the sun king.
but when he kisses you, you realize no. he is simply the star that will follow you when your bodies turn to ash, being picked up by the breeze. and there is only the secret that luke castellan would allow himself a thousand years of destruction if it meant following you where ever you go.
you two are simply a star and his love.
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trashiiplant · 3 months
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Decided it was about time to update my iterator designs mostly due to how much of a pain they were to draw. All except for Pebbles of course <3 he only got minor tweaks.
I'll try not to redesign them for what... the 5th time or something
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driftingmoonmenace · 10 months
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dangerous hand holding
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poppy-purpura · 4 months
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the situation
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aeb-art · 6 months
help wanted 2 brainwashed me so here's some ooc self-indulgence:
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hey mike, maybe if you played moon's games and took a nap, it wouldn't chase you around the building, just a thought
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ask-looks-to-the-moon · 6 months
Oh! Your username changed! It is true though, you will be, by all means, a big sister! How is the local group liking the change?
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nephilimbrute · 7 months
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iterators if they were AWESOME
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