#moominvalley sky one
henrykathman · 11 months
The Complete Amateur's Guide to Moomin
By popular demand, I have compiled every video in my 'Amateur's Guide to Moomin' into one convenient video, with additional footnotes, corrections, and a newly added section discussing the changes that have occurred with the Moomin series since the publishing of the original videos. Join me as I explore the series' history and its author, Tove Jansson, to discover what we can learn from this peaceful family of trolls.
Special thanks to @marsmombestmom for helping with the Swedish Translation and corrections.
Augsburger Puppenkiste. Die Muminfamilie, ARD, 1959.
Boel Westin. Tove Jansson : Life, Art, Words : The Authorised Biography. London, Sort Of, 2014.
Bosworth, Mark. “Tove Jansson: Love, War and the Moomins.” BBC News, BBC, 13 Mar. 2014, bbc.com/news/magazine-26529309.
Box, Steve, et al. Moominvalley. Yle TV2 / Sky One, 25 Feb. 2019. 13 x 22 minutes.
Dębiński, Lucjan, and Maria Kossakowska. The Moomins, Episode 1-100, Se-Ma-For, 1977.
Gutsy Animation. “Moominvalley Crowdfunding Campaign.” Indiegogo, 8 Mar. 2017, indiegogo.com/projects/moomin#. Accessed 30 May 2023.
Jansson, Tove, and Elizabeth Portch. Comet in Moominland. Puffin Books, 2019.
Jansson, Tove, and Kingsley Hart. Moominpappa at Sea. Puffin Books, 2019.
Jansson, Tove, and Kingsley Hart. Moominvalley in November. Sort Of Books, 2018.
Jansson, Tove, and Thomas Warburton. Moominsummer Madness. Puffin Books, 2019.
Jansson, Tove. Finn Family Moomintroll. Translated by Elizabeth Portch, Puffin Books, 2019.
Jansson, Tove. Moomin: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip. Drawn & Quarterly, 2010.
Jansson, Tove. Moominland Midwinter. Paw Prints, 2008.
Jansson, Tove. Tales from Moominvalley. Penguin Books Ltd, 2019.
Jansson, Tove. The Exploits of Moominpappa. Penguin Books Ltd, 2019.
Jansson, Tove. The Moomins and the Great Flood. Drawn & Quarterly, 2018.
Karjalainen, Tuula, and David McDuff. Tove Jansson: Work and Love. Penguin Books, 2016.
Lamppu, Eva. “Big in Japan, but Could America Love Moomin?” Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 6 Oct. 2009, reuters.com/article/us-moomins/big-in-japan-but-could-america-love-moomin-idUSTRE59501Z20091006.
Miyazaki, Akira, et al. “Tanoshii Mūmin Ikka.” Tanoshii Mūmin Ikka, season 1, episode 1-78, TV Tokyo, 1990.
“Moomin Characters as Tove's Self-Portraits.” Moomin, 15 May 2019, moomin.com/en/blog/moomin-characters-as-toves-self-portraits.
“Moomin Products in the 1950s.” Moomin, 15 May 2019, moomin.com/en/blog/moomins-in-the-1950s.
Moomintrivia. “Psychology of The Invisible Child.” Moomin Trivia, 10 June 2019, moomintrivia.tumblr.com/post/185491696931/psychology-of-the-invisible-child.
Moyle, Franny. Moominland Tales: The Life of Tove Jansson. Youtube, BBC 4, 2012, youtube.com/watch?v=tYgC0nKyF0g.
“The Story of How Moomintroll Was Born.” Moomin, 12 Jan. 2020, moomin.com/en/blog/the-story-of-how-moomintroll-was-born.
“Who Inspired Tove When Creating Moominmamma?” Moomin, 15 May 2019, moomin.com/en/blog/who-inspired-tove-when-creating-moominmamma.
“Who Inspired Tove When Creating Moominpappa?” Moomin, 15 May 2019, moomin.com/en/blog/who-inspired-tove-when-creating-moominpappa.
Yamazaki, Tadaaki. Moomin, Fuji TV, 1969.
YLE News. “Finland’s Most Expensive TV Show: New Moominvalley Series.” Yleisradio Oy, the Finnish Broadcasting Company, 25 Jan. 2019, yle.fi/a/3-10614150. Accessed 30 May 2023.
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sun-dog-au · 1 month
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🌙Welcome to the SunDog AU!☀️
(In which you can ask Sniff questions!)
An alternate universe based in the general Moomin franchise created by @flowerbloom-arts , this blog follows the story of Sniff and a few other people in Moominvalley as strange things happen that have to do with their sky.
Sniff is an odd and easily tempted child who may not remember much of his own past, but perhaps time will tell if he is involved with these supernatural shenanigans!
[Join the AU discord]
[The AU in its current state is a reboot! To see the content made for the older version, you can look at the masterpost here]
Main Story
(Not written yet!)
While the AU is no longer a webcomic story, I'll still make comics for bits of story and songs that wouldn't fit into the main story, such as adaptations of moments from the books/comic strip or original backstory and silly moments from before or between the main storyline. These will be listed by order of in-universe chronology.
Adaptation - Moominmamma and Moomintroll adopt Sniff (Moomins and the Great Flood)
Lyric comic - Omen by Mother Mother (intro)
Sometimes I just do little drawings that don't fit elsewhere, so this is the section where I list the ones I did. These will be listed by date posted.
Tarot Cards
Reference sheets
Every character has a unique design that intentionally diverges from canon in the AU, so I made reference sheets for them! Some of them may be original characters, which are colored in red.
Sniff, Query
The Moomins and the Snorks
Snufkin, Little My, the Mymble's Daughter
Mrs. Fillyjonk and her kids, Mabel
The Muskrat, Stinky, Cedric, Mr. Hemulen, the Inspector
Some bits of information are needed to be known before diving into the main plot of the AU. Here are some important questions about the setting of the AU that some of you may ask, or if a certain question is asked often enough, it'll be added here.
Any non-frequently asked questions about the meta of the AU that you may want to know will be in the #Queries To Bloom tag.
When does the story take place?
The story starts in the summer of 1949, less than 4 years after Sniff was found in a supersized dark forest by Moominmamma and Moomintroll while on their search for Moominpappa (a.k.a. Moomins and the Great Flood). After that, it's just a matter of figuring out the timeline yourself.
Which adaptation is this story following?
The story is set its own unique canon which primarily follows the books and comics, but does take characters, stories and lore details presented in Shin Moomin, Tanoshii Mūmin Ikka, Moominvalley 2019 and maybe even other sources.
Did the original stories made by the Janssons happen in this AU?
With very few details skewed here and there, the first few Moomin books (Moomins and the Great Flood, Comet in Moominland and Finn Family Moomintroll) have taken their place over the course of a year and a half from 1945-1946 in-universe. There are also a few comic stories, if changed in detail, which have already taken place for the 2 years before the story begins, these comics are; Moomin's Desert Island, Moomin Builds a House, Moominmamma's Maid, Club Life in Moominvalley, Moomin Falls in Love, Moomin's Lamp and Mymble's Diamond.
Other stories will either be adapted in the main storyline (the AU will be primarily written as an adaptation of different stories from previous adaptations with a few original stories) or will be implied as having happened between chapters.
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flowerbloom-arts · 1 year
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- Secret of the Hattifatteners, Tales From Moominvalley.
I really really really need you all to know how much of a wife guy Moominpappa is actually, like even if they're not super outwardly affectionate in the books, Moominmamma trusts Moominpappa very deeply and Moominpappa's definition of "home" always links back to Moominmamma. He is the waves and she is the shore.
(excerpts of Moominpappa thinking about Moominmamma and only Moominmamma whenever he gets reminded of home v)
He went back to the boat, shaking his paws like a cat. Some of the spiders had crawled on to him, and he thought it very unpleasant.
They soon found the painter also and started to crawl along it in a thin red procession, and from there further along the gunwale.
Moominpappa seated himself as far astern as possible.
This is something one dreams, he thought. And then one awakens with a jerk to tell Moominmamma: ‘You can’t imagine how horrible, dearest, such a lot of spiders, you never…’
And she awakens too and replies: ‘Oh, poor Pappa – that was a dream, there aren’t any spiders here…’
It was a small scroll of birch-bark, of the sort the sea likes to curl up and throw ashore. Nothing else. You can unroll them like documents: inside they’re white and silk-smooth, and as soon as they’re released they curl shut again. Exactly like a small fist clasped about a secret. Moominmamma used to keep one around the handle of her tea-kettle.
Moominpappa had laid himself on his back and was staring up at the pale green leaves around him. Light, delicate leaves against a dark sky. In his easy-chair at home he had a cushion embroidered with fern leaves by Moominmamma. Pale green leaves against black felt. It was very beautiful.
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amethyst-marie368 · 2 months
Chapter 7: Let's Find Comfort In Each Other
⧫ ⧫ ⧫ Rauna POV ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
As I stepped out of my tent, a gust of wind greeted me. My hair, still down from the previous night, flailed around me. I started gathering my hair to one side so I could see and not taste hair in my mouth. Glancing over, Snufkin was walking toward me.
“Morning, Snufkin,” I said. “Nice day, isn’t it?”
Amused, Snufkin looked up at the stormy clouds rolling in. Flashes of lightning lit up the sky, and the rumble of thunder spread across Moominvalley.
“…Yes. A nice day indeed. Good morning.” He smiled.
The clouds were coming in fast. We need to pack up quickly, or we’ll get drenched by the rain and I just took a bath last night. I don’t want to take another…
“Snufkin, can you help me pack up my tent? I'll help you pack yours too, it’ll be faster.”
“Sure. Let’s hurry before it starts raining cats and dogs.”
The wind certainly didn’t make packing up two tents any easier, but we finished quickly. Things packed, we headed to Moominhouse.
Just as we crossed the bridge, thunder as loud as a cymbal crashed above us, and rain rushed from the sky.
“Let’s go!” I yelled over the rain. Taking Snufkin’s hand, we ran for the safety of the porch. The rain pounded relentlessly, drenching us. Lightning cracked across the sky. My heart was beating out of my chest as we ran towards Moominhouse. Snufkin’s hand, which I held securely, sent warmth through the palm of my hand, a stark comparison to the chilly rain.
By the time we reached the safety of the porch, rain was dripping off the ends of our clothes. Moominmamma opened the door as soon as we stepped onto the porch, warm towels in hand.
“Morning, Moominmamma,” I feel like I’m always wet whenever I come here… Last time, I went for a little swim in the waterfall. This time, I took a shower in the rain…
“Good morning, Moominmamma.” Snufkin greeted.
“Good morning, it’s nice to have you back.” She said with a smile. “Good morning to you too, Snufkin.” Moominmamma’s gaze, towels in hand, drifted down.
Hm? Following her gaze… My face flushed with embarrassment. Without a word, I let go of Snufkin’s hand and reached to take one of the fluffy towels.
“Everyone’s inside. The both of you can come in whenever you’re ready. Oh, and Rauna," she turned to me, "I have some clothes you can try on that might just fit. We wouldn’t want you to catch a cold. Snufkin was lucky, his hat helped keep him mostly dry.”
“Ah, yes. Thank you, Moominmamma. I’ll come inside once I dry myself a bit. I wouldn't want to drip water all over your floors.” Moominmamma nodded and went inside.
I should take my cloak off. Wouldn't do any good sitting in wet clothes. Putting my things down, the surface of my violin case was wet. I frowned. Of course, it was unavoidable as a vagabond, but that didn’t mean I liked it. Instead of drying myself, I used my towel to dry the case.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫ Snufkin POV ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
After Rauna took off her cloak, it was easy to spot bandages wrapped around her upper arm. Instead of taking care of herself, she started drying her violin case. I’m not too wet, so this should be okay. I placed my towel over Rauna’s shoulders, and she froze as if remembering my presence.
“When did you get hurt?” I asked. She looked up at me.
“Hm? Oh.” She looked down at her bandaged arm. “I took a little tumble on my way back yesterday and there was a branch. It's not as bad as you think.” She unraveled some of the gauze so I could take a look.
I looked closely at the long, yet shallow cut. It was still pink around the edges but otherwise healthy.
“Not bad. Will you still be able to play the violin?”
Holding onto the towel around her shoulders, she got up. “It should be fine. Something like this hasn’t stopped me before, and it won’t stop me now,” she reached for the handle before turning back to me. “You coming?”
“At some point. I want to watch the storm come on.” I said.
She nodded and went inside. Even with the closed door, I could hear everyone inside become excited at Rauna’s return from the open window. I guess Moominmamma didn’t tell them about Rauna coming back.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫
⧫ ⧫ ⧫ Rauna POV ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
[Edelweiss By The Ray Conniff Singers]
I twirled in front of the mirror. The change of clothes Moominmamma gave me was…a dress. The soft, sky-blue fabric rippled like water. I smoothed down the skirt, not that it needed to be smoothed, but to feel it under my fingertips. I haven’t worn a dress in ages… Did Moominmamma really just have this lying around? It fits so well and looks new.
The short sleeves weren’t something I was too used to, but it was okay. The length, however… Coming down a bit past my knees, it was the shortest piece of clothing I’ve worn. Exhaling, I decided I couldn’t stay in the guest room all day.
Heading downstairs, rain was still thrumming against the house. I was relieved that no one paid mind to my out-of-character attire. Most likely Moominmamma’s work. I need to thank her later.
Walking into the foyer, the rain transitioned into a melody. Music. An old record player sat on the table. It looked like it'd break at any moment but played as strong as ever.
“Will you dance with us, Rauna?” Moominmamma asked, in the middle of dancing with Moominpappa.
“I don't know…” It has been so long since I did these things, worn a dress and danced. I sat on the sofa, the open window letting in a nice breeze behind me.
Moomin and Snorkmaiden were nearly a replica of Moomin’s parents, but stumbled from time to time, giggling. They're so cute together. Sniff and Little My were also dancing together. The height difference made the dance…unique. But they looked like they were having fun.
As the song came to an end and jumped to another, I glanced out to the porch. Snufkin was lounging on the railing. He looked over the valley, rain steadily falling.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫
[Violino (From "Amore mio aiutami") By Piero Piccioni]
Closing the door behind me, the new song drifted out the window.
“Still raining pretty heavily, isn’t it?” I asked, looking out at the rainy scene. Snufkin jumped down and leaned against the railing next to me.
“Yes… It’s really coming down.” We stood in silence for a few minutes, listening to the rain, the music, and each other’s presence.
“You’re wearing a dress,” Snufkin commented without looking away from the rainy scene before us.
“Yeah. Moominmamma gave it to me while my clothes dry... It’s been a while since I wore a dress. Not too practical when traveling, y’know?”
“I can guess. Would be hard to do most things without it snagging, or ripping.”
I nodded, then turned to him.
“Do you dance?” I asked.
“A little, I suppose. You?” He turned to look at me.
“A bit.”
“Do you want to dance?” Snufkin asked.
“Alone? Not at all. With a partner? I could.” Is he going to offer a dance?
“Then…” He pushed himself off the railing and stood in front of me, bowing lightly. “Will you accept this dance?”
“Yeah,” I smiled. Taking his outreached hand, we stepped together. His hand was warm and calloused, I could feel some small cuts too. Maybe from fishing, pulling out the hooks, or life itself.
“Is it okay if I put my hand on your back?” Snufkin asked. Definitely forgot about that part of dancing with someone.
“Yeah, it’s okay. Thanks for asking.”
He nodded, lightly settling a hand on my back, and our hands held in each other. With music from the window, we slowly stepped and swayed to the music.
“…have you danced before? Before today, I mean.” Snufkin asked.
“I have. Not like this though. This style of dance, or with a partner I mean,” I added. “Curious?” I smiled. He cleared his throat and looked away.
“I’d be lying if I said no. But,” he looked at me. “Don’t feel like you need to tell me anything if you don’t want to.”
“Thanks, I'm okay." I smiled. "You know how I told you about the old man who gave me my violin?”
He nodded.
“Some nights, when he’d play the violin, I would dance. It was fun,” I smiled. “The dances were different there, compared to Moominvalley.” I paused, thinking of those distant memories, a distant past.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫ Snufkin’s POV ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
Rauna had gone silent, thinking deeply of something. We danced silently, and the rain began to slow. I paused, looking up at the sky.
“The rain is stopping,” I whispered.
Rauna looked up, “oh, you’re right.”
The sun’s rays broke through the clouds, raindrops trickling off the porch roof.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫
⧫ ⧫ ⧫ Rauna's POV ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
The rain had completely stopped, and the group decided to go to the Forest of Witches, bringing baskets for mushroom picking. Little My and Sniff were competing, running around, and throwing all sorts of mushrooms into their baskets. I walked alongside Snorkmaiden, Moomin, and Snufkin, baskets in hand. Snorkmaiden and Moomin told me about the Forest of Witches, Alicia, her grandmother, how they met, and how she was an official witch now. I grabbed mushrooms occasionally along the way so I wouldn't bring back an empty basket.
I wonder how many of Little My's and Sniff's mushrooms are edible... I mused.
I glanced over at Snufkin who was walking next to me. He was focused on the next topic Snorkmaiden and Moomin had moved onto. I tapped his hand to get his attention. His eyes flickered down to my hand, lingering close to his, then quickly up to my gaze. You could practically see the question mark on his face.
"How many of those do you think we'll get to eat?" I discreetly gestured at Sniff's and Little My's rapid mushroom-picking tactic.
He grinned and leaned in a little to whisper back.
"Knowing them... Probably not many."
I hid my laughter behind my hand.
"What are you two whispering and laughing about~?" Snorkmaiden looked at us, a teasing glint in her eyes. I cleared my throat.
"Mhm- oh, is that the witches' hut over there?" I asked.
"It's the witch!" Little My yelled.
Standing outside, The Witch was about to swing her leg over her broom when we came up to her.
"Good morning, is Alicia in?" Moomin asked.
"No she's out and busy, so don't bother her." The Witch said in a rough tone.
"That's unfortunate... Maybe we'll bump into her in the forest," Moomin said.
As if noticing a new presence, The Witch looked straight at me.
"And who is this child?"
"Nice to meet you, Madame Witch. My name is Rauna." I introduced myself.
She hummed as she looked me over closely. Her bright yellow eyes held knowledge and speculations.
"Where are you from?" 
Why is she asking so many questions... I shifted uncomfortably.
"I'm a vagabond, I'm not from anywhere in particular. But it's a long way away," I told her.
She nodded without a word and hopped onto her broom. With a last glance, she flew up and over the trees. The group looked at each other, puzzled.
I felt a familiar hand squeeze mine.
"You alright?" Snufkin quietly asked me.
I exhaled, "I'm okay. That was weird though. Is she always like that when meeting someone for the first time?"
"No...she's weird but not that weird."
"Oh fun. Am I being targeted by a witch now?" I joked.
Snufkin looked at me sympathetically, lightly squeezing my hand one last time before letting go as Little My's voice cut through our whispers.
"Oh well, let's see if we can find Alicia!" Little My said, starting to walk ahead again.
"She should be somewhere around here," Snorkmaiden commented. "Alicia! Are you there!?" She called out.
"Aliciaaaaa!" Little My yelled.
"Alicia! Where are you!??" Moomin joined.
We called for Alicia as we walked into the forest, leaving our mushroom baskets at the hut.
"Wait- do you guys hear that?" I shushed the group.
A foreign voice called back from a little deeper in the forest, "Over here! I'm near the stream!"
"That's Alicia! Let's go!" Little My ran full speed ahead.
"Wait for meeeee!" Sniff ran after her, trying to catch up.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫
"Alicia! It's been a while!" Moomin greeted her. Noticing the basket next to her feet, he peered into it. "What are you doing? Picking ingredients?"
"It's good to see you all! That's right, Grandma wanted me to restock a few things while she's out," she looked over at me and smiled. "Hello! I'm Alicia, a witch." She reached out a hand.
"Nice to meet you," I shook her hand. "I'm Rauna, a vagabond." How is this nice girl related to such a... I don't even know what to call her...weird? Grandmother.
"What's that?" Little My pointed to one of the things in Alicia's basket.
"Is it edible?" Sniff asked, before coming closer to take a look.
"Oh, no, you can't eat that," she laughed. "I just harvested some fresh bark, so I was washing my hands in the stream."
I took a look in the basket. The bark was oak and willow tree, good choices for medicinal purposes. Some licorice, the eye of newt in a jar, and a bundle of toe of frog.
"Is that licorice?" Snufkin asked, peering over my shoulder.
"That's right, Snufkin!" Alicia smiled.
"Are you done gathering all this stuff?" Little My asked, already impatient.
"I need to grab some valerian root and then I'm all free."
"We could help you," I offered.
"That's right, we could finish quickly and go down to Moominvalley," Moomin added.
"That's nice of you guys, thank you! You'll be able to find it pretty easily. The flowers are white, sometimes pink." She points out the plant in the near distance. Since it grows in small bunches, there was enough for a few people to dig up. "That's the valerian plant, we just need the roots."
Alicia, Sniff, and Snorkmaiden began digging up the bunch while the rest of us went searching for another bunch. Little My ran ahead with Moomin as Snufkin and I canvassed the area slowly.
"Do you see any?" I asked.
"No, do you?"
"No...," I pointed off course. "Let's try over there. Looks like there's a clearing."  
"Sounds good to me, let's go." 
We walked into the clearance and thankfully found some valerian plants to dig up. I grabbed a stick to dig up my plant while Snufkin grabbed a flat rock.
"...are you going to do anything else with your day?" I asked Snufkin. He thought about it for a second.
"Probably fishing. See if anything bites after such a storm."
I nodded.
"How about you?" He added.
"Hmm...," I thought, freeing the plant from the soil. "I think I'll go down to the beach. I think I remember seeing a cave, I want to check it out." I lightly shook the plant and the soil loosened from around its roots.
"I remember that cave. I won't spoil it for you, but...there's a nice surprise in one of the side caverns. Follow the right wall and you'll get there."
"I'll keep that in mind, thank you."
Roots in hand, we returned to the Witches' hut to find everyone putting their roots into Alicia's basket.
"There you are," Moomin looked at us.
"I'm all done now. I have some time before Grandma comes back," Alicia said, brushing the dirt off her hands.
"Let's go down for lunch, I'm hungry." Sniff grumbled, rubbing his stomach.
"Oh, I haven't had Moominmamma's pancakes in months..." Alicia was practically salivating at the thought.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫
Sitting at the table, the sweet smell of Moominmamma's pancakes filled the room. It's like torture sitting here with those pancakes all the way over there... I was staring at the fluffy pancakes when a soft chuckle broke my concentration.
"What?" I whispered, side-eyeing Snufkin.
"Nothing." His hand covered half of his mouth.
"As if I believe that." I stealthily poked his side and he jolted a little. I grinned when he glared at me with no real fire behind it.
"Oh look at all these mushrooms! You all have picked so many!" Moominmamma clasped her hands together. "Now, let's see how many are edible... Hmm, this basket looks very nice, everything can be eaten. Whose basket is this?"
"Ah, that one would be mine," I raised my hand.
"Nice job, Rauna!"
"HEY! That's not fair! I got WAY more mushrooms in my basket!" Little My pouted, crossing her arms.
"That's true... But Little My, you also picked a lot of mushrooms that could make someone very very sick. It's important to learn what is safe to eat."
All I want is to sink my teeth into those pancakes... I sighed, resting my head in my hands. I could practically feel the silent laughter coming off of Snufkin. I gently nudged his foot with mine. Oh shut it. I'm hungry.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫
Finally! I put down my knife and fork in satisfaction, full on Moominmamma's delicious pancakes.
"Happy?" Snufkin whispers, amusement twinkling in his eyes.
"What? Am I too obvious?" 
He shook his head, and stood up, walking toward the door.
"Leaving, Snufkin?" Moomin asked. I stood up as well.
"Yep, I'm gonna go fishing." 
"And I...am going for a beachside walk," I added, heading toward the door as well.
"Have fun! We're going to play some games," Snorkmaiden called out. 
Why do I feel like she's been watching me and Snufkin so much? I thought, closing the door behind us.
Walking together, the sun still showed about 3 hours of daylight left.
"Today is going pretty quick," I say. "And yet... it feels like so much has happened."
Snufkin nodded, showing that he was listening.
"Also, don't you think Snorkmaiden has been kinda...weird today?" 
"Weird how?" Snufkin asked.
"Her smile, as if she knows something I- or we- don't."
"Hmm... Yeah, I have a slight feeling about what it's about. But don't worry," He quickly adds. "It's nothing bad."
"...okay. I'm trusting you here, you know her more than I do." I warn him.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫
Reaching our tents, Snufkin went into his tent to grab his fishing rod and settled down by the stream. He pulled his green hat over his face, comfortably settling down.
"See ya, Snufkin. I'll be back before sundown," I waved.
Snufkin briefly lifted his hat to tilt his hat at me, which I couldn't help but smile at.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫
The waves were crashing, and the salty wind came and went. Walking in the direction of the cave, I was curious to see what surprise Snufkin was talking about.
Walking into the cave, I ran my hand along the right wall. Walking in a good amount, the dripping of water was in the distance. The rain most likely leaked in somewhere.
"What was that," I whispered to myself. A couple of sharp sounds seemed to tumble from outside the cave. I stood silently, trying to hear what was going on outside. The loud rumble and clattering of countless loose rocks, small and large in sound, tumbled down the side of the cave and in front of the entrance.
"..." I sighed. "...are you kidding me?" I stood there for a minute or so, looking in the direction of the closed entrance, then nodded to myself.
"Alright. Fine, I guess it's fate. There should be an exit somewhere, and I'll go see that surprise Snufkin was talking about."
Keeping my hand on the right wall, I walked onward. The grooves in the wall lightly scratched at my palm. A cold draft blew over my face, that must be the direction of the exit. The longer I walked, the colder the air became. I wish I had my cloak... I do like this dress, but it doesn't give any warmth. I shivered, rubbing my arms. The path began to slightly slope down, and I could see a faint light in the distance. Closer, and closer to the light, I could start making out what the surprise was. 
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"oh wow..." I exhaled.  The cyan Kyanite crystals shimmered and lit up the corners. "...beautiful."
Mesmerized, I walked deeper into the fantastic cavern. I spun around the large chamber, taking in the brilliant view, my dress flaring out as I spun.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫
I don't know how long I sat staring at the glittering crystals around me, but I had stopped feeling cold long ago. Staring up at the cavern ceiling, it was as though I was looking up at the night sky. I closed my eyes.
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saitama-division · 9 months
It was afternoon now, and the sun peeked through the few clouds that filled the sky. Looking up at the sky, Kensaku watched a cloud slowly move across the burning orb before he blinked his eyes as the sun beamed down onto his face.
This week leading up to Sayaka’s birthday stressed the poor man out. Much like last year, he wanted to distance himself, just send a gift and letter to her wishing her a happy birthday. But after a few, no tons of failed letters Kensaku finally gave up and decided that he would just wake up early to deliver it himself… Again. At least this time he actually had a gift picked out.
“Hey, are you done brooding yet?!”
Looking up from his seat, Kensaku looked back at his car parked outside the park he had decided to mentally prepare himself at. Inside an impatient Yano was yelling out the window, with Asato appearing to protest the older man’s boisterous attitude. Smiling, Ken dropped the burning cigarette that he had hardly touched and snuffed it out before walking over.
“You shouldn’t be so mean…” Asato mumbled.
Yano barked in response, “You told me how last year went and we can’t let him fuck it up again! Not when I put so much fucking last-minute effort into his stupid gift…” Yano pointed at Kensaku’s pocket, yelling out the window again. “It’s your fault I had to stay up late to get that done! I got a lot riding on that!”
“I already paid you for all the trouble, Yano-kun…” Kensaku sighed, feeling guilty for his last-minute request.
“Don’t you dare forget the other part of the deal!”
“Right, right. The Moominvalley Park…”
Seeming satisfied with that last comment, Yano gave a toothy grin and thumbs up at Kensaku. “Good! Now go already! Moominvalley ain’t open forever!”
“...Is that really your priority here?”
Kensaku couldn’t help but laugh a little at Asato’s comment. Shaking his head at Yano’s immature impatience, Kensaku walked away from the car to let the two men talk and relax while he went to the Miyuki household. He figured that it would be nice to speak to her without his rowdy teammates jeering him on, but the closer he got to their house he felt more and more nervous. One after another, negative thoughts about the worst case scenarios filled his head. It wasn’t as though he could mull on it for long, because before he knew it, he was already at his destination. So, shaking away the negative thoughts, he paused for a moment before knocking on the door in fake confidence. ‘No point in running now. Better go with the flow.’
As the door swung open, Kensaku pulled a small box out of his pocket and grasped it in one hand as the other he used to give a friendly smile and wave Sayaka Miyuki. “Happy birthday Miyuki-san!”
After a quick exchange of small talk, Ken finally managed to hand Sayaka his gift, which was contained in a small pink velvet box. Opening it up revealed a tiny translucent butterfly pendant on a golden chain.
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Letting himself stare at Sayaka’s expression and admire her a little, his attention was brought back to earth when the woman looked up at him with a smile, causing him to stutter. “I-I thought I could butter you up with a little gift! I noticed that you seem to like butterflies. I mean, it’s not hard to notice when your team logo is a butterfly, right? Not to mention your hairpin… A-And uhm…”
Realizing he was beginning to blather, Kensaku stopped himself and took a deep breath to genuinely speak. “I really do hope you like it. I spent a long time trying to come up with the best possible gift for you, and I…I…”
After a long pause, Kensaku’s pocket began to buzz, making the man jump back from the woman and fumble for his phone. Irritatingly, it appeared like Yano had blown up Kensaku’s phone with text messages before ultimately calling his cell phone at the worst possible moment. With an apologetic smile, he backed away from her home. “I’m so sorry. I have some business. Feel free to text or call me if it doesn’t fit you? S-Sorry again, and enjoy the rest of your birthday!”
And so, Kensaku took off, leaving Sayaka standing alone in her doorway yet again.
At the sound of someone knocking on her door, Sayaka stopped what she was doing and walked over to the front entrance. ‘Most likely another gift’, she thought as she twisted the doorknob, her eyes widen slightly in surprise at the sight of Kensaku. “Ah, Morimoto-san!” She smiled at him, “How nice to see you!” She waved back.
Upon receiving his gift, Sayaka opened up the box and gasped softly in surprise, gently holding the pendant in her hand. Her eyes sparkled as she marveled at the piece of jewelry, it was beautiful and the fact that Kensaku took time out of his day to personally deliver her a present on her birthday made Sayaka really, really happy for some reason but she just chalked it up to being happy to see a good friend, that’s all. Sayaka felt her face warm up a bit and looked back up to Kensaku and smiled brightly, laughing a little at his pun. “Thank you so much, Morimoto-san! This is beautiful!”
She stared at him with wide eyes, listening intently as he spoke but seemed to snap out of it when his phone rang, smiling softly, she waved him goodbye and went back inside her house, still holding onto the necklace. What she didn’t expect was to see both Lola and Kureha waiting for her as she turned a corner, yelping loudly and nearly jumping out of her skin. “What the-?! How long were you two just standing there?!” Sayaka exclaimed, placing a hand on her heart in an attempt to calm herself, looking at the pair with wide eyes.
Kureha said nothing as she just stared at Sayaka, or rather the necklace she held with such an intensity that it was quite off-putting while Lola crossed her arms and looked at the brunette with a similar look. “Long enough.” The model smoothly replied, eyeing the necklace. “So, looks like Mr. Pun and Run actually decided to step up his game huh? I’ll give him credit, it’s definitely better than last year but I’m taking points off for running yet again.”
Kureha narrowed her eyes and placed her hands in her pockets, a look on conflict on her features. “Lola…what should we do..?”
Lola put a reassuring hand on the goth’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, honey, I’ll take of it.”
Sayaka frowned and furrowed her brows, confused. “Hold on. What on earth are you two talking about? What do you mean ‘take care of it’? Of what? You two better not do anything to Morimoto-san! He’s a nice man!” She crossed her arms and gave the artist and the model a stern glare.
Kureha hunched into herself, looking away guiltily and Lola held her hands up in surrender, raising a brow. “Whoa now, we’re not gonna hurt the guy, we just wanna talk to him, see where his head’s at on whether or not he’s serious about this.”
Sayaka sighed deeply, rubbing her face in exasperation. “About what?” She asked and Lola gave her a look that can be described as ‘Are you kidding me?’. Even Kureha stared at her incredulously, “Mom…” The goth started but quickly shook her head with a long sigh making the single mother pout. “What? Why are you two getting so defensive over a gift a friend gave me?” That made Lola facepalm harshly, letting out a frustrated groan.
“God sunshine, you’re killing us over here!”
Thank you for the gift!
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hunsa-jars · 5 months
✨🌺💼❤️ für them Shaun, Serj und Fern.
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
I wish I could give you a more interesting answer for Shaun and Sarj, but the truth is that their names are literally just anagrams of my username, lmao- They were sonas originally and I thought it would be fun to just twist "Hunsa" and "Jars" around and give them that
For Fern, honestly i just wanted to give her a plant name. Something neutral and whimsical sounding
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Fern had a few little platonic crushes (for example Alicia and Snork) in the past but nothing too serious, really. And mostly they were the "you're very cool, I admire you so much, wish I could spend more time with you" kind of situation. Poor mouse is struggling
Sarj had unrequited feelings for one of their comrades before they were cursed and had to leave their career behind. They were very close, and Sarj didn't want to ruin their relationship by confessing then potentially be rejected and making it awkward. They still miss that person sometimes, and wish they were bolder back then. They're slowly moving on tho
(They are SORTA interested in a few individuals- This blasted valley is full of charming people, it's unfair)
Shaun is kind of avoiding this whole romantic feelings business. For the first three hundred years of his life, he wasn't allowed to be involved like that with anyone, and now he just sees no point in it. Not saying he didn't consider making a move on certain people, though
(Just putting it out there, he's mostly attracted to down to earth or short-tempered guys who could be the straight man to his funny man. Or women who could put him into his place. Or anyone who manages to keep up with him. He's simple like that.)
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Fern is working at the Mooinvalley post office, and Sarj got a position in the valley's police force. They're put on night patrol duty most of the time.
Shaun is a freeloader, pff
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
For Fern, it's probably her first birthday spent in Moominvalley. Her house by that time was finally renovated. She was surrounded by all of her new friends and neighbors, Moominmamma baked her a delicious cake, Moomintroll and the others pulled her along to play games with them, they danced till the sun went down.. It was a truly special day, one she will cherish forever
For Sarj, it was a cold winter evening they got to spend with their squad, playing cards, observing the night sky and just.. talk.. a lot. Due to the snowstorm outside, they couldn't leave the barracks and there was nothing else to do. It was a great bonding experience for the team and Sarj felt relaxed enough to let their guard down and have fun. They felt accepted, actually accepted
For Shaun, it was the day he perfected his shapeshifting. He had a pretty difficult time mastering it, to the point the elders started to voice their doubts about him. He couldn't continue his training without this skill. Failiour meant separation from his brother, so whatever was preventing him from fully shifting, he had to figure it out. And figure it out he did, even if it meant working himself down to the bone, to the point of exhaustion, it was worth it. The first thing he transformed into was a bird. Never felt this free and relieved in forever..
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red-ibis-red · 11 months
The wind got up round half-past one, not very much, but there were tiny white horses all over the sea. Snufkin had the dinghy waiting at the bathing-hut jetty, he raised the spritsail and let the Hemulen sit in the bow. It was very cold and they were wearing all the woollen things they could find. The sky was clear, with a bank of dark-blue wintry clouds over the horizon. Snufkin turned out towards the point, the dinghy heeled over and gathered speed.
—Tove Jansson, Moominvalley In November
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skruttet · 1 year
love how they went out drinking to celebrate nailing the painterly effect brush :’D
rough transcript (the zoom call was very choppy ghdjks):
So all the sky in Moominvalley is like it’s hand-painted. So you can see these beautiful skies that we have here - so the sky, everything looks realistic, but it cannot be too real, cannot be too painterly, gotta find an in-between.
So, okay, visual developments. As this beautiful image you can see, it’s 3D-looking, but you can see all the trees here, it’s very brush-looking[?], right? In fact, for our [rule ???] for the show is that whatever nature, tree or grass, they have a painterly look. [???] is how they look like. But to achieve this painterly look, how can you achieve that?
So I’ll you show, mostly, everything is in 3D, it’s like that, it’s a blob. Even now when I give you a tree, it’s just a blob. But when we render it out, it’s like this. So we have not far off from what we wanted; it’s painterly. So doing a painterly look, you have so many ways that you can do it in: [free?] software, or you can do it while you’re rendering. And for us, we achieved it in the final stages in a compositing way. So we give a lot of colour on tools in a new that is the projections on top of this final render that we have, then we make this all the blob. You can see this whole point, we take this whole point, colour them as a brush in a painterly look.
So you can see these all have the painterly brush look. There’s a light on top at the end, so now they’re all painterly-looking. So this is very challenging, it’s a tool that we built in-house, so doing it as a still frame is easy. It’s like, okay, yes, we achieved it! But when the time for this look, the client will be asking “hey, can we have a painterly look?” and we were scratching our heads: how to do it? Can we do it? Cause so many ways- but which way is the most efficient way, that can save production costs, and is not difficult or not heavy or not killing ourselves?
So after final, our [???] we will do it once everything is finished, we’ll put it on top, then we give a painterly look. So we achieved it actually, when the client came to visit, that time, we did show it painterly looking, like this. And then, still frame is one story, moving camera is another story. So when it comes to moving camera, it’s another challenge. So at the time the production was going to start in the next two weeks, so our tool still wasn’t fully ready, if it’s going to be moving camera, still had some muck on it. I said: “should we drop it? Should we tell them we cannot do it?”. But very confidently, our tech team said “yes, we can do it, give us some time, we are almost there, we know what we are doing.” So after all, we trust our teams, and then they are making this whole visual painterly look achievable, believable, and really raised something up[?]. So that’s a really really nice journey.
I remember when we really achieved it, so it was like 5pm or something, so me and my boss are heading to the bar, it was like, yeah, we’ll all go celebrate, we have achieved the painterly look together. It was really nice. I still can remember the joy that we had once this look really [???] I was like, YES! We all celebrated. So quite proud of this look.
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plusreaderswhenever · 11 months
Snufkin + reader
You were walking a path somewhere, and you didn’t know where. You didn’t care where, as long as it didn’t kill you. 
As you drifted down the desire path, lost in your own world, you began to hear a harmonica melody that you didn’t notice at first because it mixed with your daydreams so smoothly and provided a perfect soundtrack to your thoughts. When you finally realized it wasn’t in your head, you lazily looked around, scanning for the source of the sound. 
You were about to give up, but then you looked back at one spot you overlooked a second ago. There was a boy sitting on top of a rock playing the tune, and you didn’t notice him earlier because his clothes matched the foliage. You drew closer to sit down and see better, gazing up at him with platonic admiration.
Soon, the boy noticed you. He smiled and kept playing, not seeing your presence as reason to stop.
Eventually, the song ended, and you clapped and cheered for him. He took a small bow in response, grinned and said “Thank you, thank you! What’s your name?”
“My name is Y/N, what about you?”
“I’m Snufkin!” You shook hands. “So what brings you here?” “Oh I was just going on a walk. You?”
“Oh, I live in Moominvalley, which is nearby, most of the year. In winter though, I leave and travel south! I’m a vagabond by nature, so I can’t stay there forever. Sorry— I don’t usually ramble or share this much.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” You waved it off with a smile. “By the way, I was just thinking about moving to Moominvalley a while ago!”
He nods. “Sounds good. I’m sure everyone there will be happy to have you. There’s my best friend, Moomin, his family, and some others who are very nice! Just avoid Stinky. He’s a jerk.”
“Cool. Can I visit right now? I want to know where I’m moving, if I do decide to move there.” 
“You don’t need my permission! Let’s go, c’mon!”
He took your hand and led you through the forest to the valley, and it was a sight for sore eyes— the grass was shiny and a perfect shade of green, the blue sky was filled with fluffy white clouds, and the river flowing through it all was clear, clean, and sparkling. There was a tall, cylindrical house proudly overlooking the landscape, and there was a small tent by the river.
“That’s where I live sometimes.” He pointed to the tent. “That house over there is where the Moomins live.” “Cute.” You smiled.
The two of you climbed into the valley, and Snufkin gave you a tour of the place! You admired the pretty sights as they convinced you to move in more and more.
“Wanna meet the Moomins?” He asked, gesturing towards Moominhouse.
The Moomins were nice, and so were the cookies Moominmamma gave you. Later on, you moved in, and got to spend time with Snufkin a lot. Friendship could never play harmonica this well!
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ok for some reason i was thinkin bout LU but giving them VA's and so far;
Legend - Jeremy Jordan. LISTEN. LISTENLISTENLISTEN it works better than you think it does just trust me bro
Four - jacksepticeye. this one is mostly crack but imagine it. tiny man with the loudest voice.
Sky - Edvin Endre. listen to a moominvalley(2019) clip of snufkin. this is who voices him, it fits sky
Wind - Zeno Robinson. idk wind with hunters voice is funny to me okay
thats all i got
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moominpapasfanficblog · 7 months
Sky Kids has an official channel on YouTube, which means we deprived US Moomin fans FINALLY have one episode of Moominvalley 2019 here in a fully above board way (with, hopefully, much more on the way)!
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roisian · 8 months
Never done one of these so I guess it is about time...
✨Hello! My name is Flavia but you can call me Roisian!
✨I'm ADHD and bipolar which means my interests are all over the place; I get suuuper hyperfixated so I recommend you don't expect stuff from just one fandom I'm posting about!
✨My main interests right now are Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, Moominvalley and Death Note the Musical.
✨I love music! I love discussing it with people :) I LOVE Cavetown but I'm also into Twenty One Pilots, Ricky Montgomery, Will Wood and My Chemical Romance (+ many more but these are my mains!)
✨ Working with OCs is my passion and I have two main projects: Northern Lab and Fellow Feeling, + some PMD OCs and some RP OCs. You can find everything at #roisian ocs.
✨ Feel free to text me at any time, especially to talk about our interests or about our OCs!!! I love talking and making friends, even though I'm pretty awkward :^)
✨Here's my favourite...
Game: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Song: This is Home by Cavetown
Cartoon: Craig of the Creek and Steven Universe
Pokémon: Shroomish, Krokorok, Mew, Lapras
Here's my carrd for more info or commission stuff!
✨Hope you stick around! <3✨
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yoyo-inspace · 6 years
MOOMINVALLEY is based on the beloved Moomin stories by Tove Jansson and will consist of two series of 13 x 22-minute-long episodes. It will broadcast in 2019 on Sky One in the UK and public broadcaster YLE in Finland. The show is being created by an outstanding team, including Oscar®-winning director Steve Box (Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit).
Cast and characters:
Moominmamma – Rosamund Pike (Gone Girl, A United Kingdom, An Education)
Moominpappa – Matt Berry (The IT Crowd, Toast of London, The Philanthropist)
Moomintroll – Taron Egerton (Kingsman, Eddie the Eagle, Testament of Youth)
Snorkmaiden – Akiya Henry (Bing, Bottersnikes and Gumble, Noddy in Toyland)
Sniff – Warwick Davis (Harry Potter, Star Wars, Life’s Too Short)
Little My – Bel Powley (The Diary of a Teenage Girl, A Royal Night Out, Carrie Pilby)
Snufkin – Edvin Endre (Eddie the Eagle, Vikings, Nameja gredzens)
Ninny – Mayumi Kawai
Teety-Woo – Matt Lucas (Bridesmaids, Doctor Who, Little Britain)
Too-Ticky – Katie Leung (Harry Potter)
Misabel – Rebecca Root (The Danish Girl, Boy Meets Girl)
Mymble – Jennifer Saunders (Absolutely Fabulous, French and Saunders, Shrek)
Emma the Stage Rat – Alison Steadman (Gavin & Stacey, Pride & Prejudice)
Hemulen (Female) – Susie Brann
Hemulen (Male) – Joe Wilkinson (Rovers, Miranda, Him & Her)
Mrs Fillyjonk – Kate Winslet (Titanic, Revolutionary Road, The Reader)
The Muskrat – Will Self (Shooting Stars, author of Phone and Sky Arts drama The Minor Character)
The Ghost – Richard Ayoade (The IT Crowd, presenter of Travel Man & Crystal Maze)
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guysss please dont pirate season 3 when the rest comes out haha that would be sooo embarassing guys haha nooo guys donttt guysss hahahah no guys donttt god that would be like superrr embarrasing imagine if season 3 of moominvalley got pirated haha what nooo guys please dont make it so that when i look up ‘moominvalley season 3 free online’ it actually comes up with results haha nooo guys donttt haha
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washimbembe · 4 years
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Walking in the rain 🌧 
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would anyone happen to have a sky one live stream
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