#monster uni
why-the-heck-not · 4 months
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I’ve noticed that whenever I have to write anything, the amount of caffeine I drink pretty much doubles, so I think this spring semester is going to be the end of me actually (lots of writing)
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ameliathornromance · 3 months
“You’re okay,” you reassured. “We’ll be okay, I promise.”
Leaning over the edge of the boat, your Orc Boyfriend said in a gruff voice, “Orcs were not made for water travel.”
All you could do was rub his back. “We haven’t even set off yet…” you mumbled just low enough that your partner couldn’t hear.
The two of you had decided to go and explore the wider world. It was a tough and scary decision for you both to make. You both had never ventured beyond your homeland, and your Orc had never faced the prospect of being separated from his caravan.
When he had first announced his intent to travel with you, the whole Caravan had erupted with disapproval. He had silenced them all with barks of reassurance... Although you weren’t exactly sure how he did it, given the yelling and shouting.
Eventually, the Caravan warmed up to the idea. They even offered to escort you both to the docs, but you both declined.
A whole encampment of Orcs suddenly appearing at the docs? People would assume they were trying to plunder a ship and then everything would go to Hell.
If it were only you and your Orc, people would stare yes, but there wouldn’t be as nearly as much panic. And you would let them stare.
What business was it of other people what you and your Orc did together? You were not being forced to go along with him.
The boat eventually unanchored... And you both were off.
Your Orc Boyfriend effortlessly bounced back from his sickness, insisting it was because of his diet, but you saw through his deception. The two of you watched as the land got further and further away from the boat.
As the land turned into a mere strip of green from the horizon, your Orc wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. He placed his head on top of your own.
A heavy sigh escaped him, causing you to look up. Placing your hands on top of his muscular forearms. “And there it goes,” he said, a note of finality rang through his tone.
You give his arm a squeeze. “And there it goes.” You echoed.
The both of you were due to begin a whole new adventure in the wider world... Who knew what excitement was waiting for you out there?
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tamapalace · 3 days
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which one are you getting?
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ninvtchi · 6 days
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toastchild · 1 year
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just some neat little jpegs I’ve been working on this week
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kyurochurro · 7 months
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Clawdeen Wolf!! 🐺🌖Part 3 of 3 for my 2023 Howl-o'ween Monster High Series!! 🎃
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1v31182m5 · 2 years
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I fixed everything
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pharawee · 19 days
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Mandee's next project "Your Sky" will star Thomas Teetut Chungmanirat and Kong Kongpob Jirojmontri and is about an outgoing junior and a quiet senior who meet after a drunken kiss. The pilot trailer will drop on 19 May.
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scatmaan · 8 months
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sam in bg3 like it's a vacation
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earthworms-worm · 2 months
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I'm posting this here and now because I'm going to be in the Netherlands visiting my brother for a week, so have a comic I made in two and a half days because I had an idea and couldn't stop lol
The creatures on the bridge have a mother that is considered an Old God in their universe, (her design may change in the future, but this is what I've got so far). The words for the comic were borrowed from a song I listened to a few weeks ago and I went "huh, I could use that", anyway, enjoy!
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theragethatisdesire · 11 months
fic-d here, please, i desperately need the smut abc for plug eren because i am OBSESSED with him.
and i also need to know exactly what kind of clothes he wears, for … unrelated reasons.
hiiiii mooty moot <3 can i just say i'm thrilled you asked this. fair warning for anyone about to open below the cut, this is going to be an absolute MONSTER of a post. and i'm going to love every second of writing it lol.
okay first, the outfits. plug!eren is very like, stoner/streetwear type. LOVES layers, lots of hoodies and flannels and jackets, always wearing Vans, really favors a graphic t-shirt (thrasher, anime tees, has a really impressive collection of vintage band t-shirts and limited-edition supreme drops) i shall attach some reference photos:
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idk if this is even the right vibe, but just very casual, whatever-works type of clothes. owns like, two button downs vs his 1001 sweatshirts lol.
and now...onto the nasty stuff LOL enjoy lovebug
PLUG!EREN nsfw headcanons under the cut <3
A. Aftercare
plug!eren is 25, yes, but he's also kind of just a boy at heart lol. it takes him awhile to understand the whole concept of aftercare and just laying and spending time together after sex because he bounces back fast, and is already jumping up to cook dinner or get both of you ready to go to a kickback or something like, two minutes after. once you explain the concept to him, he develops a complex for awhile that he "hasn't been treating you well", and goes really overboard LOL but eventually it evens out. becomes a big fan of snuggling afterwards but would never admit it.
B. Body part
eren was a thin kid growing up, and he's super proud of all the work he's put in to change his body over the years. especially proud of his back, it's his favorite muscle group to work and the one he tracks the progress of the most for sure.
on you, plug!eren is an asssss man. like, he's the king of ass men. constantly running up behind you to land a light smack, grabbing it, holds it while you're cuddling etc. also loves your hips? like, he loves when you ride him specifically so that he can hold on tight and grab at the fat around your hips. i cannot overstate how much he loves it.
C. Cum
plug!eren def has a face-painting thing. he loves to cum in you, and it takes him a few hook-ups to tentatively throw out there that he'd love to cum on your face, but after you let him do it the once, it's over. wants to cum on your pretty face and take pictures of you all covered in him every time you fuck.
D. Dirty secret
being an engineering/architect student, eren's not bad with a pencil and paper. loves to sketch the human body as much as he loves thinking up random building designs. not going to elaborate much here bc spoilers....
E. Experience
LMAO plug!eren is absolutely ran through, so yes, he knows what he's doing.
F. Favorite position
for eren, it's a toss-up between doggy or letting you ride him, both of which stem from his thing for your hips and your ass. i think he would say riding him solely because you usually cum harder that way and eren loves watching you cum, but if it's winning out over doggy, it's only by like, an infinitesimal amount.
G. Goofy
it takes him awhile, but once eren's comfortable, he can be such a goofball during the act. like, will giggle with you when you bump your head on the headboard, full-blown belly laughing when he tries to shove you up against the wall and knocks a few picture frames down. once, one of the legs under his bed broke and you both laughed so hard about it that you couldn't even finish the act. absolutely had a photoshoot of both of you pulling ridiculous poses right beside the now-broken bed.
H. Hair
eren's not like, full-blown bush or anything, but i don't see him doing much more than just trimming. he's terrified of nicking his balls or something if he fully shaves LOL.
on you, eren would never tell you what to do with your body (again, ran through enough to know that's a big no-no when it comes to women), but i think he secretly loves when you're completely bare because he's really into watching how you take him. it gives him an unobstructed view, whether he's eating you out, fingering you, or fucking you, he loves to be able to see every bit of you.
I. Intimacy
plug!eren struggles with being intimate, and while he craves it, he hides it under constant rough sex. after you've been together for awhile though, you have a huge, blowout, nearly-break-up fight, and when he fucks you that night, he's slow and sweet and definitely not tearing up, whispering little i love yous into your skin while he rolls his hips against you. making love is definitely in him, it just takes him awhile to get up to that point.
J. Jack off
24/7. no question. this man's sex drive is unbelievable and honestly? sometimes you're too sore or just not in the mood, really. my favorite thing about plug!eren is that when you just can't go another round, he'll have you sit up all pretty and naked for him and just jack off staring at you, making you talk to him and tell you how good he made you feel. lovesick little baby.
K. Kinks
huge pleasure dom. "can't cum again" is not in eren's vocabulary- he knows you can and he knows he can make you, so what's the harm in one more? not sure if this counts as a kink, but eren's obsessed with the way you smell. not just like, your arousal, but your perfume, that little scent that everyone has that just smells like them really gets him going. every time he stays at your house he can't keep his hands off of you, loves to steal little things like a pair of panties or a dirty shirt just to have at his place for when he misses you. could get down with a daddy kink if you were into it. i struggle to think of the word for this, but he's just nasty. his favorite kind of sex is freaky, nasty, flat-out disgusting sex with cum everywhere and the sheets ruined. big marking kink, loves to leave bruises and hickeys all over you as well.
L. Location
plug!eren is very possessive, what's his is his, so not really into the public sex thing, but will take you absolutely anywhere he knows no one could catch you and get a glimpse of what's just for him. really into sex in the kitchen for some reason?? shower sex too, god that is his favorite, just having you soaking wet and pinned up against the shower wall. up against a wall in general, actually. again, he's worked really hard to get all these muscles, and it definitely gets him off how easily he can just scoop you up and fuck you in his arms. might be an ego thing but hey, who are you to complain?
M. Motivation
anything that reminds him you're his. like, if he catches a glimpse of his hickeys on your neck under your makeup? you're going home from dinner early. you're walking around in one of his tshirts? he's bending you over the counter and you're not taking that shirt off for a second. eren's also a very detail-oriented person, so if he tells you he really likes red lipstick for example, and you wear it the next day, he knows it's for him and for some reason the thought of you choosing something to wear that you know will turn him on makes him feral. you're his pretty little thing, and he loves when you show off a little for him. LOVES lingerie. like, the complicated, full-set bells and whistles of garter sets and stockings and the whole thing. embarrassed at first because he can't figure out how to take any of it off of you, but when you just smile at him shyly and pull your panties to the side, he debates leaving you there to go buy an engagement ring LOL.
N. No
surprisingly, anal. eren's very well-endowed and a girl he was seeing for awhile talked him into anal, and even though they prepared well, she was still in too much pain to really enjoy it and it scarred him a little bit. he likes to hurt you within reason, but that's crossing a line for him, so no more than a finger or two and even then, only if you really want it.
O. Oral
LOVES GIVING HEAD. like, could die happy between your legs, it's his favorite part of sex type of loves giving head. has to beg you for it, but his favorite is when you ride his face. also loves receiving. really big into pulling out when he's getting close and having you finish him with your mouth. also loves eating you out after he's cum in you, then spitting both of your cum into your mouth. again, he's a nasty nasty man and i love him.
P. Pace
eren fucks fast and hard, especially once you've gotten used to his size. he has to ease you into it at first, he's not a total asshole, but once you've gotten adjusted, it's all gas no brakes with him. all those hours in the gym really pay off when he can have you bent over for what feels like an endless amount of time, crying and wailing under him.
Q. Quickie
weirdly, LOVES a quickie. totally gets off watching you limp off to work/class after he bent you over the bathroom counter in the middle of you doing your makeup just to make your legs a little extra-shaky for the day. you're both busy, what can he say? absolutely pulls your panties up with his cum in you and tells you to keep it in there for him.
R. Risk
eren's down for whatever you're down for. he's already fleshed out most of his kinks and fantasies at this point, other than a few things he really needs a committed partner for. it really turns him on when you take the initiative to shyly ask if you can try something, and when you come over one day tentatively holding out a pair of handcuffs? oh he's done for. the one thing he doesn't love is being submissive. he'll let you have your fun, choke him a little, ride him, etc., but he really isn't into being a full-on sub and being made to beg. i think that would be his other really hard no, come to think of it.
S. Stamina
eren is, again, ran through, so he's got some stamina. usually can last at least half an hour, sometimes he can even put himself off longer. he loves to try to go multiple rounds, but honestly, he wears himself out LOL. that doesn't mean you're off the hook though. eren might not be able to get it up, but he's got a mouth and some talented fingers and he loves to make you cum over and over just for his own entertainment.
T. Toys
toys are friends, not enemies! eren specifically loves your vibrator, it's small and easy to use in multiple different positions. his absolute favorite is to have you on top of him, fully seated and grinding against his hips, while he holds your vib to your clit. no chance of him getting enough friction to bust early, and he can make you cum at least two or three times like that until you're in tears and begging him to actually fuck you. yeah, that's his fav.
U. Unfair
eren's not so much of an intentional tease (bc he will accidentally work himself up too much and have to leave the bar early lol), but he's just so unintentionally pretty he doesn't have to try. i mean come on, he's beautiful and he's naturally so charismatic and flirty that he can tease without trying. and when you both get home and you're all riled up and pulling his clothes off, it's so entertaining to him. he loves when you tell him how pretty he is, how he got you all turned on just doing nothing but being himself.
V. Volume
plug!eren is a big dirty talker, but he's actually pretty vocal on top of that, too. loves to moan and groan and tell you exactly how good you feel, whether that's with a noise or his words. he's the loudest when you give him head, it just feels so good and he can't help but ramble on and on about how good you are to him. his "tell" that he's about to cum is when he starts rambling, words slurring together and it just seems like he can't shut up.
W. Wild card
eren loves when you're a little drunk, lowest of keys. not so drunk he's taking advantage of you, but when you let the responsible, professor mask slip and just really let yourself go and have fun, it drives him crazy. he loves seeing you happy, and in an honestly almost-perverted way, he loves seeing you go absolutely crazy with your friends. it just makes him so hard to see you uninhibited and dancing in the middle of the club like you own the place, all eyes on you.
X. X-ray
i think this was pretty well covered in the fic but.....yeah it's big. like, a solid eight inches, girthy, veiny, pornstar dick. eren's blessed and he knows it and uses it to his advantage. your favorite game together is to see how much of him you can get down your throat and eren's obnoxiously cheering you on like a coach. "you're almost halfway babe, have you been practicing on bananas or something?" "shut up eren! i'm trying to concentrate!"
Y. Yearning
okay i feel like it's basically canon that eren's ready to go at all times, no matter what, and plug!eren is not exempt from that. on top of this, though, he's really turned on by...idk, mundane things? like when you stretch with your arms over your head and he can see the outline of your breasts through your shirt, the curve of your neck, when you stick a pen through the bun on top of your head. like, the silliest things turn him on, only adding to his super high sex drive.
Z. Zzzz
eren's usually still bouncing off the walls right after, loves pillow talking and staying up late and discussing any topic he can think of under the sun. he's very restless as a person, so it takes him awhile to go to sleep, especially plug!eren. you usually fall asleep first. always has to go rip the bong a few times or he's just got 0 chance of knocking out, but he always sleeps better when you're snuggled up to him <3
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hella1975 · 5 months
it should be illegal for people to be awake before the sun’s up
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irlplasticlamb · 5 months
Did you go to art uni? What were the most important things you learned?
i did yes :) i think the most important thing i learned is to experiment and to put at least a little bit of meaning behind every element of your art piece — that’s why i got so into animal motifs and flower language, i think they’re such a lovely way to present stuff! but honestly my course was very lenient, it was mostly about you doing you and tutors giving you advice where necessary!
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tamapalace · 5 days
Bandai Announces Tamagotchi Uni Angel Festival & Tamagotchi Uni Monster Carnival
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New Tamagotchi Uni’s are here! The two new Tamagotchi Uni’s are themed, and they’re so cute! Bandai has announced the Tamagotchi Uni Angel Festival, and the Tamagotchi Uni Monster Carnival which feature themed shells and bands, along with the same programming as the Tamagotchi Uni, but with a Tamaverse ticket to either Angel Festival or Monster Carnival!
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First is the Tamagotchi Uni Angel Festival features a light pink shell, with light blue buttons and a light blue translucent back. The front faceplate is outlined in blue, and features some clouds and a rainbow. Cute! The band matches the shell with its light pink color and the buckle in the light blue. Included in the box is not only the Tamagotchi Uni, but also a Tamaverse Ticket to Angel Festival which unlocks the angel fun.
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Starting on July 13th, 2024 JST you can visit Angel Festival, a new location available within the Tama Portal. Bandai will also be selling Tamaverse tickets to this new location on the Tamaverse Ticket Shop website. Six new characters will be added when you download the location, which include Mametchiel, Pegasupatchi, Flowerdite, Sebirecupit, Unimarcorn, and Yumemitie. They all look so angelic!
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Then in the Tama Portal you can visit the square where you might be able to see angels playing, and you’ll see exclusive scenes at the Angel Festival.
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Second is the Angel Festival exclusive mini game which  features Chestnut Angel from Tamagotchi Angel, how cute?
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You’ll also be able to get exclusive items including foods, snacks, items, accessories, furniture, and rooms.
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So angelic, now let's talk about the monsters!
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Second is the Tamagotchi Uni Monster Carnival which features a dark purple shell, with green buttons and a green translucent back. The front faceplate is outlined in green, and features clouds with a black background, and thunderbolts, and bats! Spooky! The band matches the shell with its dark purple color and the buckle in green. Included in the box is not only the Tamagotchi Uni, but also a Tamaverse Ticket to Monster Carnival which unlocks the monster fun.
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Starting on July 13th, 2024 JST you can visit Monster Carnival, a new location available in the Tama Portal. Bandai will also be selling Tamaverse tickets to this new location on the Tamaverse Ticket Shop website. Six ne characters will be added when you download the location, which include Mammon, Slimy Patch, Onimarutchi, Meduupa, Gobupyon, and Akiramenatchi. How spooky do they look?
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Then in the Tama Portal you can visit the square where you might be able to see monsters playing, and you won’t want to miss the Monster Carnival! You can see plenty of Tamagotchi Devil graphics here such as Debirutchi and Girl Deviltchi.
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Monster Carnival also features a mini game where you will move pieces and put them back together to match the sample provided.
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You’ll also be able to get exclusive foods, snacks, items, accessories, furniture, and rooms.
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Both the Tamagotchi Uni Angel Festival and Tamagotchi Uni Monster Carnival are available for preorder now on Amazon for $59.99 with an official release date of July 12th, 2024!
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flambo19 · 3 months
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firefly x robin is pretty great
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aaronofithaca05 · 3 months
I'm trying, TRYING TO STAY AWake!!! But I'm so sleepy eepy! @iroissleepdeprived thanks for the spell but now i need to stay awake!
All of my classmates and I are mostly hoping this ends soon!!!
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