#monch cronch chew chew chew
sisaloofafump · 11 months
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Clark. CLARK. This is not how you’re supposed to win a boxing match.
(Full ridiculous scene below)
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From Superman #168 (April 1964). He’s hanging out in 1906 and working at a San Francisco Daily Planet office but his editor (Luthor in disguise!!) keeps sending him on weird scoops like sparring against the current heavyweight champion.
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bagool-the-wizard · 1 year
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monstriiss · 1 year
things I will never tire of hearing: cats munching on food
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echojedis · 2 months
I’m going to eat your Tech. Just consume him. Monch monch, Cronch Cronch. Because HOH he’s so stunning and I love how you draw him and I’m going to eat him.
HDFHGHJFGFH THANK YOU....i'm chewing on him like a dog toy and spitting him back out for you all to enjoy
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clovercrafted · 2 years
Most edible non-food blocks
1. Moss- look me in the eyes and tell me you’ve never wanted to eat moss. Imagine sinking your teeth into that thing,,,,,,,,, effervescent
2. Skulk- it has the vibes of something I’d chew on. Probably tastes like despair and being sad at 3am
3. Glass- crunch munch cronch monch
4. Dark oak- the trapdoors are literally little blocks of chocolate
5. Sponge- cheese :)
Honourable mention: end stone because it also looks like cheese
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e-m-p-error · 2 months
I am chewing... nay. monching and cronching on your depictions
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OMG NONNY!! Thank you so much that means so much to me aaaAAAA I started like, flailing when I read this the first time. I'm really happy people seem to like them!
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
"True enough, yeah. I loved chewing on my shirt tbh..........-...... chewing stim toy but I’m worried about what people would say/think."
Saw This and had to talk. Anyway!!
Chewed on shirts 🤝
I had a habit of TRYING to do the hickey thing when I was like, 10-12 but I DO NOT BRUISE at ALL, like dead ass the only times I've been bruised was like, the times I dead ass almost died. ANYWAY, it never worked and I'd just end up with a vaguely red spot and a bleeding tounge. Got tired of having a hurt tounge and that made me stop lol.
funfact for contingency purposes!! I'm the anon who was as a child known to be violent towards adults.
Mood on getting stims shamed out of you. By the time I was a teen I was ten times more stressed from trying to contain the energy of just thinking that usually came out in the form of me doing various tippy tappies.
🫐 Blueberry anon
adding rainbow lego to my list of DESIRE ITeMS.
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queer-adhd · 2 years
You seem like you need somthing to chew on hear 🦴
Hhrgjsjhdbffh monch cronch
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letstalktea · 1 year
Biting, monching, cronching on Harper like a broken chew toy because he turned this short drabble into more than 1.5k words and I'm not near finished.
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doomspaniels · 4 years
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Peaceful cronching. Sunday Yvaine's eye was too itchy to leave the cone off. (In my experience, itchy comes with healing, and it's nice that it's no longer so tender she won't even think about touching it.) But Saturday, Yvaine still didn't want the eye touched, so she got to have some supervised time out of the cone.
True spaniel elegance: Yv smacks the cone into everything. She's not used to wearing a cone... and she's always clumsy... but I think she also can't see well out of that eye right now. So it was good to be able to have some time out of the cone.
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quillyfied · 5 years
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species dysphoria culture is wanting to chew everything so bad. cronch monch consume
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fireproofs · 7 years
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Rubeo, I hope you realize that you have just made many, many enemies
*munch* All publicity is free publicity, my friend.
Must you chew with your mouth open?
*monch* Unlike you, *crunch* I like enganing *cronch* with my fans! *grunch* Plus, if this annoys you, *zrunch* that's just extra incentive.
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dajo42 · 3 years
me: monch cronch*
* authors note. i am not eating. i am chewing plastic
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surohsopsisofclouds · 4 years
Spicy Facemasks Can Lead To Confessions?
“Remus, for the last time, no!” Deceit shouted desperately, his hands tugging at his hair, his hat having been tossed onto the couch haphazardly.
Logan walked into the room slowly, equal parts curious and worried about just why Deceit sounded so close to murdering Remus.
Normally, what with him being fairly desensitized to all of Remus’ shenanigans, having lived with him for so long, Deceit would sound bored as he asked Remus to stop, or even just plain ignore him. Right now, however, was obviously an outlier.
“Do, do I even want to ask what seems to be the issue?” Logan asked, causing them both to turn towards him; Deceit with an almost dead sort of hope in his eyes, and Remus with a frankly worrying amount of glee.
“No.” “Yes!” They said simultaneously. Remus shoved a dirty cloth in Deceits mouth, much to his and Logan’s mutual disgust, before turning to face Logan with a broad grin.
“I’m going to put a pepper and pepperoni face mask on! With some capsaicin for an added zest!” He proclaimed proudly, hands resting on his hips as he wriggled his whole body in delight at the utter chaos he had just let unfurl, much like a cut of cloth, flapping in the wind.
Logan’s face drained of color, his arms raising to move around as though to physically brush away the chaotic words. “No! No, do you even know what that would do to you? Do you want burns all over your face!?”
At this point Deceit had spit the disgusting piece of cloth out, and rinsed his mouth out with some quickly summoned water for good measure. He gazed at Logan with a tired look, as if to say ‘you think I haven’t tried to tell him that?’
Logan thought for a moment, racking his brain for something that would throw Remus off track. It had to be something similar enough to catch his attention and keep it, but far enough away from the original idea that he’d forget what his original plan was… Hmm…
...He could- no, that wouldn’t work. ...What about if he- no, that would link back to it within sentences. Oh, what if he went with this- no, that would just start another prank war between the two creativities, stars knew they didn’t need another one of those so soon...
What if… oh. That might work.
Logan refocused on the conversation, Remus now rocking back and forth on his feet as he gleefully explored what might happen to his face out loud, as usual not sparing a single, gruesome detail. Ah, that was why he loved him, wasn’t it? Well, time to get things back on track, now.
“What if you were to try an edible face mask, Remus?” Logan offered.
The aforementioned side perked up at this, leaning towards Logan rather dramatically; nearly falling over in the process, yet somehow still managing to keep his footing. Now, the plan.
“Bananas, honey, milk, yogurt, and oatmeal. Mix them together, and put them on your face for roughly half an hour. It can also be consumed as a breakfast dish.” Having finished rattling off his quickly remembered recipe, he focused his attention on Remus’ face, watching him quickly pick up the potential of the information given, and running off with it in a metaphorical sense.
Delight washed across one face as relief swept over another, Deceit sinking out with a silently mouthed ‘thank you’ in Logan’s direction. Logan nodded his head ever so slightly towards the snake-like side, before returning his attention towards Remus, just as he began to speak.
“Oh! Does that mean I could eat the face mask ‘right off my face?’ That’d be a cute date idea, just eat each others face masks.”
Logan blinked at that last part. What? Why did he suddenly move onto date ideas?
“Face eaters! Monch.”
And now he was back at his usual spiel.
“Crunch crunch, time for lunch!” Remus giggled before adding a “Ssssslllluuuuurrrrppppp!” to the end of his sentence.
Logan allowed himself to just barely smile at him, an odd emotion overcoming him. What was it called again? Oh yes, fondness. He was feeling very fond of the chaotic side right about now, watching him take a simple topic and expanding upon it so grandly filled him with lo- fondness. It filled him with fondness. Nothing more.
“Just imagine!” Remus suddenly shouted, making the logical side jump slightly. “Without warning, just a,” he made his fingers into claws and moved his arms apart, one up, the other down, before bringing them back together swiftly. “Cronch!”
He turned towards his left, manipulating his voice to sound somewhat deeper, and a bit flatter, too. “Hey, give that back!”
Here he turned towards his right, his voice going back to normal as he spoke again. “Cronchcronchcronch-”
He turned a final time towards his left, his voice changing back to the one he did moments prior. “DON’T CHEW FASTER.”
Remus moved to once again face Logan, cackling wildly to the point where tears were coming out of his eyes.
Logan’s smile grew at the sight, an involuntary sigh of “I love you so much.” slipping out.
They both froze.
Logan’s face turned beet red, his hands coming up to wave frantically in front of him. “I mean- that is- I did not-” His voice rose in pitch, coming out as a squeak of words as he finally admitted. “I- did not mean for those words to come out.”
Remus stared at him for a long moment, something like awe coming to swim in his eyes as he seemed to see ‘something’. Logan didn’t know what that something was, but it appeared to be what he was searching for, as the chaotic side quietly whispered two questions.
“Do you mean it?” and at Logan’s nod of affirmation, “Can I hug you?” After another brief nod of his head, Remus quickly threw his arms around the logical side, hugging him as though to let go was to wake up from a beautiful dream.
“I love you too.”
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